Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars Kenta Kiuchi Collaboration with Y. Sekiguchi, K. Kyutoku, M. Shibata Ref.) 1105.5035

Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

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Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars. Ref.) 1105.5035. Kenta Kiuchi Collaboration with Y. Sekiguchi , K. Kyutoku , M. Shibata. Introduction. Our research target = high energy astrophysical phenomena - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary

neutron stars

Kenta KiuchiCollaboration with Y. Sekiguchi, K. Kyutoku, M. Shibata

Ref.) 1105.5035

Page 2: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

IntroductionOur research target = high energy astrophysical phenomenae.g., Supernova energy ≈ 1.5*1046J = energy the Sun consumes for 1.2 trillion years !! SN1054 ( Crab Nebula)

r~ 1000km~ 10km

~ Solar mass

Energy source = gravitational potential energy ∝ r-1

Page 3: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

Products of high energy astrophysical phenomena~ 10km ~ 3km( 1 Solar


✓Density~ 1015g/cm3   (1.41 g/cm3) ⇒ General Relativity, Strong interaction

✓Temperature~ 1011K (15.7×106K)⇒ Weak interaction✓Magnetic fields~ 1015 Gauss (Sunspot: several

thousand Gauss)⇒Electromagnetic force

All of fundamental interaction play an essential role.

Page 4: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

Physical aspects of high energy astrophysical phenomena✓Highly dynamical✓No special symmetry, e.g., spherical symmetry⇒Numerical modeling including four kinds of forces

Numerical RelativityFiguring out high energy astrophysical phenomena by numerically solving the Einstein equations

Page 5: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

Importance of Numerical Relativity○ Gravitational waves✓imprinting “raw” information of sources✓extremely weak signal, hc 10∼ -22 = the change of (Size of H atoms)/(Distance to Sun)

GW detectorsNeed to prepare theoretical templates of GWs

Page 6: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

Today’s topic = Coalescence of binary neutron stars✓Promising source of GWs✓Theoretical candidate of Short-Gamma-Ray Burst✓High-end laboratory for Nuclear theoryA nuclear theory Mass-Radius relation for Neutron Star⇒

Image of GRB Black hole + disk?


Page 7: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

Overview of binary neutron star merger


G.Ws. imprint only information of mass

G.Ws. imprint information of radius

Rapidly rotating massive NS

BH and torus

Mtotal < Mcrit

Mtotal > Mcrit

✓Mcrit depends on the Equation of State, i.e. Mcrit = 1.2-1.7 Mmax

✓Final massive NS or torus around BH are extremely hot, T O(10) MeV ∼ ⇒Neutrino cooling plays an importance role

Page 8: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

Set up of binary neutron star○ Shen or Shen-Hyperon EOS based on RMF theory (Shen+,98, Sumiyoshi+,11) ⇒ Mcrit = 2.8-2.9 Solar mass for Shen, 2.3-2.4 Solar mass for Shen-Hyperon EOS○ Neutrino cooling based on GR leakage scheme (Sekiguchi,10)○ Equal mass model with 1.35 Solar mass, i.e., Mtot=2.7 Solar mass

Observed BNSs (Lattimer & Paraksh 06)Mass-Radius

Observation constraint by PSR J1614-2230

Page 9: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

ResultDensity color contour on equatorial (x-y) plane = orbital plane

In units of Kilometer

In units of millisecond

Log10(ρ [g/cc])

Page 10: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

Gravitational Waveforms



NSs orbit around each other

BH formation

Massive NS oscillates

Page 11: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

Gravitational Wave Spectrum



itudeSensitivity curves for GW detectors


GWs could be detected if the merger happens within 30 Mpc.

Page 12: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars

○ ○ Neutrino cooling timescale ∼ 2-3 second○ Huge luminosity ∼1053 erg/s○ Could be detected if it happened within 10 Mpc for HK

Neutrino Luminosity



Anti electron neutrinoElectron neutrino

μ, τ neutrino

BH formation

Page 13: Gravitational waves and neutrino emission from the merger of binary neutron stars


○ Binary neutron star merger Numerical Relativity simulations with microphysical process for the first time ○ GWs could be detected if it happened within 30 Mpc○ Neutrino could be detected if it happened within 10 Mpc

⇒ Multi messenger astronomy is coming soon !!

Thanks to SR16000 in YITP

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