1 Graduation -What Stream? Report Prepared By Team Cyber Astro

Graduation, What Stream?

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Graduation -What Stream?

Report Prepared By

Team Cyber Astro


Dear XYZ,

You are about to take the first important decision in your life. In fact this is also going to be the

most important decision, which will ultimately shape your entire career. There are lot of

expectations and suggestions around you. Your own, your parents, your peers, your teachers but

you must make the right choice, because this is about your own life. The career that you choose

must reflect your own potential, and your own strength. How do you find that? In the past

especially when your parents were making this choice about their own life, the choices were

limited, but today there are unlimited choices and unlimited possibilities.

We are proud to be your partner in helping you to make the right choice. Your horoscope chart, can

give accurate indication of your strength and your core competence, which has been researched and

validated by us by analyzing thousands of charts across the globe. It is not Vedic Astrology’s

purpose to replace an individual’s responsibility to decide for themselves or to present a fait

accompli forecast for your future. We believe that you control and shape your destiny by your

Karma and through your own efforts.

This report will help you to make an informed choice to select the right stream for higher studies,

which will shape your future career path. As per Vedic astrology, the star and planets will control

only 75% of your life but the critical component of balance 25% will be based on your own Karma

and your own choice.

With Warm Regards,

Dr. J. N. Pandey

Chief Astrologer

Team Cyber Astro


Table of Content

Sr. No. Content Details. Page Nos.

1. Your Birth Details. 4

2. Your Vedic Birth Chart. 4

3. Brief Description of Your Vedic Birth Chart. 5

4. Astrologically Most Suitable Career. 6

5. Most Suitable Stream for Study in Graduation Level. 7

6. Chances to Pursue Academic Study Abroad for Graduation. 8

7. Most Favorable Time for Success. 9

8. Chances for Admission to prestigious institute for graduate studies. 10

9. Special comment on your primary concern. 11

10. Astro Remedy Recommendation to improve your chances for success. 12


Your Birth Details

Name XYZ

Date Of Birth 03rd

October 1999

Time Of Birth 20:35:00

Place of Birth Thane, India

Your Vedic Birth Chart


Brief Description Of Your Vedic Birth Chart

Your Ascendant (Janma Lagna) Aries

Your Vedic Sun Sign Virgo

Your Moon Sign (Janma Rashi) Cancer

Your Birth Star (Janma Nakshatra) Pushya -1st Phase

Retrograde Planet/s Jupiter, Saturn.

Combust Planet/s None

Exalted Planet/s None

Debilitated Planet/s Saturn

For each person, at the time and place of birth, there is a specific astronomical pattern in the

heavens. This sky model is recorded from a distinct geographical point. Astrologers document this

planet-earth-sky pattern and it is known as a Chart, which records the following:

� Where the Planets are in the sky-by listing their location in a constellation or Sign of the


� The location on earth-by using latitude and longitude; these are called Houses.

� Which sign is on the horizon, or that part of the sky east of the birth location, at the time of

birth-this point is called the rising sign or the Ascendant.

The three most significant components of a Birth Chart are the Ascendant, Planets and Houses. The

Birth Chart is called a horoscope (from Greek horo, indicating time, and scope, meaning to look

at). In India, the chart is called the Chakra (wheel) or Janma Kundali.

An Astrologer interprets your Birth Chart by analyzing the interaction and influence of Planets,

Ascendant and Houses in the Birth Chart. Life patterns seen in the birth chart are matched against

the patterns seen in historical rules and records of parallel astronomical information. For predictive

purposes, the location of the planets from sign to sign, and house to house is tracked to locate when

circumstances will emerge or when the planets will cross a sensitive point in the birth chart

stimulating a specific event.


Astrologically Most Suitable Career

According to the positioning of planets in your horoscope, which would influence your career,

there is very good indication and potential for pursuing a career in the field of biotechnology. This

is because, there is placement of house of education lord Sun in the 6th house, which indicates

getting higher education as well as success in the field associated with biology. More on this, the

placement of house of profession lord Saturn in ascendant indicates association with technical field

or technology. Hence, the academic field as well as career associated with biology and technology

i.e. biotechnology can be said most suitable career option for you. Since, planet Mars is the

strongest planet in your birth chart and it is placed in the 8th house being your lord of ascendant

and 8th house. Hence, the work profile related to research in the field of biotechnology can be said

best career option for you.

Though, the placement of 6th house lord Mercury in 7th house and placement of 7th house lord

Venus in the house of education could also help you to get education as well as make your career

in the field of medicine. Even then, considering the overall career progress and success in life,

medicine file and a profession of doctor can be said 2nd best career option for you.

In short, according to the above said explanation there is very supportive planetary

combination and indication for pursuing and making a successful career in the field of

biotechnology. Especially, research work in the field of biotechnology can be said most

suitable career option for you. However, you may also consider career in medicine field as

2nd best suitable career option for you.


Most Suitable Stream for Study in Graduation Level

According to the planetary position related to your house of education and house of profession, the

career with biotechnology would be most suitable career option for you. Therefore, considering the

same you should go with related field for graduation level education where you have already taken

the admission for the same. After completion your studies the work profile associated with research

can be said best option for you so the subjects’ biotechnology engineering should be 1st choice for

getting admission at graduation level.


Chances to Pursue Academic Study Abroad for Graduation

In your horoscope there is not very strong connection and relation between the house of education

and 12th house, which signifies foreign land so, you cannot hope much for getting a chance to

study abroad. Hence, you have to complete your graduation in India first after that you may travel

abroad related to work in coming future.


Most Favorable Time for Success

According to your horoscope, currently you are going through the main period of 3rd house and

6th house lord Mercury from 24th June 2016 to 24th June 2033, which is placed in 7th house and is

a favorable planet in your birth chart. Therefore, you are going through the best phase of your life

where Mercury is going to help you on academic front as well as on career front. Especially current

sub period of Mercury in the main period of Mercury till November 2018 and the sub period of

Venus from November 2019 to September 2022 is going to prove a very supportive period on

academic front for you. So, you may take advantage of this period with respect to your admission

for higher education as well as to get a good academic institution for the same. Furthermore, at

present the sub-sub periods of Sun from 13th May 2017 to 26th June 2017 would be very

supportive and favorable period to get good results in academic filed if, you are giving any

competitive exam etc.

Therefore, the time for success in academic filed/career is going on where the transit of Jupiter

would be also very supportive from August 2016 to October 2020 to get good results in your

academic career. Hence, favorable time is going on so you have to put your best effort and plan

your career to maximize your results for better future.


Chances for Admission to Prestigious Institute for Graduate Studies

If we analyze closely all the astrological signature and parameters, then we reach the conclusion

that according to transit of planets as well as Dasha period of planets you can hope for getting

admission in any second category good academic institution. Since, at present the sub-sub period

of planets Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars in the sub period and main period of Mercury from 17th

December 2016 to 28th October 2017 is very supportive and favorable to get good marks in your

class 12th Exam as well as get admission in any good second category academic institution for

future studies.


Special comment on your primary concern

Regarding your primary concern about the results of class 12

th as well as clearing of medicine

entrance test, I would like to inform you that you are going through the best planetary phase of

your life. Hence, you can hope to get good marks in your class 12th

exam if you have given the

same during the period from 17th December 2016 to 13

th May 2017. Since, there was sub-sub

period of Venus when you given the exam for class 12th and Venus is placed in your house of

education only where as at present you are under the sub-sub period of house of education lord Sun

till 26th

June 2017. Hence, as per astrological signature I can hope that you have done your papers

very well and you would also get the desired results with good marks in the exam of class 12th


However, regarding your all India level medicine entrance I would like to inform you that

medicine can be said the 2nd best career option for you where as you have already got admission

for biotechnology engineering and it will be the best career option for you. So, even if you clear the

entrance then also astrologically I would not advise to go with the same. Rest will be your own

decision but I would suggest taking up research work related career in the field of biotechnology,

which would prove best career for you.


Astro Remedy Recommendation to improve your chances for success

Since currently till June 2033 you are under the influence of the main period of Mercury, which is

a favorable planet in your birth chart with respect to career. Therefore, you should strengthen

planet Mercury by wearing of a good quality 4 carat Emerald in a gold ring/pendant to get better

support of this main period in your career as well as in other aspects of life

In order to know more about the remedies given above, please click on the links below:

� Emerald Gemstone; https://www.cyberastro.com/remedies/gems_emerald.asp

May God grant you name, fame and success in your career!

With Warm Regards,

Dr. J. N. Pandey