In just a few weeks the 2014-2015 board will have the final board meeting bringing the year of service to a close, followed by transitioning of positions in May. The board has supported growth of our profession and provided accurate and evidence- based nutrition information to members and community alike. Whether it be through RD lead grocery store tours, leading and participating in research furthering nutrition knowledge base, teaching upcoming dietitians, educating and nourishing patients of all ages in acute-care, the outpatient setting, long-term care, and in the home setting either directly or indirectly, a dietitian was there making things happen. Collectively we can continue to improve RD/RDN presence by promoting the need for RD/RDN representation in a variety of settings, and enhance awareness of our positions with ongoing exposure using the ever popular social media outlets and always remembering to bring it back to grassroots efforts. Start local. Be heard. Remember, you are THE food and nutrition expert! Spread the word! Like Spokane RD on Facebook, trend #Spokane RD on Twitter, write for local paper or magazine, blog, or submit a nutrition article in company newsletter. No effort is too small. Professional advocacy is necessary and is a responsibility each and every one of us hold. Thank you, Heather Gabbert GSDA President, 2014-2015 Letter from the President: Heather Gabbert MS, RDN, CD GSDA Spring Meeting “The LEAP Anti-inflammatory Protocol : Putting out the fire in your diet” Thursday, April 30th , 2015 6 to 7:30 pm Greater Spokane Dietetic Association Spring Newsletter Speaker: Susan Linke is a registered and licensed dietitian, Certified LEAP Therapist (CLT) and Certified Gluten Practitioner. Susan has also received extensive training in immunology, adverse food reactions, and practical application of dietary treatment for chronic inflammatory conditions. Considered one of the most experienced CLTs in the country, she is on the advisory boards for the newly created Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy as well as Oxford Biomedical Technol- ogies, Inc. and has been actively involved in the training and mentoring of thousands of dietitians nationwide who are interest- ed in expanding their scope of practice by incorporating anti-inflammatory protocols through food sensitivity testing and func- tional and integrative medical nutrition therapy principles. Location: WSU Spokane Campus, Student Academic Bldg., Room 147 Parking: There is limited metered parking in the orange lot (on north side of Academic Center) or a pay kiosk in the yellow lot across the street (northeast of Academic Center). (map) Description: The most common contributor to chronic disease in humans is inflammation. Since most of the immune system is located in the gut, dietary intervention has the potential to significantly reduce symptoms associated with a wide spectrum of chronic conditions. The foremost challenge with anti-inflammatory diets is that the immune system is as unique as a fingerprint so there is no “one- size fits all” solution. Using tools such as the LEAP protocol, dietitians can go beyond “one size fits all” diets and customize an effective patient specific anti-inflammatory protocol that achieves significant reduction in both clinical and subclinical inflamma- tion and symptoms.

Greater Spokane Dietetic Association Spring Newsletter 2015 GSDA.pdf · professionals and build up a resume. Please contact one of the following to nominate yourself or a colleague:

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Page 1: Greater Spokane Dietetic Association Spring Newsletter 2015 GSDA.pdf · professionals and build up a resume. Please contact one of the following to nominate yourself or a colleague:

In just a few weeks the 2014-2015 board will have the final board meeting bringing the year

of service to a close, followed by transitioning of positions in May.

The board has supported growth of our profession and provided accurate and evidence-

based nutrition information to members and community alike. Whether it be through RD

lead grocery store tours, leading and participating in research furthering nutrition

knowledge base, teaching upcoming dietitians, educating and nourishing patients of all ages

in acute-care, the outpatient setting, long-term care, and in the home setting either directly

or indirectly, a dietitian was there making things happen.

Collectively we can continue to improve RD/RDN presence by promoting the need for

RD/RDN representation in a variety of settings, and enhance awareness of our positions with ongoing exposure

using the ever popular social media outlets and always remembering to bring it back to grassroots efforts. Start

local. Be heard. Remember, you are THE food and nutrition expert!

Spread the word! Like Spokane RD on Facebook, trend #Spokane RD on Twitter, write for local paper or

magazine, blog, or submit a nutrition article in company newsletter. No effort is too small. Professional advocacy

is necessary and is a responsibility each and every one of us hold.

Thank you,

Heather Gabbert

GSDA President, 2014-2015

Letter from the Pres ident : Heather Gabber t MS, RDN, CD

GSDA Spring Meeting

“The LEAP Anti-inflammatory Protocol :

Putting out the fire in your diet”

Thursday, April 30th , 2015 6 to 7:30 pm

G re at e r Sp o k a n e D i e t e t i c A s s o c i a t i o n

S p r i n g N ew s l e t t e r

Speaker: Susan Linke is a registered and licensed dietitian, Certified LEAP Therapist (CLT) and Certified Gluten Practitioner. Susan has also received extensive training in immunology, adverse food reactions, and practical application of dietary treatment for chronic inflammatory conditions. Considered one of the most experienced CLTs in the country, she is on the advisory boards for the newly created Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy as well as Oxford Biomedical Technol-ogies, Inc. and has been actively involved in the training and mentoring of thousands of dietitians nationwide who are interest-ed in expanding their scope of practice by incorporating anti-inflammatory protocols through food sensitivity testing and func-tional and integrative medical nutrition therapy principles. Location: WSU Spokane Campus, Student Academic Bldg., Room 147 Parking: There is limited metered parking in the orange lot (on north side of Academic Center) or a pay kiosk in the yellow lot across the street (northeast of Academic Center). (map) Description: The most common contributor to chronic disease in humans is inflammation. Since most of the immune system is located in the gut, dietary intervention has the potential to significantly reduce symptoms associated with a wide spectrum of chronic conditions. The foremost challenge with anti-inflammatory diets is that the immune system is as unique as a fingerprint so there is no “one-size fits all” solution. Using tools such as the LEAP protocol, dietitians can go beyond “one size fits all” diets and customize an effective patient specific anti-inflammatory protocol that achieves significant reduction in both clinical and subclinical inflamma-tion and symptoms.

Page 2: Greater Spokane Dietetic Association Spring Newsletter 2015 GSDA.pdf · professionals and build up a resume. Please contact one of the following to nominate yourself or a colleague:

Thank you to Simon Thompson of

Cravens Coffee for donating a generous basket full of coffee related items to support the WSAND Annual Meeting raffle! This is the second year GSDA has received this generous donation!

The Greater Spokane Dietetic Association is looking for some remarkable people to fill key board positions for the 2015-2016 mem-bership year. If you are interested in enhancing your leadership skills and having a great time, or know someone who would be a perfect fit for any of the positions below, please contact a Nomination Committee Member.

Open GSDA Board Positions

President Elect: Coordinates four continuing education general meetings for GSDA members. With assistance from the board, the president-elect contacts health professionals and coordinates meeting dates and times. This position is a great opportunity to meet other professionals in our region and stand out as a leader in dietetics.

Treasurer: Responsible for managing all GSDA funds, including incoming membership dues, budgets for board members, GSDA Scholarships, and National Nutrition Month. Reports balances for accounts and expenditures at GSDA Board Meetings.

Web Page/Newsletter Editor: Produces the GSDA Newsletter (4-6 issues/year) and it passes along to the secretary, who emails it out to all members; maintains the GSDA website; updates information on the website such as continuing education activities, job postings, Dine Out and other GSDA/WSDA news.

National Nutrition Month Co-Chair: Works with other Co-Chair in planning, developing and coordinating all activities associated with National Nutrition Month, including determining activities that will be done for NNM, soliciting volunteers, contacting supporting agencies and promoting NNM to GSDA mem-bers.

Nominating Committee Member: Consists of three members. Responsible for filling the GSDA ballot, maintaining the elected and volunteer positions on the GSDA board of directors, and providing potential candidates from the district for WSAND dietitian and dietetic technician awards.

Legislative Representative: Keeps informed on legislative activities pertinent to the profession. Communicates pertinent legislative and public policy news to GSDA members via quarterly newsletters, e-mails, other electronic mediums (as appropriate) and announcements at member meetings. May attend legislative workshops as requested by the Board.

Scholarship Chair-Elect: Assists with the GSDA Scholarship by contacting local program professors for possible applicants, reviewing applications, and selecting a recipient. Works with the Scholarship Chair (2-year term, becomes Chair the 2nd year).

Student Representative: Let your voice be heard. Acts as a liaison between the GSDA and area dietetic students. This is a great way to begin networking with professionals and build up a resume.

Please contact one of the following to nominate yourself or a colleague:

April Davis: [email protected] or 230-0275

Jordan Johnson: [email protected] or 308-0611

Annette Rahn: [email protected] or 688-3792

Page 3: Greater Spokane Dietetic Association Spring Newsletter 2015 GSDA.pdf · professionals and build up a resume. Please contact one of the following to nominate yourself or a colleague:


PO Box 48477

Spokane, WA 99208

[email protected]

GSDA web page

Member Spotlight

Mary Jane Sandall, MS, RD

Mary became interested in dietetics after taking a chemistry class and job shadowing Sylvia Mowry at St Luke's. She decided to pursue a career in dietetics and attended Eastern Wash-ington University earning her BS in Food & Nutrition in 1974. She then completed a 12 month internship at University of Oregon Health Science Center in Portland . She returned to WSU when they began to offer MS degree courses up in Spokane in 1985. Mary was the first gradu-ate from the Spokane MS in Human Nutrition program in 1986.

Her work history is varied. She has worked in long term care, child nutrition and taught at a vari-ety of colleges; including developing the Dietetic Technician program at SCC while she was raising four children and attending graduate school!

Because of her extensive teaching background and program director experience at SCC and along with her experience precepting for WSU students, she was asked to come to WSU Spo-kane to teach in Aug 2012. Over her career Mary has been a positive force in the Greater Spo-kane community linking students to mentors and creating positive experience for both.

Mary has been active in GSDA & WSDA in the 1970 & 1980's serving on the boards for each ands she continues to help out when she can. She also likes to quilt & garden; down-hill ski, bike and play at the lake. Chances are you have already met Mary and seen her winning smile, but if not, take some time to seek her out, you will be glad you did.

National Nutrition Month® 2015

Dine Out to Feed Spokane was a great success. Early counts of our fund raising

efforts are at over $7,500 and we still have around 10 restaurants left to collect

funds from. Big thank you to all of you who helped promote the event and to

those who “Dined Out”!

Please remember to support the Dine Out restaurants year round.

Joan Milton NNM Chair

Page 4: Greater Spokane Dietetic Association Spring Newsletter 2015 GSDA.pdf · professionals and build up a resume. Please contact one of the following to nominate yourself or a colleague:

On April 6, 2015, GSDA student member Therese Martinez, dietetic student at WSU, attended the Washington State Legislative Day 2015. Below is an excerpt from her account of the experience. To read the full article click here.

Thank you, Therese, for representing the GSDA so well!

The Washington State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, an affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and

Dietetics, held their 2015 Legislative Day on February 6, 2015 at the Capitol in Olympia, Washington. I attended

this daylong experience and had quite the entertaining and enlightening venture. Legislative Day brought in folks

from all over the state, many of whom were students, but other practicing dietitians and food and nutrition pro-

fessionals as well. The overall experience was very enlightening and showed me the behind the scenes work it

takes to get a bill passed and make an impact in the community. Though I also walked away rather disheartened

because the struggle is quite significant to get enough legislators to recognize and vote in favor of a bill, justifying

funds toward the bill, and pushing the bill forward, so the process can be rather daunting and unsuccessful much

of the time.

Overall it was very interesting to see what was brewing behind the political scenes in Olympia in regard

to potential bills related to health and nutrition. It was exciting to see that there are a lot of folks in Olympia

that care to push for those bills, too. Budget is the biggest barrier, and it’s hard to take money away from other

great causes to fund these, even though they are great too. Hopefully the minds in Olympia will be able to find a

favorable balance. I have come away from this experience knowing that each voice is really very important in

production and implementation for change. I plan on making my voice heard on issues I truly believe about, and

also plan on being less critical to those in Olympia attempting to make the changes that are unsuccessful.

Therese Martinez

Legislative News

Page 5: Greater Spokane Dietetic Association Spring Newsletter 2015 GSDA.pdf · professionals and build up a resume. Please contact one of the following to nominate yourself or a colleague:

Congratulations to the 2015 WSAND Award Recipients from the Greater Spokane area!

Dr. Louise Peck, PhD, RD, a dedicated professor, mentor, and colleague, has been selected for the WSAND Outstanding Dietitian of the Year Award. This is the highest honor given by the Washington State Academy and it highlights notable leadership, ability, and service. As a for-mer president of WSDA, Peck is being recognized for her abundant contributions to the die-tetics profession over the past 30 plus years.

Stacey Trogden, RD, CDE, currently employed by the Emily Program, a multi-state eating disor-

der clinic, has been selected for the WSAND Community Practice Award for Excellence. This award acknowledges the professional contributions of community practitioners in Washing-ton State and it is an honor to have a Spokane dietitian win this award. Stacey is past presi-dent of GSDA and will chair the WSAND Nominating Committee next year.

Jennifer Reeves, a graduate student in the Coordinated Program in Dietetics at Washington

State University, has been selected for the WSAND Outstanding Student Award. This award recognizes emerging leadership and achievement of students in ACEND-accredited dietetics education programs and encourages participation in the Academy. Jennifer is currently serv-ing as student representative for the Greater Spokane Dietetic Association and volunteers for numerous nutrition-related activities on and off campus, while maintaining strong academic standing. She will begin to make her mark as a nutrition professional following graduation in May.