Graphtec FCX2000-120VC 47.2" x 36" Flatbed Vinyl Cutter and Plotter Instruction Manual

Graphtec FCX2000-120VC 47.2 x 36 Flatbed Vinyl Cutter and ......Graphtec FCX2000-120VC 47.2" x 36" Flatbed Vinyl Cutter and Plotter Instruction Manual:RUN 6PDUWHU 1RW +DUGHU 7KH *UDSKWHF

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  • Graphtec FCX2000-120VC 47.2" x 36" Flatbed Vinyl

    Cutter and Plotter

    Instruction Manual


  • Work Smarter, Not Harder.The Graphtec FCX Series is the ultimate solution for prototyping and

    small production runs of rigid materials without the use of a cutting die.

    Added offline (USB) operation enables users of all skill levels to easily process materials.

    Advanced model with wide varietyof tools and highest performance

    Desktop model offering high performance and cutting speeds up to 750 mm/s

    FCX2000-60VC FCX2000-120VC FCX2000-180VC


    FCX4000-50ES FCX4000-60ES

    *FCX2000-60VC shown.

    FCX2000 Series FCX4000 Series


  • Plot data is created from the design by using Cutting Master 4 or Graphtec Pro Studio, then the data is saved to USB flash memory. The plot data file can be selected from the USB by menu operation on the plotter, then cutting is performed. This simplified workflow enables users to operate without a computer.

    In Print & Cut operation, the cutting data is automatically selected from USB flash memory by scanning the barcode printed on the media then performs contour cutting. This prevents the usage of incorrect data, and improves work efficiency.

    Precision cutting is achieved by enhancements to the rigidity of the moving mechanism that reduces deflection due to pressure during cutting. This has enabled new functions such as curved creasing / scoring lines. Graphtec flatbed cutting plotters meet the wide variety of applications used in prototyping and short production runs of packaging and industrial materials.

    Enhanced functions for higher productivity and work efficiency

    Offline operation supported by use of USB flash memory

    Offline operation using USB flash memory Data management using barcode function with USB flash memory

    Enhanced ARMS (Advanced Registration Mark Sensing system) for improved productivity of P&C applications

    Four-point compensation - Precise cutting even of distorted printed graphics

    Supported by standard crop marks - special marks are not required for cutting

    P&C is performed by printing the industry standard crop marks. Adding special marks with Graphtec software is not necessary. Operation is simple when crop mark information is entered within Cutting Master 4 software.Distorted print

    graphics Data

    Cut with Graphtec 4-point compensation

    Print Cut

    Cut with general compensation

    Reverse side Cutting/Creasing using ARMS

    Cutting and creasing of printed graphics is possible even on the reverse side of the media. This prevents any scratches or damage to the printed graphic. On the FCX Series, operation is simple using Cutting Master 4 or Graphtec Pro Studio.

    ARMS Copy function

    After data is sent the first time, it can be copied multiple times without a PC. In the FCX Series, the first four marks are scanned on the first sheet, and only the first mark in subsequent sheets. This improves productivity by shortening scan detection time.

    Automatic ARMS Sensitivity Adjustment

    Marks are detectable when there is reasonable contrast against the background. For example, a white mark on a colored background.

    Expanded cutting area

    This function expands the cutting area to include objects outside of the area enclosed by registration marks. Production efficiency is enhanced by reducing media waste.

    Cardboard (up to E flute :1.5 mm)*1 Sandblast resist rubberSeal / Magnet sheetHeavy paperStickerPackaging Packaging / POP Sandblasting

    This feature compensates for any skewing or distortion in printed graphics to ensure precise contour cutting.

    Distorted printgraphics


    Cut with Graphtec 4-point compensation

    Print Cut

    Cut with general compensation



    Reference Standard mark example



    Reference Standard mark example

    Sheet ma sk

    25 ml X 3sh ee t

    Mois tu re pe ne tra tio n , b ea uty e sse nc e ma sk .Ti red sk in of vit amin

    Withto mat osa u ce

    Ju st frie d , p ipi ng ho t, cri spy .

    N ot sto p On ce o ut to ea t.Le t's go t o b uy a no the r b e for e t ha t

    Ju st frie d , p ipi ng ho t, cri spy .

    N ot sto p On ce o ut to ea t.Le t's go t o b uy a no the r b e for e t ha t

    10 0g (3 .5 oz)10 0g (3 .5 oz)


    Pass the datavia USB

    P&C was performed by simply reading the barcode!

    Wit h


    Ju st f r ie d, pi p in g ho t , c ri sp y.N ot st op O n c e ou t t o e at .Le t' s go to b u y an ot he r be fo r e t ha t r un s ou t !

    Ju st f r ie d, pi p in g ho t , c ri sp y.N ot st op O n c e ou t t o e at .Le t' s go to b u y an ot he r be fo r e t ha t r un s ou t !

    100g(3.5oz )100g(3.5oz )

    Sheet mask

    25ml X 3sheet

    Moist ure pene tr at ion , bea uty esse nce ma sk .

    Tir ed ski n of vit amin d ef icie ncy i s , in gl ossy bea uti ful skin .




    to ma tosauc e

    J ust fried, piping hot, crispy.No t s top O nce out to eat.Le t's go to buy another be fo re that runs out !

    J ust fried, piping hot, crispy.No t s top O nce out to eat.Le t's go to buy another be fo re that runs out !




    b ft b th bb

    ot, crisp y.crisp y.ed, , ppipiing heded,d, ppippippipipippinpininnginngngng hhhhohohoot,t, ccrcririsispsp ypy.y.op OO ncee oute out to eat.opop OOO ncncecee ououutut toto eaeaat.t.

    y another bher before tha t runs out !o too buyo totoo bbubuyuyy anannootnooththeheer bbeefofoorere ththahatat ruruunsns ouut !Sheet mask

    25 ml X 3 sheet

    Mo ist u re pe n et r at i on , b ea ut y e ssen c e ma sk .

    Ti re d ski n o f v it a min de f ic ie nc y i s , in g lo ssy

    b ea ut i f ul ski n .

    Print DataWi th


    Just fr ied , pipi ng h ot, cr ispy.Not st op Once out t o e at.Let' s go to buy anot her bef or e t hat r uns out !

    Just fr ied , pipi ng h ot, cr ispy.Not st op Once out t o e at.Let' s go to buy anot her bef or e t hat r uns out !

    10 0g (3. 5o z)10 0g (3. 5o z)

    Wit h


    spy.spy.st fr ied , ppi pingg hhot , cri spst fr ifr i er ieded,d, pipip ipi npi ngng hohoot ,t , ccrr isisspypy.y.ot sto p O nOn ce ooutut t o ea tt stop O n t .stot opop OOOnOnncnncece ouououtut t t ot o eea t .

    bef or e t hat r uns out !buy ananot her bt 's go t o bt 's ggogo t ot ot ot o bbbuuyuy ananano bebef hatnotot ht heheer bbeef ofoor er e t ht hahatat rrr uununsns ououtut t !!

    Shee t mask

    25 ml X 3she et

    Mo is tu r e p e ne t ra ti o n , be a u ty es se n c e ma s k .

    T ire d s k in o f vi ta mi n d e fic ie n c y is , in g lo s sy

    b e a u tif ul s ki n .


    Pass the datavia USB

    I easily produced it!


    Cutting Master 4SupportedSoftware

    Graphtec Pro StudioGraphtec Pro Studio Plus

    *1 FCX2000 Series only. Cutting accuracy is not guaranteed.

  • High-intensity reflective film Self-adhesive marking filmHighly-functional filmCardboard / Compressed foam sheetIndustrial Goods Window DisplayTraffic SignageGarment / Shoe Pattern

    Improved application software

    Easy-to-use application software for creating original designs. It has enhanced functions such as auto-shapes, shading, and editing functions. It can also configure the cutting conditions and other settings on the plotter. Importing of EPS, Ai*, CMX*, and PDF* file types are supported. Graphics created with other popular design software can be imported into the software.



    For MAC OS user


    Graphtec Pro Studio Plus is the enhanced edition of Graphtec Pro Studio. It is optional so ftware with funct ions for improving productivity and advanced design. Additional functions include: transformation of characters and graphics, automatic sequence number insertion, barcode creation, templates for rhinestone creation, nesting, directional change of cutting lines, changing cutting order, and more.

    Advanced software

    Table size and Media hold-down method

    FCX2000 Series FCX4000 Series

    Size: mm

    Electrostatic adsorption systemIn the FCX4000, assuming use in offices and small shop, The e lec trost at ic adsorpt ion system is adopted for both model, which makes less noise than other method such as vacuum suction system during the operation.

    Electrostatic adsorption systemHolds media by electrostatic that i s g ene ra te d by e l e c t r od e s arranged inside the panel. This option is most suitable for cutting light weight materials.

    Vacuum suction systemHolds media using external pump (blower). This option is most suitable for heavy or thicker materials.

    Provided tools suitable for many applications

    Creasing / scoring toolPM-CT-002 is a new tool. This reduces peeling and cracking on the printed surface during the creasing/scoring process compared to our existing models.* For FCX2000 Series

    Size: mm

    Vacuum suction








    Electrostatic (*)Vacuum suction




    (*: Available in limited region.)

    Loupe for cutting bladeThe Loupe is a standard accessory used to ea s i ly ad jus t ex truded blade length with the PHP33 and PHP35 blade holders.

    Cutting Master 4 is Graphtec plug-in software for Adobe I l lustrator and CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. It sends cut data to the plotter and includes a variety of functions such as: preview, registration mark creation, tool conditions, cut job settings and more. Cutting Master 4 is easy to use and enables you to get the best performance from your plotter.

    Graphicsdesign software


    For heavy paper (CP-002)*

    For cardboard (CP-003)*

    For heavy paper (CP-001)

    For curves on heavy paper (PM-CT-002)

    * It is available on the Graphtec Pro Studio.

    Win Mac

    Cling mat systemFurther, By using the optional cling mat, it is also possible to cut media that can not be s e c u r e l y f i x e d b y t h e e lec trost at ic adsorpt ion system.







    A3+A3+ A3+




    Limited Edition Software Graphtec Pro Studio Plus for Rhinestone Graphtec Pro Studio Plus for Auto Nesting


  • FCX2000-4000_JE10529_4P

    For using equipmentin correctly and safely

    Before using it, please read the user manual and then please use it properly in accordance with the description. To avoid an occurrence of malfunction or an electric shock by leakage, please ensure ground connection and use it in specified power source.

    503-10 Shinano-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama 244-8503, JapanTel : +81-45-825-6250 Fax : +81-45-825-6396 Email : [email protected]

    Website http://www.graphteccorp.com

    Brand names and product names listed in this brochure are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Items mentioned are subject to change without notice. For more information about product, please check the web site or contact your local representative.

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