Graphical User Interface To The Payroll/Personnel System EDB Inquiry Requirements Service Request 15128 Final June 22, 2000 Revised September 22, 2000 Revised April 6, 2001 Information Resources and Communications

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Graphical User InterfaceTo The

Payroll/Personnel System

EDB Inquiry Requirements

Service Request 15128


June 22, 2000Revised September 22, 2000

Revised April 6, 2001

Information Resources and Communications

Table of Contents

Background.......................................................................................................... 1

Scope................................................................................................................... 2

General Strategies ............................................................................................... 3

Issues/Assumptions ............................................................................................. 6

System Access screens ....................................................................................... 7

Home Page.............................................................................................................................8Logon page.............................................................................................................................9PPS Main Menu page ...........................................................................................................10

EDB Inquiry Screens.......................................................................................... 11

Welcome to PPS EDB Inquiry Page ......................................................................................14Employee Selection Page .....................................................................................................15Browse Page.........................................................................................................................17Personal Information Page....................................................................................................18Address Information Page.....................................................................................................20Employment Status Information Page....................................................................................22Appointment and Distribution Information Page .....................................................................24Labor Relations Information Page .........................................................................................28Retirement Information Page.................................................................................................29Citizenship/Visa Status Page.................................................................................................31Pay Disposition Information Page..........................................................................................33Benefits Enrollment Information Page....................................................................................34Family Member Enrollments Page.........................................................................................40Future Benefits Enrollment Information Page.........................................................................41Tax Information Page............................................................................................................42Leave Accrual History Page ..................................................................................................44Hours Balances Page...........................................................................................................45Financial Aid Information Page..............................................................................................47Work Study Information Page................................................................................................48Licenses and Certificates Page .............................................................................................50

Code Translation Table...................................................................................... 51

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 1


A proposal to add a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to the Payroll/PersonnelSystem (PPS) originally came up in the New Payroll/Personnel (NPP) WorkGroup several years ago. It was deferred at the end of that project because thestate of technology at that time was not considered adequate. It would haverequired that each PC that needed to access a GUI-to-PPS application havespecial software installed, and this was deemed to be infeasible.

When the Employee Systems Task Force (ESTF) was convened in 1997, theoutstanding projects from the NPP Work Group were reviewed. GUI interface toPPS was again brought forward as a desirable product. Technological advanceshave made the project feasible at this time. In addition, while most of theprojects brought forward by the Employee Systems Task Force are currentlyawaiting funding approval, three campuses (UCSD, UCI, and UCR) have offeredtechnical support to develop a GUI interface for PPS. This means the projectcan go forward independently of ESTF project funding.

Two work groups have been established to work on the GUI to PPS project:

• A technical group consisting of staff from the three volunteercampuses and UCOP.

This group is charged with selecting the appropriate hardware andsoftware, and with programming the applications.

• A functional group consisting of staff from all nine campuses andUCOP.

This group is charged with developing functional requirements forthe applications.

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This document represents the first phase of requirements prepared by thefunctional group. It addresses overall presentation, navigation, and selectionissues for a graphical user interface to PPS, as well as providing thespecifications for a GUI version of the existing employee database function, EDBDepartmental Inquiry. The functional group was charged with developingrequirements for a web-based EDB Inquiry application that is targeted toward thedepartmental user. New functionality will not be added as part of this project,since any new data elements, reports, edits, etc. would have to be considered forsupport in the existing batch and CICS versions of PPS.

Except for making some general recommendations, the following items wereconsidered to be outside the scope of these requirements:

• Selection of graphics• Selection of color for text and background• Selection of font type• Selection and specification of an on-line Help product• Authentication and authorization rules

While these specific items are not addressed in these requirements, thefunctional group is prepared to consult with the technical group or other partiesworking on the application, and/or to prepare additional requirements if the needis identified during the development of the application.

Subsequent phases have not yet been defined. A GUI front end for PPSdatabase update is one application under consideration.

During the development of these requirements, the group developed mock-upscreens using Visual Page. These screens are intended to indicate the datagroupings, field labels, field formatting, and basic navigation. These fields will bemade available to the technical development group. However, these screens willmost likely not be maintained during the development of the project, so if thereare discrepancies between the sample screens and any information in therequirements document, the requirements document should be considered to bethe more current information. It is expected that the technical and functionalgroups will work together to resolve any such inconsistencies.

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General Strategies

1. The graphical user interface will be web based

2. Initial access will be from a ‘home page’ of some kind. This may vary fromlocation to location.

3. A logon page will be provided for entry of USERID and password, or forentry of digital certificates. The USERID and password may be the sameas those used for access to CICS EDB Inquiry screens. This will need tobe coordinated with ARSM rules and other campus rules governingaccess to data (see issues).

4. Session Management

• a session will be established once a successful login has beenachieved

• each session will have a time-out period established andmaintained on the most recent interaction between the user and theapplication

• if the time-out expires with no interaction from the user during thatperiod, the session for that login will expire

5. Links may be provided to other sites, such as Employee Self ServiceSystems (UC For Yourself) at UCOP.

6. A PPS Main Menu page will provide the available options for accessingPPS applications. At first, only EDB Inquiry and Employee browse will beavailable. Other applications will be added as developed.

7. English will be the common language for displaying all labels, messages,data fields, and text.

8. “Frames” will be used on application screens. This will allow for a certainamount of standardization across PPS applications. For example, a topheader frame could be a banner with organization identification and basicnavigation (such as back to the home page), a side frame could containthe application selections, and a main, large frame could contain the datafor display and or transactions. The header frame will also display theemployee identification once the user has selected a specific employeerecord to view, so that this information remains visible as the user scrollsdown to look at data.

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9. Ability to specify next employee will be provided (by providing an inputarea on each screen and/or by displaying a selection in the left framewhich can be clicked to specify ‘request another employee).

10. Users will be allowed to select employee records by Employee Name,Employee Social Security Number, or Employee ID.

11. Data values on screens will be shown with both the code value and thetranslation, whenever possible.

12. Translations for EDB data elements will be retrieved from the CodeTranslation Table (CTT) or other PPS Control Tables whenever possible.

13. Highly abbreviated field labels will be avoided whenever possible.

14. An on-line Help function will be provided. See issues.

15. Navigation

• Navigation will be allowed to any selection shown in the selectionframe. Clicking there will take the user to that screen for the sameemployee currently being viewed.

• Navigation will be allowed from any application screen to the samescreen for a different employee. The user will enter the nextemployee name or SSN or ID in the input area for ‘next employee’.

16. It is assumed that there is no need for an audit trail showing activity inEDB Inquiry. If a GUI version of database update is developed, it isassumed that it will create the standard Employee Change File (ECF) asan audit record.

17. Authorization checking will be done on the PPS Main Menu page. If theuser tries to select an application for which he is not authorized, amessage will be issued.

18. A 'print page' function will be provided. The user will be allowed to selectan option to print the data on the current page. This includes data in the

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header frame, as well as all data in the data frame. It is not necessary toprint the left frame selections.

19. Dates will generally be displayed in the format mm/dd/yy. Birth dates willbe displayed in the format mm/dd/ccyy. Certain specified dates aredisplayed in mm/yy format. Dates which are 'initial values' (01/01/0001)should be displayed as blank.

20. Fields which are dollar amounts will be formatted without the dollar sign,but with commas and decimals as appropriate (i.e. n,nnn.nn). Leadingzeroes should be suppressed. If a dollar amount is zero, it should bedisplayed as .00.

21. In general, non-dollar numeric fields with a value of zero will be displayedas a single zero (i.e. 0). On an exception basis, these may be displayedas blank.

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1. Access to EDB data (security): Currently ARSM rules govern whichemployee records a given user can access. We are deferring to thetechnical group to make recommendations as to how to control this in aGUI application. Can/should we “piggyback” off of existing ARSM rules, oris a totally separate mechanism required?

2. This document works with the concept of ‘frames’ on each page. It is feltthat most users will have browsers which support the use of frames, but itis possible some older browsers may not.

3. WHO (browse) function: in CICS, the user is taken to a browse screen thatprovides the ability to view the name, ID, and SSN for all employees onthe EDB. This may not be feasible in a web environment. If this is thecase, perhaps we can bring in xx number of employees on either ‘side’ ofthe entered data? For example, if the user enters a name of 'SMITH,J',and that name is not unique in the database, the 30 names alphabeticallybefore and after the entered name would be displayed. Also consider thatwe may not want to display SSN numbers on the browse screen. Somelocations have disabled this in the CICS browse for privacy reasons.

4. HELP functions. We’re not clear if we can use the existing on-line helpfunctions, or if an entirely new system must be developed. Translatingmost values on the screen will eliminate the need for looking up thetranslation of the value being displayed, but users may want to see theother valid values.

5. In some cases the requirements specify that the display of data be 'smart',in the sense that a specific field or group of fields would not appear if thereis no data, or the labels would be different. For example, if there are noenrolled family members, display a literal "There are no enrolled familymembers for this employee' rather than showing a blank page. Thefunctional group is willing to reconsider these requests if it turns out thereare technical problems with this approach.

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System Access screens

The following screens will precede the actual EDB Inquiry application screens.These screens will not be specified in detail in these requirements. Thesescreens may be ‘shared’ with other applications, so coordination will have to bedone to establish the appropriate ‘look and feel’, and to make sure campusdifferences in security access are accommodated.

Home page – for initial access to applications. This may or may not be acampus-specific screen.

Logon page – to authenticate user; enter digital certificate or USERID andpassword.

PPS Main Menu page - to select specific application, authorize access to thatapplication.

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Home Page

As a starting point, we will assume that development of a home page is outsidethe scope of these requirements. This assumption can be reexamined ifnecessary later in the project.

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Logon page

This is intended only as a general example.

Title ‘Logon’

Text ‘Log in to access Payroll/Personnel System applications.

Enter your USERID and your passwordOREnter your digital certificate’

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeUSERID Text box InputPassword Text box (masked) InputCertificate Input


Submit to the PPS Main Menu page


USERID not foundPassword not matched to USERIDPassword expiredToo few digits entered for passwordToo few digits entered for USERIDCertificate validation

Note that a project to develop and support digital certificates is currently inprogress at UC Office of the President.

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PPS Main Menu page

The PPS Main Menu page contains links to each PPS application. Initially it willcontain links only to EDB Inquiry.

Title ‘Payroll/Personnel System Main Menu’

Text 'The Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) Main Menu provides access to PPSapplications.

Click on the application you want to access:'

FieldsLabel Type/length Source Mode


Click on EDB Inquiry link to Welcome to PPS EDB Inquiry PageClick on other links to be determinedLogoff to Home Page


Not authorized for selected application USERID not authorized to access EDBInquiry (or other selected application)

Application currently not available

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EDB Inquiry Screens

Standard Screen Format

Each inquiry screen will be formatted in three sections (frames).

• Frame 1 will appear on the left-hand side of the screen and consistof the Inquiry options and a logout (exit) option

• Frame 2 will appear across the top of the page (for graphics, helplink, and employee identification data when applicable*)

• Frame 3 contains the Inquiry data available to the application.

Frame 2

Frame 1 Frame 3

* Employee identification header for frame 2 will contain a standard heading withthe following information:

• Employee Name• Employee SSN• Employee ID• Employee’s employment status• Employee's Pay Schedule translation• Employee’s Home Department translated name• Userid used to access the application• Current Date and Time of first display of screen

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Standard Navigation linkages

• available options in left frame• same page for different employee by entering a valid employee

identifier• if no match on employee name entered by user, display browse

screen with ‘near matches’/once selected, return to screen fromwhich browse was called; if no match on Employee ID or SSN,issue error message

Data Groupings

During the course of development of these requirements, the group identified thefollowing groupings of data:

• General Information• Labor Relations Information• Personal Information• Employment Information• Appointment/Distribution Information• Benefits Information• Retirement Information• Citizenship Information• Tax Information• Check/Direct Deposit Information• Hours Balances Information• Leave Accrual• License and Certificate Information• Work Study and Financial Aid Information

Additionally, some categories may be “sub categories” of other categories. Forexample, the group suggested that the user might select the main category“Employment”, and that would give access to basic employment data plusappointment/distribution data.

Note: As a starting point, the GUI group felt that all data elements currentlydisplayed on the departmental EDB Inquiry screens should be included in theweb version. However, individual elements may be eliminated if the groupconcurs. For example, the group agreed that ‘Generation Number’ did not needto be included. During subsequent discussions and review, it was decided thatcertain complete groups of information were not required for the targetdepartmental audience. These were:

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• Senior Management Severance Pay Data• Health Sciences Severance Pay Data• Layoff Data• Layoff Seniority Credit Data• University Contribution Indicator Data• U.S. Savings Bonds Data

Also, the group agreed that data elements should appear on more than onescreen when appropriate. For example, it was felt that the employee levelcollective bargaining data elements would be helpful on the General Informationscreen, the Employment screen, and possibly the Appointment/Distributionscreen.

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Welcome to PPS EDB Inquiry Page

Title 'Welcome to PPS EDB Inquiry.'

Text 'The Payroll/Personnel System (PPS) EDB Inquiry allows you to viewemployee information.

To access an employee's information, select the employee on the EmployeeSelect page, and then choose the data to be viewed by selecting one of theoptions on the left side of the page. To view additional information for the sameemployee, click on another option on the left. To view information for a differentemployee, enter the employee to be viewed in the "Select Another Employee"section at the bottom of each page.'


Continue to the Employee Selection pageMain Menu To the PPS Main Menu page

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Employee Selection Page

Title ‘Employee Selection’

Text 'Select an Employee record to view by entering the Name, SSN, orEmployee ID, and then click on an option from the left.

To view a list of employees, select BROWSE.

Note: Name should be entered last name, first name middle initial. Example:Washington,George S'

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeName 26 Input

SSN nnn-nn-nnnn InputID 9 Input


PersonalAddressEmploymentAppointmentsLabor RelationsBenefitsRetirementCitizenshipTaxesHours BalancesPay DispositionLeave AccrualLicensesFinancial AidWork StudyNext Employee re-display Employee Selection pageBrowse to Employee Browse PageMain Menu to PPS Main Menu Page


Invoke ARSM rules to determine if userhas access to the selected employeerecord

Display message 'Not authorized toview this employee's record'

No match on entered name Display message 'No match on entered

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Name, use Browse'No match on entered SSN Display message 'No match on entered

SSN, use Browse'No match on entered ID Display message 'No match on entered

ID, use Browse'allow 3 characters in 1st box, 2characters in 2nd box, and 4 charactersin 3rd box

If too few digits in SSN, or non numericcharacters

Display message 'Invalid SSN. Re-enter SSN'

allow only 9 characters to be entered

Too few digits in ID, or non numericcharacters

Display message 'Invalid ID. Re-enterID'.

Name field allow only 26 characters to be entered

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Browse Page

Title ‘Employee Browse’

Text ‘Select an Employee record to view and then click an option from the left.'

FieldLabel Type/length Source ModeName 26 EDB 0105 DisplaySSN nnn-nn-nnnn EDB 0111 DisplayID 9 DisplayHome Department 15 EDB 0114 Home

Dept Tabletranslation



Left frame selections To the corresponding page for theselected employee, or to EmployeeSelection or Main Menu


If selection is made from left frame,other than 'Employee Selection,Browse, or Main Menu', and noemployee has been selected.

Display message 'Select employeerecord to be displayed'.

Invoke ARSM rules to determine if userhas access to the selected employeerecord

Display message 'Not authorized toview this employee's data'.

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Personal Information Page

Title ‘Personal Information’

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModePermanent Address 30


EDB 0204EDB 0205EDB 0206EDB 0207EDB 0208EDB 1119EDB 1120EDB 1118Foreign CountryTable


Home Phone nnn-nnn-nnnn EDB 0210 DisplaySpouse Name 25 EDB 0312 DisplayForeign AddressIndicator

1 EDB 0291 Display

Campus Address 30302125

EDB 0331EDB 0332EDB 0333EDB 0334EDB 0335


Campus Release CodesPermanent Address Home Phone Spouse Name

1 + 201 + 201 + 20

EDB 0244EDB 0245EDB 0246and CTTtranslations


Employee OrganizationRelease Codes Permanent Address Home Phone

1 + 201 + 20

EDB 0247EDB 0248 andCTT translations


Citizenship 1 + 18 EDB 0109 andCTT translation


Gender 1 + 6 EDB 0108 andtranslation


Ethnicity 1 + 15 (or 31) EDB 0112 andtranslation


Vietnam Veteran Status 1 + 30 EDB 0350 andtranslation


Expedition VeteranStatus

1 + 30 EDB 0345 andtranslation


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Label Type/length Source ModeVeteran Disabled Status 1 + 30 EDB 0351 and


Disabled Status 1 + 15 EDB 0352 andtranslation


Date of Birth mm/dd/ccyy EDB 0107 DisplayPrevious Name 26 EDB 0313 DisplayPrevious ID 9 EDB 0147 Display


Left frame selections to the corresponding page for the sameemployee record or to EmployeeSelection, Browse, or Main Menu


Use foreign address indicator todetermine which address fields todisplay.

If Foreign address indicator (EDB 0291)= ‘A’ or blank, display State (EDB 0207)and ZIP code (EDB 0208). If Foreignaddress indicator = ‘F’, display Province(EDB 1120), postal code (EDB 1119),and Country (EDB 1118).

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Address Information Page

Title ‘Address Information’

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModePermanent Address 30


EDB 0204EDB 0205EDB 0206EDB 0207EDB 0208EDB 1119EDB 1120EDB 1118FCT translation


Home Phone nnn-nnn-nnnn EDB 0210 DisplaySpouse Name 25 EDB 0312 DisplayForeign AddressIndicator

1 EDB 0291 Display

Campus Address 30302125

EDB 0331EDB 0332EDB 0333EDB 0334EDB 0335


Campus Release CodesPermanent Address Home Phone Spouse Name

1 + space + 201 + space + 201 + space + 20

EDB 0244EDB 0245EDB 0246and CTTtranslations


Employee OrganizationRelease Codes Permanent Address Home Phone

1 + space + 201 + space + 20

EDB 0247EDB 0248and CTTtranslations



Left frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee record or to EmployeeSelection, Browse, or Main Menu

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Use foreign address indicator todetermine which address fields todisplay.

If Foreign address indicator (EDB 0291)= ‘A’ or blank, display State (EDB 0207)and ZIP code (EDB 0208). If Foreignaddress indicator = ‘F’, display Province(EDB 1120), postal code (EDB 1119),and Country (EDB 1118).

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Employment Status Information Page

Title ‘Employment Status Information’

Text "View Appointment/Distribution Information.'

Note: This page provides a link from employee-level employment data toappointment/distribution data.

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeHiredDate of Hire Date

mm/dd/yyEDB 0113 Display

Original Date of Hire Datemm/dd/yy

EDB 0704 Display

PIN Signature Date Datemm/dd/yy

EDB 0750 Display

I-9 Date Datemm/dd/yy

EDB 0284 Display

Oath Date Datemm/dd/yy

EDB 0705 Display

LeaveLeave Begin Date Date

mm/dd/yyEDB 0137 Display

Leave Return Date Datemm/dd/yy

EDB 0138 Display

Leave of Absence type 2 + 30 EDB 0139 andCTT translation


SeparationLast Day on Pay Status Date

mm/dd/yyEDB 0189 Display

Separation Date Datemm/dd/yy

EDB 0140 Display

Separation ReasonCode

2 + 20 EDB 0141 andCTT translation


Separation Destination 1 + 19 EDB 0142 andCTT translation


Salary ReviewNext Salary ReviewDate


EDB 0136 Display

Next Salary ReviewType

1 + 25 EDB 0135 andCTT translation


Student StatusStudent Status Code 1 + 21 EDB 0119 and

CTT translationDisplay

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Label Type/length Source ModeNumber of RegisteredUnits

nn.n EDB 0237 Display

Labor Relations InformationEmployee RelationsCode

1 + 21 EDB 0160 andCTT translation


Collective BargainingUnit Code

2 + 42 EDB 0161 andCTT translation


Employee Unit Code 1 + 23 EDB 0255 andCTT translation


EmployeeRepresentation Code

1 + 13 EDB 0295 andCTT translation


Employee SpecialHandling Code 1

EDB 0256 Display

Employee DistributionUnit Code 1

EDB 0257 Display


Left frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee record, or to EmployeeSelection, Browse, or Main Menu

Link to Appointment/DistributionThis link should be presented at boththe top and the bottom of the page.

To the Appointment Summary page

Link to Labor Relations To the Labor Relations pageReturn to top of page


None required

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Appointment and Distribution Information Page

Appointment Summary

SubTitle ‘Appointment Summary’

Text ‘Click on the appointment or scroll down to see detailed appointment anddistribution information.’FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeAppointment nn 11 + 2 Literal

'Appointment' andEDB 2001

Link todetailedsection forappt/dist

(no label)Title Code andtranslation

4 + 30 EDB 2006 andTCT translation


(no label)AppointmentDepartment

6 + 30 EDB 2032 andtranslation fromHome DepartmentTable


Begin Datemm/dd/yy

EDB 2002 Display

End Date mm/dd/yy EDB 2003 DisplayPers Prog 1 EDB 2007 DisplayType 1 EDB2020 DisplayGrade 2 EDB 2008 DisplayRate nnn,nnn.nn (if

annual)n,nnn.nnnn (ifhourly)

EDB 2014 Display

% Time n.nn EDB 2012 DisplayF/V 1 EDB 2013 DisplayFLSA 1 EDB 2005 Display


If there are no appointments for thisemployee record, display text onscreen.

"This employee has no appointmentinformation recorded"

Display of appointment pay rate Display appointment pay rate asnn,nnn.nn if the Appointment RateCode (EDB 2015) is 'A' or 'B'. Displayappointment pay rate as nnnn.nnnn ifthe Appointment Rate Code is 'H'.

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Appointment/Distribution Detail

SubTitle ‘Appointment/Distribution Detail’

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeAppointment 2 EDB 2001 Display(no label)Title Code Translation

30 TCT translation ofEDB 2006


Department 6 + 30 EDB 2032 andHome Departmenttranslation


Title Code 4 EDB 2006 DisplayAnn/Hr. Rate $nnn,nnn.nn


EDB 2014 Display

Grade 2 EDB 2008 DisplayBegin Date mm/dd/yy EDB 2002 DisplayRate Code 1 + 12 EDB 2015 and

CTT translationDisplay

Program/Type 1 + 9'/'1 + 12Example:1 Staff /2 Career

EDB 2007 andCTT translationliteral '/"EDB 2020 andCTT translation


End Date mm/dd/yy EDB 2003 DisplayBasis/Paid Code 5

nn/nnEDB 2010/EDB2011


Leave Accrual 1 + 30 EDB 2018 andCTT translation


Duration 1 + 11 EDB 2004 andCTT translation


% Time 4n.nn

EDB 2012 Display

Pay Schedule 2 + 15 EDB 2016 andCTT translation


TUC/AREP 2 + 24/1 + 10

EDB 2029 andCTT translationEDB 2031 andCTT translation


Fixed/Variable 1 + 8 EDB 2013 andCTT translation


Time Code 1 + 20 EDB 2017 andCTT translation


FLSA 1 + 9 EDB 2004 and Display

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Label Type/length Source ModeCTT translation

Dist # 2 EDB 2041 Displayno labelaccount numbertranslation

30 from AFP Display

Full Accounting Unit x-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-x

EDB 2043EDB 2044EDB 2045EDB 2046EDB 2042EDB 2048


format atcampusoption

Begin Date mm/dd/yy EDB 2053 DisplayEnd Date mm/dd/yy EDB 2054 DisplayDist % n.nnnn EDB 2052 DisplayFTE n.nn EDB 2051 DisplayRate n,nnn.nnnn


EDB 2055 Display

DOS 3 EDB 2056 DisplayStep 3 EDB 2049 DisplayO/A 1 + 9 EDB 2050 and

CTT translationDisplay

PRQ 3 EDB 2057 DisplayDUC 1 EDB 2059 DisplayWSP 1 + 18 EDB 2062 and

CTT translationDisplay


Left frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee or to EmployeeSelection, Browse, or Main menu

Link to individual appointment To the first line for the selectedappointment

Return to Appointment Summary To the top of the page


If there are no appointments for thisemployee record, display text onscreen.

"This employee has no appointmentinformation recorded"

Display of appointment pay rate Display appointment pay rate as

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 27

nn,nnn.nn if the Appointment RateCode (EDB 2015) is 'A' or 'B'. Displayappointment pay rate as n,nnn.nnnn ifthe Appointment Rate Code is 'H'.

Display of distribution pay rate Display distribution pay rate asnnn,nnn.nn if the Appointment RateCode (EDB 2015) is ‘A’ or ‘B’.Display distribution pay rate asn,nnn.nnnn if the Appointment RateCode (EDB 2015) is ‘H’.

Note the following fields that are displayed on the CICS Appointment Summary(IAPS) screen and the Appointment/Distribution (IAPP) screen will not beincluded on this screen:

Gen NumberLeave of Absence Begin DateLeave of Absence Return DateLeave of Absence Type

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Labor Relations Information Page

Title ‘Labor Relations Information’

5/9/00 Note: The EDB Inquiry functional group has requested changes tothis screen that are not yet incorporated in this document. The changesinvolve adding appointment level information, so that all the employee'scollective bargaining affiliations are shown. This will be revisited in light offair share and dues to multiple units, and will be brought forward as aseparate service request.FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeEmployee RelationsCode

EDB 0160 Display

Collective BargainingUnit Code

EDB 0161 Display

Employee Unit Code EDB 0255 DisplayEmployeeRepresentation Code

EDB 0295 Display

Employee SpecialHandling

EDB 0256 Display

Employee DistributionUnit Code

EDB 0257 Display


Left frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee, or to the EmployeeSelect, Browse, or Main Menu.


None required

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Retirement Information Page

Title ‘Retirement Information’

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeRetirement Eligibility 1 + 5 EDB 0122 and

CTT translationDisplay

FICA Eligibility 1 + 14 EDB 0120and CTTtranslation


FICA/RetirementDerivation Indicator

1 + 20 EDB 0238 andCTT translation


Covered CompensationLimit Code

1 + 17 EDB 0236 andCTT translation


Defined ContributionPlan

1 + 34 EDB 0129 andCTT translation


403(b) Maximum AnnualContribution (MAC)


EDB 6008U(whole dollars)


Last Change to MAC Datemm/dd/yy

EDB 0279 Display

GTN (column header) 3 EDB 6nnn DisplayPlan (column header) 24 CTT translation for

CTLLBL for thecorrespondingGTN number


Current Deduction(column header)

nn,nnn.nn EDB 6nnnG Display

Effective Date(column header)


EDB 7nnnE Display

Year-to-Date Amount(column header)

nn,nnn.nn EDB 6nnnY Display

(no header)

indication of whetherGTN amount reducesFWT gross

9 LITERAL‘Reduction’ ifGTN reducesFWT gross

‘Deduction’ if GTNdoes not reduceFWT gross


Note the following fields that are displayed on the CICS IRTR screen will not beincluded on this screen:

Total Gross

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 30

FWT GrossRetirement GrossSafe Harbor GrossMedicare GrossOASDI Gross

Any GTN data where the GTN Group is ‘T’ (Taxes)GTN Priority NumberQuarter-to-Date Amount (since none of the retirement GTNs are accumulated ona quarter-to-date basis)


Left Frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee record, or to theEmployee Selection, Browse, or MainMenu.


Selection of GTN array entries todisplay on this screen

Display GTN entries where the GTNGroup Code from the GTN Table is ‘R’,Retirement, AND where the G-balance(current deduction) OR the Y-balance(year-to-date amount) is not initialvalues.

Display of 'Reduction' or 'Deduction' Display 'Deduction' if GTN Type Codefrom the GTN Table = 'D'Display 'Reduction' if GTN Type Codefrom the GTN Table = 'R'

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 31

Citizenship/Visa Status Page

Title ‘Citizenship/Visa Status’

Note: This screen provides links to the Tax Information page and the AddressInformation page.

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeCitizenship Status 1 + 18 EDB 0109

and CTTtranslation


Visa Type 2 EDB 0110 DisplayWork Permit End Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0184 DisplayU.S. Date of Entry mm/dd/yy EDB 1169 DisplayI-9 Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0284 DisplayCountry of Residency 2 + 30 EDB 0143 and

translation fromForeign CountryTable


Form 8233 Indicator 1 + 20 EDB 0167 andCTT translation


Tax Treaty Income Code 2 EDB 1170 Display

Tax Treaty End Date mm/yy EDB 1172 DisplayAlternate Tax TreatyIncome Code

2 EDB 1171 Display

YTD Income for TaxTreaty


EDB 5537 Display

Alternate YTD Incomefor Tax Treaty


EDB 5538 Display

ETD Tax Treaty Gross n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5539 DisplayArticle Number 3 EDB 1173 DisplayIncome Limit Numeric

nn,nnn.nnEDB 1174 Display

Note the following fields that are displayed on the CICS IALN screen will not beincluded on this screen:

Retirement CodeFICA Eligibility CodeFWT Marital StatusFWT Withholding AllowancesFWT Maximum AllowancesSWT Marital Status

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 32

SWT Withholding Allowances – PersonalSWT Withholding Allowances – ItemizedSWT Maximum AllowancesNon-UC Health Insurance Expiration DateAddress fieldsForeign Address IndicatorForeign Address Country CodeYTD Tax Treaty Gross


Left Frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee record, or to theEmployee Selection, Browse, or MainMenu

View tax information To the Tax Information page.View address information To the Address Information page.


None required

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 33

Pay Disposition Information Page

Title ‘Pay Disposition Information’

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModePay Disposition Code 1 + 20 EDB 0201 and translation DisplayDirect Deposit InformationBank 5 + 35 EDB 0230 and Bank Name

from Surepay Bank TableDisplay

Bank Transit Routing 9 from Surepay Bank Table DisplayAccount Type 1 + 8 EDB 0226 and CTT translation DisplayAccount Number 17 EDB 0225 DisplayPrenote Status 1 + 35 EDB 0227 and CTT translation DisplaySurepay Activation 10

mm/dd/yyEDB 0228 Display

Prenote Cycle 2 + 15 EDB 0229 and CTT translation Display

30 EDB 030130 EDB 030221 EDB 03032 EDB 0304

Check Address

5 EDB 0305



Left Frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee record, or to EmployeeSelect, Browse, Main Menu


If pay disposition code is not equal ‘8’ do not display direct depositinformation (EDB 230, 225, 226, 227,228, 229)

If pay disposition code is not equal to 5,6, or 7

do not display check addressinformation (EDB 301, 302, 303, 304,305)

If Prenote Cycle (EDB 0229) is blank do not translate

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 34

Benefits Enrollment Information Page

Title: Benefits Enrollment Information

Note: This page contains links to Future Benefits Enrollment Information and toFamily Member Enrollments

Fields - Medical/Dental/Vision/Legal dataLabel Length/type Source ModeAssigned BELI 1 + 18 EDB 0360 and

CTT translationDisplay

Derived BELI 1 + 18 EDB 0375 andCTT translation



2 + 18 EDB 0292 + CTTtranslation


Coverage Level 3 + 9 EDB 0293 + CTTtranslation


Coverage Eff Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0294 DisplayCoverage End Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0300 DisplayCost n,nnn.nn BRT table lookup Display(Dental)Plan

2 + 18 EDB 0272 + CTTtranslation


Coverage Level 3 + 9 EDB 0273 + CTTtranslation


Coverage Eff Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0274 DisplayCoverage End Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0271 DisplayCost n,nnn.nn BRT table lookup Display(Vision)Plan

2 + 18 EDB 0347 + CTTtranslation


Coverage Level 3 + 9 EDB 0348 + CTTtranslation


Coverage Eff Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0349 DisplayCoverage End Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0346 DisplayCost n,nnn.nn BRT table lookup Display(Legal)Plan

2 + 18 EDB 0353 + CTTtranslation


Coverage Level 3 + 9 EDB 0354 + CTTtranslation


Coverage Eff Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0355 DisplayCoverage End Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0380 DisplayCost n,nnn.nn BRT table lookup DisplayInsurance ReductionCode (TIP)

1 + 19 EDB 0299 + CTTtranslation


GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 35

Fields - Enrolled Family Member Summary dataLabel Length/Type Source ModeNo. 2 EDB 0632 DisplayFamily Member Name 26 EDB 0633 DisplayRelationship 1 + 20 EDB 0635 + CTT


Medical 7 literal based onEDB 0639


Dental 6 literal based onEDB 0640


Vision 6 literal based onEDB 0641



Legal 5 literal based onEDB 0642


GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 36

Fields - Other Insurance InformationLabel Length/Type Source Mode

Coverage 1 + 12 EDB 0123 andCTT translation


Salary Base /Cov. Amt.

always blank n/a Display

Effective Date always blank n/a Display

Short TermDisability

Cost 0.00 literal DisplayCoverage 3 + 22 EDB 0231 + CTT


Salary Base /Cov. Amt.

nn,nnn EDB 0232 Display

Effective Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0233 Display


Cost n,nnn.nn calculated usingBRT


Coverage 12 Literal based onEDB 0330


Salary Base /Cov. Amt.

nnn,nnn calculatedEDB0330 X 1000


Effective Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0451 Display

Basic Life

Cost 0.00 or blank based on EDB0330


Coverage 1 + 13 EDB 0276 andCTT translation


Salary Base /Cov. Amt.

nnn,nnn EDB 0275(X 1000)


Effective Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0277 Display


Cost n,nnn.nn calculated usingBRT


Coverage 1 + 36 EDB 0278 andCTT translation


Salary Base /Cov. Amt.

always blank n/a Display

Effective Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0188 Display

DependentLife Insurance

Cost n,nnn.nn calculated usingBRT


Coverage 1 + 21 EDB 0281andCTTtranslation


Salary Base /Cov. Amt.

nnn,nnn EDB 0280 X 1000 Display

Effective Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0282 Display


Cost n,nnn.nn calculated usingBRT


DepCare Amount n,nnn.nn +'per month'

EDB 6225G +literal


GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 37

Effective Date mm/dd/yy EDB 7225E Display


Left frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee, or to EmployeeSelection, Browse, or Main Menu

View Future Enrollments To the Future Benefits EnrollmentInformation page

View Family Member Enrollments To the Family Member Enrollmentspage

Return to top of page


Enrolled familymember plans

Display of enrolledfamily members onthe summary shouldshow only familymembers currentlyenrolled in one ormore plan.Dependent CoverageEffective Dates andDependent CoverageEnd Dates should beevaluated todetermine if thedependent iscurrently enrolled.

Print literals indicating the employee's and thedependent's enrollment in a given plan based oncoverage effective dates and end dates as follows:

First determine the employee's enrollment status.

If any of the following are true:

the employee's ECED (EDB 0454, 0455, 0456,0457) is later than today's date, orthe Coverage End Date (EDB 0300, 0271, 0346,0380) is earlier than today's date, orthe Plan code is 'XX', 'XC', 'XD', or blank

then no dependents should be displayed as beingenrolled in that plan.

If the employee is currently enrolled in a plan, thedependent data should be evaluated as follows:

If EDB 0639 is not = initial values, and is equal orlater than the current date, andIf EDB 0659 is initial values, or is later than today'sdate, display 'Medical'.

If EDB 0640 is not = initial values, and is equal orlater than the current date, andif EDB 0656 is initial values, or is later than today'sdate, display 'Dental'.

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 38

If EDB 0641 is not = initial values, and is equal orlater than the current date, andif EDB 0657 is initial values, or is later than today'sdate, display 'Vision'.

If EDB 0642 not = initial values, and is equal or laterthan the current date, andif EDB 0658 is initial values, or is later than today'sdate, display 'Legal'.

The literals should always be displayed in the ordermedical dental vision legal. The plans in which thedependent is enrolled should be separated by asingle space, even if the employee is not enrolled inall four plans (i.e. 'Medical Legal')

If the family member is not currently enrolled in anyof the four plans, no information should bedisplayed for that dependent.

Short Term DisabilityIf Short Term Disability Code (EDB 0123) is blank,display 'Not enrolled' in the Coverage column,display blanks in the Salary Base/Cov. Amt.column, and display blanks in the Cost column.


If Supplemental Disability Waiting Period (EDB0231) is zero, display 'Not Enrolled' in Coveragecolumn

Basic LifeIf Basic Life Insurance Coverage Code (EDB 0330)is zero or blank, display 'Not enrolled' in theCoverage column, display blanks in the SalaryBase/Cov. Amt. column, and display blanks in theCost column.

Otherwise, display 'Enrolled' in the Coveragecolumn, the coverage amount (EDB 0330 X 1000)in the Salary Base/Cov. Amt. column, and 0.00 inthe Cost column.

Supplemental LifeIf the Supplemental Life Insurance Coverage Code(EDB 0276) is blank, display 'Not Enrolled' in theCoverage column

Dependent Life If the Dependent Life Insurance Plan Code (EDB0278) is blank, display 'Not Enrolled' in theCoverage column

AD&D Insurance If the AD&D Coverage Code (EDB 0281) is blank,display 'Not Enrolled' in the Coverage column

Costs calculation For each plan in which the employee is enrolled,

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 39

calculate the cost from the Benefit Rates Table,using plan codes and coverage level. It issuggested that existing modules can be used forthe calculation.

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 40

Family Member Enrollments Page

Title ‘Family Member Enrollments’

Text 'Return to Benefits Enrollment Information.'

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeDep # 2 EDB 0632 DisplayName 26 EDB 0633 DisplayRelationship 1 + 20 EDB 635 + CTT


Birth Date mm/dd/ccyy EDB 0634 DisplaySSN nnn-nn-nnnn EDB 0636 DisplayGender 1 + 6 EDB 0637 and

CTT translationDisplay

Deenroll Control 1 + 20 EDB 0638 andCTT translation


date mm/dd/yy EDB 0639 DisplayMedicaldate mm/dd/yy EDB 0659 Displaydate mm/dd/yy EDB 0640 DisplayDentaldate mm/dd/yy EDB 0656 Displaydate mm/dd/yy EDB 0641 DisplayVisiondate mm/dd/yy EDB 0657 Displaydate mm/dd/yy EDB 0642 Display


Legaldate mm/dd/yy EDB 0658 Display


Left frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee, or to EmployeeSelection, Browse, or Main Menu

Return to Benefits EnrollmentInformation

To the Benefits Enrollment Informationfor the same employee


If there are no dependents Display message 'There are noenrolled family members for thisemployee'

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 41

Future Benefits Enrollment Information Page

Title ‘Future Benefits Enrollment Information’

Text 'Return to Benefits Enrollment Information'.

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeBenefit(column header)



Plan(column header)

2 + 18 EDB 0680EDB 0683EDB 0686EDB 0689 and CTTtranslations


Future Coverage EffDate


EDB 0681EDB 0684EDB 0687EDB 0690


Reason code 2 EDB 0682EDB 0685EDB 0688EDB 0691



Left frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee, or to EmployeeSelection, Browse, or Main Menu

To return to current enrollments, clickhere

To the Benefits Enrollment Informationfor the same employee


None required

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 42

Tax Information Page

Title ‘Tax Information’

FieldsLabel Type/length Source Mode

Marital Status 1 + 7 EDB 0127 + CTTtranslation


Allowances nnn EDB 0128 DisplayMaximumAllowances

nnn EDB 0320 Display

Additional Tax n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 6010G DisplayYTD TaxableGross

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5502 Display

YTD TaxesWithheld

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 6014Y Display


W-4 Process Date mm/dd/yyEDB 0338


Marital Status 1 + 17 EDB 0130 + CTTtranslation


Exemptions nnn EDB 0131 DisplayItemizedDeductions

nnn EDB 0132 Display


nnn EDB 0321 Display

Additional Tax n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 6011G DisplayYTD TaxableGross

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5506 Display

YTD TaxesWithheld

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 6012Y Display


DE4 Process Date mm/dd/yyEDB 0339


Tax Processor ID alphanumericEDB 0340


YTD Gross n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5503 DisplayOASDIYTD TaxesWithheld

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 6013Y Display

YTD Gross n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5510 DisplayMedicareYTD TaxesWithheld

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 6009Y Display

YTD Tax TreatyGross

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5537 Display

Alternate YTD TaxTreaty Gross

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5539 DisplayTax Treaty

ETD Tax TreatyGross

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5538 Display

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 43


Left Frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee record, or to EmployeeSelect, Browse, or Main Menu

Return to top of page


None required

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 44

Leave Accrual History Page

Title: ‘Leave Accrual History’

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModePeriod End Date mm/dd/yy EDB 8022 DisplayCycle EDB 8023


Leave Code 1 EDB 8024 DisplayPercent or Hourly EDB 8104


Hours on Pay Status nnn.nn EDB 8103 DisplayVacation Earned Snn.nn EDB 8105

preceded by '-' ifnegative


Sick Leave Earned Snn.nn EDB 8106 DisplayLost Vacation nn.nn EDB 8025 DisplayPersonnel Program 3 EDB 8101


Bargaining Unit Key 2 EDB 8101translated


Covered/Uncovered 9 EDB 8101translated



Left Frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee record, or to EmployeeSelection, Browse, or Main Menu.


Translation of EDB 8101 EDB 8101, Leave Period Detail Key, isin the format 'PBBRSD' whereP - Personnel Program CodeBB - Bargaining Unit CodeR - Representation CodeS - Special Handling CodeD - Distribution Unit codeThis data element should be brokenout into separate elements forpurposes of display on this page.

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 45

Hours Balances Page

Title: ‘Hours Balances’

FieldsField label/column header Type/length Source ModeHours on Pay Status subtitle literal DisplayCurrent Month n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5119 Display

mmm ccyy month and yearassociated with data inEDB 5120 - 5131

DisplayHours on Pay Status - Last12 Months

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5120 EDB 5126EDB 5121 EDB 5127EDB 5122 EDB 5128EDB 5123 EDB 5129EDB 5124 EDB 5130EDB 5125 EDB 5131


Hours Toward BenefitsEligibility

subtitle literal Display

Total Hours at Month Begin n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5142 DisplayCurrent Month n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5143 Display

mmm ccyy month and yearassociated with data inEDB 5144 – 5155

Last 12 Months

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5144 EDB 5150EDB 5145 EDB 5151EDB 5146 EDB 5152EDB 5147 EDB 5153EDB 5148 EDB 5154EDB 5149 EDB 5155


Hours Toward Career StatusEligibility

subtitle literal Display

As of Date for CountingHours

mm/dd/yy EDB 0427 Display

Total Hours at Month Begin n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 0426 DisplayCurrent Month n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5156 Display

mmm ccyy month and yearassociated with data inEDB 5157 – 5168

Last 12 Months

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5157 EDB 5163EDB 5158 EDB 5164EDB 5159 EDB 5165EDB 5160 EDB 5166EDB 5161 EDB 5167EDB 5162 EDB 5168‘


Year to Date Hours subtitle literal Display

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 46

Field label/column header Type/length Source ModeBalancesYear to Date as of Date

mm/dd/yyderived Display

YTD Total Hours on PayStatus

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5101 Display

YTD Regular Hours Worked n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5102 DisplayYTD Overtime Hours n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5103 DisplayYTD Non Worked Hours n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5104 DisplayYTD Average Hours Workedper Week

n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5132 Display

Prior Service Months nnn EDB 0146 DisplayEmployment Service Credit nnn EDB 0719 DisplayEmployment Service CreditFrom Date


EDB 0720 Display

Leave Balances subtitle literal DisplayLeave Accrual HoursBalance as of


derived Display

Vacation nn,nnn.nnnnnn EDB 5185 DisplaySick Leave nn,nnn.nnnnnn EDB 5186 DisplayCompensatory Time n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5110 DisplayPaid Time Off nn,nnn.nnnnnn EDB 5187 DisplayMaximum Vacation Accrual n,nnn,nnn.nn EDB 5136 Display


Left Frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee record, or to EmployeeSelection, Browse, or Main Menu.

Return to top of page


Display month and year associatedwith each hours data element


Derive 'Year to Date as of' value (TBD)Derive 'Leave Accrual Balance as of'value


GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 47

Financial Aid Information Page

Title ‘Financial Aid Information'

FieldsLabel/Column Header Type/length Source ModeFiscal Year Dates

yy - yyEDB 0602 Display

Graduate StudentResearcher

nn,nnn.nn EDB 0603 Display


nn,nnn.nn EDB 0604 Display


Other nn,nnn.nn EDB 0605 DisplayGraduate StudentResearcher

nn,nnn.nn EDB 0606 Display


nn,nnn.nn EDB 0607 Display

Fiscal Year ToDate Earnings


Other nn,nnn.nn EDB 0608 DisplayStudent StatusCode

1 + 21 EDB 0119and CTTtranslation

DisplayStudent Status Information

Number ofRegistered Units

nn.n EDB 0237 Display


Left Frame selections to the corresponding page for the sameemployee record


Format fiscal year field EDB0612 is stored in format YYZZ,where 'YY' equal year fiscal yearbegins and and 'ZZ' equals year fiscalyear ends. Format with a dashbetween 'YY' and 'ZZ'. Example 00-01.

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 48

Work Study Information Page

Title ‘Work Study Information’

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeFiscal Year Dates

yy – yyEDB 0612 Display

Program 11 EDB 0613 CTTtranslation


Department 15 EDB 0614translation fromHD Table


Limit nn,nnn.nn EDB 0615 X 1.00 DisplayCurrentWorkStudyAllocation

As of Date mm/dd/yy EDB 0616 Display

Gross Wages Paid inFiscal Year to Date

nn,nnn.nn EDB 0619 Display

Funds Remaining nn,nnn.nn calculated DisplayStudentStatusCode

1 + 21 EDB 0119 andCTT translation


Number ofRegisteredUnits

nn.n EDB 0237 Display


Left frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee record, or to EmployeeSelect, Browse, or Main Menu.


Format fiscal year field EDB0612 is stored in format YYZZ,where 'YY' equals the year that thefiscal year begins and 'ZZ' equals theyear that the fiscal year ends. Formatwith a dash between 'YY' and 'ZZ'.Example 00-01.

display of Work Study Allocation Limit EDB 0615 is stored as nnnnn. Forpurposes of display on this screen, andfor calculation of the funds remaining,

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 49

this field should be converted tonn,nnn.nn

Calculate 'funds remaining' (TBD)

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 50

Licenses and Certificates Page

Title: Licenses and Certificates

FieldsLabel Type/length Source ModeCode 3 EDB 0711 DisplayDescription 30 translation of

EDB0711 fromCTT


Certificate or LicenseNumber

14 EDB 0718 Display

Renewal Date Datemm/dd/yy

EDB 0712 Display


Left Frame selections To the corresponding page for thesame employee record, or to EmployeeSelection, Browse, or Main Menu.


None required

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 51

Code Translation Table

Code Translation Table (CTT) entries do not currently exist for some of the EDBdata elements displayed on the web EDB Inquiry screens. Suggested entries forthe CTT table are included in the following table.

EDB # Name Length Value TranslationM Male0108 Sex Code 6F Female

0123 UC Paid Disability 12 A Covered1 Six month increase2 Merit increase3 Special performance

award4 Trainee increase

0136 Next Salary Review 25

5 No salary review-at maxA1-A9 Academic SenateBX Graduate StudentsCX Clerical and Allied

ServicesEX Patient Care TechnicalFX Non-Senate Academic

Research ProfessionalsGS Printing TradesHX Residual Patient Care

ProfessionalsIX Non-Academic Senate-

InstructionalKB-K9 Skilled CraftsLX Professional LibrariansNX Registered NursesPA Police OfficersRX Research Support

ProfessionalsSX ServiceTX Systemwide Technical87 Stipend/Differential98 Indeterminate

0161 Collective Bargaining 42

99 No bargaining unitY Form 8233 filed0167 Non Resident Alien

Tax Form Indicator20

N Form 8233 not filed

0226 SurepayChecking/Savings

8 C Checking

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 52

EDB # Name Length Value TranslationS Savings

0 Waiting period has notpassed

1 Prenote has not beensent

0227 Surepay PrenoteStatus


2 Waiting period haspassed

B1 First biweeklyB2 Second biweeklySM Semi-monthlyMO Monthly currentMA Monthly arrears

0229 Surepay Prenote PayCycle Code


XX Special007 7 day waiting period030 30 day waiting period090 90 day waiting period

0231 SupplementalDisability WaitingPeriod


180 180 day waiting periodG Grandfathered0236 UCRP Covered

Compensation LimitCode


N Not grandfathered

Y Yes, OK to release0244 Home AddressRelease Code

20N No, do not releaseY Yes, OK to release0245 Home Phone Release


N No, do not releaseY Yes, OK to release0246 Spouse Name

Release Code20

N No, do not releaseY Yes, OK to release0247 Employee

Organization HomeAddress DisclosureCode


N No, do not release

Y Yes, OK to release0248 EmployeeOrganization HomePhone DisclosureCode


N No, do not release

Y EnrolledN Not enrolled

0299 Insurance ReductionCode


H Enrolled-no medicalE War/Campaign veteran0345 War/Campaign/Exped

ition Veteran Status26

N Not a War/Campaignveteran

N Not a Vietnam EraVeteran

0350 Vietnam Era VeteranStatus Code


V Vietnam Era Veteran

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 53

EDB # Name Length Value TranslationN Not a special disabled

veteran0351 Veteran Disability

Status Code30

S Special disabled veteranH Disabled0352 Disabled Status Code 12N Not disabled1

Full benefits2

Mid-level benefits3

Mid-level benefits4 Core benefits5 No benefits eligibility

0375 Benefits EligibilityLevel Indicator-Derived


? UndeterminedF Female0637 Dependent Sex Code 6M MaleI Ineligible for MedicareN Not disabled

0638 DependentDeenrollment ControlCode


Y Disabled child0 Nonexempt2005 Appointment FLSA

Status Indicator9

1 ExemptBW BiweeklySM Semi-monthlyMO Monthly current

2016 Appointment PaySchedule Code


MA Monthly arrearsA PositiveP PositiveS PositiveC PositiveN PositiveZ PositiveR ExceptionT ExceptionL ExceptionE Exception

2017 Time Recording Code 20

W WOS - no timesheet

GUI to PPS/EDB Inquiry Reqts / Final - Revised 4/6/01 54

A 15 days vacation/12days sick

B 18 days vacation/12days sick

C 21 days vacation/12days sick

D 24 days vacation/12days sick

E 24 days vacation/nodays sick

F No vacation/12 dayssick

2018 Leave Accrual Code 30

N No vacation/no dayssick

C CoveredS Uncovered

2031 AppointmentRepresentation Code


U Uncovered