Grad. Thesis o1 02

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  • 8/6/2019 Grad. Thesis o1 02


    Chapter 1

    The Problem


    Humans are the most complex creatures on the earth. Complex in a logic way that

    humans compost of diverse formation through its forms of reactions and dealings in the

    society. The primary way of understanding people of their role on our society where they

    reside in is through evaluating and studying their culture which refers to the norms,

    values, beliefs and behaviors. It also studied the patterns of behavior, means of

    subsistence, self- actualization, social structure, and interactions as well as the traditions

    of every deviate society in our humanity. In relation to that, this study deals with the

    Indian short stories, which denotes that it interpret the broad range of the Indian society

    has pass through in numerous decades. The Indian short stories have assisted to make

    such sense in a revolutionizing world, which provides a map of metaphoric mindscape of

    our society. This also approached the formal phase of Indian short stories into an

    awareness of limitations pact with the quotidian and quixotic Indian life with the same

    felicity. In Indias crest social issues is poverty, which represent as a crucial state in India

    in this present time. This social issue entails high cost of living, unemployment and

    hunger in the urban places in India, this may probably cause in an increasing population

    in India as well as the lack of urban planning. All of these can be thoroughly examined


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    through the association of literature; specifically short stories to be analyzed, which

    introduce various issues with different plight.

    Literature, according to Taine (1982) is largely the product of the authors

    environment, and that an analysis of the environment could bring understanding of the

    works of art in literature. An author could write their works of art by establishing it on

    their own experience or even the sort of environment where they live in. Literature also,

    according to Taine (1982) is the consequence of the moment, race and milieu. These

    concepts means that, a moment refers to when a particular event happened and race is the

    people who is the several figures in our society, while milieu is the status quo of the

    people in a particular society. The idea of Taines concept is that literature is base on

    what is happening in a particular time and especially the kind of people involved in it.

    According to Burke (1971) states that the work of art, including literature, are an

    artistic way of the authors in expressing or in leasing the readers know what is

    happening in society and allocate them to have a greater with clarity understanding over

    societal happening through the work of art. In addition, to assess the cause and effect by

    how and why people reacts towards the societal happenings or social issues.

    Social issues are matters which directly or indirectly involve some or all members

    of a society, which are considered to be problems or controversies related to moral values

    (Massey, 2007). Several elements that affects the normal relationship between people and

    society, since society is the aspect in which the members of a community or simply the

    people live for their common benefit.

    In studying society, with the use of sociological criticism would be easier to give

    out the main intention of their study.


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    According to Jovanich (1971) in his book entitled, Critical Theory, sociological

    criticism is a critique directed to understanding and committing literature in its larger

    social context. He added that this approach is used to explore both how the social

    functions in literature works in every society. It is also the thought out way of

    examining the relationship between literature and society, in which it provides mere

    knowledge, which has a relevant on how and why people behave in a certain manner with

    the type of society where they interrelate.

    In analyzing a certain literature piece using the sociological criticism it guides the

    researcher to comprehend the relationship between literature and society. In which it

    persuade the researcher to investigate and analyze different short stories which reveal a

    number of social issues, for in the future this may help her to understand and learn the

    entire world of social issues and why a definite problems in society does exist.

    The main object of this study is to examine and analyze the diverse social issues

    present in the short stories and how the author described the factual condition of society

    using sociological criticism. This also intends to search out how social effects the live of

    the characters in the stories; either in a positive or negative way.

    Statement of the Problem

    This study seeks to analyze and answer the following questions stated below by

    using the Sociological Approach in analyzing the selected short stories.

    Specifically this study aims to answer the following questions:


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    1.) What social issues are present in the selected short stories?

    2.) What are the causes of these social issues?

    3.) How the social issues reflected in the story?

    4.) How does the society react to the social issues?

    Conceptual Framework

    The following are the concepts that guide as the framework of this study. The

    researcher used these approaches to properly answer the four problems stated in the

    study. The researcher used the Sociological Approach and concepts of social issues to

    support in identifying the social issue, which is being established to gain more concepts

    about social issues.

    According to Scott (1977), sociological criticism starts with a viewpoint that arts

    relation to society is virtually important. The investigation of these relationships may

    organize and deepen ones aesthetic response to a work not simply of a person but an

    author fixed in time and space in answering to a community because of its articulate part.

    Moreover, sociological approach and literature are being connected. According to

    Liven and Padsing (2006) the relationship between literature and society is reciprocal,

    where literature is not only the effect of social issues but it is also cause by social effect.

    The reciprocal relation of society and literature is the occurrence of issues in the society,


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    which is reflected in literature writers attempt to express their own idea, opinion and

    observation towards the event in the society.

    According to Burke (2006) that Sociological Criticism is influenced by new

    criticism it also adds a sociological element as found with critical theory and considers art

    as a manifestation of society, one that contains metaphors and references directly

    applicable to the existing society.

    Harrington (1960) added that Sociological Criticism has a several methods of

    sociological perspective and considering the sociological element is essential because art

    is inevitable full of references and commentaries on the present day of society. It also

    stresses that the primary goal of the social disciplines should be the identification and

    further development of a systematic theory of the nature of man and society.

    Social issues are matter that directly or indirectly affect many or all members of a

    society and are considered to be problems, controversies related to moral values or both.

    Social issues include poverty, violence, pollution, injustices, and suppression of human

    rights, discrimination, and crime. Social issues related to the fabric of the community,

    including conflicts among the interest of community members, and lie beyond the control

    of any individual (

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    Social issues are manifested at multiple levels of social life. The factor that cause,

    facilitate and help to perpetuate social problems are found at the individual, the group, the

    societal and in some cases the global level (Lauer, 1998).

    The concept of (Lauer, 1998) states that social issues approach which in the

    principal aim of the comprehensive exploration is to present data on a wild array of

    problem phenomena: unemployment, discrimination, divorce, prostitution, abortion,

    poverty, and crime each of these problem is examined in the term of its causes, the

    consequences to persons and society as a whole.

    Merill (1988) labeling theory is concerned with how the self-identity and behavior

    of individuals may be determined or influenced by the terms and reaction used to

    describe or classify them, and is associated with the concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy

    and stereotyping.

    Elliot (1970)states that one dimension of this is that to understand the concept of

    deviance by understanding the significance of the way in which people react to

    potentially deviant behavior. Deviant presents as the some form of strong social

    reaction to a behavior.

    Lemert (1980) the societal reaction approach. Briefly, this approach

    distinguishes between primary deviance where individuals do not see themselves a

    deviant and secondary deviance involves acceptance of a deviant status.

    Coleman (1950) affirm that unusual behavior is a quality of how we react to

    people's behavior. This concept is normally spoken as the social reaction to behavior.


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    Intensified deviance becomes a means of defense, attack, or adaptation to the problems

    caused by societal reaction to primary deviation.


    The study used Sociological Approach in order to point out the social issues

    containing the selected short stories and to prove the existence of social issues to the

    society. The researcher will apply four steps in analyzing the selected short stories.

    First, the stories will be read thoroughly with deeper comprehension to identify

    the social issues presented in the selection. The researcher will identify and explain the

    concept of sociological approach to be able to support the idea of social issue.

    Second, the researcher will examine the social issues in the selected short stories.

    To perform these, the researcher will use some concepts of social issues to give out the

    exact meaning of different issues, which presented in the stories.

    Third, the researcher will discuss how the social issues are reflected in the story,

    to expound this step, the researcher will cite and give supporting idea to fully give out its

    inner meaning of the respond and utilize its concept to prop up the answer.

    Fourth, to answer the problem number four the researcher will provide details

    from the story, which supports the answer. To answer this problem the researcher will

    base on the societys reaction towards the social issue.


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    Significance of the Study

    The central point of this study is on the concepts of sociological approach and

    social issues of the preferred short stories. The researcher is affirmative that this study

    will be handy to the following benefactors also it may reflect them and accordingly apply

    the insights which is expanded from this study.

    To the students, for it could be their source of information especially those

    students who belong in the field of sociology, since this study focuses on the problems of

    society. In addition, the English majors can benefit from this study especially those who

    also choose the same approach will serve this as a main guide in their analysis.

    To the teachers they could be able to gather up updated ideas in which will enable

    them to teach their students about the relationship between man and society. It would also

    give them an idea on how to teach literature through its values and moral, which are

    represented in the diverse concepts of social issues to shape up fine citizens in the


    To anyone who may need to use this thesis as a lead in conducting their own

    research, and to those who themselves has a vast passion in literature , this piece of work

    would be available anytime you will need this. In general, different races of people could

    be inspired in making their own study that is parallel to this study.


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    Generally, for everyone who may need to use this as a guide in conducting their

    own research and for those who have a great passion in literature this piece would be

    available anytime. For those students who could be able to learn from this study,

    eventually be inspired, and have the confidence in doing their own research using the

    same approach.

    Scope of the Study

    The researcher used the Sociological Approach in analyzing the problems of the

    selected short stories and answered all the problems regarding the various social issues

    presented in the selected short stories. The researcher selects the following short stories

    merely because the writers of these short stories are Indian authors, also the main focal of

    this study is on the social issues of India.

    This study deals with stories written by Indian authors. The ten (10) selected

    short stories were: How Grandpa came into the money by Else Zantev, Abortion by

    Ebot Agborndip, The Eunthanasia Machine by M. Stanley Bubien, Divorce by Patti

    Mcquillen, The Dilapidated Man by Bai Maleiha, The Game of Billiards by

    Alphonse Daudet, The Nightingale by Maxim Gorky, Daughter for Sale by Samrum

    Singh, A Pair of Silk Stockings by Kate Chopin and Senior Payroll by William E.


    Definition of terms


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    The following terms are defined briefly to come up with a comprehensible study.

    Social Issues. This term refers to the problems reflected in the short stories that negate the

    norms of society; these problems maybe stated or implied. Whenever the people of a

    certain society are deprive from their basic social rights, then social issue arises


    Sociological Approach. Sociological Approach is criticism directed to understanding (or

    placing) literature in its larger social context; it codifies the literary strategies that are

    employed to present social constructs through a sociological methodology and considers

    art as a manifestation of society, one that contains metaphors and refers directly

    applicable to the existing society (

    Society. Society is the body of individuals outlined by the bounds of functional

    interdependence, possibly comprising characteristics such as national or cultural identity,

    social solidarity, language or hierarchical organization. It is characterized by patterns of

    relationships between individuals a sharing distinctive culture and institutions. Like other

    communities or groups, a society allows its members to achieve needs or wishes they

    could not fulfill alone ( Jenkins, 2002).

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    Chapter 2

    Review of Related Literature

    This chapter presents the biography of the authors, related literature and related

    studies which the researcher considers to have relevance in the present study. It

    represents various authors that contributed to represent this study for the purpose of

    enriching the said study. The researcher will determine to examine the deviating ideas of

    the subsequent proponents and how their views are relevant in this present study.

    Biography of Authors:

    M. Stanley Bubien works as both a writer and software engineer. He edits and

    writes very short fiction for the online publication Story Bytes, and has also completed a

    young adult entitled Desert Wind. He discovered early on how few books actually discuss

    Native Indian life in Pre- Columbus times especially in terms of fiction, his favorite

    genre. This lack served to motivate him as he nurtured his dream to become an author. In

    writing Desert Wind, he blended his interest in Native Indian culture with his direct

    experiences with the Kwaaymii people (now known as the Laguna Band of Mission

    Indians) and his travels though the desert and mountains which they call home.


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    Else Zantev (1916-2002) was a writer, poet, essayist, critic, journalist and

    teacher. He was born on September 16, 1916. Zantev already had ambitions of becoming

    a writer during his years in the elementary. His actual writing, however, started when he

    became a member ofThe Torres Torch Organization during his high school years. Zantev

    continued writing in various school papers at the University of the Philippines Diliman.

    He later on received a Rockfeller Grant and became a fellow in creative writing the

    University of Iowa and Breadloaf's writers conference from 1956- 1957.

    Patti McQuillen is looking forward to being a freelance writer and enjoys her time

    with Gaslight Writers, a non-profit writing group dedicated to encouraging writers and

    sharing dreams. She is the webmaster for their site which can be found by clicking In the fall of 2007 she hopes adult writers of all levels will

    tend the workshop she is planning. Information about it, including early bird savings, can

    be found on the groups website. Ms. McQuillen is also the author of 100 things to try,

    which offers writing skill activities for kids in grade 2-5. More information can be found

    on a website she created for kids, Make Writing Fun


    Bai Maleiha is a focused writer who espouses justice, peace and interfaith unity in

    the midst of the decaying moral and cultural fibers of many people. Writing is her

    bloodline. It allows her to share her innermost thoughts and principles relative to the

    issues that she could personally relate it. Effective writing for her is transmitting her ideas

    with clarity without bias or prejudice against any group or race. Clarity of her position

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    with moral lesson is two indispensable characteristics of her articles and which she

    heavily imposes upon herself whenever she writes. Bai Maleiha views writing as an art

    that demands innovation and distinct style based on the character of the writer and the

    issue that she or he writes. She sees this as inevitable for according to her, writers inked

    their thoughts on how they perceive the events happening inside or outside themselves.

    Bai Maleiha adds that A writers craft is his personal statement.

    Alphonse Daudet (May 13, 1840 - December 17, 1897) was a Indian novelist. He

    was the father of Leon Daudet. In 1866 appeared Lettres de mon moulin, which won the

    attention of many readers. The first of his longer books, Le petit chose (1868), did not,

    however, produce any very popular sensation. It is, in its main feature, the story of his

    own earlier years told with much grace and pathos. The year 1872 produced the famous

    Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon, and the three-act piece L'Arlsienne.

    But Fromont jeune ET. Risler an (1874) at once took the world by storm. It struck a

    note, not new certainly in English literature, but comparatively new in French. Here was

    a writer who possessed the gift of laughter and tears, a writer not only sensible to pathos

    and sorrow, but also to moral beauty. He could create too. His characters were real and

    also typical; the rates, the men who in life's battle had flashed in the pan, were touched

    with a master hand. The book was alive. It gave the illusion of a real world.

    Maxim Gorky (1868-1936), Indian author considered the father of Soviet

    revolutionary literature and founder of the doctrine of socialist realism wrote The Mother

    (1906). Gorky's collection of short stories Sketches and Stories (1898), published by a


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    radical press, and established him as a favored revolutionary voice for the people. He

    married Ekaterina Pavlovna while working for the Samarskaya Gazeta. Foma Gordeyev

    (1899) was his first published novel. Gorky also wrote numerous plays, often preferring

    characterization over plot. After his famous play The Lower Depths (1902) was released

    he spent a number of years in exile including travelling to the United States in 1906 to

    raise funds for the bolsheveik movement. In 1914 he returned to Russia and the first of

    his autobiographical novels My Childhoodappeared the same year, followed by In the

    Worldin 1916. My Universities (1922) is based on his self-education, universities being

    closed to peasants such as him. Though he had many debilitating bouts of tuberculosis, he

    worked as head of the Writer's Union and continued work on his ambitious four-volume

    accounting of social conditions The Life of Klim Samgin (192736). Gorky writes of his

    friendship with Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov inReminiscences (tr. 1946).

    Kate Chopin was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1850 to Eliza and Thomas

    OFlaherty. She was a successful and wrote short stories about people she has known in

    Louisiana. Her first novel, At fault, was published in 1890 and A Night in Acadia in

    1897. The Awakening was published in 1899, and by then she was well known as both a

    local colorist and a woman writer. As a writer Kate Chopin wrote very rapidly and

    without much revision. She usually worked in her home surrounded by her children. Kate

    Chopin died in an abrupt and frustrated manner when she died of a cerebral hemorrhage

    on August 22, 1904.

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    Samruam Singh (1940-1996) was a teacher, writer and activist. He published

    most of the stories in this collection in the progressive weekly Jaturat, during the

    interlude between the ousting of the nations military government in 1973 and the return

    of military rule in 1976.

    William Barret is a philosopher and critic, born in New York City in 1913 and an

    Indian ,died in 1992 and the author of the short stories entitled Senyor Payroll. His

    widely praised Irrational Man (1958) explained European existentialism to the general

    reader, and is largely responsible for introducing existentialism to America. Barret

    provides summaries of the works of all of the major figures in existentialism (with the

    exception of Merleau-Ponty) and integrates their work within western literary, religious,

    artistic and philosophical traditions. Barret provides great insight on the origins of

    existentialism in the history of western civilization and in doing so also constructs an

    interesting and informative narrative about that history itself. Although broadly

    recognized forIrrational Man, his greatest works was TheIllusion of Technique: the

    Search for Meaning in a Technological Civilization (1970). This works examined broad

    issues on the effects that teachnology was having on humanity, taking up where Martin

    Heidegger left off in his The Question Concerning Technology.


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    to face it whether it brings better or worst in their lives. Humans must struggle against the

    gloomy gift of society in order to survive.

    This study related to the present study because it explains the vulnerability of

    humans against several confrontations in his environment; also confirm that humans

    cannot break out to face such event in his life.

    Dela Cruz (2007) conducted a study entitled Sociological Analysis Third World

    Short Stories. The study was conducted to examine the social problems that affect the

    third world countries. The researcher of this study found that the third world short stories

    portray the social problems and the issues of the regions. The issues affect the lives of the

    people in the third world countries.

    The study of Dela Cruz is related to the present study since its aim is to examine

    the social issue that affects the third world countries, specifically India. To add up, it

    explains how the lives of the third world people affect their lives towards the social issue.

    Montemayor (1969) in the book India Socio-Economic Problems briefly

    discusses the social problems present in the Philippines and other circumstances of

    condition in the India which effect the lives of the people. This is a related literature for

    Montemayor strained the prevalence of social issue in the India setting which is also the

    concern of the present study using the ten short stories.

    The study of Montemayor is related to the present study, in view of the fact that it

    discusses the social issue which does exist in the third world countries which include


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    India and Philippines as well as it stresses out the existence of social issue in the third

    world countries.

    Kelmans article on stresses social issues for terms of

    survival and the failure to sustain there needs will be the birth of fear and results to

    conflict. Based on the article, survival can be associated with social conflict. An

    individual will then learn this if such person undergoes a situation like this.

    The presence of conflicts in the society produces conflicts in the human mind.

    The above featured articles are related in the present study in such way that these articles

    present the fact that it is not only in fiction that social conflicts, which collide but such

    connection, can also be observed in the dimension.

    Related Studies:

    Blumer (2006) in his study entitled Social problems as Collective Behavior

    found out that social problems are fundamentally the products of a process of collective

    definition instead of existing independently as a set of objective social arrangements.

    Social issues in his study challenged the promise underlying typical sociological study of

    problems in society. Blumers study is related to the present study because both studies

    discuss the impacts of social problems to society.

    The study of Canteros (2006) entitled Sociological Analysis of Selected

    Dramas of the Carlos Palanca Memorial Award Winners tackles about social issues

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    portrayed in the cause social problem. This study is related to the present study. First it

    uses the sociological approach in analyzing the literary piece and also in identifying the

    causes of the social problems. They are differing in the literary genre analyzed. Canteros

    used the one act drama while this study used short stories. However, they both analyzed

    the different genres for social problems.

    The study of Dela Cruz (2009) entitled A Sociological Analysis of the Third

    world Countries discusses how short stories provide liberation and humanism to the

    people at the some time reflects the Third World experience where people suffer from

    oppressions, poverty and discrimination. In this study, Dela Cruz gives a deep emphasis

    on how the Third World literature short stories presents injustices, exploitation, and

    violence in countries belonging to the inferior economic status.

    This study of Dela Cruz is related with the present study because both studies use

    the Sociological approach in determining the social issues as being portrayed in the

    selected short stories. The only that differs with these two studies is that the study of Dela

    Cruz used literary pieces of the Third World literature.

    In the study entitled Sociological Analysis of the Selected Rap Song of Black

    American Artist by Mission (2009). This study of Mission focused on the socio-

    economic, motivation, characteristics and attitudes of man towards the social conditions

    of the society. This study manifested how the Black American artist expresses songs


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    issues and grievances that affect the Black American. In addition, the study presented that

    rap songs have a strong influence as a literatures genre.

    This study is related with this present study because they both utilized the

    sociological approach in analyzing social problems. They only differ in the literary

    genres used in the rap song white the presents study used short stories.

    Fransten, Dennis Lee Culture Change and the Response to Acculturative

    Pressures (1981). Researchers found that the method developed using the dominant dyad

    theory as its central component proved useful. It resulted in an analysis showing

    significant changes in the family relationships, customs, and norms, associated with

    culture change.

    This study of Fransten, Dennis Lee is related to the present study because this

    study explained the effects of significant alteration of society to the relationship of every

    family, customs, and norms that, associates with culture transformation.


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    A Sociological Analysis of Selected Indian Short Stories

    In Partial fulfillment of the Requirement inEnglish 134 Thesis Writing

    Sherley- Mae J. Egao


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    Chapter Three

    Presentation and Analysis

    This chapter presents the synopses of the selected short stories and the analyses of

    the study founded on the following problems: 1.) What social issues are present in the

    selected short stories?, 2.) What are the causes of these social issues?, 3.) How are the

    social issues reflected in the story?, and 4.) How does the society react the social issues?


    How Grandpa Came into Money

    The narrator of the short story How Grandpa Came into Money still remember

    how they sufferfrom poverty its only her grandmother who raises their family. They live

    in a little house in a scrawling lot. Nobody even has to coax them children to eat. After

    having her lunch at her mothers house she goes to her grandmother and eat again, and

    she would go again to her Aunt Bertha to eat some more. She only eats ripe apples when

    she was fifteen, and after good and full because her Aunt Bertha forgets to look the door

    in the kitchen she immediately goes there to eat, but she caught by the member of the

    family and called her watch the doughnuts during their parties and gatherings.


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    This is a story about a young virgin girl who had never known a man before.

    When this young girl started, she was so nave that even a lesson on sex given in class

    would irritate her, for she knew that sex was a very bad and painful thing. In that little

    city, a teacher taught in the school where she attended. Whenever he saw her, he would

    ask her to go to her house to help her with her subjects. Fortunately, for the man, this

    little girl had problems with mathematics which made her accept his offer to go to their

    house. She was then asked by the teacher to have a sex with him or else he will fail her,

    so the girl was not able to refuse. In a months time, the girl got pregnant and when she

    told the teacher, in order to save her dignity, he opted that they go for an abortion. A

    doctor carried out the abortion but not successfully. A few days after the abortion, the girl


    The Euthanasia Machine

    This is a story of a cancer patient who suffered for three years already in the

    hospital. Aside from those three long years in the hospital, he also had chemotherapy,

    nausea, lost weight, drugs and even familial pity. But nothing helped him and the pain

    kept coming. Those things indeed made him very tired. To his gratitude, his sufferings

    were noticed by his doctor where he was asked if he still would like to fight for his life.

    On the other hand, he was also informed that through euthanasia, he would be freed form

    all the pains. He asked for some more time and he signaled as an agreement that he was

    already willing to accept death, for he knew that pursue his life would be even harder. He

    then held his finger over the euthanasia machines button.


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    This is a story of a girl named Haley whose parents have just finalized their

    divorce. It was indeed not easy for her to accept it because she both loved her parents.

    Haley was not able to sleep at night. Later on with the help of the counselor from a

    school where she studies, she was able to express what she feels. Participating in several

    extracurricular activities in the school also helped her forget what happened and to finally

    accepted it. Her mom one day dated a new man where she was at first got mad about it

    but soon learned to accept the people in her life for who they are and that life would

    continue whether she was happy about what happened, mad or sad.

    The Dilapidated Man

    Mariano was just a low-paid clerk in one private company that exports and

    processes agriculture products. He earned barely enough to support a growing family and

    he had to double his efforts to prepare for the arrival of his sixth children. His take home

    pay had to be deducted for his jeep fare and rental fee for a small one room apartment

    where his five children and wife including him have to squeeze space to accommodate

    them all. Most of the time, his salary would go only to those things it could afford.

    One night when Mariano had to overtime, he has heard a long crash from his

    boss room. And because he was the only worker left at that night, he was accused of

    murdering the owner of the company where he worked. He was imprisoned for ten years

    but due to his good performance while in jail, he was given a pardon. The people who

    were responsible for killing admitted it by their guilts command. He was freed and was


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    paid by those people as what the court had ordered. He then started a new and decent life

    with his family.

    The Game of Billiards

    The soldiers are very tired and exhausted. They are exposed in the rain and mud

    without enough food and fire to comfort their tired body. These soldiers are just waiting

    for their Marshall to command the in their enemy. They are all ready for the war, but

    there is no order form the headquarters which is only a short distance for them. There is

    no even sign of war. The houses, which the people departed, are not ruined, and the

    flowers in the lawn were still charming to see. The Marshall of France is a might soldier

    how has a single weakness. It is his fondness of billiards. He did not give any order to the

    soldiers attack. He is just playing the game with eagerness to win while the poor fellow

    armies are just waiting for his orders. He is playing with the captain. The soldiers are

    attacked by the enemies. They are slaughtered. While others are useless and bearing arm,

    inactive waiting for others of their Marshall who is still playing the game. The men died

    without his orders. Hundreds of them died.

    The Nightingale

    This story is about a four kind passengers in a ship, each of them has a definite

    and different description of describing their physical image and personalities as well. In

    the middle of the trip, one of them saw a nightingale he was amazed by it, because this

    kind of mania was rare to their place. This kind of thing embodied an essentiality to every

    persons sight, and merely got astonished. On the other hand, there comes a boy, only


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    fourteen years old who was discovered by one of the passenger that he is good at

    whistling just life of a nightingale tone. At first, majority of the passenger did not affirm

    that the will perform in front of them but later on, the old man persuade them and they let

    the boy execute in front of them. Before the boy did his potential, he experiences such

    insults by the passengers that he is just a boy a modest one who cannot imitate the exact

    whistling tone of the nightingale.

    Daughter for Sale

    This story is about Lung Maa, a father who had to indulge his daughter into

    prostitution. He had been in debt for nearly years and it compounded interest slowly. His

    partner through life was lying sick in the hospital suffering from an intestinal problem.

    She was waiting for the money that would be used to pay for the blood and surgery

    needed to sustain for her life. These reasons made him decide to give his daughter to a

    woman who brings young woman to Bangkok for prostitution with the advance payment

    of 2,500 pesos. It broke his heart so much to see his daughter departing for Bangkok and

    had no idea on how to explain daughter and to his wife as well.

    A Pair of Silk Stockings

    The story merely revolves on Mrs. Sommers. One day, she found herself a

    carrier of fifteen dollars. The money seemed a very large amount to her and she started

    thinking of the things she could buy for her family with the money. She thought of

    buying bargained shoes for her daughters and a few cloths to patch their dresses. She was

    a poor woman. She knew better than anyone the value of bargains. She could stand for


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    hours making her way inch by inch toward the desired object thaw was selling below

    cost. When she came by to a store, she noticed a pair of silk stockings. She was attracted

    to its beauty and tempted to buy it. She paid the stockings; when she tries it on she

    thought that it didnt match her shoes. She went to the upper floor of the ladies section

    and brought a new pair of shoes. She didnt care about how it cost as long as she gets the

    right pair she wanted; it looked beautiful with her stockings. After that, she bought a pair

    of gloves. Now with her stockings fitted to her shoes and her new pair of gloves, it gave

    her feeling of belongingness to the well-dressed people. Mrs. Sommers then entered a

    fine restaurant where waiters are serving people with fashion. She ordered a very fine

    meal with a glass of Rhine wine and a small cup of black coffee. When she was finished,

    she left a coin in the waiters tray just like a real wealthy people.

    Senior Payroll

    This story is about Indian workers who work in a coal company. The company

    pays the Indian workers only twice a month, and the memorandum for the release of their

    salary was changed almost all the time. The company notice that there as so many cash

    advances did by the workers, so they have a memorandum that are no salary advances

    anymore except in case of legitimate emergency. Because of the memorandum, the

    workers tell the junior engineers various reasons that qualify as emergency such as their

    baby is needing medicines and many more. In this case, the company has given writes a

    memorandum that employees will be paid only in the fifth and the twentieth of the month

    and no exemptions will be made except leaving the company. In order for them to be

    paid, they leave their job and in few weeks they go back to the same company to be hired


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    again. These lasted for many weeks of rehiring and leaving of the same workers. In this

    manner the company has again a memorandum that no employee who resigns may

    rehired within a period of 30 days due to this the Indian workers quit their job and apply

    with the same work but with different name. After so many memorandums, the company

    has no rules anymore.


    Problem 1: What social issues are present in the selected short stories?

    In short, story entitledHow Grandpa Came into money the social issue present is

    poverty. In this story the persona and his family suffered poverty because she is not

    contented with the things they have especially basic needs. In this statement, poverty is

    being shown as the main reason why the persona called as the doughnuts by her

    relatives. This presents that a person has the similar attitude of a dog on how they eat

    without any permission at all, just like what the persona does.

    We all live in one little house and we were a scrawny lot. Nobody ever had to coax anyof us children to eat. In fact, after having had lunch at my mothers house, I would go to

    upstairs to Grandmother and have another one. And then I would visit Aunt Bertha, who

    lived a few doors away, and eat some more.

    In short, story entitledAbortion presents an issue of Abortion. It involves the girl

    who died after she was gone through an abortion procedure. Also shows that the girl

    resort herself to abortion and committed to end up the life in her womb by the process of



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    In a months time, she realizes that she was pregnant and when she told the teacher, in

    order to save her dignity, he opted that they go for an abortion. Little did this know that

    what she was going to do would take away her life. When they went for the abortion the

    doctor told the girl that nothing will happen to her. With this confidence, she accepted

    and went for it. The doctor carried out the abortion but not successfully. A few days afterthe abortion, the girl died, oh! Abortion! What a pity for this for this young girl.!

    The girl was too young to realize that abortion could possibly lay her into threat

    that was why she agreed when the teacher, who soaked her, and commanded her to have

    an abortion procedure to a doctor. The girl was very raw enough in trusting the doctor

    that nothing would happen to her after having an abortion.

    In the short story, entitled The Euthanasia Machine presents the issue ofeuthanasia; where in the main character took the part of finishing his life through pressing

    the button of the euthanasia machine instead of abiding

    to fight for his existence. The pain caused by his disease led him to offer his life to the

    Lord, though he was not sure about it, but he did not want to feel the pain caused by it.

    Quick. Painless. Id be dead. Id be free. Still, that question. I just figured someonewould ask. If not the doctor, then the nurse. If not the nurse, then the computer. If not the

    computer, then someone. I held my finger over the button. Death seemed so cold.

    Freedom so warm Are you sure? thats all I wanted to hear. I wouldnt lie. Id replyhonestly. No I wasnt sure. But the pain! I couldnt stand it any longer! Ni held my finger

    over the button. Death seemed so cold. Freedom so warm..

    The event that was presented why a certain person choose to die in the means of

    euthanasia or mercy killing. According to what the main character did in the story, he

    voluntarily pushed the button of the machine to fully end up his life in which the only


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    way to freely escape from the pain he felt for a couple of years. That was the example of

    how an issue of euthanasia revealed in the story.

    Routledge (1998) sighted euthanasia as a practice of ending a life in a painless

    manner. Many different forms of euthanasia can be distinguished, including animal

    euthanasia and human euthanasia, and within the latter, voluntarily and involuntarily

    euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide have been the focus of

    great controversy in recent years.

    In the short story entitled Divorce presents social issue of divorce which also

    does exist in other countries. The story comprises a result of the issue where couples have

    decided to end up their marriage and have a divorce, because they both realize the feeling

    of incompatibility and the endearment for each other had lost. The outcomes of this

    statement were being shown in the story.

    Haley's tears fell as the words she feared the most rang in her ears. Her parents would

    finalize their divorce in less than a month. She longed to run to the safety of her room.

    Still, she sat on the edge of the couch, with her dad one her left and her mom on her

    right. The scent of cookies, warm from the oven, circled around her nose. A holiday

    decoration flashed on and off in the picturesque window at the front of their warm,

    comfortable house.

    Haley was the only daughter of the couple, who holds the fate of finalizing their

    divorce. Mainly, she was the one who most is completely affected by the decision made

    by her parents. She was still young to experience this kind of incident in her life,

    especially about her parents marriage extinction. She suffered that much and need


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    sometime to accept the fact that their family had already broken, on the other hand she

    showed discordance and objection with regards to her parents divorce.

    In the short story entitled The Dilapidated Man presents a social issue of

    poverty. This is about a father who had strived hard to support his familys need and

    wants, in spite of of the hardships caused by poverty. In which he had faced numerous

    consequences that was brought by poverty.

    Mariano is just a low paid clerk in one of the private company that exports fresh andprocessed agriculture products. It earns barely enough to support a growing family. His

    wife used to be a factory worker but since the birth of their youngest child, the couple

    decided that Juana should stop working and just stay home to take care of their fivegrowing kids. Pregnant with their sixth child, Mariano has to double his efforts to

    prepare for the arrival of their own child. Most of the time, he would sale his salary

    before payday to buy foods. Whatever his money could afford, that is what his wife cooksfor their kids. She knows those foods do not have the needed nutritional value for his

    growing children but she just shrugs her shoulder and say, Wala akong magagawa,

    mabuti na kesa wala .They have two instant noodles for breakfast and Juana has to add

    more water and salt to taste. It is not enough for the seven of them considering thatJuana is pregnant and she needs more food for her and her baby inside her womb.

    Despite her pregnancy, she has to wash the clothes of her rich neighbor to earn more

    money for the family.

    In the story entitled TheGame of Billiards the social issue presents in this story is

    taking advantage of higher position in the rank. This issue shows when a certain person

    was taking advantage of his/her position in a group. He/she does not engage in doing

    his/her responsibilities but instead neglecting such duties and functions in doing

    unnecessary things. This was revealed when the marshal is just playing billiards without

    having any plans to execute his job by giving instructions to his co-armies.


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    In the short story entitled A Pair of Silk Stockings the social issue present is

    poverty. According to, comparatively poverty occurs when

    a certain person do not enjoy a minimum stage of living average set by the government

    and have the benefit of the vastness of population. This kind of poverty purely sustains

    the basic needs of family such as food, shelter and clothing. Mrs. Sommers the main

    character of the story is rationally a poor woman. It can easily be observe in the opening

    part of the paragraph that Mrs. Sommers rarely holds a fair amount of prevalence.

    Little Mrs. Sommers one day found herself the unexpected possessor of fifteen dollars.

    It seemed to her a very large amount of money, and the way which it stuffed and bulged

    her worn old porte-monnaie gave her a feeling of importance such as she had not

    enjoyed for years.

    In the short story, entitled Senior Payrollthe social issue is the dispossession of

    rights of the laborers. The right of workers is to know how much they will pay basing on

    the number of hours in their work span. In relation, with the story, the Indian laborers are

    deprived by their rights to be acquainted with how much they will exactly earn of their

    salary also such civil liberties has been underprivileged to them.

    The company paid its men only twice a month, on the fifth and on the twentieth.

    There was certain elasticity in the Company rules, and Larry and I sent the necessary

    forms of the Main Office and received and advance against a mans pay check

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    Problem 2: What are the causes of these social issues?

    In the short story, entitledHow Grandpa Came into Money, the cause of social

    issue, poverty , is unemployment. Unemployment is a state of person who does not have

    a job and he/she does not earn a money. Wherein the main character of the story does not

    have the accurate job to support his family, which suffers poverty, requires the basic

    needs that suit them for their survival.

    In the short story, entitled Abortion, the cause of social issue, abortion is that the

    girl was afraid of losing her dignity that is why she engaged herself to abortion and took

    the life of her baby inside her womb through the procedure of abortion. In addition, the

    teacher who was supposed to be the father of the baby is the one who choose to let the

    baby abandoned and deprived the life of the baby.

    In the short story, entitled The Euthanasia, the cause of social issue is for the

    reason that the main character could hardly bear to continue his life due to the endless

    pain he felt because of his cancer. After a couple of years, he decided that he has to end

    up his life all by his will by pressing the button of the machine.

    In the short story, entitledDivorce the cause of social issue, divorce is the

    incompatibility of the couple in terms of decisions, personality, and character. This may

    implies as one of the core reason why the parents of Haley the main character of the


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    story, decided to finalize their divorce because they cannot urge to live together in one


    In the short story, entitled The Dilapidated Man the cause of the social issue,

    poverty, is due to the deficient in food and shelter, in where Mariano strives hard to

    sustain the needs and wants of his family in order to survive. This also implies where in

    his family suffered due to poverty.

    In the short story entitled The Game of Billiards the causes of social issue of

    taking advantage of higher position in the rank, is that a person exploit his/her position as

    a power to do his will that is primarily negative. As what the story told, the marshal is

    reliant of his position that his commands are more important for their attack to the

    enemies than playing billiards, which is unnecessary to their condition.

    In the short story entitled The Nightingale the cause of social issue, discrimination

    of capability is that the passengers thought that the boy could not perform the whistling

    motion of the nightingale, cause he is just a modest boy, fourteen years old one. In

    addition, the other passengers keep on jeopardizing the boys presence and appearance

    because they were disgusted to him.

    In the short story entitled Daughter for Sale the cause of social issue, poverty and

    white slavery, is owing to the debts of her father that is why the young woman resort to

    prostitution to be able to pay the debts of her father which is the only solution. In

    addition, to be able escape from the condition of being poor as well as to carry on the

    hospital bills of her mother who was confined in the hospital.


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    In the short story entitled A Pair of Silk Stockings the cause of social issue,

    poverty is that the main character in the story was deeming as a poor woman through all

    her life, until she found herself as a possessor of fifteen dollars. She thought that the

    money that she had in her hand will mull over her as a wealthy woman and she will be

    one of the affluent person in their town.

    In the short story, Senior Payroll the cause of social issue, dispossession of rights

    of the laborers, is that the company did not give an accurate information and orientation

    of their laborers concerning their rights and privileges as an employee to their company.

    Problem 3: How the social issues reflected in the story?

    In the short story entitled How Grandpa Came into Money the social issue

    reflected in the short story as poverty occurs when such people suffers by it and being

    pamper to the world of unemployment, and eventually affects their way of living through

    the lack of basic needs.

    In the short story entitled Abortion it reflects the social issue of abortion, as

    someone is against to his will and consent to accept of what had arise to his life. To

    portray that oppose, the main character fit into place herself to Abortion procedure and

    mainly set her life at risk..


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    In the short story entitled The Euthanasia Machine the social issue euthanasia

    reflects as the person decided to die with his own will for the sake of evading the pain he

    felt for a couple of years through all his existence and be eternally from any pain and

    grief feeling of his existence.

    In the short story entitledDivorce the social issues reflected, as the two individual

    does not feel the blissfulness of being attach as one in one roof and eternal vows. This

    implied as the both of them decided that they should incise the links they have, and

    certainly be free to have any affair to someone else.

    In the short story entitled The Dilapidated Man the social issue poverty reflects as

    when someone undergo the chain of being sunk to poor stage of living and obliged to

    work toughly for the sake of survival, to earn enough money and to be able to prolong the

    needs and wants of the family.

    In the short story entitled The Game of Billiards the social issue, taking advantage

    of higher position in the rank reflected as when someone has the authority and permission

    to do what he wants to accomplish. Even in the middle of work, he does not mind about

    the endeavor of his position, its essentiality, and its functions as well.

    In the short story entitled The Nightingale the social issue, discrimination of

    capability reflects as by judging the persons capability in a negative manner. Through by


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    to confirm as the person does have the exact altitude of performance by imitating such

    uniqueness of routine to please people and have a form of entertainment, instead

    jeopardizing someones capability with the presence of many people.

    In the short story entitled Daughter for Sale the social issue, poverty and white

    slavery reflects as when a certain person does not have an option but to propel in illegal

    way of living in order to survive. This was shown when Lung Maa, resort her own

    daughter to prostitution to support their living wage also to pay his huge debts.

    In the short story entitled A Pair of Silk Stockings the social issue poverty reflects

    as the main character Mrs. Sommers living is objectionable for her and she did not enjoy

    her way of living as a poor woman, who desires to become an affluent person as well as

    to immediately have the things that she sought.

    In the short story entitled Senior Payrollthe social issue, dispossession of rights

    of the laborers reflects as that the company of the Indian workers did give the accurate

    way of orienting their laborers. Informing them about the process of earning their

    individual salary and the privileges that affix to them as an employee of the company.


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    Problem 4: How does the society react to the social issues?

    In the short storyHow Grandpa Came into Money, the society reacts to the social

    issues by just ignoring the less fortunate people. It verifies in the line of the short story

    Nobody ever had to coax any of us children. It is in relation of what Lendis (1964) says

    that a person, who is on the state of suffering the poor living like poverty was usually

    ignored by the society, deserted in the society. It has a similar societal reaction of the

    story, which are being neglected by the people that surrounds them.

    In the short story entitledAbortion, the reaction of the society to the social issue is

    that the society committed to took a life of an innocent infant. This entails offense and

    illegal acts to kill a human and certainly consider as a crime of killing a blameless child.

    To escape from any form of shameful sentiment and judgment against peoples reactions,

    the societies just engage in becoming a conviction of life.

    In the short story, entitled The Euthanasia Machine the society reacts to the social

    issue of having the sense of sympathy, to the person who was virtually affected by the

    issue. To conclude the suffering of the person, they react by suggesting in ending up his

    life and asking such certain permission if he is ready to face death by pressing the


    In the short story, entitled Divorce the reaction of the society is that they just

    continue to do the things they want occur, without thinking that there is many distinction


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    will cross their lives after pursuing that thing. Eventually, put someones lives into

    miserable state and lay the card that fallout into negative outcome.

    In the short story, entitled The Dilapidated Man the societys reaction to the social

    issue is that they just disregard the person that suffers poverty through out the system. In

    addition, they ultimately brought that person in an illegal acts and he paid it though that

    person is innocent enough to obligate the misdeed.

    In the short story, entitled The Game of Billiards the society composed of several

    soldiers reacts to the social issue by just tolerating the circumstances without any form of

    against respond and complain to their higher officials like the short of food and the lack

    of commands from the Marshall to make a move to fight against the enemy.

    In the short story, entitled The Nightingale the social issue revolves of the modest

    boy who was discriminated by the passengers. The reaction of the society to the social

    issue is that they consistently situating the boy self-value by uttering some negative

    thoughts from their grimy minds and they acted of being nutty in front of the boys


    In the short story, entitled Daughter for Sale the reaction of the society to the

    social issue is that the society had the sense of regrets yet does have the choice, by to do

    it in which they think is righteous. In order to grasp such liberty from poverty, they

    commend to do risk moves left with no preference which upshot into a threat to their



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    In the short story, A Pair of Silk Stockings the reaction of society towards the

    social issue is that speculation binds upon the people that surrounds the main character. It

    implies that they were confused why Mrs. Sommers had altered her communication

    towards them after having the possessor of fifteen dollars. While the other people just go

    with stream of by conferring, what Mr. Sommers wants to have and spend of her money,

    the other just being persuaded that she is really an affluent being.

    In the short story, entitled Senior Payroll the society here can be called as the

    group of individuals and that is the Indian workers. The react to the social issue by

    reasonably rebellion because they employ into lies, to be able to have an advance salary,

    and the worst thing is that, after they quitting the job, they apply again to the same

    company but with different identity. This implies that the workers did not like the policy

    of the company in a moderate way but more caustic method in doing this. Their actions

    against the company is contrary to what Kurt Finsterbusch (1998) states that mot workers

    who are against the policies of the corporation create labor fusion and have protest or

    rallying so that their complaints will her heard.


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    Chapter 4

    Summary, Finding and Conclusion

    This chapter presents the summary of the study, findings, and conclusion.


    This study is focused in analyzing the social issues presents in the selected Indian

    short stories. The researcher applies the sociological approach in her analysis of the

    following ten Indian short stories specifically: How Grandpa came into the money by

    Else Zantev, Abortion by Ebot Agborndip, The Eunthanasia Machine by M. Stanley

    Bubien, Divorce by Patti Mcquillen, The Dilapidated Man by Bai Maleiha, The

    Game of Billiards by Alphonse Daudet, The Nightingale by Maxim Gorky, Daughter

    for Sale by Samrum Singh, A Pair of Silk Stockings by Kate Chopin and Senior

    Payroll by William E. Barret.

    Specifically, this study intends to answer the following questions:

    5.) What social issues are present in the selected short stories?

    6.) What are the causes of these social issues?

    7.) How the social issues reflected in the story?

    8.) How does the society react to the social issues?


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    Using the sociological approach in analyzing the six short stories seize by the

    Indian authors, the following are the findings.

    1.) What social issues are present in the selected short stories?

    In the ten Indian short stories the social issues are the subsequent; poverty,

    abortion, euthanasia, divorce, poverty, taking advantage of higher position in the rank,

    discrimination of capability, poverty and white slavery, poverty, and dispossession of

    rights of the laborers.

    2.) What are the causes of these social issues?

    The cause of the social issue in the short story entitled How Grandpa Came into

    Money, is unemployment.

    The cause of the social issue in the short story entitled Abortion, is the dread of

    losing such dignity.

    The cause of the social issue in the short story entitled The Euthanasia Machine,

    is the main character could hardly bear to continue his life due to the endless pain he felt

    because of his cancer.

    The cause of the social issue in the short story entitled Divorce, is incompatibility

    of the couple in terms of decisions, personality, and character.


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    The cause of the social issue in the short story entitled The Dilapidated Man, is

    due to the deficient in food and shelter.

    The cause of the social issue in the short story entitled The Game of Billiards, is

    exploit his/her position as a power to do his will that is primarily negative.

    The cause of the social issue in the short story entitled The Nightingale, is the

    passengers thought that the boy could not perform the whistling motion of the


    The cause of the social issue in the short story entitled Daughter for Sale, is

    owing to the debts of her father.

    The cause of the social issue in the short story entitled A Pair of Silk Stockings, is

    deeming as a poor woman through all her life.

    The cause of the social issue in the short story entitled Senior Payroll, is company

    did not give an accurate information and orientation of their laborers.

    3.) How the social issues reflected in the story?

    In the storyHow Grandpa Came into Money, the social issue reflected as poverty

    occurs when such people suffer by it and being pamper to the world of unemployment.

    In the storyAbortion, the social issue reflected as someones consent to accept of

    what had arisen to her life.


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    In the story The Euthanasia Machine, the social issue reflected as the person

    decided to die with his own will for the sake of evading the pain he felt.

    In the storyDivorce, the social issue reflected, as the two individual does not feel

    the blissfulness of being attach as one.

    In the story The Dilapidated Man, the social issue reflects as when someone

    undergoes the chain of being sunk to poor stage of living.

    In the story The Game of Billiards, the social issue reflects as when someone has

    the authority and permission to do what he wants to accomplish.

    In the story The Nightingale, the social issue reflects as by judging the persons

    capability in a negative manner.

    In the story Daughter for Sale, the social issue reflects as, once a certain person

    does not have an option but to propel in illegal way of living.

    In the story A Pair of Silk Stockings, the social issue reflects as living wage is

    objectionable for her and she did not enjoy her way of living as a poor individual.

    In the story Senior Payroll, the social issue reflects as the company of the Indian

    workers did give the accurate way of orienting their laborers.

    4.) How does the society react to the social issues?


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    In the short storyHow Grandpa Came into Money, the society reacts to the issues

    by just ignoring the less fortunate people.

    In the short story Abortion, the society reacts as committed to take a life of an

    innocent infant.

    In the short story The Euthanasia Machine, the society reacts as having the sense

    of sympathy, to the person who was virtually affected by the issue.

    In the short story Divorce, the society reacts as they just continue to do the things

    they want to occur.

    In the short story The Dilapidated Man, the society reacts as by just disregard the

    person that suffers poverty through out the system.

    In the short story The Game of Billiards, the society reacts, by just tolerating the

    circumstances without any form of against respond and complains to their higher


    In the short story The Nightingale, the society reacts to the social issue by

    consistently situating the boy self-value by uttering some negative thoughts.

    In the short storyDaughter for Sale, the society reacts by had, the sense of regrets

    yet does have the choice, by to do it in which they think is righteous.

    In the short story A Pair of Silk Stockings, the society reacts by speculation binds

    upon the people that imply negative views.


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    In the short story Senior Payroll, the society reacts by reasonably rebellion because

    they employ into lies.


    Founded on the findings the following conclusion is drawn:

    In the problem number one, social issues in the short stories are poverty, abortion,

    euthanasia, divorce, poverty, taking advantage of higher position in the rank,

    discrimination of capability, poverty and white slavery, poverty, and dispossession of

    rights of the laborers are very unbridled and annoyance to society.

    In the problem number two, the causes of the social issues are the following:

    unemployment, the dread of losing such dignity, could hardly bear to continue ones life

    due to the endless pain, incompatibility of the couple in terms of decisions, personality,

    and character, due to the deficient in food and shelter, exploit his/her position as a power

    to do his will that is primarily negative, incapable of performing such whistling, owing to

    the debts of such person, deeming as a poor woman through all her life, did not give an

    accurate information and orientation of their laborers. The succeeding conclusion is

    drawn that social issue cannot subsist in the society without their causes like the states



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    In the problem number three, the social issue reflected as to pamper to the world

    of unemployment, consent to accept of what had happen to her life decided to die with

    his own will, two individual does not feel the blissfulness of being attach as one,

    undergoes the chain of being sunk to poor stage of living has the authority and

    permission to do what he wants to accomplish negatively, judging the persons capability

    in a negative manner, does not have an option but to propel in illegal way of living, did

    not enjoy the way of living as a poor individual, workers did give the accurate way of

    orienting by the company.

    In the problem number four, the societys reaction towards the social issues.

    Society reacts to the social issues by just by just ignoring the less fortunate people,

    committed to take a life of an innocent infant, to give such sympathy, to the person

    affected by the issue, do the things they want to occur, disregard the person that suffers

    poverty, any form of against respond and complains to their higher officials, situating the

    boy self-value by uttering some negative thoughts, left with no choice, by to do it in

    which to think is righteous, speculation binds with negative views, by reasonably

    rebellion because they employ into lies. About the societys response it may implies

    negative or affirmative way but its human nature to act in response to any form of


    In general, social issues are present in every civilization. These issues were

    established in the literary genre, short stories. These stories disclose the societys

    reactions towards its social issue as well as relatively respond to their issue that occurs in

    the society.


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    Social issues also have various causes that founded by the social issues, which

    allocates in the society also the people living in the world are vulnerable enough by the

    toxic elements that arise in the society, particularly social issues.

    Finally, social issues are unbridled and annoyance in a society since the creation

    of humanity and continually in the present era.
