Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2 ITS/MDCPS Page Updated 8/3/07

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2gradebooksupport.dadeschools.net/pdf/GBM/Responsibilities/GBM_refguide-11_06.pdfGradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

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Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

ITS/MDCPS Page� Updated8/3�/07

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

ITS/MDCPS Page� Updated8/3�/07

ContentsGradebook Manager Responsibilities ........................................................3 Outline of Responsibilities ..............................................................3

Lesson Plan for Training ................................................................4

Printing Interims ...............................................................................5

End of 9 Week Procedure (GBM) ..................................................13

Uploading 9 week grades ..............................................................14

Support Materials ....................................................................................... 16 G2IP Folder ......................................................................................16

Java Tips .........................................................................................17

Merging Class Files ........................................................................ 23

Substitute Procedures ...................................................................26

End of 9 Week Procedure (Teacher) ............................................33

Overwriting 9 Week Grade ............................................................34

Midterm/Final Exam ........................................................................35

Final Grade Overwriting Procedures ............................................36

Transferred Student Files .............................................................37

Resource Materials ....................................................................................38

AppendixAIPClientSpecifications ............................................38

Appendix B Attendance Codes ....................................................41

Support Information ..................................................................................42

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

ITS/MDCPS Page3 Updated8/3�/07

Gradebook Manager ResponsibilitiesAGradebookManager(GBM)isauseroftheElectronicGradebookSystemwithspe-cialrightswithintheGradebook�applicationwhowillserveassupportforinstructionalstaffandasaliaisonbetweentheinstructionalstaffandITS-SupportServices.Accessrights for a GBM are identified and authorized by the school’s principal via RACF group WGBMandWGBI.

A GBM’s responsibilities include but are not limited to:

1. TrainteacherstousethebasicfunctionsintheElectronicGradebook application(i.e.login,createassignments,entergradesandattendance) andimplementschooldistrictreportingprocedures.

2. Provide the first line of support for teachers in trouble-shooting gradebook discrepancies. •CommunicatewithITS-SupportServices(305-995-3705or HeatSelfService)foranygradebook-relatedissues.

3. Offer tips and shortcuts to teachers for efficiently and effectively using the Gradebook�application.

4. Print interim progress reports via Administrative Reports Viewer.

5. Export9-weeksgrades/attendance/commentsanduploadtoITS.

AGBMhasadditionalabilitiesinthegradebookapplicationthatteacherscannotper-form without GBM support, they are:

1. Mergeclassesasrequestedbyteachers.

2. Use class file back-ups created by teachers, when necessary.

Documentation on all of these functions and more can be referenced from the district’s gradebooksupportpage.(http://gradebooksupport.dadeschools.net)

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

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Basic Lesson Plan: Electronic Gradebook

Objective:TeacherswillbeabletoopentheirGradebookClassfiles,configuretheirgradebooks,takeattendance,addinformationforinterimreports,andusethereportsforbackup and for parent conferences.

Introduction: 1. Review handout material �.GiveanoverviewoftheGradebookstructure.[Internet/ServeratITS] a.enteringassignments b.enteringgrades c.enteringattendance[QA] d.enteringinfoforinterimreports[Progress/Effort/Conduct] e. entering semester and final tests and grades [Middle & H.S.]Basic Setup Checklist (p.3) �.LoginwiththeP-SyncIDandpassword 2. Open a class file 3.Setmenuiconsto“Large”Options>Toolbar>Large 4. Define Subjects to reflect the subject you are teaching 5. Set Significant Digits to “2” Under the Options menu. (Set in the template) 6. SAVE changes Third icon on the toolbar 7.Navigatetotherestofyourclasses[Classes>class] 8.Demonstratethe“HotSpots” 9. Show PDI’s [selecting, changing the order, adding new PDI’s]Getting Started 1. Creating Categories [ Define>Categories] usually Secondary School. 2. Creating Assignments [Define>Assignments] [Easy Mode] 3.WeightingAssignments �.DueDate[Options>ColumnDescriptions>DueDate] 4a. Retrieve School Days, if necessary. 5. Copying Assignments to another class file Grading 1. Type in grades [A to F, X, Z] 2. Double click in field & select from list [X and Z must be typed in] 3.Usedeletekeytoremove,ordoubleclickandregrade 4. Fill all blank grades before the end of the grading period. 5. Semester & Final Grades [Click the right golden arrow] Secondary School.TakingAttendance[OnlyQA/OKnotifiestheoffice.] �.QuickAttendance[QA] 2. Grid [View>Attendance]Entering Interim Data 1. View [View>Required Assessments] �.EnterProgressandupto3CommentsReports

1. Hard copy of grades [Reports>Standard Reports>Class Assignments Vertical]2. Parent Conference [Reports>Crystal Reports>Parent Conference…]3. Substitute teacher [Reports>Custom Reports>School>Class>Substitute Teacher Report

(HTML)]End of 9 week Procedures for Teachers

�. ProceduresoutlinedinEndOfNineweeksproceduresforteachersdocumentNotepads PossiblefutureinserviceactivitieswithteachersDiscipline RecordsSeating Charts

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

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Gradebook ManagerProcedure to run/print/save interim progress reports

via Electronic Gradebook over the Web.

Requirements: PCcomputerconnectedtointernet�00MegabitbandwidthnetworkaccessPrinter sufficient to print the volume of reports required for school


1. Launch the Administrative Reports Viewera. Gotohttps://gb.dadeschools.netinaWindowsbrowser.b. Click “Administrative Report Viewer”

c. TypeintheSchoolIDtologon.d. TypeinyourGBmanagerUserIDandPassword.e. SelectThis is my private computer.f. ClicktheLoginbutton.

NOTE: If this is the first time you have run this program on your PC, it may take a few minutes to launch as it needs to download the required files.

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

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2. Youshouldgeta“Youareloggedin”message(seeright).Waitfortheviewerto complete its initialization procedure. This should only be a few seconds.

3. Click the “Print a Crystal Report” button (see below).

4. Choose the “Dade Interim Report” from the list of reports.

5. Click the “Get the Report” button. Several dialogues will request information that thesystemneedstocreatethereport.

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a.Marking Period: Highlight the correct Marking Period.


b.Language Choice: Highlight the language selection of 1 or 2. (�)isforEnglishandSpanish;(�)isforEnglish,Spanish,andCreole.


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c. Sort Order: Select the Sort Order to group the reports for your school. WhenrunningthisreporttoprintInterimsfortheentireschool,youshould selectoptionP (Sort by PERIOD). When running this report to make an archiveoftheInterimsforretrievalatalaterdate,itisbesttoselect optionS(SortbySTUDENT).

For schools that need to sort their progress reports by Grade Level, a NEWoptionhasbeenincluded.SelectoptionG(SortbyGradeLevel).

ClickOK.Special Note: The following dialogue boxes will appear for either Sort Order option. The Sort Order

option you choose will dictate whether you need to input any data into the box. Please read each dialog carefully before proceeding. If the box does not pertain to your option, just click OK to proceed.

d. Student Range Selection/Grade Level Sort: ThisboxonlyappliesifyouselectedSortOrderoptionS or G. IfyouaresortingbySortOrderoptionP, just click on OK. This report can beverytime-consumingfortheservers,sotoalleviatethis,thereportmustbe brokendownintosmallerchunks.

Selecttheletterofthestudentrange youwishtoproduce.ClickOK.



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e. Period Sort:ThisboxonlyappliesifyouselectedSortOrderoptionP. Selecttheperiodofthedaytosorton.Thisshouldbethehourtheteachers willbehandingoutthereports.Theparameterisa�digitchoice with a leading zero (0) onanysingledigithoure.g.0�for�stperiod. Elementary schools should select hour HR to sort for Homeroom.


f. Starting Teacher’s Name: Only applies if you have selected Sort Orderoption P.IfyouaresortingbySortOrderoptionS or G, just click OK. Thisreportcanbeverytime-consumingfortheservers,sotoalleviatethis,the reportmustbebrokendownintosmallerchunks.Selectthestartletterofthe lastnamefortheteacherrangeyouwishtoproduce.(e.g.AforAnderson)

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

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g. Ending Teacher’s Name: Only applies if you have selected SortOrderoptionP.IfyouaresortingbySortOrderoptionS or G, just clickOK.Selectthestartletterofthelastnamefortheteacherrange youwishtoproduce.(e.g.HforHarrison)

h. Choosethedatetobeprintedonthereport. ClickOK.

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

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i. DUPLEX PRINTING: Thisisanewoptionforduplexing.Normally,thecoversheet(sign-offsheet)isasinglepagewithafewsmallexceptions.Ifaschoolchoosesthisoption,ablankpageisaddedtothecoversheetsoaduplexingprintercanprintfronttoback.


j. Thereportwillnowbesenttotheservertobecreated.Thismaytakeseveral moments.

k. If you make an incorrect selection, just press CANCELandstartover.



Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

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l. Areportthatlookssimilartotheonesbelowshouldcomeuponthe computer.Theamountoftimeforthereporttoappearvariesdependingonthe size of the classes and the number of teachers for whom you chose to print.



SAVE: To save these reports for administrative reference, click on file and save to a locationonyourcomputer.


ThePagesTabwilldisplayathumbnailofthereports.To find a specific teacher usethebinocularicontoconductasearch.

StudentsareorderedbylastnamebasedonyourchoiceintheCrystalParameterwindow.To find a specific student’s progressreport,usethebinocularicontoconductasearch.

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2

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End of Nine Weeks Procedures – GBM’s

Special Note:Startthisprocessatleast�daysbeforeendofthemarkingperiod.

1. Use Admin Reports Viewer to print Missing Data Verification Report to show missinggrades/effort/conduct,etc.• Shareinfowithteachers.• Run again to verify teacher updates.

2. Run MDCPS-Gradebook Upload Utilities• Oncetheuploadiscomplete,nomoregradechangescanbemade.• TheUploadUtilitylinkisonthePortal,undertheApplication/Sitestab.• ToobtaindocumentationontheElectronicExportUtility,theGradebook

Manager Q & A sessions, or the Support Manuals, log-in to the Enter-prise Portal and click on the Application/Sites tab. Here you will find a link to the Gradebook Support Page. Click on Gradebook Resources andselectGradebookManagers.

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Electronic Gradebook Export/Upload GuideThis guide outlines the use of the M-DCPS Gradebook Upload Utility. • Logging in • Running Task• Logging out

Logging in

Step 1 – Login Log in to https://gradebook.dadeschools.net/daderis/login.aspx This is the first screen displayed. Enter the user information: user name, password, and school ID. Then click the “Login” button to proceed.

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Step 2 -Choose a TaskWhen the login process is complete there will be several options to choose from. To run an export click on the “Grade Export” button.

Step 3-Select a Grade ExportAfter clicking the “Grade Export” button a screen displaying all the available Grade Exports will be displayed. Select an export then click “Run Selected” to begin the task.

Step 4-Repeat Step 3If you have another grade export to complete, repeat step 3 after clicking on the second export.

Step 5-Follow Onscreen DirectionsRead each screen’s message carefully. When the export is complete, return to the Main Menu.

Step 6-Log Out ProperlyClick the Log Out button on the Main Menu and exit your Internet browser.

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2007-2008 Electronic GradebookThe G2IP Folder

Function: ThisfolderiscreatedonthelocalcomputerwheneverausersignsintotheGradebook.Itpermitsmorerapidaccess to class files and reports, sincetheneededinformationdoesnothavetobedraggedoverfromtheservereverytime.

• IftheuserlogsintotheGradebookwiththeselection“Thisisapubliccomputer,”theG�IPfolderisdeletedwhentheuserexitstheGradebook.(See the illustration at right.)ThedisadvantageofthisoptionisthatittakeslongertologinbecausetheprogramhastobuildthatG�IPfoldereverytimetheuserlogsin.

• IftheuserlogsintotheGradebookwiththeselection“Thisismyprivatecomputer,”the G2IP folder remains on the user’s computer even after the user exits the Gradebook. At log in, the program checks for newer versions of the class files, and, if so, it then picks up the most current version of that file.

Problem: SometimestheG�IPfolderdoesnotrefreshwiththenextlogin.

Solution: DeletetheG�IPfolderandlogintotheGradebookagain.NOTE:users must log out of the Gradebook before performing the following task:

To delete the G2IP folder, choose from one of the following methods:1. Locate your local hard drive (C: /), which can be found under Start >My

Computer. Open the Documents and Settings folder and then the local user’s folder. Right-click on the G2IP folder, and click Delete.ThenlogbackintotheGradebook.Theusershouldbeuptodate.

2. AttheLoginscreen,typeinyourinformationandselect“Thisisapubliccomputer.”WhenyouexittheGradebook,thesoftwarewilldeletetheG�IPfolder.

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Java Tips: PC’sMaking sure you have the most up-to-date Java:

1. ClickontheStartandthenonControl Panel.

2. Double-clickontheJavaicon.ThiswillopentheJavacontrolpanel.

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How to update to the latest version of Java:

�. Clickonthe StartbuttonandthenControl Panel.

�. Double-clickonAdd/Remove Programs.


Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2 Support Materials

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3. Find the Java Runtime Environment.

• NOTE:SomeolderversionsoftheJavaPlug-inmustberemoved.

• ClickontheRemovebutton.Theoperatingsystemwillthengothroughaseriesofquestionstoremovetheprogram.AftertheremovaloftheoldJava,logbackintotheWebGradebook(https://gb.dadeschools.net).OnceyouhaveaccessedthewebpageitwilldeterminethatyoudonothaveJavaandpromptyoutoinstallthenewestJava.**Note: Installation proceduresareontheJavawebsite.

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How to “flush your Java”:

The term “flush your Java” essentially means to clear the cache in your Java. Itislikedeletingthehistoryonyourwebbrowser.

1. GotoStartandthenControl Panel.

2. DoubleclickontheJavaicon.ThiswillopentheJavaoptionsmenu.


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NOTE:inthelaterversionsofJava,clickontheSettingsbuttonunderthedivisionlabeledTemporary Internet Files. Check all types of files listed.

3. Locate the Temporary Internet files section and click on the “Delete Files” button.This action will bring up another window. Check all the options and click “OK.”

This action will “flush your Java,” and next time you log in you will get the latest Java application files. NOTE:TheenduserwillnotseeanythingdifferentwhenloggingintotheWebGradebook.

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2 Support Materials

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2007-2008 Electronic GradebookInstructions for Gradebook Managers to Merge Class Files.

Purpose: ToclarifytheactionsthattheGBMmusttaketocombinemultiplesequences/sections into one class file. This year, class files will automatically be created by the PinnacleSystem.Bydefault,allclasses(uniquesequences/sections)arecreatedas separate class files. A teacher may have 2 or more class lists during the same instructional time that he/she would like combined into one class file to make the entry ofattendanceandgradeseasier.OnlyaGBMhastheabilitytocombineclasses.CommunicationbetweentheGBMandthemasterschedulebuilderisvital.

GBM’s should advise teachers that:1. Classesshouldbecombinedbeforegradesareenteredintothegradebook.

AttendanceisnotanissuebecauseSUScanpushitdowntoagradebook.2. Theteachershouldexitthegradebookcompletelybeforethismergingofclasslists.

Ifs/hedoesnot,themergedclassmay“disappear.”3. Schedulechangeshappenfrequently,especiallywhenlevelingclasses.Atthe


4. GBM’s should wait to merge until after the no-shows are removed from ISIS.

Theregistrar creates new classes by doing one of the following:1. TheregistraropensanewcourseinISISandassignsasequencenumberandat

leastonesectionor...2.Theregistrarcanaddanewsectiontoanexistingsequence.Ineithercase,theregistrarthenassignsthenewsequence/sectiontoateacherinISIS.Classesareautomaticallycreatedthenextdayinthegradebookfortheassignedteacher.Thisnewclassisaseparateclassthatcanbeaddedtoanexistingclass.If the teacher wants this new sequence/section to be added to an existing class file, theteachershouldidentifytheclassbythetitle,sequence,andsection(seeDefine Sections).ClassesmustbemergedbeforetheregistrarinactivatestheoldsectioninISIS.Definingsections1.LogintotheGradebookwithyourmanagernameandpassword.2. Choose the teacher in the drop down list, and press the OK button.3. Choose the class file to which this teacher wishes to add the new sequence/section.

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4. Open the class file.5.GotoPinnaclemenuandselectDefine Sections...Thisstepmaytakeamomentor


Whenyouopenthismenuitem,theGradebookwillhighlightthesequence(s)/section(s)currently assigned to this class file.

7. Identify the new sequence/section to be added to this open class file.8. Hold down the Control Keyandclickonthissequence/section.Caution: this

additional sequence/section must not contain grade or attendance data.


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A confirmation screen will appear. Carefully check that the correct sequence(s)/section(s)arelisted.Iftheyare,PressOK;ifnot,press NOandreselectthecorrectcourse/sections.10. The Gradebook will add the new sequence(s)/section(s) to the class file and

download the students into the class file.NOTE: Ifforanyreasonthestudentnamesarenotadded,gotothePinnacle menuand

selectUpdate Roster. This action will bring the students into the class file.

11. Close the open class file, and Press YEStoSAVE CHANGESifprompted.

12. Inform the teacher that you have made the requested changes to this class file.

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Substitute Teachers (Temporary Instructors)

Procedures for Recording Attendance When Substitute Teachers Are Required

Scenario: A teacher is out of the building and a substitute is required to cover the class(es) or a teacher does not have access to technology. Either way, the teacher does not have access to the Electronic Gradebook. How do you get attendance into the Electronic Gradebook system so that the data can be uploaded to ISIS?


1) Have the principal’s designee log in to the Administrative Report Viewer program from the web site. https://gb.dadeschools.net.Select the Administrative Report Viewer application from the menu.

• If the principal’s designee does not have access or rights to the AR Viewer program, please complete RACF authorization by placing them in the WGBA group.

- or -

• This report can also be run in the Attendance Manager program by an attendance clerk from the REPORTS menu.

Substitute Teachers (Temporary Instructors)

Procedures for recording Attendance When Substitute Teachers are Required




1. The Gradebook Manager (GM) logs into the Administrative Reports Viewer from the web siteathttps://gb.dadeschools.net.SelecttheAdministrative Reports Viewerapplicationfromthemenu.

• The GBM has rights to the Administrative Reports Viewer. If the principal wants to designateanyoneelsetousethisviewer,theprincipalmustgivethatpersonWGBPrights in RACF

•ThisreportcanalsoberunintheAttendanceManagerprogrambytheattendanceclerk from the Reports menu.

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2) Complete the log in screen. The User ID is your employee number and the password is the same as the one you would use to access any MDCPS web application (i.e. ISIS, e-mail, or SPI)

3) Print the Substitute Teacher Attendance Roster by clicking on Print a Crystal Report and then selecting the Substitute Teacher Attendance Roster report from the menu list.

3. Print the Substitute Teacher Attendance Roster by clicking on the Print a Crystal ReportbuttonandthenselectingtheSubstitute Teacher Attedance Rosterreportfromthemenulist.


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• You will be prompted for the absent teachers’ employee numbers. You may enter up to 20 teachers, but you must enter them into the prompt box one-at-a-time and press ENTER or click OK after each number typed. If you have more than 20 teachersabsent, you will need to run the report again until all reports are printed. If you do not have 20 teachers absent, enter the numbers of those teachers you need in the report andleave the successive prompts blank.

4) Print the report(s) by clicking on the printer icon in the Crystal Reports window.

5) If you get a crystal reports error, your GBM will need to run the SetupViewCR.exe file from the G2IP folder in your documents and settings folder.

6) Give the report(s) to the proper substitute teacher. The subs should be instructed to complete class attendance using the roster given to them and sign the form. Period designated for official daily school attendance should be returned to the attendance office at the appropriate time and the other sheets should be left for the teacher.

• You will be prompted for the absent teachers’ employee numbers. You may enter up to 20 teach-ers,butyoumustenterthemintothepromptboxoneatatimeandpressEnterorclickOKaftereachnumberistyped.•Ifyouhavemorethan�0teachersabsent,youwillneedtorunthereportagainuntilallreportsareprinted.•Ifyouhavefewerthan�0teachersabsent,enterthenumbersofthoseteachersyouneedinthereportandleavethesuccessivepromptsblank.

4. Print the report(s) by clicking on the printer icon in the Crystal Reorts window.

5. If you get a Crystal Reports error, you will need to run the SetupViewCR.exe file found in theG�IPfolderinyourdocumentsandsettingsfolderorontheGradebookSupportpage.

6.Givethereport(s)tothepropersubstituteteacher.Thesubsshouldbeinstructedinhowtocompletetheclassattendanceusingtherostergiventothem.Theyshouldusethisformduring the period designated for official daily school attendance. They should return it to the attendance office at the appropriate time and leave the other class attendance sheets for the teacher.

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7) Once the attendance manager receives the attendance form, the data is to be entered into the gradebook using the Attendance Manager program. If your toolbar is set to large (see Options menu), you can click on the button with a lightning bolt.

Otherwise, you should click on the Edit menu and then Edit Attendance for One Class.

• Select the option to Take Attendance for a Teacher.• Click on Choose a Class. You must do this even if the teacher had 100% attendance. • The grid will populate with information. Complete the attendance column for the date

required. If the teacher had 100% attendance, leave the column blank.


Otherwise,sheshouldclickontheEditmenuandthenonEdit Attendance for One Class.

•SheselectstheoptionotTake Attendance for a Teacher.

•SheclicksonChoose a Class.Shemustdothiseveniftheteacherhad�00%attendance.


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• When the attendance for that class is complete, click on Submit. If the teacher had100%, you will be given a prompt. Put a check in the “Today” box and click the OKbutton.

• Choose the next class or you can click Close to exit. The teacher’s gradebook will be updated and their name will be removed from the “Attendance Never Reported For” option in the Attendance Tracking List.

• The form you received should be photocopied and given back to the teacher and theoriginal filed in the office for audit purposes.

•TheAMchoosesthenextclassorclicksClose to exit. The teachers’s gradebook will be updated and his/her name will be removed from the “Attendance Never Reported For” option in the Attendance TrackingList.



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Special Section: Preparations for Network Down

To prepare a school in the event that the school’s network is down and access to the Electronic Gradebook is not available, the following steps are to be performed:

1) Create a substitute roster report for the entire school. Recall that you can do this for up to 20 teachers at a time. (See steps above)

2) When the report is on the screen, DO NOT PRINT; export the report to an Adobe PDF file. See steps below.

• Click on the envelope to export the report to a file

• Select the Export format. Acrobat Format (PDF) is the most common and easiest to work with.

UseALLforthePage Range option•

Special Section: Preparations for Network DownTo prepare a school in the event that the school’s network is down and access to the Electron-ic Gradebook is not available, the following steps are to be performed:

1. Create a substitute roster report for the entire school. Recall that you can do this for up to �0teachersatatime.(Seethestepsforprintingsubstituterosters.)

2.WhenthereportisonthescreenDO NOT PRINT; export the report to an Adobe PDF file. Seethestepsbelow.

Select the Export format. Acrobat Format (PDF) is the most common and easiest to work with.

• Click on the envelope to export the report to a file.

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• Use All for the Page Range option

• Give your file a name. An example is shown in the File Name box above. Save yourfile to the Desktop.

• Repeat the steps above to make sure you have a Substitute Roster Report for all teachers.

• Schedule changes happen frequently. Schools are advised to update these electronicrosters every 2 weeks.

3) In the event that the school has lost network connectivity, the substitute roster reports are to be printed and distributed to all teachers. Official daily school attendance must be collected through the attendance office and input into ISIS through established Attendance Services procedures.

• Give your file a name. An example is shown in the File Nameboxshownabove.Saveyourfile to the desktop

• Repeat the steps above to make sure you have a Substitute Roster Report for all teachers.


3.Intheeventthattheschoolhaslostnetworkconnectivity,thesubstituterosterreportsareto be printed and distributed to all teachdrs. Official daily school attendance must be collected through the attendance office and input into ISIS through established Attendance Services procedures.

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End of Nine Weeks Procedures - Teachers

1. Enter in Required Assessments (Effort / Conduct / Comments).

2. Verify attendance data by examining the Attendance Grid (View>Attendance)in a class file.• Elementary–homeroomclassonly• Secondary–allclasses

3. Enter Overwrite codes as necessary: I,NG,NC.• UseNGforanystudentwhohadgradesinthegradebookbutforwhom


• NCistobeusedonlyatthesubject levelandonlyinmarkingperiods�or�(secondaryschoolsonly).

4. Run the Grade Verification Report.• ReportsMenu>CrystalReports>GradeVerificationReport• Compare grades, attendance totals and Required Assessments to the

class file.• Photocopyandsubmittorequiredschoolpersonnel(ifnecessary).

5. Print a detailed hardcopy of class files from the Standard Reports Menu.• Class Assignments Vertical• ClassAttendanceforMarkingPeriod

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Overwriting a Student’s 9-Week GradePurpose: To overwrite a student’s grade beforegradesareuploadedtoISIS.IfyouwanttooverwriteagradeaftergradeshavebeensenttoISIS,youmustmakethechangeinyourgradebookandthenvisittheregistrarandfollowtheschoolproceduresforchangingthatgrade.

1. Open a class file.2. ClickontheView menuandthenchoose9 Weeks.3. Next,clickonce on the 9-week’s grade you wish to overwrite.


5.AfteryousayYEStotheprompt,thenyoucaneithertype the Numeric value you want OR… select the Lettergradefromthedroplist.Optionalcodesinclude“NC” for No Credit (used at the Subject Level during �ndor�th9-weekmarkingperiods)or“NG”forNoGrade(usedtoallowateachertoentergradesforastudentbutissueablankgrade).Checkwiththeregistrarbeforeusingthe“I”forIncomplete.

6. When you have finished changing the grade, click on the reset button togobacktoyourgrades.Youwillseealittle“o”nexttothegradeintheresultscolumn indicating that the grade was overwritten. Save your class file.



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Entering your Midterm or Final Exam Grades(SecondarySchoolsOnly)

Midterm/Final Exams are considered by MDCPS to be a separate grade from the 9-weeksgradingperiod.Itmustbeenteredintoadifferentareainyourgradebookandnotcombinedaspartofthe�ndor�th9-weeksgradeaverage.Pleasefollowthesesteps to enter in a Midterm/Final Exam.

1. Log in to the Gradebook and open up a class file.

2. Yourclassshouldopenuptothecurrent9-WeeksGradingPeriod.

3. Click on the golden arrow that points to the right until the blue title bar reflects the examyouareentering.

4. You should now be in the MidTerm Exam or Final Exam Marking Period.

5. Your exam grades have been broken down into Essay and Objective. At this point, each is worth 50%. If you would like to change that, you can modify the SCORE WEIGHTofeitherexam.

NOTE: youare not required tocompletebothcolumns. Some teachers like tocombinethegradesandenterthemintoeitheroneofthecolumns;thatwillworkaswell.Justmakesurethatthegradeaverageiswhatyouwant.

6. Finally, make sure you are back in the current 9-weeks to complete your report card comments. To go back, you can click on the LEFT golden arrow in the toolbar.

Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2 Support Materials

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Final Grade Procedures: All GradesThe electronic gradebook is not configured to calculate a yearly grade, because ISIS calculates it automatically. For this reason, a blank Subject grade is normally uploaded fromtheGradebookinthe�ndand�thmarkingperiods.However, a teacher may enter the Subject grade in the Gradebook if he or she wishes to overwrite a Subject grade that ISIS calculates. By entering a Subject grade in the Gradebook, the teacher specifies a student’s final grade for a semester class or an annualclass.Pleasefollowthestepslistedbelowtoensureaccuracy.

1. Log in to the district’s electronic gradebook and open a class file.

2. ClickontheView menuandthenchooseSubjects.

3. Clickonce on the cell of the Subject (yearly/semester) grade of the student you wishtooverwrite.

4. ClickontheEditmenuandthenselectOverwrite/Regrade.

5. SayYEStotheprompt.SelecttheLettergradefromthedroplist.Optionalcodesatthislevelinclude“NC”forNoCredit.DO NOT USEcodes“I”or“NG”atthislevel.

6. When you have finished changing the grade, click on the ViewmenuandselectAssignmentstogobacktoyourgrades.Save your class file.

7. Repeat steps 1 – 6 for all classes.

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Step 1: Log on to the Gradebook and open up the class file that the student has left.

Step 2: If the student does not appear, it’s because s/he is inactive. You can still see themandtheirgradesifyouclickontheOptionsmenuandselectShow Inactive Students.Yourformerstudentswillnowappearatthebottomofyourclasslist.Theywillhaveanasterick(*)nexttotheirnames.

Step 3: Print out a report for each student. The Student Assignment Report is recommended.ItisfoundintheReportsmenuunderStandard Reports.Youcanprintoutareportfor�ormorestudentsbyfollowingthesesteps.

• Selectareport(likeStudentAssignments).

• When the print box appears…click on TAG STUDENTS

• Selectthestudentfromthelistwhomyouwishto printareportfor.(Toselectmultiplestudentshold downthe<CTRL>keyandclickonotherstudents.

ClickOK. •ClicktheOKbuttoninthemainprintwindow.You should get a print out for just that/those student(s).

Step 4:Sendthisreporttothenewteacherofthatstudent.

Step 5:Whatuseismadeofthisinformationisuptotheteacher.Ifthestudenttransferredfromoneclasstoanotherwiththesameteacher,theteachercould just copy the grades. If the student is coming from different teacher, the receivingteachercouldcreateagradecolumncalled“TransferGrade”.Theteachercouldsetthescoreweighttothenumberofgradesthestudentshaveinthecurrentclass,andthenputthegradeaverageintothatcolumn.Therestof the students would get an “X”.

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Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2 Resource Materials

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Appendix A: Electronic Gradebook over IP ClientSpecifications

ThereareanumberofclientmachinesthatwillaccessthePinnacleSystemonaregularbasis.Thesewillincludeaccessbyteachers,principals,coaches,counselors,students, and attendance clerks. The optimal specifications for each one of these machinesisoutlinedbelow.

Unless specified, all clients will need Java Version 1.4.2 or higher. For access from home,adigitalserviceline(DSL)isrecommended.

Teachers can access the Gradebook from either a PC or MAC on the school’s LAN or at home.Theoptimalrequirementsfortheseclientmachinesarelistedbelow.

Gradebook Client Machine Requirements

IBM-PC Macintosh


Windows�000,Windows XP

*Does NOT Support Macs running any OS lower than 10.3.8 * To run Gradebook OS X client, OS 10.3.8 is the Minimum required. UnstuffitandJavaapplicationsrequired.

Processor Pentium3at�00MHz or higher G3orhigher

Free Disk Space �00MB �00MB

RAM���MBforWindows�000; 256 MB for XP


Screenresolution 1024 X 768

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Web Gradebook Browser Requirements

Platform Browser

Windows�000,Windows XP**

Internet Explorer�.0,orlater,Netscape Navigator7.�orlater,andFirefox. Disablepop-upblocking. Javaversion�.5 www.java.com

Macintosh OS X �0.3.8orlater

Firefox,orSafarirecommended Javaversion�.�www.apple.com/macosx/features/java DesignateaDownloadfolderotherthanDesktop

Web Gradebook PDA Minimum Requirements

Platform Hardware RAM


m�00orhigher 3MB

Web Gradebook PDA Optimum Requirements

Platform Hardware RAM


TherearemanynewmodelsrunningthePalmOSthatwillprovideoptimalperformance 8MBinternal

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Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2 Resource Materials

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TheAttendanceManageristheclientapplicationthatyourattendanceclerkswilluseto manage attendance within the Pinnacle System. The Principal Viewer is the client applicationthatyourprincipals,coaches,andcounselorswillusetogainrealtimeaccess to student progress information. The minimum and optimal specifications for machinesrunningtheseclientsarelistedbelow.

Attendance and Principal Client Machine Requirements

Attendance Manager and Principal Viewer running on Windows

OperatingSystem Windows 2000, Windows XP

CPU Pentium 3 at 600 MHz or higher

Free Disk Space �00+MB

RAM ��8MBforWindows�000256MB for XP


Administrative Reports Viewer

Attendance Manager and Principal Viewer running on Windows (Optimal)

OperatingSystem Windows 2000, Windows XP

CPU Pentium 3 at 600 MHz or higher

Free Disk Space �00+MB

RAM ��8MBforWindows�000256MB for XP

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Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2 Resource Materials

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Appendix B: Electronic Gradebook Attendance Codes �007–�008SchoolYear

Code Description Attendance Weight

Who can enter this code?

A ExcusedAbsence � AllTeachersAttendanceManager

A� ExcusedAbsenceBlockSchedule � AllTeachers


U UnexcusedAbsence � AllTeachersAttendanceManager

U� UnexcusedAbsenceBlockSchedule � AllTeachers


T ExcusedTardy � AllTeachersAttendanceManager

T� ExcusedTardyBlockSchedule(SplitLunch) � AllTeachers


TU UnexcusedTardy � AllTeachersAttendanceManager

TU� UnexcusedTardyBlockSchedule(SplitLunch) � AllTeachers


ENT EnteredClass 0 AllTeachersAttendanceManager

WD WithdrawnfromClass 0 AllTeachersAttendanceManager

NS NoShow 0 AllTeachersAttendanceManager

E ExcusedEarly 0 AttendanceManager–ODSAclassonly

S SpecialNote(i.e. field trip, assembly, etc.) 0 AttendanceManager–


I IndoorSuspension 0 AttendanceManager–ODSAclassonly

O OutdoorSuspension � AttendanceManager–ODSAclassonly

M TardyandExcusedEarly 0 AttendanceManager–ODSAclassonly

X SpecialHoliday 0 AttendanceManager–ODSAclassonly

• For students marked with an “E, S, I, O, M or X” for official (homeroom) attendance, teachersmustuseanexcusedabsence(AorA�)forclassattendance.Teacherscanaddacommenttodenoteareasonforexcusedabsence.

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Gradebook Manager Reference for Pinnacle Gradebook2 Resource Materials

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Gradebook Support

Step 1: The Gradebook Manager at your school is the first person to address teacher questions/issuesrelativetoGradebook.

Step 2: Gradebook ManagersforyourschoolwillcontactSupportServices(SUS) viaHeatSelfService.

Step 3: SUSSupportStaffwillescalateproblems/issuestoExcelsiorasnecessary.