Govindaraj Rangan Technology Strategistdownload.microsoft.com/download/F/3/3/F33D91DF-D6E3-442A-9E20-5A39...COM Objects Create a COM object using New-Object > $xl= New-Object -ComObject

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Govindaraj RanganTechnology StrategistMicrosoft India


Introduction to Windows Powershell

Scripting with Windows Powershell

Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET)

Scripting Best Practices


Introduction to Windows Powershell

Scripting with Windows Powershell

Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET)

Scripting Best Practices

Windows Powershell - Overview

Interactive Shell

Rich Scripting Environment

Object Oriented



More than everything, EASY!


Platform and Application Functionality

as COM and .NET Objects

Windows PowerShell Cmdlets

MMC Snap-In ScriptsInteractive Shell

Interfaces such as WMI, ADSI

CmdLet Syntax

Status Name DisplayName

------ ---- -----------

Stopped NetLogon NetLogon

Running Netman Network Connections

PS> get-service –name “*net*”

Verb NounName


Command Parameter

Property Names

Property Values

Powershell Security

Powershell not associated with .PS1Doesn’t run script by Default

Does not run scripts without a path

You need to autograph your scriptExecution Policy

Restricted, Allsigned, Remote-signed, Unrestricted

Standard parameters like “-whatif”, “-confirm” to save you from making accidental changes

Read-Host -assecurestring

Common CmdLetsPS C:\> Get-Command

CommandType Name Definition ----------- ---- ---------Function A: Set-Location A: Cmdlet Add-Computer Add-Computer [[-ComputerName] <String[]>] [-Do...Cmdlet Add-Content Add-Content [-Path] <String[]> [-Value] <Objec...

PS C:\> Get-Help Get-Command

PS C:\> Get-Process

PS C:\> Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.CPU –gt 100}

PS C:\> Get-Service

PS C:\> Get-EventLog

PS C:\> $var = Read-Host

PS C:\> Write-Host $var

PS C:\> Restart-Computer –ComputerName “MYBOSSPC”

Introducing Windows PowershellFew Commonly Used CmdLets


Introduction to Windows Powershell

Scripting with Windows Powershell

Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET)

Scripting Best Practices

Variables$ represents variable

$txt = get-content “C:\test.txt”

Type determined based on usage

Strong typing: [int] $n

Constants: Set-Variable pi 3.14 –option Constant

Arrays$arr = @(1,2,3). $arr[0] returns 1

Associative Arrays (Hashtables)$marks = @,ram=“100”;ravan=“0”-

$marks.ram returns “100”

$marks*“ram”+ returns “100”


+, -, *, /, %

Assignment=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

Conditional-gt, -lt, -ge, -le, -ne, -eq, -contains

Append i or c for case insensitive or sensitive operations

String+, *, -replace, -match, -like


If (condition) {

# do something

} ElseIf {

# do something

} Else {

# do something



For ($i = 0; $i –lt 10; $i++) {

# do something

if ($i –eq 5) {





Foreach ($item in collection) {

# Do something to the item

if ($item –eq “a value”) ,




ConstructsSwitch (variable) {

“value1” , #do something-

“value2” , #do something-

“value3” , #do something-


Switch –regex|-wildcard (variable) {

“.*?” , #do something-



function take_all_args {

write-host $Args[0]


function take_sp_args (*string+$label = “t”)


# do something


Build a script to identify IP addresses that are currently in use in a given subnet, using a simple ping test


Introduction to Windows Powershell

Scripting with Windows Powershell

Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET)

Scripting Best Practices

WMI Objects Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

◦ WMI is a core technology for Windows system administration

◦ It exposes a wide range of information in a uniform manner.

Get-WmiObject cmdlet

Listing WMI classes◦ Get-WmiObject -List

◦ Get-WmiObject -list -ComputerName cflabsql01

Getting WMI objects◦ Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem

◦ Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk

◦ Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Select-Object -Property Status,Name,DisplayName

Working with WMIGet free hard disk space availableGet the amount of RAM installed

COM Objects Create a COM object using New-Object

◦ > $xl= New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application

Reflect against properties/methods◦ > $xl |get-member

Access properties/methods◦ > $xl.Visible = “True”

Drill down into Excel object model◦ > $wb = $xl.Workbooks.Add()

◦ > $ws = $xl.Worksheets.Item(1)

◦ > $ws.Cells.Item(1,1) = "TEST“

◦ > $ws.Cells.Item(1,1).Font.Bold = "True“

◦ > $ws.Cells.Item(1,1).Font.Size = 24

◦ $xl.Workbooks.Add().Worksheets.Item(1).Cells.Item(1,1) = "HELLO"

Working with Excel – Make an Excel report of Software Installed on a given machine

.NET Objects Creating .Net objects

$f = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form

Inspecting properties-methods $f|Get-Member

Accessing properties-methods $f.Text = "Give me the username and password“

Adding Controls to the Parent Object (Form) Create control object:

$OKButton = New-object System.Windows.Forms.Button

Add control to Parent: $f.Controls.Add($OKButton)

Load any assembly and use its objects◦ [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom(“…\abc.dll”);

Getting user credentials using a dialog box.NET Namespace: System.Windows.Forms


Introduction to Windows Powershell

Scripting with Windows Powershell

Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET)

Scripting Best Practices

Scripting Best Practices

Use sensible variable names

Indent within constructs

Use Source Control

Avoid aliases within Scripts

Use as descriptive comments as possible

Use Functions and Script blocks to reduce the number of lines of code

Test thoroughly for boundary conditions before running in production

Capture and report all logical errors

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