Graphic Design Portfolio // Fall 2012

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Final Portfolio for Intro to Graphic Design Class.

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projectsunit 1: page structureunit 2: mark / aplicationsunit 3: guest designer promotionunit 4: editorial design / illustration

unit 1: page structureObjective: Gain an understanding of composing strategies and systems for structuring visual information including: -grid -internal structure / implied grid -rule of thirds -point, line, & plane -contrast situations

art 221 // introduction to graphic design // professor boris pelcer // fall 2012

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Just me.

beauty in the basicsToday is the first day of your life. As mentors, we can become lost in these questions and the fight to get answers quickly. It can feel like a constant struggle; you make new discoveries about the work just for it to change the next day. But my time working with youth has shown there are some things that do not change. Regardless of how informed you are about how to attract and retain youth in your program, the value of a genuine relationship should never be underestimated. As a social work student, this was some-thing that was constantly reiterated to me: nothing can replace a strong, trusting bond between you and your client. This holds true for the rela-tionships we have with our youth.



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The Point When Some�

thing Seemingly





Como siempre decimos en este blog, hay mucha info en internet, lo importante es dar a conocer el tema para que después el ávido lector busque, lea, aprenda y disfrute. Ahora, ¿qué es un pliegue o plegamiento? Es una deformación en la roca. ¿En qué tipo de roca? A grandes rasgos podemos decir que hay 3 tipos de rocas: sedimentarias, metamórficas e ígneas. Los pliegues son muy comunes en las del primer tipo, porque son las más fáciles de “doblar” por esfuerzo. Las rocas ígneas, al ser más duras, directamente se rompen generando fallamiento. Como siempre decimos en este blog, hay mucha info en internet, lo importante es dar a conocer el tema para que después el ávido lector busque, lea, aprenda y disfrute. Ahora, ¿qué es un pliegue o plegamiento? DREAM BIG.


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unit 2: mark / applications \/

objective: Design a logo and additional applications for a behavioral therapy business. I chose a butterfly because it represents the psyche. Applications: Business card, Letter head, Envelope

unit 3: Guest Designer promotion >objective: Create a poster with strong visual hierarchy. Gain an understanding of how to work with a larger scale space with a variety of elements. Translate/adapt elements of a poster to additional formats. to re search and emulate a particular designers style. Applications: poster, post card, email, water glass

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unit 4: Editorial illustration / designobjective: Work with page structure using type and image. Develope concepts for imagery which have a non- narrative relationship to the text. Use a grid system as a method of creating order for the pages. Explore the creation and use of original visual imagery that is designed/illustrated to accompany an existing text.

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the end

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