Measure Indicator Key 2018/19 (actual) 2018/19 (target) 2019/20 (target) Trend Corporate Plan Aim 2021 Progress/current status of performance against target Group total average days lost per employee through sickness BKPI (X) 10.2 7.4 7.8 - No specific target in Corporate Plan but key measure for staff wellbeing Group % of mandatory courses completed out of total required BKPI (X) 92.0 98.0 98.5 - Corporate Plan references "we will invest in our staff so that they can deliver to their full potential" Group employee appraisals completed (%) KPI 100 98.0 98.0 - Measure reflecting Coastline Value of "Value each other" Group voluntary turnover of staff (%) KPI 12.4 15.0 14.5 - No specific target in Corporate Plan but important measure of staff retention Group exit Interviews completed (%) KPI 81.5 77.0 78.0 - Measure reflecting Coastline Value of "Value each other" Number of apprenticeships in progress KPI 12 15 15 - No specific target in Corporate Plan Best Companies position (number) KPI 86 70 50 50 Current performance below target - investment in management leadership training increased Staff values score (%) KPI 79.0 85.0 90.0 - Corporate Plan references "we will live up to the values we share" Measure Indicator Key 2018/19 (actual) 2018/19 (target) 2019/20 (target) Trend Corporate Plan Aim 2021 Progress/current status of performance against target Number of affordable homes completed BKPI 150 367 296 1000 Currently expecting 1000 new homes target to be met by March 2021 in line with the Corporate Plan. Local Offer target to include 130 new homes for older people Average number of days from date of practical completion to date of sale KPI 102 110 105 - Target set to promote speed of sales Number of affordable homes started KPI 223 187 200 - Customer satisfaction with quality of new build home (%) BKPI 83.0 97.5 97.5 - Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & Homes Shared ownership purchasers satisfied with sales process (%) KPI 87.5 90.0 90.0 - Estimated number of properties where the annual cost to heat is over £600 BKPI 22 350 30 0 Corporate Plan and Local Offer target to ensure that no home costs more than £600 a year to heat Properties with a valid gas safety certificate (%) BKPI 100 100 100 - Property safety measures Properties with a valid solid fuel safety certificate (%) BKPI (X) 100 100 100 - Servicing for non-gas heating (%) BKPI (X) 100 100 100 - Heatcare - customer satisfaction - overall service (%) KPI 100 99.0 99.0 - Number of properties with gas system capped KPI 55 50 60 - Details of properties where existing system capped - links to vulnerability review of customers Number of properties with oil system capped KPI 15 20 20 - Fire compliance (%) BKPI (X) 100 100 100 - Property safety measures Electrical compliance (%) BKPI (X) 99.92 100 100 - Asbestos compliance (%) BKPI (X) 100 100 100 - Legionella compliance (%) BKPI (X) 100 100 100 - Monthly progress against 10 year Legionella inspection programme (%) BKPI (X) 100 90.0 91.0 - % Properties failing the Decent Homes Standard excluding refusals BKPI (X) 0.21 0 1.0 - Corporate Plan objective to continue to improve the overall quality of our homes % of stock surveyed in last 5 years KPI 46.7 - 40.0 - Expectation that new KPI will show an additional 20% of properties surveyed in 2018/19. The measure will also include any properties surveyed within the last 5-years so will be higher than 40% during 2019/20 until the 2015 surveys drop out Customer satisfaction with quality of re-let home (%) KPI 94.5 92.5 95.0 - Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & Homes New supply delivered (%) Metric 3.3 3.5 6.4 - More detail on VfM metrics and performance is available in the Annual Financial Statements which includes Coastlines VfM self assessment Reinvestment (%) Metric 17.3 12.9 17.3 - Painting and repair - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 100 99.0 99.0 - This suite of KPI measures provides an overview of the service delivery performance and is an integral part of ensuring the on-going high standards that CSL delivers Roofing - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 100 99.0 99.0 - Kitchen and bathroom installation - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 100 99.0 99.0 - Void - average number of calendar days to complete standard void repairs KPI - - 12 days - - Measure Indicator Key 2018/19 (actual) 2018/19 (target) 2019/20 (target) Trend Corporate Plan Aim 2021 Progress/current status of performance against target Attendance at Board/Subsidiary Board/Committee meetings (%) BKPI (X) 95.0 90.0 90.0 G1/V1 G1/V1 confirmed in September 2018 Number of data breaches BKPI (X) 7 0 - - - Measure to record incidents - expectation is at least one annual otherwise reporting not working Completion of Non Executive Directors appraisals (%) KPI 100 100 100 - Measure indicative of good governance which is the foundation of organisational performance Group number of safeguarding adults alerts raised KPI 52 - - - - Measure to record incidents - expectation is at least one annual otherwise reporting not working Group number of safeguarding children alerts raised KPI 4 - - - - Rent arrears - gross (%) KPI 0.7 1.2 1.3 - Note that the budget assumes bad debts at 1.5% Rent arrears - current net of anticipated Housing Benefit (%) BKPI 0.71 1.0 1.4 - Rent arrears - average cash arrears balance last 12 months (£) BKPI 323k - 330k - - New measure to ensure that cash value of arrears is considered Former tenant arrears (%) KPI 0.6 0.6 0.7 - Reduction in performance in line with expectations of increased arrears and bad debts Rent written off (%) KPI 0.11 0.3 0.24 - Shared ownership arrears (%) KPI 0.51 0.4 0.5 - Leasehold service charge arrears (%) KPI 10.66 27.0 27.0 - Target set at stretch level and matches expected recovery of major repairs debts Freehold service charge arrears (%) KPI 28.74 65.0 65.0 - Target set to promote recovery of debts % of customers in receipt of Universal Credit experiencing rent arrears KPI 61.9 76.0 76.0 59.0 Local Offer target - forward targets set reflected expected increase in UC cases for existing customers who will not have Rent in Advance on accounts Total customer satisfaction with quality of home (re-let and new build) (%) BKPI 88.46 95.0 95.0 - Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & Homes Satisfaction with the allocations and lettings process (%) KPI - - 95.0 - - Rent loss through vacancies (%) BKPI 0.59 0.6 0.56 - Note that budget assumed void losses at 1.0% Homes vacant and available to let (%) KPI 0.79 0.3 0.26 - Part of vacant property performance monitoring Homes vacant and unavailable to let (%) KPI 0 0.2 0.12 - Average re-let time in calendar days KPI 14.64 18.0 18.0 - % of homes re-let through Homehunt KPI 49.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 Local Offer target is 50% of our existing homes relet through Homehunt, part of the lettings strategy is to utilise Homehunt platform effectively Helpdesk calls completed on time (%) KPI 96.2 95.0 95.0 - Measures relating to ICT reliability and performance - largely outside of Coastline’s control but measured to inform operational effectiveness given reliance on systems Network availability (core hours) (%) KPI 99.6 99.9 99.9 - Phone system - customer access (24/7) (%) KPI 99.4 99.9 99.9 - Helpdesk user satisfaction (%) KPI 99.7 99.9 99.9 - Operating margin - overall (%) Metric 31.2 29.9 28.2 - More detail on VfM metrics and performance is available in the Annual Financial Statements which includes Coastlines VfM self assessment Operating margin (social housing lettings) (%) BKPI 33.4 31.0 31.2 - Gearing (%) Metric 57.0 51.9 50.9 - EBITDA MRI (%) Metric 187.1 141.3 134.3 - Headline social housing cost per unit (£) Metric 3,231 3,343 3,281 - Return on capital employed (ROCE) (£) Metric 13,809 13,476 13,619 - Great Homes Measure Indicator Key 2018/19 (actual) 2018/19 (target) 2019/20 (target) Trend Corporate Plan Aim 2021 Progress/current status of performance against target All emergency jobs completed within target (%) KPI 100 100 99.0 - This suite of KPI measures provides an overview of the service delivery performance and is an integral part of ensuring the on-going high standards that CSL delivers Average calendar days to complete all emergency repairs jobs KPI 0.36 1.0 1.0 - All urgent jobs completed within target (%) KPI 99.06 99.1 98.0 - Average calendar days to complete all urgent repairs jobs KPI 4.43 5.0 7.0 - All routine jobs completed within target (%) KPI 97.19 99.0 95.0 - Average calendar days to complete all routine repairs jobs KPI 22.86 20.0 28.0 - % of all responsive repairs completed right first visit KPI 98.36 98.5 98.5 - Appointments kept as a % of all responsive appointments made KPI 99.61 99.0 99.0 - Responsive repairs - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 90.1 99.0 99.0 - Responsive repairs - number of recalls per month KPI 5 8 8 - % of completed responsive orders post inspected by CSL supervisors KPI 0.6 10.0 10.0 - Responsive repairs - number of no access visits per month KPI 46 - 40 - - Grounds maintenance - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 88.8 99.0 99.0 - Great Services Measure Indicator Key 2018/19 (actual) 2018/19 (target) 2019/20 (target) Trend Corporate Plan Aim 2021 Progress/current status of performance against target First point resolution (%) BKPI 73.0 80.0 80.0 - Target for delivery of service reflects customer priorities to achieve resolution with first person they speak to Average call wait times (seconds) BKPI 167.0 180.0 180.0 - Call wait times being used as part of the Customer First Access & Inclusion Strategy and nudge towards digital service offering % of customers using on-line services BKPI 22.4 30.0 40.0 50.0 Local Offer target for all core customer services available on-line and 50% of customers choosing to use Respond to customer contact within 4 working days (%) KPI 86.0 100 100 100 Local Offer target to respond to customer contact within 4 days Satisfaction with overall services provided (%) BKPI 92.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 Local Offer target to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction Satisfied with neighbourhood as place to live (%) KPI 87.0 89.0 89.0 90.0 Satisfied that their views are listened to and acted upon (%) KPI 90.0 76.0 82.0 - Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & Homes Number of people helped into work/training KPI 95 120 130 500 Local Offer target is for 500 people helped back into work or training Number of customers involved in formal/informal consultation KPI - - 75 - - Measure reflecting Coastline Value of “Put our customers first” Satisfaction with the way the ASB case was handled (%) BKPI (X) 91.2 95.0 95.0 - Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & Homes Number of 'hard-to-access' properties KPI 3 25 15 - Measure reflecting Coastline Value of “Put our customers first” Measure drives support from Tenancy team All contractors - all emergency repairs on target (%) BKPI 100 100 100 - KPI measures to ensure that customer service relating to repairs is of high quality/ measuring average wait time for customers to receive repairs Average calendar days to complete emergency repairs jobs KPI 0.36 1.0 1.0 - All contractors - all urgent repairs on target (%) BKPI 99.06 99.1 98.0 - Average calendar days to complete urgent repairs jobs KPI 4.43 5.0 7.0 - All contractors - all routine repairs on target (%) BKPI 97.19 99.0 95.0 - Average calendar days to complete routine repairs jobs KPI 22.86 20.0 28.0 - Responsive repairs - appointments kept as a % of appointments made KPI 99.61 99.0 99.0 - Responsive repairs service - all customer satisfaction (%) BKPI 99.4 99.0 99.0 99.0 Corporate Plan target to provide a repairs service that is easy to use and delivers choice and quality % of responsive repairs completed at first visit BKPI 98.36 98.5 98.5 99.0 Local Offer target for repairs service to have 99% completed right first time Responsive repairs - number of all recalls per month KPI 5 8 8 - Linked KPI to right first time measure Extra Care - % of Quality Assurance spot checks completed BKPI (X) 93.3 95.0 95.0 - Critical measures to ensure that quality of service is reviewed Extra Care - % of staff to have supervision in month BKPI (X) 86.4 95.0 95.0 - Extra Care - number of missed visits KPI 0 2 2 - Extra Care - % of customers satisfied with consistency of staff team KPI 100 95.0 95.0 - Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services and Great Homes Extra Care - overall customer satisfaction (%) KPI 100 99.0 99.0 - Extra Care - number of planned care hours provided KPI 2182 2166 2166 - Contract management KPIs Crisis accommodation occupancy (%) KPI 97.3 97.0 97.0 - Crisis - evictions as % of departures KPI 17.9 9.0 8.5 - Crisis - abandonments as % of departures KPI 8.2 9.0 9.0 - Number of people helped by Homeless service KPI 322 250 250 250 Local Offer target to help 250 vulnerable people each year Supported accommodation occupancy (%) KPI 97.5 97.0 97.0 - Contract management KPIs Supported - evictions as % of departures KPI 3.0 5.0 8.0 - Supported - abandonments as % of departures KPI 2.0 7.0 7.0 - Homeless service - overall client satisfaction (%) KPI 87.0 91.0 92.0 - Crisis - client satisfaction (%) KPI 88.8 91.0 92.0 - Supported - client satisfaction (%) KPI 73.0 91.0 92.0 - Complaints handled within policy guidelines (%) BKPI (X) 80.0 98.0 98.0 - Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & Homes Customer satisfaction with how complaints are handled (%) BKPI (X) 67.0 65.0 71.0 - % of stage 1 complaints upheld, fully or partially KPI 84.0 - - - - Great Services Great People Key Local Offer VFM Metrics Coastline Services Ltd Great Foundations Key Local Offer VFM Metrics Coastline Services Ltd

Great Homes Great Services Great People · Responsive repairs - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 90.1 99.0 99.0 - Responsive repairs - number of recalls per month KPI 5 8 - % of completed

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Page 1: Great Homes Great Services Great People · Responsive repairs - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 90.1 99.0 99.0 - Responsive repairs - number of recalls per month KPI 5 8 - % of completed

Measure Indicator Key2018/19(actual)



TrendCorporate Plan Aim


Progress/current status of performance against target

Group total average days lost per employee through sickness

BKPI (X) 10.2 7.4 7.8 -No specific target in Corporate Plan but key measure for staff wellbeing

Group % of mandatory courses completed out of total required

BKPI (X) 92.0 98.0 98.5 -Corporate Plan references "we will invest in our staff so that they can deliver to their full potential"

Group employee appraisals completed (%) KPI 100 98.0 98.0 -Measure reflecting Coastline Value of "Value each other"

Group voluntary turnover of staff (%) KPI 12.4 15.0 14.5 -No specific target in Corporate Plan but important measure of staff retention

Group exit Interviews completed (%) KPI 81.5 77.0 78.0 -Measure reflecting Coastline Value of "Value each other"

Number of apprenticeships in progress KPI 12 15 15 - No specific target in Corporate Plan

Best Companies position (number) KPI 86 70 50 50Current performance below target - investment in management leadership training increased

Staff values score (%) KPI 79.0 85.0 90.0 -Corporate Plan references "we will live up to the values we share"

Measure Indicator Key2018/19(actual)



TrendCorporate Plan Aim


Progress/current status of performance against target

Number of affordable homes completed BKPI 150 367 296 1000

Currently expecting 1000 new homes target to be met by March 2021 in line with the Corporate Plan. Local Offer target to include 130 new homes for older people

Average number of days from date of practical completion to date of sale

KPI 102 110 105 -Target set to promote speed of sales

Number of affordable homes started KPI 223 187 200 -Customer satisfaction with quality of new build home (%)

BKPI 83.0 97.5 97.5 - Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & HomesShared ownership purchasers satisfied with sales

process (%)KPI 87.5 90.0 90.0 -

Estimated number of properties where the annual cost to heat is over £600

BKPI 22 350 30 0Corporate Plan and Local Offer target to ensure that no home costs more than £600 a year to heat

Properties with a valid gas safety certificate (%) BKPI 100 100 100 -

Property safety measuresProperties with a valid solid fuel safety certificate (%) BKPI (X) 100 100 100 -

Servicing for non-gas heating (%) BKPI (X) 100 100 100 -

Heatcare - customer satisfaction - overall service (%) KPI 100 99.0 99.0 -

Number of properties with gas system capped KPI 55 50 60 - Details of properties where existing system capped - links to vulnerability review of customersNumber of properties with oil system capped KPI 15 20 20 -

Fire compliance (%) BKPI (X) 100 100 100 -

Property safety measures

Electrical compliance (%) BKPI (X) 99.92 100 100 -

Asbestos compliance (%) BKPI (X) 100 100 100 -

Legionella compliance (%) BKPI (X) 100 100 100 -Monthly progress against 10 year Legionella inspection programme (%)

BKPI (X) 100 90.0 91.0 -

% Properties failing the Decent Homes Standard excluding refusals

BKPI (X) 0.21 0 1.0 -Corporate Plan objective to continue to improve the overall quality of our homes

% of stock surveyed in last 5 years KPI 46.7 - 40.0 -

Expectation that new KPI will show an additional 20% of properties surveyed in 2018/19. The measure will also include any properties surveyed within the last 5-years so will be higher than 40% during 2019/20 until the 2015 surveys drop out

Customer satisfaction with quality of re-let home (%)

KPI 94.5 92.5 95.0 -Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & Homes

New supply delivered (%) Metric 3.3 3.5 6.4 - More detail on VfM metrics and performance is available in the Annual Financial Statements which includes Coastlines VfM self assessmentReinvestment (%) Metric 17.3 12.9 17.3 -

Painting and repair - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 100 99.0 99.0 -This suite of KPI measures provides an overview of the service delivery performance and is an integral part of ensuring the on-going high standards that CSL delivers

Roofing - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 100 99.0 99.0 -Kitchen and bathroom installation - customer satisfaction (%)

KPI 100 99.0 99.0 -

Void - average number of calendar days to complete standard void repairs

KPI - - 12 days - -

Measure Indicator Key2018/19(actual)



TrendCorporate Plan Aim


Progress/current status of performance against target

Attendance at Board/Subsidiary Board/Committee meetings (%)

BKPI (X) 95.0 90.0 90.0 G1/V1 G1/V1 confirmed in September 2018

Number of data breaches BKPI (X) 7 0 - - -Measure to record incidents - expectation is at least one annual otherwise reporting not working

Completion of Non Executive Directors appraisals (%) KPI 100 100 100 -Measure indicative of good governance which is the foundation of organisational performance

Group number of safeguarding adults alerts raised KPI 52 - - - - Measure to record incidents - expectation is at least one annual otherwise reporting not workingGroup number of safeguarding children alerts raised KPI 4 - - - -

Rent arrears - gross (%) KPI 0.7 1.2 1.3 -Note that the budget assumes bad debts at 1.5%Rent arrears - current net of anticipated Housing

Benefit (%)BKPI 0.71 1.0 1.4 -

Rent arrears - average cash arrears balance last 12 months (£)

BKPI 323k - 330k - -New measure to ensure that cash value of arrears is considered

Former tenant arrears (%) KPI 0.6 0.6 0.7 -Reduction in performance in line with expectations of increased arrears and bad debts

Rent written off (%) KPI 0.11 0.3 0.24 -

Shared ownership arrears (%) KPI 0.51 0.4 0.5 -

Leasehold service charge arrears (%) KPI 10.66 27.0 27.0 -Target set at stretch level and matches expected recovery of major repairs debts

Freehold service charge arrears (%) KPI 28.74 65.0 65.0 - Target set to promote recovery of debts

% of customers in receipt of Universal Credit experiencing rent arrears

KPI 61.9 76.0 76.0 59.0

Local Offer target - forward targets set reflected expected increase in UC cases for existing customers who will not have Rent in Advance on accounts

Total customer satisfaction with quality of home (re-let and new build) (%)

BKPI 88.46 95.0 95.0 -Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & HomesSatisfaction with the allocations and lettings

process (%)KPI - - 95.0 - -

Rent loss through vacancies (%) BKPI 0.59 0.6 0.56 - Note that budget assumed void losses at 1.0%

Homes vacant and available to let (%) KPI 0.79 0.3 0.26 -

Part of vacant property performance monitoringHomes vacant and unavailable to let (%) KPI 0 0.2 0.12 -

Average re-let time in calendar days KPI 14.64 18.0 18.0 -

% of homes re-let through Homehunt KPI 49.0 50.0 50.0 50.0Local Offer target is 50% of our existing homes relet through Homehunt, part of the lettings strategy is to utilise Homehunt platform effectively

Helpdesk calls completed on time (%) KPI 96.2 95.0 95.0 -Measures relating to ICT reliability and performance - largely outside of Coastline’s control but measured to inform operational effectiveness given reliance on systems

Network availability (core hours) (%) KPI 99.6 99.9 99.9 -

Phone system - customer access (24/7) (%) KPI 99.4 99.9 99.9 -

Helpdesk user satisfaction (%) KPI 99.7 99.9 99.9 -

Operating margin - overall (%) Metric 31.2 29.9 28.2 -

More detail on VfM metrics and performance is available in the Annual Financial Statements which includes Coastlines VfM self assessment

Operating margin (social housing lettings) (%) BKPI 33.4 31.0 31.2 -

Gearing (%) Metric 57.0 51.9 50.9 -

EBITDA MRI (%) Metric 187.1 141.3 134.3 -

Headline social housing cost per unit (£) Metric 3,231 3,343 3,281 -

Return on capital employed (ROCE) (£) Metric 13,809 13,476 13,619 -

Great Homes

Measure Indicator Key2018/19(actual)



TrendCorporate Plan Aim


Progress/current status of performance against target

All emergency jobs completed within target (%) KPI 100 100 99.0 -

This suite of KPI measures provides an overview of the service delivery performance and is an integral part of ensuring the on-going high standards that CSL delivers

Average calendar days to complete all emergency repairs jobs KPI 0.36 1.0 1.0 -

All urgent jobs completed within target (%) KPI 99.06 99.1 98.0 -Average calendar days to complete all urgent repairs jobs KPI 4.43 5.0 7.0 -

All routine jobs completed within target (%) KPI 97.19 99.0 95.0 -Average calendar days to complete all routine repairs jobs KPI 22.86 20.0 28.0 -

% of all responsive repairs completed right first visit KPI 98.36 98.5 98.5 -

Appointments kept as a % of all responsive appointments made KPI 99.61 99.0 99.0 -

Responsive repairs - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 90.1 99.0 99.0 -Responsive repairs - number of recalls per month KPI 5 8 8 -% of completed responsive orders post inspected by CSL supervisors KPI 0.6 10.0 10.0 -

Responsive repairs - number of no access visits per month KPI 46 - 40 - -

Grounds maintenance - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 88.8 99.0 99.0 -

Great Services

Measure Indicator Key2018/19(actual)



TrendCorporate Plan Aim


Progress/current status of performance against target

First point resolution (%) BKPI 73.0 80.0 80.0 -Target for delivery of service reflects customer priorities to achieve resolution with first person they speak to

Average call wait times (seconds) BKPI 167.0 180.0 180.0 -Call wait times being used as part of the Customer First Access & Inclusion Strategy and nudge towards digital service offering

% of customers using on-line services BKPI 22.4 30.0 40.0 50.0Local Offer target for all core customer services available on-line and 50% of customers choosing to use

Respond to customer contact within 4 working days (%) KPI 86.0 100 100 100Local Offer target to respond to customer contact within 4 days

Satisfaction with overall services provided (%) BKPI 92.0 93.0 93.0 93.0Local Offer target to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction

Satisfied with neighbourhood as place to live (%) KPI 87.0 89.0 89.0 90.0

Satisfied that their views are listened to and acted upon (%)

KPI 90.0 76.0 82.0 -Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & Homes

Number of people helped into work/training KPI 95 120 130 500Local Offer target is for 500 people helped back into work or training

Number of customers involved in formal/informal consultation

KPI - - 75 - -Measure reflecting Coastline Value of “Put our customers first”

Satisfaction with the way the ASB case was handled (%)

BKPI (X) 91.2 95.0 95.0 -Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & Homes

Number of 'hard-to-access' properties KPI 3 25 15 -Measure reflecting Coastline Value of “Put our customers first” Measure drives support from Tenancy team

All contractors - all emergency repairs on target (%) BKPI 100 100 100 -

KPI measures to ensure that customer service relating to repairs is of high quality/measuring average wait time for customers to receive repairs

Average calendar days to complete emergency repairs jobs

KPI 0.36 1.0 1.0 -

All contractors - all urgent repairs on target (%) BKPI 99.06 99.1 98.0 -

Average calendar days to complete urgent repairs jobs KPI 4.43 5.0 7.0 -

All contractors - all routine repairs on target (%) BKPI 97.19 99.0 95.0 -

Average calendar days to complete routine repairs jobs KPI 22.86 20.0 28.0 -Responsive repairs - appointments kept as a % of appointments made

KPI 99.61 99.0 99.0 -

Responsive repairs service - all customer satisfaction (%) BKPI 99.4 99.0 99.0 99.0Corporate Plan target to provide a repairs service that is easy to use and delivers choice and quality

% of responsive repairs completed at first visit BKPI 98.36 98.5 98.5 99.0Local Offer target for repairs service to have 99% completed right first time

Responsive repairs - number of all recalls per month KPI 5 8 8 - Linked KPI to right first time measureExtra Care - % of Quality Assurance spot checks completed

BKPI (X) 93.3 95.0 95.0 -Critical measures to ensure that quality of service is reviewedExtra Care - % of staff to have supervision in month BKPI (X) 86.4 95.0 95.0 -

Extra Care - number of missed visits KPI 0 2 2 -Extra Care - % of customers satisfied with consistency of staff team

KPI 100 95.0 95.0 - Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services and Great HomesExtra Care - overall customer satisfaction (%) KPI 100 99.0 99.0 -

Extra Care - number of planned care hours provided KPI 2182 2166 2166 -

Contract management KPIsCrisis accommodation occupancy (%) KPI 97.3 97.0 97.0 -

Crisis - evictions as % of departures KPI 17.9 9.0 8.5 -

Crisis - abandonments as % of departures KPI 8.2 9.0 9.0 -

Number of people helped by Homeless service KPI 322 250 250 250Local Offer target to help 250 vulnerable people each year

Supported accommodation occupancy (%) KPI 97.5 97.0 97.0 -

Contract management KPIs

Supported - evictions as % of departures KPI 3.0 5.0 8.0 -

Supported - abandonments as % of departures KPI 2.0 7.0 7.0 -

Homeless service - overall client satisfaction (%) KPI 87.0 91.0 92.0 -

Crisis - client satisfaction (%) KPI 88.8 91.0 92.0 -

Supported - client satisfaction (%) KPI 73.0 91.0 92.0 -

Complaints handled within policy guidelines (%) BKPI (X) 80.0 98.0 98.0 -

Satisfaction monitoring is an important part of ensuring delivery of Great Services & Homes

Customer satisfaction with how complaints are handled (%)

BKPI (X) 67.0 65.0 71.0 -

% of stage 1 complaints upheld, fully or partially KPI 84.0 - - - -

Great Services Great People


Local Offer VFM Metrics Coastline Services Ltd

Great Foundations


Local Offer VFM Metrics Coastline Services Ltd

Page 2: Great Homes Great Services Great People · Responsive repairs - customer satisfaction (%) KPI 90.1 99.0 99.0 - Responsive repairs - number of recalls per month KPI 5 8 - % of completed

Great homes Great peopleGreat services

Performance Improvement Plan



Great Homes Great Services

Great People Great Foundations

Performance Indicator Hierarchy

KPIBoard KPI PIBoard KPI(X)By exception