Gr These spreadsheets conta The VARIABLE NAME CountryEnglish ISO3v10 ContinentName Continent CountryCode CountryCodeLong UNRegion ISO2 UNSDCode Resolution PopulationPerUnit Area LevelUsed Level1Type Level2Type Level3Type Level4Type Level5Type NumUnits RefYearFirst RefYearLast P90E ('000) G Center Gridded P Center International Food Policy Re Global Rural-U Palisades For

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CodebookGridded Population of the World (GPW), version 3andGlobal Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP) alphaSummary informationCIESIN, Columbia University, October 2005These spreadsheets contain summary information, for countries, continents and the world from GPWv3 and GRUMP alpha.The variable (column headings) on the following sheets are defined here.Recommended citation for use of the GPWv3 database is:Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University;and Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), 2005. Gridded Population of the World (GPW), Version 3. Palisades, NY: CIESIN, Columbia University. Available at http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/gpw.Recommended citation for use of the GRUMP database is:Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University;International Food Policy Research Institute (IPFRI); the World Bank; and Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), 2004. Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP) alpha: GPW with Urban Reallocation (GPW-UR) Population grids. Palisades, NY: CIESIN, Columbia University. Available at http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/gpw.For additional information, please send email to: [email protected] NAMEDEFINITIONCountryEnglishCountry Name in English.ISO3v10International Organization for Standardization, three-letter country code: three character code unique to each country.ContinentNameContinent Name in English: continent to which each country belongs (United Nations classification of continents).ContinentUnited Nations Continent Code: numeric code, unique for each continent.CountryCodeUnited Nations Country Code: numeric code, unique for each country.CountryCodeLongUnited Nations Country Code (long): numeric code, unique for each country.UNRegionUnited Nations Regional Divisions: sets of countries aggregated to form named regions.ISO2International Organization for Standardization, two-letter country code: two-character code unique to each country.UNSDCodeUnited Nations Statistics Division code: numeric code unique to each country.ResolutionMeasure of the effective resolution of administrative units in kilometers; calculated as the square root of the land area divided by the number of administrative units.PopulationPerUnitAverage population per administrative unit; 2000 population estimate divided by the number of units.AreaLand area in square kilometers from the United Nations Statistics Division.LevelUsedLevel of administrative united used for GPW gridding; the administrative unit levels are categorized as follows: 0=country, 1=state/province, 2=county (or equivalent), 3= sub-county units (e.g., census units such as tracts or subdivisions), 4=local statistical area, and 5=sub-locations. Note that some data have lower levels available (e.g., India) but they were not always used.Level1TypeName association with level one administrative units: name assigned by the data provider.Level2TypeName association with level two administrative units: name assigned by the data provider.Level3TypeName association with level three administrative units: name assigned by the data provider.Level4TypeName association with level four administrative units: name assigned by the data provider.Level5TypeName association with level five administrative units: name assigned by the data provider.NumUnitsTotal number of administrative units at the level used: sum of the unique administrative units (not unique polygons, units may be split across polygons) at the level used for gridding GPW v3.RefYearFirstFirst year of population figures used to adjust data to 1990 and 1995 estimates. Where only one year of population estimates was obtained, that date is given in RefYearLast and this field is left empty.RefYearLastLatest year of population figures used to adjust data to 1990 and 1995 estimates. Where only one year of population figures exists, it is referenced here and UN figures were used to adjust the data to 1990 and 1995.P90E ('000)Population estimate for 1990 based on figures produced by national statistical agency (or similar institutions): the sum of administrative unit population estimates for each country, after interpolation or extrapolation to 1990 (if necessary). All figures are rounded and expressed per thousand.P95E ('000)Population estimate for 1995 based on figures produced by national statistical agency (or similar institutions): the sum of administrative unit population estimates for each country, after interpolation or extrapolation to 1995 (if necessary). All figures are rounded and expressed per thousand.P00E ('000)Population estimate for 2000 based on figures produced by national statistical agency (or similar institutions): the sum of administrative unit population estimates for each country, after interpolation or extrapolation to 2000 (if necessary). All figures are rounded and expressed per thousand.UN_P90 ('000)United Nations national level population estimate for 1990 in thousands of persons. All figures are rounded and expressed per thousand.UN_P95 ('000)United Nations national level population estimate for 1995 in thousands of persons. All figures are rounded and expressed per thousand.UN_P00 ('000)United Nations national level population estimate for 2000 in thousands of persons. All figures are rounded and expressed per thousand.UN_P05 ('000)United Nations national level population estimate for 2005 in thousands of persons. All figures are rounded and expressed per thousand.UN_P10 ('000)United Nations national level population estimate for 2010 in thousands of persons. All figures are rounded and expressed per thousand.UN_P15 ('000)United Nations national level population estimate for 2015 in thousands of persons. All figures are rounded and expressed per thousand.Diff90Percent difference between country estimate from source data and the UN estimate for 1990. This percentage is calculated based on the difference between P90E and UN_P90; it was used to adjust the administrative unit population counts from each data provider so that they summed to the same total as the UN estimate for producing the UN adjusted population grids.Diff95Percent difference between country estimate from source data and the UN estimate for 1995. This percentage is calculated based on the difference between P95E and UN_P95; it was used to adjust the administrative unit population counts from each data provider so that they summed to the same total as the UN estimate for producing the UN adjusted population grids.Diff00Percent difference between country estimate from source data and the UN estimate for 2000. This percentage is calculated based on the difference between P00E and UN_P00; it was used to adjust the administrative unit population counts from each data provider so that they summed to the same total as the UN estimate for producing the UN adjusted population grids.Source Data: BoundariesThe spatial data provider and listings of other associated reference materials.Source Data: PopulationThe population data provider and listings of other associated reference materials.Edits and Notes: SpatialDocumention of all edits and changes made to the spatial data.Edits and Notes: PopulationDocumention of all edits and changes made to the population data.Num Settlement PointsThe number of populated places as defined by their latitude and longitude coordinates. This includes cities, towns, villages, and other populated sites.Largest PointThe largest settlement point by population.Smallest PointThe smallest settlement point by population.Mean PointThe mean settlement point by population.Urban Criteria (UN)The definition of urban for a country as given by the United Nation's World Urbanization Prospects, 2001 Revision.Num Urban ExtentsThe number of spatial areas that are defined as urban, e.g. 5000+ persons.Largest Extent (sq.km)The size of the largest urban spatial area by sq. km.Smallest Extent (sq.km)The size of the smallest urban spatial area by sq. km.Mean Extent (sq.km)The mean size of the urban spatial areas by sq.km.Sum-All Urban Extents (sq.km)The sum of all of the urban spatial areas by sq.km.Largest Extent (pop)The largest urban spatial area by populationSmallest Extent (pop)The smallest urban spatial area by populationMean Extent (pop)The mean size of the urban spatial areas by populationSum-All Urban Extents (pop)The sum of the population of all urban spatial areas.Pct Total Land Area in Urban Extents (sq.km)Percetange of a country's total land area that is taken up by urban spatial extents.Pct Total Population in Urban Extents (2000, NSO est.)Percentage of a country's total population that is in urban spatial extents.Pct Total Population that is urban (2000, UN)Percentage of a country's total population that is considered urban.Num UE's from Nighttime LightsNumber of urban extents that came from the Nighttime Lights source data.Num UE's from RegressionsNumber of urban extents that came from the regressions performed by CIESIN.Num UE's from DCWNumber of urban extents that came from the Digital Chart of the World source data.Num UE's from other sourcesNumber of urban extents that came from the other source data not previously listed.Settlement Point Population SourceThe settlement point population data provider and listings of other associated reference materials.Settlement Point Coordinate SourceThe settlement point coordinate data provider and listings of other associated reference materials.

Summary InformationCountryEnglishISO3v10ContinentNameContinentCountryCodeCountryCodeLongUNRegionISO2UNSDCodeResolutionPopulationPerUnitAreaLevelUsedLevel1TypeLevel2TypeLevel3TypeLevel4TypeLevel5TypeNumUnitsRefYearFirstRefYearLastP90E ('000)P95E ('000)P00E ('000)UN_P90 ('000)UN_P95 ('000)UN_P00 ('000)UN_P05 ('000)UN_P10 ('000)UN_P15 ('000)Diff90Diff95Diff00Source Data: BoundariesSource Data: PopulationEdits and Notes: SpatialEdits and Notes: PopulationNum Settlement PointsLargest Point (pop)Smallest Point (pop)Mean Point (pop)Urban Criteria (UN)Num Urban ExtentsLargest Extent (sq.km)Smallest Extent (sq.km)Mean Extent (sq.km)Sum-All Urban Extents (sq.km)Largest Extent (pop)Smallest Extent (pop)Mean Extent (pop)Sum-All Urban Extents (pop)Pct Total Land Area in Urban Extents (sq.km)Pct Total Population in Urban Extents (2000,NSO est.)Pct Total Population that is urban (2000,UN)Num UE's from Nighttime LightsNum UE's from RegressionsNum UE's from DCWNum UE's from other sourcesSettlement Point Population SourceSettlement Point Coordinate SourceAfghanistanAFGAsia4141405South-central AsiaAF444656349082ProvinceDistrict329199813,47316,99821,44413,67519,07321,76526,16331,30835,5771.4710.881.47Afghanistan Information Management Service, http://www.aims.org.af/ .UN Afghani Central Statistical Office via the Afghanistan Information Management Service, http://www.aims.org.af/ .Population data were extrapolated to target years using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.501,982,7177,912102,810.56Sixty-three localities.35316354.921,9222,095,6315,0201234094,319,3050.3021.022.3817100Preliminary Results of the First Afghan Population Census, 1979, UN Statistical Library; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMA, World GazetteerAlbaniaALBEurope5181805Southern EuropeAL833119283461District26199020013,3143,1443,0863,2893,1853,1343,2343,3113,439-0.751.281.53Boundaries from Eurostat (distributed by UNEP GRID Geneva)2001 Population data: Albania, Institute of Statistics, http://www.instat.gov.al/repoba/english/default_english.htm . Preliminary Results of the General Census of Population and Housing, 1 April 2001 (table 5).

1990 Population data: Statistisches Bundesamt (1993), Laenderbericht Albanien, J.B. Metzler & C.E. Poeschel Verlag, Wiesbaden. 1995 data were based on these and national level growth rates derived from United Nations Population Division figures.Since 1991, Albania has disaggregated some of its districts (administrative level 1). Such changes resulted in 36 districts, compared to the previous 26 districts. Recent boundary divisions were accomodated in the following attribution of population: - The population of the new district of Has is absorbed into Kukes; - Kurbin into Lezhe; - Kavaje into Tirana; - Bulqize into Mat; - Peqin into Elbasan; - Mallakaster into Fier; - Kucove into Berat; - Delvine into Sarande; - Korce and Devoll comprise Koritza; - Shkoder and Malsi E Madhe comprise Skutari.47342,7603,18528,850.17Towns and other industrial centres with more than 400 inhabitants.39283739.081,524322,6475,170330781,290,0335.3841.842.92118002001 Preliminary Albania Population Census, INSTAT, http://pages.albaniaonline.net/repoba/zyra_shtypit/prel_e; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMA, World GazetteerAlgeriaDZAAfrica1202005Northern AfricaDZ1221963423024981Wilaya481987199824,47027,24830,42124,85527,65530,29133,07635,63538,0221.551.47-0.43UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .1987 and 1998 Census data from Statistiques Algrie, http://www.ons.dz/ .151757,5374,21368,918.32All communes having as chef-lieu either a city, a rural town or an urban agglomeration.1162,14716182.4421,1634,142,0765,44314570216,901,4100.9255.657.71031300City Population, http://www.citypopulation.de; Recensement General de la Population de l'Habitat 1998 Armature Urbaine Algeria, Census Bureau;World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deRand McNally Atlas 1994, Times Atlas of the World, 1, World GazetteerAmerican SamoaASMOceania6242405PolynesiaAS166111981District/IslandCounty51990200047525747576879911040.909.2215.30US Census Bureau, http://www.census.gov/geo/www/cob/co2000.html .American Samoa, Department of Commerce, Statistics Division, http://www.amsamoa.com/statistics.htm .A population growth rate was calculated between 1990 and 2000 for extrapolation to target years.158,6151,0973,285.47Places with 2,500 inhabitants or more and urbanized areas.1122122121.5812259,68059,6805968059,68061.34100.053.210001990 US Census, http://www.census.gov/geo/www/gazetteer/gazette.ht1990 US Census, USDI MapAndorraANDEurope5282805Southern EuropeAD20894641Parish719902000556466536886105126146-3.496.3723.39Second Administrative Level Boundaries (SALB), United Nations, http://www3.who.int/whosis/gis/salb/salb_home.htm .Servei d'Estudis--Ministeri de Finances: http://www.estadistica.ad/; See: "Andorra in Figures 2003": http://www.estadistica.ad/indexdee.htmParish population data were extrapolated to target years using national level growth rates from 1990-1995 and from 1995-2000.721,3702,2889,524.14Parishes of Andorra la Vella, Escolades-Engordany, Sant Julia, Encamp and La Massana.1309309309.1030985,19685,1968519685,19666.65100.092.21000City Population, www.citypopulation.deWorld GazetteerAngolaAGOAfrica1303005Middle AfricaAO24264112519241ProvinciaMunicipio181987199510,00211,71813,7289,57011,33913,13415,25217,76520,795-4.52-3.34-4.52UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database: http://grid2.cr.usgs.govInstituto Nacional de Estatistica (1987), Boletim Demografico No. 4, Projeccao da populacao do pais por provincias para o perodo 1970/95.The last Angolan census was carried out in 1970. All population data published in the Statistical Yearbooks and other publications (e.g., the Economist's Intelligence Unit Report) are estimates that were produced by the National Statistics Institute, in 1987, based on the 1970 data. Due to civil war, considerable displacement of people has taken place since the 1970 census. Thus, population figures should be interpreted with caution. The base year population use here was 1990 projected population from the INE publication in 1987 and were extrapolated to 1995 and 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.82,503,50376,053539,394.25Localities with a population of 2,000 or more.655617170.911,0251,989,406204,8126981304,188,7780.0830.534.94110AFCities, Data provided by Uwe Deichman at the World Bank; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deAFCities, NIMAAnguillaAIANorth America2292905CaribbeanAI660911830181011810111315160.000.000.00Digital Chart of the World (DCW).United Nations. "World Population Prospects: 2000 Revision. Vol 1. Comprehensive Tables," UN: NY 2001. The values given are population estimates.31,1821,1211,152.00In the absence of more detailed information the entire population is considered urban.1707069.977010,17110,1711017110,17184.4889.1100.01000City Population, www.citypopulation.de; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deMap, NIMA, World GazetteerAntigua and BarbudaATGNorth America2313105CaribbeanAG2815324441Islands26364656364656667680.000.000.00Centro Internacional de Agricultural Tropical (CIAT).United Nations. "World Population Prospects: 2000 Revision. Vol 1. Comprehensive Tables," UN: NY 2001. The values given are population estimates.1224,3801,0113,271.58Saint John's (capital city).1273273273.3727357,49057,4905749057,49061.5988.737.11000City Population, www.citypopulation.de; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMA, World GazetteerArgentinaARGSouth America3343405South AmericaAR32747227363912ProvinciaDepartamento4991991200132,29533,97335,85832,52734,76837,03239,30241,47443,4980.722.293.17Atlas de Suelos de la Repblica Argentina. Inta y la Fundacin Argentina. Prepared by the Centro Internacional de Agricultural Tropical (CIAT).Provincia segun departamento. Poblacion censada en 1991 y 2001 y variacion intercensal absoluta y relativa 1991-2001: http://www.indec.gov.ar/principal.asp?id_tema=50. Censo Nacional de Poblacion, Hogares y Viviendas del ano 2001. Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Y Censos Argentina: http://www.indec.mecon.ar/webcenso/index.aspBased on the jpg Provincial boundary maps downloaded from Resultados Provinciales del Censo 2001 - Informacin seleccionada (http://www.indec.mecon.ar/webcenso/provincias_2/provincias.asp), the following edits were made:(1) in Buenos Aires, the populations of Hurlingham, Ituzaing are added to Morn; Ezeiza added to Esteban Echeverra; population of Presidente Pern added to San Vicente; population of Punta Indio added to Magdalena; Malvinas argentina added to Pilar; adn Jose C. Paz and San Miguel merged to form Gen Sarmineto.(2) In Provincia del Chaco, the polygons for 12 de Octubre and Fray Justo Santa Mara de Oro are merged and their populations and the populations of 2 de Abril added together. (3) In Provincia de Entre Ros, the polygons for Coln, Concordia and Villaguay are merged and their populations and San Salvador are added together. (4) In Provincia de Misiones, the population of Capital are added to Apstoles. (5) In Tiera del Fuego, redistributed the population Antrtida Argentina to Rio Grande and Ushuaia.10912,724,8241,00628,457.64Population centres with 2,000 inhabitants or more.4655,2359123.9757,64813,059,6905,0086596530,673,8782.1185.288.34432200CELADE, Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE) - Population Division of Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean; Censo Nacional de Poblacin, Hogares y Viviendas 2001, http://www.indec.mecon.ar/;City Population, www.citypopulation.deCelade, Map, NIMAArmeniaARMAsia4363605Western AsiaAM5151293282771MarzesRayon11198920013,2803,2463,2183,5453,7603,7873,7983,8073,8087.4613.6615.02Australian Centre of the Asian Spatial Information and Analysis Network (ACASIAN), http://www.asian.gu.edu.au/ .2001 Census marzes (administrative 1 level) were provided by the National Statistical Service of Armenia and downloaded at: http://docs.armstat.am/census/engcontent.php .

1989 rayon (administrative 2 level) population data were obtained via the Australian Centre of the Asian Spatial Information and Analysis Network (ACASIAN), http://www.asian.gu.edu.au/ .The rayon (administrative 2 level) boundaries were dissolved to the marzes (administrative 1 level) level.The National Statistics of the Republic of Armenia reported that because the 1989 census took place under difficult conditions, the census data resulted in an undercount. The Rayon population was aggregated to the Marzes level.421,246,2021,67957,384.55Cities and urban-type localities, officially designated as such, usually according to the criteria of number of inhabitants and predominance of agricultural or non-agricultural workers and their families.33594148.171,5901,651,4915,519818682,701,6345.6284.067.216890Armenia Census 2001, National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia (NSS of RA), UN Statiscal Library; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deASCities, Getty, NIMA, World GazetteerArubaABWNorth America2373705CaribbeanAW5331410118901668410166841011191381570.000.000.00Centro Internacional de Agricultural Tropical (CIAT).United Nations. "World Population Prospects: 2000 Revision. Vol 1. Comprehensive Tables," UN: NY 2001. The values given are population estimates.225,64315,59720,620.00Continental median1616161.016131,73431,7343173431,73432.2631.651.01000City Population, www.citypopulation.deMap, World GazetteerAustraliaAUSOceania6424205Australia and New ZealandAU36761476346484StateStatistical DivisionsStatistical SubdivisionsStatistical Local Area (SLA)13291996200116,64317,66018,72416,88818,07219,13820,11021,02921,9101.452.282.16ESRI Australia, http://www.esriau.com.au/ .1996 census data for Statistical Local Area (SLA) population obtained from ESRI Australia, http://www.esriau.com.au/

State Level Population data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics:

* 2001 population from 2001 Census Basic Community Profiles and Snapshots, http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Census_BCP_ASGC_ViewTemplate?ReadForm&Expand=1 * 1996 population from 1996 Census of Population and Housing - Basic Community Profiles, http://www.abs.gov.au/Web sitedbs/d3310108.nsf/f9996d24c8f22d024a256500001c8576/569af0d15c2201964a2565010007a32f!OpenDocument1990 and 1995 population values based on SLA figures for 1996 and population for Statistical Subdivisions for 1991 obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, www.abs.gov.au .

The State level growth rate, between census years 1996-2001, are calculated and applied to the 1995 SLA estimated population to extrapolate to target years.2244,098,4781,28980,963.63One or more census divisions with urban characteristics and representing a cluster of 1,000 people or more as well as known holiday resorts of less population if they contain 250 dwellings or more of which at least 100 were occupied on census night.1483,1176246.7036,5123,620,7725,55811256416,659,4530.4894.191.2147010Australian Demographic Statistics 2003, UN Statistical Library, hard copy; City Population, www.citypopulation.de;World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deMap, NIMA, World GazetteerAustriaAUTEurope5444405Western EuropeAT402981831452StateLander99199120017,7737,8888,0087,7298,0478,0808,0427,9537,848-0.571.980.89Seamless Administrative Boundaries of Europe (SABE) distributed by MEGRIN: http://www.megrin.org/megrin.html; MEGRIN is now Eurographics: http://www.eurogeographics.org/eng/03_projects_sabe.asps (SABE v1995.2 date of release: 31 Mar 1998).Statistical Yearbook of Austria 2003, Table 2.05. Statistik Austria, http://www.statistik.at/jahrbuch/pdfe/k02.pdf andhttp://www.statistik.at/fachbereich_03/bevoelkerung_tab1.shtml .The population of two districts in Burgenland have been assigned as follows: Breitenbrunn has been assigned to Eisenstadt-Umgebung and Oberpullendorf has been assigned to Oberwart2891,549,092016,417.83Communes (Gemeinden) with 2,000 inhabitants or more in which less than 15 per cent of the active population is engaged in agricultural or forestry work.931,58211118.6911,0382,044,2615,026565655,260,58713.2865.767.4821100Austria Census 2001, Statistik Austria, http://wwwold.statistik.gv.at/cgi-bin/db2www/blick; City Population, www.citypopulation.de;World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deGetty, Times Atlas of the World, 1999, NIMA, World GazetteerAzerbaijanAZEAsia4464605Western AsiaAZ3134108853551Rayon7419907,1197,5367,9787,1757,6858,0418,2828,4988,7250.791.940.79Australian Centre of the Asian Spatial Information and Analysis Network (ACASIAN), http://www.asian.gu.edu.au/ .Australian Centre of the Asian Spatial Information and Analysis Network (ACASIAN), http://www.asian.gu.edu.au/ .Population data were extrapolated to target years of 1990, 1995 and 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.291,807,30021,042117,426.97Cities and urban-type localities, officially designated as such, usually according to the criteria of number of inhabitants and predominance of agricultural or non-agricultural workers and their families.271,5977226.796,1232,079,78712,3781572114,244,6847.1753.251.826010ASCities, ASCITY.XLS; Statistical Yearbook Azerbaijan 2001, Statistical Yearbook Azerbaijan 2001;World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deASCities, NIMA, World GazetteerBahamasBHSNorth America2484805CaribbeanBS442818131621Island/ Supervisory District17199020002552803042552833043243413590.050.970.19The Official Site of the The Commonwealth of the Bahamas. Total Population by Sex and by Island and Number of Households 2000 Census, http://www.bahamas.gov.bs/BahamasWeb/aboutbahamas.nsf/Subjects/General+Statistics . Spanish Wells Is and Harbor are merged with Eleutera. Rum Cay is merged with Long Island.12210,8321,17823,229.33Not available.421911125.71503201,9869,38861667246,6693.8281.288.94000City Population, www.citypopulation.de; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deMap, World GazetteerBahrainBHRAsia4505005Western AsiaBH48806231Municipality1119912001493554627490573640696744793-0.703.192.05ESRI Level 1, Digital Chart of the World (DCW), NASA JPL global MODIS mosaic http://wmt.jpl.nasa.gov/.State of Bahrain Central Statistics Organization, Basic ResultsPopulation, Housing, Buildings & Establishments Census, 2001 population by region, http://www.bahrain.gov.bh/census/popu_e.html .

State of Bahrain Central Statistics Organization, Bahrain in Figures 1996, Census Population by Region 1991, http://www.bahrain.gov.bh/english/RunIndex.asp?count=21 .ESRI Level 1 boundary data was clipped to Digital Chart of the World to improve the coastline. Missing unit Al Hadd was added by digitizing infilled areas from a section of the global MODIS mosaic from 2000.7131,73310,73452,821.86Communes or villages with 2,500 inhabitants or more.35106177.53533503,3438,638199016597,04785.4697.092.53000City Population, www.citypopulation.de; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMABangladeshBGDAsia4525205South-central AsiaBD50172511363053DivisionZilaThana48619912001104,013112,476121,798110,025123,612137,439152,552167,926183,1595.469.0111.38UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Asia Population Database: http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .

The original database was produced by the National Statistical Office of Bangladesh in collaboration with the UNSD/POPMAP Project.2001 census, Population Census 2001 Preliminary Report, http://www.bbsgov.org/ .

Bangladesh Central Statistical Office, Census of 1991, digital data obtained from the UNSD/POPMAP Project..The original data were compiled in POPMAP which at that time did not support true geo-referencing. Source map scale and projection were unknown. The data were first transformed into Transverse Mercator Projection (which resulted in the lowest error among several possible projections evaluated) and then projected into lat/long (ie, geographic) coordinates. Rubbersheeting was then performed on the resulting coverage to improve the match with the country and coastal outline from the Digital Chart of the World (DCW). Thus, the coverage is suitable for regional and continental scale applications as well as for visualization of spatial pattern using census data. It should not be used for high resolution applications at the sub-national level.The 2001 Census data assigned four Zila units (Hobiganh, Moulavibazar, Sylhet, and Sunamganj) to the new Sylhet Division. These units split from the Chittagong Divison.

Population data were extrapolated to target years of 1990, 1995 and 2000 using Zila (administrative level 2) inter-censal growth rates applied to the 1991 Thana (administrative level 3) population data.1575,418,5849,473116,302.89Places having a municipality (Pourashava), a town committee (Shahar committee) or a cantonment board. In general, urban areas are a concentration of at least 5,000 persons in continuous collection of houses where the community sense is well developed and the community maintains public utilities, such as, roads, street lighting, water supply, sanitary arrangements etc. These places are generally centres of trade and commerce where the labour force is mostly nonagricultural and literacy levels are high. An area that has urban characteristics but has fewer than 5,000 inhabitants may, in special cases, be considered urban.1301,282678.3510,1859,804,9328,45823606530,688,4437.4725.225.6864400Bangladesh Population Census 1991, Vol. 3: Urban Area Report, www.bbsgov.org/; Bangladesh Population Census 2001 Preliminary Report, Census Bureau; City Population, www.citypopulation.de; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deASCities, Getty, NIMA, Times Atlas of the World, 1999, UNSD, World GazetteerBarbadosBRBNorth America2545405CaribbeanBB522126744101199020002572632672572632672722772810.000.000.00Digital Chart of the World (DCW).United Nations. "World Population Prospects: 2000 Revision. Vol 1. Comprehensive Tables," UN: NY 2001. The values given are population estimates.397,5001,04734,218.00Bridgetown (capital city).1434434434.11434262,157262,157262157262,15798.4498.050.51000World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deMap, World GazetteerBelarusBLREurope5585805Eastern EuropeBY11242842070132OblastRayon1191989199910,18110,09710,03410,26010,32910,1879,9849,8199,6640.772.241.50Australian Centre of the Asian Spatial Information and Analysis Network (ACASIAN).(1) 1999 Belarussian Census; (2) The 1989 Rayon level data is from ACASIAN; the 1999 population data is from the national statistical officeThe 1999 population do not have separate population for the cities (ad. Gors), thus to match the 1989 data with the 1999 data, the population of the ad gors are merged with the parent rayons.351,688,58423,276162,806.37Cities and urban-type localities, officially designated as such, usually according to criteria based on the number of inhabitants and predominance of non-agricultural workers and their families.331,26550239.167,8921,776,98323,2691953626,446,9463.8163.669.633000City Population, www.citypopulation.de; Statistical Yearbook of Belarus 2000, UN Statistical Library, hard copyNIMA, World GazetteerBelgiumBELEurope5606005Western EuropeBE56717305533ProvinceArrondisementCommune589199120029,95310,08910,2439,96710,13710,24910,29710,29610,2720.150.470.06Seamless Administrative Boundaries of Europe (SABE) distributed by Eurographics: http://www.eurogeographics.org/eng/03_projects_sabe.asps (SABE 2001 date of release : February 2003).2002 population data downloaded from Statistics Begium, Table: "Population de droit par commune au 1 janvier 2002" at http://www.statbel.fgov.be/downloads/pop2002com.xls .

1995 population is an estimate based on the 1981 and 1991 population data from Institut Nacional de Statistique, Recensement de la Population et des Logements au 1er mars 1991, Tome 1B, Chiffres de la Population, Bruxelles, 1992.The 5% growth rate cap applied to the following Communes: Maaseik (in Maaseik, Limburg), Knokke-Heist, and Jabbeke (in Brugge, Wes-Vlanderen) when projecting to target years.574452,3011,01817,822.31Cities, urban agglomerations and urban communes.749,9392169.1712,5197,746,5765,3091265799,366,86640.9791.697.4462710City Population, www.citypopulation.de; StatsBelgium, statbel.fgov.be;World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMA, World GazetteerBelizeBLZNorth America2616105Central AmericaBZ846140222901District6199120001852102401862032262492682870.59-3.60-6.13Mapa de la Regionalizacin de la Repblica de Guatemala. Ministerio de Agricultura. Escala 1:750000. Copia heliogrfica. Prepared by the Centro Internacional de Agricultural Tropical (CIAT).National Population and Housing Census 2000 and 1991 from the Central Statistical Office, Ministry of Finance.949,0504,32912,726.78Not available.61272788.6453245,0307,2701552093,1222.3938.848.16000Belize 2000 Census, http://www.cso.gov.bzNIMA, World GazetteerBeninBENAfrica1636305Western AfricaBJ20439801158282ProvinceDistrict7819924,6085,4376,2094,6555,4926,2727,2168,2789,4481.001.001.00UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .Institut National de la Staistique et de L'analyse Economique, Bureau Central du Recensement, Republique du Benin February 1992. Deuxieme Recensement General de la Population et de L'Habitation du Benin. Available at: http://www.afrikinfo.com/lois/gouvern .The Athieme District (administrative 2 level , in the Mono Province (administrative 1 level), was split to form Athieme District and Lokossa District. The division was based on a map found at: http://www.uni-hohenheim.de/~atlas308/c_benin/projects/c1_1/html/english/bframe_en_c1_1b.htm . Population was estimated for the two newly created units based on their relative distributions in 1992.Population data were extrapolated to target years of 1990, 1995 and 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.38781,4691,41661,633.82Localities with 10,000 inhabitants or more.36195739.821,433966,1526,406669382,409,7631.2438.843.082800AFCities, Data provided by Uwe Deichman at the World Bank; City Population, http://www.citypopulation.deAFCities, Columbia Gazetteer, NIMA, Times Atlas of the World, 1BermudaBMUNorth America2626205Northern AmericaBM608636301199020005961635961636567690.000.000.00Digital Chart of the World (DCW).United Nations. "World Population Prospects: 2000 Revision. Vol 1. Comprehensive Tables," UN: NY 2001. The values given are population estimates.11,7521,7521,752.00Not available.244624.935042,3205,7982405948,11878.8576.4100.02000BhutanBTNAsia4646405South-central AsiaBT6445110380401District1919851,6971,8472,0851,6961,8312,0852,3772,7073,070-0.003-0.870-0.004UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Asia Population Database: http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .Europa World Yearbook, (administrative 1 level)Population data were extrapolated to target years of 1990, 1995 and 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.1853,6001,10010,063.94Not available.5952141.1020659,53314,67429811149,0550.548.07.42300City Population, www.citypopulation.de; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMABoliviaBOLSouth America3686805South AmericaBO681038010693502DepartmentoProvincia100199220016,0906,9658,0386,5737,4148,3299,27510,22911,2187.356.053.49Instituto Geogrfico Militar. Mapa de la Repblica de Bolivia. Escala 1:1500000. Proyeccin Cnica Comforme de Lambert. Prepared by the Centro Internacional de Agricultural Tropical (CIAT).Instituto Nacional de estadstica, INE. Indicadores Socio-demogrficospor Provincias. Censo de 1992. La Paz, Bolivia. 2001 population from Censo de Poblacion y Vivienda, Instituto Nacional de estadstica, INE: http://www.ine.gov.boBased on Department maps from Informacion Geografica, http://www.ine.gov.bo/cgi-bin/PIWDGEOxx.EXE, the following edits were made: (1) in La Paz, population of Jose Manuel Pando was added to Pacajes; and Caranavi was added to Nor Yungas; (2) in Cochabamba, Bolivar was added to Arani; and Tiraque was added to Arque; (3) in Oruro, Tomas Baron was added to Cercado; Sud Carangas, San Pedro de Totora, and Nor Carangas were added to Carangas; Sebastian Pagador was added to Avaroa; and Puerto Mujillones was added to Atahualpa; (4) in Potosi, Enrique Baldivieso was added to Nor Lipez; and (5) In Santa Cruz, German Busch was added to Chiquito; and Guarayos was added to Nuflo de Chavez; Population figures were extrapolated to target years using a growth rate calculated between 1992 and 2001. A 5% growth rate cap was used for select units.951,077,2181,27753,239.57Localities with 2,000 inhabitants or more.67783392.166,1751,263,7615,101749855,024,0280.5864.062.9363010CELADE, Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE) - Population Division of Economic Commission for Latin America and the CaribbeanCelade, NIMA, World GazetteerBosnia-HerzegovinaBIHEurope5717105Southern EuropeBA701311301512951District3199120014,4344,1583,9024,3083,4203,9774,2094,2694,279-2.92-21.561.89National boundary data from Digital Chart of the World (DCW).

Internal boundary created from nationla boundary by digitizing administrative boundaries based on a map downloaded from Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina: http://www.fbihvlada.gov.ba/engleski/ .1991 and 2001 population data downloaded from City Population: http://www.citypopulation.de/Bosna.html .A population growth rate was calculated between 1991 and 2001 to extrapolate to target years.22388,8126,32453,252.73Not available.22153158.541,288394,4837,120731991,610,3752.5141.343.418310City Population, www.citypopulation.deEUTOWN, NIMA, UNSD, World GazetteerBotswanaBWAAfrica1747405Southern AfricaBW72156715595022RegionCensus District23199120011,2551,4551,6401,2401,4221,5411,5831,6281,694-1.25-2.26-6.40UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .Central Statistics Office, Republic of Botswana: 2001 Population and Housing Census, http://www.cso.gov.bw/cso/census_2k.html

Botswana Census of 1991, Digital file obtained through the Software Development Project, UN Statistics Division and Botswana Village Populations 1971, 81 and 91, Digital file obtained through the UNSD POPMAP project (contains district populations).(1) Tuli district was merged with 3 districts: Palapye, Machaneng, and Bobonong. The population 1990 data for Tuli was split equally 3 ways and added to each district's population 1990 total. P00 data for Tuli region is assumed to be part of those three districts. (2) 2000 data for Kgalagadi South was split and distributed to 2 districts, Tshabong and Gemsbok, in proportion to their population 1990 estimates. 2000 data for Kgalagadi North was assigned to Hukunsti district. (3) The population 2000 figure for South East district was created by adding 2000 data for South East and Lobatse (4) The population 2000 data for Serowe and Palapye districts were created by splitting the 2000 Serowe/Palapye figure and distributing it according to the population 1990 proportions. (5) Ngwaketse South and Ngwaketse Central were merged, and the population 1990 figures for each one (exact same number) were assumed to be a repeat, so only one set of data was assigned to the merged polygon (Ngwaketse South). 2000 data for Southern district was then split in proportion to the population 1990 data, with South and Central assumed to be one data entry, and assigned to Ngwaketse North and South. Then, 2000 data for Ngwaketse West was added to Ngwaketse North. (6) 2000 data for Delta district was added to Ngamiland East district. (7) 2000 data for Francistown and North East was added and assigned to Masungu district. (8) 2000 data for Central Boteti was assigned to Machaneng (9) 2000 data for Orapa was assigned to Lethlakane (10) Kweneng South district was renamed Kweneng West, and the population 2000 total was found by adding Kweneng West and Jwaneng (11) Kweneng North district was renamed Kweneng East. (12) 2000 data for Central Bobonong and Selibe Phikwe was added and assigned to Bobonong district. (13) "Central" was deleted from any related district names (14) 2000 data for Sowa district and CKGR district was not assigned to any districts due to lack of information on location (about 3,500 people). To match the 1991 population with the boundary data, the following adjancement were made. First the populations listed separately for urban areas were added to the corresponding districts. Next it was determined which district populations needed to be split into which units in the GIS coverage: Central Serowe/Palapye into Serowe and Palapye; Tuli population was estimated as a share of the Palapye; Machaneng and Bobonong populations; Kweneng into Kweneng South and North; Ngwaketse into Ngwaketse North Central and South; The shares were determined as follows: First the population of urban places in the districts were assigned to the correct districts (usually the coordinates were obtained from the Times Atlas and the district into which the place falls was determined using the GIS coverage). Next the residual population was split weighted by area; where this would make little sense due to the nature of the districts' terrain, uniform shares were used. 2000 population for Serowe and Palapye districts were created by splitting the 2000 Serowe/Palapye figure and distributing it according to the 1991proportions. For the 2000 population, Ngwaketse South and Ngwaketse Central polygons . The 2000 data for Southern district was then split in proportion to the 1991 population distribution, with South and Central assumed to be one data entry, and assigned to Ngwaketse North and South. Then, 2000 data for Ngwaketse West was added to Ngwaketse North. 1991 and 2000 population of data for Delta district was added to Ngamiland East district. 1991 and 2000 population for Francistown and North East was added and assigned to Masungu district. 1991 and 2000 data for Central Boteti was assigned to Machaneng 1991 and 2000 population for Orapa was added to Lethlakane 1991 and 2000 population for Central Bobonong and Selibe Phikwe was added and assigned to Bobonong district. 2000 data for Sowa district added to Tutuma and CKGR district added to Ghanzi. 2000 data for Kgalagadi South was split and distributed to two districts -- Tshabong and Gemsbok -- in proportion to their 1991 estimates. 2000 data for Kgalagadi North was assigned to Hukunsti district. 1991 and 2000 population of Lobatse added to South East district population.

A 5% growth rate was applied to select units.67194,0981,05714,505.93Agglomerations of 5,000 inhabitants or more where 75 per cent of the economic activity is non-agricultural.283921674.502,086136,0955,50521887612,8470.3738.549.41414001991 Botswana National Census, Central Statistics Office, Republic of Botswana: http://www.cso.gov.bw/cso/; City Population, http://www.citypopulation.de;Statistical Yearbook for Botswana:, Central Statistics Office, Republic of Botswana: http://www.cso.gov.bw/cso/AFCities, Getty, NIMA, Times Atlas of the World, 1, World GazetteerBrazilBRASouth America3787805South AmericaBR76291784803954RegionEstadoMunicipioDistrito984719912000145,515156,781169,799147,957159,481170,406181,086191,444201,3931.651.690.36International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) CDInstituto Brasileiro de Geografia y Estatstica, IBGE.Censo Demogrfico 2000: http://www2.ibge.gov.br/pub/Censos/Censo_Demografico_2000/Dados_do_Universo/Taxa_crescimento_anual_1991_2000/(1) Muncipio (administrative level 3) growth rates, calculated between the census years 1991 and 2000, were applied to the the 2000 distrito (administrative level 4) population figures to extrapolate to target years. (2) A 5% rate cap was applied to select units. (3) For the island of Fernando Noronha, the growth rate that was applied is from the UN estimates that were reported in the UN System-Wide Earthwatch Web Site Island Directory: http://islands.unep.ch/IXD.htm#1468 . (4) Recent boundary divisions were accomodated in the following attribution of population: a. In the Municipio of Jataba, the population of the distrito Jacu is added to Jundia and population of Passagem do T added to the distrito Jataba; b. In the Municipio Godofredo Viana, the population of the distrito Aurizona is added to Luis Dominguez.424317,075,9361,00136,840.29Urban and suburban zones of administrative centres of municipios and districts.21336,459188.36188,47720,405,8005,00958056123,833,9152.2272.981.7168244920CELADE, Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE) - Population Division of Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean; City Population, www.citypopulation.de;Demographic Census 2000, Brazil, (blank); World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deCelade, Getty, Map, NIMA, UNSD, World GazetteerBritish Virgin IslandsVGBNorth America2888805CaribbeanVG92651661Islands419901619221720242730325.397.697.69The British Virgin Islands Welcome on-Line site: http://bviwelcome.com/19,6349,6349,634.00Road Town and East End Long Look.1545454.335413,31013,3101331013,31032.6861.062.01000World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deWorld GazetteerBrunei DarussalamBRNAsia4929205South-eastern AsiaBN96388159011District4199120012542873242572943283593884171.042.551.16District boundaries were digitized from the CIA map at: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Map_collection/middle_east_and_asia/Brunei.GIF .1991 and 2001 Census District population from CityPopulation: http://www.citypopulation.de/Brunei.html; 1996 district (administrative 1 level) population information from BruNet: http://www.brunet.bn/org/bsmehp/brunei/info/smepopn.htm .Population data were extrapolated to target years of 1990, 1995 and 2000 using growth calculated between the census years of 1991 and 2001.561,9152,47527,796.60Municipalities and areas having urban socio-economic characteristics.11,1171,1171,116.861,117222,177222,177222177222,17718.9367.472.81000World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMA, World GazetteerBulgariaBGREurope5949405Eastern EuropeBG10021301113072District (Oblast)Municipality261199520019,0088,4447,9208,7188,4067,9497,5707,1856,816-3.32-0.450.37Second Administrative Level Boundaries (SALB), United Nations, http://www3.who.int/whosis/gis/salb/salb_home.htm .Census 2001. Republic of Bulgaria. National Institute of Statistics, downloaded from: http://www.nsi.bg/Census_e/Census_e.htm .

1995 District (administrative level 1) data from Statistical Yearbook. Republic of Bulgaria. National Institute of Statistics.In January 1999, Bulgaria changed its number of districts from 9 to 21 districts. By comparing pre-1999 and post-1999 districts maps, it is assumed that the municiplaity of Topolovgrad (2001 pop of 15179) now in the district of Haskovo was part of the district of Bourgas in 1995.The District (administrative level 1) population growth rate between 1995 and 2001 was applied to the 2001 Municipality (administrative level 2) population data.411,098,43324,965101,323.20Towns, that is, localities legally established as urban.361,15526169.646,1071,268,62414,2541189964,283,8565.4954.167.436000City Population, www.citypopulation.de; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deWorld GazetteerBurkina FasoBFAAfrica1969605Western AfricaBF85428332757472ProvinceDepartment353198519968,6549,98711,5769,00810,27011,53513,40515,76418,5093.932.76-0.35Module de Consultation des Donnees de la Base de Donnees sur les Localites de Burkina (MConBDLB) (Version 2.0, Janvier 2001), a CD produced by the Programme National de Gestion des Terroirs.Module de Consultation des Donnees de la Base de Donnees sur les Localites de Burkina (MConBDLB) Version 2.0, Janvier 2001 (Module for the Consulation of the Burkina Faso localities database, Version 2.0, January 2001). Produced by the Programme National de Gestion des Terroirs (National Land Management Program). Available on CD-ROM.The spatial boundaries were aggregated from 353 to 20 units for the calculation of a 1990-1996 population growth rate.A population growth rate between 1990 and 1996 was calculated via an aggregation of the spatial and population data to 20 units. This growth rate was applied to the departments (administrative level 2) in order to extrapolate to the target years of 1990, 1995, and 2000.205892,9166,70121,582.30Fourteen towns.933702032.242,999772,5355,021156291,453,4731.0912.616.988500BKFPopts-UDeichman, UweDeichman-WorldBank; City Population, http://www.citypopulation.de;World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deBKPopts-UDeichman, NIMA, World GazetteerBurundiBDIAfrica110410405Eastern AfricaBI1081558252272ProvinceCommune114199019995,3565,9376,6245,6366,0796,3567,3858,6629,8354.962.34-4.22UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .1999 - ISTEEBU, Bujumbura, Burundi: http://www.burundi-contacts.com/pays .9 population units were consolidated to match to the shapefile single unit: Nyabigina (Buj) /Bujumbura. These are: Buyenzi (36,782), Bwiza (35425), Cibitoke (47,061), Kamenge (55,653), Kinama (33,858), Musaga (39,337), Ngagara (19762), Nyakabiga (21,229), and Rohero (29,991).15397,1484,88751,403.07Commune of Bujumbura.151381737.70566225,9245,63037624564,3562.248.59.311400AFCities, Data provided by Uwe Deichman at the World Bank; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deAFCities, World GazetteerCambodiaKHMAsia410710705South-eastern AsiaKH1161181794923ProvinceDistrictCommuneVillage1604199419988,90710,53712,1209,63011,39313,10414,80016,63018,5857.517.517.51Cambodia Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, Department of Geography.1998 Population Census of Cambodia provided by the Cambodia Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction; Department of Geography.

Population data for 1994 provided by the Cambodia National Institute of Statistics and have been obtained in digital form from the UNSTAT/POPMAP ProjectBoundary changes occured at the district level between 1994 and 1998. The 1998 population data was thus aggregated and/or re-proportioned to match the 1994 boundaries. For a complete description of these changes.Many of the 1994 district (administrative level 2) units were split into multiple units by 1998. Additionally, the boundary divisions between these units changed in some cases. We reaggregated the population of the 1998 units to match the 1994 boundaries as follows:* Sampov Lun, Malai, and Ou Chrov (1998) were aggregated to match Serey Sophorn (1994). * Bavel, Phnum Proek, and Kamrieng (1998) were aggregated to match Bavel (1994). * Rotonak Mondol, Samlout, Khad Pailin, and Sala Kroa (1998) were aggregated to match Rattanak Mondul (1994). * Phnum Kravanh and Veal Veaeng (1998) were aggregated to match Kravanh (1994). * Kampong Trach, Damnak Chang'aeur, Kaeb, and Kampot (1998) were aggregated to match an aggregation of Kampong Trach and Kampot DC (1994). * Kiri Sakor, Kaoh Kong, and Mittakpheap (1998) were aggregated to match an aggregation of Kiri Sakor, Koh Kong DC, and Mittapheap (1994). * Pouk, and Siem Reap (1998) were aggregated to match an aggregation of Pouk and Siem Reap PT (1994). Missing populations were reassigned. Contact [email protected] for more informatioj on these assignments.Population data were extrapolated to target years using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.271,181,4832,83180,575.85Municipalities of Phnom Penh, Bokor and Kep and 13 additional urban centres.22252130.566721,269,3555,578857091,885,5890.3715.617.548100City Population, www.citypopulation.deColumbia Gazetteer, Getty, NIMA, World GazetteerCameroonCMRAfrica110810805Middle AfricaCM120972554657652ProvinceDepartment4919879,75511,04012,49411,61413,27314,87616,55718,34720,22616.0116.8316.01UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .The 1990 population figure is based on the OECD/Club du Sahel West Africa Long Term Perspective Study (WALTPS), and was estimated by Benoit Ninnin, based on these sources Republique du Cameroun: Demo 87: 7 millions et demi en 1976, 10 millions et demi en 1987.Population data were extrapolated to the target years using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.1661,512,3791,03842,558.47Urban centres.101384340.524,0921,753,8495,048629076,353,6270.8840.349.7158330Recensement General de la population et de l'habitat de 1987 de Cameroon: donnees provisiores, Census Bureau, Migration, Urbanization and Development of Cameroon, published by the Institute of the Formation and Research of Demographics by Joseph-Pierre TimnouColumbia Gazetteer, NIMA, Times Atlas of the World, 1, World GazetteerCanadaCANNorth America211611605Northern AmericaCA12440594588863ProvinceCensus DivisionCensus Subdivision59841991199627,12128,63829,77127,70129,35430,75732,00733,21634,4192.092.443.21Statistics CanadaStatistics CanadaSubdivision growth rates based on 1991 and 1996 were used to estimate 1990 and 1995 populations.

Used Census division population totals (and boundaries) for 1996 and 2001 to calculate growth rates. These were applied to 1996 to estimate 2000 through 2015.8844,318,3071,00326,695.04Areas with at least 1,000 inhabitants and a population density of at least 400 persons per square kilometer at the previous census.3245,60627406.05131,5605,914,5225,0168184126,516,3231.3989.178.93213002001 Canada Census, Statistics Canada, www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/products/Canadian Geographical Names, DCW, National Atlas of Canada, NIMACape VerdeCPVAfrica112012005Western AfricaCV132214840721Ilha9199020003243744353413814274755225675.051.76-1.84UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, Cabo Verde: Censo 1990 e Censo 2000, Outros Aos Perspectivas Demogrficas de Cabo Verde Horizonte 2020, http://www.ine.cv/estatisticas_cv_demografia.htm .A population growth rate was calculated between 1990 and 2000 to extrapolate the population data to target years.1694,7571,80014,498.56Not available.861421.6017388,6245,31925927207,4134.2447.763.56200City Population, http://www.citypopulation.de; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deAFCities, Getty, NIMA, World GazetteerCayman IslandsCYMNorth America212212205CaribbeanKY13610142791Islands319891999263341263238455259-0.50-2.58-6.58Digital Chart of the World (DCW).Cayman Census, 1989: http://www.columbiagazetteer.org/

Cayman Census, 1999: http://www.caymanislands.ky/tour_guide/population.asp321,3885,97711,970.67Entire population.1188188188.2618832,49732,4973249732,49767.5979.8100.01000City Population, www.citypopulation.deMap, NIMACentral African RepublicCAFAfrica112412405Middle AfricaCF140111696228682PrefectureSous-Prefecture5119882,8043,1873,5402,9453,3473,7174,0354,4304,8774.784.784.78UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .1988 census figures, National Statistical Office, digital file.Population data were extrapolated to the target years 1990, 1995, and 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.37648,7826,06338,243.27Twenty principal centres with a population of over 3,000 each.31249341.551,288695,6775,937452231,401,9080.2139.641.722540Recensement General de la Population de December 1988 Central African Republic, Census BureauAFCities, NIMA, Times Atlas of the World, 1, World GazetteerChadTCDAfrica113013005Middle AfricaTD14829852712431392PrefectureSous-Prefecture1419905,4546,3027,3785,8296,7357,8859,19410,68912,3766.436.436.43Produce by the USGS/EDC USAID/FEWS for UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database: http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov. (USGS/EDC USAID/FEWS)Population estimates are based on the OECD/Club du Sahel West Africa Long Term Perspective Study (WALTPS), by Benoit Ninnin. Data for 1990 are based on Lopez-Escartin N.: Donnees de base sur la population, Tchad: CEPED, No. 5, Paris, Aout 1991.Population data were extrapolated to the year 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.52647,8741,02029,559.50Administrative centres of prefectures, soul prefectures and administrative posts.38177629.981,139618,0535,004441411,677,3450.0922.724.133410AFCities, Data provided by Uwe Deichman at the World Bank; City Population, http://www.citypopulation.de; Recensement General de la Population et de L'Habit 1995, Census Bureau; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMA, Times Atlas of the World, 1, World GazetteerChileCHLSouth America313413405South AmericaCL15250507212293RegionProvinciasMunicipios2921992200213,04513,83114,72413,10014,21015,21116,13617,01017,9120.412.673.21Instituto Nacional de Estadsticas de Chile. Sub. Depto. Cartografa. Dpto. Geografa y Censos. 1981. Con la Nueva Diivisn Poltica. Escala 1:3000000 and Mapa Caminero Geografico y Turistico de Chile Inupal. 1987. Escala 1: 1.400.000 Codigo Ciat 782 gbbg 1989 - 782 fb 198; Prepared by the Centro Internacional de Agricultural Tropical (CIAT).Instituto Nacional de Estadisctica, INE. 1992 and 2002; www.ine.cl; refinements made at CIESIN using http://www.ine.cl/cd2002/index.php, an intercative map showing 1992 and 2002 population by municipio.Polygons for the small island municipios of Isla de Pascua and Juan Fernandez located in the Valparaiso region, were added to the original shapefile from Instituto Nacional de Estadsticas based on the interactive map available from the Chile census office, at http://www.ine.cl/cd2002/index.php . Because these islands were rendered in a generalized way, they are not considered to be acurately georeferenced.Recent boundary divisions were accomodated in the following attribution of population: - We assign the populations of Aisen and Cisnes municipios to Cisnes, although rendered as two separate polygons in the interactive map, our shapefile indicated only one polygon, Cisnes, which visual approximates the size and shape of these two municipalities combined. - The following muncipios were merged into Chilena Punta Rio Natales: Antartic Chilena, Punta Arenas, Rio Verde (Is), and Natalie (Is) (also called Puerto Natales). They were assigned a single, total population value.- Cabo de Hornos merges the municipalities of Timaukel and Cabo de Hornes. - In Atacama region, the muncipios of Copiapo and Cladera are merged. - In Metropolitana region, in the province of Talagante, the municipio Penaflor and Padre Hurtado are merged. - The following muncipios within Region Metropolitana, Provincia Santiago are treated as Provincia Santiago (I.e., we did not have the boundaries at the municipio-level for this province): Lo Barnechea, Vitacura, Las Condes, La reina, Penalolen, La Florida, Huechuraba, Recoleta, Providencia, Nunoa, Macul, Quilicura, Conchali, Independicia, Renca, Cerro Navia, Quinta Normal, Lo Prado, Estacion central, Santiago, San Joaquin, La Granja, La Pintana, San Miguel, San Ramon, La Cisterna, El Bosque, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Lo Espejo, Cerrillos, Maipu, Pudahuel- A 5% growth rate cap was applied to select units.624,502,86419,343169,906.95Populated centres with definite urban characteristics, such as certain public and municipal services.402,20532277.3611,0945,819,11919,47028913111,565,2301.5478.586.140000City Population, www.citypopulation.deMap, NIMAChinaCHNAsia413813805Eastern AsiaCN1566252391981033ProvincePrefectureCounty2370199020001,131,9251,131,9251,182,8231,155,3051,219,3491,275,1331,321,3641,366,2151,410,2172.027.177.24China 2000 County Population Census (CD-ROM). All China Marketing Research Co., LTD.China 2000 County Population Census (CD-ROM). All China Marketing Research Co., LTD.Taiwan was removed from the China shapefile.

1990 and 1995 population estimates were added to GPW3 units from GPW2 as follows: 1) GPW2 polygons projected to match GPW3 coordinate system with slight adjustment in false northing to compensate for misalignment 2) Converted projected GPW2 polygons to centroids 3) Visually-inspected centroids to ensure placement within appropriate GPW3 polygon (verified by comparing to administrative unit names) and moved when necessary 4) Where disaggregation occurred, centroids were copied and pasted to corresponding empty polygons. 5) Performed spatial join in ArcMap to assign GPW2 attributes to the new polygons and assigned the sum of each population attribute if there were multiple centroids within each polygon 6) Inspected data to ensure no data loss 7) Data were converted to lat/long coordinates.Population data were extrapolated to target years using a county (administrative level 3) growth rate calculated between the years 1990 and 2000. A 5% rate cap was applied to select units. The 2000 population data was missing for the administrative 3 level unit of Mangyadachaidan. A population growth rate was calculated using 1990 and 1995 Mangyadachaida population estimates. The 1995 data was then extrapolated to target years.470714,348,5351,80757,969.88Up to 1982: total population of cities and towns. Cities had to have a population of at least 100,000 or command special administrative, strategic, or economic importance to qualify as cities. Towns were either settlements with more than 3,000 inhabitants of whom more than 70 per cent were registered as non-agricultural or settlements with a population ranging from 2,500 to 3,000 of whom more than 85 per cent were registered as non-agricultural. For the 1990 census: (1) all residents of urban districts in provincial and prefectural-level cities; (2) resident population of "streets" (jiadao) in county-level cities; (3) population of all residents' committees in towns. For 1996 and 2000: Not available.38039,357168.69261,24131,266,4205,252111417423,719,0262.8434.236.710212741410CHINA POPULATION BY TOWNSHIP Census 2000, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, CHINA DATA CENTER at www.umich.edu/~iinet/cDCW, Getty, NIMA, World GazetteerColombiaCOLSouth America315015005South AmericaCO170333411415692DepartamentoMunicipio10591985199331,77134,04136,51234,97038,54242,10545,58049,15952,6419.1511.6813.28Instituto Geogrfico "Agustn Codazzi". 1995. Mapa digitalizado por el DANE. Plancha 1:500000 Prepared by the Centro Internacional de Agricultural Tropical (CIAT).Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadstica, DANE. "Repblica de Colombia: Panorama Colombiano," http://www.sin.com.co/clientes/DANE/censo93.html .Because of boundary changes at the muncipio level, the following spatial edits were made:

In the province of Bolivar: Altos de Rosario merged with Barranco de Loba Cantagallo merged with San Pablo Cicuco merged with Talaiga Nuevo Hatillo de Loba merged with San Martin de Loba Montecristo merged with Achi Tiquisio merged with Pinillos

In Choco, Canton de San Pablo merged with Istmina.In Norte Santander, La Esperanza merged with Abrego y Cachica; and Puerto Santander merged with Cucuta .In Putumayo, San Miguel merged with valle de Guamez.Population of municipios without matching polygons (Guainia - C.D. Guaviare; Vaupes C.D. Villa Fatima and C.D. Acaricuara) are distributed evenly among all municipios within the appropriate province.

Department level (administrative level 1) growth rates between 1985 and 1993 were applied to 1993 municipio (administrative level 2) population data to extrapolate to target years.7836,230,9381,01038,178.56Population living in a nucleus of 1,500 inhabitants or more.3532,8653102.0636,0287,338,3095,0018548930,177,5173.1682.675.52995400CELADE, Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE) - Population Division of Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean; City Population, www.citypopulation.de;World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deCelade, Columbia Gazetteer, Getty, Map, NIMA, World GazetteerCommonwealth of DominicaDMANorth America218518505CaribbeanDM212977691Parishes1019811991717069717171707070-0.060.881.77Digital Chart of the World (DCW).Commonwealth of Dominica. Demographic Statistics, No.2, 1996. Central Statistical Office, Ministry of Finance. Roseau, Dominica.Internal boundaries digitized from a map from the Statistical Office included in the report - Commonwealth of Dominica. Demographic Statistics, No.2, 1996. Central Statistical Office, Ministry of Finance. Roseau, Dominica.1716,4171,0382,752.35Cities and villages with 500 inhabitants or more.3784963.7819122,7625,3681218036,53924.8752.771.41200Dominica Statistical Digest No. 7 2002, Dominica Central Statistical Office, UN Statistical Library; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deMap, NIMA, World GazetteerComorosCOMAfrica115415405Eastern AfricaKM1742314020461Ile4199119964364945605276097068179391,06717.2718.9020.64UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .Comoros 1996 population estimates are from Geohive http://www.geohive.com/ . Geohive cites the original source as: "L'valuation de l'ducation pour tous l'an 2000: Rapport des pays, Forum mondial sur l'ducation, Unesco."

Mayotte is included in Comoros. Mayotte 1997 (rather than 1996) and 1991 census data are also from Geohive. Geohive cites the original source as: Le SPLAF http://splaf.free.fr/976des.html .A population growth rate was calculated between 1991 and 1996 (1997 for Mayotte) to extrapolate the population data to target years.9336,7531,0043,569.98Administrative centres of prefectures and localities with 5,000 inhabitants or more.570420.1910183,1875,67425519127,5964.9322.833.82300AFCities, Data provided by Uwe Deichman at the World Bank; General Census for Comores, September 1980, Census Bureau;World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deAFCities, Columbia Gazetteer, NIMACongoCOGAfrica116116105Middle AfricaCG17886603432352RegionDistrict/Commune46198419962,1222,4152,7512,2302,6033,0183,5114,0844,7304.847.248.86UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database: http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov . Boundaries digitized from 1:1m IGN map.The population figures for 1990 were based on the OECD/Club du Sahel West Africa Long Term Perspective Study (WALTPS), estimated by Benoit Ninnin from these sources: Republique Populaire du Congo, 1987, Annuaire Statistque, Ministere du Plan, Brazzaville [1974 data]; and Republique Populaire du Congo, 1987, Recensement General de la Population et de l'Habitat de 1984, Vol. 3: Resultats Definitifs, Tome I: Ensemble du Pays, Direction des Statistiques Demographiques et Sociales, Brazzaville. The regional 1984 and 1996 Census populations from CityPopulation, http://www.citypopulation.de/Congo.htmlDistrict level data were available for 1974, but only province level data could be obtained for 1984. Province level growth rates were originally used for interpolation, except for communes (6 major cities) for which data was available for 1974 and 1984, for Brazzaville and Pointe Noire also for 1960 from UNSTAT. These cities were treated explicitly, while the residual population in the corresponding district was interpolated using aggregate province growth rates. These data were used to estimate population in 1990 at the district level. Population data were extrapolated to the years 1995 and 2000 using regional growth rates between 1984 and 1996.221,251,37610,293118,479.68Communes of Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire.21329956.811,193885,2917,027919581,931,1210.3564.266.151600AFCities, Data provided by Uwe Deichman at the World BankAFCities, NIMA, World GazetteerCongo, Democratic RepublicCODAfrica192692605Middle AfricaZR18012434723134143RegionSous-RegionVille1501970198437,84145,85452,10836,99944,83450,94860,20671,27284,045-2.28-2.28-2.28GIS database produced by the Universit Louvain, Belgium and obtained from the Department of Geography, University of Maryland.Republique du Zaire (1984), Combien Sommes- Nous, Resultats Provisoires, Institut National de la Statistique, Kinshasa and Republique du Zaire (undated), Zaire Recensement Scientifique de la Population 1984, Totaux Definitifs, Institut National de la Statistique, Kinshasa [ contains pop figures down to cite/col level ]Population data were extrapolated to the target years of 1990, 1995 and 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.1824,593,0371,98785,776.80Places with 2,000 inhabitants or more where the predominant economic activity is non-agricultural; and places with fewer inhabitants which are considered urban because of their type of economic activity (predominantly non-agricultural).148575246.366,8614,892,4915,10210163015,041,2430.3028.930.718117130AFCities, Data provided by Uwe Deichman at the World Bank; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deAFCities, World GazetteerCook IslandsCOKOceania616416405PolynesiaCK184716882GroupIsland1519912001191918181920202122-1.05-0.187.28Digital Chart of the World (DCW).Cook Islands Statistics Office, http://www.spc.int/prism/country/CK/stats/ .The Northern Cook Islands were manually digitized based-upon visual inspection and coordinates available at http://kiaorana.com/star/maps.html and the NOAA coastline extractor, World Vector Shoreline, http://rimmer.ngdc.noaa.gov/coast/getcoast.html .Rate between 1991 and 1996 used to estimate 1990 and 1995. Rate between 1996 and 2001 applied to project to additional target years.19,0169,0169,016.00Island of Rarotonga.1565656.46569,6979,69796979,6978.2153.359.11000World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deMap, World GazetteerCosta RicaCRINorth America216816805Central AmericaCR1882546510152ProvinciaCantones82199620003,0553,4053,8103,0493,5544,0244,4544,8575,233- Geogrfico Nacional. 1984. Mapa de Provincias y Cantones. Escala 1:1500000 Prepared by the Centro Internacional de Agricultural Tropical (CIAT).The population data sources are: (1) Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Censos, INEC. IX Censo Nacional de Poblacin y Vivivenda del 2000: http://www.meic.go.cr/ and (2) 1996 data are estimates provided by the Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Censos of Costa RicaPopulation data for cantones (adminstrative level 2) were extrapolated to target years using growth rates calculated between 1996 and 2000.32309,70019,20044,351.97Administrative centres of cantons, including adjacent areas with clear urban characteristics such as streets, urban services and electricity.91,97912346.413,1182,064,72723,5742603112,342,7976.1164.759.58100City Population, www.citypopulation.de; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMA, World GazetteerCroatiaHRVEurope517117105Southern EuropeHR191108564062CountyTowns and Municipalities54420014,1804,2434,3064,5174,6344,6544,6614,6504,6227.478.447.47Seamless Administrative Boundaries of Europe (SABE) distributed by Eurographics: http://www.eurogeographics.org/eng/03_projects_sabe.asps (SABE 2001 date of release : February 2003).Croation Bureau of Statistics, http://www.dzs.hr/Eng/Census/Popis/E01_01_01/E01_01_01.htmlThe municipality of Orlic in the County of Sibenik-Knin reported no population data, but existed in shapefile, thus its polygon is merged with Knin, a neighboring unit with which it shared most boundaries. The municipality of Slivno in Dubrovnik-Neretva had a population but no matching polygon in the SABE shapefile, thus, its point coordinates were located then its population added to the municipality in which it falls, i.e., the municipality of Podosoje.Population data were extrapolated to target years of 1990, 1995 and 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.121693,2143,02919,763.33Not available.469738104.144,791255,1475,293308881,420,8358.4933.058.140600City Population, www.citypopulation.de; STATISTICAL INFORMATION 2003, Republic of Croatia, Central Bureau of Statistics, http://www.dzs.hr/defaulte.htm;World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMACubaCUBNorth America217017005CaribbeanCU19226661111992ProvinciaMunicipio1691991200010,86311,03111,21710,62910,96411,19911,36911,51411,644-2.21-0.61-0.16Population for 1991 from Census of Cuba 1991 - digital data from the United Nations Statistics Division's Software Development Project.

Population 2000 from the Anuario Estadistico de Cuba 2000 from the Oficina Nacional de Estadisticas.1402,186,6322,29759,737.77Places with 2,000 inhabitants or more, and places with fewer inhabitants but having paved streets, street lighting, piped water, sewage, a medical centre and educational facilities.1141,412284.089,5852,444,0385,248725618,271,9498.6273.775.56647102001 Statistical Annual, Cuba, Officina Nacional de Estadisticas (ONE), UN Statistical Library; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deMap, NIMA, World GazetteerCyprusCYPAsia417417405Western AsiaCY1965292732DistrictMunicipality414199220016807217676817447848158418640.063.032.13Seamless Administrative Boundaries of Europe (SABE) distributed by Eurographics: http://www.eurogeographics.org/eng/03_projects_sabe.asps (SABE 2001 date of release : February 2003).2001 population census data were provided by the Statistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus and The Press Information Office of Cyprus: http://www.mof.gov.cy/mof/cystat/statistics.nsf/populationcondition_en/ and http://www.pio.gov.cy/dsr/key_figures/population_census/municipality.xls. Population estimates for the Turkish controlled areas were also provided by the Press Information Office: http://www.pio.gov.cy/dsr/key_figures/population/index.htm(1) No detailed population data were available for the Turkish controlled area of Cyprus. Thus, all subnational units in this area were dissolved into one polygon and assigned a single population value. The population values were estimated by calculating the difference between "Total estimated population including estimates of Turkish Cypriots" and "Population in the Government controlled area"for 1992 and 2001. (2) The 'Anthoupoli Refugee Housing Estate' unit is not listed in the boundary file, but the census Web site suggests it is part of the Lakatameia municipality; therefore the populations of the two areas were aggregated. (3) District level (administrative level 1) growth rates were calculated between the census years 1992 and 2001 and applied to the applied to the municipality (administrative level 2) population figures to extrapolate the data to target years.7392,3281,0197,379.64Six district towns and Nicosia's suburbs.41,004246573.952,296303,93950,475167576670,30524.7689.670.24000Cyprus Population Census, 2001, REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, STATISTICAL SERVICE; www.pio.gov.cy/dsr/key_figures/population_census/municipality.xlsNIMA, World GazetteerCzech RepublicCZEEurope517917905Eastern EuropeCZ20342786163KrajeOkresyObec62581996200110,42310,33310,24710,30610,33110,27210,21810,13810,028-1.14-0.020.25Seamless Administrative Boundaries of Europe (SABE) distributed by Eurographics: http://www.eurogeographics.org/eng/03_projects_sabe.asps (SABE 2001 date of release : February 2003).Population data from the Czech Statistical Office. 2001 data from Population and Housing Census 2001, downloaded from 'Basic data about municipalities': http://www.czso.cz/eng/redakce.nsf/i/basic_data_about_municipalities ; 1996 population data from the Czech Statistical Office: http://www.czso.cz/eng/angl.htm .Okres (administrative level 2) growth rate between 1996 and 2001 applied to 2001 Obec (administrative level 3) population to project to target years.1311,181,87710,03842,735.79Localities with 5,000 inhabitants or more931,27326122.3011,3741,463,04910,477796407,406,47514.4771.974.591200Czech Republic Population and Housing Census March 2001, http://www.czso.cz/eng/angl.htmWorld GazetteerDenmarkDNKEurope518418405Northern EuropeDK2081219424842CountyKommune276199720025,1515,2395,3315,1405,2285,3205,3625,3745,372-0.21-0.21-0.20Seamless Administrative Boundaries of Europe (SABE) distributed by Eurographics: http://www.eurogeographics.org/eng/03_projects_sabe.asps (SABE 2001 date of release : February 2003).2002 population data from Denmark Statistical Yearbook 2002 (PDF), Table 44. Population in municipalites and counties 2002, downloaded from Denmark Statistics, http://www.dst.dk/HomeUK/Statistics/Publications/Yearbook/2002.aspx? ; 1997 population data from Statistik uden Graenser, Nordisk statistik pa cd-rom 1997 - Nordic Statistics on DC-Rom 1997 Published by the Statistics Offices of Iceland, Danmark, Sweden, Greenland, Faroe, Finland and Norway.A population growth rate was calculated between 1997 and 2002 to extrapolate to target years.4291,075,8511,0019,381.26Population excluding population in rural districts.871,4797110.219,5891,424,9955,023457903,983,69022.5774.785.183400Statistical Yearbook of Denmark 2000, http://www.dst.dk/NIMA, World GazetteerDjiboutiDJIAfrica118218205Eastern AfricaDJ26265128209031District51979199841551664150454563266667970317.555.42-1.43UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .Estimates of 1979 population were found in Republique de Djibouti (1989), Annuaire Statistique de Djibouti, Direction Nationale de la Staistique; and Estimates of 1998 population were from Trsor de la Langue Franaise au Qubec (TLFQ), http://www.tlfq.ulaval.ca/axl/afrique/djibouti.htm .The 1998 population estimates were converted from percentages to counts. A population growth rate was calculated between the years 1979 and 1998 to extrapolate to target years.5407,1866,18388,114.40Djibouti (capital city).588731.38157418,7876,21790651453,2560.7575.884.25000World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMADominican RepublicDOMNorth America218818805CaribbeanDO21440267480921Provincia30199320027,0297,4828,0027,0617,6978,3739,0269,62110,1370.452.784.43Mapa de la Repblica Dominicana. Confeccionado por el Instituto Geogrfico Universitario. 1985. Escala 1:600000.2002 population data obtained from the Dominican Republic National Office of Statistics Census 2002, http://www.one.gov.do/datos2002.htm (Oficina Nacional de Estadsticas, VIII Censo Nacional de Poblacin y Vivienda 2002, Resultados Preliminares).

1993 population data from: Censos Nacional de Poblacio y Vivienda 1993, http://www.one.gov.do/datos.htmCensus 2002 lists two additional provinces: San Jose de Ocoa and Santo Domingo. San Jose de Ocoa was formerly part of the province of Peravia, and became its own province in 2001. The 2002 population of San Jose de Ocoa was therefore added to Peravia. Santo Domingo is a district within the Distrito Nacional. For the purposes of joining data, Santo Domingo's population has been added to that of the entire province.421,957,1964,754103,317.07Administrative centres of Comunas and municipal districts.301,3849167.605,0283,150,99810,4281801865,405,59210.4667.666.030000Celade, Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE) - Population Division of Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean; City Population, www.citypopulation.de;World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deCelade, NIMA, World GazetteerEast TimorTLSAsia419019005South-eastern AsiaTP6262946149231Propinsi1819908329288297408407378971,0191,099-12.43-10.54-12.50National Statistical Office of Indonesia in collaboration with the UNSTAT/POPMAP Project. BPS Statistics Indonesia, Statistical Services, http://www.bps.go.id .National Statistical Office of Indonesia, Census of 1990.The population of Maluku Tenggara-East Timor, estimated by proportionally allocating the total population of Maluku Tenggara according to area.

Population data were extrapolated to target years of 1995 and 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.348,20012,00025,766.6721271571.3914323,0989,4381626832,5360.963.97.51100EcuadorECUSouth America319419405South AmericaEC21816132467003ProvinciasCantonParroquia931199020019,69910,73711,90610,26411,46012,64613,79814,89815,9365.506.315.85Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Censos. Divisn Poltico Administrativa de la Repblica del Ecuador. 1993. Planchas y escalas, Provincia de: Sucumbios 1:250000, Napo 1:250000, Pastaza 1:250000, Morona Santiago 1:250000, Zamora Chinchipe 1:250000, Esmeraldas 1:250000, Manabi 1:250000, Los Ros 1:250000, Guayas 1:250000, Prov. El Oro 1:250000, Galpagos 1:500000, Carchi 1:250000, Imbabura 1:250000, Pichincha 1:250000, Cotopaxi 1:250000, Tungurahua 1:250000, Bolvar 1:250000, Chimborazo 1:250000, Canar 1:250000, Azuay 1:250000, Loja 1:250000.(1) Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Censos, INEC 1990 and (2) Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Censos, INEC 2001(1) Several parroquias listed in the population data were not in the boundary data. For some of these units, point coordinates were found, and their populations added to the spatial unit in which they fall. For other Parroquias where no point coordinates are found, populations were allocated proportionally among all Parroquias within the appropriate Cantones. (2) The following Cantones do not have population available at the Parroquia, thus the Parroquia polygons were merged at the Cantones level: Arenillas in El Oro; Patate in Tungurahua; and Galapagos Islands (3) Provincia level growth rate between census years 1990 and 2001 used to project to target years. When necessary, a 5% growth rate cap was applied to selected units.551,915,5609,991118,623.75Capitals of provinces and cantons.401,69215249.969,9982,082,0858,0371910957,643,7984.0565.463.440000CELADE, Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Centre (CELADE) - Population Division of Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean; Censo de Poblacion y de Vivienda 1990 de Ecuador, www.citypopulation.de;City Population, www.citypopulation.deNIMAEgyptEGYAfrica119219205Northern AfricaEG818652819680712GovernateMarkaz/ Quisms2301986199652,45258,21764,63156,22361,99167,88473,80779,26084,4256.716.094.79Omar Mohamed Hamza (Executive Manager, GIS Program), Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) of the Central Agency for Public Mobilaztion and Statistics (CAMPAS). Additional data support provided by Opinion Research Corporation (ORC) Macro International.1996 Egyptian Census. 1986 Muncipal population from 1986 Egyptian Census, digital file, POPMAP application produced by Egyptian Statistical Office in collaboration with the UN Software Development Project (UNSD/DESIPA)Boundaries matched to Digital Chart of the World.The 1986 boundaries and new boundaries were aggregated to six regions (and population summed) so that a rate could be calculated using population from census years 1986 and 1996.1517,645,93613,595186,218.13Governorates of Cairo, Alexandria, Port Said, Ismailia and Suez; frontier governorates; and capitals of other governorates as well as district capitals (markaz).6010,8932398.7323,92416,911,0005,60598747359,248,4002.4792.842.757210City Population, http://www.citypopulation.de; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deCity Population, NIMA, Times Atlas of the World, 1, World GazetteerEl SalvadorSLVNorth America220020005Central AmericaSV222923202792DepartmentoMunicipio263199220024,9405,4275,9835,1125,6706,2786,8767,4417,9793.354.294.70Direccin General de Estadstica y Censos, Unidad de Cartografa 1987. Mapa de la Repblica de El Salvador, Divisin Poltico-Administrativa. Copia Heliogrfica. Escala 1:200000.Direccin General de Estadstica y Censos. Censos de Poblacin Y Vivienda, 1992 y 2002The names for departments and municipios should not be considered definitive. Users of this data may want to confirm individual names of the units.44514,7148,95659,508.45Administrative centres of municipios.181,49432184.763,3262,497,12712,2071871633,368,93616.4056.361.517100City Population, www.citypopulation.de; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deMap, NIMA, World GazetteerEquatorial GuineaGNQAfrica120420405Middle AfricaGQ22662127271042ProvinciaDistrito719942002363462888352399457526605692-3.27-15.57-94.47UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database, http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov .1983, 1994, and 2001 population from Republica de Guinea , Direccion General de Estadistica y Cunetas Nationales (DGECN) downloaded from: http://www.dgecnstat-ge.org/Datos/estructurales/Poblacion.htm .Population data were extrapolated to the years 1990, 1995, and 2000 using a population growth rates calculated for 1983 -1994 and extrapolated to the years 2005, 2010, and 2015 using a population growth rates calculated for 1994-2001. According to the DGECN website the most recent census was conducted in 2001, but in the UN website http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/sources/census/censusdates.htm, the census happened in 2002.

Because of the high growth rate between 1994 and 2001, i.e., population increased from 0.4M in 1994 to 1.01M in 2001, the result of the most recent census (2001/2002) of Equatorial Gunea is purported to be inflated, -- "Although the 2002 census estimated the population at 1,015,000, credible estimates put the number at closer to 500,000. The opposition claimed that the Government inflated the census in anticipation of the December presidential election." this statement from US Department of State: http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2002/18181.htm.

It is our practice to use the countrys National Statistics Offices official figures to produce our NSO-Based Estimates. Users concerned about the high growth rate are advidsed to use our UN Adjusted Population Estimates for 1990 to 2000.1585,4081,39315,973.67District centres and localities with 300 dwellings or more or with 1,500 inhabitants or more.939423.5821256,5337,12619380174,4230.7838.649.31710AFCities, Data provided by Uwe Deichman at the World Bank; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deAFCities, NIMAEritreaERIAfrica120520505Eastern AfricaER23257941218632RegionAwraja3819843,0333,2933,5763,1033,1893,6594,5195,0975,7202.26-3.272.26GIS coverage produced by USGS/EDC USAID/FEWS and obtained through the International Livestock Research Institute. UNEP/GRID-WRI-NCGIA Africa Population Database: http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov.Estimates of population in 1990 were based on the Census of Ethiopia 1984, Digital File obtained from EROS Data Center through the Int'l Livestock Research Institute; contains population figures for 3rd level administrative units (2nd level for Eritrea);Population data were extrapolated to target years using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.9529,98513,74690,781.33Localities with 2,000 inhabitants or more.9131937.42337246,6717,30365573590,1560.2816.219.17200AFCities, Data provided by Uwe Deichman at the World Bank; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deNIMA, World GazetteerEstoniaESTEurope520720705Northern EuropeEE233135431792CountyMunicipality251199020001,5721,4681,3721,5711,4841,3931,3161,2531,190- Administrative Boundaries of Europe (SABE) distributed by Eurographics: http://www.eurogeographics.org/eng/03_projects_sabe.asps (SABE 2001 date of release : February 2003).2000 data from the Statistical Office of Estonia, Table: Population by the Place of residence in 2000 and 1989 Population Censuses (by data of 2000 census): http://pub.stat.ee/px-web.2001/dialog/statfileri.asp

The 1990 data are official estimates of population from the Statistical Office of Estonia: http://www.stat.ee/A county (administrative level 1) population growth rate was calculated between 1990 and 2000 and applied to the muncipality units (administrative level 2) population to extrapolate to target years.42400,3781,16521,981.21Cities and urban-type localities designated as such according to criteria based on the number of inhabitants and the predominance of non-agricultural workers and their families.2163922125.802,642470,2875,70246610978,8206.1271.369.421000Housing and Population Census 2000, http://www.stat.ee/582World GazetteerEthiopiaETHAfrica120820805Eastern AfricaET2314611911237143RegionZoneWereda523199447,10254,91162,37047,50955,38562,90870,96279,85389,7650.860.860.86Boundary data were provided by Patrick Gordon, Mine Information Advisor, UNDP Mine Action Advisory Team.1994 data downloaded from the United Nations Development Programme Emergencies Unit for Ethiopia (UNDP-EUE) databases: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/eue_web/pop_des.htm .Komesha Wereda was manually split from Asosa Wereda based on the map from: http://www.telecom.net.et/~undp-eue/reports/Benish96.jpg .Population for Dire Dawa Town was added to Gurgura Wereda as the town population from the census is within this unit; Mekele Wereda was relabeled in the census data from Region 1, Zone 4, Wereda 9 to Region 1, Zone 5, Wereda 1 to match spatial data; For the two regions that had no census data, population for the units was estimated based on input data used in GPW version 2 for the years 1984-86. Several units in these regions did not match spatially. The new and old units were intersected and population was allocated proportionally to the new areas.

1994 population data were extrapolated to target years using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.4072,890,9471,03620,295.80Localities with 2,000 inhabitants or more.207588121.744,5002,795,9045,008358637,423,6380.4011.915.93117033AFCities, Data provided by Uwe Deichman at the World Bank; City Population, http://www.citypopulation.de; THE 1994 POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS OF ETHIOPIA, Census Bureau; World Gazetteer, www.gazetteer.deAFCities, Columbia Gazetteer, NIMA, Times Atlas of the World, 1, World GazetteerFaeroe IslandsFROEurope522022005Northern EuropeFO23410314081Islands152001484447474446495152-0.68-0.68-0.68Digital Chart of the World (DCW) and World Vector Shoreline, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/shorelines.html .2001 population data for regions, municipalities, towns and villages: http://www.hagstova.fo/Welcome_uk.html .To assign municipal and regional populations, a hybrid of Region (administrative level 1) and Municipality (administrativelevel 2) internal boundaries were created:

(1) Region STREYMOY ANNARS was combined with region TRSHAVNAR KI as they are on the same island; (2) Region NORARA EYSTUROY and region SYRA EYSTUROY were combined as they are on the same island; (3) Viareiis in region NOROYGGJAR ANNARS was assigned to region KLAKSVKARKI as it is on the same island. (4) Added one island, i.e., the island of Kirkjubur, from World Vector Shoreline at: http://rimmer.ngdc.noaa.gov/coast/All populations are obtained by generating sums of towns/villages to either muncipalities or islands.2001 population data were extrapolated to target years of 1990, 1995 and 2000 using growth rates derived from United Nations national level estimates and projections.1112,2081,0002,802.91Torshavn.2141132136.292736,6976,530661413,22719.3628.438.42000Ci