441 4 th Street, NW (Judiciary Square), Suite 707N Voice (202) 727-8900 / Fax (202) 727-1652 Washington, DC 20001 Produced by Pat Henry 1 of 13 Government of the District of Columbia Muriel Bowser, Mayor Mayor’s Office of Partnerships and Grant Services 441 4 th Street, NW (Judiciary Square) Suite 707 North Washington, DC 20001 http://opgs.dc.gov Volume 21, Issue 16 April 16, 2018 TECHNICAL AREA OPPORTUNITY NAME PAGE News News You Can Use Electronic Grants Clearinghouse 3 4 Public Safety & Justice 2019 Consolidated Request for Applications (OVSJ) 4-5 Economic Development Inclusive Innovation Fund (“IIF”) Program (DMPED) 5 Sports/Recreation/Mental Health Innovative & Integrated Services Healthy Living and Mindfulness Pilot (DOES) 5 Capacity Building Innovative & Integrated Services Mentorship & Supportive Services Pilot (DOES) 5-6 Economic Development/Housing 2018 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants Program (HUD) 6 Mental Health Community Programs for Outreach and Intervention with Youth and Young Adults at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (HHS) 6 Sports/Recreation Global Sports Mentoring Program (DOS) 6-7 Health Care Improving the Health of Americans through Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke- Financed in part by 2018 Prevention and Public Health Funds (HHS) 7 Public Safety/Justice Law Enforcement-Youth Field Initiated Research and Evaluation Program (DOJ) 7 Capacity Building Mental Health Awareness Training Grants (HHS) 7-8 Capacity Building Refugee Family Child Care Microenterprise Development Program (HHS) 8 *Note- press ctrl and left click to jump directly to opportunities of interest

Government of the District of Columbia Muriel Bowser ... 7 and 8 Microbusiness Dream Grants Show Up, Stand Out Program: Consolidated Community-Based Truancy Reduction Grant Initiative

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441 4th Street, NW (Judiciary Square), Suite 707N Voice (202) 727-8900 / Fax (202) 727-1652

Washington, DC 20001 Produced by Pat Henry

1 of 13

Government of the District of Columbia

Muriel Bowser, Mayor Mayor’s Office of Partnerships and Grant Services

441 4th Street, NW (Judiciary Square) Suite 707 North

Washington, DC 20001 http://opgs.dc.gov

Volume 21, Issue 16 April 16, 2018


Electronic Grants Clearinghouse 3 4

Public Safety & Justice 2019 Consolidated Request for Applications (OVSJ) 4-5

Economic Development Inclusive Innovation Fund (“IIF”) Program (DMPED) 5

Sports/Recreation/Mental Health

Innovative & Integrated Services – Healthy Living and Mindfulness Pilot (DOES)


Capacity Building Innovative & Integrated Services – Mentorship & Supportive Services Pilot (DOES)


Economic Development/Housing

2018 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants Program (HUD)


Mental Health Community Programs for Outreach and Intervention with Youth and Young Adults at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (HHS)


Sports/Recreation Global Sports Mentoring Program (DOS) 6-7

Health Care Improving the Health of Americans through Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke-Financed in part by 2018 Prevention and Public Health Funds (HHS)


Public Safety/Justice Law Enforcement-Youth Field Initiated Research and Evaluation Program (DOJ)


Capacity Building Mental Health Awareness Training Grants (HHS) 7-8

Capacity Building Refugee Family Child Care Microenterprise Development Program (HHS)


*Note- press ctrl and left click to jump directly to opportunities of interest

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Suite 707 North Produced by Pat Henry

Washington, DC 20001 Page 2 of 13

TECHNICAL AREA OPPORTUNITY NAME PAGE Capacity Building State Occupational Licensing Review and Reform (DOL) 8

Justice/Public Safety State System Enhancements for Youth Offenders (DOJ) 8-9

STEM/Education TechWomen Program (DOS) 9

Education Veterans Accelerated Learning for Licensed Occupations Project (DOL)


Economic Development Community Partners Grants 9-10

Environment/Education Developing the Next Generation of Conservationists


Youth Focus Education and Health 10

Education Family Literacy Programs Grants 10

Healthcare HIV/AIDS Efforts 10-11

Healthcare Substance Use Disorder Services 11

Additional Resources and Announcements Previous Funding Resources and Announcements

11 11-12

*Note- press ctrl and left click to jump directly to opportunities of interest

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Suite 707 North Produced by Pat Henry

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Government of the District of Columbia Opportunities



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The Office of Partnerships and Grant Services Needs Your Help. Help us get 1000 likes on our Facebook page. If you like us you will get time sensitive information on funding opportunities, job announcements, upcoming events and more that might not be in the Funding Alert. Like Us Now.

Grant Information Resource Center (GIRC). The Grant Information Resource Center (GIRC) registration form is now live on OPGS’ website. The GIRC provides technical assistance and information about resources that improve community services in the District of Columbia for its “customers” - District government, nonprofit, and faith-based representatives. The primary focus is to assist customers who either lack computer access or the knowledge to best use their existing computer technology to strengthen their organizations. The GIRC is open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and 2 p.m.-4 p.m., by appointment only. For additional information call 202-727-8900.

Funding Alert: If you would like to post a free event/resource announcement in the Funding Alert, contact Pat

Henry at [email protected]. All back issues of the funding alert can be found at www.opgs.dc.gov . District Grants Clearinghouse: District agency grant opportunities are listed in the Funding Alert. These

opportunities can be found on the Office of Partnerships and Grant Services website at www.opgs.dc.gov . All information that should be posted to the Clearinghouse should be sent to [email protected] . State Single Point of Contact (SPOC): The Office of Partnerships and Grant Services is the DC SPOC. The

application is available online on OPGS’s website at www.opgs.dc.gov select State Single Point of Contact. If you need additional information call Pat Henry at (202) 727-0946. Contracting Opportunities with the District of Columbia Government: If you are interested in business/contracting opportunities with the District of Columbia Government visit the Office of Contracts and Procurement website at www.ocp.dc.gov and follow these instructions: click on “Solicitation”; click on “List All Opportunities” and finally click on “Electronic Solicitations”. For additional information contact [email protected]


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Electronic Grants Clearinghouse The Office of Partnerships and Grant Services is the clearinghouse for the Government of the District of Columbia’s grant programs. Notices and application packets are available for the following notices at:

http://opgs.dc.gov/page/opgs-district-grants-clearinghouse .

Additional Government of the District of Columbia Opportunities 2019 Consolidated Request for Applications (OVSJ). Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants announces funds to maintain the comprehensive network of services available to victims of violent crime; to address the issues of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault in a manner that promotes victim safety and offender accountability; to improve the treatment of victims of crime by providing them with the assistance and services necessary to aid their restoration after a violent criminal act; and to support and aid them as they move through the criminal and civil justice processes.

Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations and faith-based organizations

Deadline: 5/17/2017

Contact: Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants at https://www.zoomgrants.com/about-us/request-technical-help/

District Agency

Funding Opportunity Deadline

Department of Small and Local Business Development Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants Department of Behavioral Health Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants Department of Human Services Department of Energy and Environment

Ward 7 and 8 Microbusiness Dream Grants Show Up, Stand Out Program: Consolidated Community-Based Truancy Reduction Grant Initiative Fiscal Year 2019 Consolidated Grants DC Peer Operated Center Show Up, Stand Out Program: Consolidated Community-Based Truancy Reduction Grant Initiative SNAP Employment and Training Program Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring in District of Columbia Waters

April 27, 2018 May 4, 2018 May 17, 2018 April 30, 3018 May 4, 2018 April 30, 2018 April 30, 2018

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Website: https://opgs.dc.gov/page/opgs-district-grants-clearinghouse

Grant ID: GD7932

Inclusive Innovation Fund (“IIF”) Program (DMPED). Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development announces funds to enable an investment professional partner that shares Mayor Bowser’s vision for inclusive innovation to create a privately managed fund that invests in early stage, high-growth, DC-based businesses led by underrepresented entrepreneurs, such as people of color, women, LGBTQ individuals, and persons with disabilities. These businesses may be technology, technology-enabled or non-technology businesses. The Request for Applications (“RFA”) will be released on April 30, 2018.

Eligibility: For-profit organizations and small businesses

Deadline: 5/30/2018

Funds: $1,500,000 is available for awards

Contact: LaToyia Hampton at [email protected]

Website: https://opgs.dc.gov/page/opgs-district-grants-clearinghouse

Grant ID: GD7917

Innovative & Integrated Services – Healthy Living and Mindfulness Pilot (DOES). Department of Employment

Services announce funds to support high-quality structured physical fitness and mental health services to DOES participants seeking to incorporate healthy living practices into their lives.

Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, for-profit organizations, small businesses and community-based organizations

Deadline: 5/1/2018

Pre-Application Meeting Information:

Pre-Application Meeting will be held April 23rd, 11:00 am to noon at 4058 Minnesota Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20019 Room 4202. Email [email protected] if you will be attending the pre-application meeting.

Funds: $100,000 is available for awards

Contact: Anthony Gamblin at [email protected]

Website: https://opgs.dc.gov/page/opgs-district-grants-clearinghouse

Grant ID: GD7912

Innovative & Integrated Services – Mentorship & Supportive Services Pilot (DOES). Department of

Employment Services announce funds to provide high-quality, structured mentorship to Department of Employment Services customers that have experienced a period of incarceration.

Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, for-profit organizations, small businesses and community-based organizations

Deadline: 5/1/2018

Pre-Application Meeting Information:

Pre-Application Meeting on April 24th, 11:00 am to noon at 4058 Minnesota Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20019 Room: 4202. Email [email protected]. If you will be attending the pre-application meeting.

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Funds: $200,000 is available for awards

Contact: Anthony Gamblin at [email protected]

Website: https://opgs.dc.gov/page/opgs-district-grants-clearinghouse

Grant ID: GD7913

Federal Opportunities

2018 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants Program (HUD). Department of Housing and Urban Development

announces funds to helps communities transform neighborhoods by redeveloping severely distressed public and/or HUD-assisted housing and catalyzing critical improvements in the neighborhood, including vacant property, housing, businesses, services and schools.

Eligibility: City or township governments, county governments, nonprofit organizations, public housing authorities and DC government agencies

Deadline: 6/12/2018

Funds: $5,000,000 is available for six awards and a match is required

Contact: Choice Neighborhoods at [email protected]

Website: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/spm/gmomgmt/grantsinfo/fundingopps/fy18cnpg

Grant ID: GD7930

Community Programs for Outreach and Intervention with Youth and Young Adults at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (HHS). Department of Health and Human Services announces funds to identify youth and young adults, not more than 25 years old, at clinical high risk for psychosis and provide evidence-based interventions to prevent the onset of psychosis or lessen the severity of psychotic disorder.

Eligibility: City or township governments, county governments, state governments and DC government agencies

Deadline: 6/11/2018

Funds: $11,200,000 is available for 28 awards and a match is required

Contact: Emily Lichvar at [email protected]

Website: https://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/sm-18-012

Grant ID: GD7915

Global Sports Mentoring Program (DOS). Department of State announces funds to to conduct two separate

month-long professional development mentorship programs, Sport for Community GSMP and the espnW GSMP, and a reciprocal overseas exchange involving approximately 80 international and American participants in total. By empowering women and people with disabilities, the GSMP directly supports U.S. foreign policy goals, promotes social inclusion, and elevates the status of marginalized populations.

Eligibility: Public and state controlled institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations and private institutions of higher education

Deadline: 6/1/2018

Funds: $1,130,000 is available for awards

Contact: Hans Posey Program Analyst at [email protected]

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Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html

Grant ID: GD7925

Improving the Health of Americans through Prevention and Management of Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke-Financed in part by 2018 Prevention and Public Health Funds (HHS). Department of Health and Human Services announces funds to support state investments in implementing and evaluating evidence-based strategies to prevent and manage cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes in high-burden populations/communities.

Eligibility: State governments and DC government agencies

Deadline: 6/11/2018

Funds: $90,000,000 is available for 51 awards

Contact: Jeannette May at [email protected]

Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html

State Single Point of Contact:

This grant is subject to "Intergovernmental Review" under EO 12372. Please go to http://opgs.dc.gov/spoc.asp for further information.

Grant ID: GD7931

Law Enforcement-Youth Field Initiated Research and Evaluation Program (DOJ). Department of Justice

announces funds to support field-initiated, methodologically rigorous research and/or evaluations focused on interactions between law enforcement and youth, with practical implications for the identification and development of programs and policies that ensure officer, youth, and community safety.

Eligibility: City or township governments, county governments, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, state governments, nonprofit organizations, private institutions of higher education, for-profit organizations and DC government agencies

Deadline: 5/29/2018

Funds: $1,000,000 is available for two awards

Contact: Customer Service at [email protected]

Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html

Grant ID: GD7929

Mental Health Awareness Training Grants (HHS). Department of Health and Human Services announces funds

to: (1) train individuals (e.g., school personnel, emergency first responders, law enforcement, veterans, armed services members and their families) to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental disorders, particularly serious mental illness (SMI) and/or serious emotional disturbance (SED); (2) establish linkages with school- and/or community-based mental health agencies to refer individuals with the signs or symptoms of mental illness to appropriate services; (3) train emergency services personnel, veterans, law enforcement, fire department personnel, and others to identify persons with a mental disorder and employ crisis de-escalation techniques; and (4) educate individuals about resources that are available in the community for individuals with a mental disorder.

Eligibility: City or township governments, county governments, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, state governments, nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, private institutions of higher education, community-based organizations and DC government agencies

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Deadline: The deadline for applications is 6/8/2018

Funds: $15,801,221 is available for 126 awards

Contact: Nancy Kelly at [email protected]

Website: https://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/sm-18-009

Grant ID: GD7916

Refugee Family Child Care Microenterprise Development Program (HHS). Department of Health and Human

Services announces funds to provide refugee participants with training and technical assistance in professional child care, microenterprise development, and financial literacy; assist refugee participants in navigating the child care licensing process; and provide direct financial assistance as needed to enable participants to prepare their homes for child care business operation.

Eligibility: City or township governments, county governments, independent school districts, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, state governments, nonprofit organizations, public housing authorities, private institutions of higher education, community-based organizations and DC government agencies

Deadline: 5/15/2018

Funds: $1,500,000 is available for eight awards

Contact: Customer Service

Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html

Grant ID: GD7923

State Occupational Licensing Review and Reform (DOL). Department of Labor announces funds to provide

states with the means to review and streamline occupational licensing requirements in state-identified occupations and to promote portability of state licenses to and from other states, which is of particular concern to dislocated workers and military families.

Eligibility: sState governments and DC government agencies

Deadline: 5/14/2018

Funds: $4,500,000 is available for 20 awards

Contact: Samantha Stowers at [email protected]

Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html

Grant ID: GD7926

State System Enhancements for Youth Offenders (DOJ). Department of Justice announces funds to develop

and implement strategies to ensure that youth involved with the juvenile justice system have fair and equal access to quality legal representation; ensure that offenders involved with the juvenile justice system have resources that address the collateral consequences of justice system involvement; and/or provide training for the juvenile indigent defense bar, including public defenders and court-appointed counsel working on behalf of juvenile indigent defendants.

Eligibility: City or township governments, county governments, state governments and DC government agencies

Deadline: 5/28/2018

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Funds: $1,800,000 is available for four awards

Contact: Customer Service at [email protected]

Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html

State Single Point of Contact:

This grant is subject to "Intergovernmental Review" under EO 12372. Please go to http://opgs.dc.gov/spoc.asp for further information.

Grant ID: GD7928

TechWomen Program (DOS). Department of State announces funds to empower, connect, and support the next

generation of women leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The exchange program uses a mentorship model to support emerging STEM leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Central Asia, and the Middle East and North Africa.

Eligibility: Public and state controlled institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations and private institutions of higher education

Deadline: 6/1/2018

Funds: $9,240,000 is available for awards

Contact: Hans Posey at [email protected]

Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html

Grant ID: GD7927

Veterans Accelerated Learning for Licensed Occupations Project (DOL). Department of Labor announces

funds to accomplish increasing and expediting attainment of state occupational licenses by veterans and transitioning service members (TSMs) by identifying gaps between military education and training in specific military occupations as compared to the education required for related licensed civilian occupations.

Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations

Deadline: 5/14/2018

Funds: $4,500,000 is available for three awards

Contact: Stephanie Pena at [email protected]

Website: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html

Grant ID: GD7924

Foundation Opportunities

Community Partners Grants. Lowe's Gives Foundation announces funds to support high-need projects such as

building renovations and upgrades, grounds improvements, technology upgrades, and safety improvements.

Eligibility: City or township governments, county governments, state governments, nonprofit organizations and DC government agencies

Deadline: 8/24/2018

Funds: Awards are available up to $100,000

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Contact: Community Relations at (704) 758-2817 or [email protected]

Website: https://newsroom.lowes.com/apply-for-a-grant/

Grant ID: GD7918

Developing the Next Generation of Conservationists. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) announces

funds to support organizations that create innovative educational opportunities and job experiences for youth and young adults to engage them with the natural world and discover career opportunities available in conservation.

Eligibility: City or township governments, county governments, independent school districts, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, private institutions of higher education, DC government agencies and Local Educational Agencies

Deadline: 6/20/2018

Funds: $950,000 is available for awards up to $150,000 and a match is required

Contact: Easygrants Helpdesk at [email protected]

Website: http://www.nfwf.org/youth/Pages/youth2018rfp.aspx

Grant ID: GD7920

Education and Health. Brady Shines announces funds to support educational and youth-focused programs.

Eligibility: City or township governments, county governments, independent school districts, public and state controlled institutions of higher education, state governments, nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, private institutions of higher education, community-based organizations, DC government agencies and Local Educational Agencies

Deadline: 5/31/2018

Funds: Awards are available up to $10,000

Contact: Brady Shines

Website: https://www.bradyshines.org/grant-award-process

Grant ID: GD7922

Family Literacy Programs Grants. Wish You Well Foundation announces funds to support the development and

expansion of new and existing literacy and educational programs.

Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations

Deadline: None

Funds: Awards are available up to $10,000

Contact: Wish You Well Foundation at [email protected]

Website: https://www.wishyouwellfoundation.org/

Grant ID: GD7919

HIV/AIDS Efforts. Kent Richard Hofmann Foundation announces funds to support programs working in the areas

of HIV/AIDS care and direct services, education, and research. Grants will be awarded in support of programs in development as well as established programs, with emphasis on their direct benefit to clients or target audiences. Letters of Intent are required and due August 31.

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Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations

Deadline: 8/31/2018

Contact: Kent Richard Hofmann Foundation at [email protected]

Website: http://krhofmann.org/

Grant ID: GD7914

Substance Use Disorder Services. CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield announces funds to support programs that

will increase access to substance use disorder services – including efforts to combat opioid addiction – in Maryland, Northern Virginia, and Washington, DC.

Eligibility: City or township governments, county governments, state governments, nonprofit organizations and DC government agencies

Deadline: 5/11/2018

Funds: $15,000,000 is available for awards

Contact: CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield

Website: https://www.carefirst.com/community/rfp/access-to-substance-use-disorder-services.page?

Grant ID: GD7921

Additional Resources and Announcements Free Intellectual Property Legal Clinic for Nonprofits. The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center is hosting a “Free Intellectual Property Legal Clinic for Nonprofits” on May 10 from 9am to 11:30am. The legal clinic will assist nonprofit groups with basic intellectual property issues, including trademarks, copyrights, and licensing. This clinic will include a short presentation on the basics of intellectual property law as it applies to your nonprofit, followed by a one-on-one meeting (approximately one hour) between your organization and attorneys who specialize in intellectual property law. The attorneys will review the IP needs of your nonprofit with you. Issues to be reviewed include your nonprofit's name, logos, website, program materials, and licensing agreements. Registration required. If you are interested in attending, kindly contact Lauren Paley at [email protected] or (202) 780-2755 before April 26th. Responding to DC's FY 2019 Consolidated Justice Grants Request for Applications. On March 2nd, 2018, from 10 am to 1 pm the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council and the Grants Planning Committee will hold Responding to DC's FY 2019 Consolidated Justice Grants Request for Applications (RFA) . During this training, attendees will be briefed on the Consolidated Justice Grants RFA, and get practical tips, tricks and advice on responding to the solicitation. Topics To Be Addressed will include; FY 2019 Consolidated Justice Grants Request for Applications (RFA); Pulling Together an Application; Framing What You Do; Finding Data To Support Your Application; and Budgets and Logic Models. The training will be held at the Districts Citywide Conference Center – Room 1107 South. OVSJG's FY2019 Consolidated Justice Grants RFA will be officially released on 4/30/2018. To register visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/responding-to-dcs-fy-2019-consolidated-justice-grants-request-for-applications-rfa-tickets-44801746229

Previous Funding Resources and Announcements Awards for Innovative Justice Programs. The Foundation for Improvement of Justice works to enhance local, state, and federal systems of justice by rewarding the accomplishments of innovative programs throughout the

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United States. Each year, awards of $10,000 are provided to up to seven nominees for justice-related programs that have proven to be effective and can serve as models for others. The award categories include the following: legal reform, crime prevention, child protection, speeding the process, effecting restitution, crime victims' rights, alternative sentencing, reducing recidivism, lowering the cost, and other significant efforts. The program is open to all individuals, programs, and organizations within the United States. The nomination deadline is May 15, 2018. Visit the Foundation’s website for nomination guidelines at http://www.justiceawards.com/awards-program.html

Free Webinar: Independent Contractor versus Employee – Understanding the Differences & Why Getting It

Right Matters So Much. The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center is hosting a Free Webinar: Independent Contractor

versus Employee – Understanding the Differences & Why Getting It Right Matters So Much on April 19, from

12:00pm - 1:00pm. Nonprofits frequently employ the services of many individuals, but one of the first questions a

nonprofit faces is this – Is the worker an employee or independent contractor? And who decides – the nonprofit, the

individual or someone else? This webinar will look at the criteria for determining whether someone is an

independent contractor or an employee; what tests the IRS and the Department of Labor use for making that

determination; and what can happen to a nonprofit that gets it wrong. Join the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center for an

informative webinar about this basic employment law question. To register and for more information visit

Registration .

Nonprofit Podcast Series: CEO - Board Relationship: Creating a Winning Combination. The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center is hosting a podcast on “CEO - Board Relationship: Creating a Winning Combination.” Leading a nonprofit organization can be a challenge. Balancing that with the relationship a CEO must have with their organization's Board can be even more of a challenge. Check out this podcast, hosted by Regina Hopkins, Assistant Director, at the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center and Glen O'Gilvie, Chief Executive Officer, at the Center for Nonprofit Advancement, as they discuss how to create a winning CEO-Board combination. Listen Now! If you have questions about these trainings, please contact Stanley Augustin at [email protected] or (202) 780-2738.

Free Sports Equipment. Leveling the Playing Field (LPF) is a local charity that provides free sports equipment to programs looking to provide affordable, accessible sports programming for their community. LPF has donated to many programs throughout the DC metro area. They have donated over $3 Million to over 500 programs worldwide. LPF warehouse has roughly a million dollars of equipment in it for sports like: tennis, soccer, golf, baseball, basketball, football, lacrosse and more. To apply complete the equipment request form at https://www.tfaforms.com/447669 . For more information visit www.levelingtheplayingfield.org or contact LPF by telephone at 301-844-5621 or email [email protected] .

Independent Contractor versus Employee – Understanding the Differences & Why Getting It Right Matters So Much. The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center is hosting a webinar on Independent Contractor versus Employee – Understanding the Differences & Why Getting It Right Matters So Much on Thursday, April 19 from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Nonprofits frequently employ the services of many individuals, but one of the first questions a nonprofit faces is this – Is the worker an employee or independent contractor? And who decides – the nonprofit, the individual or someone else? This webinar will look at the criteria for determining whether someone is an independent contractor or an employee; what tests the IRS and the Department of Labor use for making that determination; and what can happen to a nonprofit that gets it wrong. To register visit https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6195851765516384003 .

Technology for Social Good Accelerator Program. Fast Forward Foundation announces funds to provide training, mentorship, and funding to tech nonprofits. All organizations must be nonprofits leveraging original technology to address problems in arts/culture, education, environment, food/agriculture, health/healthcare, human rights, poverty alleviation/economic development, or public service/civic engagement. Each organization receives a $25,000 grant, access to 100+ mentors from the tech and social sectors, and much more. For more information visit, https://www.ffwd.org/accelerator/

The McGuffin Grant. McGuffin Creative Group is an opportunity for all to do forward-thinking, fun and necessary communications work for groups that make a real difference in our communities. Each year, they invite nonprofits to submit applications then choose the one to work hand-in-hand with for three months on a project or projects that

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best fit their goals. For more information, visit http://www.mcguffincg.com/grant/

Lyft Community Grants. Lyft is committed to empowering non-profit organizations doing incredible work around the nation to make our communities stronger, healthier, and more equitable. 501(c) 3 nonprofits are eligible to apply for a Lyft Community Grant. Each month, one nonprofit in each participating region will receive a $1,000 grant in the form of Lyft ride credit to enhance regular or one-off programs. To apply complete a short application and tell Lyft how $1000 in Lyft ride credit will help your organization. The winning organization will notified no later than the 10th of each month, with the first round being announced in March 2018. For a full list of eligibility requirements, visit Community Grants website at Application Information .

Funding Alert is a publication of the Mayor’s Office of Partnerships and Grant Services. To start your own online subscription to Funding Alert or to access the archives, visit Funding Alert . Any information to be posted in the Funding Alert should be submitted to [email protected] by 12 noon on Thursdays for inclusion in the following week’s issue.