Grammar and Vocabulary UK

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  • Gramatic i Vocabular (Grammar and Vocabulary)


    Gramatic (Grammar) Sunetele limbii engleze; alfabetul limbii engleze; clasificarea

    verbului, diateze, aspect, moduri, timpuri verbale; Prezentul simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerciii Trecutul simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerciii Prezentul Perfect simplu i continuu form i utilizare; Exerciii Mai mult ca perfectul simplu i continuu form i utilizare;

    Exerciii Viitorul form i utilizare; Exerciii Modul Condiional i If clause form i utilizare; Exerciii Concordana timpurilor form i utilizare; Exerciii Modul Subjonctiv form i utilizare; Exerciii Modul Imperativ form i utilizare; Exerciii Diateza pasiv form i utilizare; Exerciii Verbe modale I form i utilizare; Exerciii Verbe modale II form i utilizare; Exerciii Infinitivul form i utilizare; Exerciii Formele n Ing utilizare; Exerciii Verbe care primesc infinitive sau forma n Ing; Exerciii Verbe complexe form i utilizare; Exerciii Vorbirea indirect form i utilizare; Exerciii Prepoziii, Conjuncii form i utilizare; Exerciii Substantivul form i utilizare; Exerciii Articolul form i utilizare; Exerciii Adjectivul form i utilizare; Exerciii Pronumele form i utilizare; Exerciii


  • Adverbul form i utilizare; Exerciii Vocabular (Vocabulary) The car and On the road Travelling Holidays. Staying in a hotel Food. At the restaurant Shopping Health service Postal and telephone service


    Moravec-Ocampo; A., Farrugia, A. Limba Englez gramatica de baz, Editura Teora, Bucureti, 1999

    Paidos, Constantin Gramatica limbii engleze Verbul, Institutul European, Iai, 1992

    Gleanu-Frnoag, Georgiana; Sachelarie-Lecca, Doina - Limba Englez n conversaie, Editura tiinific i enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1982

    Gleanu, Georgiana Exerciii de gramatic englez, Timpurile verbale, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1979

    ranu, Mariana Limba englez, Exerciii pentru nivelul superior, Editura Corint, Bucureti, 1996

    Ministerul Educaiei i nvmntului, Universitatea Bucureti Limba Englez, Exerciii pentru admiterea n nvmntul superior, Editura Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucureti, 1978

    Misztal, Mariusz Test your vocabulary, Editura Teora, Bucureti, 1994

    Misztal, Mariusz Test your English grammar, Editura Teora, Bucureti, 1999

    The New International Webster s Pocket Business Dictionary of the English Language Trident Press International, 1997


  • Pawlowska, Barbara; Kempinski, Zbigniew Teste de limba englez, Editura Teora, Bucureti, 1999

    Timar, Eszter Limba englez n teste i exerciii, Editura Teora, Bucureti, 1999

    Chiriacescu, Adriana; Murean, Laura; Barghiel, Virginia; Hollinger, Alexander Coresponden de afaceri n limbile romn i englez, Editura Teora, Bucureti, 1995

    Geoghegan, C.G.; Geoghegan, J.Y. Engleza pentru negocieri, Editura Teora, Bucureti, 2000

    Roland, Marie-Claude; Mast-Grand, Martha CV n limba englez, un pas spre angajare, Editura Teora, Bucureti, 2000

    Dayan, A.; Lindsay, W.H.; Janakiewicz, A.; Marcheteau, M. Engleza pentru marketing i publicitate, Editura Teora, Bucureti, 2000

    Banta, Andrei; Poreanu, Rodica Limba englez pentru tiin i tehnic, Editura Niculescu, Bucureti, 1995

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    Language Teaching, London, 1993 Le Divenach, loi Engleza n pres, Editura Teora, Bucureti,

    1999 Marcheteau, Michel Berman, Jean-Pierre Savio, Michel,

    Engleza comercial n 40 de lecii, Editura Niculescu, Bucureti, 2001


  • I. Sunetele limbii engleze; alfabetul limbii engleze; clasificarea verbului; moduri; diateze; aspect; timpuri verbale

    1.Sunetele limbii engleze


    Simbolul fonetic Exemplu Transcrierea fonetic1. i: sea [si:]2. i it [it]3. e ten [ten]4. man [mn]5. a: part [pa:t]6. o dog [dog]7. o: short [o:t]8. u book [buk]9. u: moon [mu:n]10. sun [sn]11. : first [f:st]12. a []


    13. ei name [neim]14. ou home houm]15. ai nine [nain]16. au now [nau]17. oi boy [boi]18. i here [hi]19. there [] 20. o door [do]


  • 21. u poor [pu]Triftongi

    22. ai fire [fai]23. au flower [flau]


    24. j yes [jes]25. w well [wel]



    26. b big [big]27. d day [dei]28. v very [veri]29. g garden [ga:dn]30. z zero [zirou]31. pleasure [ple]32. d jam [dm]33. this [is]34. r red [red]35. l lost [lost]36. m many [meni]37. n not [not]38. thing [i]



  • 39. p pen [pen]40. t too [tu:]41. f five [faiv]42. k cake [keik]43. s say [sei]44. she [i:]45. t child [taild]46. thin [in]47. h horse [ho:s]

    Vocala [ i:] este o vocal lung. Este aproape identic cu i romnesc din cuvintele n care accentum aceast vocal n mod deosebit, ca de pild n exclamaia: biine! (n sens de concesie).

    Vocala [ i] este o vocal scurt, un sunet intermediar ntre i i e din limba romn.

    Vocala [e] este o vocal scurt i foarte apropiat de e romnesc, fiind ns ceva mai deschis. Ea seamn ndeosebi cu e din limba romn, cnd acesta e urmat de r, ca de exemplu n cuvintele mere, pere etc.

    Vocala [] este o vocal scurt i ocup o poziie intermediar ntre a i e; [] nu se poate compara cu nici un sunet din limba romn. Se obine deschiznd gura pentru a i pronunnd e.

    Vocala [a:] e o vocal lung i se formeaz n partea din fund a gurii, ceea ce i d o rezonan de sunet profund. Pronunnd un a romnesc prelungit i din fundul gurii vom obine un [a:] englezesc corect.

    Vocala [o] este o vocal scurt. Ea nu poate fi comparat cu nici un sunet existent n limba romn. Pentru cine cunoate ns limba maghiar, sunetul englez este uor de pronunat, el fiind foarte apropiat de vocala o din aceast limb. [o] este un sunet intermediar ntre sunetele a i o i se pronun mult mai din fundul gurii dect o romnesc i cu gura mult mai deschis.


  • Vocala [o:] este o vocal lung. Ea se deosebete de vocala [o] care este mult mai deschis spre a. Pronunnd un o romnesc lung i din fundul gurii vom obine un sunet foarte apropiat de [o:] englezesc.

    Vocala [u] este o vocal scurt, foarte apropiat de u romnesc. Se pronun cu buzele mai puin rotunjite dect n cazul lui u din limba romn.

    Vocala [u:] este o vocal lung i seamn foarte mult cu un u romnesc prelungit.

    Vocala [] e o vocal scurt i seamn foarte mult cu un a romnesc scurt. Pentru pronunarea lui [] este necesar s ntindem puin buzele lateral i s ponunm un a retrgnd limba puin napoi.

    Vocala [:] este o vocal lung, asemntoare lui romnesc prelungit. Pentru a o rosti corect trebuie s inem maxilarele apropiate i buzele ntinse lateral. Este absolut necesar ca n timpul pronunrii lui [:] buzele s fie numai uor ntredeschise.

    Vocala [] este o vocal scurt, niciodat accentuat i corespunde vocalei din limba romn.

    Diftongul [ei] se aseamn cu diftongul romnesc din cuvintele mei, tei, lei etc. Elementul al doilea al diftongului este sunetul [i] scurt englezesc.

    Diftongul [ou] . Primul element al acestui diftong este o vocal nc nentlnit, vocala [o]. O obinem rotunjind buzele pentru o i pronunnd . Al doilea element al diftongului este [u], despre care reamintim c este un sunet scurt.

    Diftongul [ai] se apropie foarte mult de diftongul romnesc din cuvintele mai, cai, dai etc., cu deosebirea c elementul al doilea al difotngului este sunetul [i] scurt englezesc.

    Diftongul [au] se apropie de asemenea foarte mult de diftongul romnesc din cuvintele dau, sau etc. Elementul al doilea al diftongului este sunetul [u] scurt englezesc.

    Diftongul [oi] se apropie de diftongul romnesc oi din cuvintele ca noi, doi, voi etc. Totui primul element, [o], e mai deschis dect


  • n limba romn, iar cel de-al doilea element este [i] scurt englezesc.

    Diftongii [ i] i [u] conin sunete cunoscute. La pronunarea lor trebuie s avem n vedere sunetele specific englezeti [i] i [u].

    Diftongul [] conine o vocal nou, []. Aceast vocal este mai deschis dect [e] i mai nchis dect [].

    Diftongul [o] . Primul element al acestui diftong este vocala scurt [o] urmat fr efort de [] (amintim c avem de-a face cu un o deschis spre a). Acest diftong tinde s fie nlocuit de vocala lung [o:].

    Triftongul [ai] Pronunai ntr-o singur silab acest triftong, innd seama de caracterul vocalei englezeti [i]: fire [fai], tired [taid].

    Triftongul [au] este format din sunete cunoscute. La pronunarea lui trebuie s inem seama de caracterul vocalei englezeti [u].Nu-l pronunai pe [u] din triftongul [au] cu emitere puternic de aer, pentru a nu-l transforma n semivocala [w]. Obinei o pronunie corect a acestui triftong dac rostii ntr-o singur silab grupul de sunete romneti a.

    Semivocala [w] se pronun ca un u foarte scurt, cu puternic emitere de aer printre buze, semnnd cu sunetul u pe care l adugm n pronunare la nceputul unor cuvinte ca oal, oaie etc.

    Semivocala [j] , cea de-a doua semivocal din limba englez, se poate compara cu un i foarte scurt, cu rezonan consonantic. Ea se ntlnete i n limba romn n cuvinte ca: este, ei, iarn, iertare etc.

    Consoana [d] prezint o particularitate fa de limba romn, n sensul c la articularea ei vrful limbii se sprijin pe alveole (pe rdcina dinilor).

    Consoanele [b] , [v] , [g] , [z] , [m] , [n] pot fi considerate ca fiind identice cu consoanele corespunztoare din limba romn.


  • Consoana [] este aceeai ca i consoana romneasc din jar, ajun etc. Reinei semnul [] pentru sunetul j romnesc; reamintii-v c semnul [j] reprezint o semivocal asemntoare sunetului i din cuvintele romneti: iarn, chiar, iat etc.

    Consoana [d] este corespondenta sonor a consoanei surde [t]. O ntlnim n romnete n cuvinte ca: gimnastic, geam, legi etc. Observai c n limba romn aceast consoan poate fi urmat numai de vocale e sau i. Trecerea la oricare din celelalte vocale (o, a, u) se face cu ajutorul unui i sau e de legtur. De exemplu: geam, George, giulgiu. n limba englez, trecerea de la [d] la oricare dintre vocale se face direct. De exemplu: John [don], George [do:d]. Nu pronunai deci cuvntul John ca gion. n limba englez, sunetul [d] termin cuvntul. De exemplu: Geroge [do:d], judge [dd]. Nu pronunai giorgi i giagi.

    Consoana [] este o consoan sonor (ca b, g, m, z etc) pe care o putem rosti corect pronunnd un d (sau z) romnesc cu vrful limbii ntre dini. Exerciiul trebuie repetat de foarte multe ori n faa oglinzii pentru a controla poziia limbii.

    Consoana [r] se deosebete fundamental de consoana romneasc r, fiind de fapt cu totul alt consoan, dei e reprezentat de aceeai liter a alfabetului. Astfel, n timp ce r romnesc este o consoan vibrant, [r] englezesc se rostete fr vibraie (ca i consoanele s i j, de pild). Pentru a obine [r] englezesc, pronunai j cu gura mult deschis. Pn cnd v deprindei cu pronunarea fireasc a lui [r], cutai s rostii un r romnesc ct mai ters i fr ca vrful limbii s ating cerul gurii.

    Consoana [ l] - n limba englez exist dou variante ale consoanei [l]. nainte de vocal, [l] este identic cu l romnesc; de exemplu n cuvintele live, lily. n poziie final sau nainte de consoan, [l] este un sunet voalat. La rostirea lui, partea posterioar a limbii se ridic spre cerul gurii. ntr-un cuvnt ca apple, [l] este precedat de un foarte scurt. Pronunai deci [pl] i nu [pl].


  • Consoana [] este asemntoare cu consoana romneasc n din cuvintele n care n este urmat de c sau de g: nc, Anghel, singular, unde n devine n parte gutural.

    Consoanele [p] , [t] , [k] sunt consoane surde. Spre deosebire de consoanele corespunztoare din limba romn, ele sunt urmate cnd nu sunt precedate de alt consoan i sunt n silab accentuat de un uor sunet h. Consoana [t] se pronun cu vrful limbii sprijinit pe alveole (pe rdcina dinilor).

    Consoanele [f] i [s] pot fi considerate ca fiind identice cu consoanele corespunztoare din limba romn.

    Consoana [] este aceeai ca i consoana romneasc . Consoana [t] este aproape identic cu consoana romneasc din

    cuvinte ca: cine, ceas, cel etc., i se pronun cu o uoar aspiraie, ca i [k], [p], [t]. Consoana englezeasc rmne ns perfect surd i poate fi urmat direct de orice vocal, fr a necesita un e sau i de legtur, ca n limba romn: child [taild].De semenea, consoana [t] final, spre deosebire de consoana corespunztoare din limba romn, nu este urmat de un i asilabic (care nu formeaz silab) ca n cinci, pleci etc. De exemplu: much [mt]. Este necesar s dm o deosebit atenie pronunrii acestei consoane cnd este urmat de alte vocale dect i i e, sau cnd este n poziie final. Deci pronunai [taild] i nu ciaild, [mt] i nu maci.

    Consoana [] este perechea surd a consoanei [], care se deosebete prin aceea c la pronunarea ei coardele vocale nu vibreaz. Pentru a pronuna sunetul [], vom ine vrful limbii ntre dini i vom articula un t (sau s) romnesc, fr efort. Ca i n cazul lui [], exerciiile trebuie fcute n faa oglinzii. Consoanele [] i [] sunt reperezentate n scriere prin grupul th.

    Consoana [h] se pronun cu aspiraie (emitere de aer) mai puternic dect n limba romn.


  • 2. The Alphabet

    a [ei] n [en]b [bi:] o [ou]c [si:] p [pi:]d [di:] q [kju:]e [ i:] r [a:]f [ef] s [es]g [di:] t [ti:]h [eit] u [ju:]i [ai] v [vi:]

    j [dei] w [dblju:]k [kei] x [eks]l [el] y [wai]m [em] z [zed]

    3. Clasificarea Verbelor

    * Conjugarea verbelor engleze se bazeaz pe trei forme principale. Acestea sunt formele de dicionar ale verbelor engleze:

    I form a II-a form a III-a form(to) work worked worked(to) give gave given


  • * Verbele engleze se clasific n verbe obinuite i speciale. Cele obinuite pot fi regulate sau neregulate, iar cele speciale sunt mprite n verbe auxiliare i verbe modale.Verbele obinuite au un sens propriu i pot avea funcia de predicat n propoziie. Verbele speciale nu au un sens propriu i ajut la formarea timpurilor verbale compuse.

    a. Verbe regulateVerbele regulate formeaz past tense i past participle prin adugarea terminaiei ED. Ex: Worked; cleaned; closed b. Verbe neregulateVerbele neregulate formeaz past tense i past participle neregulat i aceste forme trebuie nvate. Verbele neregulate se mpart n 3 categorii:- grupa verbelor care nu suport nici o modificare

    cut cut cutput put put

    - grupa verbelor care suport o modificarebring brought broughtmeet met met

    - grupa verbelor care suport dou modificrido did donering rang rung

    c. Verbe auxiliareSunt formatori temporali, ajut la formarea timpurilor verbale compuse.- DO se folosete la present tense simple i past tense simple -

    forma interogativ i negativ; (do, does, did)- BE se folosete la formarea diatezei pasive i a timpurilor

    verbale continue; (am, are, is, was, were)- HAVE se folosete la formarea timpurilor verbale perfecte;

    (have, has, had)- SHALL, WILL se folosesc la formarea timpurilor verbale de



  • - SHOULD, WOULD se folosesc la formarea lui Future-in-the-Past i a modului Condiional;

    - LET se folosete la formarea Imperativului pentru persoana I-a sg i pl i persoana a III-a sg i pl.

    d. Verbe modaleSunt o clas special de verbe care exprim permisiunea, abilitatea, probabilitatea, obligaia, necesitatea: MAY, MIGHT, CAN, COULD, MUST, NEED, SHOULD, OUGHT TO, HAVE TO, NEED TO.

    * Formele Verbale se mpart n predicative pot forma predicatul n propoziie i au un subiect - i nepredicative nu pot forma predicatul n propoziie (infinitivul, participiul, gerund-ul).* Modul nseamn maniera sau modul n care aciunea este exprimat de verb. Modurile limbii engleze sunt: Indicativ, Imperativ, Subjonctiv i Condiional.

    * Diateza este forma verbului care indic dac o persoan sau un lucru face aciunea sau o sufer. n limba englez sunt 2 diateze:- Diateza activ ne indic faptul c o persoan sau un lucru care e

    i subiectul propoziiei face aciunea. Aceasta poate fi suferit de o alt persoan sau lucru sau de acceai persoan care o realizeaz (aciune reflexiv).Ex: Her grandparents brought her up.

    I wash myself every day.- Diateza pasiv ne indic faptul c persoana sau lucrul care este

    subiectul gramatical al propoziiei sufer aciunea fcut de altcineva (subiectul logic).Ex: English is spoken all over the world.

    He was educated in Cambridge.

    * Aspectul indic durata, realizarea complet sau incomplet a unei aciuni. Aspectul simplu - aciunea este vzut ca un fapt general, obinuit sau particular. Aspectul continuu exprim o aciune n proces, n desfurare la un anumit moment n timp. Ex: We get up at six every morning.

    It is beginning to rain.


  • * Timpurile verbale (Tenses) sunt construcii verbale care exprim diverse relaii temporale. A nu se confunda time cu tense! Noiunea de timp (time) este universal i independent de orice limb. Timpurile verbale (tenses) difer n funcie de fiecare limb n parte.Timpurile n limba englez indic dac o aciune este realizat n prezent, n trecut sau n viitor:

    - Timpuri verbale legate de present:Present Tense Simple: The teacher comes in.Present Tense Continuous: What are we doing?Present Perfect Simple: I have been ill for two weeks.Present Perfect Continuous: We have been writing for him for half an hour.- Timpuri verbale legate de trecut:Past Tense Simple: When did you come home?Past Tense Continuous: It was raining all day yesterday.Past Perfect Tense Simple: He said he had spent two months there.Past Perfect Tense Continuous: By that time I had been learning English for five years.

    - Timpuri verbale legate de viitor:Future Tense Simple: We shall meet them at seven.Future Tense Continuous: They will be travelling all night.Future Perfect Tense Simple: I shall have done it by four oclock.Future Perfect Tense Continuous: By the first of January they will have been working here for then years.



    FormFormai prezentul simplu folosind indicativul. Adugai s sau es pentru persoana a III-a singular la afirmativ.


  • AfirmativI / you / we / you / they workHe / she / it works

    NegativI / you / we / you / they do not workHe / she / it does not work

    InterogativDo - I / you / we / you / they - work?Does he / she / it work?

    Negativ-InterogativDo I not work? Do you not work? Does he not work? Etc.Forma contras:Do not = dontDoes not = doesnt

    UtilizarePrezentul simplu se folosete:1. pentru activiti repetate, obinuite, permanente.

    We go to school every morning. (repetat)Father smokes too much. (obinuit)Jane works in a big factory. (permanent)

    2. pentru aciuni care sunt adevruri general valabile.Ice melts in the sun.The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

    3. cnd se vorbete despre orare i programe fixe, cu sens de viitor.The film starts at 10.30. (will start)The championship starts next Saturday.The train leaves at 8.00. (will leave)

    4. pentru a introduce un citat; n comentariile sportive; n proverbe, zictori; n prospecte de medicamente, reete i instruciuni de folosire a diverselor aparate.Shakespeare says: Not marble, nor the gilded monuments/ of princes shall outlive this powerful rhyme. (Sonnet 55) (citat)


  • The goal-keeper passes to Maradona, but Hagi intercepts; Hagi to Lctu and he shoots and its a goal! (comentarii sportive)Despair gives courage to a coward. (proverb)First, I take the potatoes and slice them. Then, I slice the tomatoes, fry the onion. (reete)

    NotAdverbele de frecven sunt deseori folosite pentru a sublinia repetarea. Cele mai comune adverbe de frecven sunt: usually, always, never, ever, often, seldom, rarely, sometimes, generally, occasionally.Pentru a sublinia repetarea unei aciuni se mai poate folosi adverbul every n combinaie cu anumite cuvinte ce definesc momente n timp: every day/week/month/year etc. THE PRESENT TENSE CONTINUOUS

    FormFormai prezentul continuu cu to be + ing

    AfirmativI am workingYou are workingHe / she / it is workingWe / you / they are working

    NegativI am not workingYou are not workingHe / she / it is not workingWe / you / they are not working

    InterogativAm I working?Are you working?Is he / she / it working?Are we / you / they working?



  • Am I not (arent I) working? Are you not (arent you) working? Is he not (isnt he) working?

    Forma contras este uzual n engleza vorbit.I am = ImYou are = youreIt is/ he is/ she is = its/ hes/ shesIt is not = it isnt sau its notWe are not = were not sau we arentThey are not = theyre not sau they arent

    UtilizarePrezentul continuu se folosete:

    1. pentru aciuni care se petrec n momentul vorbirii.Kate is at school. She is reading a book.Pete is at home with mum. He is playing.

    2. pentru aciuni care se petrec n preajma momentului vorbirii, dar nu neaprat n momentul vorbirii; cu today, these days, this term, at the moment etc. Beatrice isnt studying English this year. She wants to concentrate on another foreign language.

    3. pentru a exprima un aranjament anume ntr-un viitor apropiat.What are you doing tomorrow?

    4. pentru a exprima viitorul, n special cu verbe de micare: to come, arrive, go, leave. Our friends are arriving tomorrow.He is going to London on Friday

    5. cu always (nsemnnd prea mult) pentru a exprima iritarea.Your children are always running on my lawn.I cant stand him; hes always interupting me.

    6. pentru a exprima o aciune temporar.We usually go to work by bus, but today we are going by cab.

    7. pentru aciuni n desfurare ntr-o perioad limitat n preajma momentului vorbirii.John is looking for a job.


  • 8. pentru aciuni care indic o schimbare sau trecerea de la o stare la alta.Is your English improving?The traffic is getting worse and worse in Tokyo.The children are growing up very fast.

    NotCu prezentul continuu se folosesc adverbele now i just, dar ele nu sunt menionate cnd sensul lor este subneles.Look, the children are sleeping!

    Verbe care nu se folosesc la timpul continuu:1. verbe de percepie: to feel, hear, notice, see, smell, taste.

    Cnd verbele de percepie i schimb sensul, ele pot fi folosite la timpul continuu.To seeA avea o ntlnire fixat, un interviu.I am seeing my dentist on Friday.Jane is seeing the manager now.A face o vizit. Mary is seeing the sights so she will be a little late.To see about (a face aranjamente).Our form master is seeing about the trip to the mountains.To see to (a aranja ceva, a verifica).The mechanic is just seeing to the engine of our car.To see somebody off/up/down/out/ (a conduce pe cineva).Tom is seeing his grandfather off at the railway station now.A avea halucinaii. Im seeing things.To hearA primi tiri despre ceva sau cineva.Im hearing interesting things about our new neighbour.A audia (n cadrul judectoriei).The judge is hearing the witness.To feelA avea o anumit senzaie.The doctor is feeling the patients arm.To smell to taste


  • Aciune voluntarThe girl is smelling the flowers in the garden now.My mother is tasting the soup as she wants to feed the baby.

    2. verbe care exprim activiti mentale: to agree, believe, distrust, doubt, find, foresee, forget, guess, imagine, know, mean, mind, remember, recognize, recollect, regard, suppose, think that, trust, understand.To forgetO pierdere gradual a memoriei.Im forgetting figures.To thinkA se gndi la ceva ( nu se exprim nici o opin ie). What are you thinking about? Im thinking about our new teachers.

    To mindA avea grij de cineva (to look after).At the moment Ann is minding her sick mother.

    3. verbe care exprim dorina: to desire, intend, want, wish.4. verbe care exprim atitudini, sentimente, stri emoionale: to

    abhor, adore, detest, dislike, displease, like, love, hate, please, prefer.

    5. verbe care exprim posesiunea: to belong to, have, hold, keep, owe, own, possess.

    6. verbe care exprim o stare, o condiie: to appear, be, consist of, contain, differ, deserve, equal, resemble, seem, suit

    7. verbe diverse: to compare, expect, matter, result from, suffice.

    Exerciii:Punei verbele din parantez la prezentul simplu sau continuu.1. I (go) out to get the evening paper. 2. .. this book (belong) to you? 3. You (always, beat) me at chees! 4. What time (usually, get up) you? 5. Everybody (like) summer. 6. We (go) to the circus this evening. 7. I (have) an appointment with my dentist at 5 oclock. 8. Jane (make) all her clothes herself. 9. All the students in this class


  • (read) English well. 10. I (know) what you (mean). 11. The park (look) beautiful in spring. 12. Hey! You (drink) from my glass! 13. I must go, mother (wait) for me. 14. The train (arrive) at the North Station at 6.30. 15. Dont disturb her, she (feed) the baby. 16. I cant go away; I (see) the Manager at the beginning of next week. 17. During the week we generally (get up) early. 18. I (hope) our school team will win the football match. 19. Our aunt (come) to see us this afternoon. 20. I (not approve) of your behaviour. 21. We (get) a lot of snow in the mountains in winter. 22. He (fly) from Bucharest to Sibiu tomorrow. 23. John (forever, boast) of what he has done. 24. They (want) to see you for a minute. 25. He (walk) to hospital every day. 26. She (move) her books into her new bookcase. 27. He usually (speak) his mother tongue, but today he (speak) English. 28. You (drink) coffe or tea? 29. You (understand) the Present Tenses in English? 30. He (play) the piano like a professional musician. 31. You cant speak to Mary now; she (sleep). 32. I (not hear) what you (say). 33. Its autumn. The leaves (turn) yellow and (fall) down. 34. I (wear) a raincoat because it (rain). 35. Something (burn) in the oven, I (see) that smoke (come) out of it. 36. We (not drink) tea with milk in our country. 37. We (spend) next week with our parents; we (go) on a trip with them. 38. You (go) to town this afternoon? 39. My friend (come) to see us next month. 40. Here (come) our long waited for teacher!

    Cheia exerciiului:1. am going 2. does this book belong 3. are always beating 4. do you usually get up 5. likes 6. are going 7. am having 8. makes 9. read 10. know mean 11. looks 12. are drinking 13. is waiting 14. arrives 15. is feeding 16. am seeing 17. get up 18. hope 19. is coming 20. do not approve 21. get 22. is flying 23. is forever boasting 24. want 25. walks 26. is moving 27. speaks; is speaking 28. are you drinking 29. do you understand 30. plays 31. is sleeping 32. dont hear; are saying 33. are turning; are falling 34. am wearing; is raining 35. is burning (can) see; is coming 36. do not drink 37. are spending; are going 38. are you going? 39. is coming 40. comes.




    n funcie de modalitatea de formare a trecutului i a participiului trecut, verbele engleze se mpart n regulate i neregulate (vezi pagina 11).

    Reguli de ortografie:

    1. cnd infinitivul scurt se termin n e mut, se adaug numai d (to dance danced; to recite recited).

    2. cnd verbele dintr-o silab se termin n consoan (cu excepia lui c, w sau x) precedat de o vocal, consoana final este dublat i se adaug ed (to drop dropped; to pat patted).

    3. verbele care se termin n c, primesc un k nainte de sufixul ed (to panic panicked; to picnic picnicked).

    4. cnd un verb format din mai multe silabe se termin ntr-o singur consoan precedat de o vocal, consoana final se dubleaz dac silaba final este accentuat (to omit omitted; to occur occurred). Excepii: to kidnap kidnapped; to handicap handicapped.

    5. cnd infinitivul scurt se termin n y precedat de o vocal, -y nu se schimb. Dac y este precedat de o consoan, se schimb n i i se adaug ed (to play played; to try tried).

    FormFormai afirmativul trecutului simplu al verbelor regulate adugnd terminaia ed infinitivului fr to.

    Infinitiv: Trecutul simplu regulat:To work worked (work + ed)

    Negativul se formeaz cu did not + infinitivInterogativul se formeaz cu did + subiect + infinitiv



  • I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they worked

    NegativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they did not work

    InterogativDid I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they work ?

    Se folosete aceeai form pentru toate persoanele.Forma contras a lui did not este didnt.

    Interogativ negativ: did they not (didnt they) work?

    Formarea afirmativului verbelor neregulate nu urmeaz nici o regul. Verbele neregulate trebuie memorate.

    Infinitiv Trecutul simplu neregulat

    To go wentTo speak spokeTo bring brought

    UtilizareTrecutul simplu se folosete:1. pentru o aciune finalizat n trecut cnd este menionat

    momentul aciunii:Tom arrived yesterday.Colombus discovered America in 1492.

    Adverbele sau expresiile de timp pot fi o marc a trecutului simplu: yesterday, last week, two years ago, last summer, a month ago etc.2. pentru o aciune finalizat sigur n trecut chiar dac timpul nu

    este menionat:Brutus assassinated Julius Caesar.Did you ever see Winston Churchill in person?


  • 3. pentru o obinuin din trecut:She always woke up early on school days.Sarah never ate liver as a child.

    4. pentru o naraiune n trecut:I stopped to buy a newspaper and then sat down on a bench to read it. The news was quite depressing. So I got up and took a walk and tried to think happy thoughts.

    NotTrecutul simplu folosit pentru aciuni obinuite din trecut este adesea nsoit de adverbe de frecven: sometimes, always, often, usually, rarely, seldom etc.

    NotTraducerea lui Past Tense Simple n limba romn:1. perfectul simplu; perfectul compus:

    When he opened the door, he saw the dog.Cnd a deschis ua, vzu cinele.

    2. imperfect:The little boy was very tired.Bieelul era foarte obosit.

    3. conjunctiv prezent:Helen said she felt lonely before she met him.Elena a spus c se simea singur nainte s-l fi ntlnit.

    4. condiional prezent:I would read that book if he gave it to me.A citi cartea aceea dac el mi-ar da-o.

    5. prezent:I didnt know she loved music.Nu tiam c-i place muzica.

    6. viitor:The girl said that she would come here when she was free.Fata a spus c va veni aici cnd va fi liber.



    FormFormai trecutul continuu cu forma de trecut a lui to be + -ing

    AfirmativI / he / she / it was workingYou / we / you / they were workingNegativI / he / she / it was not workingYou / we / you / they were not working

    InterogativWas I / he / she / it working?Were You / we / you / they working?Interogativ-negativ: Was he not (wasnt he) working? Were they not (werent they) working?

    De reinut !Unele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpurile continue. (vezi pagina 18-19)

    UtilizareTrecutul continuu se folosete:1. pentru aciuni trecute cu o anumit durat, dar ale cror

    limite precise n timp nu sunt cunoscute:It was raining and getting colder.

    2. pentru aciuni trecute care au nceput i au continuat probabil dup un anumit moment dat:At noon the sun was shining.At ten oclock at night Jerry was studying.Momentul dat poate fi exprimat i de o expresie de timp la trecutul simplu:


  • When Tom arrived, the sun was shining.3. pentru descrieri n trecut:

    The flowers were blooming, the birds were singing and the breeze was blowing softly.

    4. pentru a indica o aciune care se desfoar ca fundal (backgorund) n momentul n care o alt aciune, scurt, mai important (foreground), are loc:While Mary was crossing (backgorund) the road yesterday, she saw (foreground) a flying saucer in the sky.

    5. pentru a indica dou sau mai multe aciuni care se desfoar simultan, n trecut:While mother was cooking, father was reading a newspaper and the children were playing in the garden.

    6. pentru a indica o aciune repetat, care l irit pe vorbitor, se folosete mpreun cu adverbul always: The two pupils were always laughing during my classes.

    Not:Observai diferena:* When the bell rang, Sam was having breakfast. (Sam was in the middle of breakfast when the bell started to ring).* When the door bell rang, Sam ran to open the door. (Sam ran to the door as soon as the door bell rang).

    Exerciii:Punei verbele din parantez la trecutul simplu sau continuu:1. He (go) to school by bicycle last year. 2. My friends (watch) television when I phoned them. 3. They (invite) me to see the film when I phoned them. 4. Bob (write) the letter in ten minutes. 5. Father (read) the newspaper when I came home. 6. While he (write) the letter, his sister laid the table. 7. She (ask) me about my holidays when we met. 8. I (read) a travel brochure when we met. 9. We (see) a very good film yesterday. 10. The sun (shine) when we arrived. 11. He (drive) all the way to London. 12. I saw Mary just as she (get) into the classroom. 13. They (spend) a beautiful holiday at the seaside last year. 14. She (run) to the door the moment she heard the bell. 15.


  • When she reached the door, the bell (ring) still. 16. They (fly) to Constantza last night. 17. Michael missed the flight. The plane (take off) when he arrived at the airport. 18. The house (burn) when we came out. 19. Mary (talk) always about fashion and this annoyed her friends. 20. The Grants (live) in Braov when I met them. 21. Fire at Grand Hotel last night. William Barnes (see) it as he (walk) past. 22. He (wake) the porter and then (phone) the fire brigade. 23. After that they (wake) the hotel guests who (sleep) in their rooms. 24. Margaret Davidson who (stay) in a room on the first floor, (get) frightened and (jump) out of a window. 25. Mary Stevens, from the same room, (get) badly burnt while she (run) down the stairs and (be) taken to hospital. 26. Soon the fire brigade (arrive). 27. One fireman (break) his leg when he (try) to get into the building. Nobody else was hurt. 28. Finally they (put) out the fire. 29. George and Harry (play) tennis yesterday when it started to rain. 30. George went home, but Harry (decide) to go out in the car. 31. He was driving along the street when he (see) Margaret, a friend from work. 32. While Margaret (look) at a shop window, Harry called her name. 33. Margaret (get) into the car and they talked for a long time. 34. They (still, talk) when a policeman arrived and showed Harry the No Parking sign. 35. Just as the policeman (write) down the number of Harrys car he (hear) a scream. 36. He looked up and (see) an old lady who (cross) the road. 37. A big dog (bark) at her fiercely. 38. As the policeman (cross) the road to chase the dog away, Harry and Margaret (drive) away in the car! 39. What you (do) yesterday afternoon when I (phone) you? 40. What time you (phone) me?

    Cheia exerciiilor:1. went 2. were watching 3. invited 4. wrote 5. was reading 6. was writing 7. asked 8. was reading 9. saw 10. was shining 11. drove 12. was getting 13. spent 14. ran 15. was still ringing 16. flew 17. Was taking off 18. was burning 19. was always talking 20. were living 21. saw, was walking 22. woke, phoned 23. woke, were sleeping 24. was staying, got, jumped 25. got, was running, was 26. arrived 27. broke, was trying 28. put 29. were playing 30. decided 31. saw 32. was


  • looking 33. got 34. were still talking 35. was writing, heard 36. saw, was crossing 37. was barking 38. was crossing, drove 39. were you doing, phoned 40. did you phone



    FormFormai perfectul prezent cu prezentul lui have + participiu trecutParticipiul trecut al verbelor regulate are aceeai form ca trecutul simplu: infinitiv + -ed.Participiul trecut al verbelor neregulate variaz i trebuie memorat.

    AfirmativI / you / we / you / they have workedHe / she / it has worked

    NegativI / you / we / you / they have not workedHe / she / it has not worked

    InterogativHave I / you / we / you / they worked?Has he / she / it worked?

    Interogativ negativ: Have they not (havent they) worked? Has she not (hasnt they) worked?

    Forme contraseI have Ive; you have youve; he has hes; she has shes; have not- havent; has not hasnt


  • Utilizare

    O aciune anterioar momentului prezent poate fi exprimat att prin Past Tense ct i prin Present Perfect Tense. Dar, n timp ce Past Tense prezint o aciune fr nici o referin la momentul prezent, Present Perfect leag aciunea din trectut cu prezentul. Prezentul perfect simplu se folosete:1. pentru o aciune n trecut, nu ne intereseaz momentul n care

    a avut loc ci rezultatele ei n prezent:I have visited an interesting museum. (I still remember the things seen there)

    2. pentru o aciune care continu n prezent i, poate, va continua i n viitor:Many pupils have learnt in this school. (in the past, some children learnt here, in the present others are learning and, of course, in the future, other pupils will learn here, too)

    3. pentru a exprima o aciune complet ntr-un trecut foarte apropiat de prezent. Se folosete cu: just, lately, recently, of late, latterly, till now, up to now, so far, up to the present, during the last week, the last few days, these twenty minutes, etc.The train has just left.We have not seen Jack lately.

    4. pentru a desemna o aciune care se desfoar ntr-o perioad de timp incomplet. Se folosete cu: today, this week, this month, this year, all day, all night, this night, etc.Last week we wrote three letters, but this week we have written only one.Dac this morning, all night, all evening exprim o perioad de timp complet, atunci folosim Past Tense:I have seen a good film this morning. (we are before 12 oclock at noon)I saw a good film this morning. (we are in the afternoon or in the evening)

    5. cu how long pentru a exprima o aciune care se extinde pn n prezent:How long have you been ill? (you are still ill)Dar cnd este vorba doar de o aciune n trecut, avem:


  • How long did you stay in London last year?How long had you known him when he died?

    6. cu adeverbe de frecven: ever, never, often, seldom, always, several times:We have never visited New Yprk.Have you ever been to the North Pole?

    7. cu adverbele already i yetLa interogativ pot aprea amndou, Already exprim surpriza c aciunea s-a desfurat deja:Have you got up already?Cu yet vrem s aflm dac aciunea s-a terminat sau nu:Have you got up yet?Already poate s apar n propoziii afirmative:The student has already translated the lesson.n propoziii negative, yet are sensul de nu nc:Albert has not learnt the poem yet.

    8. cu since i for. Since arat momentul, punctul, cnd ncepe aciunea care se extinde pn n prezent. Se traduce n limba romn prin din, de la, de cnd:They have not seen Alice since 1989 / Christmas / she went to London.For exprim perioada de timp care continu pn n prezent. n limba romn se traduce prin de attatimp:These boys have been here for half an hour.

    9. pentru aciuni trecute, fr menionarea timpului:Has Peter had lunch?

    10. n ziare, tiri de televiziune, pentru a introduce o aciune care va fi descris prin Past Tense:A terrible accident has happened; a car ran into a group of children and killed three of them.

    NotGo i be sunt diferite ca sens:Tony has gone to York. (a plecat i e nc plecat)Tony has been to York. (a fost n vizit n York i acum s-a ntors)



    FormFormai timpul perfect prezent continuu cu perfectul prezent al lui to be + -ing

    AfirmativI / you / we / you / they have been workingHe / she / it has been working

    NegativI / you / we / you / they have not been workingHe / she / it has not been working

    InterogativHave I / you / we / you / they been workingHas He / she / it been workingInterogativ negativ: Have I not (havent I) been working? Has she not (hasnt she) been working?

    Forme contrase: I have Ive; he has hes; I have not havent; he has not hasnt

    De reinut!Unele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpurile continue.I have known Jim for five years.She has loved you since that day.

    UtilizarePrezentul perfect continuu se folosete:1. pentru aciuni care au nceput n trecut i continu pn n

    momentul prezent:I have been waiting for an hour and the museum has still not opened!

    2. pune accentul pe durat, pe continuitatea aciunii n prezent:


  • Mary has been watering the flowers for half an hour. (she is still doing the job)

    Urmtoarele verbe se folosesc frecvent la perfectul prezent continuu: expect, learn, hope, live, sleep, look, sit, rain, stand, stay, teach, study, work, wait:I have been learning English since I was a child.

    Comparai urmtoarele propoziii:I have been drinking tea since 5 oclock. (aciune nentrerupt)I have drunk three cups of tea since 5 oclock. (cte ceti de ceai numrul)

    Exerciii:Punei verbele din parantez la trecutul simplu sau prezentul perfect:1. I (live) in this city all my life. My parents come (here when they were very young. 2. It (rain) very much in this region in the spring, but it (not rain) much ever since. 3. We (see) the famous Heroes Monument several times so far. The last time we (see) it was two weeks ago. 4. Mr. Martin (teach) English from three oclock to six oclock. Hes no longer in the school. He (leave) half an hour ago. 5. We (have) a test almost every day this week. We (have) the first test on Monday morning. 6. The weather (be) terrible ever since last Sunday. It (rain) every day this week! 7. The plumber (be) here for the past two weeks. He (repair) the radiators in all the rooms. 8. We (learn) a great deal of English since we (come) to this school. 9. Our grandmother (be) with us for the last three months. She (go) away this morning. Mother (help) her with her packing before she left. 10. I (read) many books on cooking and now I can cook a lot of dishes. 11. Mr. Grant (have) a car for years but he (never drive) at night. 12. Mary (make) a lot of friends recently. 13. Tom always (play) in the park in front of his house when he was young. 14. Mr. Plumb (have) a lot of trouble with his car lately. He (repair) it twice so far. 15. You (meet) Ann? Yes, we (meet) at the school festival two weeks ago. 16. Mr. Barton is not here. He (go) out of town for the weekend. 17. This famous writer (write) several novels and last year he (write) a successful play. 18. The guests (have) a good time ever since their


  • arrival. They (arrive) by plane three days ago. 19. The students (start) the exercise at 8 oclock. They (not finish) it yet. 20. I (take) a lot of photographs this holiday but they are not as good as those I (take) last holiday. 21. Margaret (buy) a pretty dress for her birthday party. She (buy) it at the Unirea department store. 22. My friend Michael is in hospital because he (break) his leg: he (break) it two weeks ago in a car accident. 23. Im sorry, I (forget) his telephone number. 24. I (read) nearly all Ivasiucs novels. Last week I (start) to read The Water and I nearly (finish) it now. During the winter holiday I (read) The Birds. 25. Up to now I (understand) every lesson in the book. 26. No one (find) Barbaras glasses yet. She (lose) them during the Physical Education lesson. 27. We (receive) his telegram at six oclock yesterday. We (already, send) him a special delivery reply. 28. I (pay) the telephone bill at the beginning of the month. 29. Grandfather (never, fly) in a plane before. This month he (fly) twice. 30. Mr. Martin is my English teacher. He (teach) in our school for five years. He (graduate) from the University in 1970.

    Punei verbele din parantez la trecutul simplu, prezentul perfect simplu sau continuu:1. Since Michael last (visit) me, he (be) to many places. 2. Dan (wait) for Henry since eight oclock. Its now half past eight, but Henry (not arrive) yet. 3. Where (you, be) all this morning? Its nearly noon now. 4. Where (be) Paul this morning? I rang him up several times before noon. 5. I (never, read) such a good book as this. 6. Mr. Brown (tell) William to go to the grocers since breakfast, but he (not go) yet. 7. (you, ever, see) any bears? 8. As soon as I (do) my homework Ill watch television and then Ill go to bed. 9. I (know) Peter for years; as a matter of fact I (know) him since I (be) a little child. 10. Please excuse the disorder in the house. I (move) furniture. 11. How long (you watch) television? We (watch) television since eight oclock, but we (talk) most of the time. 12. I still (not mend) the dress I (tear) last week. 13. I (phone) you for at least two hours. Where (you, be)? 14. We (watch) the TV programme several times this week. 15. (you, meet) Doris at five oclock on Monday? Yes, I (do), but I (not meet) her since. 16. The baby (cry) for at least twenty minutes. He (cry) a lot recently. 17. We (not receive) any letter from him yet but we (already, get) a phone call. 18. What (you, do) with my handbag? It (be) here a


  • moment ago. 19. Jim (often, try) to jump over the wall. 20. Mr. Brown (work) on his report since he (come) in.

    Cheia exerciiilor:1. have lived, came 2. rained, hasnt rained 3. have seen, saw 4. taught, left 5. have had, had 6. Has been, has rained 7. has been, has repaired 8. have learnt, came 9. has been, went, helped 10. have read 11. has had, has never driven 12. has made 13. played 14. has had, has repaired 15. have you met, met 16. has gone 17. has written, wrote 18. have had, arrived 19. started, havent finished it yet 20. have taken, took 21. has bought, bought 22. has broken, broke 23. have forgotten 24. have read, started, have finished, read 25. have understood 26. has found, lost 27. received, have already sent 28. paid 29. has never flown, has flown 30. has taught, graduated1. visited, has been 2. has been waiting, has not arrived 3. have you been 4. was 5. have never read 6. has been telling, hasnt gone 7. have you ever seen 8. have done 9. have known, have known, was 10. have been moving 11. have you been watching, have been watching, have been talking 12. havent mended, tore 13. have been phoning, have you been 14. have watched 15. did you meet, did, havent met 16. has been crying, has cried 17. havent received, have already got 18. have you done, was 19. has often tried 20. has been working, came



    Formai mai mult ca perfectul cu had + participiul trecut


    AfirmativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they had worked.Negativ


  • I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they had not worked.

    InterogativHad I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they worked?

    Interogativ negativ: Had I not (hadnt I) worked?

    Forme contrase: I had, you had Id, youd; hadn not hadnt

    UtilizareMai mult ca perfectul simplu se folosete:1. ca echivalentul trecut al Prezentului perfect exprim o

    aciune care are loc naintea unei alte aciuni din trecut:The boy explained that he had seen somebody in the garden.When father came home, Dick had done his homework.

    Observai folosirea adverbelor when, before, now that, as soon as i after n unele propoziii care conin mai mult ca perfectul.Dick had done his homework before father came home.

    2. pentru a exprima durata pn la un anumit moment n trecut:By the time the rain started, we had dug the whole garden.

    3. cu just, already, hardly, barely, scarcely i no sooner pentru a arta c o aciune s-a terminat chiar naintea unei alte aciuni din trecut:Mary told us that her brother had just left.I had hardly/scarcely entered the room when somebody knocked at the door.

    4. cu since i for cnd punctul de referin este n trecut:In 1980 I had been a teacher for ten years.I knew she had not seen him since Christmas.

    5. pentru a exprima o aciune viitoare care are loc naintea unei alte aciuni exprimate de Future-in-the past:I told my friend that I would lend him the book after I had read it.


  • 6. cu verbe ca to expect, to hope, to intend, to mean, to think pentru a exprima o speran, intenie, din trecut care nu s-a ndeplinit:I had hoped/ intended/ meant to find tickets for that performance but I wasnt able to.


    Formai mai mult ca perfectul continuu cu had been + -ing


    AfirmativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they had been working.

    NegativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they had not been working.

    InterogativHad I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they been working?

    Interogativ negativ: Had I not (hadnt I) been working?

    Forme contraseI had, you had Id had, youd had; had not hadnt

    De reinut!Unele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpul continuu. (vezi pagina 18-19)

    UtilizareMai mult ca perfectul continuu se folosete:


  • 1. pentru a sublinia continuitatea unei aciuni din trecut pn la un alt moment din trecut sau doar pn foarte aproape de el:The pupils had been reading the lesson for five minutes when the school master entered the classroom.

    Exprimarea unor aciuni obinuite sau repetate n trecut

    Aciunile obinuite sau repetate legate de o perioad de timp din trecut se pot exprima folosind:1. trecutul simplu:

    My father always got up at daybreak.2. used to + infinitiv:

    My father used to get up at daybreak.3. would + infinitiv:

    My father would get up at daybreak.4. mai mult ca perfectul poate exprima o aciune din trecut

    repetat, care a durat pn la un moment dat:My father had been getting up at daybreak until his accident.

    Atenie! Nu confundai used to + infinitiv cu to be used to + -ing!Dr. Nelson used to work late. (obicei n trecut)Dr. Nelson is used to working late. (obicei n prezent)

    Exerciii:Punei verbele din parantez la trecutul simplu, mai mult ca perfectul simplu sau continuu:1. By the time Helen (reach) the store, she (forget) what she wanted to buy. 2. The ground (be) wet because it (rain) for five days. 3. First the weather (be) fine. Later it (start) to rain. Then we (decide) to go back home. 4. Michael (feel) rather unwell for a few days so he (go) to see his doctor. 5. By the end of last year they (study) English for six years. 6. Yesterday Mary (tell) her mother about a beautiful dress she (see) a few hours earlier. 7. When Stephen the Great (die) in 1504, he (reign)


  • for 47 years. 8. The party was a great success. Tom (feel) happier than he (ever, feel) before. 9. Bill (go) to the police station with a purse he (find) on the pavement. 10. We (wait) for more than half an hour but there was still no sign of Mary. 11. When I (phone) Gerald, he (not finish) his homework yet. 12. He (write) to say that he (just, buy) a car. 13. After they (play) records for an hour they (go out) for a walk. 14. Sally was still singing at noon yesterday. She (sing) all morning. 15. Patricia (design) herself a summer dress yesterday. She (never, design) clothes for herself before. 16. I (see) Alice yesterday afternoon. She (tell) me she (just, come) back from her holiday. 17. The telephone (ring) again a few minutes ago. It (ring) several times during the day. 18. The brass bands (play) ever since the first people (get) into the park. 19. By the time we (get) to the cinema, the film (already, begin). 20. Mr. Wood (drive) a few kilometers before he (realize) that one of his tyres was flat. 21. Alice was reading when her parents (come) home from work. She (read) for two hours. She (read) fifty pages.

    Cheia exerciiilor:1. reached, had forgotten 2. was, had been raining 3. was, started, decided 4. Had been feeling, went 5. had been studying 6. told, had seen 7. died, had reigned 8. felt, had ever felt 9. went, had found 10. had been waiting 11. phoned, hadnt finished 12. wrote, had just bought 13. played, went out 14. had been singing 15. designed, had never designed 16. saw, told, had just come 17. rang, had rung 18. had been playing, got 19. got, had already begun 20. had driven, realized 21. came, had been reading, had read


    Exist mai multe modaliti de exprimare a aciunilor viitoare. Alegerea unei anumite modaliti depinde de felul aciunii viitoare: planificat, intenionat, ateptat, iminent sau dac face parte dintr-un program.



    FormFormai viitorul cu shall /will + infinitiv fr to

    AfirmativI / we shall workyou / he / she / it / you / they will work

    NegativI / we shall not workyou / he / she / it / you / they will not work

    InterogativShall I / we work?Will you / he / she / it / you / they work?

    Interogativ negativ: Shall I not (shant I) work? Will you not (wont you) work? Will he not (wont he) work?

    Forme contraseI shall Ill; you will youll; he will hell; we shall well

    NotDeoarece n limba vorbit will l nlocuiete pe shall, tendina actual este de nlocuire a lui shall cu will chiar i n scris.

    UtilizareViitorul simplu se folosete:1. pentru a exprima o reacie sau decizie spontan sau

    neplanificat, fcut la momentul vorbirii:Mary, the phone is ringing. Oh. Is it? Ill answer it.Im too tired to go out tonight. I think Ill stay home.



  • Pentru deciziile neplanificate, fcute n momentul vorbirii, se folosete viitorul simplu. Pentru referirile ulterioare la aceste decizii se folosete prezentul continuu cu sens de viitor sau forma cu going to n locul viitorului cu will.

    2. pentru evenimente probabile n viitor: pentru a transmite ceea ce vorbitorul tie, crede, sper, presupune, se teme, se ndoiete, se ateapt s, se ntreab dac tie c se va ntmpla:After this rainy summer, I expect the harvest will be good.I hope Lucky Jim will win, Ive bet 100 $ on him.

    3. pentru a prezice evenimente viitoare:By the year 2050 we will all be driving electric cars.

    4. pentru a te oferi s faci ceva:I cant do my homework. Dont worry. Ill help you.pentru a accepta sau refuza s faci ceva:Can you give me a lift to the station tomorrow morning? Of course, Ill pick you up at 8.30.pentru a promite c faci/ nu faci ceva:Ill say hello to Kathy for you.I wont tell anybody about what happened last night.pentru a cera cuiva s fac ceva:Im trying to do some work. Will you be quiet, please?

    NotWill not (sau wont) se folosete adesea pentru a exprima o

    intenie negativ foarte clar:He wont move his car = He refuses to move his car.

    NotWill se folosete cu adverbe de probabilitate, cum sunt: probably, perhaps, certainly:The factory workers will probably get a pay increase this year.

    NotShall se poate folosi pentru sugestii sau oferte la persoana I singular i plural shall I ? Shall we ?Where shall I put these boxes? (= where do you suggest I put them?)Shall we go now?


  • Rspunsuri scurte i interogaii disjunctivePentru a forma rspunsuri scurte, lui yes sau no li se poate aduga structura subiect + willWill it break if I sit on it? Yes, it will.


    Uneori se mai numete i viitorul progresiv.

    FormFormai viitorul continuu cu shall /will be + ing

    AfirmativI / we shall be workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they will be working

    NegativI / we shall not be workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they will not be workingInterogativShall I / we be working?Will you/ he / she / it / you / they be working?Interogativ negativ: Shall I not (shant I) be working? Will you not (wont you) be working? Will he not (wont he) be working?

    UtilizareViitorul continuu se folosete:1. pentru a exprima aciuni n desfurare n viitor, cnd timpul

    este menionat sau dedus:Margaret will be wearing her usual red dress at the party on Saturday night.


  • This time next week Ill be lying on a hot sunny beach. What will you be doing?

    2. pentru a exprima ceva care a fost deja plnuit sau decis, fr intenia vorbitorului i fr a se meniona un timp anume:Ill be going to the newsagents soon. Can I get you a newspaper?

    3. pentru a ntreba politicos despre planurile altora. Aceast form sugereaz c dorim s ne potrivim cu planurile celeilalte persoane, nu s le schimbm:Will you be using your car this evening? No, why? Could I borrow it?


    FormFormai viitorul perfect cu shall / will + have + participiul trecut

    AfirmativI / we shall have workedYou/ he / she / it / you / they will have workedNegativI / we shall not have workedYou/ he / she / it / you / they will not have worked

    InterogativShall I / we have worked?Will you/ he / she / it / you / they have worked?

    Interogativ negativ: Shall I not (shant I) have worked? Will you not (wont you) have worked? Will he not (wont he) have worked?

    UtilizareViitorul perfect se folosete:


  • 1. pentru a exprima o aciune care se va fi petrecut deja pn la un anumit moment din viitor. Este important menionarea momentului:I will have retired from work by the time Im 65.Jack is running for the 8.10 train. He looks at his watch; its now 8.12. He thinks to himself, its useless running, the train will have left by now.


    FormFormai viitorul perfect continuu cu shall / will + have been + ing

    AfirmativI / we shall have been workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they will have been working

    NegativI / we shall not have been workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they will not have been working

    InterogativShall I / we have been working?Will you/ he / she / it / you / they have worked?Interogativ negativ: Shall I not (shant I) have been working? Will you not (wont you) have been working? Will he not (wont he) have been working? UtilizareViitorul perfect continuu se folosete:1. pentru a exprima faptul c o aciune se va afla nc n

    desfurare la un anumit moment n viitor:They will have been building that house for 2 years next Christmas.

    NotDiferena dintre timpurile perfect prezent i timpurile viitoare perfecte:


  • Perfect prezent simplu:Mr. + Mrs. Fox have known each other for 7 years.Viitorul perfect simplu:Mr. + Mrs. Fox will have known each other for 8 years next April.

    .. 7 yearspast now

    .. 7 years 8 yearspast now next April

    Prezent perfect continuu:Mr. + Mrs. Fox have been living together for 7 years.Viitorul perfect continuu:Mr. + Mrs. Fox will have been living together for 8 years next April.


    FormFormai viitorul n trecut simplu cu should / would + infinitivul scurt

    AfirmativI / we should workYou/ he / she / it / you / they would workNegativI / we should not workYou/ he / she / it / you / they would not work

    InterogativShould I / we work?Would you/ he / she / it / you / they work?

    Interogativ negativ: Should I not (shouldnt I) work? Would you not (wouldnt you) work?

    UtilizareViitorul n trecut se folosete:


  • 1. pentru a exprima o aciune viitoare vzut dintr-un punct de vedere trecut. Se folosete n propoziii subordonate completive directe:She told me that she would go there soon.


    FormFormai viitorul n trecut continuu cu should / would + be + participiul prezent

    AfirmativI / we should be workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they would be working

    NegativI / we should not be workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they would not be working

    InterogativShould I / we be working?Would you/ he / she / it / you / they be working?Interogativ negativ: Should I not (shouldnt I) be working? Would you not (wouldnt you) be working?

    UtilizareViitorul n trecut continuu se folosete:1. pentru a exprima un viitor continuu dintr-un punct de vedere

    trecut:The woman assured us that, in less than half an hour, her baby would be sleeping.



  • UtilizareViitorul cu to be to se folosete:1. pentru ceva care este destinat s se ntmple:

    The famous tennis player began the match in which he was to break his arm.

    2. pentru un plan sau un aranjament oficial:The President was to arrive at 10 oclock.

    3. pentru voina unei persoane, alta dect vorbitorul:This bad news is to be given to him after his exam.

    4. pentru o datorie:What exercises are we to do?

    5. pentru o posibilitate, probabilitate:Prices are to be much higher soon.


    UtilizareViitorul cu to be about to se folosete:1. pentru a exprima ceva care e pe punctul de a se ntmpla:

    Our guests are about to leave.I am about to go to the seaside

    9. TO BE GOING TO FUTURE (The Near Future)

    FormSe formeaz cu to be + going to + infinitiv

    AfirmativI am / you are/ he, she, it is/ we, you, they are going to work

    NegativI am / you are/ he, she, it is/ we, you, they are not going to work

    InterogativAm I / are you / is he, she, it / are we, you, they going to work?


  • Interogativ negativ: Am I not (arent I) going to work? Are you not (arent you) going to work? Is he not (isnt he) going to work?

    UtilizareForma cu going to se folosete:1. pentru a exprima intenia de a face n viitor ceva ce nu a fost

    aranjat dar probabil se va ntmpla:Jim and Sue are going to move to Liverpool when they finish their training.Sarah and John are going to get married next year.

    2. pentru a prezice o ntmplare n viitor:Acest timp se folosete pentru a exprima ceea ce credem c se va ntmpla, n special atunci cnd ceva din situaia prezent indic un rezultat n viitorul imediat. Timpul nu este de obicei menionat.Look how fast those cars are moving. There is going to be an accident.That little girl isnt looking where shes going. She is going to walk into that tree.

    3. forma cu was/were going to e folosit pentru a exprima o intenie din trecut care nu s-a realizat:I was going to phone you last night but I fell asleep in front of the TVMy parents were going to go to Scotland for their holidays but they changed their minds and went to Ireland instead.


    Punei verbele din parantez la forma corect folosind will sau going to:1. The fire has gone out. Oh, yes! I (go) and get some wood. 2. What are you doing with that pan? I (get) lunch ready. 3. Mr. Doyle has just arrived. Oh, good, I (meet) him at the lift. 4. I havent bought any cigarettes because I (try) to give up smoking. 5. Ive got a hole in my trousers. Give them to me. I (mend) them for you. 6. Look what I bought at the auction this morning! How nice, where (you/ put) it? 7.


  • Did you post that letter for me? I completely forgot. I (do) it now. 8. What would you like to drink: red or white wine? I (have) red, please. 9. I see you are wearing your overalls. (you/fix) your car? 10. Have you booked the flight? Not yet, I (do) it tomorrow. 11. I (go) shopping later. Really, I (come) with you. 12. What (you/do) when you leave university? I dont know yet; perhaps I (travel) around Europe for a year. 13. You look exhausted. Sit down and I (make) you a cup of tea. 14. When (you/buy) a new car? This one is falling to pieces. I cant afford it now, I (change) it next year when I get a pay rise. 15. (you/pass) me the salt, please? 16. (you/park) my car for me? 17. I (make) a cup of coffee, if you wish. 18. (you/decorate) the whole house yourself? 19. Do you want me to help you with that maths exercises? No, thanks I (solve) it myself. 20. I (not buy) any more new clothes until Ive lost five kilos.

    Punei verbele din parantez la viitorul simplu sau continuu:1. The weather (probably, be) fine tomorrow so we (go) on a trip to the seaside. 2. We (lie) on the beach and (swim) in the water between 10 and 12 in the morning. 3. At noon we (have) lunch in a restaurant on the pier. 4. Then we (walk) along the shore and (look) at the ships for a while. 5. We (eat) ice-creams and (listen) to the brass band between 4 and 5 in the afternoon. 6. About 5 oclock in the afternoon we (go) to our car and (drive) back home. 7. In the evening we (sit) round the table in the living-room and (tell) jockes. 8. We (go) to bed about 10 oclock. Im sure we (have) a good time tomorrow.

    Punei verbele din parantez la forma corect: prezent, viitor sau viitor perfect:1. By the time the writer (meet) his readers, he (write) 200 pages of his novel. 2. I (give) Cathy your message before you (see) her. 3. Mr. Brown (teach) our class until 10 oclock. By 10.05 he (leave) the classroom. 4. When father (return) from his trip, we (already, leave) on holiday. 5. The cook (prepare) the dinner before the guests (arrive). 6. The next time you (meet) George, he (be) an engineer for two months. 7. When you (go) into the office, the post (already, arrive). 8. They (close) the shop by the time you (get) there. 9. The company


  • (deliver) the materials until the beginning of the May. They (deliver) everything by the first of May. 10. When you (see) Jack next month, he (almost, finish) his military service.

    Punei verbele din parantez la prezent, prezentul perfect, viitor sau viitorul perfect (simplu sau continuu):1. What (you, do) when you (graduate)? 2. By next December, Henry (work) in this factory for two years and he (learn) a lot of useful things. 3. Mr. Brown (fly) to America tomorrow. He (eat) his lunch while he (fly) over the ocean. 4. Mrs. Barton (wait) in the car while her husband (get) the petrol. 5. Next week my friends (lie) on the beach while I (write) examination papers. I (work) hard for a week; when I (finish), I (be) exhausted. 6. I (already, have) lunch by the time you (arrive). 7. I (go) to bed as soon as I (finish) my work. 8. I (just, come) back from school by seven oclock tomorrow. 9. When I (live) in this district for a few months, I (know) the names of all the streets. 10. The doctor (operate) from eight to ten in the morning; dont let anyone get into the operating theatre.

    Cheia exerciiilor:*1. Ill go 2. Im going to get 3. Ill meet 4. Im going to try 5. Ill mend 6. are you going to put 7. Ill do 8. Ill have 9. are you going to fix 10. Ill do 11. I am going to go, Ill come 12. are you going to do, Ill travel 13. Ill make 14. are you going to buy 15. will you pass 16. will you park 17. Ill make 18. are you going to decorate 19. Ill solve 20. Im not going to buy* 1. will probably be fine, well go 2. will be lying, will be swimming 3. will be having 4. will be walking, well look 5. Well be eating, well be listening to 6. Well go, well drive 7. Well be sitting, well be telling 8. Well go, well have* 1. meets, will have written 2. Ill give, see 3. will teach, will has left 4. returns, will already have left 5. will prepare, arrive 6. meet, will have been 7. go, will already have arrived 8. will have closed, get 9. will deliver, will have delivered 10. See, will almost has finished* 1. are you going to do, graduate 2. will have been working, will have learnt 3. Is flying, well be eating, will be flying 4. will be waiting, gets 5. will be lying, I am writing, Ill work, Ill finish, Ill be


  • exhausted 6. Ill already have had lunch, arrive 7. Ill go, finish 8. Ill just have come back 9. Ive lived, Ill know 10. will be operating



    FormFormai condiionalul prezent cu verbul would / should + infinitiv

    AfirmativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they would - work

    NegativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they would not - work

    InterogativWould I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they work?

    Negativ-InterogativWould I not / wouldnt I / work? Would you not / wouldnt you / work?

    Forma contrasI would = Id / you would = youdHe would not = he wouldnt / they would not = they wouldnt

    Should poate fi folosit pentru toate persoanele pentru a exprima ndatorirea sau sugestia:

    I should work today but Im too tired. (datorie)Alan should work harder to earn more money. (sugestie)



    FormFormai condiionalul perfect cu would / should + have + participiu trecut

    AfirmativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they would have - worked

    NegativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they would not have - worked

    InterogativWould I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they have - worked

    Negativ-InterogativWould I not have (wouldnt I have) worked?

    UtilizareTimpurile condiionale se folosesc:1. la fel ca viitorul simplu (future-in-the-past) cnd verbul

    principal este la trecut:I think he will come. I thought he would come.

    2. pentru a face referiri la aciuni obinuite din trecut:When we lived in Africa we would often spend our weekends in the bush.When Elena was a baby she would cry all night long.

    3. n propoziii subordonate dup: advise, agree, arrange, ask, beg, command, decide, demand, determine, insist, order, propose, recommend, request, suggest, be anxious, be determinedThe doctor decided (that) the patient should have his appendix out.Mr. Walker is anxious (that) her son should get the job.

    4. cu it is / was + adjectiv + that should


  • Its essential that the students should get to their lesson on time.It was strange that he should say that.

    5. dup cant think, dont know why sau see no reason whyI see no reason why we should worry.I dont know why my neighbour should do that.I cant think why Frank should apologise.

    6. cu oferte i cereri:Would you prefer tea or coffee?Would you like to see my stamp collection?

    NotWould rather nseamn a prefera saI would rather have coffee than tea.We would rather take the bus than walk.

    7. n propoziii condiionaleExist trei tipuri de propoziii condiionale (IF Cluase)

    IF Clause Tipul I: pentru a indica probabilitatea

    FormFormai primul tip de propoziie condiional cu If + prezent simplu i will / prezent simplu / imperativ + infinitiv scurt (n propoziia principal)

    If I run, I will catch the train.She smiles if you greets her.Read that book, if you find it.

    NotForma contras este cea uzual n engleza vorbit.If Frank doesnt come, well start without him. Not


  • Este posibil inversarea subordonatei cu propoziia principal:If I get home early, Ill phone you.Ill phone you, if I get home early.

    UtilizareCondiionalul de tip I se folosete astfel:1. cnd situaia din propoziia condiional este probabil sau se

    presupune c se va ntmpla. Dei sensul poate fi de prezent sau viitor, verbul din propoziia condiional este ntotdeauna la timpul prezent.The vase will break, if you drop it.Will you get me some milk, if you go to the supermarket?

    2. verbele modale precum can, may, must, should l nlocuiesc pe will n propoziia principal:You can enter the stadium, if you have a ticket.If he isnt in, you may leave a message.John must work very hard, if he wants to get elected.If you want to wear that dress this summer, you should lose some weight.

    3. cu dou timpuri prezente (unul n fiecare propoziie) pentru a indica rezultate automate sau obinuine:If you push that button, it comes on.If you mix red and blue, you get purple.

    NotShould poate fi plasat dup sau n loc de if cnd vorbim despre o posibilitate mai puin probabil. Notai c subiectul este aezat dup should.If I should visit India, Ill go and see the Taj Mahal.Should I visit India, Ill go and see the Taj Mahal. NotPentru a indica sfatul, comanda sau cererea, n propoziia principal se pot folosi: could, would, had better, ought to:Bill had better get his hair cut, if he wants to get that job.I would pay the fine, if you dont want to get into trouble with the police.


  • 4. cu timpuri prezente alternative (continue sau perfecte) n propoziia condiional:If you are making a cup of coffee, Ill have one too.If the children have finished dinner, Ill wash up.

    NotUnless = If notUnless its a sunny day tomorrow, we wont go on that picnic = If it is not a sunny day tomorrow, we wont go on that picnic.Otherwise = or elseIf you dont study, youll fail the exam = you must study, otherwise youll fail the exam = you must study, or else youll fail the exam.

    IF Clause Tipul II : pentru a indica improbabilitatea sau ipoteza

    FormFormai al doilea tip de propoziie condiional cu If + past simple i would + infinitivul scurt (n propoziia principal)If you invited her she would come. If you did not invite her she would not come.

    NotTipul II de condiional se refer la prezent sau la viitor. Trecutul din subordonata condiional nu are sens de trecut. Este un conjunctiv care indic improbabilitatea sau ipoteza.

    UtilizareCondiionalul de tipul II se folosete:1. cnd situaia din subordonata condiional este puin probabil

    s se petreac sau reprezint exprimarea unei posibiliti ipotetice:If I won the lottery, I would stop working. (but I dont belive I win)


  • 2. cu referire la o situaie prezent sau viitoare, foarte improbabil sau ireal:If I were you, Id buy a bigger car. (but Im not you)If the distance to the train station were shorter, Id walk there. (the distance is unlikely to change)

    NotConjunctivul verbului to be este were pentru toate persoanele. Totui, n engleza vorbit auzim uneori was la persoana I i a III-a.If I was to visit If it was a nice day

    3. pentru a face o sugestie politicoas sau pentru a exprima o ipotez perfect realizabil:If we go in two cars, well be more comfortable.If we went in two cars, wed be more comfortable.

    NotCondiionalul de tipul II este considerat mai politicos pentru a face o sugestie sau a da un sfat:Will I catch the shops open, if I run?You will catch them open, if you walk. Sau mai politicos:You would catch them open, if you walked.

    4. verbele modale la un timp trecut l pot nlocui pe would. Sensurile se modific n mod corespunztor:If Mr. Lynch applied for the job, he would get it. (sigur n mod virtual)If Mr. Lynch applied for the job, he might get it. (posibil)If Mr. Lynch got the job, he could start next Monday. (abilitate)

    5. cu forme continue fie n subordonata condiional, fie n propoziia principal:If I werent at work today, I would be at home mowing the lawn.If I were giving a presentation, Id use slides.


  • IF Clause Tipul III : pentru a indica imposibilitatea

    FormFormai al treilea tip de propoziie condiional cu If + mai mult ca perfect i would have + participiu trecut (n propoziia principal)If they have invited David he would have gone.

    Forma contras: att I had ct i I would = IdIf theyd invited David, hed have gone.

    NotTipul III de condiional se refer la trecut i indic imposibilitatea. Este imposibil ndeplinirea aciunii din principal pentru c aciunea din subordonata condiional nu s-a petrecut.

    UtilizareCondiionalul de tipul III se folosete:1. cnd situaia din subordonata condiional este n trecut, deci

    imposibil:If we had taken an umbrella with us last night, we would not have got wet. (We didnt take an umbrella last night so we got wet.)

    2. cu could (cu referire la abilitate sau permisiune) i might (cu referire la posibilitate) n locul lui would n propoziia principal:I could have made a cake, if you had told me it was your husbands birthday. (abilitate)I might have won the squash game last night, if I hadnt eaten such a big meal before playing.

    3. cu forme continue fie n subordonata condiional fie n principal:If the driver hadnt been going slowly, he would have crashed into the car in front.He would have been driving faster, if he hadnt realised the danger.



  • n engleza vorbit tipurile II i III de condiional apar amestecate:Luckily it didnt rain. If it had rained, I would be wet now.I didnt pass my driving test. If I had passed it, I could be driving my car now.

    IF ONLYIf only se poate folosi la toate cele trei tipuri de condiional pentru a sublinia sperana sau regretulIf only the wind blows in the right direction, well get back to the shore safe ans sound. (prezent = speran)If only we had an engine on this boat, we could get back in no time. (trecut simplu = dorin)If only we had taken a siren with us, we could have sent an S.O.S. (mai mult ca perfectul = regret)

    NotWill / would / could / should i alte verbe modale nu se folosesc de obicei n propoziia condiional. Exist i excepii:If you would ask him for me, I would be grateful. (solicitare politicoas)If my brother would tell me why hes so upset, perhaps I could help. (pentru a indica voina)If you will eat so much all the time, you are bound to get fat. (pentru a indica voina, ncpnarea)

    NotInversiune:If he had the time, heHad he had the time, he


    Alegei should sau would pentru a completa spaiile n aceast povestire:It is only fair that you .(1) know about Harrys past before you marry him. When he was a child he .(2) always get himself into trouble and his father always insisted that he . (3) tell us where he


  • was going. Once he went down to the river to fish, he said. But I could see no reason why he .(4) take his air-rifle with him. I was so worried that I begged that his father .(5) follow him; he did just that and to his surprise he saw that Harry was shooting at the fish instead of catching them with a rod. His father was so furious that he ordered that Harry .(6) hand his rifle over to the police. He said he ..(7) but we suspect he kept it hidden away somewhere because we ..(8) hear shooting in the fields every now and then. Well my dear, it is better that you ..(9) hear these things before making an important decision. ..(10) you perhaps prefer to meet Harryd older brother? Now he is a completely different person!

    Punei verbele din paranteze la forma corect: condiionalul I, II sau III:1. We (drive) out of town after dinner unless you are too tired. 2. If I (be) able to spell correctly, Id be so happy! 3. If you had arrived in the daytime I (meet) you at the station. 4. If you keep calm, you (remember) what to do. 5. If Mr. Brown (drive) more carefully he wouldnt have had the accident. 6. She would get too hot if you (cover) her up. 7. He would have known what was wrong if he (look) at the engine. 8. If the engine had been repaired he (be able) to use the car. 9. They will send you the spare parts you need on condition they (get) your order. 10. An interpreter (help) you if you cannot understand the Customs officer.

    Punei verbele din paranteze la forma corect: prezent, viitor, imperativ1. Unless Betty (have) enough money, she (not be able) to buy the sweater. 2. The boys (not go) up the mountain tomorrow if it (be) foggy. 3. If the television programme (be) good on Sundays, my parents always (stay) at home and (watch) TV. 4. She (buy) a large car provided she (win) the lottery. 5. If you (put) sugar in warm water, it (dissolve).Punei verbele din paranteze la forma corect:1. If you would come with me, I (show) you the town. 2. If I were you I (be) more careful. 3. She (get) a job as an interpreter on condition she knew two languages well. 4. He wouldnt start work on the project


  • unless his manager (agree) to the plan. 5. If I (know) this language well, I could translate the book into Romanian.

    Punei verbele din paranteze la forma corect:1. Vera: Thank goodness! I thought youd missed it. Laura: I very nearly did. What (you, do) if I (miss) it? 2. Vera: I think I (get) out of the train. Then I (wait) for you on the platform. 3. Laura: If I (not, find) a taxi I (not, get) here in time. 4. Vera: I thought you were coming by bus. Laura: I was, but it broke down when we were halfway here. If I (wait) for another one, I (certainly, miss) this train. 5. Vera: How lucky that you found a taxi. Laura: Oh, yes. It (be) a nuisance if we (miss) the train.

    Cheia exerciiilor:* 1. Should 2. Would 3. Should 4. Should 5. Should 6. Should 7. Would 8. Would 9. Should 10. Would

    * 1. Well drive 2. Were 3. Would have met 4. Youll remember 5. Had driven 6. Covered 7. Had looked 8. Would have been able 9. Get 10. Will help

    * 1. Has, will not be able 2. Will not go, is 3. Is, stay, watch 4. Will buy, wins 5. Put, dissolves

    * 1. Would show 2. Would be 3. Would get 4. Agreed 5. knew* 1. would you have done, had missed 2. Would have got, would have waited 3. Hadnt found, wouldnt have got 4. Had waited, would certainly have missed 5. Would have been, had missed




  • Concordana timpurilor n limba englez se aplic la trei tipuri de propoziii subordonate: subordonata completiv direct, subordonata condiional i subordonata temporal.n continuare ne vom referi doar la dou din cele trei tipuri de subordonate, cea condiional fiind tratat n capitolul XII.

    DIRECT OBJECT CLAUSE(Propoziia Subordonat Completiv Direct)

    Main/Regent Clause Subordinate Clause(Propoziia principal) (Propoziia subordonat)

    1. Prezent Orice timp verbal cerut de Prezentul Perfect sensul subordonateiViitor

    Mary explains/has explained/will explain that she goes/will go/has gone/went/had gone to London.2. Timpul trecut Trecutul perfect

    pentru o aciune anterioar He said that he had seen the movie.

    Timpul trecut pentru o aciune simultan

    I thought that they were at home.Future-in-the-past

    pentru o aciune posterioarThey promised they would write that exercise again.

    NotExist i cteva excepii:1. Verbele to ask, demand, insist, order, recommend, require, urge,

    n propoziia principal, sunt urmate de Subjonctivul Analitic (British English) i de Subjonctivul Sintetic (American English)


  • She demands that you should arrive in time.She demands that you arrive in time.

    2. Pentru adevruri general valabile i ireversibile

    It was proved that water boils at 100 Celsius degrees. I knew that she is a widow.

    TIME CLAUSE(Propoziia Subordonat Temporal)

    Regul de baz: n propoziia temporal nu se poate folosi viitorul.

    Main/Regent Clause Subordinate Clause(Propoziia principal) (Propoziia subordonat)

    1. Viitor Timpul Prezent pentru aciuni simultane

    Mary will tell us the truth when she knows it.Prezentul Perfect

    pentru aciuni anterioare The boy will translate the lesson after he has learnt the new words.2. Timpul Trecut Timpul Trecut

    Future-in-the-Past pentru aciuni simultane Mary visited us whenever she was free.

    I promised mother I would buy that book when I saw it.Trecutul Perfect

    pentru aciuni anterioare The children went to bed after they had done their lessons.We understood that they would come home after they had finished their work.

    Notn alte tipuri de subordonate se folosesc acele timpuri verbale care sunt cerute de sensul subordonatei respective, fr nici o constrngere:


  • Yesterday I bought a book which is very interesting/I will read this week/I have been looking for since April. (propoziie atributiv)

    Jack played tennis that day as he will never be able to play again. (propoziie completiv de mod)

    Last year Mary spoke English better than her sister does now. (propoziie completiv de comparaie)

    My brother finished his work in the morning because he will go to a party this evening. (propoziie completiv cauzal)

    ExerciiiPunei verbele din paranteze la forma corect (Prezent, timpul trecut, prezentul perfect, trecutul perfect, viitor):

    A. 1. Arnold (to be) born in a village and he (to spend) his childhood there. He (to move) to Leeds when he (to be) fifteen years old and he (to live) there since his sister (to get) married. 2. At present, he (to work) in an office but he (to use) to work at a bank before. 3 .next year he (to go) to London to study at the University, but only after he (to finish) writing the novel he (to work) at now. 4. I (to write) to him a long letter several days ago and (to ask) him how many chapters he already (to write). 5