Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues Environmental Issues That Affect That Affect Confinement Confinement Beef Production Beef Production CAFO(Confined Animal Feeding O perations) http://www.epa.gov/region07/water/cafo/in dex.htm [email protected] http://gpvec.unl.edu Environmental Impact CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) http: //www.epa.gov/region07/water/cafo/ind ex.htm

Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues That Affect Confinement Beef Production CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)

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Page 1: Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues That Affect Confinement Beef Production CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)

Great Plains Veterinary Educational CenterGreat Plains Veterinary Educational Center

Environmental IssuesEnvironmental IssuesThat Affect Confinement That Affect Confinement

Beef ProductionBeef Production

CAFO(Confined Animal Feeding Operations)http://www.epa.gov/region07/water/cafo/index.htm

[email protected] http://gpvec.unl.edu

Environmental Impact

CAFO(Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations)

http: //www.epa.gov/region07/water/cafo/index.htm CAFO Information Adapted from Dr. Rick Koelsch, UNL

Page 2: Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues That Affect Confinement Beef Production CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)

Great Plains Veterinary Educational CenterGreat Plains Veterinary Educational Center

Environmental ImpactEnvironmental Impact

Cattle aren’t people, but …

http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=4963 ($32)

Page 3: Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues That Affect Confinement Beef Production CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)

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Cattle & their EnvironmentCattle & their Environment

• Thermoneutral zone (TNZ) …

Description Lower Critical

Temperature °F

Summer coat or wet coat 59

Fall coat 45

Winter coat 32

Heavy winter coat 18Lower critical temperature (LCT) is the temperature below which an animal must burn extra energy to keep warm.

Page 4: Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues That Affect Confinement Beef Production CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)

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Cattle & their EnvironmentCattle & their Environment

Effective Ambient TemperatureEffective Ambient Temperature

CALF (54 to 77 F )⁰COW (0 to 61 F )⁰ UCTUCT

F⁰ 32 39 46 54 61 68 75 8282 90C⁰ 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32Effect of Environment on Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals (1981)

Lower critical temperature (LCT) is the temperature below which an animal must burn extra energy to keep warm.Lower critical temperature (LCT) is the temperature below which an animal must burn extra energy to keep warm.Note: Influenced by hair coat length, dryness & fat coverNote: Influenced by hair coat length, dryness & fat cover

Upper critical temperature (UCT) is the temperature above which an animal diverts metabolism & activities to cool.Upper critical temperature (UCT) is the temperature above which an animal diverts metabolism & activities to cool.Note: Influenced by hair coat length, relative humidity, radiant heat, air movement (wind speed), dryness & fat coverNote: Influenced by hair coat length, relative humidity, radiant heat, air movement (wind speed), dryness & fat cover

Page 5: Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues That Affect Confinement Beef Production CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)

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Cattle & their EnvironmentCattle & their Environment• HEAT Stress … yeah, it’s a big deal

Wind speeds above a 5 to 10 MPH initiation speed effectively decrease THI one unit/mph

85 THI 85 THI 100 Heat Index (HI)100 Heat Index (HI)

Page 6: Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues That Affect Confinement Beef Production CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)

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Cattle & their EnvironmentCattle & their Environment• HEAT … management … KEYs: AIR FLOW AIR FLOW & WATER

• Wind speeds above a 5 to 10 MPH initiation speed effectively decrease THI one unit/mph

• Air flow obstruction common … wind breaks, barns• Wind rise is ~10:1 … Wind fall is ~ 2½:1 • Mounds can provide improved air flow + winter

storm protection• Tall SHADES work !!! … maintenance can be tough

– Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) can prevent using – Need to control weeds (fly habitat and air flow obstruction)

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Cattle & their EnvironmentCattle & their Environment• HEAT … management … KEYs: AIR FLOW & WATERWATER

• Water Intake when ambient temp >82F ~ 1.8% BW• Supply in 2 hrs … When under demand pressure• Reserve capacity & linear space may be critical

– 1 gal/head & 2” linear/head … inadequate

• Water flow at 40 PSI in ½” water line is ~ 8 GPM • Double the line size increases water flow 4 X• Water pressure decreases 25% / 90 turn ⁰• Water pressure decreases due to friction

– Type of pipe (roughness) & diameter (frict.↑↑ as dia.↓↓)– http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/hazen-williams-water-d_797.html– http://ohioline.osu.edu/b912/step_8.html

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Cattle & their EnvironmentCattle & their Environment• MUD … yeah, it’s a big deal

– 1000 lb cattle via their urine & feces put into their environment enough water equal to 3 inches of rain per 100 sq.ft each month … evap. rate?

– Dew claw (15 cm) mud … FE - 8 to 14%

(24 cm mud decrease FE - 15 to 25%)

Predicting Feed Intake of Food-Producing Animals (1987) pg 60-66 ... Table 6.5

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Cattle & their EnvironmentCattle & their Environment• MUD … management

– Decrease Stocking Density … to match precipitation and evaporation …

– Fails if pen surface is not kept hard and clean• Keeping hard … PACK > 100 lb density composite soil

– 4.5”x1/2” core … 18 grams ~ 100lbs/ft3

• Clay ~ 54lb/ft3 ... Sand ~ 100lb/ft3

• … Alternate surface materials ???– use seasoned manure or “pond ash”?

• Clean regularly (monthly) … pile in back of pen

Page 10: Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues That Affect Confinement Beef Production CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)

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Cattle & their EnvironmentCattle & their Environment

Page 11: Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues That Affect Confinement Beef Production CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)

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Cattle & their EnvironmentCattle & their Environment

Page 12: Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues That Affect Confinement Beef Production CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)

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Cattle & their EnvironmentCattle & their Environment• DUST … yeah, it’s a big deal

– 1000 lb cattle via their urine & feces put into their environment enough water equal to 3 inches of rain per 100 sq.ft each month … use to control dust?

– Respirable dust < 4 microns – Dust is mainly a DUSK event– Causes angry neighbors

Dr. John Sweeten, TAMU Res. & Extension Center, Amarillo, TX

Page 13: Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center Environmental Issues That Affect Confinement Beef Production CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)

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NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)http://www.weather.gov/climate/

http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/mpp/freedata.htmlhttp://cdo.ncdc.noaa.gov/dly/DLY http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/stationlocator.htmlhttp://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/soilmst/e.shtml http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/monitoring_and_data/

us_prec.shtml http://www.weather.gov/climate.php http://www.weather.gov/climate.php

Home WorkHome WorkFinding Weather InformationFinding Weather Information

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EPA – CAFOEPA – CAFO(CAFO Information Adapted from Dr. Rick Koelsch, UNL)(CAFO Information Adapted from Dr. Rick Koelsch, UNL)

( [email protected] … 402 472 2966) ( [email protected] … 402 472 2966)

What’s the deal?

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Farmer Feeder Flush SystemFarmer Feeder Flush System

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Environmental Regulations Impacting Environmental Regulations Impacting Animal ProductionAnimal Production

(Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Rule)(Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Rule)

•EPA CAFO Rule– Established minimum standards for all states– Targeted large livestock and poultry operations– Places emphasis on Nutrient Management Planning


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Definition of TermsDefinition of Terms

AFO (Animal Feeding Operation)

CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation)

NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) … EPA permit program

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Which Animal Feeding Operations Which Animal Feeding Operations will need an NPDES permit?will need an NPDES permit?

• Operations defined or designated as a CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation)

• Primary focus is on:• Larger livestock and poultry facilities

• Those confined in barns or open lots**Typically excludes grazing and pasture based operations

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Step 1. Is the operation an AFO? Step 1. Is the operation an AFO? Does operation house or feed animals in a confined area for more than 45 days in any 12-month period?

Does the majority of the animal confinement area sustain crops, pasture, or residue through the entire year?

YESNot an AFO. (No NPDES Permit Required)


No…My Operation is an AFO

Step 2.


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Avoiding the Avoiding the “AFO” Designation“AFO” Designation

• Don’t confine animals– Keep gates open on confinement areas– Maintain free access to range/pasture– Confine less than 45 days in a year

• Maintain vegetation– Keep animal density low– Move confinement areas frequently

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Regulatory Definitions of Large CAFOs, Regulatory Definitions of Large CAFOs, Medium CAFO, and Small CAFOs Medium CAFO, and Small CAFOs

• A Large CAFO confines at least the number of animals described in the table below. A Medium CAFO falls within the size range in the table below and either:

• • has a manmade ditch or pipe that carries manure or wastewater to surface water; or

• • the animals come into contact with surface water that passes through the area where they’re confined.

• If an operation is found to be a significant contributor of pollutants, the permitting authority may designate a medium-sized facility as a CAFO.

• A Small CAFO confines fewer than the number of animals listed in the table and has been designated as a CAFO by the permitting authority as a significant contributor of pollutants.

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Regulatory Definitions of Large CAFOs, Regulatory Definitions of Large CAFOs, Medium CAFO, and Small CAFOs Medium CAFO, and Small CAFOs

Cattle Sectors

Size Thresholds (number of cattle) Large CAFOs

Medium CAFOs1

Small CAFOs2

cattle or cow/calf pairs

≥ 1,000 300 - 999 ≤ 300

mature dairy cattle

≥ 700 200 - 699 ≤ 2001Must also meet one of two “method of discharge” criteria to be defined as a CAFO or may be designated.2 Never a CAFO by regulatory definition, but may be designated as a CAFO on a case-by-case basis.


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Step 2. Is the operation a Large CAFO?

Refer to the CAFO Size Table for the cattle operation.

Does the LARGE CAFO Classification apply?

Applies to the maximum one-time capacity for the cattle operation.

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Step 2. Is the operation a Large CAFO?Step 2. Is the operation a Large CAFO?

Complete the CAFO Size Determination Table for the operation. Does the LARGE CAFO Classification apply?

* Some Large CAFOs may demonstrate no potential to discharge and not need a NPDES permit.

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Regulatory Definitions of Large CAFOs, Regulatory Definitions of Large CAFOs, Medium CAFO, and Small CAFOs Medium CAFO, and Small CAFOs

Cattle Sectors

Size Thresholds (number of cattle) Large CAFOs

Medium CAFOs1

Small CAFOs2

cattle or cow/calf pairs

≥ 1,000 300 - 999 ≤ 300

mature dairy cattle

≥ 700 200 - 699 ≤ 2001Must also meet one of two “method of discharge” criteria to be defined as a CAFO or may be designated.2 Never a CAFO by regulatory definition, but may be designated as a CAFO on a case-by-case basis.


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Step 3. Is the operation a Medium CAFO?Step 3. Is the operation a Medium CAFO? Complete the CAFO Size Determination Table for the operation. Does the MEDIUM CAFO Classification apply?

1) Are animals in contact with waters of the US running through the confinement area? OR

2) Is a man-made ditch or pipe carrying manure or wastewater from animal housing or feeding area to waters of the US? OR

3) Has permitting authority designated operation as a CAFO?



No Duty to Apply


1, 2 & 3 YES to any

NPDES permit required. *

* Some Medium CAFOs may demonstrate no potential to discharge and not need a NPDES permit.

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Avoiding an CAFO Designation Avoiding an CAFO Designation for Medium & Small AFO’sfor Medium & Small AFO’s

• Avoid connection between areas of confinement and surface waters– Locate areas of confinement away from

surface waters (and ditches/grassed waterways connected to surface waters).

– Establish a grassed buffer between confinement and surface waters (and ditches/grassed waterways connected to surface waters).

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Major Rule ElementsMajor Rule Elements

• Production Area Requirements– Runoff control for storms less than

25-year, 24-hour storm (beef & dairy)– Storage requirements– Mortality management plan

• Nutrient Management Plan Required

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Feedlot ReviewFeedlot Review__ Does operation have potential to discharge?

__ Is Runoff Collected?

__ Is Clean Water Diverted?

__ Do Animals Have Contact with Surface Water?

Confinement Barns ReviewConfinement Barns Review__ Do I meet NDEQ standards for manure storage?

__ Control of runoff from silage storage?

__ Do I have a reasonable plan for mortality?

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Storage EvaluationStorage Evaluation__ Does the storage have adequate capacity?

__ Is there a level indicator?

__ Is “Must Pump” & “Pre-winter Must Pump” levels clearly identified?

Do I have critical Storage Records?Do I have critical Storage Records?__ Pond level__ Precipitation__ Pump down timing & amounts

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Site Specific Manure Application Plans?Site Specific Manure Application Plans?__ Application rates__ Soil conservation measures__ Setbacks from surface water

Land Application ReviewLand Application Review__ Site Specific Plan?__ Records?__ Sufficient buffers or setbacks?

Required Nutrient Management Plan Records?Required Nutrient Management Plan Records?__ Land application (where, when, amount, & weather conditions)__ Crop yield records __ Manure & soils analysis reports__ Application equipment inspection & calibration records

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For More InformationFor More Information




HOME WORKVegetative Strip System for Livestock Wastes


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Medical Wastes … Sharps DisposalMedical Wastes … Sharps Disposal• 40 CFR Parts 22 and 25940 CFR Parts 22 and 259 Land contamination, from improper disposal

of livestock medical waste, can result in expensive cleanup operations and EPA fines. In addition, the EPA has the authority to block the sale or transfer of ownership of land with environmental contamination.

Two legal options are available for livestock medical sharps disposal:• Incase livestock medical sharps in a rigid mass such as “Portland

Cement” or “Sharp-Seal” a. Seal in a properly labeled rigid container and send to an approved landfill.

• Heat until melted and then bury in an identified location on the operation.

» » Medical sharps (disposable hypodermic needles & scalpel blades) should never be discarded loosely into the trash.

» » Do not discard sharps in containers that are easily punctured or containers that are not labeled with a “BIOHAZARD” warning.

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Sharps Sharps DisposalDisposalContainerContainer


HOME WORK1) Check out the EPA links above

2) Can you find a legal sharps disposal location or service for you & your producers in your practice area …

What is the estimated cost?


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Save a Cow …

Eat a Vegetarian

Good Luck To YouGood Luck To [email protected] http://gpvec.unl.edu