1 KELLY + PARTNERS | GOVERNMENT, INCENTIVES & INNOVATION GOVERNMENT, INCENTIVES & INNOVATION Government Relations, Incentives & Innovation You’re ‘better off ‘ with Kelly+Partners 201217_KP_Government_v4

Government Relations, Incentives & Innovation + partners | government, incentives & innovation 3 go vernment , incentives & innova tion Kelly+Partners was founded in 2006 with a determination

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Page 1: Government Relations, Incentives & Innovation + partners | government, incentives & innovation 3 go vernment , incentives & innova tion Kelly+Partners was founded in 2006 with a determination


G O V E R N M E N T , I N C E N T I V E S & I N N O V A T I O N

Government Relations, Incentives & Innovation

You’re ‘better off ‘ with Kelly+Partners




Page 2: Government Relations, Incentives & Innovation + partners | government, incentives & innovation 3 go vernment , incentives & innova tion Kelly+Partners was founded in 2006 with a determination


To help private business owners, private clients and families maintain control of their financial universe and be better off by delivering the Kelly+Partners Financial Advice System.


Page 3: Government Relations, Incentives & Innovation + partners | government, incentives & innovation 3 go vernment , incentives & innova tion Kelly+Partners was founded in 2006 with a determination


G O V E R N M E N T , I N C E N T I V E S & I N N O V A T I O N

Kelly+Partners was founded in 2006 with a determination to challenge the status quo, as a small group of accountants dedicated to providing advice and expertise of uncompromising excellence.

The firm has achieved extraordinary results following our distinctive vision - a cohesive team of advisors intensely focused on helping our clients manage their entire financial universe and solving their most important problems.

Our specialty is counsel to private business owners, private clients and families of significant wealth to maintain control of, preserve and grow their wealth.

We have experience in the fields of accounting, audit, taxation compliance, taxation consulting, business advisory and multi-family office services. Strategic advice in the areas of Government, Incentives & Innovation continues the unique focus on helping clients be ‘better off’.

The firm handles some of the largest, most complex, and sophisticated advisory matters for businesses, owners, private clients and families in Sydney and nationally. We have a track record of original and ground-breaking solutions and innovations that have impacted dramatically on the way business is conducted in our industry.

Our distinctive ownership and operational structure defines our approach. We maintain a ratio of associates to Client Directors significantly below that of other firms.

Our structure ensures our business revolves around:

● a careful selection of clients

● limiting the number and type of matters we undertake

● focusing on matters that require the attention, extensive experience and deep expertise of our Client Directors

● having the scale and depth to do the best work for our clients, never losing the personal relationship

● the flexibility to bring the right expertise, providing the best service and advice; and

● working together on a task-force basis on all of our matters, bringing together the requisite mix of people and skills across practice areas.

Our structure and approach attracts talented professionals, who enable us to achieve excellent results for our clients in complex and critical matters.

We are determined to be the best, not the biggest.

Kind regards,

Brett Kelly Chairman

Dave Sharma Director and Principal

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Want the best for othersWe are distinguished by thinking and acting in the interest of others, taking the time to know people and always seeking to be helpful.

One team, one best wayWe care for our colleagues, treating each other like family. We’ve got each other’s backs and we work with the Kelly+Partners system in ‘One Best Way’.

Profi t leaderProfi t is essential to a sustainable business. We want to demonstrate the quality of our advice by earning it in our business.

We do what we sayWe do what we say – our word is our bond and we deliver what we promise.

Brightness of futureOur team personally demonstrate that they contribute to making Kelly+Partners a great place to work.

Better offWe help Private Business Ow ners who want to be ‘better off’ by delivering trusted and convenient compliance and forward-looking advisory services.

Every client a referrerWe like our clients and we want them to be happy. Each client is important and if they’ve got a problem that needs solving, we’re there to help fi x it.

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APPROACH Kelly+Partners Government, Incentives & Innovation creates value-adding relationships with clients.

Our approach entails:

+ Strong Values & Integrity

+ Long-term Relationships

+ Independent Advice

+ Proven Proprietary Systems & Processes

+ Wide Experience & Track Record

SERVICES Kelly+Partners Government, Incentives & Innovation provides a wide range of services including:

+ Strategic advice and counsel in managing government, regulartory and public policy challenges

+ Advice in accessing government incentives and assistance to support and grow your business

+ Access to new and emerging technologies and trends to support innovation within businesses, avoid disruption and stay ahead of competitors.


Kelly+Partners Government, Incentives & Innovation uses a proven system & process which was developed internally for our own business.

Our process includes:

1 An In-depth assessment of your company.

2 A strategic review in order to define and agree to clear strategic outcomes.

3 Determining the optimal pathway to achieve strategic goals for the company.

4 Ongoing Advice

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Government, Incentives &Innovation



Kelly+Partners team of professionals is led by Dave Sharma.

We provide clients with advice and solutions that open communication with government and other key stakeholders to support advocacy at the federal, state and local levels.

The team provides the following services:

Political and policy audit: information gathering and analysis to determine how a client, project or policy agenda is likely to be perceived in light of a range of political, policy and other relevant factors

Communication management: planning, developing and executing strategies to effectively communicate with a variety of audiences

Investor counsel: assisting investors in regulated industry sectors to understand policy and regulation

Major projects, procurement and bid advisory: specialist advice on government procurement processes

Merger and acquisition advice: working with proponents and their advisers to understand key political and policy issues, and achieve approvals

Policy, regulatory and legislative advice: strategic counsel, policy formulation, active monitoring and tactical support to achieve regulatory outcomes

Stakeholder mapping and engagement: identification of key government and other influencers, and assistance in liaising with stakeholders in pursuit of regulatory or business objectives.

Global counsel: identifying and analysing global developments and trends relevant to business objectives.


Our team assist clients to understand and access the full range of Government incentives and assistance programs across the life-cycle of their business.

Governments at all levels in Australia and globally have incentive programs that business owners often are not aware of and do not know how to access.

Our expertise is identifying and accessing those opportunities for our clients.


Our understanding and proprietary digital innovation framework allows business owners and their teams to review their business, understand the disruptive trends and technologies that threaten their business model, and adapt accordingly to remain competitive.

Together we prepare an innovation action plan to take advantage of opportunities in this sphere.

The team provides the following services:

+ Review and score business innovation status and existing capability

+ Compile industry analysis SWOT for the digital age

+ Develop rapid implementation and change management plan

+ Provide connectivity to leading digital innovators globally for our clients.


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Dave with then Prime Minister John Howard, Washington DC

Dave with former Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Dave with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Dave with former Prime Minister Tony Abbott.Gillard. Dave with Governor General, His Excellency Sir Peter Cosgrove.

Dave meeting with Israeli President and Nobel Peace Prize Winner Shimon

Dave in the Oval Office, Washington DC, for meeting between President Bush and Prime Minister Rudd.

Dave with President Rivlin of Israel.

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Dave Sharma B.A Law, M.A Cambridge M.A International Relations Director and Principal

Dave Sharma served as Australia’s Ambassador to Israel from 2013 to 2017. This period coincided with some of the busiest and most productive years for the Australia-Israel relationship, with trade, investment and innovation ties strengthened significantly. Dave’s leadership and diplomacy delivered a number of achievements for Australia, including securing privileged access for Australia into Israel’s start-up economy, improved air linkages, better visa products, negotiations to eliminate double taxation, and the launch of the Tel Aviv Landing Pad - an entry point for Australian entrepreneurs into Israel’s high-tech economy. Dave’s leadership kept the Embassy secure and operational during several periods of significant security unrest and tension, including the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict. He also implemented a staff and resourcing restructure to better align the Embassy to core objectives, and found significant budget savings.

In Canberra, Dave’s roles included advising the Prime Minister on Australia’s international relations, adviser to the Foreign Minister, managing Australia’s diplomatic presence in Africa, and director of the Indonesia desk, looking after one of Australia’s most important bilateral relationships.

Overseas, Dave served as political counsellor at the Australian Embassy in Washington DC, and he continues to closely follow US politics and strategic affairs and maintains close relationships there. Dave also served as adviser to the Ambassador for Counter Terrorism and undertook peacekeeping duties with the Peace Monitoring Group in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea.

Dave holds a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree from the University of Cambridge (with First Class Honours) and a Master’s Degree from Deakin University.

Brett KellyBBus, CA, MTax, DipFS, RTA, JP Chairman

Brett is the founder and CEO of Kelly+Partners. He has more than 20 years business advisory and professional accountancy experience, specialising in assisting private clients, private business owners and families.

He commenced his career as a Chartered Accountant with 5 years at Price Waterhouse, and then worked at 3 mid-sized accounting firms.

In 2006, Brett founded Kelly+Partners with accounting businesses in North Sydney and the Central Coast, before building out the network to 18 businesses over 13 locations to date. Brett is also the best-selling author of four books on life, business and wisdom.

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South West Sydney

North Sydney

NorwestNorthern BeachesWestern Sydney

ParramattaSydney CBD

Southern Highlands

Oran Park

Central Tablelands

Central Coast

Hong Kong


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New York

Cape Town



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GGI – your gateway to the global marketplace.

As a member of GGI (one of the top ten international accounting, consulting and law firm alliances), we are able to provide informed recommendations on a global scale.

Through GGI we have access to experts around the world providing first-hand advice on local regulations, compliance and go-to-market strategies.

GGI’s broad international presence opens up a gateway into the global marketplace. Through our membership we have connections with high quality firms in nearly every major financial and commercial centre worldwide, allowing us to offer international resources to our clients.

This remarkable facility applies whether you are looking for business opportunities beyond national boundaries or need international support in addition to services in your home market.



Hong Kong

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G O V E R N M E N T , I N C E N T I V E S & I N N O V A T I O N

© 2017 Kelly Partners Group Holdings Ltd

Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. The information contained is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity and is not to be relied upon by individuals or any other entity in making financial or investment decisions. Individuals and other entities should seek appropriate professional advice tailored to their circumstances in making financial decisions. Although Kelly+Partners has taken care in creating this document, no guarantee is given as to its accuracy, currency or correctness. Kelly+Partners is under no obligation to update any information included in this document. To the extent permissible by law, Kelly + Partners and its associated entities shall not be held liable for any errors, omissions, defects or misrepresentations in the information contained in this document, or any loss or damage, however caused, suffered or incurred by persons who rely on information in this document for any purpose. Each office of Kelly+Partners (Office) is a separate legal entity. Services are delivered independently by each Office. These Offices are not members of one national partnership or otherwise legal partners with each other, nor is any one Office responsible for the services or activities of any other. Kelly+Partners Holdings Limited (KPGH) is not responsible or liable for any acts or omissions of an Office and specifically disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for acts or omissions of an Office. An Office cannot act as agent of KPGH or any other Office, cannot obligate KPGH or any other Office, and is liable only for its own acts or omissions and not those of KPGH or any other Office. Similarly, KPGH cannot

act as an agent of any Office, cannot obligate any Office, and is liable only for its own acts or omissions.


Level 53 MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia T +61 2 9233 8866 F +61 2 9233 8464 E [email protected] W kellypartners.com.au

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

‘Such achievements owe much to the leadership and diplomacy shown by Dave Sharma … testament to the energy, wisdom and panache brought to the task of advancing the Australia-Israel relationship’

Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard

‘Your great diplomatic skills on behalf of Australia’s foreign policy will be missed’.

His Excellency Sir Peter Cosgrove, Governor-General

‘May the relationship between Australia and Israel continue to grow with your guidance’.

Former NSW Premier Mike Baird

‘Thank you for all the advice and assistance you provided during my recent mission to Israel. Your support ensured the mission was both enjoyable and a great success’

Zionist Federation of Australia

‘We wish to congratulate you on your outstanding term as Australia’s Ambassador to Israel, and sincerly thank you for your hard work and dedication to extending and deepening the historic bonds of friendship between Australia and the State of Israel’.

Executive Council of Australian Jewry

Dave has ‘served Australia with great distinction and should be immensely proud’.

‘You will long be remembered with affection in Australia and in the Australian Jewish community for your tireless and successful efforts to broaden the bonds between Australia and Israel’.
