GR 6english

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  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


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    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Distinguish changes in meaning of sentences cause by stress

    Value : Appreciating one's talents and capabilities

    II. Subject Matter:Changes in Meaning Caused by Stress

    References : BEC 1; ro!ing in English "#$ pp% & ( &)%Materials : cassette* +oice tape

    III. Learning Activities:A. Motivation:

    ,hat do you li-e most about yourself. Each of us has a particular gift or talent% /a+e you

    disco+ered !hat a(e yours.

    B. PresentationListen to the word where the stress or emphasis is heard. Then repeat

    each sentence aloud.

    1. I cook the best spaghetti.2. I cook the best spaghetti.3. I cook the best spaghetti.

    C. Analysis an Discussi!n

    a. Which sentence suggests the following meanings?1% 0t is 0 !ho ma-e the spaghetti* not my sister%

    % 0 don't 2ust eat spaghetti* but 0 do coo- it%&% 0 coo- the best spaghetti* not pancit canton%

    b% E3ample 1% El+ie sings beautifully%

    % El+ie sings beautifully%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    &% El+ie sings beautifully%

    Meanings:1% El+ie not Donna* sings beautifully%

    % El+ie sings beautifully not recites%&% El+ie sings beautifully not poorly%

    D. Generali"ati!n,hat does stress mean. /o! does it affect the meaning of a sentence.

    E. A##licati!nState the meaning of the follo!ing sentences !ith stress on the underlined !ord%

    1% 4ablo is the leader of the bas-etball team in school%% 4ablo is the leader of the bas-etball team in school%

    &% 4ablo is the leader of the bas-etball team in school%

    $. Enric%&ent Activity,rite a short paragraph of 5 sentences tal-ing about your o!n talent that you !ish to share to

    your classmates%

    G. In'usi!n !' Values4eople ha+e different talents* !e ha+e to preser+e out talents and de+elop oursel+es fully to

    be producti+e indi+idual%

    IV. Evaluation:

    Choose the correct meaning of the follo!ing sentences%1% Martha se!ed my ne! dress%a% 0t !as a dress* not a table cloth that Martha se!ed%

    b% Martha se!ed the dress for me%c% 0t !as Martha not Mary* !ho se!ed my ne! dress%

    % Dominic !rites funny stories%a% Dominic !rites funny stories* not sad ones%

    b% 0t is Dominic not Dindo* !ho !rites the stories%c% Dominic does not only read* but he also !rites stories%

    V. Assignment:,rite do!n the meaning of each sentence !ith stress on the underlined !ord%

    1% Brenda can sol+e a cross!ord pu66le 7uic-ly%% Brian runs faster than the other boys

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    8se the correct intonation for statement and yes(no 7uestions

    Value : erse!erance" atience

    II. Subject Matter:

    Correct 0ntonation for Statements and 9es( o uestions

    References : BEC; ro!ing in English r something too difficult for you to accomplish.

    C. Presentation?ead the follo!ing sentences aloud after the teacher%

    1% reat things come from small beginnings%% 4rayers help us accomplish many things%

    &% /a+e you submitted your pro2ect to Mrs% ole6.

    D. Analysis/Discussiona% ,hich sentences !ere read !ith falling intonation. ,ith rising intonation.

    b% ,hat does each sentence tells us.c% More e3amples: ?ead and tell !hether read !ith ?ising or @alling intonation%

    1% Are you cheerful !hile doing your errands.% @ather s patted ilo s head for a 2ob !ell done%

    E. enerali!ation

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    /o! do you read statements. 9es(no 7uestions.

    IV. Evaluation:ell !hether the follo!ing sentences are said read !ith rising(falling intonation*

    1% he carpenter hammered 7uietly and patiently%% Do you al!ays complete your tas-s.

    &% Difficulties only challenged him to accomplish his 2ob%

    V. Assignment:,rite e3amples each of sentences read !ith rising(falling and rising intonation%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    8se the correct intonation for 7uestions introduced by interrogati+es

    Value : )est and )ecreation

    II. Subject Matter:

    (orrect Intonation for *uestions Introduced b+ Interrogati!es

    References : BEC; ro!ing in English "#$* pp% (5

    III. Learning Activities:A. Preliminary Activities:

    1% Chec-ing of Assignment% Review

    ,here do you use rising(falling and rising intonations.

    B. Motivation,hat is leant by All !or- and no play ma-e an a dull boy .

    C. Presentation?ead the follo!ing sentences aloud after the teacher%

    1% Did you sleep !ell last night.% Are you still sleepy this morning.

    &% ,hat game shall !e play outside.F% /o! do you spend your leisure time.

    D. Analysis / Discussiona% #isten to the intonation as the teacher reads the sentences again% Compare% Do you see the

    rising intonations in all the 7uestions. ,hich 7uestions use a different intonation. ,hat -indof intonation is it. ,hat -ind of 7uestions uses rising(falling intonation.

    b% More examples1% ,hat boo- are you reading.

    % ,ho is its author.&% /o! interesting is it.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    E. enerali!ation,hat -ind of 7uestions uses the rising(falling intonations.

    ". A##licationroup Acti+ity

    he pupils !ill form groups% Each group !ill ma-e a dialogue using sentences introduced byinterrogati+es% hey !ill perform the dialogue in class as to dramati6e the situation%

    . Infusion of Values>ne of the rights of the children is to be gi+en time for play and recreation% A balance life is a

    healthy life%

    IV. Evaluation:ell !hether in the follo!ing 7uestions use ? or ?(@ intonation%

    1% Are you a collector of interesting ob2ects.% ,hat -ind of things do you collect.

    &% ,hich of these balls belongs to Carlo.F% 0s there any pet shop in to!n.5% ,ho is your fa+orite singer.

    V. Assignment:i+e 5 e3amples of 7uestions using ?(@ intonation%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Deduce meaning of unfamiliar !ords using structural analysis

    Value : (ourage and ,ra!er+

    II. Subject Matter:

    Decoding Meaning of 8nfamiliar ,ords ( Structural Analysis

    References : BEC BES "?eading$ pp% 111(115Materials : -lashcards' chart

    III. Learning Activities:A. Preliminary Activities:

    1% Motivation@lashcards drill on +ocabulary !ords !ith prefi3es and suffi3es

    A B?e!rite 4retest Ba-ery MercifulDismiss 8nderage eacher ,isely8n-ind 0mpossible Dangerous /eroic

    % Motive Question>bser+e the !ords carefully% ,hat can you say about the !ords. ,hat prefi3es !ere

    used in the !ords in column A. in column B.Are the !ords under column A and B familiar to you. ,hy.

    eacher presents this map of affi3es* meaning and samples "p%111 BES ?dg%$

    B. During Rea$ing Activities/a+e the class read the paragraph%0 sa! an e3citing under!ater fight on tele+ision% he scene !as ta-en along some reefs% he di+er

    fought !ith the big shar-% he shar- seemed to grin as it opened its big mouth that sho!ed its sa!li-e teeth% 0t loo-s +ery furious as it mo+ed 7uietly but s!iftly to!ard the di+er !as ready% /e grippedhis -nife tightly% he shar- !hirled% hen it dashed to!ard the man% he di+er came out% /is shoulder !as badly in2ured% But he had -illed the shar-%

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    C. (!st )ea in* Activities

    1% Ans!ering 7uestions about the paragraph read%a% ,hat scene did you see on tele+ision.

    b% ,ho are the characters in the paragraph.c% ,hat -ind of a man is the di+er.d% ,hat are the !ords in the paragraph that ha+e affi3es.

    under!ater s!iftlydi+er readyfurious tightly

    e% et the meaning of these !ords through structural analysis%% ,hat are affi3es.

    g% ,hat do you call a syllable added at the beginning of the !ord. At the end of the !ord.

    % Engagement Activities0dentify the prefi3 and suffi3es in each using configuration analysis%

    1% before% state of being

    &% happening e+ery t!o

    &% Enrichment Activityi+e the meaning of the underlined !ord in each sentence%

    1% he pre!ar price of rice !as eight centa+os a -ilo% She eats too much e+eryday so she becomes o+er!eight%

    &% Crossing the ocean !hen there is a storm is dangerous%

    F% Value Infusion:al- about heroic deeds and bra+ery% Encourage pupils to share o!n e3periences sho!ing

    their +alues%

    IV. Evaluation:@ill in the blan-s !ith the correct !ords in the follo!ing sentences% @ind your ans!ers in the bo3%


    heroicre!rite dismiss

    1% he Central 4lain of #u6on is called the ?iceGGGGG of the 4hilippines %% he 4hilippines is -no!n for its beautiful GGGGG%

    &% Mario !as told to GGGGG the report%

    V. Assignment:A% 0dentify the prefi3es and suffi3es used in each sentence% i+e each meaning%

    1% 4eople admired her because of her fairness%

    % ,e should beautify the surroundings%&% he story !as so interesting that the children as-ed the teacher to retell it%

    B% Bring a dictionary tomorro!%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    et information about a !ord in the dictionary

    Value : )econciliation and wareness

    II. Subject Matter:

    etting 0nformation about a ,ord in the Dictionary

    References : BEC ro!ing in Eng% ?* pp &5 ( F=Materials : /ictionar+' newspaper

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre%rea$ing Activities:

    1% Unlocking of ifficultieshe pupils !ill gi+e the meaning of the underlined !ords through conte3t clues%!o boys 7uarreled this morning after the class* they had reconciliation%

    Contro+ersial issues are read in front page of the ne!spaper%

    % MotivationClass* there are t!o !ords !ith 2umbled letters !ritten on the board% Arrange these letters

    to come up !ith the !ord% he first and last letters are gi+en%

    &% Motive Questions,hat information do !e get from a dictionary.

    B. During Rea$ing Activities

    ?eading of ne!s article !herein the 2umbled letters arranged by the pupils are found%Do you read ne!spaper.,hat !as the most contro+ersial issue before 4res% Helect Estrada !as inducted into hisoffice.#et's read the ne!s about the issue%

    Cory Agrees to be Estrada s Senior Ad+iser%Did you understand the content of the lead paragraph.,ho reconciled.

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    9ou noticed that the !ords !e ha+e 2ust studied are found in the ne!s article% #et's read the!ords again%,hat other unfamiliar !ords did you encounter in the article. /o! can !e get theirmeaning.

    C. Post Rea$ing Activities1% Do you ha+e a dictionary. /o! do you ta-e care of it.

    % ,hen you encounter unfamiliar !ords* !hat do you usually do.&% Aside from the meaning* !hat other information do you get from the dictionary.F% @ind the !ord reconciliation in the dictionary and !rite the correct syllabication on the board%5% ,hat else do you find. 0n !hat syllable do you put the stress mar- in the !ord


    rigin of the !ord4art of speech

    I% Infusion of Values,hat can reconciliation do to our country. 0s it important to reconcile !ith your

    enemies. ,hy. Do !e ha+e to read ne!spapers. ,hy. ,hy is it important to be a!are.

    D. Enric&ment Activityi+e at least one e3ample for e+ery information !e get from a dictionary%

    IV. Evaluation:i+e the dictionary information of the !ords%

    ,ord 0nauguration Democracy ationalismSyllabicationStress mar- 4honetic spelling

    V. Assignment:0se +our dictionar+ to answer the &uestions that follow.

    1. What language does the word ambassador come from?2. /i!ide the words ambassador into s+llables.3. What part of speech is the word countr+ .

    . Where do we put the stress mark of the word countr+ ?4. #+llabicate countr+ .

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    8se conte3t clues%

    Value : Lo!e of 5ature

    II. Subject Matter:

    0sing (onte6t (lues

    References : BEC; ro!ing in Eng% ?dg% pp% 11I ( 1 1Materials : chart' picture

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre%rea$ing Activities

    1% Unlocking of ifficulties?eading of a short story by the teacher follo!ed by the pupils orally%

    % Motivation/a+e you e+er encountered a !ord from a selection !hich you do not -no! its meaning.

    &% Motive QuestionDo you belie+e that for e+erything that happens there is an e7ui+alent reason.

    B. During Rea$ing Activities?ead A ?eason for E+erything % 4p% 11I ( 11) " ro!ing in Eng% ?dg%$

    C. Post Rea$ing Activities1% Ans!ering the moti+e 7uestion

    % Comprehension chec-(upa% ,ho !as ata Jaryo.

    b% ,hat happened !hen he !as ready for har+est time.c% ,hat did he do !hen the !ater subsided.d% /o! much did he lose.

    D. Enric&ment Activity1. 7is answer might ha!e been ambiguous' but mine was de8nitel+.

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    2. 7is answer was ambiguous' so he could of se!eral things.

    3. 7is answer was ambiguous and mine was 9ust as unclear.

    0n the first sentence* !hat !ord is gi+en as a clue for the meaning of ambiguous./o! about in the second sentence. hird sentence.,hich sentence gi+es a definition of the !ord ambiguous !hich ser+e as a conte3t clue.

    E. Infusion of Values:/o! can !e sho! that !e lo+e nature.,hat are the things !e ha+e to a+oid doing as to pre+ent floods.

    IV. Evaluation:Study the !ords% @it each !ord into the sentence to ma-e it meaningful%





    1% #aura is selling house and lot% She !or-s !ith a GGGGGGGG company%% he earth7ua-e is a natural GGGGGGGG because it causes destruction of li+es and properties%

    &% Mr% De #eon !as unaffected by the disaster% 0 admired his GGGGGGGG%"Continue on p% 1 1 of ro!ing Eng% ?dg%$

    V. Assignment:1% @ind an article in a ne!spaper%

    % S-im the selection to find unfamiliar !ords% hen read it carefully to see !hat conte3t clues aregi+en to e3plain the meaning of these !ords%

    &% ,rite the unfamiliar !ords along !ith the meanings you understand from the conte3t clues%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    i!e a report based from an obser!ation

    Value : Taking (are of the lants

    II. Subject Matter:

    )eporting an ;bser!ation

    References : BEC; BES "#ang%$ pp%1=( 11Materials : 4lant specimen* boo-s

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre#aratory Activities:

    1% rill! Reviewa% Agendum for une

    b% ?e+ie! simple sentencesAs- the pupils to gi+e simple sentences about !hat they sa! before arri+ing in school%% Motivation

    1% Do you lo+e obser+ing some thing.% /a+e you !ritten something regarding your obser+ation.

    B. Presentation1% Rea"ing the "ialogue# "BES#

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    c% As- 7uestions courteously%

    D. enerali!ation,hat ma-es the report complete.

    E. Practice1% @orm a group and this time tal- about 4hilippine tree and as- the leader of the group to read

    the report in class%% /o! did you come up !ith a good obser+ation. Did e+erybody shares. ,hat !ill you do

    !hen you are doing group !or-.

    ". Infusion of Values:,hy do !e ha+e to ta-e care of plants.

    IV. Evaluation:

    ,e're going to the Science arden% >bser+e e+erything you see there li-e plants and animals% Beable to report something based on your obser+ation* !hen !e return to our classroom%

    V. Assignment:,rite a report about an animal%

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    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    4articipate in meetings

    Value : (ourtes+ during

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    he teacher !ill mo+e around to obser+e each group and gi+e comments%

    V. Assignment:,rite the e3pression used in conducting a meeting%

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    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    -ollow series of direction or instructions listened to.

    Value : ersistence and patience in following directions produce positi!e resultlistening full+ and attenti!el+ to a person shows respect and courtes+.

    II. Subject Matter:

    @ollo!ing Series of Directions or 0nstructions #istened to

    References : BEC A% %p &* C%1=%1=% p% 5; 4E#C* == BEC /andboo- in Eng% p% & ( 5ro!ing in Eng% K0 "?eading$ p% 1=& ( 1= Manual p% )&* )

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    b$ Most bancas no! are using GGGGGG instead of paddles%c$ My father as-ed Mang estor to GGGGGG the picture in a metal frame%

    B. During Listening/Rea$ing ActivitiesCall on indi+idual pupils to read each step orally% "See p% 1=& (1=F of 0E ?eading K0$

    C. Post%Listening / Rea$ing Activities1% %omprehension %heck:

    Ans!er the moti+e 7uestion: Can you assemble an electric fan by follo!ing theinstruction.a% ,hat are the parts of the electric fan.

    b% ,hat parts !ere first put together.c% ,hat parts !as the last one to be assembled.

    % @ollo!ing directions on the use of household gadgets "See p% 1=< H 1=I of 0E +i ?eading$&% elling the purpose of the !riter

    ,hat is the purpose of the !riter in this selection. to instruct. o inform. >r toentertain.

    F # &ractice Exercise:Ans!er E3ercise L page 11F "?eading Comprehension E3ercises in English K0$

    D. enerali!ation,hy should !e learn ho! to follo! instructions and directions

    E. A##lication?ead the E3ercise K000 "p% 1 =$ of ?eading Comprehension E3ercises in English K0% hen

    follo! the directions%

    ". "i'ing ()ills?ead the poem "E3ercise 0 of ?eading Comprehension E3ercises in English K0 p% 1 1% hen

    follo! the series of directions stated%

    . Value Infusion,ere you able to ans!er our e3ercises correctly. ,hy. ,hat traits should you possess in

    order to follo! directions correctly.

    IV. Evaluation:#isten to the selection entitle @ish and other Animals that #i+e in the Sea on p% 1 F "?eading

    Comprehension E3ercises in Eng% K0$ !hich !ill be read by the teacher% hen* follo! the series of directions that follo!%

    V. Assignment:

    #earning ho! to ride a bicycle is not difficult% 0magine yourself teaching your younger brother or sister ho! to ride a bicycle%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    ote ell the details in a selection listened to

    Value : Appreciation of the ad+ancement of technology !hich brings about modern means ofcommunication* social a!areness through reading ne!spapers% And de+elopment of ci+icconsciousness and sensiti+ity

    II. Subject Matter:

    oting elling the Details in a Selection #istened to

    References : BEC% A% &%p% &* c% 1 %1 % p 5; ro!ing in English ?eading K0 3t p% 1=) (115

    M>D mag% une 1&* ==& 0ssue p% &&* 5&; 4hoeni3 Century ?eadersSeries: >+er the >cean K0 p%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    % Satellites are used for the GGGGGGG of information%&% heir ad+iser regularly GGGGGGG the students !ith beha+ioral problems%F% Satellites can GGGGGGG signals to and from the earth%

    B. During Rea$ing Activities1% 4upils read the ne!s article selection using Directed ?eading and hin-ing Acti+ity%

    % he teacher !ill call the best reader in the class to read orally the selection again%

    C. Post Rea$ing ActivitiesAns!er the follo!ing 7uestions briefly%,hat does M4SC stand for.,hat is the total cost of the +enture.Describe the Mabuhay 4hilippines Satellite Corporation%

    E. enerali!ation/o! do !e note details in a selection.

    ". A##lication#isten to the selection* then be able to note the important details by ans!ering the 7uestions

    on the chart% *&e Language of Laug&ter

    Children need food* money* clothing and medicine% here is also something else they need+ery much ( the magic of laughter% othing else brightens the !orld more 7uic-ly then laughter%Danny Jaye* an actor and comedian* performed the -ind of magic% /e made sad children laugh%/e !ent to millions of children in different parts of the !orld%a% ,hat do children need.

    b% ,ho is Danny Jaye.c% ,hat -ind of magic did he do.

    . Infusion of Values,hy is high(tech important. /o! does it affect our modern means of communication.

    IV. Evaluation:#isten to the selection% hen ans!er the 7uestions that follo!% ,rite only the letter of the correct

    ans!er% GGGGG 1% /o! did ose ?i6al consider his mother.

    a% /is playmate b% od's gift to himc% A good story teller

    GGGGG % ,hich !ord described Dona eodora.a% Kirtuous

    b% ayc% #o+ely

    GGGGG &% ,hich of the follo!ing prepared her to be the mother of our national hero.a% /er boo-s

    b% /er educationc% /er goodness of heart(

    V. Assignment:Listen to a radio newscast and note some important details about it.

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  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    As- and ans!er 7uestions about oneself and others%

    II. Subject Matter:

    sking and nswering *uestions bout ;neself and ;thers

    References : 4E#C B% % %1 p%1&; BEC B% &% p% &; ro!ing in Eng% #anguage* p% 1= ( 15

    Materials : Sentence strips* charts* pictures

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre#aratory Activities:

    1% rill ! Review@ollo! the intonation lines as you read the sentences belo!%

    a% She is pretty* isn't she. b% 9ou can't dri+e* can you.c% /a+e you eaten.

    % Motivation,hat talent do you ha+e. /o do you ma-e use of it !isely.

    B. PresentationA% #istening (Spea-ing Acti+ities?ead the follo!ing using correct intonation.

    1% Are you ne! in this place.% Do you play bas-etball.

    &% Does your dog bite.B% /a+e the pupils listen as a good reader reads aloud 0smael s story* O>nce here !as an

    ArtistP% "See p% ) (1= of ro!ing Eng% eacher s Manual$

    C. Discussion an$ Analysis1% 'peaking Activities

    A. ,hat intonation pattern is used in the follo!ing statements. Say them after your teacher%0smael is a born artist%/e uses !ater coior and oil paste%

    B. 0smael tal-s about his e3perience !ith a classmate% 0n+ite a partner% a-e roles and do thedialogue !ritten in the chart% >bser+e the intonation patterns%

    C. As-:0n !hich 7uestions did you use the rising intonation.Did you use the rising(falling intonation for the 9ES > ans!ers.

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    D. Analy6e the follo!ing sentences belo!Can #orena declaim./as she memori6ed her piece.

    Ask: Do you thin- you can ans!er each 7uestion by yes or no.

    E. Analy6e the ans!ers to the 7uestions abo+e%Can #orena declaim. /as she memori6ed her piece.

    Ask: ,hat rules must !e obser+e in ans!ering 7uestions ans!erable by yes or no.

    ". &ractice ExerciseCan you gi+e an ans!er to each 9ES > 7uestions belo!.Be sure to obser+e the proper intonation%1% Do you paint.

    % Are you a !riter.&% Can you play the guitar.

    . (enerali)ation1% ,hat -ind of 7uestions are said !ith the rising intonation.

    % ,hat intonation pattern do !e obser+e in as-ing 9ES > 7uestion.

    ". Application@orm small groups% As- each other these 7uestions% Be sure to ans!er them !ell !ith

    9es or o Q re2oinder and !ith statements%1% Do you paint landscapes.

    % Did you attend painting lessons.&% 0s Mr% Sulit your art eacher.

    . Value Infusion/o! can !e achie+e or maintain good relationship or con+ersation !ith others. /o!

    can you de+elop your talents.

    IV. Evaluation:,or- in pairs% As- each other the 7uestions in the 7uestionnaire belo!% >n a piece of paper* !rite

    do!n the ans!ers%AB>8 > ESE#@,hat are you li-e.Ans!er code: 1 R 9es +ery much R 9es* 7uite & R So so F R ot +ery much

    5 R ot at all1% Do you often help other people.

    % Can you be patient in de+eloping your talents.&% Do you ha+e many talents.

    V. Assignment:

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    Write 3 &uestions answerable b+ $es or 5o then answer each using thepatterns: $es = positi!e re9oinder and = negati!e re9oinder.

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    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Change statements into 7uestions

    Value : Courage and bra+ery in times of crisis* being helpful

    II. Subject Matter:

    Changing Statements into uestions

    References : 4E#C K0 B% % ; BEC &%& 1 p &ro!ing in Eng% M p% 1 ( & ro!ing in Eng% #ang% K0 p% I(&5

    Materials : #entence strips ictures' charts tape' cassette

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre#aratory Activities:

    1% rill

    Ans!er each 7uestion belo! using both patterns: 9es Q positi+e re2oinder and > Qnegati+e re2oinder%a% /a+e you submitted your pro2ect.

    b% Can you admit your mista-es humbly.c% Do you belie+e in magic.

    % ReviewCan you read each 7uestion !ith proper intonation.

    a% Do you -no! !here you're going to. b% Did you deli+er your report correctly.c% Can you sing !ell.

    &% %hecking an" answering assignment

    B. *eac&ing t&e +e, Lesson1% *istening an" 'peaking Activities

    ell the pupils to !rite a !ord phrase !hich comes o their mind immediately uponhearing the !ord: #A/A?

    % &resentation1 #isten to a tape recording of the ne!scast% "See p% I of ro!ing in Eng% #ang% K0 for the

    selection$As- comprehension 7uestions about the selection after listening to it%

    &% iscussion an" Analysis

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    a% Analy6e each sentence belo! !hich tells information about Mario Cupang% Can youtell !hat -ind of sentences they are.a% Mario is a nine(year(old boy

    b% /e is from 4ampanga b% hese are statements% ,hat is the sub2ect. he predicate.c% /a+e pupils study more e3amples of changing statements into 7uestion and in the

    other !ay 7uestion into statementsd% ote the changes made in changing statements into 7uestions* As-: ,hat helping

    au3iliary +erb do !e use if the sub2ect is singular. Do or Does. ,hen do !e use did.F% &ractice Exercise

    Change the follo!ing statements into 7uestions%a% Christian !or-s for the cleanliness of his community

    b% /e al!ays brings a plastic bag for his trash%

    C. enerali!ation/o! do !e change a statement into a 7uestion. Can you gi+e the rules to be follo!ed.

    D. A##lication

    ,or- in dyads' Sho! pictures of ob2ects or persons* then as- indi+idual pupils to gi+estatements about each picture% hen another pupil !ill change into 7uestion%

    E. "i'ing ()illsChange the follo!ing statement into 7uestions%

    1% Jatrina Argos lo+es her sister +ery much%% Mothers lo+e their children

    ". Infusion of Values/o +ou want to imitate

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    8se tag 7uestions correctly%

    Value : 7onest+

    II. Subject Matter:

    8sing ag uestions

    References : 4E#C 00% B% %& p% 1F; BEC% B% &%&% % p% & ro!ing in Eng% #ang% K0 p% * &1#anguage ,onders K0 p% 1 1; 0ntegrating Kalues !ith Communication Arts p% 1I5

    Materials : chart* pictures of scenic spot in our country sentence strips

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre#aratory Activities:

    1% rill ! Review

    ,hat are the rules !e should remember in changing statement into 7uestions%Change the follo!ing into 7uestions1% /e dra!s pictures !ell%

    % hey as-ed me to 2oin the cheering s7uad%&% ,e need each other to -eep the !orld going

    % %hecking of assignment

    B. *eac&ing t&e +e, Lesson1% Motivation

    ,hat should you do if you found a !allet full of money.% &resentation

    a% *istening ActivitySelected pupils !ill dramati6e the story !hile the rest of the class listens%OAunt Martha stopped from her trac-s to ac-no!ledge a shout from behind% Ma'mN

    Ma'mN 9ou had dropped your purseN >h* od bless youN 0 must ha+e been too absorbedin my thoughts that it had fallen % he pimpled face of young man sho!ed a thrifty smile%

    hen Aunt Martha seemed to recogni6e him%P b # 'peaking Activities

    he teacher !ill as- some comprehension 7uestions about the short selection%he class !ill listen to the intonation of the sentences ta-en from the selection as they

    are read by the teacher% hen after the second reading* the pupils !ill repeat after her%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    3. Discussion and Analysis

    a. #tud+ the sentences again written on sentence strips.

    $ou are (hona>s lad' aren>t +ou?

    #he isn>t sick' is she?

    sk: What can +ou sa+ about the sentences? 7ow man+ parts do the+ha!e? 7ow is the tag &uestion formed?

    b. /iscussing the intonation patterns use in sa+ing tag &uestions.nal+ e each sentence below

    $ou>re the secretar+' aren>t +ou?

    he tag 7uestion has a rising intonation !hen the spea-er desires information% he person addressed is as-ed to confirm* or deny the idea* to ans!er yes or no%

    9ou are the secretary* aren't you0n saying statements !ith tag 7uestions you are not sure of the ans!er* use the falling

    intonation on our +oice goes do!n on the tag 7uestion%

    F% &ractice Exercises:?ead each sentence obser+ing the correct intonation patterns%

    1% ,e aren't safe from air pollution e+en inside our home* are !e.% Cigarette* pipe* and cigar smo-ing cause lung cancer* don't they.

    &% 9ou don't use charcoal to barbecue indoors* do you.

    C. enerali!ation,hat is a tag 7uestion. /o! is it formed.

    D. A##licationA. 4ut a tag 7uestion after each statement on stem:

    1% 9ou are afraid of the dar-* GGGGG.% here are no blac- gumamelas* GGGGG.

    &% he +ase is full of red rose* GGGGG.B. Call indi+idual pupils to read each sentence abo+e !ith correct intonation

    E. "i'ing ()ills,or- in dyads% 8sing tag 7uestions* As- your partner about the follo!ing% he read his her

    !or- in front of the class obser+ing correct intonation pattern%1% !hether he she protects the en+ironment%

    % !hether he she dusts the furniture at home%&% !hether he she -no!s his her duties as a pupil

    ". Infusion of Values/a+e you e+er e3perienced being appreciated or praised because of being honest. ,hy is

    being honest important Are you honest to yourself.

    IV. Evaluation:

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    he statements belo! are either positi+e or negati+e* add a tag 7uestion in the affirmati+e ornegati+e to each%1% /e is the man you're loo-ing for* GGGGG.

    % Ana doesn't tal- too much* GGGGG.

    V. Assignment:#tud+ the rules in forming " using tag &uestions. Then tr+ to write at least

    sentences with tag &uestions. /o these in +our notebook.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    ?ecite poem !ith +aried moods* correct phrasing and intonation

    Value : A+oid refrain from gi+ing 2udgment !ithout being sure%

    II. Subject Matter:

    ?eciting 4oem !ith Karied Moods* Correct 4hrasing and 0ntonation

    References : E#C K0 E% 1% % p% F& BES "#$ pp% 1& ( 1FMaterials : he blind Men and the Elephant

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre%rea$ing Activities:

    1% &honics ! rill:?ead the follo!ing !ords and notice thesilent letters% Encircle them


    eighbor 4sychology



    4salm @reight

    4alm ?eign@eign Calm% Unlocking of ifficulties

    a% dispute ( pantomime b% resemble ( conte3t cluesc% spear pictures

    &% Motivationa% ?ead the follo!ing utterances belo! !ith proper moods%

    1% Sentences% /urray* !e !on the game%

    &% >h* ho! may stomach aches%F% Raising the Motive Questions :

    a% ,ho among the blind men described the elephant correctly. b% @rom !here !ere the blind men.c% /o! did the first "second* third* fourth* fifth and si3th$ described the elephant.

    C. During Rea$ing Activity1% Ans!ering the moti+e uestion

    % Comprehension Chec- (uphe follo!ing suggestions should be follo!ed:

    1% #ight +oice for lines that are dirty in thoughts or light in feeling%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    % Dar- +oices for lines e3pressing sounder serious thoughts%&% Medium +oices for refrains* narrati+e or factual lines or sections%

    D. Engagement ActivityDramatic reading by the pupils% #ine are said for mastery% estures and mo+ements are


    E. Practice E'ercise:?ecite the poem belo!% ?emember to use the different suggestions learned%

    *&e (eaChoir 1: ,hy does the sea laugh* Mother as it glints beneath the sun.Choir : 0t is thin-ing of the 2oys* my child hat it !ishes e+eryone%

    ". Infusion of Values/o! can !e a+oid gi+ing unfair 2udgment or criticism.

    IV. Evaluation:?ecite the poem belo! follo!ing the guidelines on ho! to recite poems cast for a +erse choir%

    -eat&er All: ,eather is something !e all must share%

    ,eather is something !e all must bear%Solo 1: ,hether it's cloudySolo : >r !hether it's bright%Solo & : 0n the !armth of noonSolo F : >r the cool of night SoloSolo < : >r !hether it's dry%

    All: ,e simply must ta-e it* you and 0N

    V. Assignment:(op+ a poem from +our te6tbook and arrange it for a !erse choir. ,e read+ to

    recite it in class.

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    ell the big ideas* -ey concepts implied in each paragraph%

    Value : honest+

    II. Subject Matter:

    elling the Big 0deas Jey concepts 0mplied in each 4aragraph

    References : E#C %1* p% F1; BES ?% pp% F& ( FI

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre%rea$ing Activities:

    1% Unlocking of ifficultiesChoose the !ord or phrase or column B that means the opposite of the underlined !ord

    in column A%

    A0% 4oldo shoo- his head in disagreement% he boys e3haled air slo!ly%

    &% @ather and son suddenly appeared%F% After a !hile 4edong cried5% Andong !as filled !ith confidence

    Ba% ?e2oice b% nod in agreementc% glanced% +anishede% inhaled deeply

    % Motivationeacher narrates short story sentence about the picture% he focus of the picture is about

    the ob2ect found% As- the pupils ho! they feel !hen they find something%ell them that the story they !ill read bear the same idea%

    &% Motive Question/o! did 4oldo react to the o!ner.

    5% Standards for Silent ?eading

    B. During Rea$ing ActivitiesSilent ?eading

    C. Post Rea$ing Activities1% Ans!ering Moti+e uestions

    % Ans!ering other comprehension 7uestion about the story%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    a% ,ho felt +ery happy. b% ,hat caught 4oldo's eye !hen he loo-ed do!n.c% /o! did he feel.

    D. Engagement Activity4ic- out the main idea in each of the follo!ing paragraphs from the gi+en options%

    1% Mil- is the best food% 0t is good for babies* for children and gro!n ups% 0t is good for theaged* for the sic- and for the !ea-% 0t is also good for strong people !ho !or- ha>%a% Mil- is good for e+eryone%

    b% Mil- is good for the sic- c% Mil- is for babies only

    % ood boo-s help us in many !ays% hey help us learn to read* !rite and count% hey ma-e ushappy !ith the stories they tell% hey teach us to !or-% hey teach us to be god and usefulchildren%a% ood boo-s teach us to read and !rite

    b% ood boo-s teach us to !or- and playc% ood boo-s help us to learn to do many things and to be good children%

    IV. Evaluation:?ead the paragraph and be able to ans!er the 7uestions that follo!%

    1% ,hat is the main idea of the paragraph.a% All dreams may come true

    b% ,e only dream of pleasant thingsc% ,e are free to dreamd% Dreams may be bad or good%

    % Daydreaming meansa% Dreaming at daytime

    b% hin-ing about pleasant thingsc% Dreaming unpleasant dreams

    d% Dreaming at night&% ,hat is the author's attitude to!ards the poor.

    a% /e hates them% b% /e disli-es themc% /e doesn't !ant to help themd% /e has a great sympathy to!ards the poor%

    V. Assignment:Choose and copy t!o short paragraphs from any gi+en selection or story% 0dentify the -ey concept

    in each paragraph% ,rite each after each paragraph%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    i+e the details that support the big ideas%

    Value : ;!ercoming fears

    II. Subject Matter:

    0dentifying Supporting Details to Big Main 0deas

    (election: A est for Mafatu At the 4ar-References : BEC F%F%1 p% &; BES "?eading$ p% = ( <Materials : (harts

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre%rea$ing Activities:

    1% Chec-ing of assignment% Motivation

    /a+e you e+er been scared in your life.&% Unlocking of ifficulties

    Match each !ord in column A !ith the appropriate meaning in column B%A

    1% reefs% furious

    &% grippedF% !hirled5% scraped

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    1% et a partner% Discuss the ans!er to the follo!ing 7uestionsa% ,hat are the main e+ents in the story.

    b% ,hy did Mafatu ma-e a -nife.c% ,hy did he hate the hammerhead shar-.

    % Ans!ering moti+e 7uestion&% Engagement Acti+ity " roup Acti+ity$

    ?efer to the te3t of A est for Mafatu umber each paragraph% ,hich paragraph sho!sthat: "main idea$a% Mafatu made a -nife to -ill the shar- that destroyed his fish trpa% paragraph 1 ( $

    b% 0n the morning* Mafatu sa! ho! the shar- * destroyed his fish trap% "paragraph &(I$c% 8ri fell into the sea and Mafatu di+ed to sa+e him% "paragraph ()$

    D. enerali!ation/o! do you recogni6e important or significant details in a selection.

    E. A##lication:?ead the follo!ing selection% /a+e the pupils !or- out a semantic map to sho! the main idea

    and the details%Men ha+e al!ays been fearful and fascinated by shar-s% Some people regard these animals as

    sea monsters* man(eating and e3tremely dangerous%he great !hite shar- is the most sinister of these fishes% 0t is e7uipped !ith se+eral ro!s of

    huge irregular sa!(edged teeth in its 2a!% he teeth al!ays gro! bac-* no matter !hat the age of the shar- is% 0t al!ays has a fresh supply of these 2agged !eapons%

    ,hat do most shar-s at. Mainly other animals%

    IV. Evaluation:?ead the poem At the 4ar- Chose the details !hich support the main idea that 9oung and old

    ali-e en2oy different acti+ities in the par-% GGGGG 1% Boys and girls laugh and chat%

    GGGGG % Some s-ate* others march% GGGGG &% >ld people stroll* or sit listening to the radio% GGGGG F% Children fly balloons% GGGGG 5% >thers come by 2eep or bus%

    V. Assignment:i+e at least 5 details that support this main idea% rees are +ery useful

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    i+e the main idea of a paragraph that is e3plicit or implied%

    Value : 7onest+

    II. Subject Matter:

    i+ing the Main 0dea of a 4aragraph that is E3plicit or 0mplied

    (election: he !o 4eso CoinReferences : 4E#C* D% %F%1%p% F1; M pp% ( &* ? * pp% F& (FIMaterials : Charts* a real t!o peso coin or its illustration

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre%rea$ing Activities:

    1% Chec-ing of assignment% ?e+ie!

    &% Moti+ation

    F% 8nloc-ing of Difficulties5% Moti+e uestion

    B. During Rea$ing Activityuided silent reading of the story

    C. Post Rea$ing Activities1% Ans!ering the moti+e 7uestion

    % Ans!ering the guide 7uestion !ritten on the board&% Ans!er the follo!ing 7uestions by going bac- to the paragraph referred to and read it for

    clarification of the main idea%F% 0nfusion of Kalues:

    0f you e+er found something of +alue lying some!here else* !hat are you going to do !ith it.5% Engagement Acti+ity " roup Acti+ity$

    D. enerali!ation:/o! do you identify or gi+e the main idea of a paragraph.

    E. A##lication:?ead the paragraphs on the chart% Be able to state the main idea !hether e3plicit or implicit%

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    1% reening the school and the community is an ans!er to air pollution% 4lants gi+e out o3ygen*the air that !e breathe and ta-e in carbon dio3ide% ,ithout* it plants; the air that !e breathe!ill be full of dust and smo-e% his is dangerous to our health% #et us plant more trees so that!e !ill ha+e longer li+es%

    IV. Evaluation:?ead the paragraph and be able to ans!er the 7uestions that follo!%@ilipino ha+e many beautiful traits% hey sho! these in their customs* traditions and practices%@ilipinos are helpful% hey are ready to help and another especially in times of needs and

    calamities%hey lo+e and respect the members of their families especially the elders% hey +isit the tombs of

    their dead relati+es and place candles and flo!ers on All Saint's Day% GGGGG 1% ,hat is the main idea of the selection.

    a% Desirable @ilipino traits b% Customs and traditions of @ilipinosc% @ilipinos are hospitabled% @ilipinos are helpful

    GGGGG % /o! do @ilipinos sho! their lo+e and respect for the dead members of the family.a% hey gi+e them food% ((

    b% hey al!ays remember themc% hey +isit the tombs* offer flo!ers and place candles%d% hey respect their memories

    V. Assignment:i+e at least 5 details that support this main idea% rees are +ery useful

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    Write a model composition

    Value : he need to e3press one's moods and feelings

    II. Subject Matter:

    ,riting a model composition

    References : BEC &* p% &; 4E#C 0K%A%1%1%1%1% * p% 5)Materials : graphic scene "pictures during and after a storm$

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre#aratory Activities:

    1% Chec-ing of assignment% Review

    ,hat are the three parts of a good paragraph. ,hat are the characteristics of a good

    beginning sentence. Supporting or middle sentences. Concluding sentence.&% Motivation:4resent the pictures of storms scenes%/o! do you feel about a storm.

    B. Presentation1% E3planation of ob2ecti+e and acti+ity !riting a composition to e3press feeling about a storm%

    % Describing pupil s feelings about a storm%he pupils !ill ans!er moti+ation 7uestion using one(!ord ad2ecti+es or phrases% ,hich

    the teacher !ill !rite on the board%Classify the feeling e3pressedSummari6e in one or t!o sentences as in:

    0 am thrilled but at the same time an3ious during a storm%his !ill form the introduction%

    C. Analysis an$ DiscussionE3plaining the described moods and feelings%

    Some guide 7uestions:1% ,hat does a storm ma-e you feel.

    % ,hat do you see* hear* smell* taste* touch* feel* encounter e3perience during and after astorm.

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    &% ,hat acti+ities do you en2oy. ,hat acti+ities can't you en2oy. ,hat things delight you.,rite do!n the ans!ers randomly on the board%

    D. enerali!ation:Say: ?emember that a good paragraph must ha+e an effecti+e beginning and ending% he

    body contains details that support the topic !ell%

    E. A##lication:,rite the composition on a piece of paper% Be sure to apply the correct punctuation and

    capitali6ation% ote the indention at the beginning paragraph% ,rite neatly and clearly%

    IV. Evaluation:Call on a +olunteer to read aloud his her composition in class% uide the pupils to e+aluate it

    considering these 7uestions%1% Does it ha+e an effecti+e beginning sentence.

    % ,hat -ind of a beginning sentence is it.&% Do all the supporting sentences -eep to the topic.

    V. Assignment:?e!rite the composition in your theme noteboo-s%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    ,rite a home reading report correctly%

    II. Subject Matter:

    ,riting /ome ?eading ?eport Correctly

    References : 4E#C K0* B% %p%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    @orm a small group and tal- about boo-s that they ha+e read% 4lan to !rite a boo- reportusing the sample format%

    itleAuthor 4lace and Date of 4ublication o% of pagesBrief SummarySetting Characters4lot

    ". A##lication,rite a home reading report based on their reading about stories in the past%

    IV. Evaluation:1% 0s the paragraph brief. 9ES >

    % Are the facts important. 9ES > &% Are they told in proper order. 9ES > F% Are all the parts of a boo- report present. 9ES >

    V. Assignment:?e!rite the corrected report% @ollo! the guidelines%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    i+e other e+ents that could happen ne3t

    Value : ppreciation

    II. Subject Matter:

    i+ing >ther E+ents that Could /appen e3t

    References : E#C C 5% %&* p% F ?eading e3t p% 1(< Modules

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    % Ans!ering the comprehension 7uestions:a% ,hat did the poet or !riter of the poem says about noise. Does he li-e noise or not.

    D. Enric&ment Activityony li-ed the boo- about horses% e boo- made him !ant to ride horse% ony could thin-

    about riding a horse% ony's father said* 0 -no! of a stable !here people go to learn ho! to ridehorse% he stable is not far from here %

    ,hat do you thin- !ill probable happen ne3t.a% ony's father !ill buy a horse for him%

    b% ony's father !ill read the boo- about horses%c% ony's father !ill ta-e him for riding lessons%d% ony's father !ill buy other animal boo-%

    IV. Evaluation:?ead the paragraph and be able to ans!er the 7uestions that follo!%

    A -I(E C 0ICE>ur class has an election yesterday% here !ere t!o nominees for president% >ne of them !as

    Daniel* my cousin% /e is the leader in many of our class acti+ities% But he is not a close friend% ,henthe secretary called Daniel's name* 0 did not raise my hand% /e got t!enty +oles% hen0 heard Alberto's name% Again* 0 did not raise my hand% he secretary counted 1)%%% =%%% Suddenly* 0

    put up my hand% Alberto had t!enty(one +otes% 0 -no! 0 +oted for the right person%1% ,ho !as Alberto.

    a% /e is a cousin and a +ery close friend% b% /e is the leader in many class acti+ities%c% /e is the class secretary%d% /e is the spea-er guest%

    % /o! many +otes did Alberto get.a% =

    b% 1)

    c% 1d% 1d% /e felt !orried

    V. Assignment:Annie !ent to a part* She sa! the sign o climbing * but she did not obey% Complete the

    dra!ing to sho! !hat !ill happen to her%, (

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    i+e other e+ents that could happen ne3t%

    Value : ppreciation

    II. Subject Matter:

    i+ing >ther E+ents hat Could /appen e3tEffects of SoundsPoem: 5oise

    References : 4E#C 000% C%5* %&; BES ?eading% M pp && (&5 BES ?eading pp%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    b% #ist do!n the sounds and !hat produces them%c% ,hat do you thin- !ill happen if there !ill be no sound.

    D. Engagement Activities1% roup the class into four% #et each group !or- on the follo!ing acti+ities: ,rite the needed

    information%roup 0 ( ,hat causes sounds.roup 00 ( 0f !e hear pleasant sounds.roup 000( ,hat do you thin- !ill happen if !e !ill hear unpleasant sounds.roup 0K( 0magine our !orld !ithout sound% ,hat !ill happen if there is no sound.

    ,orld !ithout sound

    % Infusion of Value:Appreciation

    E. Enric&ment Activitiesi+e the e+ent that !ill happen ne3t%

    1% 0f a man aimed his gun at something* !hat !ould you e3pect him to do.runt stri-e fine

    % ,hat !ould you e3pect a horse to do if you cried halt to faster stop at once

    start to trot

    &% 0f t!o friends !ho had not seen each other for years ne3t* !hat !ould they do.embrace each other yell at each other

    !rite each other

    IV. Evaluation:,or- !ith a partner% Choose one from the storyline suggested belo! that you can tal- about%

    ,rite other e+ents that could happen ne3t for each%1% 0smael's hai-u !ins in the national poetry !riting contest% /e's e3tremely happy to go on a free

    trip to apan% /e tells himself* o! 0 can learn more about this countrya%


    V. Assignment:nnie went to !isit her aunt in a hospital. #he saw the sign keep silent' but

    she did not obe+. (omplete the e!ent that could happen.

    1. The guards will @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2. The other patients will @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    4redict outcome

    Value : ,eing courteous

    II. Subject Matter:

    4redicting >utcomes

    References : 4E#C 000* C%5% ; ro!ing in Eng%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    C. Post Listening Activities1% Ans!ering the moti+e 7uestion

    % %omprehension "iscussiona% ,ho !as Mar+in.

    b% ,hat !ere Mar+in's School acti+ities. 8se sentence +erb%c% ,hy !as the selection entitled A Busy Day .

    D. Engagement ActivitiesBased on !hat you ha+e listened to* you !ill predict outcome by ans!ering these 7uestions%

    1% 0f Mar+in al!ays comes to class !ith his home!or- !ell(prepared* ho! !ill he recite !henhis teacher calls him.

    % ,hen Mar+in raises his hand during the discussion of a lesson* !hat !ill he do.&% 0f he does not -eep people !aiting for him* ho! !ill they feel.

    E. A##lication:,or- !ith a partner% Discuss* and then predict the outcome% #oo- for clues%

    1% enny had pac-ed a bas-etful of sand!iches* drin-s* spaghetti and fried chic-en% She in+ited/ector* race* ohn and Susan% hey brought fish poles and !ormsa% hey'll be going to a barbecue party

    b% hey'll ha+e a picnic at the par-%c% hey'll ha+e a picnic at the la-e%d% hey'll attend a !edding party%

    IV. Evaluation:?ead the e+ent% 4redict the outcome*

    1% 0t is raining hard no!% #ita forgot to bring her umbrella !hen she !ent to school this morning%a% She !ould go home under the rain

    b% She !ould sleep in the schoolc% he !ould borro! an umbrella from a classmates !ho li+es nearby%

    % he lights !ent off% omas needs to study for his test the follo!ing day%a% /e !ould sleep early%

    b% /e !ould use the candle lamp or any artificial light to light his notes so he could study%c% /e !ould cry

    V. Assignment:,rite 5 acti+ities for your classmates to guess the outcome% Clues should be clearly seen from the

    information you !ill gi+e%

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english



    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    ell the relationship e3pressed in the selection as to cause or effect

    Value : (onser!ation of wildlife

    II. Subject Matter:

    elling the ?elationship E3pressed in the Selection as to Cause or Effect

    References : ro!ing in English* ?eading p% 1 &; ,ildlife in Danger* ? pp% F (5=M pp% & 5; ?eading Comprehension E3ercises in Eng% < pp% &IF1

    Materials : Aip chart Bwild lifeC

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre#aratory Activities:

    1% Chec-ing of assignment% Review:

    a% he ri+er has become smelly and filthy because the people thro! their !aste into it% b% @ish in the ri+er die because people use dynamite in fishing%

    ,hich are causes. ,hich are effects.&% Motivation

    a% #et the pupils sing the song about 4asig ?i+er% Discuss briefly the message of the song%,hat ha+e !e done.,hat must !e do.Are you an en+ironmental lo+er.

    F% Unlocking of ifficulties "Conte3t clues synonyms$a% E3tinct (

    b% 4olluted (c% Seacoast (d% En+ironment (

    5% 'tating Motive Question/o! do changes in the en+ironment made by man affect his !ildlife around us.

    B. Rea$ing1% /a+e the pupils read the story* ,ildlife in Danger on pp% F H 5=* ?eading BES K0

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    % %omprehension Questionsa% ,hat are the changes in the en+ironment made by man.

    b% /o! do these changes affect the li+es of man and animals.

    C. Presentation1% 'kill evelopment

    a% ,hy dinosaurs become e3tinct. b% /o! people ha+e made many changes in their li+es.c% Elicit the meaning of cause as the reason for an action and effect as the result of a certain

    cause%d% Cause ans!ers the 7uestion !hy* signaled of a certain cause%

    % Infusion of ValuesConser+ation of !ildlife%

    D. enerali!ation

    /o! do !e percei+e causes to gi+en effects.

    E. Practice E'ercisesrouping% 8se graphic organi6er% Assign the follo!ing% ,rite the needed information%roup 0 Causes !hy Body /ealthyroup 00 Effects of /a+ing /ealthy Bodyroup 000 i+e other possible causes of sic-nessroup 0K i+e other possible effects of malnutrition

    ". In$e#en$ent Practice,or- !ith a partner% ell !hich he cause is and !hich is the effect%

    1% he Math problems !ere difficult% ?ico !as !orried and unhappy%

    % /e is not getting enough sleep% Claudine spea-s much time !atching tele+ision at night%&% She -ept her mind on her home!or-% he girl turned off her home!or-%

    IV. Evaluation:?ead the paragraph and be able to ans!er the 7uestions that follo!%

    1% he boy Scouts distributed empty bags to their neighbors%a% hey !ere getting neighborhood census%

    b% hey !ere collecting food%c% hey !ere going to return after a !ee-%d% hey !ere ha+ing garbage collection pro2ect%e% hey !ere gi+ing bags as gifts%

    % he scouts collected loads of peach pits and nut hulls%a% hese !ere burned for energy% b% hey !ere used to ma-e life 2ac-ets%c% hey !ere re7uested by the soldiers%d% hey !ere used for ma-ing gas(mas- filters*e% hey !ere made bombs and !eapons%

    V. Assignment:?ead the paragraph% 8nderline the cause once and the effect t!ice%

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    ?odolfo !anted +ery much to paint% /e painted !hene+er he got chance% /e began snea-ing intothe !or-room at night !hen e+eryone !as asleep% /e !or-ed al night long !ith only the light of fullmoon% Soon he !as painting +ery !ell%

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    Date: ____________

    I. Objective:

    i+e the possible causes to a gi+en effect and other possible effects to a gi+en cause%

    Value : (onser!ation of Wildlife

    II. Subject Matter:

    i+ing 4ossible Causes to a i+en Effect and 4ossible Effect to a i+en Cause

    References : Building English S-ills pp% F ( 5=4E#C D% 5%1%1% p% F< ?eading Comprehension E3ercises in Eng% < pp% &I ( F

    (election: ,ildlife in Danger Materials : 4icture of !ildlife

    III. Learning Activities:A. Pre%rea$ing Activities:

    1% Review:a% Distinguishing cause from effect b% Con2unction* clue !ords used to describe case and effect%

    % Unlocking of ifficultiesa% Dinosaur "picture clue$

    b% ?oam "demonstration$c% E3tinct "conte3t clue$

    &% Motivationa% /a+e you gone to the 6oo. ,hat different -inds of animals did you see there.

    F% Ra)ing of Motive Question,hy do some animals become e3tinct.

    B. During Rea$ing Activity1% ?ecall of the standards in silent reading%

    % Silent reading of the story* ,ildlife in Danger

    C. Post Rea$ing ActivitiesAns!ering the comprehension 7uestion%

    a% ,hich animals ha+e become e3tinct. b% /o! is !ildlife destroyed by pollution.

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    D. Engagement Activity,or- !ith a partner% Ans!er the 7uestions%

    1% 0f people ha+e made many changes in the en+ironment* !hat !ill be its effects. 8se graphicorgani6er

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    IV. Evaluation:?ead the paragraph and be able to ans!er the 7uestions that follo!*

    -ays of etting ealt&y/ealth is !ealth * so as the saying goes%

    Being healthy and strong is a necessity for e+eryday life% 0t is also considered !ealth% >n thecontrary* being sic-ly and !orn out can ma-e us spend certain amount of many for a doctor's

    prescription% o a+oid such* there are se+eral !ays to achie+e a healthy body%,hat are the causes of the follo!ing effects.1% @orest and mountains !ere denuded%

    a% 0llegal mining b% oo much heatc% 0llegal logging

    d% @lash floodse% Air pollution

    % #ife under!ater dies%a% #ac- of o3ygen

    b% o o3ygenc% Sun's heat

    d% Dynamite fishinge% ases from +ehicles

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    V. Assignment:i+e t!o possible effects to a gi+en cause and t!o possible causes to a gi+en effect%

    Cause :

    Daime studied !er+ hard.


  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    Lesson Plan in Elementary Englis& VI3(econ$ ra$ing4

    Date: GGGGGGGG

    Lesson 56

    I. 078ectives:

    • i+e the main idea of a selection listened to%• 0dentify the nouns in the selection read%• ,rite the main idea of a selection listened to%

    II. (u78ect Matter:

    0dentify the Main 0dea

    References: 4E#C F* p% & Dynamic Series in English

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    uessing ameChoose fi+e pupils% 0nstruct them to thin- of some actions "e%g% playing* tal-ing$ and act

    them out in front of the class% he other pupils !ill then guess the action sho!n%

    As-: Do you thin- it is easy to communicate !ithout language. Do you thin- language isimportant.


    B. Presentation

    1% /a+e the pupils listen carefully to the selection as the teacher reads it aloud%

    2. (omprehensi!e (heck E up• ,hat is the selection all about.• Do you reali6e ho! important language is.• ,hy is it important.• /o! should !e loo- upon -no!ledge.• /o! should !e use language.

    &% ?eading of the selection by the pupils%

    F% Discussion

    a% /a+e the pupils identify and mention the nouns used in the selection% /a+e them e3plain !hythey are called nouns.

    b% ,hat is the main idea of the first paragraph. ,hat is the main idea of the third paragraph.,hat is the main idea of the !hole paragraph. ,hat are the details that support the mainidea.

    5% @i3ing S-ills

    Do you reali6e ho! important language is. ,ithout language you !ould ha+e to tal- toone another by means of signs% 0f you had a headache and you !anted to tell your mother aboutit; you !ould ha+e to use signs* such as pointing to your head or eyes%

    By means of language* you can tell one another !hat you feel and !hat you thin-% 9oucan share your e3periences !ith others% 9ou become more truly a part of humanity%

    #anguage is a !onderful gift% 0t opens your mind and leads into a magic !orld ofdreams and fancies% By means of !ords* you see the rainfall in slanting sil+er lines* you loo- afar and see misty mountain tops of early morning; you thrill to the burning colors of a da66lingsunset%

    #oo- upon language* therefore !ith respect% #earn to use it correctly% ry your best togain mastery of !ords because !ords lead to -no!ledge and po!er%

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    #isten to the paragraph% Choose the sentence that states the main idea%

    1% Boo-s are important to man% 9ou got a lot of information from them% hey tell stories of allsorts(

    from sad to funny* to e3citing* to scary% Some boo-s tell true stories and facts% >ther are

    fictional% Boo-s can be our best friend% a% Boo-s are important to man% b% Boo-s are fun% c% Boo-s are our best friend%

    % 4lants are useful to both man and animals% hey are source of food for the t!o% hey pro+ideshelter

    for some animals% hey are used to ma-e clothes for man% Most importantly* plants pro+idethe o3ygen that !e need in order to li+e%

    a% 4lants are useful to man and animals% b% 4lants are need by li+ing things% c% 4lants pro+ide o3ygen to man%

    &% Man can lea+e !ithout food for se+eral days but not !ithout !ater% ,ater is +ery essential toman*

    animals and other li+ing things% ,ithout !ater* nothing !ill sur+i+e on earth% ,ater is no!getting

    scarce% ,e should start conser+ing it% a% ,e should conser+e !ater%

    b% ,e need !ater% c% ,ater is essential to li+ing things%

    F% hey are different -ind of trees% Some are ornamentals and others are fruit(bearing%>rnamental trees

    ma-e our surrounding lo+ely and pleasant% heir main function is to beautify our en+ironment% he

    calachuchi tree and the fire tree are good e3amples% @ruit bearing trees* on the other hand* arethose

    that produce fruit for our consumption% he mango tree and the coconut tree are some ofthem%

    a% Some trees are ornamentals% b% hey are different -ind of trees%c% rees beautify our surroundings%

    5% 4lants cannot mo+e* but their seeds can mo+e from one place to another% Some seeds are blo!n by the

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    !ind !hile others are carried by !ater from the rain% Some seeds e+en stic- to the fur ofanimals or on

    people s clothes% hat is ho! they mo+e from one place to another% ,hene+er seeds fall onfertile

    ground* they gro! into ne! plants and propagate%

    a% /o! seeds gro!% b% /o! seeds multiply% c% /o! seeds tra+el%

    ne Sunday* shortly after recei+ing the learner s permit% 0 dro+e my parents to church%After a

    long* rough ride* !e our destination% 0 stopped at the front doors to drop my mother off*and !hen

    she got out of the car* she said O han- you%POAnytime*P 0 replied%As my mother slam the door shut* 0 heard her call out* O0 !asn t spea-ing to you% 0 !as

    tal-ing to

    od%P a% he mother !as angry !ith the son% b% he mother has been in prayers all along for fears that the son !ho is 2ust leaning to

    dri+e might not ma-e 0t to the destination%

    c% he mother !as grateful%

    % 0 lo+e to !or- !ith !ood and decided to car+e a roc-ing horse !ere shaped* my intension became

    clear to my ne3t door neighbor% O9ou must be about to ha+e a grandchild*P he called o+er me%

    O>ur first P 0 replied beaming%O0 ha+e si3*P he !ent on* OAfter the first three you ll buy something plastic at a discount

    store% a% Being a grandfather is e3pensi+e% b% he e3citement about ha+ing grandchildren !ears off as more and more of them come

    along% c% he grandparent does not lo+e the other grandchildren as much as the first ones%

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    &% 0 had 2ust started a 2ob* and money !as tight% onetheless* 0 could not resist buying a bottle of

    fa+orite perfume% Mother instantly recogni6ed the e3pensi+e bo3 and as-ed* O ancy* !hyare you

    spending all that money on perfume.PO,hen 0 !ear beautiful* 0 feel beautiful*P 0 e3plained%Mother ans!ered thoughtfully* O0t s too bad they don t ma-e perfume called

    O?esponsible or on ime%P a% Mother !ants ancy to sa+e her money for more important things% b% ancy is irresponsible and al!ays late% c% Mother has no money to buy e3pensi+e perfume herself%

    F% O0 ne+er eat food !ith additi+es or preser+ati+es*P boasted a health fanatic% OAnd 0 ne+ertouch

    anything that s been sprayed or fed chemical grain%P O,o!* that s !onderful*P her friend mar+eled% O/o! do you feel.P

    O/ungry*P she moaned% a% Additi+es or preser+ati+es are bad for the health% b% he health fanatic is proud and boastful% c% >ne !ill go hungry if he considers that all foods are practically sprayed !ith additi+es

    or preser+ati+es%

    5% A apanese dignitary !as +isiting the factory !here 0 !as consulting 4hysician in thefirst(aid

    room% ust before he arri+ed a tour guide e3plained to us the importance of a lo! bo! as asign of

    respect% So !hen the dignitary entered the room and bo!ed* 0 bo!ed lo!er% /e smiled* bent again

    and pointed to the floor% 0 bo!ed e+er lo!er* !hereupon he smiled and bo!ed and pointed do!n!ard again% ,ondering !hat 0 !as doing !rong* 0 stooped as lo! my bac- !ould

    allo!% he tour guide !hispered* O9ou can stop no!% /e !ants you to chec- his stubbed toe%P a% Bo!ing among apanese is a sign of respect% b% he physician also tried to be respectful by bo!ing% c% he messages or signals both !ere sending did not conform to the real one%

    0ndependent E3ercisesDi+ide the class into 5 groups% as- each to choose a leader% he pupils !ill listen as the

    teacher reads the selection% hen* ha+e them ans!er the 7uestions that follo! and be able to report it

    to theclass%

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    1% ,hat is the main idea of the paragraph. a% Meteor is a solid matter from space% b% Meteor is also called shooting star% c% Meteor is also called meteorites% d% Meteor is +ery large%

    % ,hat is true about the paragraph. a% All meteors burn as they come through the atmosphere% b% Some meteors burn as they come through the atmosphere% c% All meteors burn up completely% d% All meteors are +ery large%

    &% Meteors are sometimes called shooting star because GGGGGGGGG% a% hey ha+e bright trail of light% b% hey are falling from the space c% hey loo- li-e stars% d% hey reach the earth s surface%

    F% hose meteors that can reach the earth s surface is called GGGGGGGG%

    a% Small meteors b% @alling meteors c% Earth s meteors d% Meteorites

    5% Meteors are made up of GGGGGGGG% a% iron and fire b% iron and stone c% stone and fire d% fire

    IV. Evaluation

    #isten to the follo!ing selections% hen* !rite the main idea of each on your paper% 1% Serious things can happen !hen an area is deforested% he topsoil can be eroded(!ashed or

    blo!n a!ay because* no roots hold it firmly in place% 0n some deforested areas* !eather patterns can change

    because no

    A meteor is solid matter that falls from space% 0t is made of iron and stone% A millionmeteors enter our earth s atmosphere e+ery hour% Some meteor ate +ery large* and other is smallas a spec- of dust% All meteors burn as they come through the atmosphere* most of them burnup completely% Sometimes* a meteor can be seen as a bright trail or light in the s-y% he light is

    caused by the friction made !hen the meteors come through the air around the earth%Meteors are sometimes called shooting stars or falling star because they loo- li-e stars

    that are falling from the s-y% ot all meteors actually reach the earth s surface before burningup% he ones that do are called meteorites%

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    trees absorb and store !ater and recycle the moisture% hen se+ere drought can occur% 4rolongeddrought

    can turn a place into a dessert* a phenomenon called desertification%a% Drought can turn a place into a dessert%

    b% ,eather pattern changed in deforested areas%

    c% Deforestation can ha+e serious effects% % 4esticides are the chemicals used in farming* gardening and indoors to combat pest%8nfortunately* more

    pesticides are harmful not only to pests but to the soil and to the farmer s or gardener s !ho usethem% hey

    are harmful to the people !ho eat contaminated foods as !ell% 4esticides may also lea- into theearth and

    poison the underground !ater% hus* they may -ill !ildlife and possibly trigger the spread of pesticides(

    resistant strains of bugs and !eeds%a% 4esticides are harmful

    b% 4esticides may lea- into the earth and poison the underground !ater%c% 4esticides may -ill !ildlife%

    &% Besides food* clothing* shelter* and medicines* another essential in life laughter% Since life isfull of

    problems and difficulties* !e cannot do !ithout laughter% 0t enables us to see the brighter side of things% 0t

    lightens our daily burdens% 0t attracts sunshine and happiness in our li+es%a% ,e need sunshine and happiness in our li+es%

    b% #aughter ma-es the !orld brighter%c% #aughter is an essential as our basic needs%

    F% All men are e7ual before od and in the eyes of the la!% here are no !hites* blac-s* bro!ns*nor

    yello!s% here are neither rich nor poor% here are no pri+ileged fe! or e3ploited ma2ority* but allmen

    deser+e to be treated e7ually%a% Men belong to different races%

    b% All men are e7ual%c% Ma2ority should al!ays !in%

    5% ,hen unsure of the source of your !ater supply it is best to boil your drin-ing !ater% 0f your!ater

    supply is dra!n from a !ater pump or !ell* see to it that your !ater containers are properly co+eredto

    pre+ent dust and other materials from getting into them% 9ou can also purify your !ater by allo!ingsuspended particles to separate them from the !ater%a% Ma-e your !ater safe to drin- and use%

    b% Drin-ing !ater should come from clean source%c% ,ater from underground is unsafe to drin-%

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    V. Assignment

    Choose a selection from your boo- and !rite its main idea%


    Lesson 59

    I. 078ectives

    • i+e details that support the big idea%• i+e the main idea of a selection listened to%• ,rite the details that support the big ideas%

    II. (u78ect Matter

    i+ing Details

    References: 4E#C D% (BES?

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    b% friendly c% proud d% intelligent

    % he rough surface of the 2ac-fruit is hard to handle% a% smooth b% coarse c% shiny d% oblong

    &% he roasted pig has scorches on its body% a% patches b% curls c% !ounds d% mar-s

    &% Moti+ation/a+e you met proud and boastful person. Do you li-e to friend them.

    F% ?aising of Moti+e uestion,hy do you thin- the shrimp !as boastful.

    B. Presentation

    1% During #istening Acti+ity 4upils ta-e notes of the segments that 2ustify their opinions ideas about the title%

    *&e Boastful (&rim#>nce there !as a shrimp !ho thought he !as the most handsome shrimp in all !orlds% 0n fact*

    he belie+ed that he !as more handsome than any other creature on earth%

    O ust loo- at my s!ord*P he proudly told the other young shrimps* pointing to the sharp(pointed protrusion at the end of his nose% >f course* as far as shrimps !ere concerned*the end of the nose !as the most natural place for a s!ord to be% OAnd loo- at my thic-* smooth shield*P he !ould continue* O othing can pierce this shield%P#i-e other shrimps* he carried his shield on his head% And he needed to do sho! off his shield !as to holdhis head high%

    O9ou are indeed a handsome shrimp*P said an old e3perienced shrimp% OBut you are 2ustreaching adulthood and ha+e had no e3perience of the !orld% ODo not display yourself too much* or elseone of those human might grab you*P said the old shrimp* pointing !ith one of his many legs to a youngman s!imming nearby%

    O rab me. ,ho. hat soft(s-inned t!o legged creature.P scoffed the young shrimp% Ohe doesnot e+en ha+e a proper shell% /e has those funny little bits of shell on the end of his fingers and toes*!hich do not protect him at all* as far as 0 can tell% All 0 need to do is stab him !ith my sharp s!ord* andthat !ill be the end of h% Someday* he and other funny t!o(legged humans !ill loo- at me and admiremeNP said the young shrimp%

    O,ell* if you !on t listen to my ad+ice*P said the old shrimp* Oyou !ill ha+e to learnyour lesson the hard !ay%

    he young shrimp soon forgot about the old shrimp s ad+ice% /e continued his habit of loo-ingfor groups of other young shrimps his age* and sho!ing off before them% /e !ould engaged in shrimpsgymnastics* bending his body this !ay and that* to let them see ho! strong his muscles !ere inside his

    beautiful glistening !hite shell* !hich hardly had any dar- spots or lines on them* unli-e the other shrimps around him%

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    % 4ost(listening Acti+ities

    a% Ans!ering the moti+e 7uestion%

    b% ans!ering guide 7uestions% @inding the paragraphs !here the 7uestions are ans!ered% a% /o! did the boastful shrimp display his shield. b% /o! did he display his strong muscles. c% /o! did the fishermen catch him.

    &% enerali6ation,hy do !e ha+e to gi+e details. ,hat !ould you do to be able to gi+e details

    F% Application

    A% uided Acti+ity?ead the paragraph% 0dentify the details that support the main idea%

    1% Ants are interesting insects% hey li+e in colonies% here are three groups of ants* the!or-ers* the

    soldiers and the 7ueen% he 7ueen ant is ta-en cared by the soldiers and the !or-ers% he!or-ers

    hunt food for all the ants on the colony%

    B% 0ndependent E3ercise @ind out !hich details !ould support the big idea%

    Big 0dea:echnology is science in practice% 0t is the means by !hich impro+ements on e3isting


    are underta-en%

    a% 0t pro+ides many comforts and con+eniences of modern life% b% 0t is dangerous and disad+antageous%c% Many things !ere made possible%

    IV. Evaluation

    #isten to main idea and pic- out the details from the list belo! that !ould support each big idea%

    >ne day* a fishing boat passed by* !ith fishermen on board loo-ing for a good catch% he boastful shrimp sa! his chance to display his athletic form before them% /e s!am to the surface of the!ater* the fishermen sa! him% hey cast their net and* in fe! minutes* the boastful young shrimp !ascaught in the net along !ith other shrimp and fish%

    hat day* at lunch time* the boastful shrimp !as seen on the end of a barbecue stic-* his shellno! in beautiful colors of pin-* red and bro!n* !ith some scorched spots from the hot coals o+er !hich

    he !as roasted%O,hat a fine* fat shrimpNP e3claimed the person around the dining table%O0t s the best shrimp 0 +e tastedNP said the person !ho pic-ed up the barbe7ue stic- and cut up

    the shrimp* after putting a little portion in his mouth%he boastful young shrimp got his !ish at last to be admired by the human%

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    Main 0dea:>ne shrimp thought he !as the most handsome shrimp in the entire !orld and refuse to listen

    to an oldshrimp s ad+ice%a%


    he details:• ,hat a fine* fat shrimpN• 9ou are indeed a handsome shrimp but do not display yourself too much%• he boastful shrimp got his !ish at last to be admired by human%• he young shrimp !ould not listen to old shrimp s ad+ice%• he fishermen cast their net in a fe! minutes* caught the boastful shrimp !ith other shrimp s

    and fish%

    V. Assignment

    ?ead any selection and !rite its details%


    Lesson 5

    I. 078ectives

    • ?etell a selection listened to%• i+e the main idea of a selection listened to%• i+e the details that support the big idea%• ,rite the summary of the story%

    II. (u78ect Matter:

    ?etelling a Selection #istened to

    References: 4E#C F* p% &Dynamic Series in English pp% 11

  • 8/16/2019 GR 6english


    1% 4ronunciation Drill

    he Sch!a Sound Jey !ord AB>8

    alone focus hammoc- oblige +apor supply

    % ?e+ie!/o! do you identify or tell the main idea of a selection.

    &% 8nloc-ing of DifficultiesSelect the right antonym of the underline !ords and !rite them on the blan- pro+ided for%

    GGGGGGGG 1% ?eal friends are precious gifts of od% GGGGGGGG % Mar- Continued to pester Marie about her beha+ior% GGGGGGGG &% he cruel masters let their pet dog Bob to star+e to death%

    F% Moti+ationDo you ha+e animals at home. /o! do you treat ta-e care of your pets.,hat do you thin- !ill happen if they !ere not gi+en the nourishment their body needs.

    B. Presentation

    1% /a+e the pupils listen as the teacher reads the story* O he @oolish @armer and /is CarabaoP%

    depressed pleased !orthless idleness feed

    *&e "oolis& "armer an$ is Cara7ao0n the to!n of San Diego* there li+ed atang uan% /e !as a farmer and he o!ned a large

    farm and a carabao% /is carabao s name !as Ma-isig* !ho helped him !ith his farm chores%E+eryday* atang uan too- time to feed Ma-isig four bundles of grass and ga+e him four

    buc-ets of !ater to drin-% ma-isig gre! stronger e+eryday% But atang uan thought other!ise%O0 am !asting too much precious time in cutting grass* carrying !ater and feeding Ma-isig%

    4erhaps 0 could teach him not to eat and drin- anymore% hat !ill sa+e me from toiling and !or-inghard on the farm% 0 don t ha+e to pester my self anymore about Ma-isig% 0 !ill 2ust spend my timedrin-ing !ine in the +illage !ith my compadres%

    he follo!ing day* he began to teach Ma-isig to fast% 0nstead of the unusual t!o bundles of grass and buc-ets of !ater% atang uan ga+e him one% /e decided that he !ould cut Ma-isig sa+erage amount of consumption for the ne3t fe! days* 2ust until the carabao learns not to eat nor drin-%

    Ma-isig !as as-ing for e3tre food but atang uan !as firm and said* O9ou ha+e to learn notto eat and drin- anymore% So that* you !ill 2ust !or- and !or- on the farm !hile 0 rest%P


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    % Comprehension Chec-(up• ,ho li+ed in the to!n of San Diego.• ,hat did he ha+e in his possession.• ,hat did atang uan do e+eryday.• /o! did atang uan carry out his plan of not feeding Ma-isig.• As a pupil* ho! do you intend to -eep your body and mind acti+e for the !hole day


    &% Discussion,hat is the big idea con+eyed by the !hole selection.,hat are the details that support the main idea.

    F% @i3ing S-ills/a+e the pupils arrange the follo!ing sentences as they happened in the story* O he

    foolish @armer and /is CarabaoP% hen ha+e them retell the story%

    GGGGGGG 1% Ma-isig as-ed for an e3tra food but atang uan didn t bother to gi+e him any% GGGGGGG % 0n the to!n of San Diego li+ed a farmer and his carabao% GGGGGGG &% atang uan taught Ma-isig not to ear or to drin- anymore%

    5% enerali6ation/o! do you recogni6e important or significant details in a selection.

    n a sheet of cartolina* ha+e each group !rite the mainidea

    con+eyed by the selection* O he yrant ,ho Became A ust ?ulerP* and the details that supportthe main idea%

    B% 0ndependent E3ercisesCall on pupils to retell the selection* O he yrant ,ho Became A ust ?ulerP* in front of


    *&e *yrant -&o Became A ;ust Ruler

    0n olden times there li+ed a -ing* !ho !as cruel and un2ust to!ards his sub2ects that he !asal!ays called he yrant% So heartless !as he that his people used to pray night and day thatthey might ha+e a ne! -ing% >ne day* muchch to their surprise* he called his people together and said to them%

    OMy dear sub2ects* the days of my life tyranny are o+er% /enceforth you shall li+e in peace and happiness* for 0 ha+e decided to try to rule henceforth 2ustly and !ell%P

    he -ing -ept his !ord so !ell that soon he !as -no!n throughout the lands as a ustJing% By and by one of his fa+orites came to him and said%

    O9our ma2esty* 0 beg you to tell me ho! it !as that you had this change of hearthto!ards your people.P

    And the -ing replied%OAs 0 !as galloping through the forest one afternoon* 0 caught sight of a hound of a

    chasing fo3% he fo3 escaped into his hole* but not until he had been bitten by the dog so badlythat he !ould be lame for life% he hound* returning home* meat a man !ho thre! a stone athim* !hich bro-e his leg% he man had not gone far a!ay !hen a horse -ic-ed him and bro-ehis leg% And the horse starting to run fell into a hole and bro-e his leg% /ere 0 come to my

    senses* and resol+ed to change my rule% O@or surely* 0 said to myself* he !ho doeth e+il !illsooner or later be o+erta-en by e+il%

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    IV. Evaluation:

    4ro+ide pupils sentences "!ritten in cartolina strips$ from the story* O he yrant ,ho Became Aust

    ?ulerP% /a+e them arrange the sentences e+ents as they happen in the story to form the summary%/a+e them

    !rite the summary on their paper%

    V. Assignment

    et any fiction story and !rite its summary%


    Lesson ne day the -ing called his people and said that the days of his tyranny are o+er%

    >ne of the follo!ers begs the -ing to tell reason !hy he had this change of heart%

    he -ing -ept his !ord so !ell that soon he !as -no!n as O he ust JingP%

    he -ing said that one afternoon !hile he !as galloping through the forest* he !itnessedsituations !hich led him to change his rule%

    0n the olden times there li+ed a cruel and un2ust -ing* that he !as al!ays called a tyrant%

    Values: A!areness* Accuracy* Courage

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    II. (u78ect Matter:

    ?etelling e!s Broadcast #istened to

    References: 4E#C 00 F%14E#C

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    B. Presentation

    1% #isten to this ne!s broadcast% " he eacher reads the ne!s broadcast aloud$

    % Discussion uestions 1% ,hat is the ne!s broadcast about.

    % ,here did the incident happen. &% ,hen did it happen.

    F% ,ho !as the +ictim.5% ,hy did he -ill his life.

    • Discuss to pupils the steps on ho! to retell ne!s broadcast listened to%• >ne pupil reads the ne!s broadcast aloud% Be able to retell the ne!s heard%

    "8se the ne!s read by the teacher$

    &% enerali6ation,hat should be remembered in retelling a ne!s broadcast.

    F% Kaluing• Are you a!are of the day to day ne!s here and abroad.• Can you gi+e accurate reports of the ne!s you +e heard.

    5% Application1% Di+ide the class into t!o groups%

    • /a+e a leader for each group%• he leader plays the role of a ne!scaster !hile the rest of the class listened%• e!s broadcaster "4upils !ill retell the ne!s broadcast heard$

    IV. Evaluation

    #isten to a tapped ne!s broadcast* and then ans!er the 7uestions that follo!%

    oo much of life s hardship reportedly led a security guard to end it all as he shothimself in the head !ith his ser+ice pistol yesterday morning in Kalen6uela City%

    he +ictim !as identified by the police as eorge Santos* a member of 4 Can SecurityAgency% Santos !as ne3t seen already on the floor !ith blood oo6ing from his head%

    Co(!or-ers and friends said that before the reported suicide* Santos !as unusually7uiet and +isibly depressed* complaining of financial problems in raising his family%

    ;ean $e Vega Re#orts:

    he metro manila council has appro+ed a resolution penali6ing indi+iduals !ho

    purchase goods from the side!al- +endors along all roads of the metropolis% he council alsoappro+ed the regulations against business establishment that coddle side!al- +endors !ithintheir premises%

    Metropolitan Manila De+elopment Authority Chairman Bayani @ernando noted thatcampaign against side!al- +endors !ould be strengthened by penali6ing both the consumersand establishment !ho tolerate or support the illegal acti+ity%

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    1% ,hat is the ne!s broadcast all about.% Are the details of the ne!s stated.

    &% ?etell the ne!s broadcast%

    V. Evaluation

    #isten to a ne!s broadcast o+er the radio or K and !rite a brief summary about it%

    Date: GGGGGGGG


    I. 078ectives

    ,rite from dictation ,rite legibly and neatly obser+ing correct letter form* capitali6ation* punctuation and spelling 0dentify nouns in a selection listened to

    II. (u78ect Matter:

    ,riting from dictationO he 0ce 4alaceP

    References: 4E#C 5* p% & ,riting#anguage for Daily 8se* p% )

    Materials: board!or-* pictures* flashcards

    III. Learning Activities

    A. Pre#aratory Activities

    1% 4ronunciation DrillSay each phrase% hen ha+e the pupils repeat%frosted !indo!s!ith fairy palacea ballrooma large hallicy furniture

    % 8nloc-ing the Difficulties

    A lo! pressure area !ith a ma3imum !ind of

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    "4re(assigned dictionary !or-$• /a+e the pupils gi+e the meaning of the underlined !ord in each phrase%

    frosted fairy ballroom hall icy

    • hen ha+e the pupils use the phrase in their o!n sentences%

    &% Moti+ation

    All countries ha+e their o!n go+ernment* only of different forms% ,hat form of go+ernment do !e ha+e in the 4hilippines. ,ho is its head. ,hat is the name of the official residence of our 4resident

    and her family% /o! many among you ha+e seen the MalacaTang 4alace.>ur nations ha+e the monarchial form of go+ernment !hich is headed by a -ing or a

    7ueen !ho li+es in a palace% "Sho! picture of a palace$

    0 -no! that you !ant to enter a palace% 4erhaps you !ant to -no! !hat can be foundinside% As

    this moment* it is impossible for us to +isit a palace so 0 !ill 2ust tell you a story about a!onderful

    palace% his is an Oice palaceP%

    B. Presentation

    1% ?eading of the selection by the teacher%

    #isten +ery !ell and loo- carefully at the series of pictures that tell about the selectionyou !ill

    listen to%

    2. nswering comprehension &uestionsWith the help of the pictures' ha!e the pupils answer the &uestions in

    complete sentences. a. What did the princes notice one morning?

    *&e Ice Palace

    >ne morning the 4rincess noticed the frosted !indo!s of her bedroom% he panes !ere allco+ered !ith fairy palaces and to!ers of ice% hen an idea came to her% She !ould build a palace of iceN

    So the 4rincess called a famous architect% /er plans !ere soon laid before him% After some!ee-s* the ice palace !as completed%

    he palace contained only three rooms* a ballroom and a dining room in one large hall and a bedroom% Each room !as furnished !ith icy furniture% But no one slept on the icebed% he icelogs inthe icefireplace did not burn%

    aptha !as poured on the logs and the naptha burned but icelogs didn t melt%he !indo!spanes !ere sheets of clear ice% At night the candles glintened li-e diamond

    through the ice !indo!s%

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    • ,hat part of speech are princess* !indo!s and bedroom. b% Describe the !indo!panes%

    • ,hich are the nouns in the sentence.

    &% 4ractice #isten and try to gi+e bac- each sentence%

    a% he princess noticed the frosted !indo!s of her bedroom% "0ndi+idual ?epetition$ b% he panes !ere all co+ered !ith fairy palaces and to!ers of ice% "0ndi+idual ?epetition$c% he princess called the famous architect%

    F% Dictating the Selection/a+e the pupils !rite the selection from dictation% ?emind them to obser+e correct letter

    form*capitali6ation* punctuation and spelling%

    IV. Evaluation:

    /a+e the pupils chec- their !or- against the original* call on some of them to read their !or-%

    V. Assignment:

    o o+er your composition to correct your error% hen !rite for submission%



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    phrase phone phase propel prepare prunes

    % 8nloc-ing of Difficultiesi+e the meaning of the underlined !ord through conte3t clues%

    a% he big blac- ants that ate the poisonous fruit died on the spot% "2uicy* deadly* dirty$ b% Don t cry for 0 li-e to pinch your chee-* little chubby boy% "s7uee6e* hit* caress$

    &% Moti+ation%Do you -no! !hat a fol-tale. Can you name fol-tale that you +e read or heard. #isten

    and beable to tell ho! the lansones became edible%

    B. Presentation

    1% #isten to the story " o be read by