Addison Independent, Thursday, June 16, 2011 — PAGE 1C & MONUMENT FARMS DAIRY -DPHV 5RDG :H\EULGJH MILK YOUR FUTURE FOR ALL IT’S WORTH! Don’t forget... just because you are all grown up, doesn’t mean you should forget milk. Keep doing your healthy homework! Drink milk to make your future strong and successful! Congratulations Kylie, Hannah and Emily and the Graduating Class of 2011! from all of us at FOSTER MOTORS 9; :6<;/ 40++3,)<9@ -6:;,946;69:*64 5RXWH 6RXWK 0LGGOHEXU\ 3882500 0RQGD\ )ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ California has once DJDLQ RI¿FLDOO\ EHHQ UDWHG E\ DQ LQGHSHGHQW QDWLRQDO VWXG\ 7KDW PHDQV LW¶V WKH WRS SHUIRUPLQJ EHVW SDLQW LQ $PHULFD SURYLGLQJ WKH ORQJHVW ODVWLQJ ¿QLVK IRU \RXU KRPH Come in and check out the brand new palette of historic colors now available. Graduating #1 in the class! Graduation 2011 Where are they now? During the high school graduation season we tell the graduates to look forward to the future with hope and optimism, while those of us who have seen a few seasons come and go often look back to our own years in high school and just beyond. The newly minted graduates look forward to the next stages of their lives: PRYLQJ DZD\ IURP KRPH SHUKDSV VHHLQJ D ELW RI WKH ZRUOG JHWWLQJ WKDW ¿UVW SRVWJUDGXDWLRQ MRE ¿JXULQJ RXW ZKDW LW¶V DOO DERXW ,W LV D WLPH IXOO RI SURPLVH with a fair measure of apprehension thrown in. Look for those familiar faces in the photos inside from the Middlebury, MountAbraham, Otter Valley and Vergennes union high school graduation ceremonies this past weekend. $W WKH VDPH WLPH SDUHQWV DQG DOXPQL VHH WKH IUHVK \RXQJ IDFHV DQG FDQ¶W help but look back at how their own lives and those of their friends and acquaintances have progressed over the years. We join in the reminiscing and asked graduates from our four local high schools to tell us a little about where life has taken them in the years since JUDGXDWLRQ ,QVLGH \RX¶OO ¿QG SUR¿OHV RI D GR]HQ 9HUPRQW QDWLYHV LQ WKHLU V DQG WKHLU HDUO\ V ² SHRSOH \RX PD\ KDYH NQRZQ ZKHQ \RX ZHUH LQ KLJK VFKRRO :H FKRVH D VHOHFWLRQ RI SHRSOH ZKR JUDGXDWHG EHWZHHQ VL[ DQG \HDUV DJR LQ WKH KRSHV WKDW WKLV ZHHN¶V KLJK VFKRRO JUDGXDWHV ZLOO EH DEOH WR VHH VRPHWKLQJ RI WKHLU RZQ JHQHUDWLRQ LQ WKH SUR¿OHV <RX¶OO ¿QG D YDULHW\ RI YRFDWLRQV DQG DYRFDWLRQV UHSUHVHQWHG LQ WKH SUR¿OHV but they barely scratch the surface of the diversity that can be found among the young people produced in the Addison County and Brandon area. Enjoy the stories and the photos and wish a graduate well. A look at the classes of 2011, and a look back at recent graduates

Graduation Section 2011

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Page 1: Graduation Section 2011

Addison  Independent,  Thursday,  June  16,  2011  —  PAGE  1C





Don’t forget... just because you are all grown up, doesn’t mean you should forget milk. Keep doing your healthy homework!

Drink milk to make your future strong and successful!

CongratulationsKylie, Hannah and Emily

and the Graduating Class of 2011!

from all of us at FOSTER MOTORS


California                                    has  once  

Come  in  and  check  out  the  brand  newpalette  of  historic  colors  now  available.

Graduating #1in the class!

Graduation 2011

Where are they now?During   the   high   school   graduation   season  we   tell   the   graduates   to   look  

forward  to  the  future  with  hope  and  optimism,  while  those  of  us  who  have  

seen  a  few  seasons  come  and  go  often  look  back  to  our  own  years  in  high  

school  and  just  beyond.

The  newly  minted  graduates  look  forward  to  the  next  stages  of  their  lives:  

with  a  fair  measure  of  apprehension  thrown  in.  Look  for  those  familiar  faces  

in  the  photos  inside  from  the  Middlebury,  Mount  Abraham,  Otter  Valley  and  

Vergennes  union  high  school  graduation  ceremonies  this  past  weekend.

help   but   look   back   at   how   their   own   lives   and   those   of   their   friends   and  

acquaintances  have  progressed  over  the  years.  

We  join  in  the  reminiscing  and  asked  graduates  from  our  four  local  high  

schools  to  tell  us  a  little  about  where  life  has  taken  them  in  the  years  since  

but  they  barely  scratch  the  surface  of  the  diversity  that  can  be  found  among  

the  young  people  produced  in  the  Addison  County  and  Brandon  area.

Enjoy  the  stories  and  the  photos  and  wish  a  graduate  well.

A look at the classes of 2011, and a look back at recent graduates

Page 2: Graduation Section 2011

PAGE  2C  —  Addison  Independent,  Thursday,  June  16,  2011

Hometown,   current   residence,  

age:  Born  and  raised  in  Middlebury,  currently   live   in   Los   Angeles,   30  years  old.Family:   My   parents   are   Nancie  

Dunn   and  Bruce   Baker   and  Quincy  is   my   younger   brother.   Erika,   my  girlfriend,   is   an   extremely   patient  woman.What   I   am   up   to:   From   2005  

through  2010  I  worked  at  Morphosis  Architects   in   Los   Angeles,   a   high-­

and   fabrication   manager   and   then  as   a   design   architect   on   projects   in  Shanghai,   Paris,   Spain,   the   Middle  East  and  the  U.S.After   leaving   Morphosis   in   2010  

I  began  to  pursue  design  and  effects  

childhood,   and   found   my   way   to  New  Deal  Studios,  one  of  the  leading  visual,   mechanical   and   miniature  effects   studios   in   the   world.   I’m  a   senior   3-­D   modeler,   designer  and   model   maker   for   effects   in  commercials   and   large-­scale   feature  

How  I  got  to  where  I  am  now:  I  attended   Montana   State   University  in  Bozeman,  Mont.,  where   I   earned  my   M.Arch   1   Master’s   Degree  in   Architecture   in   2005.   My  

digital   technology   and   hand-­build  methodologies   coupled   with   strong  communication  tools,  which  allowed  

me   to   make   the   transition   from  academia   to   professional   practice  relatively   seamlessly.   Working  through   grad   school   as   a   carpenter  and   model   maker   allowed   me   the  chance   to   develop  my   patience   and  technical   knowledge,   which   have  proven   indispensable   in   the  creative  industry.Adults   to  whom   I   can   attribute  

my   current   success:   I   am   the  product   of   an   extremely   small   and  tightly  knit  family  in  which  support,  communication   and   creativity   was  paramount.   My   success   by   any  

my   mother,   father   and   brother   and  the   developmental   environment   we  created.  How   my   Vermont   roots   have  

Vermont   has   shaped   much   of   who  I   am   as   a   person   and   as   a   designer.  As   a   physical   place,   it   cultivated   in  me   a   respect   and   sensitivity   toward  my   surroundings   and   the   natural  world   that   is   often   transparent   in  an   urban   environment.  As   an   ideal,  Vermont  instilled  in  me  the  value  of  community,   collaboration,   kindness  and  shared  wisdom  on  a  small  scale.  I  am  incredibly  proud  of  where  I  come  from,  I’ll  always  be  a  Vermonter.My   memories   of   high   school:  

I’m   lucky   in   that   my   high   school  experience  was  an  extremely  positive  one.My  advice  for  this  year’s  crop  of  

graduating   seniors:   Ultimately,   in  pursuing  what  makes  you  happy  as  a  human  being,  be  it  through  education,  a   career   or   experience,   my   advice  

would   be   to   always,   at   all   costs,  exercise  an  analytical,  optimistic  and  observant  mind.  And   try  not   to   take  anything  or  anyone  too  seriously.

Left  to  right  standing:  Wendy  Hunt,  Agent,  MUHS  Stacy  Tallen,  Agent,  Mt.  Abe

Missy  Clifford,  Agent,  Fair  HavenFront:  Sue  Bourdon,  Owner/Agent,  MUHS


48  Merchants  Row,  Middlebury388-­4837


The  agents  (and  area  grads!)  from  Bourdon  Insurance  Agency  congratulate  all  2011  area  graduates!

A  special  congratulations  to  Jack  Laframboise!



Hometown,   current   residence,  

age:   Grew   up   in   Middlebury,  currently   live   in   Middlebury.   Age:  27.Family:   My   mother,   Jerri  

Benjamin,  and  father,  Curt  Benjamin,  live   in  Middlebury.   I   also  have   four  siblings:  Eli  Dieman  in  Fairfax,  Vt.;  Melissa   Hathaway   in   Burlington;  Jordan   Benjamin   in   Cornwall;   and  Rachel   Benjamin   in   Lake   George,  N.Y.  Monica   Jaferian   is,   as   of   the  

but   on   Saturday,   June   11,   she   will  become   my   wife!   She   grew   up   in  Amherst,   N.H.,   graduated   from  UVM   and   coaches   the   Middlebury  

swimming  while   in   college   and   fell  in   love   with   town   and   moved   here  after  graduating  from  UVM  in  2006.  What   I   am   up   to:   In   January  

2010  Monica  and   I  moved   to  North  Carolina   because   she   was   in   an  accelerated   bachelor   of   science   of  nursing  program  at  Duke  University.  I   moved   back   to   Middlebury   in  November  2011  when  I  was  offered  a   job   as   the   co-­director   of  Addison  Central   Teens,   Middlebury’s   local  teen  center.  How   I   got   to   where   I   am   now:  

I   graduated   from   the   University   of  Vermont   in  2006  with  a  bachelor  of  science  in  recreation  management.  In  the  summer  of  2003  I  worked  in  

Glacier   National   Park   guiding   boat  tours  and  hikes   for  a  concessionaire  called   Glacier   Park   Boat   Co.   This  

loved   working   and   playing   in   the  outdoors   and   I   wanted   to   continue  working  interpersonally  with  people.Adults   to  whom   I   can   attribute  

my  current  success:  Dave  Kaufman  at   UVM   is   an   astounding   professor  whose   enthusiasm   and   knowledge  of   the   recreation   industry   instilled   a  passion  and  desire   in  me  to  work  in  

class  by  both  bringing  professionals  into   the   classroom   and   taking   his  

prominent   career   in   the   recreation  

charismatic  personality  have  allowed  him   to   create   a   vast   network   of  

Because  of  this  he  is  responsible  for  countless   recreations   management  

internships  and  jobs.  How   my   Vermont   roots   have  

During  my   summer   vacations   in   college   I  worked   in   Glacier   National   Park  and   Durango,   Colo.   Shortly   after  college  I  moved  to  Bozeman,  Mont.,  and  then  Jackson,  Wyo.,  working  for  the   U.S.   Forest   Service.   In   the   fall  of   2007,   shortly   before  my   contract  expired  with   the  Forest  Service,  my  father,  a  local  general  contractor  here  in   Middlebury,   called   me,   asking  

if   I   wanted   to   help   him   build   a  house   for   some   clients.   Excited   by  the   opportunity   to   move   back   to  Vermont,   I   decided   to   pack   up   my  truck  and  make  the  trek  back  across  the  country.  On   the   third   day   of   the   trip   I  

emerged   from   the  Adirondacks  onto  

Route   22   in   New   York   and   got   a  glimpse   of   the   Green   Mountains  

remember   thinking   I   don’t   want   to  leave  this  state  again,  this  is  where  I  want  to  live  and  work.  I   absolutely   love   the   feel   of  

Vermont  —  knowing  your  neighbors,  the  history  of  the  state  and  the  strong  community   in   which   I   grew   up.  These  were  all  things  I  missed  while  living  outside  of  Vermont.  My   memories   of   high   school:  

High  point:  During  my  senior  year  I  was  enrolled  in  a  video  technologies  class  at  the  Hannaford  Career  Center.  Our  teacher,  Julie  James,  and  another  student   began   talking   about   taking  a   trip   to   San   Francisco   to   attend  workshops   and   meet   professionals  

industry.  Julie  and  the  student  pitched  the  idea  to  the  class  and  seven  of  us  decided  to  make  it  happen.  We  raised  money  through  putting  on  two  talent  shows   in   conjunction   with  Addison  

other   private   donations.   We   spent  seven  days  in  San  Francisco  touring  the   city,   meeting   with   professionals  and  learning  what  it  was  like  to  work  in  the  industry.  My   advice   for   this   year’s   crop  

of   graduating   seniors:  

follow  your  passion  when  you  choose  a  career  because  the  truth  is  that  it  is  going  to  be  a  major  part  of  your  life.  

are  happiest  are  the  ones  that  realize  it’s  not  about  what  goes  on  between  the   hours   of   9   a.m.   and   5   p.m.,   but  everything   that   occurs   outside   of  it.   Decide   where   you   want   to   live,  how  you  want   to   live  your   life,   and  what   is   important   to   you   and   then  

and   is   rewarding  and   fun.  Living   in  an   environmentally   conscious   state,  being   able   to   participate   in   local  government,   being   able   to   make   a  difference  in  your  community,  are  all  extremely  important  things  to  me  and  my  entire  family  and  keep  me  and  my  wife  wanting  to  live  in  Vermont.  

Hometown,  current  residence,  age:  I  am  25  years  old,  grew  up  in  Middlebury,  and  currently  live  in  Boston,  Mass.Family:   My   mom   Dorothy   Mammen  

and   stepfather   Fred   Dunnington,   my   dad  Steve   Trombulak   and   stepmother   Joss   Price,  my   brother,   Ian,   who   is   a   rising   senior   at  Middlebury  College.  My  current  roommates  in  Boston:  boyfriend  Sam  and  cat  Owen.What   I   am   up   to:   I   work   as   director   of  

operations  at  a  nonprofit  in  Cambridge,  Mass.,  where   my   work   involves   human   resources,  project   management   and   financial   planning.  I   plan   to   attend   business   school   in   the   next  several   years,   and   hope   to   continue   a   career  in   the   nonprofit/social   enterprise   space   after  graduating   (possibly   in   the   land   use   planning  field).How   I   got   to   where   I   am   now:   After  

graduating   MUHS   I   attended   Wesleyan  University   in   Middletown,   Conn.,   where   I  studied   the   social   sciences   and   Spanish.   I  joined   the   nonprofit   where   I   currently   work  shortly  after  graduating  from  college,  but  held  several   internships   during   college   that   were  instrumental  in  helping  me  explore  my  interests  (including  at   the  Vermont  Federal  Courthouse  and  the  Middlebury  Town  Planning  and  Zoning  Department).   I   can’t   thank   my   supervisors   at  both   those  places   enough   for   giving  me   these  first  professional  opportunities.  I   started   with   my   current   employer   in   an  

administrative  support  position  and  was  able  to  change  roles  over  the  past  several  years  thanks  to  the  encouragement  and  mentorship  of  some  amazing  bosses.Adults  to  whom  I  can  attribute  my  current  

success:   My   parents,   first   and   foremost,  have   been   a   tremendous   influence   in  my   life,  encouraging  me  to  find  my  strengths,  challenge  myself,  and  think  about  the  impact  of  my  efforts.  My   teachers   as  well,   both   in  Middlebury   and  

at  Wesleyan.   Several   bosses,   both   former   and  current,  have  also  been  so  important  in  helping  me  think  about  what  I  can  and  want  to  do  in  the  future  both  professionally  and  personally.How   my   Vermont   roots   have   influenced  

who  I  am  today:  Being  a  Vermonter  is  a  huge  part   of   who   I   am.   I   feel   an   enduring   sense  of   pride   for   this   amazing   state   as   it   is   today,  and   for   the   people   who   keep   working   for  continued   progress.  That   sense   of   community  responsibility   is   one   important   part   of   what  I’ve   taken   from   my   Vermont   upbringing,   as  well   as   a   personal   and   professional   interest  in   people   and   their   relationships   with/to   the  places   they   live   (and   land   use/urban   planning  by   extension).  Whenever   I   encounter   another  Vermonter  in  the  places  I  live  or  travel,  there’s  always   such   a   sense   of   connection.   I   think  that’s   a   really   special   thing   that   doesn’t   exist  for  a  lot  of  places.My  memories  of  high   school:  High   school  

definitely   had   some   ups   and   downs  —   it’s   a  tough   time  when   a   lot   of   people   are   trying   to  find   and   define   themselves,   which   is   funny  because   so   much   important   growth   happens  after   we’re   18.   Some   of   my   best   memories  are   of   particularly   influential   teachers   and   of  senior  year  when  I  feel  like  my  class  was  able  to  put  aside  a   lot  of   the   judgments  and  drama  that  developed  during  years  of  being  in  school  together.   I   think   a   lot   of   classes   are   able   to  experience  that  as  they  get  near  the  end  of  high  school.My   advice   for   this   year’s   crop   of  

graduating  seniors:  I  believe  in  a  very  healthy  dose  of  a  “fake  it  till  you  make  it”  mentality  —  if  you  wait  until  you  feel  100  percent  prepared  or  “grown  up”  or  confident  before  acting  then  you’re   likely   going   to   be  waiting   a   very   long  time.   It   took  me   awhile   to   realize   that   all   the  adults  I   look  up  to  in  my  life  don’t  have  it  all  figured   out   —   they’re   taking   personal   and  

professional   risks   by   doing   challenging   jobs,  starting   families,   and   making   other   decisions  without  complete  confidence  or  knowledge.  For   years,   my   dad   convinced   my   brother  

and  me   that  he  got   special   training  on  how   to  be   a   parent   at   a  wonderful   place   called   “Dad  School.”  I  can  imagine  spinning  a  similar  yarn  

job,   but   in   truth   I’m  doing   something   that   far  exceeds  any  formal  training  or  preparation  and  that  makes  me   feel   unsure   all   the   time.  But   I  remember  feeling  the  same  way  when  I  started  with  my  current  organization  in  a  junior  position  after  college.  So   far,  getting  comfortable  with  the  uncertainty  has  seemed  like  the  surest  recipe  for  amazing  new  opportunities  and  growth.Congratulations  on  your  graduation!

Where are they now?Middlebury Union High School

Colby BenjaminMUHS ’01

Patrick Dunn-Baker, MUHS ’99

Sage Trombulak, MUHS ’04

MIDDLEBURY   GRADUATE   PATRICK   Dunn-­Baker   creates   special  effects  for  major  Hollywood  movies.

COLBY  BENJAMIN,  MUHS  2001,  and  Monica  Jaferian    were  married  this  past  weekend.

SAGE   TROMBULAK,   MUHS   ’04,   explored  her  various   interests   in  college  by  working  at  several  internships.

Page 3: Graduation Section 2011

Addison  Independent,  Thursday,  June  16,  2011  —  PAGE  3C

MUHS Class of 2011


Courtyard  by  Marriott  -­  Middlebury309  Court  StreetMiddlebury,  VT388-­7600


County  Tire

Best Wishes, Students

1  Main  St.Bristol453-­6337  

Congratulations Class of 2011!

20  Main  St.Middlebury388-­4399  



Congratulations from all of us

1 Washington St., MiddleburyRainbow PediatricsPEDIATRIC and ADOLESCENT MEDICINE

It has been our privilege to watch you grow!

Congratulations Class of 2011

38 Main Street, Middlebury 388-­2061 vermontbookshop.com

Best Wishes to All!

CongratulationsCommitted to student fitness since 1985


Best wishes to all graduates from

J.D. Fuller Plumbing & Heating, Inc.

Congratulations Class of 2011Telecommunications  Sales  &  Service

Data  Cabling  &  Fiber  Optic  Systems


Class of 2011



Wishing all 2011 graduates a bright future!

Just BecauseFlowers & Gifts

Gift Baskets . Arrangements . Cut Flowers

Congratulates the Class of 2011!

of Bridport & Brandon

Congrats, Students!

MIDDLEBURY   —   Middlebury   Union   High  School   held   its   graduation   ceremonies   Saturday,  June  11.The   valedictorians   were   Christine   Artim   and  

James  Cobb.  The  salutatorians  were  Jarrod  Ashley,  Elizabeth  Kelley,  Jane  McCabe  and  Mariko  Totten.  William   Earle   was   class   president   and   Elizabeth  Kelley  the  vice  president.  Christine  Ritter  and  Steel  White  served  as  junior  marshals.The   following   students   are   the  members   of   the  

class  of  2011:Bowen   James   Abbey,   Adriano   E.   Agudelo,  

Christine  Mary  Artim,  Jarrod  Urban  Ashley,  Bryan  Richard   Ashley-­Selleck,   Tiffany   Lynn   Audet,  Kaitlyn   L.   Backus,   Trevor   Barber,   Kelsey   Lynn  Barry,   Genevieve   Michelle   Beloin,   Joshua   James  Berno,  Emily  D.  Berthiaume,  Ashley  Nicole  Bishop,  Emily   Mae   Bishop,   John  Alden   Bisson,   Jasmine  Beau  Blodgett,   Kelly   John  Bouchard   and  Alex   P.  Bowdish.Austin   W.   Bowdish,   Angela   Marie   Brisson,  

Bailey   Stephen   Bronson,   Nicole   Renée   Brown,  Matthew   Charles   Burkins,   Brendan   Christopher  Burrell,  Cody  P.  Bushey,  Justin  Leroy  Buzzell,  Kyle  Patrick  Charbonneau,  Tenzin  Charles  Chophel,  Josh  C.  Clark,  Charles   Frederick  Cluss,   James   Fielding  

Cobb,   Moriah   J.   Comeau,   Benjamin  Allen   Cook,  Madeleine  Mary  Cox,  Travis  George  Cram,   Paige  Isabell   Cummings,   Michael   K.   Dalley,   Mitchel  David   DeLancey,  Anthony   R.   Doria   and   Georgia  Ruth  Durham.William  Bayard  Earle,  Nina  Ann  Edson,  Benjamin  

Melvin   Elmore,   Sean   Patrick   Fahey,   Patrick   P.  

Forbes,  Kylie  Amber  Foster,  Kasey  Ruth  Fredette,  Mattea   Freeman,   Kalob   Joseph   Gagnon,   Nichole  L.  Gay,  Rachel  Marie  Getz,  Mitchell  John  Gingras,  Dakota  Allen  Hallock,  Christopher  Carter  Hickley,  

Matthew  D.  Holcomb,  Megan  M.  Hotte,  Anna  Marie  Huestis,  Stephen  A.  Hughes  and  Caleb  T.  Ingerson.Hunter   Joseph   Jakupko,   Katrina   Rachel   James,  

Laramie  Thaniel  Jensen,  Elizabeth  Parsons  Kelley,  Kyle  Kerr,  Abigail  Boynton  Killorin,  Shivali  Kumar,  Jack   Billings   Laframboise,   Sarah   Jane   Lawson,  Carl  Pierre  Leduc,  Shanyn  A.  Leduc,  Matthew  G.  Little,   Will   M.   Madison,   Morgan   Avery   Many,  Jacqueline  Ann  Marini,  Benjamin  Harris  Marshall,  Nicholas   Lee   Wetmore   Masterson,   Jane   Gieriet  McCabe,  William  Singerly  McCartney  II,  Kelsey  B.  McGlashan,   Jessica   Lynn  Meader,   Gretchen   Elise  Melby  and  Bianca  Haley  Messner.

Isabelle  Zoe  Miller,  Kody  Allen  Murray,  Megan  Lynn   Myers,   Emelia   Marie   Newkirk,   Annie   F.  Nicholson,   Emma   Meredith   Nordmeyer,   Michael  D.  Paquette,  Lauren  Lindsey  Peck,  Ozias  K.  Peltier,  Adam  Edward  Peterson,  Kayla  May  Pierro,  Harrison  T.   Pratt,   Caitlin   G.   Price,   Trent   Ernest   Quesnel,  Nicole  Elizabeth  Rheaume,  Katherine  Anne  Ritter,  Ethan  Alexander  Roy,  Jeremy  Thomas  Schildkamp,  Rachel   Jeanine   Scholten,   Andrew   W.   Schumer,  Samantha   Ann   Seguin,   Zachary   M.   Shambo,  Kimberly   Louise   Shaw,   Cody   Bryon   Smith   and  Jordyn  Brooke  Smith.  Sarah   Catherine   Snider,   Matthew   Thomas  

Stanley,   Carrie   Angela   Stearns,   Allison   Elizabeth  Supernaw,   Angelica   Marie   Swinhart,   Travis   A.  Taylor,  Michele  L.  Tellier,  Christopher  J.  Thompson,  Hannah   Rachelle   Thorpe,   Loren   Jean   Thresher,  Jeremy   Joseph   Tindall,   Travis   J.   Tindall,   Melissa  Marie  Tolles,  Mariko  Lynn  Totten,  Marley  M.  Tran,  Devon  Joseph  Vila,  Stephanie  Lynne  Volk,  Justin  W.  Wanke,   Lucy  Marie  Weber,   Brianna   Joy  Willson,  Braden   Jackson  Winslow,   Rachel   Tailor  Wollum,  Bronwyn  E.  Worrick,  Rosalie  Mayne  Wright-­Lapin,  Zelie   Snow   Wright-­Neil,   Carrie   Wry,   Mitchell  Joseph  Wulfman,  Athena   Eve  Wyatt   and   Brooke  Elizabeth  Zeno.

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Page 4: Graduation Section 2011

PAGE  4C  —  Addison  Independent,  Thursday,  June  16,  2011

Hometown,   current   residence,  

age:   I   grew   up   in   Starksboro,   live  in  Crested  Butte,  Colo.,  and  am  25  years  old.Family:  I  got  married  last  Sept.  4  

to  the  beautiful  Laurel  Clark  Runcie,  and  am  attending  my  brother  Dan’s  

(Mount  Abe  ’01)  wedding  in  Maine  in   July.   Parents   Jim   and   Chris  still   live   in   Starksboro   and   sister  Julia   works   for   the   Mono   Lake  Committee  in  Lee  Vining,  Calif.What   I   am   up   to:   I   spend  

summers   painting   houses   50-­60  

hours   a   week   in   order   to   take   my  winters   off   to  pursue   a   career   as   a  professional   skier.   On   that   front,  I   spend   winters   competing   on   the  Freeskiing  World  Tour,   a   series   of  big  mountain  extreme  skiing  events  across   the   western   United   States  and  Canada.How  I  got   to  where   I  am  now:  

I   went   to   Dartmouth   College   in  New   Hampshire,   where   I   studied  hydrogeology   and   became   a   ski  patroller   at   the   college-­owned  ski   area.   After   graduating   in  2007,   I   immediately   moved   to  Las   Vegas,   Nev.,   to   join   Laurel,  who   was   teaching   fourth   grade  as   part   of   Teach   For   America.   I  worked   as   a   consulting   geologist  

supervising   the   drilling   of   deep,  high   capacity   water   wells   for  large-­scale   construction   projects.  Although   I   was   happy   with   my  job,   I   wasn’t   happy   living   in   Las  Vegas,   so   Laurel   and   I   moved   to  Crested   Butte   to   take   some   time  off   from   the   rat   race   and   reassess  our   priorities.   We   found   out   that  our   priorities   lie  with   the   amazing  people   and   stunningly   gorgeous  landscapes   of   Crested   Butte,   and  are   hoping   to   remain   in   the   valley  for  the  foreseeable  future.Adults  to  whom  I  can  attribute  

my   current   success:   I’ve   always  aspired   to   live   a   life   as   happy   and  

How   my   Vermont   roots   have  

I  grew  up   skiing   at   Mad   River   Glen,   a  mountain  known  for  its  challenging  terrain.   Crested   Butte   is   often  regarded   as   the  MRG   of   the  west,  with   its   relatively   low   snowfall  and   extremely   challenging   terrain.  In   fact,   during   this   past   winter’s  

Crested   Butte   U.S.   Extreme  Freeskiing   Championships,   I  shared   the   podium   with   Lars  Chickering-­Ayers   (1st   place)  and   Silas   Chickering-­Ayers   (3rd  place),   two   other   Vermont   natives  who   grew   up   skiing   Mad   River.  The   community   here   is   also   very  

in   Vermont,   and   indeed   I   think  I’ve   met   more   Vermonters   here  than   Colorado   natives.   I   think   my  Vermont   upbringing   is   largely  responsible  for  the  way  I  approach  my  life  today.My   memories   of   high   school:  

school   was   going   to   three   state  championships   in   my   junior   and  senior   years,   one   successful   trip  with   the   baseball   team   and   two  unsuccessful   (but   well   fought,   I  remember   that   we   were   always  

trips   with   the   soccer   team.   The  camaraderie   and   athleticism   on  those   teams   always   inspired  me   to  put  effort  into  being  a  social  person,  to   share  and   learn   from   the  people  around  me.  Any   low   points   of   high   school  

were   mostly   related   to   late   nights  

days   that   followed,   although   I   am  grateful  for  the  work  ethic  that  was  instilled  in  me  during  that  time.My  advice   for   this   year’s   crop  

of   graduating   seniors:   See   as  much   of   the   world   as   you   can.  Every   time   I   go   somewhere   new,  I   learn   an   immense   amount   about  myself  and  who  I  want  to  be.  There  are   fully   limitless   possibilities   for  careers  and  lifestyles,  and  the  more  you   experience,   the   better   chance  


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Hometown,   current   residence,  

age:  I  grew  up  in  Monkton,  live  in  Middlebury,  and  am  27  years  old.Family:   My   parents   are   Joyce  

and   Ken  Wolpin   of   Monkton.   My  siblings   Bruce   and   Carin   Wolpin  went   to   Mount  Abe   as   well.   I   am  getting   married   in   August   to   my  

for   Middlebury   College   as   an  international   student   and   scholar  adviser.What   I   am   up   to:   I   have   been  

working   in   fund-­raising   for   the  past   several   years.   I   am   currently  telecommuting   as   a   development  associate   for   Ceres,   a   Boston-­based   coalition   of   investors,  environmental   groups   and   other  organizations   that   works   with  companies  to  address  sustainability  challenges  such  as  climate  change.  The   Development   Team   raises  

programs  and  operations.  I  am  also  

Camp  Foundation,   an   organization  that   helps   send   children  who   have  lost  a  parent  to  summer  camp.  I  do  the   organization’s   grant   research  and  writing  on  a  volunteer  basis.How   I   got   to   where   I   am  

now:   I   went   to   Colby   College   in  Waterville,  Maine,   and  majored   in  environmental  studies  and  biology.  Immediately   after   college   I   did   an  internship   on   Martha’s   Vineyard  with  The  Nature  Conservancy.  This  fostered   my   desire   to   work   in   the  

I’ve  worked  at  the  Trust  for  Public  Land   in   addition   to   Ceres.   In   my  career   so   far,   networking  has  been  an  important  door-­opener  and  there  are   too   many   people   to   list   who  have  helped  me  along  the  way!Adults  to  whom  I  can  attribute  

my   current   success:   My   parents  have   helped   foster   my   success.  Though  I  did  not  always  appreciate  it,   they   have   pushed  me   to   do  my  best,  keep  my  head  up,  and  not  cut  corners.How   my   Vermont   roots   have  

I  developed   such   a   strong   sense   of  place,   I   knew   I   wanted   to   return  some   day.   I   was   lucky   enough   to  make   the  move  back   in  early  2010  after   working   and   living   in   the  Boston   area   for   several   years.   I  love   getting   outside   and   enjoying  all   that  Vermont   has   to   offer   from  hiking  to  biking  to  swimming  in  the  lake.   During   college   I   worked   at  Kingsland  Bay  and  Mt.  Philo  state  parks  and   that   really  cemented  my  appreciate   for   the   area.   I   think   all  the  natural  beauty  helps  balance  the  stress  of  daily  life.My   memories   of   high   school:  

The   high   point   in   high   school  was   traveling   to   France   and   Spain  with   Madame   Schaefer’s   class,  and   seeing   places   like   Barcelona,  Paris   and   the   Mediterranean.   The  low   point   was   playing   volleyball  in  gym  class;   I  don’t   think   I  could  

on  the  ball!My  advice   for   this   year’s   crop  

of   graduating   seniors:   Respect  

other  people’s  opinions  that  may  be  different  from  yours  and  don’t  take  things  personally  or  too  seriously.  

Hometown,   current   residence,  

age:  I  grew  up  in  Monkton,  I  now  live  in  Hartford,  Vt.,   but   I’ll   be  moving  to   Boston,   Mass.,   in   September   to  attend  graduate  school.  I’m  26.Family:  My   parents   are   Eugenie  

Doyle   and   Sam   Burr;   they   own  and   operate   The   Last   Resort   Farm  in   Monkton.   My   twin   brothers  are   named   Silas   and   Caleb;   they  graduated  from  Mount  Abe  in  2005.What  I  am  up  to:  I’m  the  programs  

coordinator  at  the  Upper  Valley  Land  Trust  in  Hanover,  N.H.  I  plan  events,  maintain   the   organization’s   website  and  write  and  edit  our  publications.How   I   got   to  where   I   am  now:  

I   went   to   Carleton   College   in  

English  and  Concentrated  (minored)  in  Environmental  Studies.Adults   to  whom  I  can  attribute  

my   current   success:   I   would  attribute   my   interest   in   writing  (which   is   what   I’ll   be   pursuing  in   graduate   school   at   Boston  University’s   Science   Journalism  Program)   to   my   mom,   who   is   a  

writer  and  an  avid   reader.  Both  my  parents  read   to  us  a   lot  as  children.  Growing  up  on  an  organic  vegetable  and  berry  farm  led  to  my  interest  in  the   environment   and   enjoyment   of  good,  fresh  food.How   my   Vermont   roots   have  

I  very  much  missed  Vermont  while  I  was  at  college  in  Minnesota.  I  was  glad  to  come  home   to   the  green  mountains  (and   valleys)   after   completing   my  degree.My  memories  of  high  school:  In  

high   school,   I   very   much   enjoyed  playing   soccer   and   running   track,  and  my  favorite  class  was  American  Studies.   My   friends   were   also  important  to  me;  I  still  stay  in  touch  with   many   of   them.   A   low   point  was   the  college  application  process  senior  year.My   advice   for   this   year’s   crop  

of   graduating   seniors:   I   would  tell   graduating   seniors   to   take   their  futures   seriously,   but   not   so   much  so   that   they   aren’t   open   to   new  opportunities  as  they  arise.  

Where are they now?Mt. Abe Union High School

Tom Runcie, Mount Abraham ’03

Lauren WolpinMount Abraham ’01

Nora Doyle-BurrMount Abe ’03

TOM  RUNCIE,  MOUNT  Abe  ’03,  and  his  wife  Laurel  Clark  Runcie  live  in  

Colorado,  where  Tom  spends  the  winters  skiing  competitively.

IT  IS  CLEAR  that  Nora  Doyle-­Burr,  a  Mount  Abe  alum,  learned  about  

fresh  foods  while  growing  up  on  a  farm  in  Monkton.  

2001   MOUNT   ABE   graduate  

Lauren  Wolpin,  shown  in  Portland,  

Maine,  fondly  remembers  traveling  

to  Europe  while  in  high  school.

Page 5: Graduation Section 2011

Addison  Independent,  Thursday,  June  16,  2011  —  PAGE  5C

Mt. Abe Class of 2011



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BRISTOL  —  Mount  Abraham  Union   High   School   held   its  graduation  ceremonies  Saturday,  June   11.   The   valedictorian  was   Kathleen   “Yuki”   Davis  and   the   salutatorian   was   Aliza  Kamman.   Class   representatives  were   Patrick   Gulrajani,   Adam  Rainville   and   Kerstian   Short.  Katrina  Camara  and  John  Lower  served  as  class  marshals.The  following  students  are  the  

members  of  the  class  of  2011:

Anna   Kathleen   Bachand,  Henry  Ash  Bartsch,  Amanda   Jo  Baslow,   Ada   Catherine   Bean,  Wendi   Bedard,   Jonathan   James  Benway,  Meyer  Rudolph  Bilson,  Nicholas   Osborn   Bissonnette,  Alara   Léchelle   Bourgeois,  Alix   Lee   Bradley,   Kayla   Lynn  Briggs,   Eric   Malcolm   Bronson,  Katherine   Carlson   Brown,  Kayleigh   Mae   Buffum,   Cody  Burritt,   Stacy   Lynn   Carter,  Joshua  Clark,  Kirsten  Lee  Clark,  Tyler   James  Clark,  Liam  Moses  Rainbow   Corcoran,   Bailey  Lynne   Cote,   Kassandra   Ann  Cousineau   and  Zachary  Charles  Cousino.Daniel   Edward   Cox   III,  

Kimberlee   Marie   Cox,   Jordan  Christopher   Cromis,   Kyle   Alan  Dacres,   Jacob   Steven   Davis,  Kathleen  Yukiko  Davis,   Dakota  James   Desautels,   Jack   Edison  

DeVoe,  Mark  Forrest  Dickerson,  Kyle  J.  Dubay,  Andrew  Chaffee  Dubenetsky,   Michelle   Marie  Dwire,   Amber   Marie   Emmell,  Ashley   Marie   Emmell,   Patrick  Lynch   Etka,   Mark   Jonathan  Flowers   and   Daniel   Winston  Forbes.Tyler   Perry   Ford,   Stephanie  

Marie   Freegard,   Travis   Lee  Friend,   Travis   Mark   Gero,  Shannon  Kaye  Gillen,  Alejandra  Pilar   Gomez,   Andrew   Rodney  Goodro,  Samantha  Lynn  Gorton,  Patrick   William   Gulrajani,  Patrick  James  Hanley,  Ryan  Neil  Haselton,  Ashley   Jane   Haskins,  Allison   Micaela   Hayes,   Ethan  Richard   Heffernan,   Parker  William   Ingram,   Ashley   Lynn  Jackson,   Melissa   Marie   Jewell,  Courtney   Susan   Jipner,   Aliza  Simone   Kamman,   Kimberly  Anne   Kayhart,   Kassandra  Chrislin  Kircher,  Roxanne  Marie  Lafayette   and   Hannah   Jean  LaFrance.Shyla   Marie   Lattrell,   Rachel  

Marie   Lavoie,   MacKenzie   Mae  LeBeau,   Hannah   Charis   Logan,  Eric   Michael   Loyer,   Jennifer  Michelle  Loyer,  Alexander  Riley  Lucia,   Kathryn   Lily   Mailloux,  Andrew   Robert   Malzac,  Cassandra   Elizabeth   Marion,  Melinda   Sue   Martell,   Michael  William  Martin,   Savannah  Mae  Mayo,  Philip  Mark  McCormick,  

Katchen   O’Neil   McElwain,  Myles   Henry   McGowan,  Gwendolynn   Eva   Merrill,  Willard   Morrow   Meyer,   Casey  James   Morrow,   Kimber   Lynn  Myers,   Rose   Hardie   Nelson,  Leah   Margaret   Norris,   Brian  Henry  O’Connor,  Kristen  Marie  Ouellette,   Matthew   Richards  Parker,  Charlotte  Elizabeth  Paul,  Reid  Paul,  Ellen  Jean  Powell  and  Isaac  Reed  Prescott.Alex   Jacob   Putnam,   Adam  

Michael   Rainville,   Amber  Rivers,   Margaret   Marie  Rockwell,   Jocelyn   Marie  Sargent,   Randy   Gene   Sargent,  Noah  I.  Schlein,  Daniel  Benjamin  Schulte,  Sarah  Ann  Selby,  Haley  Alice   Shahan,   John   Richard  Sheldon  II,  Kerstian  Bayli  Short,  Christopher  M.  Simard,  Cameron  Skerritt-­Perta,  Benjamin  Thomas  Smith,   Andrew   Scott   Spooner,  Claire   Louise   Stetson,   Riley  Ford   Sullivan,   Emily   Nichole  Sundstrom,   Nathan   Michael  Swindell,   Jennifer   Y.   Tarrant,  Parker  Neil  Thompson,  Patience  Adeline   Thompson,   Tiffany  Jean   Thompson,   Benjamin   J.  Thomson,   Katelynn   Elizabeth  Tracey,   Paige   Nichole   Vincent,  Alexandra   Brooke   Wallace,  Mindy   Ann   Wetzel,   Julia   Ann  Whitcomb,   Emily   Jean   Wood,  Augustus  Newman  Yost,  Rachael  Lindsey  Zeno.

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Page 6: Graduation Section 2011

PAGE  6C  —  Addison  Independent,  Thursday,  June  16,  2011

Hometown,   current   residence,   age:   I   grew   up   in  Brandon,  currently  reside  in  Rutland,  and  am  25.What   I   am   up   to:   I   am   programming   director   at   The  

Paramount  Theater  in  Rutland.  In  addition  to  my  responsibili-­ties  at  The  Paramount,  I  also  independently  produce  live  enter-­tainment  (headlining  popular  music  to  comedy  to  theater)  in  a  number  of  performing  arts  centers  in  the  Northeast.How  I  got  to  where  I  am  now:  

-­lation  was   not   for  me.   I   found   the   daily   routine   of   feign-­ing  interest  in  subjects  that  not  only  did  not  interest  me,  but  actually  bored  me  was  probably  doing  more  damage  to  my  self   esteem   than   it  was  doing   any  good   (let   alone  what   it  was  doing  to  my  savings  account  —  college  is  expensive!).  Something  I  have  been  taught  from  a  young  age  is  that  the  

my  attempt  at  college,  I  made  a  few  more  attempts.  First   stop  —   the  wonderful  world   of   radio.  Now,   radio  

Next  stop  —  the  performing  arts.  I  have  always  had  a  great  passion  for  live  events  (the  excitement  of  a  large  group  of  people  coming  together  to  enjoy/explore/live  the  same  expe-­

-­ing  employers   later,   I   found  myself   swiftly   falling   in   love  

receptions.  They  are  about  building  community,  helping  to  support  the  positive  morale  of  a  population.Almost  eight  years  later  I  still  am  still  striving  to  become  

the  absolute  best  at  what  I  do  (in  a  nutshell,  I  research,  nego-­tiate  and  arrange  for  artists  to  perform  in  different  venues).  As   evidenced   by   the   great   success   the   venue   for  which   I  program  for  the  most  (The  Paramount)  has  seen,  I  am  proud  to  say  that  I  have  helped  contribute  to  that  end.Adults   to   whom   I   can   attribute   my   current   success:  

It’s   not   easy   being   in   high   school   (do   you   really   want   to  

My  memories   of  high   school:  

was  5-­foot-­2  as  a  freshman  and  5-­foot-­6  as  a  senior.My  advice  for  this  year’s  crop  of  graduating  seniors:  

start  by  being  happy  with  yourself.  The  rest  will  all  fall  in  line.  Oh,  that  and  always  accept  a  mint  when  someone  offers  it  to  you.

Hometown,  current  residence,  age:  I  grew  up   in  Goshen  and  currently   live   in  


person   every   day.   My   stepfather,   Ray  

softball.   My   brother,   Joshua   Bruce,   and  sisters   Ashley   and   Amanda   Sanderson  

Both  Ashley   and  Amanda   are   in   college  currently   —   Ashley   at   Paul   Smith’s   in  

in  college),  and  we  are  getting  married  in  

live.  No  children  just  yet,  but  they  are  in  our  future  plans.What   I   am  up   to:   I   am   currently   the   general  manager  

and  spas,  we  are  exclusively  all  Aveda  products  and  services.How  I  got  to  where  I  am  now:  

two  years,   and   I   loved  everything  about   the   job  and   it  got  me  excited  about  the  spa  environment  and  made  me  want  to  

she  hired  me  to  help  her  open  the  second  location.  I  started  as  her  assistant  manager,  and  I  am  currently  the  general  manager  of  both  locations.Adults   to  whom   I   can   attribute  my   current   success:  

am.  Sue  has  a  passion  for  what  she  does  at  

challenges  she  throws  at  me,  and  we  have  

my  job  and  I  believe  that  inspires  our  staff.-­

enced   who   I   am   today:  

roots  humble  me.  I  am  from  a  small  town  and  went   to  college   in  a  small   town,  but  then   I  move   to   a   larger,  more   fast-­paced  area  and  sometimes  I  need  to  be  reminded  

plate,  but  I  wouldn’t  have  it  any  other  way.  I  have  met  a   lot  of  different  people   in  

my  life,  my  parents  always   taught  me   to  never  burn  my  bridges,  listen  to  people’s  

My  memories  of  high  school:  Some  high  points  in  high  

committee,  student  council,  and  class  vice-­president).  I  loved  helping  people,  I  loved  helping  organize  school  event.  

Ashley  Quenneville  in  February  of  2000.  She  was  one  of  my  good  friends.  It  was  a  tough  thing  for  all  of  us,  but  Ashley  taught  us  all  what  a  real  friend  was.  It  was  a  tough  time  but  at  the  age  of  17  we  all  learned  a  lot  about  life.My  advice  for  this  year’s  crop  of  graduating  seniors:  

I  promise!

Hometown,   current   residence,  


current   residences   are   Middlebury  


attribute   my   success   to)   my   mom,  Diane   Benware,   who   has   been  supportive  of  me   in   everything   I’ve  ever  dreamed  of  doing,  attempted  to  do,  or  even  failed  at  doing.What   I   am   up   to:   I   graduated  

from  law  school  on  May  22  and  am  currently   studying   for   the   bar   exam  

in  July,  after  which  I’ll  be  returning  

How  I  got   to  where  I  am  now:  

I  majored   in  American  Studies  and  

am  today:  

on  me,   in   that   it’s  made  me   really  appreciate  what   it  means   to   be   home.   I’ve   come   home   regularly   while  away   at   school,   because   all   the   people   and   places   I  love  most  are  here.

My  memories  of  high  school:  The  high  points  of  high  school  were  all  the  times  I  shared  with  my  best  friends  —  

Gladding.  I  shared  all  the  low  points  with  them,  too,  but  I  

My   advice   for   this   year’s   crop   of   graduating  


your  friends,  always.

Where are they now?Otter Valley Union High School

Hometown,   current   residence,   age:   Grew   up   in  


2012  wedding  is  planned.What   I   am  up   to:  

executive   for   the   Orlando   Magic   of   the   NBA.   Since  joining   the   team   in   2005,   I   have   generated   over   $4.5  

The  cool  part  of  my  job  is  that  I  get  to  attend  50-­plus  Orlando   Magic   games   a   year,   with   behind-­the-­scenes  access,   and   the   opportunity   to   meet   and   connect   with  

in  the  NBA.  In  the  winter,  I  would  shovel  off  my  court  

I  achieved  my  dream,  well  sort  of  …  I  just  should  have  

It’s  really  special  to  be  part  of  an  NBA  franchise.How  I  got  to  where  I  am  now:  I  majored  in  Sports  Management  

wanted   to   combine  my  passion   for   sports   and  business  

by  the  Orlando  Magic  during  the  NBA  job  fair.Adults  to  whom  I  can  attribute  my  current  success:  

genuinely  concerned  with   the  development  and  success  of  the  student  body.  Mr.  Jim  Avery  was  a  trusted  advisor  

in  town  I  stop  in  to  see  familiar  faces,  or  help  out  with  a  


their  thoroughness  to  see  a  job  or  project  to  completion.  I  

seem   to   have   to   rely   on  mother   nature   for   the   success  

solutions  to  get  the  job  done.  In  addition,  growing  up  in  Pittsford,   a   small   town  of   less   than  4,000  provided  me  with  a  strong  sense  of  community  and  how  important  it  is  to  have  solid  relationships  in  the  community.  

growing  up  in  a  small  town,  you  have  the  ability  to  meet  

face   to   face   and   develop   true   and   genuine   bonds  with  friends  and  business  associates.My   memories   of   high   school:   High   school   high  

points  —  graduation!  This   is   a   day   to   celebrate   all   the  

the  new  chapter  in  your  life.  It’s  tough  to  say  goodbye  to  friends,  however  it’s  a  great  to  be  surrounded  by  friends  and  family.

positive  for  ways  to  learn  from  those  experiences.  It’s  not  about  where  you’ve  been,  it’s  about  where  you’re  going.My  advice  for  this  year’s  crop  of  graduating  seniors:  

focus  and  determination  to  achieve  those  goals.  Four  traits  that  may  help  lead  you  to  be  a  success:  Be  

learn,  and  be  helpful  toward  others.  And  everything  else  will  fall  into  place.

BRIAN  KAMUDA,  WHO  works  for  the  NBA’s  Orlando  Magic,   shows   his   brother,   Jeff,   around   the   Magic’s  home  court.

LESLEY  BENWARE  AT  her  law  school  graduation  in  Boston  last  month  

Sonia  (Fleming)  Kulhowvick.

HEATHER   BRUCE,   WHO  manages   two   spas   in   New  

Chad  Quirion.

ERIC  MALLETTE  BOOKS  bands,  theater  and  other  live   entertainment   at   Rutland’s   Paramount   Theater  and  other  venues.

Brian Kamuda, Otter Valley ’01

Lesley Benware, Otter Valley ’01

Eric Mallette, Otter Valley ’03

Heather Bruce, Otter Valley ’00

Page 7: Graduation Section 2011

Addison  Independent,  Thursday,  June  16,  2011  —  PAGE  7C

OVUHS Class of 2011



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Class of 2011



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Congrats, Students!

BRANDON  —  Otter  Valley  Union  High  School  held  its  graduation  ceremonies  Saturday,  June  11.  The  valedictorian  was  Will  Pearl  and  the  salutatorian  was  

Avery   Howland.   Jenna   Munger   was   class   president   and  Ashley  Delphia  was  the  vice  president.  Alicia  Jankowsky  and  Ian  Howlett  were  class  marshals.The  following  students  are  the  members  of  the  class  of  

2011:Jacob  Alberico,  Danielle  Kathleen  Anderson,  Christopher  

John  Barry   Jr.,   Peter   John  Bautista,   Preston   J.  Bergeron,  Ariel   Marie   Billings,   Alyce   M.   Bilodeau,   Angel   Marie  Brouillard,   Adrian   Daniel   Brown,   Chelsea   Jean   Bruce,  Ashleigh   Ariana   Capek-­Disorda,   Jeffrey   A.   Carleton,  Michael  Steven  Carter,  Alyssa  Lee  Chereshkoff,  Andrew  B.  Chestna,  Jeremiah  Delano  Cole,  James  M.  Corbett,  John  Patrick  Corbett,   Joseph  Edward  Corbett   III   and  Ernest   J.  Cormia.Lyndsay   Marie   D’Avignon,   Ashlie   Morgane   Delphia,  

Kimberly  Anne  DeMers,  Sarah  Denis,  Beda  L.  Destromp,  Cody  Michael  Lewis  Forrest,  Samuel  Michael  Francoeur,  Patrick  J.  Friend,  Nina  Devin  Gage,  Alena  Rose  Gagnon,  Zachary  Fox  Gearwar,  Emily  Lynn  Giddings,  Jessica  Nicole  Greeno,   Walter   Carl   Gutzmann,   III,   Emily   Jane   Haley,  Brittany  Marie  Hance,  Seth  Edward  Harrington,  Bronson  Burton  Harvey,  Brittany  Nicole  Hayes  and  Breanna  Grace  Horvath.

Avery   Kathryn   Howland,   Elise   Janssen,   Amanda   L.  Kehoe,   Robert   T.   Kelley,   Stephanie  Ann   Ketcham,   Erin  Johanna   King   Keyes,   Garrett   Evan   Kitchens,   Belinda  Marie   LaFountain,   Randall   John   LaFrancis   Jr.,   Kelsey  N.   Lekberg,   Caitlyn   Louise   Little,   Brian   Paul   Lynch,  Willard   R.   Magoon,   Kelly   Lynn   Mahoney,   Nikole  Danielle   Maloy,   Christian   David   Martin,   Gary   William  Martin-­Maloy,   Joseph   M.   McCoy,   Grace   McDonald,  Andrew  M.  McKinnell,  Benjamin  Gray  Merkert,  George  Joseph  Mitchell,  Luke  Joseph  Molaski  and  Ariel  Rebecca  Mondlak.Anna  Elizabeth  Morale,  Jenna  Grace  Munger,  Loren  Q.  

Murphy,  David  Newton,  Ethan  Michael  Nordmeyer,  Emily  Caroline  Patch,  William  Clayton  Pearl,  Eric  Ryan  Pillon,  Kristy   Lynn   Pinkham,   Dominick   J.   Popp,   Tyler   Robert  Quenneville,   Brian   Thomas   Rademacher,   Derrick   James  Root,  Kirsten  Demerest  Root,  Marco  Rosato,  Kelsey  Leah  Scarborough,  Michael  John  Seagren,  Patrick  Arthur  Smart  and  Alexander  Tyler  Smith.Ashley   Marie   Smith,   Genna   Marie   Smith,   Melanie  

Catherine   Smith,   Daniel   W.   Steele,   Brooke   Michelle  Stone,  Joshua  T.  Sutherburg,  Audrey  Jean  Taft,  Gwendolyn  Catherine   Taft,   Samuel   Paul   Tayloe,   Emily   Jane   Taylor,  Mackenzie  Katherine  Thurston,  Erin  Elizabeth  Trombley,  Marina  Angela  Vitagliano,   Hannah  Marade  White,   Zakk  Matthew  Williams  and  Samuel  Ellington  Zollman.

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Way to go, Graduates!

Page 8: Graduation Section 2011

PAGE  8C  —  Addison  Independent,  Thursday,  June  16,  2011

Hometown,   current   residence,  

age:   I   grew   up   in  Addison   and   live  now  in  Boston,  Mass.  I  am  28.Family:   I   want   to   thank   my  

parents,  Connie  and  Sid  Everest,  who  provided  me  with  the  all  of  the  love,  support,   encouragement,   guidance  and   resources   I   could   possibly   need  to  pursue  and  achieve  my  goals.What  I  am  up  to:  

manager  for  Oracle  Corp.  within  the  company’s  Health  Sciences  Business  Unit.   Our   business   unit   focuses   on  selling   software,   consulting   and  software-­as-­a-­service   solutions   to  the   Life   Science   and   Healthcare  industries.   My   team   and   I   are  

analysis,  budgeting,  reporting,  pricing  

for   new   product   offerings.   I   am  also   enrolled   in   the   evening   MBA  program  at  Boston  College.How   I   got   to   where   I   am   now:  

After  high  school  I  attended  Babson  College,  where  I  majored  in  business  

where   I  was   very   fortunate   to  work  for   a   great   manager.   Shortly   after  my  manager   left   IBM   to   join  Phase  Forward,  a  small  but  rapidly  growing  software   company,   he   offered   me  a   challenging   career   opportunity  at   Phase   Forward,   which   I   readily  accepted.  The  skills  I  developed  and  successes   I   had   at   IBM   and   Phase  Forward   ultimately   enabled   me   to  move  into  my  current  role  at  Oracle.Adults   to   whom   I   can   attribute  

my  current   success:   I  don’t   think   I  can   attribute  my   success   to   any  one  adult.  I  have  been  extremely  fortunate  to  have  a  lot  of  great  people  in  my  life  who  have  contributed   in  helping  me  become  who  I  am  today.  My  parents  ingrained   in  me  a   strong  work  ethic  and   provided   me   with   incredible  support  in  pursuing  my  goals.I   was   also   very   fortunate   to   have  

many   teachers   at   VUHS   who   were  not   only   excellent   educators   but  

went  to  great  lengths  to  support  their  students   both   inside   and  outside   the  classroom.   One   such   teacher   was  business   teacher   Mr.   Paquette.   I  took  an  early  interest  in  business  and  entrepreneurship,   so   I   was   able   to  learn   a   lot   from  Mr.  Paquette   in   the  classroom,   but   was   also   extremely  impressed   with   his   dedication   to  supporting   his   students.   I   recall  Mr.  Paquette   attending   a   7   a.m.   hockey  game   up   in   Highgate   Center   that  featured   only   one   other   VUHS  student  and  me,  but  he  still  made  the  long,  early  morning  trip  just  to  cheer  us  on.How   my   Vermont   roots   have  

Vermont  gave  me  a  great  appreciation  for   the   value   of   a   community.  Knowing   your   neighbors   and  being   part   of   a   community   where  neighbors  are  so  willing  to  help  each  other   out   ingrained   in   me   personal  accountability   and   a   strong   desire  to   help   others.   That   same   type   of  

organic  community  does  not  exist  in  a  city   like  Boston,  but   I  have   found  specialized   organizations   such   as  Big   Brother/Big   Sister   and   local  youth  hockey  associations   that  offer  a   similar   sense   of   community   and  involvement.My  advice  for  this  year’s  crop  of  

graduating  seniors:  My  advice  is  to  establish  goals,  embrace  change  and  hold  yourself  accountable.  Set  goals  for  yourself  and  work  hard  to  achieve  those   goals.   More   importantly,  realize   that   your   goals   today   may  not   align  with  what   you  want   to   do  or  who   you  want   to   be   a   year   from  now.  That   doesn’t  mean   you   should  not  set  goals  today,  but  it  does  mean  you   need   to   be   open   and  willing   to  change   your   goals   in   the   future,   no  matter  the  time  or  effort  you  invested  in  your  prior  goals.  Most   importantly,   hold   yourself  

accountable   for   not   only   the  achievement  of  your  goals,  but  for  all  of  your  actions  and  decisions  in  life.

Class of 2011

Hometown,  current  residence,  age:  My  hometown  is  Waltham,  Vt.  I  am  currently  living  in  Cambridge,  Mass.  I  am  25  years  old.Family:  My  parents  are  Marian  Greenberg  and  Peter  

Quinn,  and  my  brother  Liam  was  also  a  VUHS  grad  (’01).  I   am   currently   engaged   to   the   love   of  my   life,   Larissa  West,  who  I  met  while  living  in  Boston.What  I  am  up  to:  For  the  past  three  years,  I  have  been  

doing   exoplanet   research   at   the   Harvard-­Smithsonian  Center  for  Astrophysics.  Planet  hunting  is  an  exciting  job,  and  I  have  been  fortunate  to  be  a  part  of  several  successful  projects,   including  NASA’s  Kepler  Mission,  which   has  

and   the   majority   of   the   candidates   are   expected   to   be  

Missions   like   Kepler   aim   to   discover   and   characterize  

work   when   I   begin   an   astronomy   Ph.D.   program   at  Georgia  State  in  the  fall.How   I   got   to   where   I   am   now:   I   went   to   Harvard  

University,   where   I   majored   in   astronomy   and  

interests  were   quite   varied  —   I   entertained   the   idea   of  studying   several   disciplines,   from   computer   science   to  philosophy.  Ultimately,  my   freshman  astronomy  course  was  more  captivating  than  the  others  and  I  never  looked  back.Adults  to  whom  I  can  attribute  my  current  success:  

Although  it’s  been  many  years  since  I   lived  with   them,  my  parents  have  still  had  the  largest  impact  on  shaping  who   I   am   today.   My   attitude   toward   learning,   how   I  approach   relationships,   and   my   daily   outlook   on   life  

I   also   enjoyed   a   slew  of  wonderful   teachers   at  VUHS.  Being   consistently   engaged   with   subject   matter   across  disciplines   gave   me   the   foundation   I   needed   to   truly  explore  my  interests  in  college.

today:   Being   a   Vermonter   living   outside   of   Vermont  requires  one  to  adopt  some  good-­natured  swagger.  Most  people  think  their  state  is  great,  but  Vermonters  know  it.  We  have   the  best   skiers,   the  best  maple  syrup,   the  best  foliage.  Even   the   things   that  were  annoyances  growing  up  are  now  points  of  pride.  What  once  was  called  boring  is   now   tranquil.   If   you   ask   me   now,   my   town   wasn’t  small.   It   was   quaint.   However,   truthfully,   I   wouldn’t  

inspired   creativity   (by   necessity;   the   alternative   was  death  by  boredom),   and  have  made  me  appreciate  new  places   and   experiences   more   than   I   otherwise   would  have.  But  mostly,  it’s  all  about  cheese.  Vermont  made  me  love  cheese.My  memories  of  high  school:  The  low  points  probably  

seemed   lower   in   the  moment   than   they  do  now.   If  you  were  to  get  me  reminiscing,  I’m  sure  I’d  mention  a  couple  basketball  games  that  might  have  turned  out  differently,  but   to   truly   complain,   I   would   have   to   ignore   the   99  percent  of  them  I  enjoyed.  I  regard  my  other  experiences  and  relationships  the  same  way.  My   advice   for   this   year’s   crop   of   graduating  

seniors:  Don’t  be  afraid  to  ask  for  help  in  order  to  pursue  your   interests   and   achieve   your   goals.   Somebody  who  has  your  back  can  make  all  the  difference,  whether  that  person   is   a   supportive   friend,   a   helpful   coworker,   or   a  dedicated  mentor.  Your   relationships   are   the   best   asset  you  have,  in  all  aspects  of  your  life,  so  think  about  how  you  want  to  build  and  maintain  them.

Where are they now?Vergennes Union High School

Sam Quinn, VUHS ’03

Brett Everest, VUHS ’03

Ashley Ross, VUHS ’00

SAM  QUINN,  VUHS  ’03,  is  hunting  for  planets  in  his  job  at  Harvard  University.

2001  VUHS  GRADUATE  Brett  Everest  is  working  his  way  up  through  the  high-­tech  industry  and  currently  works  for  Oracle.

Hometown,   current   residence,   age:   I   grew   up   in  Waltham,  and  currently  living  in  the  city  of  Portsmouth  on  the  southern  coast  of  England.  I  am  28  years  old.Family:  I  met  my  wife,  Mikel,  at  college  in  Minnesota.  

My  parents,  Don  and  Joyce,  still  live  in  Waltham  in  the  house   I   grew   up   in.  My   sister,   Lilah,   is   working   as   a  principal  at  a  K-­8  private  school  in  the  Miami  area.What  I  am  up  to:  

at  the  University  of  Portsmouth  in  England.I  am  attempting  to  forge  a  career  as  an  astronomer.  My  

we  observe  with  telescopes.

are  best  explained  if  95  percent  of  the  universe  is  made  

neither.How  I  got  to  where  I  am  now:  For  my  undergraduate  

degree  I  studied  physics  at  Carleton  College  in  Minnesota.  For  anyone  wishing   to  study  science   in  a  small,   liberal  arts  setting,  it  cannot  be  beat  (perhaps,  I’m  biased).  I  then  

obtained  my  PhD  in  Astronomy  from  the  University  of  Illinois.Adults  to  whom  I  can  attribute  my  current  success:  

today:  I  loved  growing  up  in  Vermont.  I  feel  as  though  my  small  town  roots  keep  me  humble  in  times  of  success  and  level-­headed  in  times  of  failure.My  memories  of  high  school:  Thinking  back  on  high  

school,  it  is  hard  to  believe  how  young  I  was  and  how  old  I  thought  I  was.  I   was   lucky   to   go   to   a   small   school   and   have   the  

opportunity   to   participate   in   a   variety   of   activities;  my  experiences  with  soccer,  baseball,   jazz  band  and  drama  

My   advice   for   this   year’s   crop   of   graduating  


are  smarter  and  more  experienced  than  you.  Talk  to  them,  learn  from  their  experiences.  If  they  are  

jaded,  try  to  determine  why.

VUHS  GRAD  ASHLEY  Ross  with  his  wife  Mikel  in  North  Devon,  England.  He  let’s  everyone  know  which  is  his  favorite  baseball  team  even  when  he  is  in  the  United  Kingdom,  where  he  lives.

Page 9: Graduation Section 2011

Addison  Independent,  Thursday,  June  16,  2011  —  PAGE  9C

VUHS Class of 2011



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VERGENNES  —  Vergennes  Union  High  School  

held   its   graduation   ceremonies   Saturday,   June  

11.   The   valedictorian  was  Hannah   Sturtevant   and  

the   salutatorian   was   Isabelle   Langrock.   Hannah  

DeGraaf   was   class   president   and   William   Kuhns  

III  was   the  vice  president.  Monica  Birchmore  and  

Benjamin  Parsons  were  class  marshals.

The   following   students   are   the   members   of   the  

class  of  2011:

Kyle  Jacob  Adams,  Gregory  James  Alexopoulos,  

Allen   M.  Amery,   Sarah  Andrews,   Victoria   Susan  

Anguish,   Shawna   Arthers,   Arlene   M.   Atkins,  

Daniel   C.   Averill,   Bridget   Bartlett,   Ryan   D.  

Bennett-­Putnam,   Michaela   Beck   Bicknell,   Philip  

F.  Bissonnette,  Jamie  Lee  Blanchard,  Brooke  Ellen  

Bougor,  Dustin  Jon  Bradford,  Dylan  Tyler  Bresnick,  

Nicole  Lee  Brown,  Ashley  Elizabeth  Brunet,  John  

H.  Burke,  Abigail  Beth  Campono,  Zachary  Taylor  

Castillo  and  Clayton  Robert  Childers.

Ann  Elizabeth  Clancy,  Jarrett  Kirby  Clark,  Morgan  

Ashley   Correia,   Kory   Michael   Cousino,   Jennifer  

S.   Cunningham,   Kaitlyn   E.   Cusson,   Laura   Wilma  

Dam,   Hannah   Katherine   DeGraaf,  Aaron  

Robert  Desabrais,  Cassandra  Lee  

Devino,   Dana   Christian   Entrott,  

Jacob   Edward   Firlik,   Alexander  

Gendreau,   Thomas   R.   Gould,  

Jeremy  Robert  Greenhaus,  Isabel  

K.  Hamilton,  Lillian  D.  Hamilton,  

Alexa   Marie   Higbee,   Brandon  

Hoose,   Kelsey   T.   Howard,   Asa  

Freeman  Hunt,  Reece  W.   Jaring,  

Margaret   Spencer   Johnston,   Richard   Karzmarczyk  

and  Shara  Marie  Kauffman.

Benjamin   T.   Kelly,   Alyssa   Lynn   Kilburn,   Max  

Kinlund,   Greta   L.   Krahn,   William  A.   Kuhns   III,  

Isabelle   C.   Langrock,   Jessica   Marie   Laughlin,  

Andrew   L.   Lucia,   Skyler   E.   Magoon,   Aaron  

Christopher  Malaney,  Samantha  J.  Marszalkowski,  

Erika  Diegel  Martin,  Peter  E.H.  McDurfee,  Rebecca  

Joyce  Miller,  Kendall  Newkirk,  Raymond  Edward  

Nill,   Halie  Marie   Nolan,   Nathan   T.   North,   Emily  

Pelsue,   Jonathan   E.   Philbrick,   Casey   J.   Poquette,  

Lisa  Marie   Porter,  Allison  Ann   Provost,   Brian  A.  

Richer,   Sierra   Lynn   Roberts,  Alex   Henry   Russett  

and  Andrew  Russett.

Tyler   Jason   Sawyer,  Hayden  A.   Senesac,  Corey  

Robert   Shalek,   Shelby   Lynn   Sheehan,   Monique  

Ashton   Simpson,   AnnaJo   Smith,   Rachael   Jean  

Smith,  Arie  J.  Smits,  Jazmin  Irenajo  Spear,  Mavis  L.  

Stansbery,  Daniela  Margarita   Stapleford,  Timothy  

Warren  Steams,  Morgan  Dave  Stinchfield,  Hannah  

Lee   Sturtevant,  Adam   Jeffrey   Terry,   Katelynn   B.  

Viau,   Kelsey   Elizabeth   Wildasin   and   Patrick   M.  


Page 10: Graduation Section 2011

PAGE  10C  —  Graduation  2011  &  Where  Are  They  Now?  A  Special  Publication  of  The  Addison  Independent,  Thursday,  June  16,  2011



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