1 Volume 70, Number 4 April 2018 Grace Notes Shane Koepke Lead Pastor Jennifer Gonsalves Associate Pastor Office Hours 8:30a5:00p Mon-Fri 507-373-6496 Worship Services Sunday Morning 9:00am Wednesday Evening 5:30pm Sunday School/ Confirmation Age 4 through Adult Sunday Morning 10:15 September through May GRACE NOTES is published monthly by Grace Lutheran Church 918 Garfield Avenue Albert Lea, MN 56007 www.gracealbertlea.org www.facebook.com/ GraceAlbertLea Grace Lutheran Mission Statement: Bringing People Together and Becoming Disciples for Christ!

Grace Notes - media.myworshiptimes31.com€¦ · as you participate in worship, let the words we say and the hymns we sing teach us the greatest story ever told: the story of Jesus

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Page 1: Grace Notes - media.myworshiptimes31.com€¦ · as you participate in worship, let the words we say and the hymns we sing teach us the greatest story ever told: the story of Jesus


Volume 70, Number 4 April 2018

Grace Notes

Shane Koepke Lead Pastor

Jennifer Gonsalves Associate Pastor

Office Hours 8:30a―5:00p Mon-Fri


Worship Services

Sunday Morning 9:00am

Wednesday Evening 5:30pm

Sunday School/ Confirmation

Age 4 through Adult Sunday Morning

10:15 September through May


is published monthly by Grace Lutheran Church

918 Garfield Avenue Albert Lea, MN 56007




Grace Lutheran

Mission Statement:

Bringing People

Together and

Becoming Disciples for


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Pastor Shane Koepke Lead Pastor [email protected]

Happy Easter everyone! Christ is Risen, Alleluia! Amen! Go spread

the word! The season of Easter gets us all excited as Christians because, even though we know the truth, we celebrate it again and again, to remind ourselves and show others that it remains true. That Christ died and was raised up again. What’s interesting, though, is that this resurrection in the Bible is a mixed bag of responses. For most of the women who are there on Easter morning, the story is one of amazement and wonder. For the men, however, there is a lot of disbelief, hiding, and fear. And while Jesus calms in some of the story and reprimands in other parts, this one truth remains. Christ has risen, IS risen. Whether his first followers believed or doubted, followed or fled, doesn’t seem to stop the story from spreading. The story of Jesus is one that seems unstoppable, because, it seems that we can be faithful in both our celebration and our doubt.

For too long the church ignored doubt and ques-tioning as a part of faithful living. In fact, the idea of doubting one’s faith often came with terrible punish-ment in the not too distant past. But to that I say “phooey!” There has always, even from the very beginning of the ministry of Jesus, to leave room for doubt, for questioning, for searching. And the safe place to do it? At the foot of Jesus. When the disci-ples are hidden away after that first Easter, wonder-ing where their lives will go next (John 20.19-23) it’s Jesus who enters to calm fears and challenge them to the work yet to do. And, finally, when the disci-ples are so lost that they return back to their work as fisherman (John 21) Jesus appears to them there, relieving doubts, fears, and building them up to be faithful and wonderful believers.

Easter is a point of confidence for Christians, and so it is right that we celebrate, but if a twinge of doubt or a flicker of fear enters in, don’t lose heart of abandon ship. But, rather, be like the first Chris-tians who once shared your feelings: keep going, keep asking. Then, trust that Jesus will not only re-veal himself, but will surround you with others who will encourage you all along the way.

Peace as you journey, PShane

The Pastor’s Pen



Henry L. Clotfelter Evan D. Long

CHANGE AGENTS A cartoon depicts a man at a podium firing up a crowd. “Who wants change?” he shouts. You can almost hear the excitement and urgency. “We do!” the listeners cry, all raising their hands. But the next frame features a follow-up question: “Who wants to change?” The audience is silent and som-ber, with their hands down. The gospel Jesus an-nounced and lived out promises monumental change: life instead of death, healing from sick-ness, hope to replace despair, peace and justice instead of war and oppression. Although God could wave his hand and make the world perfect, he chooses to work through humans. That means we must be willing to change too. Change can be scary, but God’s newness will so transform the world — and us — that we’ll never miss our old, broken reality. —Heidi Mann

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Pastor Jennifer Gonsalves, Associate Pastor [email protected]

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

As we celebrate Easter, I am struck by the fact that the that words above are often the first words that come to my mind when I think about Easter. I don’t think of Easter bunnies or lilies or Easter Egg hunts, no instead, what I think of first is eight simple words that the pastor and the congregation say back and forth to each other on Easter morning. Eight simple words that tell the story (Christ is ris-en), affirm the truth of the story (He is risen indeed) and then celebrate the story (Alleluia). Eight simple words that I and probably many of you know by heart because we say them every year.

As a child I first heard these words and learned them through repetition. Then as I grew I learned

the story of Jesus and the empty tomb. Then as a teenager and an adult, I began to think about these words and this story and reflect on what it meant to me that my God died and rose so that I and all those I loved when they died would rise too. But it all started with a simple phrase that I knew by heart, before my heart even knew what it meant. And that is the power of the liturgy – the words we say together as a church.

So come and join us at Grace this season of Easter and hear the story again, whether for the first time or for so many times that you have lost count. Whether you know the liturgy by heart, or follow each word in the bulletin as not to miss a thing. And as you participate in worship, let the words we say and the hymns we sing teach us the greatest story ever told: the story of Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord. For Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Peace, Pastor Jennifer

The Associate Pastor’s Corner

Grace wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for individual congregation members and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congre-gation.

Direct Debit Giving is used to automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account to the church’s bank account.

Credit & Debit Card Giving allows you to make of-ferings automatically on a pre-determined schedule using a credit or debit card.

Online Giving allows you to go to www.gracealbertlea.org at any time to set up an automatic donation plan, change your donation plan, make a one-time donation or view your online donation history. As you contemplate future contri-butions, please consider electronic giving. Authori-zation forms and additional information are availa-ble from the church office.


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Deacon Robert Tewes, Director of Worship and Music [email protected] Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia!

So begins the liturgical greeting that has flowed from the mouths of Christians since the earliest days after the first Easter. Early Christians would greet one other with this greeting; the first saying the acclamation, “Christ is risen,” the second re-sponding with the affirmation, “He is risen, indeed!”

It is an exchange that we use in our worship ser-vices in this season of Easter, a season that lasts a

week of weeks (or 7 weeks—49 days). It is a greet-ing that begins and ends with the word “Alleluia!” This word of utmost joy has left our lips during our Lenten fast, and its power and sparkle is given a renewed vibrancy as we shout it out again in this holy season.

May the reality of Christ’s victory over sin and death fill your songs with Alleluias and your lives with a renewed vigor to follow the risen Christ into each of the places he calls you this day, and all the days of our lives.



TABLE TALKS Do you have questions about life, the universe, and everything (including God) that keep com-ing up? Are there topics you would to dig deeper into? If all

that is true, you might be interested in a regular se-ries of Table Talks. On the third Thursday of every month, there will be a Table Talk gathering at The Interchange in downtown Albert Lea for beverages, food, and good conversation. Come with questions, open minds, a sense of humor, and plenty of grace. Any and all are welcome to join the conversation. There will be a different topic or question each week to get the conversation started.

Table Talks this winter and spring will be on these Thursdays from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm: April 19th, May 17th

Raise your voice

With happy voices ringing, thy children, Lord, appear,

their joyous praises bringing in anthems sweet and clear. For skies of golden splendor,

for azure rolling sea, for blossoms sweet and tender,

O Lord, we worship thee.

—William Tarrant


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Continued on page 6

Ashley Kuhlman, Youth Director [email protected]

[email protected]

Thank you to all of those who helped or donated to our Lent

Suppers, the Easter Egg Hunt and the Easter Breakfast! All these things could not have been done without your help or donations. Some special thanks to The Brue Family and Mrs. Gerry’s for do-nations for the Easter Breakfast.

Our final project before attending the Youth Gath-ering is our Envelope Fundraiser. This will be post-ed in the Narthex or by the offices until April 30th. There are 100 Envelopes numbered 1 – 100. You can pick an envelope; place inside the number of dollars written on the outside and provide your ad-dress for a postcard from Houston. Check out this display to see who is attending this trip!

The end of the school year is approaching fast, so it’s important to know some of the upcoming dates. Sunday School & Confirmation will start up reg-ularly after Easter!

• Last day of Youth Devotions is April 29

• Last day of Sunday School is May 6

• Last day of Chew n Chat & Confirmation is May 9

ELCA Youth Gathering: We will be having our last monthly meeting on April 15th to talk about some logistics of the trip and final information in the Youth Room. We will be scheduling a meeting for June with families for packing lists, covenant infor-mation and important trip information.

TEC (9th – 12th Grade) will be hosted at First Lu-theran Church April 19 – 22. This is a weekend event for those 9th – 12th grade to gather with other high school students to enrich their faith through relationships, Bible Studies and being a leader in their church. This costs $40 and you can register

online at www.southerntec.org for TEC #111 as a Weekender (first time attendee).

Z-Tag: On Friday, April 27th we will be having a Z-Tag night with two sessions for the different age groups. 6th – 8th graders will get to play from 7:00-9:00pm and 9th-12th graders will play from 9:00 – 11:30pm. The cost of this event is $3/per person. Bring your own Nerf Supplies. Ice Cream and some Nerf Supply will be provided. Sign up for this event by April 25th. Friends are welcome to join if they’re signed up and have a permission slip. If you are interested in helping with set up, please arrive at 6:30pm. Looking for parents to chaperone and/or participate.

End-Of-The-Year Picnic: Join us on May 12th from 11am – 3pm for a Church Picnic. There will be food, games and activities for all ages as we cele-brate the end of the school year. All are welcome.

Baccalaureate: Please mark May 13th during the 9:00am service to celebrate Baccalaureate. Sen-iors will be mailed & emailed some additional infor-mation about this day.

Confirmation Family Night: On April 25th we will be having another Parent’s Night during Confirma-tion! This class time will be a presentation called, “Parents, Teens and Money Matters” lead by Thrivent Financial. This is an evening where fami-lies will learn the values of making intentional choices using share, save and spend options. Par-ents, Grandparents and any congregational mem-bers are welcome to join.

Grace Children, Youth and Family Ministry


Baccalaureate Service May 13, 2018 9:00am Worship

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Lori Tuchtenhagen, Parish Nurse [email protected]

Dear Friends of Grace Lutheran,

Stress seems to be a chronic prob-lem for most Americans. Here are a few hints to help lower your stress and improve your health this week. Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what may happen tomorrow and it doesn’t happen, you have worried in vain. Even if it does happen, you end up having to worry twice. Say “no” to projects that won’t fit into you time schedule or that will compromise your mental health. Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety. If you can’t do anything about a situa-

tion, forget it. K.M.S. (Keep mouth shut). This sin-gle piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble. Do something for the kid in you every day.

Every night before bed, think of one thing you are grateful for, being creative to not use the same one twice and end that thought with saying, “Thanks God”.

May your day be filled with prayer and song to the Lord.

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.

James 5:13

May God Bless You, Lori Tuchtenhagen, Parish Nurse

Heart Notes from your Parish Nurse

Vacation Bible School & Summer Camp News

Summer Camp? Are you planning on sending your child, grandchild or loved one to summer camp at Good Earth Village this year? Grace Lutheran Church will help support them! If your youth attends Grace Lutheran Church we will pay for their Registration Fee for camp at Good Earth Village. Just use one of these codes while registering your child:

• $15 Deposit: GRACE15 • $50 Deposit: GRACE50 • $100 Deposit: GRACE100 • $150 Deposit: GRACE150 • Confirmation Camp: GRACEALCONF18*

For more information about Good Earth Village you can check out goodearthvillage.org or talk to Ashley Kuhlman. If you plan to send your child to another Bible Camp, contact Ashley to get Grace Lutheran to help pay for part of your tuition!

*If your child is currently in the 7th Grade Confirmation Program, we ask for them to attend Confirmation

Camp June 10 – 15.

Vacation Bible School Please mark your calendars for August 6 – 10th for Vacation Bible School at Grace Lutheran Church! There will be a half-day program for Pre-Kindergarten, full day program for those who have completed Kindergarten – 5th Grade and options for those 6th – 12th Grade.

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March 13, 2018

Present: Gary Schindler, Jerome Meyer, Jerry Dahl, Nicky Schumaker, Julie Groeneweg, Dennis Hamberg, Maggie Moller, Lexus Soltau. Truman Thrond

Also attending: Pastor Jennifer, Robert Ball, John Ball & Laura McKibbin

1. Nicky called the meeting to order.

2. Gary Schindler Shared devotions: Billy Graham, Preacher to the presidents He shared favorite scripture of various Presidents closing with President Truman’s daily prayer.

3. Open Forum: Robert Ball and Laura McKibbin: The family of Donna and Donald Ball request-ing that there be two $500 scholarships. One in honor of Donna that would preferably go to a student pursuing the education field of study and the other in honor of Donald going to a student pursuing one of the trades.

Jerry Dahl motioned to accept this request for the two scholarships. Julie Seconded. Motion Passed.

4. Gary moved to approve the Agenda, Jerome seconded, motion passed.

5. Approval of last month’s minutes-tabled so we have copies.

Minutes from Sunday’s meeting were present-ed. Jerry moved to accept the minutes from Sunday March 11, 2018. Julie seconded. Mo-tion passed.

7.1 Lead Pastor Report: none

7.2 Associate Pastor Report:

Pastor Jennifer’s installation was held Sunday, March 11. When she arrived she was given education, visitation and volunteerism as her

first priorities. She and Pastor Shane have been scheduling visitations. The plan is for a lay visit monthly and pastoral visit every three months.

7.3 Commission and Committee reports

BG: Moving forward from Sunday’s meeting with Johnson Heating & Air Conditioning

Education: Easter Egg Hunt, Church Picnic in May, VBS August 6-10 with Good Earth Vil-lage, for Elementary, Jennifer with build off this for PreK, Ashley will work on Jr High.

7.4 Council President Report: None

8.1 Capital Campaign: Council has approved to Move forward with Boiler project with John- son Heating

8.2 Commission/Committee Assignments: Pastor Jennifer shared an initial Presentation/ conversation regarding the reorganization of Committees

This was tabled for further discussion next month.

8.3 David Larson’s Presentation: Concesus was to table this for a possible future date.

Devotions for April: Maggie Moller

Pastor Jennifer closed with prayer . cs

Church Council Minutes

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Continued on page 13

ALTAR GUILD In memory of Donna Ball given by Vivian Miller BOILER/BUILDING/ROOF/FURNACE FUND In memory of Ronald Eisenbise given by Dell & June Claussen In memory of Evan Long given by Judean & Carol Thompson, Wayne & Sharon Jahnke In memory of Easton LaFrance given by Roxann Brue In memory of Donna Ball given by Robert & Beverly Field, Ona Meyer, Dale & Dorothy Baldwin In memory of Barbara Geesman given by Wayne & Sharon Jahnke Gifts given by: Carrol Hanson, Roger Johnson, Duane & Mary Peterson, Marjorie Dann, Hardanger Group, Dale & Dorothy Baldwin

DONNA BALL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Donna Ball given by Brian Ball, Evelyn Hovland, Diane Natzel, John & Tracey Ball, Mitchell & Rebecca Hanson, Thomas & Nancy Ball, Roy & Cheryl Page, Lowell & Barbara Peterson, Roxann Brue, Tom & Sandra Norby, Ardis Bang, Gordon Sorenson, Chuck & Shari VanWey, Greg Smith, Marsha Rafdal, Ramona Twito, Judy Menssen, Neal & Jean Skaar, Marvin & Donna Helgeson, Margaret Kelly, Patricia Staska, Camilla Frydenlund, Aaron & Amy Ladlie EDUCATION FUND In memory of Donna Ball given by Randy & Lynn Stay FOOD SHELF In honor of Allen Menssen given by Judy Menssen Gifts given by: Mark & Lynnette Rasmussen, John & Kathy Knutson, Darin & Rebecca Passer GODTLAND SCHOLARSHIP In memory of Evelyn Hoveland given by Bob Ball & Laura McKibben HAWTHORNE SCHOOL BACKPACK PROGRAM In memory of Evan Long given by Dale & Dorothy Baldwin, Ron & Betty Mathews Gift given by: Dale & Dorothy Baldwin LIBRARY FUND Gift given by Virginia Sorenson, Darin & Rebecca Passer

LINDSEY LOEHR DIEMER MEMORIAL SCHOLARHIP Gift given by Craig & Becky Loehr LOVE In memory of Donna Ball given by Mick & Becky Hanson Gifts given by Barbara Engebretson, Ed & Julie Groeneweg, LaVerne Seberson, Orvis Rake, Ed & Julie Groeneweg, Frank Wakefield, Truman & Barbara Thrond, Paul & Denise Andersen MARCH FOOD DRIVE Gift given by Tuesday Morning Bible Study School MARTIN LUTHER FUND In memory of Tom Jacobson given by Bruce & Diane Olson In memory of Donna Ball given by Rodger & Carole Nelson MEMORIAL FUND In memory of Tom Jacobson given by Herbert & Karen Brand, Mary Keating, Ron & Pat Holtan, Geraldine Tucci, Jeff & Denise Elseth, Tom & Debra Baas, Steven & Barbara Pulley, David Syverson, Family & Friends of Tom Jacbson, Terry & Julie Heilman In memory of Richard Sorenson given by Richard & Darlend Jordahl In memory of Joe Groeneweg given by Judy Menssen In memory of Evan Long given by Judy Menssen In memory of Melvin Hobbiebrunken given by Larry & Shirley Pearson In memory of Henry Clotfelter given Joseph & Marjorie LaFrance MINNESOTA FOOD SHARE In memory of Allen Menssen given by Judy Menssen Gift given by Paul & Lorraine Nagel MUSIC MINISTRY In memory of Beverly Moen given by Family & Friends of Beverly Moen Gifts given by Carroll Hanson, Gary & Karen Ohlmann PARISH NURSE FUND Gift given by Darin & Rebecca Passer

Gifts of Love

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If you know anyone needing continuing prayers of our congregation, please let us know so we can include them on this list. Requests for the Prayer Chain can be arranged by calling the church office.

PLEASE REMEMBER those needing the continuing prayers of our congregation: Betty Anderson, Judy Anderson, Russell Anderson, Brad Arends, Gwen Baas, Joe Bell, Bella Christenson (great-granddaughter of Barbara Tullberg), Jan & John Delle, Sha-ron Dickson, Dale Elvebak, Beverly Evans, Wes Evans, Dolly Feeley, Scott Fredrick-son, Raymond Gavle, Betty Hanson, Jean Hanson, Bob Hoeg, April Hustoft, John Jeffrey (father of Max and Janece Jeffrey), Janell Johnson, David Kaehler (brother of Judy Menssen), Carol Kubat, Wendy Lane (daughter of Bob and Doris Miller), Kristin Larson (daughter-in-law of Doreen Pontow), Pam Leland, Charlene Meyer, Robert Mo-

reau, Ross Moyer, Carole Nelson, Derek Nelson (son-in-law of Roger & LaJean Bjorklund), Milburn Nel-son, Kitty Oakland, Mavis Parrish, Ray Pedersen, Mary Penley, Evan Peterson (grandson of Lowell and Barbara Peterson), Solveig Peterson, Mary Pirsig, Denise Plascencia (daughter of Sandy Godtland), Bob Pleiss, Donald Porter, Norma Ruud, Barbara Sanderson, Jackson Schrock (grandson of Vince and Cor-rine Tims), Jean Severson, Elizabeth Sammon (friend of Lowell and Barb Peterson), Joyce Schreiber, Bob Smith (son-in-law of Pat Linnes), Joe Smith, Zita Smith, Willard Spilde, Dan Stiles, Elinor Stotts, Gloria Ugland, Lois Undahl, Diane VanGuilder, Chuck Van Wey, Josiah Wagner, Frank Wakefield, Cheri Wehrenberg, Kathleen Wentling (Mary Hallum), Karter White (granddaughter of Dick & Arlyss Haug), Jackie Williamson.


(Pray for these Grace members on the following dates.)

APRIL 1. Carlyle & Dona Matheson 2. Joel & Teresa Matheson Carly, Benjamin, Leah, Samuel 3. Ron & Betty Mathews 4. Arik Matson, Audrina, Maklynn 5. Kari Matson, Brooke Swanson, Luke 6. Paul & Tonya Matson, Alyssa, Jacklyn 7. Sheila Matson 8. Viola Matson 9. Max & Suzanne Mauer, Avery 10. Larry McDaniel, Brooke 11. Maurine McGill 12. Judy Menssen 13. Charlene Meyer 14. Dale & Danette Meyer, Jonathan Friday, Brianna, Daleney, Samuel

15. Jerry & Sharon Meyer 16. Ona Meyer 17. Dorothy Michaelis 18. Merrill & Dee Mielke 19. Brandon Miller, Carter, Camden 20. Holly Miller 21. Robert & Doris Miller 22. Vivian Miller 23. David & Kimberly Moen, Daniel, Kristopher 24. Jennifer Moen, Teaghan, Tolbers 25. Matthew & Angela Moller, Maggie, Judd, Greta, Cleo 26. Judy Mondeel 27. Jay & Myrna Montag 28. Robert & Bernice Moreau 29. Ross & Joan Moyer, Peggy 30. Don & Melody Munden

Prayer Concerns

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Caring and Sharing

Chairwomen: Joyce Purdy and Lanae Thorstad

Dorothy & Dale Baldwin Tracey & John Ball Michelle & Jeremy Brue Roxann Brue Mindy & Jim Carlson Cheryl & Paul Citurs Linda Crom Judy & Gary Fisher Arliss & Ronald Hanna Kittie Hanson Kristine & Ken Hanson Cynthia & Brad Haugen Maureen & Bruce Haugsdal Karen & Michael Hendrickson Pat & Myron Levisen Cindy Nguyen Kathi & Rick Overocker Shelly & Ross Peterson Debby & Michael Ryan Sherry & Charles Seberson Tammy & Randy Senholtz Shirlee & Terry Sigurdson LeAnn Stewart Julia & Steve Thompson Corrine & Vince Tims Julie & Paul Tlamka Mary & Leslie Tufte Mary Tuohy James & Geraldine Veldman Christine & Steve Vogt Dawn Walk Karen Wolfe Joan Zabel

OUR THANKS to Judy Christenson and Hazel Spiering serving as chairwomen for February Car-ing and Sharing; and to all who volunteered to help and/or provide food. Your help was appreciated.


We invite you to join any of our regular Bible study groups at Grace Lutheran.

Sunday Morning Adult Forum Come join us at 10:15 Sunday mornings.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study Tuesday mornings, 10:00-11:00am (Conference Room) This study for women offers fellowship, sing-ing, and great discussion.

Thursday Morning Bible Study 6:00-7:00am (Kitchen) Consider joining this group where there is an opportunity for good discussion and good fel-lowship, along with good coffee and treats!

Grace WELCA Women’s Circles Mary Circle (meeting 1st Monday, 5:15pm)

Lois Circle (meeting 4th Tuesday, 9:30am)

Martha Circle (meeting 4th Wednesday, 9:30am)

New members are always welcome! Call the church office, 373-6496, for more information.

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PICTORIAL CHURCH DIRECTORY The plans for the new directory have now been set.

Photography dates are as follows: Wed.-Sat., May 16-May 19 Wed.-Sat., May 23-May 26 Times for the sessions are as follows: Wed.-Fridays: 2:00 - 9:00 Saturdays: 10:00 – 5:00

There will be an opportunity to sign up after church services on Sunday and Wednesday. It will also be possible to sign up on-line. Watch for the procedure for this in up-coming bulletins. You will be receiving additional information about this opportunity throughout the weeks ahead.

If you are unable to have your photo taken at our church, arrangements can be made for it to be tak-en near you. Please call Sandy Fredrickson at 507-373-6510 for more information.

FRIENDS You are invited to enjoy a relaxing evening with friends on Sunday April 8, 2018 at 6:00pm in the Fireside room. Make your own sandwich night and a movie, how relaxing does that sound?

Bring your favorite kind of bread or croissants, sandwich topping; turkey, ham, tuna salad, egg sal-ad, mayo, tomatoes, onions, pickles, lettuce items that make a sandwich taste yummy. Chips and beverage will be provided. Please call Sandy Fredrickson 373-6510 with what you plan to bring to prevent doubles. After we enjoy our meal and good conversation we will view the movie “The Tuskegee Airmen”.

Friends is for widowed, single, and divorced individ-uals who enjoy having a quite evening with other people. The more you attend the more friendships develop.

GRACE SENIORS Grace Seniors met on March 14, 2018 with mem-bers learning on how Sex Trafficking is affecting our city and area. It was a big eye opening for many of our members. We appreciate the Police and Sheriff Department trying to keep our commu-nity safe. We had a great coffee hour (even if we were suppose to eat with no plates). Our next meeting will be April 11, 2018 at 2:00 pm in the fire-side room. Joy Behr will speak on her study of Mar-tin Luther.

Do you or someone you know need a ride to wor-ship? SMART (Southern Minnesota Area Rural Transit) is offering Sunday service rides from 9am-1pm. Please call by Friday for your pickup. Rides are $2 each direction. 1-855-762-7821 or SmartBusMN.org.

Tiny breeze or mighty wind, swirling round as God commands. Hats go flying. Branches bend. Little seeds spread through the lands. God Almighty makes the wind; great big gusts can shape the sands. Awesome is the power of God, when even wind obeys his plans. —MaryAnn Sundby

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Gifts of Love PRAYER GARDEN In memory of Gladys Gulbrandson given by Eric Gulbrandson & Michelle Thompson In memory of Easton LaFrance given by Lester Perschbacher, David & Sally Skrlin In memory of Evan Long given by Roxann Brue PRAYER SHAWL Gift given by: First Lutheran Caring & Sharing SUNDAY SCHOOL FUND In memory of Donna Ball given by LuVerne Godtland In honor of Addison Long given by Barb Tullberg YOUTH CAMP SCHOLARSHIP Gift given by Darin & Rebecca Passer

YOUTH MINISTRY In memory of Donna Ball given by Mike & Brandy Boettcher In memory of Sadie Flattum given by Mike & Brandy Boettcher In honor of Brayden Boettcher/Eagle Scout given by Mike & Brandy Boettcher Gifts given by: Orvis Rake, Darin & Rebecca Passer PLEASE NOTE that any additional "Gifts of Love" rec-orded by the church office after March 26th will appear in the next issue. If you have given a gift and your name has not been recorded, please call the church office so the correction can be made. Thank you.

CAP MOVIE NIGHT (Cinema and Popcorn)

Cap off the week with a thought provoking film. Come join members of Grace for a film and lively dis-cussion at 6:30 in the Fireside Room.

Friday April 20 - Fiddler on the Roof

This adaptation of the long-running Broadway musical is set in the Ukranian ghetto village of Anatevka. Israeli actor Topol repeats his London stage role as Tevye the milkman, whose equilibrium is constant-ly being challenged by his poverty, the prejudicial attitudes of non-Jews, and the romantic entangle-ments of his five daughters. Whenever the weight of the world becomes too much for him, Tevye car-ries on lengthy conversations with God, who does not answer but is at least more willing to listen than the milkman's remonstrative wife Golde. After ar-ranging a marriage between his oldest daughter Tzeitel and wealthy butcher Lazar Wolf, Tevye is forced to do some quick rearranging when the girl falls in love with poor tailor Motel Kamzoil. Fancying himself more broad-minded than his gentile oppres-sors, Tevye cannot accept the notion that his other daughter Chava would want to marry Fyedka, a non-Jew. And after shouting the praises of "tradition," Tevye must change his tune-and his entire life-when he and his neighbors are forced out of Anat-evka by the Czar's minions.

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Each season in northern Nicaragua, Zulema Lopez sows and reaps crops, but

after years of prolonged drought, wells have run dry and harvests have failed. Women have to walk farther to collect water. It is a daily problem to get enough water to drink, let alone have enough to cook and wash clothes. However, a new well, equipped with a solar-powered pump and a drip-irrigation system now brings water to the fields and into homes for drinking, washing and cooking. This project was planned and developed by the local community and funded by a Lutheran Church in Rapid City, SD as well as support from ELCA World Hunger. Your gifts are helping to make life a little easier for people in this and other communi-ties in Nicaragua.

Your gifts to date: $164.25. Thank you for your faithful giving.


Date Actual Offering Budgeted Offering Percent Above/Below Budget

February 25 $7,559.00 $14,377.00 53% -($6,818.00)

March 4 $10,428.00 $14,377.00 73% -($3,949.00)

March 11 $10,642.00 $14,377.00 74% -($3,735.00)

March 18 9,764.00 $14,377.00 68% -($4,613.00)

March 25 7,908.00 $14,377.00 55% -($6,469.00)

Year to Date $109,934.00 $172,524.00 64% -($62,590.00)

The Finance Ministry Team and Church Council appreciate your generous support. Your faithful stewardship is essential for us to continue to support our ministries at Grace Lutheran.

Remember your

Coins for Sunday’s

Noisy Offering


We will be selling coffee before our worship

service on Sunday, April 8th.

Why buy Equal Exchange Fair Trade coffee?

When you do, you are helping to support small scale coffee and cocoa farmers in Nicaragua, Uganda, and the Dominican Republic, among other countries. The Equal Exchange Coop offers pre-harvest credit to support farmers in the off-season and pays them a fair price for their prod-uct. This improves their lifestyle and their communi-ties. Consider buying your coffee here rather than at the grocery store. This is a project of the Mission

Committee and it is sold at cost to you. Thank you.

BLOOD DRIVE There will be a Red Cross blood drive at Grace Lutheran on Tuesday, April 17th from 12:00 – 6:00 p.m. Mark your calendars and plan on scheduling a time when you can stop in to donate blood in the comfort of your own Fel-lowship Hall.

Page 14: Grace Notes - media.myworshiptimes31.com€¦ · as you participate in worship, let the words we say and the hymns we sing teach us the greatest story ever told: the story of Jesus


Easter 2018

Page 15: Grace Notes - media.myworshiptimes31.com€¦ · as you participate in worship, let the words we say and the hymns we sing teach us the greatest story ever told: the story of Jesus


Grace Lutheran Church 918 Garfield Avenue Albert Lea, MN 56007 Telephone: 507-373-6496 Email: [email protected]

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PAID Albert Lea, MN Permit No. 208

Worship Service Schedule

Sunday Worship Service at 9:00am

followed by

Classes For Age 4 through Adult 10:15-11:15am

Wednesday Evening Worship at 5:30pm

Join your Grace family each week in worship, study and fellowship!

Page 16: Grace Notes - media.myworshiptimes31.com€¦ · as you participate in worship, let the words we say and the hymns we sing teach us the greatest story ever told: the story of Jesus

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 EASTER 7a-10a Breakfast 8:00a Worship Service 9:30a Worship Service 11:00a Worship Service


Office & Building Closed

3 10:00a Staff Meeting 10:00a Ladies Bible St. 3:00p Thorne Crest Communion

4 9:00a Sewing Day 4:00p Mission Team Mtg. 4:30p Cherub & Chancel 5:30p Worship Service 6:00p Chew-n-Chat 6:30p Bells of Praise 7:00p Confirmation

5 6:00a Early Bible Study 1:30p Building Healthy Bones 6:00p WELCA Meeting

6 5:00p 6th-8th Graders Leave for Camp EWALU Retreat



8:30a Fair Trade Coffee 9:00a Worship Service 10:10a Coffee Fellowship 10:15a Sunday School 10:15a Adult Forum 10:15a NO Youth Devotions 6:00p Friends Group


1:30p Building Healthy Bones 4:00p Health Cabinet Mtg. 5:15p Mary Circle 6:00p Hardanger Group 7:00p MS Society Meeting

10 10:00a Staff Meeting 10:00a Ladies Bible St. 6:00p Ministry Teams 6:30p Council Meeting

11 2:00p Grace Seniors 4:30p Cherub & Chancel 5:30p Worship Service 6:00p Chew-n-Chat 6:30p Bells of Praise 7:00p Confirmation 7:30p Adult Choir

12 6:00a Early Bible Study 1:30p Building Healthy Bones



15 Newsletter Deadline

9:00a Worship Service 10:00a Coffee Fellowship 10:15a Sunday School 10:15a Adult Forum 10:15a Youth Devotions 11:30a Youth Gathering Mtg.

16 1:30p Building Healthy Bones 6:00p Hardanger Group

17 10:00a Staff Meeting 10:00a Ladies Bible St. 11:00a Red Cross Blood Drive

18 9:00a Sewing Day 4:30p Cherub & Chancel 5:30p Worship Service 6:00p Chew-n-Chat 6:30p Bells of Praise 7:00p Confirmation 7:30p Adult Choir

19 6:00a Early Bible Study 1:30p Building Healthy Bones 6:30p Table Talks

20 6:30p CAP Movie Night—Fiddler on the Roof


22 9:00a Worship Service 10:00a Coffee Fellowship 10:15a Sunday School 10:15a Adult Forum 10:15a Youth Devotions 11:30a Sunday School Teacher Mtg.

23 8:30a Knutson Place 10:00a Men’s Support Group 1:30p Building Healthy Bones 5:15p Parish Nurse Mtg. 6:00p Hardanger Group

24 9:30a Lois Circle 10:00a Staff Meeting 10:00a Ladies Bible St. 6:30p Personnel Mtg.

25 9:15a Martha Circle 4:30p Cherub & Chancel 5:30p Worship Service 6:00p Chew-n-Chat 6:30p Bells of Praise 7:00p Confirmation 7:30p Adult Choir


6:00a Early Bible Study 9:00a WELCA Annual Kitchen Cleaning 1:30p Building Healthy Bones

27 7:00p Z-Tag (6th-8th) 9:00p Z-Tag (9th-12th)



9:00a Worship Service 10:00a Coffee Fellowship 10:15a Sunday School 10:15a Adult Forum 10:15a Youth Devotions (Last day until Sept.)

30 1:30p Building Healthy Bones 6:00p Hardanger Group