Great Ice Cube Race With a partner discuss how you can melt an ice cube in a zip lock snack bag at your desk/table the fastest?

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Activator Explain how you differentiate between solids, liquids, and gases?

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Great Ice Cube Race With a partner discuss how you can melt an ice cube in a zip lock snack bag at your desk/table the fastest? Activator Explain how you differentiate between solids, liquids, and gases? Solid Definite Shape, Definite Volume
Molecules are packed together, physically attached and vibrate in place -1C for H2O Solid to Liquid Molecules are moving as fast as they can as a solid
Physical bonds break one by one Molecules break loose and fall to the bottom as liquid molecules 0C for H2O Liquid Variable Shape, Definite Volume
Molecules are in contact, but not physically attached. In bottom of container rolling and sliding over each other. Molecules move faster as they areheated. 1C - 99C for H2O Liquid to Gas Liquid molecules are moving as fast as they can
Molecules separate from each other and bounce around wildly 100C for H2O Gas Variable Shape, Variable Volume
Molecules are flying around the container and bouncing off of each other 101C for H2O Plasmas 99% of the matter in space is a plasma Ex. Stars, Lightning
Superheated gas molecules that are moving so fast that their electrons have stripped off. Summary What is the difference between solids, liquids and gases in terms of molecular motion? Write a thorough, thoughtful paragraph with complete sentences. Activator Describe the molecular motion of a solid
Describe the molecular motion of a liquid Describe the molecular motion of a gas Writing Assignment Write a story in first person where you are a water molecule at -20C, 0C, 50C, 100C, 150C, and 25,000C.Write an introduction anda paragraph for each temperature.Be sure to describe your molecular motion at each temperature and end with a summary paragraph.