Great Depression and New Deal Lecture Outline

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  • 8/6/2019 Great Depression and New Deal Lecture Outline


    The Great Depression and the New Deal (1929-1941)

    Causes of the Great Depression:

    Background: The Stock Market Boom and the Great Crash

    o Stock Market Boom

    People were investing in the stock market

    Prices of stocks were much higher than their value

    Not getting the dividends/returns for the price of the stock

    Stock Market Speculation

    People are buying on a margin of 10%

    Paid 10% of their own money and other 90% get broker loan

    Wiser investors realize stock is overpriced and began to sell their


    o The Great Crash

    Black Thursday

    October 14, 1929 Thursday

    Almost 13 million shares were sold/traded

    Warning sign that there is something going on

    Price of stock goes down rapidly with the quick sale

    Black Tuesday

    October 29th 1929

    Steady decline in the prices of stock


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    o Cars and household appliances

    Too much in the market

    Not enough people to buy it

    o Prices go down

    o Workers get laid off

    Post-WWI agricultural depression

    o Farmers already suffering

    o Weather conditions

    The Dust Bowl

    Long drought

    High protective tariffs

    o See Hoover

    Collapse of the post-WWI debt payment structure

    o People cannot pay off their loans

    Banks begin to fail

    o Bank fails

    Money was unprotected

    Now we have FDIC

    o People start pulling their money out

    Banks didnt have the money to give them

    Realize they lost everything

    o Dawes Plan Fails

    Makes depression international

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    Stock market and real estate speculation

    Unequal distribution of wealth

    o Very rich and Very Poor

    o Some wealthy families went unaffected

    Economic Effects of the Depression

    Worst of the Depression (1933)

    More than 22% of banks in the country failed

    25% Unemployment Rate

    The Human Dimension of the Depression

    Lost homes, jobs

    o Build shack towns

    Known as Hoover Towns

    o Lots of hobos roaming the country

    100,000+ people became homeless

    Psychological effects

    o People become very pessimistic

    No one will buy things or try to invest

    People are trying to hold onto the money they have

    Private Charities are overwhelmed

    o Cannot handle the demand

    Herbert Hoovers Depression Policies:


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    o Millionaire

    Mining engineer

    o Prosperity is just around the corner

    o Did not do much but what he did made it worse

    o Blame Hoover for not dealing with the Depression

    Agricultural Marketing Act

    Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    o Tariff on manufactured goods

    o Worsened the international depression


    o Hoover thought business leaders should voluntarily keep wages high and

    not lay people off

    o Meet with labor leaders to encourage them not to strike

    o Encouraged people to donate to charities

    Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

    o Voluntarism isnt working

    o Chartered in 1932

    o Provides loans for railroads, banks and other financial institutions

    Prevents the failure of these basic firms that the economy depends on

    o The Bailout

    Average citizens angered because the common man has to save, yet the

    large, overspending companies get bailed out

    Relief for the rich

    Opposes Welfare and Unemployment Insurance

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    The Bonus March

    o Veterans in Washington, DC

    14,000 veterans

    o Promised bonus by 1945

    o Stay there and build a Hooverville outside Washington, DC

    o Hoover totally opposes giving them their bonus

    o Some have to go home, but 5 or 6,000 stay in these shanty towns

    o Clashes with police

    Calls them communists and insurrectionists

    Forcibly evacuates them

    General George Patton

    General Douglass McArthur

    General Eisenhower

    Use tanks, tear gas- to remove veterans

    The Election of 1932:

    RepublicanHerbert Hoover Democrats Franklin Delano Roosevelt

    o Repeal prohibition

    o Provide government aid for the needy

    o 25% percent cut in federal funds

    o Concern for the forgotten man

    o Believes in bold, persistent experimentation

    o Greatest 3 presidents in US history

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    Starts trend toward welfare capitalism (conservatives dont like him)

    Roosevelt wins greatest electoral landslide in history

    Ends period of Republican Domination

    Franklin Roosevelt Background:

    Wealthy family

    Graduated from Harvard and Colombia Law School

    Married Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

    o Distant cousin

    o One of greatest first ladies

    o Champion of civil rights

    o Resigned from DNR because wouldnt let black singer sing at the White


    Pushed for a Federal Anti-Lynching Act

    He wouldnt do it because he felt that he would lose the support of

    southern democrats

    o Transforms role of first lady

    Advises him

    Stands up for the oppressed

    Governor of New York

    o Gave aid to the needy

    Attracted national attention

    Public works projects

    Will be aggressive

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    Initiated Fireside Chats

    o My friends

    People felt comforted

    Felt he wasnt forgetting him

    The Cabinet:

    Senator Cordell Hall from Tennessee

    o Secretary of State

    Frances Perkins

    o First woman to be on Cabinet

    o Secretary of Labor

    The Brain Trust:

    Unofficial group of advisors

    o Like Andrew Jacksons kitchen cabinet

    o Expect mostly university professors

    Many of them economists

    o More influential than his actual cabinet

    o Would sit and listen to them argue

    Shaped Depression reforms

    Repeal of Prohibition (1933):

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    Now people can legally drink away their sorrows

    The Banking Crisis:

    Almost 11,000 banks failed across the country

    o Two days after taking office, he closes all the banks

    Forces a bank holiday

    Gives people a chance to calm down

    Stops the run on the banks

    No one can frantically try to withdraw their money

    The Inaugural Address:

    Bold Experimentation

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

    The First New Deal (1933-1935):

    The Hundred Days

    o First part of the First New Deal


    Since FDR the press has started to look at Presidents first 100 days

    Three Rs

    o Relief

    For the people

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    o Recovery

    Fix the problems

    o Reform

    The system so you dont end up in the same situation

    Historians named The First New Deal

    Legislation of the First New Deal (the Hundred Days)

    o Banking Holiday

    o Emergency Banking Relief Act (1933)

    Gave more funds to banks

    Liquidated the unsound banks

    Supported sound banks with money from the RIC

    Number of people put money into the safe banks

    o The Banking Act/Glass Steagall Act (1933)

    Established FDIC

    Insures deposits upto a certain amount

    o Took nation off the Gold Standard

    o Homeowners Loan Cooperation (HOLC)

    Helped people refinance their loans so they wouldnt lose their


    o Later Economic Legislation

    Securities and Exchange Commission

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    Supervises stock exchange and punishes the fraud

    Federal Housing Administration (FHA)

    Long term low interest mortgage loans

    o Relief Programs of the Hundred Days

    Direct Aid to the People

    Federal Emergency Relief Act

    o Aid to the poor

    o Established FERA

    Federal Emergency Relief Administration

    Supervised by Harry Hopkins

    Civilian Conservation Core (CCC)

    o Gave jobs to young men (18-24)

    o Send people to dams, forest projects, flood control,


    o Could send money back home to their families

    o 2.7 million young men served in the CC

    Public Works Administration (PWA)

    o Public works jobs provided for unemployed

    o Building hospitals, schoolsconstruction jobs

    o Bigger projects

    o Later Relief Efforts

    Civil Works Administration (CWA)

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    Harry Hopkins

    Jobs like paying people to sweep the streets

    Makeshift nature

    o Received criticism didnt think government should be

    paying people to sweep outside federal buildings

    o Agricultural Programs of the Hundred Days

    Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

    Paid farmers subsidies in order to not produce

    Convinces farmers not to over produce

    o Government will paid them a subsidy if they will not


    Declared unconstitutional

    o But the idea we use later

    Hurt tenants and sharecroppers

    o Money is going to owner of the land, not thesharecroppers and tenants who were already poor

    o The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) (1933)

    Last day of the 100 Days

    Corner stone of the Recovery Programs

    Created a board of Industrial leaders and Labor leaders from each


    Set a code for each industry

    o Work hours, production limits, minimum wages

    Workers had the right to join unions

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    National Recovery Administration

    Intended to enforce the law

    NRA was declared unconstitutional

    Schechter vs. United States

    the sick chicken case

    Schechter had gotten in trouble for the way he slaughtered

    chickens in New York

    Poultry industry prosecutes him

    Schechter argues that the law was interfering with interstate


    o The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

    Public Cooperation

    First Experiment in Regional Public Planning

    Build dam in Muscle Shoals

    Build 20 more dams to stop flooding and generatehydroelectric power

    Gives power to rural areas

    Angers private power companies

    o Effects of the First New Deal

    Measure of improvement

    But the economy did not recover

    Example: unemployment went from 25% to 20%

    o Before had been 2.3%

    People had more hope (psychological effect)

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    The Second New Deal

    Opposition from the Right and Left

    o Damned if you do, damned if you dont

    Right says, you are going too far. Nearing socialism

    Left says, you did not go far enough

    o Cannot please everyone

    o Problems with Supreme Court

    SC is very conservative at this time

    o Dr. Francis Townsend

    Retired California physician

    Proposed a pension for every person over 60

    200 per month

    But they had to spend it within the month

    o Stimulates the economy

    Funded by a national sales tax

    Old people like this plan

    Join Townsend Clubs

    o Huey P. Long

    Governor/dictator of Louisiana

    Gold old boy politician, very smart

    Senator in 1930

    Supported Roosevelt originally

    Share Our Wealth Program

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    Government would confiscate all fortunes over 5 million dollars

    Anyone who made over a 1 million dollars a year would be taxed

    at 100%

    Money would be redistributed

    o All families in the US would be given

    Free education, a home, 5,000 of furnishing, etc.

    Every man a king

    By 1935, 5 million members

    Runs for presidency in 1936

    o Father Charles Coughlin

    Crazy Catholic priest

    Weekly radio program

    Supported Roosevelt

    Then turned against him


    But other religions followed him

    Wanted to inflate the currency

    Nationalization of banks

    Fascist-like program

    Legislation and Programs of the Second New Deal

    o Steals His Opposes Thunder

    Adopt some ideas from all

    o WPA

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    Works Progress Administration

    May 1935

    Doing roads, hospitals, playgrounds, parks, ball fields

    Had programs for artists, painters, writers, dancers

    Federal Writers Project

    Pulled together slave narratives

    Wrote the story of African Americans

    A lot of our social history of the forgotten people was written by

    the FWP

    Nicknamed We Piddle Around

    Made up jobs

    o NYA

    National Youth Administration

    Gave part-time jobs to high school and college students

    FDR says they need money too in order to stay in school

    o REA

    Rural Electrification Administration

    Provided Electricity in rural areas

    o Wagner Act/ National Labor Relations Act

    Passed in 1935

    Reaffirmed the right of labor to unionize

    National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

    Board that is to oversee labor and manage crisis and conflict

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    o Social Security Act

    A system of old-age benefits for workers, benefits for victims of industrial

    accidents, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent mothers and

    children, the blind, and the physically handicapped.

    The Election of 1936

    Republican Alf Landono Governor of Kansas

    o We are going to do the New Deal, but better

    Democrats Franklin D. Roosevelt Union Party-

    o Francis Townsend, Charles Coughlin,

    o Huey P. Longs successor, Smith

    Assassinated in 1935

    o Go too far on radio shows

    Attack Roosevelt

    Catholic leaders began to denounce Coughlin

    FDR carries all states except Maine and Vermont

    The New Deal Coalition:

    Immigrants, farmers, union workers, and blacks

    o Blacks begin deserting the Republican party and voting


    FDR in favor of Civil Rights

    By 1936, of blacks vote Democrat

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    The Last Years of the New Deal

    Attacks Supreme Court

    o Had been standing in the way of the New Deal

    Court Packing

    Court Packing

    o Judicial Reorganization Bill

    Would allow the president to nominate a new federal judge for any judge

    over the age of 70 and who didnt retire

    Most controversial

    Could add up to 6 new justices to the Supreme Court

    There were 6 judges over this age limit when the bill was proposed

    Wants to appoint 6 judges friendly to the New Deal

    Doesnt expect the opposition from both sides

    Tarnishes his reputation

    Fails to be passed

    But the court begins to back down

    o Roosevelt is so popular with the people

    Supreme Court begins to allow the New Deal legislation

    o Social Security Act

    The Recession of 1937-38o Including WPA jobs, the unemployment rate had fallen to 9.2%

    But the Federal Deficit is strongly increased

    o Backs off on relief programs to help the budget

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    Leads to the Recession

    Unemployment rises to12%

    Legislation of The Late New Deal

    Wagner-Segal Act

    o Allocates money for government housing projects

    Fair Labor Standards Act/ Minimum Wage Law

    o Minimum wages for people working in major corporations

    o Prohibited Child Labor (anyone under 16)

    Social Dimensions of the New Deal

    Blacks and the New Deal

    o Suffered more than most people from the depression

    o Excluded from state and local relief efforts

    o Subsides given to farmers to not produce

    Really hurt black sharecroppers

    o FDR would not support Anti-Lynching Act

    Need the support of Southern Democrats

    o National Recovery Administration

    Had a separate and lower pay scale for the blacks

    o Positive

    More blacks appointed to government positions by FDR

    Native Americans

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    o Only bright spot with regard to the new deal treatment of minorities

    o The Indian Reorganization Act

    Overturns the Dawes Act

    Provides loans to tribes (economic development)

    Created a Native American CCC

    Did work especially on the reservations

    Mexican Americans

    o Very few programs covered them

    o Most Mexicans were still in agricultural work

    Whites start taking the jobs from the Mexican Americans had done

    o Many Mexicans return to Mexico

    40% of the Mexican population



    making due

    Had to stretch the budgets

    Make their own clothes/ patch them

    o 100% of the Household Responsibilities

    o Had to find jobs now too

    If possible

    Heavily criticized, you are taking a job away from a man

    Labor Unions

    Lost membership during the 20s

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    o Corporations had started to take care (no need)

    o The Red Scare

    Radicalism of Unions

    Scared them away

    NIRA in the 1930s

    o Many of the industrial codes implemented

    o Allowed workers to unionize

    caused an increase in union members

    o Nicknamed National Run Around

    AFL (American Federation Labor) vs. CIO (Committee for Industrial


    o AFL

    Crafts (sanitary, plumbing, etc)

    o CIO

    Industry (automobile, rubber, steal, radio, etc.)

    Gaining more members in the 1930s

    Develop the idea of the Sit Down Strike

    o The two come into conflict

    Cultural Changes


    o The Lost Generation from the 1920s

    Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald (20s)

    Become ex-patriots

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    Go live in foreign countries for a while

    o Turn to Communism

    This would haunt them in the 1950s


    o Authors of 1930s

    Sin Clair Lewis

    William Falkner

    John Steinbeck

    Grapes of Wrath

    o People who are from Oklahoma to California

    o Quintessential Great Depression Novel

    Popular Culture

    o Radio

    Main form of daily entertainment

    Had bought them in the 1920s

    Major source of communication and entertainment

    o Film Industry

    Did not suffer during the Depression

    People would still spend a nickel to see a movie

    Musicals were hugely popular

    Famous Films

    The Wizard of Oz

    Gone with the Wind

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    Grapes of Wrath

    Mr. Smith Goes to Washington


    Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers Dancing Duo

    Shirley Temple child star

    Carry Grant

    o GWTW

    Kathryn Hepburn

    Clark Gable

    o Rhett in GWTW


    o The Big Band Era

    Swing music

    o Famous Band Musicians

    Duke Ellington

    Benny Goodman

    Harry James

    o Most Popular Singer of the Day

    Bing Crosby

    Comic Strips/Comic Books

    o Dick Tracey, Tarzan, Superman

    o Buck Rodgers

    Space exploration in the 1930s

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