1 Graveney with Goodnestone Village Newsletter November 2016 A note from the editor Time is really flying by and I realised that next month’s edition will be for December. So please do send any ideas for Christmas related content. Due to the Christmas break, there will be no newsletter in January, so also send any updates for the New Year/January. As always if you would like to advertise, do get in contact on the details below. Back-up volunteers for distribution are also still needed. Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07920 412 250 Chris Harding

Graveney with Goodnestone Village Newsletter Council Head of Planning requesting more is done ... Warden and to pass on his details to ... Officer had responded to a letter from the

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Graveney with Goodnestone Village Newsletter

November 2016

A note from the editor

Time is really flying by and I realised that next month’s

edition will be for December. So please do send any ideas

for Christmas related content.

Due to the Christmas break, there will be no newsletter in

January, so also send any updates for the New Year/January.

As always if you would like to advertise, do get in contact on

the details below. Back-up volunteers for distribution are

also still needed.

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07920 412 250

Chris Harding


30th October Twenty Third Sunday after Trinity

10:30am Morning Worship, Parish led service


15:00pm Joint Benefice Service for the Bereaved at

St. Barnabus Church, Boughton under Blean

2nd November Commemoration of the Faithful Departed

19:00pm Communion Service, during which prayers

are offered for our departed loved ones

6th November Celebrating All Saints’ Day

10:30am Communion, joint benefice service

13th November Remembrance Sunday Service

10:30am This service includes our act of

remembrance at 11:00am

20th November Celebrating Christ the King

10:30am Communion


19:00pm Taize Style Worship

Come and enjoy some quiet time!

27th November First Sunday of Advent

10:00-15:00 No service at All Saints Today

As we are sharing in a joint Deanery Day at

Bysingwood Community Centre

See Posters for full details “Claiming Christmas for Christ”

Forthcoming Services at All Saints Church


All Saints Church Contacts and Notices

VICAR: The Reverend Jean Burrows - 01227 751410

CURATE: The Reverend Paulette Stubbings – 07713 777487

All are welcome at our services

If you or someone you knows, needs a member of the local

clergy, wishes to book a Baptism or Wedding or would like

transport to a church service or event, please contact:

The Reverend Gill Reed - 01795 534059

Bell ringers still needed! Training available. Please contact

the above if you are interested.

Update from All Saints’ Church

On behalf of the people and parish of All Saints', Graveney,

may I thank EVERYONE for their generosity, support and

encouragement while we have undergone massive interior

and exterior repairs and renovation work.

Without your support and generosity we could not have

achieved so much. The interior work is virtually completed

and looks absolutely beautiful... Come and have a look

round and enjoy the peace and tranquillity of this unique

church set in our community. Sadly, the church has to be

locked most of the time for security reasons but someone

will happily unlock for you should you wish to visit.

With many, many thanks and continued prayers for all who

live and work here.


Parish Council News - September

The following is an edited summary of the Parish Council

meeting held Monday 12th September at 7:30pm in the Village


Attended by 5 councillors, the Clerk, Andrew Bowles and

George Bobbins (Borough Councillors) and 2 members of the


Declaration of acceptance of office of co-opted councillors:

Councillor T. Bowles signed the declaration of acceptance of

office and was welcomed to the council.

Matters Arising:

An update was provided regarding the Eco Merchants site.

Planning enforcement has attended the site but during the

daytime. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to Swale

Borough Council Head of Planning requesting more is done

about the issue.

Donation request from Citizens Advice Bureau:

A donation request had been received from the Citizens Advice

Bureau for an annual donation from the Parish Council. It was

agreed to check when the last donation was made.

Grievance policy:

The updated grievance policy was agreed and adopted.

Village sign update:

Parish Council News


No further update at this stage.

Parish Footpath Warden:

It was agreed to appoint Mr. Filipczak as the Parish Footpath

Warden and to pass on his details to Canterbury Ramblers

association. The Parish Footpath Warden is a voluntary role to

keep an eye on public rights of way within the Parish.


Councillors were made aware of correspondence received.

There was a discussion on the light in Goodnestone that is still

causing concern for a resident. To adjust the light a hedge on

an adjacent property must be trimmed, the owner of the

property was present at the Parish Council meeting and was

happy to have the hedge trimmed as long as they were present

and appropriate insurance was in place.


The Financial Statement and Bank Reconciliation were

provided to Councillors. A number of small payments were

approved including £231.14 for street light maintenance.


Applications for; Sunnydene, Seasalter Road for a rear single

storey extension was noted and 29 Murton Place, a prior

notification for a proposed single storey extension, no

response was required.

It was also discussed whether there is a policy regarding

parking and it was noted there is not. Councillor Bobbin

offered to look into this.

Graveney & Goodnestone Trust:


No new applications submitted or expected. The next meeting

is in December.

Councillor Reports:

A resident had written regarding dustbins being left out on

pavements. It was agreed to write to the residents in question.

It was raised that dog waste is worse than ever. It was agreed

to place an article in the newsletter and to look into getting a

new dog waste bin in Nagden and to contact the dog warden.

The main road through Goodnestone is dangerous for

pedestrians. It was agreed to write to the farmer to remind

farm workers of the footpath through the field.

It was discussed if there could be a village clean-up. Swale

Borough Council have been asked about doing a deep clean.

The WI are interested in providing a defibrillator outside the

Freewheel Pub, however, the Parish Council would need to

insurer it and cover maintenance costs, which are expected to

be minimal.

The verge on the flyover is still very over grown.

A new signpost has been installed at Odin’s Path.

Any Other Business:

The village noticeboard in Goodnestone is out of date.


Parish Council News – October

The following is an edited summary of the Parish Council

meeting held Monday 10th October at 7:30pm in the Village



Attended by 7 councillors, the Clerk, Andrew Bowles and George Bobbins (Borough Councillors) and 2 members of the public.

Matters Arising:

An update was provided regarding the Eco Merchants site.

Peter Hinckesman, Swale Borough Council Enforcement

Officer had responded to a letter from the Parish Council. He

had inspected the site, but had not found any evidence that

would lead to enforcement action. Further options were

discussed and it was flagged that some issues require local

residents support e.g. keeping logs of activity or reporting

noise to environmental health as and when it arises. It was

agreed to write back to Peter Hinckesman to confirm the exact

uses permitted on the site and to check on any notices that can

be issued.

A resident in Murton Place has complained about the letter

received regarding wheelie bins. They felt this was too directed

and there were wider issues, in particular parking on

pavements in the area, which restricted pedestrian access. A

resident had also written to Councillor A. Bowles suggesting

bollards could be put in pace to prevent parking on the

pavement. The Council has no enforcement powers regarding

parking, so this would be an issue for the Joint Transportation

Board and would need support from a majority of local

residents. The Council discussed the matter regarding wheelie

bins and it was expressed this is part of a wider issue of being

considerate and keeping the village tidy. It was agreed that the

Clerk and Chairman would write back to the resident who had

made the complaint.


Swale Borough Council have been contacted regarding a

village ‘deep clean’ litter pick. Swale are reviewing locations

for litter picks.

The WI will apply to the Graveney with Goodnestone Trust for

funding for the defibrillator.

The Parish noticeboard needs to be updated as Parish Council

meeting schedules are old and new Councillor details need to

be added.

LED light in Goodnestone and repair to streetlight:

A resident is still concerned regarding the brightness of the

streetlight in Goodnestone shining into their property.

Background to the new light was provided including a technical

description of the LED lighting versus the old sodium lighting.

The LED lighting has a lower brightness intensity, however, the

spectrum of light is much bluer. The current light fitting it not

adaptable to allow for either shielding or colour filters to be

fitted. A new light fitting design was discussed that would

provide more flexibility. Additionally it was discussed whether

the Council could buy and stockpile more sodium lamp bulbs

to avoid having to install LED lamps, as sodium bulbs will be

phased out shortly. It was agreed that the Goodnestone light

could be best resolved in the short term by switching it with an

old sodium lamp fitting. The new light fitting design could be

trialled in locations away from properties.

Local Transport Plan:

Kent County Council is currently consulting on the Local

Transport Plan 4, which includes proposals regarding Brenley

Corner and also looks at rural communities and the public


transport service. Councillors will chose if they want to

respond individually.

Village sign update:

A meeting to progress the village sign had been held. The

working group had received an update quote for the sign of

£5,800 + VAT and carriage, it was noted that £7,969 has been

set aside for the sign. The working group had also been in

touch with the resident whose land the sign would be placed

on. The resident is happy to allow the sign, however, he rents

the land. It was agreed to check on the need for planning



The Citizens Advice Bureau and Kent Air Ambulance are the

two designated recipients of donations from the Parish, both

receiving £55 annually. However, donations to Kent Air

Ambulance have not been made in recent years. It was agreed

to create a donations schedule for payments to be made every



Correspondence from the Kent Association of Local Councils,

including the adoption of roundabouts and grass verges by

businesses or councils and the AGM in November that

included proposals on HGVs and use of lorry parks.

A letter has also been received about replacing a swing at the

village hall with a disability accessible swing. This is a matter

for the Village Hall, however, the Council proposed to follow

the progress.



The Financial Statement and Bank Reconciliation were

provided to Councillors. A number of small payments were

approved, including the 2016 charity donations.


An application for Country View Park, Cleve Hill to demolish

existing structures and replace with a new caravan storage

barn. It was suggested consideration be given to the scale and

proximity of the barn to near-by houses as well as

consideration to the external materials used.

Graveney & Goodnestone Trust:

No applications received, the next meeting is in December.

Councillor Reports:

Overhanging vegetation on local bridges was flagged. Flooding

on Whitstable Road is to be reported and the nearby drain

appears to be blocked. Potholes were discussed, Broom Street

has been marked for repair. Any repairs or delays can be raised

on the Kent County Council website.

It was raised that the recent negative coverage of the

Freewheel Pub was a shame as it was not the fault of the


Any Other Business:

No further business.

Next Parish Council Meeting:

The next meeting will be held on Monday 14th November 2016

at 7.30pm.


I will start this month’s report with a future date for your

diaries. All County Councillors get a (decreasing) pot of money

to support projects and organisations in their division. Rather

than being influenced by my personal interests such as the

Village Notice

On Wednesday 7th September, a short Memorial Service

was held at Sandbanks Farm Graveney for Flying Officer

Kenneth Wendel of 504 Squadron Royal Air Force, who on

this day in 1940 lost his life during the Battle of Britain. His

aircraft was shot down and crashed at the farm where he

died of his wounds. A plaque to his memory has been

erected by Mr Ian Crowhurst adjacent to the crash site. F/O

Wendell was born in New Zealand in 1916 and was

commissioned in the RAF in 1937. The Service was

conducted by Canon Struan Dunn (Chaplain) and attended

by Group Captain Trevor Dole , Squadron Leader Fred

Chapman MBE and members of the Royal Air Forces

Association from Faversham and Whitstable Branches.

Graveney Art Group

First and Third Monday of each month, 10:00am until

12:00 noon. Back at the Freewheel Pub, until further

notice. Refreshments and good company. All for £4.00 per

morning. If you wish to know more contact:

Val 07866 984 678

A Message from your County Councillor


Environment, Sports, etc I allow YOU to decide. Any Club or

organisation which is either based in Swale East or provides a

service to Swale East residents is encouraged to apply. All

Swale East voters are entitled to attend and vote. The “YOU

decide – participatory budgeting” event for this financial year

will be held at Teynham Village Hall on Saturday the 4th

February. Please put the date in your diaries. If you help to

run or are a member of a local Sport or Community Club or

Group, Parish Council, Parochial Church Council, etc please

contact me or the Community Liaison Officer for Swale

[email protected] for an application form as soon as


Another major announcement is the report just published by

the Parliamentary Boundary Commission. Not surprisingly this

mirrors the proposals which were abandoned in 2013. The

purpose of the proposals is to reduce the total number of

Members of Parliament from 650 to 600 and to ensure that

each one represents, as near as possible, the same number of

electors. Currently a vote in some Urban Constituencies

mainly in the North of the Country is worth double a vote here

in Kent as it only takes half as many voters to elect an MP in

those Constituencies. Those Villages I represent which are

currently part of the Faversham and Mid Kent Constituency

will form part of a new Canterbury and Faversham

Constituency. Note that those Parishes which form the

Teynham and Lynsted Ward will remain in the Sittingbourne

and Sheppey Constituency. These recommendations will only

come into effect when we vote in the General Election due in

2020. Until then you will continue to be served by your current


member of parliament either Helen Whately or Gordon

Henderson respectively.

I started to plan this report early the other morning whilst

walking our two collies in Perry Wood, the autumn sunlight

shining through the leaf canopy was throwing dappled

shadows on the ground. We really are lucky to live in this

particular part of the Garden of England, spectacular walks and

views whether in woodland, across fields or along our

coastline. Also, so much going on largely organized by

volunteers. I mentioned the Faversham Hop Festival in my last

report. Since then we have attended the Woodfest held at

Belmont House, Throwley with skilled exhibitors showing off

all manner of woodland crafts. There were also ring displays

of falconry, terrier racing, ferret racing, etc. It was good to see

the heavy horses which help to manage Perry Wood on

contract to Swale Borough Council giving display of how they

work. We have also attended the Faversham Food Fair and

came home laden with produce from local artisan producers,

apple juice from Painters Forstal, beer from Whitstable, cakes

from Selling, Chilli Sauce from Goodnestone and Cheese from

Dargate. So much going on and so much skill in our Villages.

September is always a very busy month for meetings, this year

it has included meetings of the Sittingbourne Town Centre

Regeneration Project Board, the World War One

Commemoration Steering Group, Swale Borough Council’s

Cabinet and Informal Cabinet, the Kent County Council

Environment and Transport Committee and the Kent County

Council Regulation Committee, North Kent Leaders, Kent

District Leaders, Swale Health and Wellbeing Board and the

Kent Environmental Champions Group to name but a few. I


have also managed to fit in Parish Council Meetings at

Graveney, Boughton, Dunkirk, Lynsted and Teynham. I was

able to arrange Kent Highways inspections to look at

dangerous pavements in Dunkirk and the failure to reinstate

bollards etc at a traffic island in Lynsted both within 24 hours

of attending the respective Parish Councils. The latest meeting

of the Swale Joint Transport Board which I Chair approved

parking restrictions in both Boughton and Dunkirk and in Love

Lane as requested by residents. We also passed important

resolutions on the management of freight in Swale where we

advocated much greater use of rail, and on the Kent County

Council Local Transport Plan. I attended the most recent

meeting of Swale Borough Council’s Planning Committee to

support and speak (successfully) in support of local Selling

residents opposed to a controversial development. Also this

month I represented Graveney School at the latest Swale

Governors Consortia briefing/meeting.

All the above, on top of the first two meetings of the Kent

County Council Select Committee looking into Buses and Public

Subsidy, several days given over to Home to School Transport

Appeal Panels and meetings of Kent County Councils

Commissioning Advisory Board. In addition to this I attended

and indeed in many cases was instrumental in setting up

briefings on Broadband Delivery in Swale, Post 16 Education in

Swale, The Parliamentary Boundary Review and the latest

Government Policies and announcements on planning and


The last day of September was spent in Westminster at a

meeting of the South East England Councils Executive


Committee discussing Brexit, Sub National Transport Bodies,

Business Rates Reform and Health and Care Integration.

The first day of October (a Saturday) was spent at The Kent

Association of Local (Parish and Town) Councils Executive

Committee. Apart from Budgets and the forthcoming AGM

matters discussed included the three Advisory Committees

being set up on Transport, Planning and Devolution, the latter

of which I have been asked to serve on. Other matters

discussed were the Kent Police Rural Task Force, The Kent

Estates Partnership (which proved controversial) HGV parking

and the new duties on Parish Councils to publish even more

information online and to have dedicated computers etc solely

for Parish Council business. Swale was particularly well

represented by the Area Committee Chairman and Vice

Chairman, the Clerk to Doddington Parish Council representing

the local branch of the Society of Local Council Clerks and

myself as a Vice President.

Andrew Bowles

It’s back to the whirl of Westminster after the summer recess

and I’ve been getting stuck in. A new Prime Minister at the

helm of a new Cabinet, means there are fresh opportunities to

shape the Government’s agenda.

With that in mind, I called a House of Commons debate on fly-

parking – lorries parking in inappropriate places – to push

sorting this problem out to the top of the Roads Minister’s to-

do list. As people living in parts of Kent know, trucks fill every

A Message from Helen Whately MP


lay-by, line up on the hard shoulder of slip roads, crawl onto

the verges of country lanes and tuck themselves away in

housing estates. None of these places have facilities for

drivers, so as well as the problem of huge HGVs parked on the

roadside, there’s also littering and fouling of verges and

hedges with human waste. Residents nearby are

understandably upset, and it’s pretty bad for the drivers


So we need more lorry parking spaces in Kent. The

Government has committed £250 million for a new lorry park

at Stanford West with space for 3,600 trucks, to provide a

desperately needed alternative to closing the M20 for

“Operation Stack” when there is disruption at the Channel.

This will be an enormous relief for residents and businesses

across Kent, especially those who live near the motorway. To

make the most this investment, there’s surely a strong case for

making the lorry park available for overnight parking of HGVs

outside of Operation Stack.

I made these points in the debate and afterwards the Roads

Minister, John Hayes, committed to looking into how many

more lorry parking spaces are needed and how they can be

made available. He also wants to do more about litter on

roadsides – a particular problem along parts of the M20. I’m

looking forward to taking him up on his offer to meet me and

other Kent MPs as well as councillors and hauliers to thrash

out some concrete solutions.

Helping people who’ve been handed a raw deal in life is one of

the reasons I wanted to be an MP, so I was delighted to host a

jobs fair with Maidstone Jobcentre recently. This event was


particularly about helping people who are struggling to get

into work but could find their lives transformed by a steady job

and an income. At the same time, it was a chance to support

several local businesses looking for staff.

Over 500 job-seekers, mostly from Shepway and Park Wood

but also the wider area around Maidstone, came to meet more

than 30 employers. There was a real buzz in the room as

candidates sought out opportunities to fit their skills.

Afterwards I heard that several candidates had been offered

jobs, which was a great result. I also spoke to one job-seeker

from Ulcombe about her challenge looking for a job, made

harder by not having a car. This highlighted the extra

difficulties for people living in rural villages, and afterwards I

spoke to the Jobcentre about transport support and how they

might be able to help her.

Of course the biggest issue facing the country at the moment

is Brexit, and how to build a successful future outside the EU.

I’m keen to get a sense of how you feel about the big changes

that are on the way, so I’ve been knocking on doors over the

summer asking people what they’re looking for in our new

relationship with the EU, and how Brexit will affect them


My priorities for Kent remain the same - improved transport,

fair school funding, better healthcare, supporting local

businesses and protecting the countryside. But I want to hear

from people in Graveney and Goodnestone, so that I can make

sure your views are represented in Westminster. If you’re

reading this please do get in touch and tell me what matters to

you. You can find my contact details overleaf.


Helen Whately MP for Faversham and Mid Kent

I work for you. If you have a problem you think I can help

you with, please contact me or visit me at one of my surgeries

House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA


Tel: 020 7219 6472; Email: [email protected]

Village Hall Events and Notices

Wednesday Club

Meet fortnightly on Wednesdays, 2:00pm at the Village

Hall. Tea, cake, bingo and chat. Subs 50 pence


Penny Foster 01795 538732

Trish Timms 07926 351628

Boot fairs will return in March. We would like to thank

everyone who has supported the fairs this year. See you in




Ukuele club events on as normal. Wednesday at Graveney

Village Hall 2-4pm and Thursday at All Saints Church 10:30-



It's a problem that never appears to go away -

the scourge of dog owners who don't clear up

after their pets, and sadly yet again at a recent

parish council meeting concern was expressed

about this.


Get into the habit of keeping bags in your jacket

pocket or beside the dog lead, or keeping a poop

scoop in a visible place, ready to pick up as you walk

out of the door. Small bags for dog faeces are not


Find out where the nearest dog or litter bins are on

your walking route. Sometimes you may have to wait

until you get home to put the faeces in an outdoor bin.

The parish council has invested in poo bins at several

areas within the village including by the church, village

hall, bridge, St Bartholomew’s church and adjacent to

footpath at Culmers Terrace.

Worming tablets are a cheap and easy method of

ensuring that your dog does not provide a home for

the common roundworm

Encourage other dog owners and walkers to act

responsibly too.

Village Notice


AT the parish council meeting the

possibility of purchasing another bin

was discussed and a proposal that this

is placed at the start of the national

cycle path in Nagden. The parish

council wish to hear from you if you

feel that there is anywhere else in the

village in need of a bin. Of course,

these need to be accessible so that, if

they agree, Swale Borough council

have access to empty them.

The parish council have also reported this to the local dog

warden, Tim Longley, so that patrols can be increased. Sticky

signs are avialable for anyone wishing to put up a notice about

this – please contact the clerk for more information


In one survey, although the majority of dog owners stated that

they wormed their pet regularly, 9% admitted that their dog

had never been wormed. The most common and important

roundworm that affects dogs is Toxocara canis (T canis),

passing to humans as Toxocariasis. (Toxocara catis is the

variant found in cats). The T canis worm uses the bodies of

dogs to lay its eggs, which are then passed through the dog’s

faeces. The eggs become infectious 2-3 weeks after being

deposited by the dog and can survive for up to two years in the

local environment. T canis is more commonly found in puppies,

although it is estimated that 10-40% of adult dogs also harbour

the worm.


Young children are more likely than adults to develop

Toxocariasis, which can cause eye damage. This is because

children can accidentally ingest the eggs through contact with

contaminated soil or sand, while playing in parks and play

areas, or by playing with puppies and dogs that have licked fur

with T canis eggs stuck to it. Around 20 cases of infection in

humans are recorded every year in the UK. In the majority of

cases the infection causes only mild symptoms such as

stomach upsets and pain, headaches and sore throats,

although in some instances eye damage can affect young

children. The risk of infection can be greatly reduced by

ensuring that children wash their hands before eating and

after handling dogs or playing outside.

By picking up the dog’s mess immediately, you can help to

reduce the incidence of contamination by T canis and potential

Toxocariasis infection.


Rules for living:

If you open it, close it.

If you turn it on, turn it off.

If you unlock it, lock it up.

If you break it, admit it.

If you can't fix it, cal in someone who can.

If you borrow it, return it.

If you value it, take care of it.

If you make a mess, clean it up.

If you move it, put it back.

If it belongs to someone else and you want to use it, get


If you don't know how to operate it, leave it alone.

If it's none of your business, don't ask questions.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

If it will brighten someone's day, say it.

If it will tarnish someone's reputation, keep it to yourself.

A Thought for the Month


Every Thursday, 2pm – 4pm at The Freewheel. If you’ve

ever played any form of whist (trumps) before or if you just

like playing cards you’ll pick the game up very easily. We

are a small very friendly group – why not join us? If you

want to know more you can just turn up on the day or

contact me: Peter 01795 531 851 or

[email protected]


Upcoming Events at the Woman’s Institute

November 9th – The Dog’s Trust.

December 14th – Christmas Meal at the Freewheel.

We meet in the Village Hall on the second Wednesday of

each month at 7.30pm. Visitors always very welcome to


For further information contact:

Teresa Bowles on 07966 299648 or e-mail

[email protected]


Sue Wraight on 01227 751361


Please be safe:








Use 999 if it is urgent or 101 if it is after the fact

After you have reported it to the police, notify

Neighbourhood Watch - Mr. Kevin Castle

Contact: 07749 736669 - [email protected]

Neighbourhood Watch

Toby Dangerfield

Plumbing And Heating Gas registered Boiler changes, cylinder changes, power flushes, Large leaks, small leaks. Gas pipe changes. All small jobs Contact number: 01795539781 Mobile: 07810351079


Parish Councillors:

Clare Boggia, details to be updated.

Teresa Bowles 07966 299 648

Faversham without Ward

Catherine Wilkinson 01795 591 731

Goodnestone Ward

Roger Mitchell (Vice-Chairman) 01795 532 372

Graveney Ward

Alan Stewart (Chairman) 01795 533 205

Lesley Lound 07933 350 999

Sarah Jefferys 07876 752 409

Clerk to the Council:

Bex Ratchford [email protected]

Parish Website:


Borough and County Councillor:

Andrew Bowles 01227 752 840

Borough Councillor:

George Bobbin 01227 751 388

Contacts of Local Representatives


Village Notice Boards

We now have two sets of keys for the village notice boards.

If you wish to put up a notice please contact:

Carol Mitchell 01795 532 372

Penny Foster 01795 538 732

Articles for this Newsletter

For any comments, corrections and contributions please


[email protected]

Please ensure all submissions are made by the 20th of each

month to ensure inclusion in the following months’ edition.

Please also get in contact if you would also like to receive a

pdf of the newsletter via email every month. Versions of

current and prior editions are available on the Parish



If you are missing a copy, please email, alternatively spare

copies are available at All Saints Church, The Freewheel

Pub and Mallards Farm Shop.

Adverts are welcome, please get in contact via the above

email or on 07920 412 250, to discuss placing an ad.