GRADING SYSTEM FOR PROJECTS Suspenso Aprobado Bien Notable Sobresaliente 0-4,9 5-5,9 6-6,9 7-8,9 9-10 F D C B A FAIL- considerable further work is required (F) SUFFICIENT-performance meets the minimum criteria (D) SATISFACTORY- fair but with significant short comings (C) GOOD- generally sorted work with a number of notable errors (B) VERY GOOD-above the average standard but with some errors (A) EXCELLENT- outstanding performance with only minor errors (A+)

Grading system

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Suspenso Aprobado Bien Notable Sobresaliente

0-4,9 5-5,9 6-6,9 7-8,9 9-10

F D C B A FAIL- considerable further work is required (F)

SUFFICIENT-performance meets the minimum criteria (D)

SATISFACTORY- fair but with significant short comings (C)

GOOD- generally sorted work with a number of notable errors (B)

VERY GOOD-above the average standard but with some errors (A) EXCELLENT- outstanding performance with only minor errors (A+)