Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13 1 GOVERNMENT HOME SCIENCE COLLEGE SECTOR-10, CHANDIGARH ANNUAL QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT (INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL) 2012-13 Submitted To NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL An Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission P. O. Box. No. 1075, Opp: NLSIU, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore - 560 072 India

GOVERNMENT HOME SCIENCE COLLEGE SECTOR-10, CHANDIGARH IQAC-AQAR 2012-13.pdf · government home science college aqar 2012-13 1 government home science college sector-10, chandigarh

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Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13







Submitted To


An Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission P. O. Box. No. 1075, Opp: NLSIU, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore - 560 072 India

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC July01, 2012to June 30,2013

All NAAC accredited institutions will submit an annual self-reviewed progress report to NAAC, through

its IQAC. The report is to detail the tangible results achieved in key areas, specifically identified by the

institutional IQAC at the beginning of the academic year. The AQAR will detail the results of the

perspective plan worked out by the IQAC. (Note: The AQAR period is for the Academic Year. July 1,

2012 to June 30, 2013)

Part – A

1. Details of the Institution

1.1 Name of the Institution

1.2 Address Line 1

Address Line 2



Pin Code

Institution e-mail address

Contact Nos.

Name of the Head of the Institution:

Tel. No. with STD Code:


Government Home Science College




Union Territory


[email protected]

Mrs. Madhu Nanda


Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13



Name of the IQAC Co-ordinator:


IQAC e-mail address:

1.3 NAAC Track ID(For ex. MHCOGN 18879)

1.4 NAAC Executive Committee No. &Date:

(For Example EC/32/A&A/143 dated 3-5-2004.

This EC no.is available in the right corner-bottom

of your institution’s Accreditation Certificate)

1.5Website address:

Web-link of the AQAR:

For ex. http://www.ladykeanecollege.edu.in/AQAR2012-13.doc

1.6Accreditation Details

Sl.No. Cycle Grade CGPA Year of




1 1st Cycle B++ 83.30 2005 5 years

2 2nd

Cycle -- -- -- --

3 3rd

Cycle -- -- -- --

4 4th Cycle -- -- -- --



[email protected]


Dr. Nirupa Marwaha


EC/35/225 dated 28.2.2005


Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


1.7 Date of Establishment of IQAC: DD/MM/YYYY

*Though IQAC was formally established on 27.10.2014, before this period there was a core committee

for ensuring and enhancing excellence in diverse aspects related to the college.

1.8 AQAR for the year (for example 2010-11)

1.9 Details of the previous year‟s AQAR submitted to NAAC after the latest Assessment and

Accreditation by NAAC ((for example AQAR 2010-11submitted to NAAC on 12-10-2011)

i. AQAR____________2010-11_______________________(19/10/2015)

ii. AQAR_____________2011-12______________________ (19/10/2015)

iii. AQAR_________________ ________________________ (DD/MM/YYYY)

iv. AQAR__________________ _______________________ (DD/MM/YYYY)

1.10Institutional Status

University State Central Deemed Private

Affiliated College Yes No

Constituent College Yes No

Autonomous collegeof UGC Yes No

Regulatory Agency approved Institution Yes No


Type of Institution Co-education Men Women

Urban Rural Tribal

Financial Status Grant-in-aid UGC 2(f) UGC 12B

Grant-in-aid +Self Financing Totally Self-financing

1.11Type of Faculty/Program

Arts Science Commerce Law PEI(PhysEdu)



Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


TEI (Edu) Engineering Health Science Management


1.12Name of the Affiliating University (for the Colleges)

1.13 Special status conferred by Central/ State Government-- UGC/CSIR/DST/DBT/ICMR etc

Autonomy by State/Central Govt. / University

University with Potential for Excellence UGC-CPE

DST Star Scheme UGC-CE

UGC-Special Assistance Programme DST-FIST

UGC-Innovative PG programmes Any other (Specify)

UGC-COP Programmes

2.IQAC composition and activities

2.1No. of Teachers

2.2No. of Administrative/Technical staff

2.3No. of students

2.4No. of Management representatives

2.5No. of Alumni

Home Science


















Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


2. 6 No. of any other stakeholder and

community representatives

2.7 No. of Employers/ Industrialists

2.8 No. of other External Experts

2.9 Total No. of members

2.10No. of IQAC meetings held

2.11 No. of meetings with various stakeholders: No. Faculty

Non-Teaching Staff Students Alumni Others

2.12Has IQAC received any funding from UGC during the year? Yes No

If yes, mention the amount

2.13Seminars and Conferences (only quality related)

(i) No. of Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops/Symposia organized by the IQAC

Total Nos. International National State Institution Level

(ii) Themes

2.14 Significant Activities and contributions made by IQAC

Generated awareness on HIV AIDS, drug abuse and trafficking

Improved entrepreneurship skills through poultry development.

Provided counselling for self- esteem, depression , adjustment problems, improving

relationships, beating exam anxiety, time management, parenting skills , dealing with

inferiority complex

Panel discussions on parenting practices

Pre marital Counseling

Drug abuse awareness and illicit trafficking

Good Parenting

HIV / AIDS awareness and its control

Healthy tiffin and healthy eating

Best out of waste

Women empowerment

Nutritious recipes

Clothing patterns and style

09 - - - 09










01 --


Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


2.15 Plan of Action by IQAC/Outcome

The plan of action chalked out by the core committee in the beginning of the year towards quality

enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year *

Plan of Action Achievements

Timely and smooth

conduct of admissions,

commencement of

classes and examinations

, co-curricular and

cultural activities;

Significant contributions

of staff and students

Encouraging outreach


Promoting health and

medical care:

See Annexure-IA (College calendar)

See Annexure-I B(Panjab University academic


See Annexure-I C(College annual report)

The Red Ribbon Club of the College organized various

awareness campaigns and candle light march on

important social issues such as HIV/AIDS and

organized blood donation camp in the college. The NSS

unit of the college encouraged gender equality and

women empowerment through teaching income

generating skills like tie and dye, making products from

waste materials, tailoring, embroidery, pickle makingat

Khuda Ali Sher, the adopted village of the college. The

Extension Education department sensitized the parents

about various types of child abuses and their preventive

measures through street plays and posters.

Awareness programs and talks on global health issues

were conducted on World TB day, World Asthma Day,

World No Tobacco Day, World Health day, World Heart

day, World Mental – Health day, Women‟s Day, Breast

Feeding week, Nutrition week, Pulse Polio week, Oral

Hygiene Day, World Kidney Day by eminent

doctors.Leaflets and brochures related to these issues

were distributed among the students. Poster competition,

slogan writing, paper reading contests, quizzes werealso

held to spread general awareness.

2.15 Whether the AQAR was placed in statutory body Yes No

Management Syndicate Any other body

Provide the details of the action taken


- - -



Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Criterion –I

I. Curricular Aspects

1.1 Details about Academic Programmes

Level of the


Number of



Number of


added during the


Number of Self-



Number of value




PhD 01 - - -

PG 03 - - -

UG 06 - 01 -

PG Diploma 03 - - -



01 - - -

Diploma - - - -

Certificate - - - -

Others - - - -

Total 14 - 01 -

Interdisciplinary -- -- -- --

Innovative -- -- -- --

1.2 (i) Flexibility of the curriculum: CBCS/Core/Elective option/Open options

Choice Based Credit System No

Core Yes

Elective Option No

Open Options No

(ii) Pattern of programmes:

Pattern Number of programmes

Semester All 3 M.Sc. courses since their inception

Trimester --

Annual Two UG courses B.Sc H.Sc + B.Sc FD

All 3 PG Diploma Courses

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


1.3 Feedback from stakeholders* (On all aspects in numbers)

Alumni Parents Employers Students

Mode of Feedback: Online Manual Co-operating schools(for PEI)

For analysis of feedback, See Annexure-II

1.4 Whether there is any revision/update of regulation or syllabi, if yes, mention their salient



1.5 Any new Department/Centre introduced during the year. If yes, give details.


Criterion – II

2. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

2.1 Total No. of

permanent faculty

2.2 No. of permanent faculty with Ph.D.

2.3 No. of Faculty Positions

Recruited (R) and Vacant (V)

during the year

2.4 No. of Guest and Visiting faculty and Temporary faculty


Total Asst.




Professors Others

21 07 13 01 Nil





Professors Others Total


-- 16 - -- -- -- -- -- -- --

9 2 14




256 12


Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


2.5 Faculty participation in conferences and symposia:

No. of Faculty International

level National level State level




09 19 04



05 09 01


Persons -- 09 05

2.6 Innovative processes adopted by the institution in Teaching and Learning:

E –learning , powerpoint presentations, field trips, internship programmes

Seminars and workshops by field experts

Visits to subject related exhibitions to update the knowledge of students.

Field trips

2.7 Total No. of actual teaching days

during this academic year

2.8 Examination/ Evaluation Reforms initiated by

the Institution (for example: Open Book Examination, Bar Coding,

Double Valuation, Photocopy, Online Multiple Choice Questions)

The reforms instituted by the institution in internal evaluation process are

Self-study projects.

Case studies.

Class interaction.

Group discussions.

Brief presentations.




2.9 No. of faculty members involved in curriculum

restructuring/revision/syllabus development

as member of Board of Study/Faculty/Curriculum Development workshop

2.10 Average percentage of attendance of students


BOS: 7


Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


2.11 Course/Programme wise distribution of pass percentage :

Title of the programme Total no. of






I% II% III% Pass %

B.Sc. Home Science 1st year 92 17.4 57.6 19.5 - 94.5

B.Sc. Home Science 2nd

year 68 30.9 51.4 16.2 1.5 100

B.Sc. Home Science 3rd

year 67 17.9 59.7 17.9 - 95.5

B.Sc. Fashion designing 1st

year 29 6.9 44.8 34.5 3.4 89.6

B.Sc. Fashion designing 2nd

year 27 18.5 44.4 33.4 3.7 100

B.Sc. Fashion designing 3rd

year 20 20 75 5 - 100

M.Sc. Food and Nutrition 12 33.3 66.7 - - 100

M.Sc. Clothing and Textiles 11 27.3 45.4 - - 72.7

M.Sc. Human Development

and Family Relations 10 80 20 - - 100

P.G. Diploma in Nutrition

and Dietetics 23 13.1 60.8 17.4 - 91.3

P.G. Diploma in Fashion

Designing 12 50 41.6 - - 91.6

Post graduate Diploma in

Child Guidance and Family


14 64.3 35.7 - - 100

2.12 How does IQAC Contribute/Monitor/Evaluate the Teaching & Learning processes:

Strict discipline is maintained so that students attend classes regularly.

House examinations and evaluation of practical assignments and files is done

twice a year.

75% attendance is a must for being eligible to set university examination.

All the teaching staff members submitted annual and monthly plans for conduct of

theory and practical classes to their respective Head of the Departments.

Monthly reports are collected from the teaching staff where in teachers give

information regarding coverage of syllabus during that particular month.

The quality of teaching is evaluated by taking feedback from the students and also

on the basis of terminal examination results.

Teachers are expected to reflect the results of student performance in their ACR.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


2.13 Initiatives undertaken towards faculty development

Faculty / Staff Development Programmes Number of faculty


Refresher courses 03

UGC – Faculty Improvement Programme --

HRD programmes --

Orientation programmes 02

Faculty exchange programme --

Staff training conducted by the university --

Staff training conducted by other institutions 04

Summer / Winter schools, Workshops, etc. 02

Others --

2.14 Details of Administrative and Technical staff

Category Number of



Number of



Number of


positions filled

during the Year

Number of

positions filled


Administrative Staff 07 02 -- --

Technical Staff 13 11 -- --



3.1 Initiatives of the IQAC in sensitizing /Promoting research climate in the institution

The staff as well as students are encouraged to attend national as well as

international conferences and collaborate with other institutions and organizations

doing the similar work.

The staff is encouraged to attend refresher courses to keep their knowledge

updated and incorporate the same while guiding research.

Faculty from all departments is invited in departmental synopsis meetings which

are conducted for post graduate students.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13



Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted

Number ---- ---- ---- ----

Outlay ---- ---- ---- ----


Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted

Number ---- ---- ---- ----

Outlay ---- ---- ---- ----

3.4 Details of research publications

International National Others

Peer Reviewed Journal 04 20 -

Non-Peer Reviewed Journal - - -

e-journal 03 - -

Conference proceedings - - -

3.5 Details on impact factor of publications

Range Average h-index Nos. in SCORPUS

3.6 Research funds sanctioned and received from various funding agencies, industry and

organizations - Nil

Duration year Name of the

funding agency

Total grant



Minor Project --- --- --- ---

Minor Projects --- --- --- ---

Interdisciplinary Projects --- --- --- ---

Industry Sponsored --- --- --- ---

Projects Sponsored by the

University /College

--- --- --- ---

Student Research Projects (other

than compulsory by University)

--- --- --- ---

Any other (Specify) --- --- --- ---

Total --- --- --- ---

0-3.36 0.354 -- --

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


3.7 No. of books published

i) With ISBN No. Chapter in Edited Books

ii) Without ISBN No.

3.8 No. of departments received funds from


DPE DBT Scheme/funds

3.9 For College

Autonomy CPE DBT Star Scheme

INSPIRE CE Any Other (specify)



Note: Details of workshops, trainings, sensitization conducted/organized by the institution

Level International National State University College

Number - - - - 9- College Fund

1 – Government

Of India




- - - - -

3.12 No. of faculty served as expert, chairpersons or resource persons



--- 02













Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


3.13 No. of collaborations with NGO „s, private and Government organizations

International National Any other

*The following organizations provide internship for the students

3.14 No. of linkages created during this year

**Linkages created for placement and training for the students

3.15 Total budget for research for current year in lakhs:

From Funding agency From Management of University/College


3.16 No. of patents received this year

Type of Patent Number

National Applied ---

Granted ---

International Applied ---

Granted ---

Commercialized Applied ---

Granted ---

3.17 No. of research awards/recognitions received by faculty and research fellows of the

institution in the year

3.18 No. of Faculty From The Institution/ Department:

Who are Ph.D guides

Students registered under them

3.19 No. of Ph.D. awarded by faculty from the institution/department –












Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


3.20 No. of Research scholars and Fellowships–

JRF SRF Project Fellows Any other

3.21 No. of Students participated in NSS event

University level State level

National level International

3.22 No. of students participated in NCC events

University level State level

National level International

3.23 No. of Awards won in NSS-

University level State level

National level International

3.24 No. of Awards won in NCC-

University level State level

National level International

3.25 No. of Extension activities organized:

University forum College forum

NCC NSS Any other

Details given in Annexure III A & III B



25* --
























Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


3.26 Major activities during the year in the sphere of extension activities and institutional social


Organized Workshop on “HIV /AIDS and its control” by Red Ribbon Club on

August 9, 2012 as part of awareness program against drug abuse.

Organized two lectures on “Drug abuse and illicit trafficking” and Drug abuse and

HIV AIDS” by Red Ribbon Club onSeptember 3, 2012as part of awareness

program against drug abuse.

Organize Candle light march for generating awareness for HIV /AIDS and its

control on December 1, 2012

Visited IEC Van along with students on December 13, 2012, at Chandigarh

Railway station for generating awareness regarding HIV/AIDS.

Organized Pulse Polio Immunization Campaign from January 20 - 22, 2013.

212 students participated in the VivekRally to popularize Voluntary Blood

donation on January 22, 2013.

Staff and students participated in a panel discussion on “Pre maritalcounseling

“which provided a platform for getting perceptions from married and unmarried

audience. It was held on January 25, 2013 in the Deptt. Of Human Development

& Family Relations, Government Home Science College, sector-10, Chandigarh.

The Students of P.G. Diploma in CGFC have been conducting counselling

sessions with students of B.Sc. and M.Sc. (primarily hostel students) as per their

need. The clients have been administered various Psychological tests, e.g.

Adjustment inventory, Depression scale, and Self-esteem inventory, in order to

screen need based students for further counselling.

The Students of P.G. Diploma in CGFC showcased a street play on saving the girl

child as a part of “Catharsis 2: Widening Horizons” from September 30 – October

3, 2013,an annual feature of the department of Human Development And Family


The students of P.G. Diploma in Child Guidance and Family Counselling

conducted workshops on topics like beating exam anxiety, time management,

developing healthy peer relationships, grooming personality, how to remain stress

free, say no to drugs and practicing spirituality for the students of Govt. Model

Senior Secondary School, Sector 10, Chandigarh.

Staff and P.G. Diploma in CGFC conducted a Workshop on Positive Parenting in

Ashakiran- An institution for differently abled children.

Workshops were also conducted on the topics like Importance of Play, Health and

Hygiene and Importance of Formal and Non formal Preschool Education for

Aanganwadi workers at Bal Bhawan, Sector 23, Chandigarh.

A workshop in Ankur School, Punjab University Chandigarh was conducted on

the topic‟ Inferiority Complex‟ by the students of P.G. Diploma in Child

Guidance and Family Counseling.

Visits to various organizations like Samarth Sector 15 Chandigarh, Old Age

Home Sector 15 Chandigarh, Vatika School for Deaf and Dumb Sector 19

Chandigarh, Women Cell Sector 19 Chandigarh, Prayas, Sector 38 Chandigarh,

Institute for the Blind, Sector 26 Chandigarh and Theatre Age Sector 23

Chandigarh were conducted for the students of P.G. Diploma in Child Guidance

and Family Counseling for sensitizing them regarding the needs of the inmates.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Various activities were organized to address their emotional and social needs.

A workshop on Child rearing practices for working women was conducted by the

staff and studentsofP.G. Diploma in CGFC for womenfolk of Khuda Ali Sher


The students of P.G. Diploma in Child Guidance and Family Counselinghad a

very visible presence during the Chandigarh Carnival (November, 22 -24th

, 2013).

Testing for nearly 4000 people was carried out in three days. Activities like

Handwriting Analysis, Compatibility Test, Love Test, Try your luck etc. were


Criterion – IV

4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1 Details of increase in infrastructure facilities: Facilities


Newly created

Source of



Campus area 17 Acres - - 17 Acres

Class rooms 16 - - 16


35 - - 35

Seminar Halls 01 - - 01

No. of important equipments purchased (≥ 1-0 lakh) during the current year. Chaitanya Nursery

School 04 02 Steel Cabinets




Clothing and

Textiles Lab

- 01 Rich peace

Software 5 Users


- 01 Digital





And Family

Relations Lab

160 20 Psychological



05 02 Steel Almirah 07

- 01 Refrigerator 01

Family Resource

Management Lab

03 09 Computer

chair and table


04 03 Computer set

with Printers


03 03 AUTO CAD 06

Computer Lab 15 02 Computer 17

Auditorium - Stage Curtain Chandigarh


01 Set

- Laying of Floor


Value of the


20,00,000 20,00,000

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


purchased during

the year (Rs. in



AMC of EPABX system

(Intercom system)


Providing Air condition Points in

Auditorium Hall/ Gymnasium Hall,

Library and Conference room


Augmentation of Campus Lighting Rs.2,50,000/-

P/F M.S. Grills in M.Sc. and B.Sc.



P/F 4mm thick paver blocks in

Government Home Science College


AMC of College Website Rs.36848/-

4.2 Computerization of administration and library

4.3 Library Services: Name of the Department

Existing Newly added Total

No. Value No. Value No. Value

Text Books 24384 -- 696 446310 25080 --

Reference Books -- --

e-Books -- -- - - - -

Journals - - 19 28570 19 28570

e-Journals - - -- - - -

Digital Database - - - - - -

CD & Video -- -- -- - - -

The Library is equipped with eight computers, one printer, two bar code scanner

and seven coloured CCTV cameras along with LIBSYS Software.

The administrative office of the college was provided with seven computers and

seven laser printers for digitalization of administrative work.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


4.4 Technology up gradation (Overall)





Internet Browsing




Office Departments












2 Mbps



type -


-- -- 01





07- Laser


Name of the


No. Of


Printers Scanners

Computer 18 04 00

Clothing and


14 05 06




07 -- --



and Family


10 -- --

Library 08




Zoology 01 01

Botany 01 01



Management 03









and Family

Relations 02


Total 75 75 08

4.5 Computer, Internet access, training to teachers and students and any other programme

for technology upgradation (Networking, e-Governance etc.)

A fully air conditioned computer lab equipped with computers having ADSL

broadband internet facility of 2mbps speed from Internet service provider BSNL is made

available to the students and the staff of the college. The lab is also equipped with

printers and computers installed with requisite software to facilitate learning.

The Library is equipped with four computers ,one printer, one bar code scanner and seven

coloured CCTV cameras along with LIBSYS Software. The software is helpful in

accessing / classification and cataloguing of the books. It also enables stock checking, bar

coding, spine labels, issue and return of looks and all day to day work done in the

library.Four computers and one bar code scanner were added to the already existing

equipments to further help the students to access the books easily and for smoother

functioning of the library.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Various softwares like Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD 2005, Tuka CAD were installed in

the computer lab of Department of Clothing and Textiles to impart skills of

computerised designing of apparel, footwear ,jewellery hairstyles etc. Four more

computers , printers and scanners were added to facilitate the teaching learning process.

The staff and students underwent training for these softwares to enable them to use the


Three computers were installed in the lab of Department of Family Resource

Management with AutoCAD to help students in technical drafting, creating sets of

construction documents for 3-D representation of space of plans, elevations and sections

and presentation skills. This software is ideal for drawing simple plans and for interior


The staff and students of FRM Deptt. underwent training for these software to use them


4.6 Amount spent on maintenance in lakhs :

i) ICT (AMC of College Website)


ii) Campus Infrastructure and facilities iii) Equipments AMC of EPABX system (Intercom system)


iv) Others -

Total Rs. 52,842

Criterion V

5. Student Support Services

5.1 Contribution of IQAC (IF ANY AT DEPARTMENT LEVEL) in enhancing awareness about

The college IQAC has initiated a number of efforts towards providing more opportunities

for getting placements as well as for enhancing their skills and quality of education.

The college has an active placement and counselling cell.

Students were appraised by the Alumni for career avenues in the field of Home science.

Lecture on developing Entrepreneurship skills was conducted for students.

Due consideration was given to health related concerns and talks, organized by doctors

and experts.

5.2 Efforts made by the Institution/Department for tracking the progression

Feedback response sheets were prepared and filled by the students

Screening of students with shortage of attendance

Arranging special classes forweak students

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


“Tutorial “was introduced where students were divided into groups and mentored by a

teacher for various problems they faced.

Frequent Class Tests and Presentations were conducted to keep a track of academic progress

5.3(a ) Total Number of students

UG PG PhD Others Total

Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women





-- -- -- -- --


(b) No. of students outside the state

(c) No. of International students




Last year This year

General SC ST OBC Physically


Total General SC ST OBC Physically



391 44 01 436 396 39 02 07 - 444


S.No Courses Demand Ratio

1 B.Sc. Home Science 1:2

2 B.Sc. Fashion Designing 1:3

3 M.Sc. Clothing and Textiles 1:5

4 M.Sc. Foods and Nutrition 1:8

5 M.Sc. Human Development and Recourse management 1:5

6 Post graduate diploma in Fashion designing 1:2

7 Post graduate diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics 1:4

8 Post graduate diploma in Child guidance and Family




No %

--- ---

No %

--- ---


Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


5.4 Details of student support mechanism for coaching for competitive examination (If any)

Information about various competitive examinations was put on student‟s notice boards. Faculty

also guides the student with regard to various entrance examinations.

No. of students beneficiaries

5.5 No. of students qualified in these examinations


08 -- -- -- -- -- -- --

5.6 Details of student counselling and career guidance

The department of Human Development and Family Relations runs a guidance and

counselling cell where the students as well as staff can avail services on any academic or

personal matter.

Academic counselling continues within the classrooms as well by respective teachers.

Students come up with queries about books to be consulted, streams/ careers to be chosen,

institutions of higher studies in their field of specialization.

Tutorial groups are also an excellent medium of building up a rapport between the teacher

and the students. With an optimum ratio of 1:15, it provides ample opportunity for the

students to open up and discuss their academic, personal or psycho-socio problems with their


The Students of P.G. Diploma in Child Guidance and Family Counselling conducted

counselling sessions with students of B.Sc. and M.Sc. as per their needs. Various

Psychological tests were administered to screen out need based students for counselling.

Visits to various organizations like Samarth Sector 15 Chandigarh, Vatika School for Deaf

and Dumb Sector 19 Chandigarh, Prayas, Sector 38 Chandigarh, Institute for the Blind,

Sector 26 Chandigarh and Theatre Age Sector 23 Chandigarh were organized for the students

of P.G. Diploma in Child Guidance and Family Counseling to appraise them about the

various career opportunitiesavailable in institutions for special children.


Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


No. of students beneficiaries


5.7 Details of campus placement

On Campus Off campus

Number of

organizations Visited

Number of students


Number of Students


Number of students placed

-- -- -- 50-55%

5.8 Details of gender sensitization programmes

Talks onsex education

Documentaries portraying gender related issues are shown to the students

Discussions on the rights and privileges of women were held via panel discussions.

5.9.1 No. of students participated in Sports, Games and other events

State/University level National level International level

No. of students participated in cultural events

State/University level National level International level

5.9.2 No. of medals/awards won by students in Sports, Games and other events: Sports:

Sports: State/University level National level International level

Cultural: State/University level National level International level

-- -- --

-- -- --

-- -- --

08 -- --

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


5.10 Scholarships and Financial Support

Number of students Amount

Financial support from


20 Rs54,000.00

Financial support from


10 * Data is not available as the

amount is directly deposited into

the account of the beneficiaries.

Financial support from other


38** 13300

Number of students who




- -

*UT pool no. of scholarships disbursed

**Books & Stationary worth Rs 350/-( Only for SC students of college)

5.11 Student organized/initiatives Fairs:

Fairs: State/University level National level International level

Exhibition: State/University level National level International level

5.12No. of social initiatives undertaken by the students

5.13 Major grievances of students (if any) redressed:

The college has an active Grievance redressal Cell. The suggestions and complaints are received

through the suggestion box. Grievances regarding quality of food in the hostel and canteen have

been addressed.


-- -- --

01 -- --

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Criterion VI

6 Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1 State the Vision and Mission of the institution

6.2 Does the Institution have a management Information System?

The information pertaining to admissions, examination, purchases and activities of the

college are made available on college website.

Registers and records pertaining to finances, fee collection, examinations, logistics,

attendance are maintained.

Academic and activity calendars are updated and displayed on college notice board as

well as prospectus.

Suggestions given by the various committees and departments are implemented from

time to time under the leadership and guidance of the Principal.

Heads of departments ensure the smooth conduct of the activities of the department

incollaboration with other members of the college.

Regular Staff meetings are held to discuss matters pertaining to academics and


Feedback received from Faculty, Students, Alumni and other Stake-holders are

considered for continuous review and revision which are relevant to the changing needs

of higher education.

Vision :

The motto of the college, “Knowledge for service” aims to provide comprehensive value

based education for enabling students to help serve the society. Development of skills,

character building and holistic development of students is the vision of the college.

Mission :

To provide quality education and strive for excellence.

To sensitize youth towards being socially responsible, morally upright and

intellectually mature to serve the society.

To enhance research and develop innovative ideas.

To keep up with the widening frontiers of knowledge.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


6.3 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following:

6.3.1 Curriculum Development

The College follows the guidelines for curriculum development and restructuring, laid

down by the UGC and the Panjab University, Board of Studies.

Autonomy is provided to the departments for need-based formulation and modification

of existing courses and introduction of new courses in tune with employment and

market need.

An assessment of the effectiveness of the current curriculum is done through feedback

obtained from faculty, students and subject experts. After reviewing suggestions from

all stakeholders, changes if any are incorporated. Curriculum is designed based on the

annual and semester system.

B.Sc Home Science (Annual)

B.Sc Fashion Designing (Annual)

M.Sc Home Science ( Semester)

Post Graduate Diploma (Annual )

6.3.2 Teaching and Learning

Emphasis on power point presentations in classroom teaching.

Thrust on application of theoretical knowledge in practicals using latest equipment.

Conduct of student seminars related to their field.

Encouragement of class projects.

Interactions and Discussion are carried out for two way communication

Extra efforts are made for helping the weaker students.

Faculty induction program like orientation, refresher courses and workshops are

participated in by the staff members.

Encouragement is given to the staff and students for participation in National,

Regional, International conferences, symposium workshops, seminars, group

discussions. The organization grants permission for the staff to act as subject experts

and resource persons.

It is a practice to review the course material before the commencement of the session

by the departmental committees.

Classroom teaching is complemented with the use of audio visual equipment, and

field trips.

Special lectures workshops, demonstrations, seminars are conducted by eminent

academicians and experts to update the students with latest in theory and practice.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


6.3.3 Examination and Evaluation

For increasing transparency in evaluation internal assessment is displayed on their

respective notice boards.

Fixed schedule is planned and followed for examinations from the beginning of the year.

Special tests are conducted for weak students and parents are informed about performance.

For Internal examination the Examination Committee under the guidance of principal

prepares the schedule as per the academic calendar. These examinations are conducted for

both graduate and post graduate courses.

Question Papers are designed to assess the achievement of outcomes as defined in course

description and MCQs are added to encourage students to study the content thoroughly

6.3.4 Research and Development

College is Panjab University approved Research Centre with emphasis on specialized

research in M.Sc. Foods & Nutrition, M.Sc. Clothing &Textiles and M.Sc. Human

Development & Family Relations.

Post graduate research is being encouraged through dissertation in M.Sc. of the respective


Various interactive sessions are organized to orient the students and to improve their

research potential.

Course work on scientific writing was taken up to motivate students to write and publish

their research work.

6.3.5 Library, ICT and physical infrastructure / instrumentation

Library: Library has been computerized and INFLIBNET membership obtained. The college

library is equipped with books and reference books. Books are issued to students throughout

the academic session. Properly ventilated library reading room with adequate seating capacity

is made available to the students throughout the academic session. All books are bar coded.

ICT: The ICT facilities and other learning resources are available in the institution for

academic and administrative purposes. Well-equipped computer laboratory with printers and

scanners is available to students, faculty and support staff. Laboratories for practicals provide

opportunities for hands-on training at par with the syllabi.

Physical Infrastructure/Instrumentation:

Seminar halls, conference rooms, audio visual rooms, classrooms and smart class

rooms, administrative office, staff rooms, well equipped laboratories, library, students‟

common room, visitors room and store rooms.

Laboratory Nursery School, Chaitanya, Classrooms in the basement, Auditorium,

Conference room, Hostels for UG and PG students with central cooling system , Music

Room, canteen, Residential accommodation for principal and Hostel wardens, Hostel

mess, and parking area facilities for students are provided.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


College also has facilities for indoor and outdoor games. College has an excellent

sports infrastructure with Badminton hall, gymnasium hall, basketball court and Sports


In order to ensure safety and security of the campus community, the College hostel is

under surveillance with the installation of CCTVs at several locations in hostel.

Fire extinguishers have been installed on campus and students and staff have been

trained in handling the equipment.

6.3.6 Human Resource Management

Staff is :

Motivated to actively participate in policy formulation. Brainstorming and discussions

are held for introducing any new programs and activities in the college and bring about

reforms in the existing ones.

Recognition and appreciation of any achievements by staff members is given during

staff meetings so as to encourage them as well as the other staff member.

The staff is encouraged to attend seminars, workshops, conferences and extension


Staff members are made coordinators and in-charges of various committees with

functional autonomy.

Group meetings are held so that teaching staff can share their ideas on various topics

related to academics and co-curricular activities.

Training is provided to non-teaching/ Support staff in their respective departments.

6.3.7 Faculty and Staff recruitment

6.3.8 Industry Interaction / Collaboration

Recruitment through UPSC for regular faculty.

Candidature invited from employment exchange.

Publishing online the vacancies and the recruitment process on the college

website and in the daily newspapers.

Arrangement of subject experts for conducting interviews as per

government rules and regulations wherever permitted.

Internships are organized in related industries and many times the

students are absorbed as employees in the same.

Field visits were arranged so that the students can explore themselves

with the outside environment.

Seminars, workshops are organized for the benefit of students.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


6.3.9 Admission of Students

6.4 Welfare schemes for

6.5 Total corpus fund generated

As per government rules.

6.6 Whether annual financial audit has been done .Yes No

6.7 Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) has been done?

Audit type External Internal

Yes/ No Agency Yes/ No Agency

Academic Yes Panjab


and Director



Yes Principal

and IQAC

Administrative Yes Director






Yes Principal

and IQAC

Teaching As per govt. Schemes



Students Scholarships, book bank,

NSS, NCC & Sports

All admissions are done on the basis of merit.

Arrangement of fee counters is made in the campus

Student support desks were arranged so that the student may not face any

difficulty in getting knowledge of the college courses.

A staff committee is made for helping the students during admission


Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


6.8 Does the University/ Autonomous College declare results within 30 days?

For UG Programmes Yes No

For PG Programmes Yes No

6.9 What efforts are made by the University/ Autonomous College for Examination Reforms?

For efficient and smooth conduct of practical examinations, examiner are appointed

from the institution itself.

On the spot evaluation has been started to avoid delay in declaration of results

6.10 What efforts are made by the University to promote autonomy in the affiliated/constituent


Hiring of human resources

Examiners appointed for conduct of examination.

6.11 Activities and support from the Alumni Association

Share their firsthand experiences in their related fields and facilitates networking with

various stake holders.

Provides necessary inputs in the decision making as and when required.

Helps the institution in getting funds from external sources

Facilitates in placement of students in the college.

Provides financial assistance to the under privileged students in the college.

Conducts and organizes workshops in field of their expertise.

-- √

-- √

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


6.12 Activities and support from the Parent- Teacher Association

There is no Parents Teacher Association.

Informal Parent Teacher meetings were held before and after the examination so that

parents/guardians come to know about their wards performance and their attendance.

6.13 Development programmes for support staff.

Support staff is delegated and sent for development programmes as per the

instructions from Director Higher Education or Government heads.

6.14 Initiatives taken by the Institution/Department to make the campus eco-friendly

During this year a tree plantation drive is conducted

Annual tree plantation is organized.

Use of CFL lights.

Use of solar lamps for lighting in the campus.

Use of solar water heating system in the hostel.

Cleanliness drives were taken from time to time.

Awareness interaction and drives for use of Eco friendly/ Bio degradable material.

Criterion VII


7.1 Innovations introduced during this academic year which have created a positive impact on

the functioning of the institution. Give details.

Extension activities: The College has been proactively engaged in multiple and multi-

dimensional extension activities throughout the year.

Focus on promoting health and medical care: The College aims in going beyond

providing medical and mental health care and shaping the environment through a

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


comprehensive public health approach, including prevention and education. This

innovation pays off in healthier and more successful students and, in the long term, a

healthier adult population.

7.2Providethe Action Taken Report (ATR) based on the plan of action decided upon at the

beginning of the year.

Action Taken for Extension activities: The College has extended several social welfare

programmes. It has provided financial assistance to economically poor students. The Red

Ribbon Club of the College organized various awareness campaigns and candle light

marches on important issues such as HIV/AIDS, blood donation camps etc. The NSS unit

of the college encouraged gender equality and women empowerment through teaching

income generating skills like tie and dye, making products from waste materials,

tailoring, embroidery, pickle making at Khuda Ali Sher, the adopted village of the

college. Efforts were made not only to increase their household income but also to reduce

malnutrition and improve their living conditions. The parents in the adopted village were

familiarized with various types of child abuses and their preventive measures

throughstreet plays and posters. The alumni of the college and Rotaract club also actively

supported these initiatives by the students.

Action Taken for improving health and medical care:The college believes that health

creates capacity. Students with a positive health status flourish and have greater ability

and readiness to learn and engage fully in all meaningful educational experiences inside

and outside the classroom. The Foods and Nutrition department of the college conducted

awareness programs and had talks by experts on World TB day, World Asthma Day,

World No Tobacco Day, World Health day, World Heart day, World Mental – Health

day, Women‟s Day, Breast Feeding week, Nutrition week, Pulse Polio week, Oral

Hygiene Day, World Kidney Day etc .Leaflets and brochures related to these issues were

distributed among the students. Poster competition, slogan writing, paper reading

contests, quizzes etc were held to generate health related awareness.

7.3 Give two Best Practices of the Institution/Department (Annexure „II‟)

Give details of any two best practices which have contributed to better academic and

administrative functioning of the university.

I. 1. Title of the Practice: Online filling & submission of examination forms and assessments on

Panjab University, Chandigarh Portal.

2. Objectives of the Practice:

What are the objectives / intended outcomes of this “best practice” and what are the

underlying principles or concepts of this practice?

This practice is a part of transformation of the whole evaluation system online so as to

prevent manual mistakes and expedite the declaration of results.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


3. The Context

What were the contextual features or challenging issues that needed to be addressed in

designing and implementing this practice?

The challenging task faced during implementation of this practice was to educate and

provide training to the students, faculty and staff about the new system.

4. The Practice

Describe the practice and its uniqueness in the context of India higher education. What

were the constraints / limitations, if any, faced?

Examination forms of the students are filled by the students themselves online by

opening an account on PU website. This activity was conducted under the supervision of staff


5. Evidence of Success

Provide evidence of success such as performance against targets and benchmarks, review

results. What do these results indicate?

This practice was successful with no confusion and problems in relation to accuracy in

information of the students and results were declared relatively earlier.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Please identify the problems encountered and resources required to implement the


When the server was down or there was some technical fault in the portal, students faced

problem in loading details .Also sometimes the PU website was not able to display subjects of

particular stream. Students who were not computer literate have a little difficulty.

II. 1. Title of the Practice. Setting up of Rotaract club in collaboration with NGO‟s

2. Objectives of the Practice

What are the objectives / intended outcomes of this “best practice” and what are the

underlying principles or concepts of this practice (in about 100 words)?

The main objective of this practice is to provide an opportunity for young students to

enhance their knowledge and skills of working with the community and address their physical

and social needs. It also promoted better relationshipamong likeminded youth worldwide through

a framework of friendship and service. It helped in developing professional and leadership skills;

emphasizing respect for the rights of others, and promoting ethical standards and the dignity of

all human beings. It connects college students with students of other colleges who work as a

cohesive unit to ameliorate various social problems.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


3. The Context

What were the contextual features or challenging issues that needed to be addressed in

designing and implementing this practice (in about 150 words)?

The main challenging issue that was addressed in designing and implementing this practicewas

to orient and educate the youth towards community service as most of them were found to be

unaware of the problems of the village/slum community and were indifferent towards their needs

and problems. Students were also apprehensive about taking out time from academics for

activities of the Rotaract club.

4. The Practice

Describe the practice and its uniqueness in the context of India higher education. What

were the constraints / limitations, if any, faced (in about 400 words)?

The Rotaract Club of the College provides opportunities for professional developmentof its

members through various activities in collaboration with Rotaract clubs of other colleges. The

students get an opportunity to know about global issues and concerns through seminars and

conferences organized by the Rotary Club .They organize activities such as sale of used articles

to raise funds, organizing blood donation camps, teaching healthy nutritive recipes to slum girls.

5. Evidence of Success

Provide evidence of success such as performance against targets and benchmarks, review

results. What do these results indicate? Describe in about 200 words.

The record of all the activities conducted throughout the year was maintained. Active

involvement of students in these activities not only made them more professionally competent

but remarkable differences were found in their personality and approach to social causes.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required Please identify the problems encountered

and resources required to implement the practice (in about 150 words).

The main problem encountered by the incharges was to fit all these activities in the

student‟s hectic schedule in such a way that their studies do not suffer. Financial, infrastructural

and human resources were required to implement these extension activities.

7.4 Contribution to environmental awareness / protection.

The institution spread awareness and sensitized both the students and the rural

community like residents of Village Khuda Ali Sher regarding sustainable environment

through holding individual and group competitions, talks, exhibitions, movie screening


Eco- friendly practices that encourage a spirit of environmental friendliness were

implemented. . Efforts were made by all the students & teachers to make the campus

litter free. Various activities towards upkeep and maintenance of cleanliness were


Environment week was celebrated in the college by Harita Club, a registered organization

by Chandigarh Administration to create awareness related to environment, A tree

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


plantation drive was conducted in the college with Professor. R.K Kohli as the chief guest

for the event. A series of events like Environmental campaigns, workshops, displays,

exhibitions, poster making, quiz and slogan writing competitions. Skits and street plays

were carried out to enable students to learn how they could take ownership of the

environment. Posters, leaflets and videos on environment protection were used to help

educate and encourage the staff.

College encouraged environmental awareness through creative efforts. Such efforts

included display of ecofriendly theme based style creations in dresses during annual

fashion show “AAKRITI 2012”, which was based on theme “nature” .Use of ecofriendly

material in dyeing practicalswas encouraged . Encouragement was given to the purchase

of organic foods in Foods and Nutrition Laboratory. Gift items made out of eco-friendly

materials along with gift-wrapping for visiting delegates was promoted.

7.5 Whether environmental audit was conducted?


7.6 Any other relevant information the Institution/Department wishes to add. (for example

SWOT Analysis)

a. Strengths

Keeping the demand of the time in mind, the college took up an initiative to start few

new course such as B.Sc.(Fashion Designing) which is in great demand since its


The College has Computer Lab equipped with latest softwares such as Tuka Cad and

Tuka – Studio for pattern and marker making on computers and textile

designing;Richpeace software for apparel designing; Auto Cad for room planning etc so

as to make the student‟s tech – savvy as per the present day demands of industrial and

export units.

b. Weakness

Poor involvement of local industries in placement of the students.

Alumni interaction needs to be strengthened.

Research component needs to be strengthened.

c. Opportunities

Through various community outreach programmes, the college gets the opportunity to

work for the betterment of the society in general and women in particular.

Research is an important part of curriculum and provides ample scope to study social

problems and apply the findings to frame policies and programmes of social welfare.

d. Threats

Many private institutes as well as distance education programmeswhich offer various

regular /short term courses are mushrooming with lucrative placement offers that attract

young minds.

Low cutoff percentage of students seeking admissionsin undergraduate courses.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


8. Plans of Institution/Department for next year

To modify admission criterion so as to solve the problem of reduction in number of

students taking admission in the college.

Name Name

_______________________________ _______________________________

Signature of the Coordinator, IQAC Signature of the Chairperson, IQAC


Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Annexure –I A


Admission July 10-23, 2012

Late Admission July 27- August 06, 2012

Late Admission (With Vice Chancellor‟s) August 07- August 31, 2012

permission with late fee of Rs. 1500/-

Teaching of Existing Classes July 12, 2012

Teaching of new admission classes July 16, 2012

(Under Graduate)

Teaching of new admission classes July 23, 2012

(Post Graduate)

Orientation Programme July 25, 2012

Installation of the Student‟s Council August,2012

Fresher‟s Welcome party August,2012

Talent Search Competition August,2012

Van Mahotsava August/ September,2012

Interclass Home Science Competition September, 2012

First Terminal Examination September,2012

Youth Festival October, 2012

Autumn Break October 24 - 31, 2012

Second Terminal Examination December, 2012/January, 2013

Winter Break December 23, 2012-January 08,


Cultural Event January, 2013

Alumni Meet February, 2013

Sports Day February, 2013

Convocation and Prize Distribution Function March, 2013

Farewell Party March 2013

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13





Academic Calendar for the session 2014-15 for the Panjab University Teaching Departments


Semester system of Examination :

Summer Vacation 26-05-12 To 08-07-12

(44 ) (Saturday ) (Sunday)

Academic Calendar

Teaching Departments 09-07-12

of the University Open on (Monday)

Admission Schedule

(i) Normal Admission 09-07-12 To 26-07-12 (9 days)

for on going and (Monday) (Thursday)

new classes (except for

those classes in which

admission is through CET)

(ii) Late admission 27-07-12 To 06-08-12

(11 days) (Friday) (Monday)

(for on going and new

classes) to be allowed

By the Chairperson of

the University Teaching

Department with late fee

of Rs.500/- per student

(III) Admission for classes

through CET tentative

(IV) Teaching starts

a) For students of on going classes 12-07-12


b) For new admission classes (other than 16-07-12

those admitted through CET) (Monday)

c) For classes admitted through 16-07-12

OCET (PG) (Monday)

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


(v) Late admission in the 07-08-12 To 21-08-


University Teaching (Tuesday) (Friday)


Departments to be allowed

by the Vice-Chancellor

with late fee of Rs.1800/-

per student

(Saturday is working during admission days)

Academic Term-1 12-07-12 To 23-10-2012 (69 working





th. Semester (Thursday) (Tuesday)

Autumn Break 24-10-2012 To 31-10-2012 (8


(Wednesday) (Wednesday)

University reopens

After Autumn break 01-11-2012 To 06-12-12


(Thursday) (Thursday)

Total teaching days of Academic Term I = 92 days

End Semester Examinations 07-12-2012 To 22-12-2012 (14 including Saturday)

Monday Friday

Semester Vacation 23-12-2012 To 08-01-2013 (17 days)

(Winter Break) (Sunday) (Tuesday)

Academic term – II





. Semester

University reopens after 09-01-2013 To 20-05-2013 (90 days)

Semester Examination (Wednesday) (Monday)

Total Teaching days of Academic Term II = 90 days

End Semester Examinations 21-05-2013 To 31-05-2013 (10 days)

(Thursday) (Friday)

(including Saturday)

Summer vacation 01-06-2013 To 08-07-2013 (38 days)

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


(Tentative) (Thursday) (Monday)

Total Teaching days of academic term I &II =92+90=182 days

Note: The departments are free to fix the dates of tests / sessionals as per their convenience

Adjustments ,if any in the Semester schedule of certain University Teaching Departments

may be allowed by the Dean of the University instruction in special cases

Part- „B‟

Academic Calendar for the session 2014-15 for the Panjab University Teaching Departments


Semester system of Examination :

Summer Vacation 26-05-12 To 08-07-12

(44 ) (Saturday ) (Sunday)

Academic Calendar

Teaching Departments 09-07-12

of the University Open on (Monday)

Admission Schedule

(iii) Normal Admission 09-07-12 To 26-07-12 (9 days)

for on going and (Monday) (Thursday)

new classes (except for

those classes in which

admission is through CET)

(iv) Late admission 27-07-12 To 06-08-12

(11 days) (Friday) (Monday)

(for on going and new

classes) to be allowed

By the Chairperson of

the University Teaching

Department with late fee

of Rs.500/- per student

(III) Admission for classes

through CET tentative

(IV) Teaching starts

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


a) For students of on going classes 12-07-12


b) For new admission classes (other than 16-07-12

those admitted through CET) (Monday)

c) For classes admitted through 16-07-12

OCET (PG) (Monday)

(v) Late admission in the 07-08-12 To 21-08-13

University Teaching (Tuesday) (Friday)

Departments to be allowed

by the Vice-Chancellor

with late fee of Rs.1800/-

per student

(Saturday is working during admission days)

Academic Term-1 12-07-12 To 23-10-2012(69 working days)




th. Semester(Thursday) (Tuesday)

Autumn Break 24-10-2012 To 31-10-2012(8 days)

(Wednesday) (Wednesday)

University reopens

After Autumn break 01-11-2012 To 06-12-12


(Thursday) (Thursday)

Total teaching days of Academic Term I = 92 days

End Semester Examinations 07-12-2012 To 22-12-2012 (14 including Saturday)

Monday Friday

Semester Vacation 23-12-2012 To 08-01-2013 (17 days)

(Winter Break) (Sunday) (Tuesday)

Academic term – II





. Semester

University reopens after 09-01-2013 To 20-05-2013 (90 days)

Semester Examination (Wednesday) (Monday)

Total Teaching days of Academic Term II = 90 days

End Semester Examinations 21-05-2013 To 31-05-2013 (10 days)

(Thursday) (Friday)

(including Saturday)

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Summer vacation 01-06-2013 To 08-07-2013 (38 days)

(Tentative) (Thursday) (Monday)

Total Teaching days of academic term I &II =92+90=182 days

Note: The departments are free to fix the dates of tests / sessionals as per their convenience

Adjustments ,if any in the Semester schedule of certain University Teaching Departments may

be allowed by the Dean of the University instruction in special cases

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Annexure –I C


Govt. Home Science College Sector-10, Chandigarh





Presided Over


Mr. V. K. Singh

Finance Secretary

Chandigarh Administration



Mrs. Madhu Nanda


Govt. Home Science College,

Sector 10, Chandigarh

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


May I now, Hon‟ble Sir, with your kind permission present before you a glimpse of the Annual

Report of the college for the session 2011-2012.

Established in 1961, Govt. Home Science College is a pioneer institute in Northern India and has

continued to revamp its courses keeping in tune with the changing trends in higher education.

The college currently offers a three year degree course in B.Sc. (Home Science) with six

specializations and B.Sc. in Fashion Designing.

Apart from offering a Post-Graduate Degree in Clothing & Textiles, Foods and Nutrition,

Human Development and Family Relations the college also offers Post-Graduate Diploma in

Nutrition and Dietetics, Fashion Designing and Child Guidance & Family Counselling.

As the head of the institute, I am proud to say that the combined excellence of the educational

curriculum, the realistic values, and the commitment of the teaching faculty as well as that of the

non-teaching staff has made the Institute establish itself as a leading centre for women‟s


Scholarships and Awards

The College offers a number of scholarships and awards as per Chandigarh Administration

guidelines. The college liaisons with Social Service Organizations like Inner Wheel Club for

providing financial aid to economically weaker deserving students.

Miss. SherieDoongaji Award is given for excelling in studies in the B.Sc. final in Home

Management and Clothing and Textiles.

Dr. P.K. Devi Award is given every year to a student of B.Sc. final who is very

compassionate, helpful to the fellow students and excels in academics and extra-

curricular activities.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Students Council

The installation ceremony for the Students‟ Council Members was held in the month of

September 2011. SimranSachdeva, MeghaBakshi and Kalyani Gupta were sworn in as

college President, Vice-President And Secretary respectively. I congratulate the President of the

college and her active team for having organized various activities during the session


Alumni Association

The college has an active Alumni Association which has been taking a keen interest in all college

activities-be it academic, sports or extra-curricular. The Annual Alumni Meet was held in

January 2012 wherein more than 150 members assembled from all over the globe to celebrate the

golden jubilee year. Mrs. Jatinder Kaur Rai, the president, donated 1 lac to the alumni fund

which sponsors the complete annual fee of one student.

Chaitanya School

Attached to the department of Human Development & Family Relations, Chaitanya is an

experimental laboratory school which symbolizes creative individuality. The school follows the

play-way method for the overall development of the child.

Mrs. Ninette Vas E. Sharma graced the 27th

Annual Function of the Nursery School as Chief

Guest and was visibly pleased to interact with the tiny-tots.

The Guidance and Counselling Cell

Deptt. of Human Development and Family Relations runs a counselling cell also which

addresses the concerns and problems of students and renders guidance and counseling to them.

The cell organized a number of workshops and interactive sessions with the students on building

Self-esteem and Management of Anger, Stress & Time. Dr. PrabhjotMalhi, a Clinical

Psychologist from PGIMER, Chandigarh and Dr. ParminderParmar, Associate Professor at

Pennsylvania State University visited the cell and held workshops.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Placement Cell

The college has a fully functional placement cell. A college database has been prepared with

information of the B.Sc. final year, M.Sc. and P.G. Diploma pass-out students. I am proud to

announce that we manage to have 100% placement for our Post Graduate students.


All possible efforts are put in by the college to achieve highest academic standards. It is a matter

of great honour that our students have always maintained top positions in the University


MallikaDhand topped M.Sc. Home Science Foods and Nutrition

Shruti Seth topped Post Graduate Diploma in Child Guidance and Family


Bhanupriya topped Post Graduate Diploma in Fashion Designing

Nisha Sharma topped B.Sc. Fashion Designing 3rd


Chandni topped B.Sc. Home Science 3rd


Dear Sir, the students are constantly encouraged to excel not only in academic but also in extra-

curricular activities namely literary, dance, music, art, and sports.


Believing in the dictum that „A Sound Mind Resides in A Sound Body‟, we at Govt. Home

Science College make all-out efforts to keep our students physically fit as well. The college has

an indoor badminton court with state of art wooden flooring and a functional full-fledged

gymnasium, named Venus, with automatic and manual treadmills, criss cross steppers, weights

and multi gym with 6 stations. The students‟ regularly participate in Aerobic Activities as well

as benefit from the Yoga Sessions. The college organized the Annual Athletic Meet in the

February 2012. Sh. Alok Kumar, IPS, Deputy Inspector General of Police, Chandigarh gave

away the prizes to the winners. Ms. Ritu Joshi was adjudged the Best Athlete for the session


Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Youth Festival/Rose Festival/Chandigarh Carnival

At the Zonal Youth and Heritage Festival held at National College for women,

Machhiwara (Punjab), our students put up a very impressive show.

The team comprising Shruti Sehgal, Gurpreet Kaur Saini, Jashangeet, Shivani Sharma,

Swati, Anna Thakur, Kalyani Gupta, Tamanna Arora, Diviyaa Mahajan and Steffy Singh bagged

the coveted 1stprizein group dance. MeghaBakshi and Neelam also bagged Ist prize each in

Rangoli and Dasuti Competition, Neerja Thakur and Priya won IInd prize each in

photographyandPakhi Making and Amandeep Kaur Minhas and Aanchal won IIIrd prize

each in Ghazal Singing and Crocheting. Our students Jashangeet bagged 1st runner up

individual prize in group dance and Neelam won 1st prize in Dasuti Competition at the Inter

Zonal Youth Festival held at Ramgarhia College, Ludhiana.

The college always extends its willing support on all fronts to the concerned authorities in

holding the Rose Festival. The students of our college Navjot Kaur and Aradhana Thakur won


prize in the Inter-College Rose Quiz Competition.

At the Chandigarh Carnival the college students put up an exciting stall. A range of

articles like cosmetic bags/pouches, table clothes, cushion covers etc. were exhibited. Various

personality tests were also conducted by the students.

Intra/Inter college competitions

The college makes every effort in affording its students the benefits of outreach activities and

organize various workshops/exhibitions and seminars etc. for their mental elevation.

The NSS unit of the college has 200 NSS volunteers on its rolls. The unit organized a

five day training camp of 175 Rural Associate women Workers and a 7 day residential

camp at the Khuda Ali Sher, the adopted village.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


The NCC unit of the college has 98 cadets on its rolls. U.O. Parneet Kaur was selected as

the student NCC Incharge and Cadet Jasleen was chosen to participate in the Republic

Day Parade at Chandigarh.

The college Environment Committee„Harita‟ organized a number of activities in order

to create more awareness amongst the students and planted as many as 50 more saplings

during the year. Sh. V.K. Singh, IAS, Finance cum Education Secretary planted Sago

Palm; Sh. Ajoy Sharma, IAS and Sh. D.K. Tiwari, IAS also planted Junipers at the

Vanmahotsav Function.

The Red Ribbon Club of the College organized HIV/AIDS awareness campaign on

International World AIDS Day. A Blood Donation Camp was also organized in the

college campus wherein 50 volunteers donated blood.

The students from the department of Family Resource Management and Art won the

top three positions at the Inter College Rangoli Competition on AIDS awareness and

Conservation of Environment. The department also organized workshop on Event

Management and demonstration on Auto CAD.

The Clothing & Textiles Deptt. celebrated the „Tex-style Week‟ and held many

competitions in designing, stitching and embroidery. The department also organized a

Demonstration about the functioning of sewing machines and a Workshop on weaving

and also an Exhibition titled „Swarnim Array‟ to showcase the wide range of textiles

and clothing products created by the students.

The annual fashion show “Aakriti 2012” was held in February 2012. Mrs. Ninette Vas

E. Sharma and Mrs. Pallavi Singh graced the occasion as its worthy Chief Guest and

Guest of Honour respectively. The efforts of the students were hugely appreciated by the

guests, the jury and the audience.

The department of Foods and Nutrition started the session by celebrating the Breast

Feeding Week in august 2011 and also organized cookery and paper reading

competitions on various topics namely „Healthy Tiffins and Packed Lunches’ as well as

‘Watch your weight and Stay Healthy’ in the Nutrition Week in September 2011. The

department organized talks by Dr. Bhavneet, Associate Professor PGI, and Dr. Monika,

from Advanced Pediatric Centre, PGI. The department organized awareness generation

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


talks on “Healthy Eating Habits‟ in various school of Chandigarh and also celebrated

the Women‟s day in collaboration with India News Calling.

Dr. Suman Verma and Dr. Deepali Sharma along with the other faculty of the

department of Human Development and Family Relations organized the ISSBD

International Workshop in October 2011 on “ Risk Protection and Resilience among

Children at- risk: Research and Action Plans(South and South East Asia Region). A

total of 114 participants comprising researchers, academics, government organizations,

and NGOs working in the field of risk, protection, and resilience among children were a

part of the workshop. Shri V.K. Singh, Education Secretary, Chandigarh

Administration, the chief guest at the occasion, lauded the efforts of the organizers in

choosing a timely and meaningful theme and the need for concerted efforts in working

for the under-privileged children in the context of the Right to Education bill.

Faculty achievements

The college has a progressive faculty which works on updating its skills and development as

well along with fulfilling its duty towards the students and the institution.

1. Dr. NirupaMarwaha and Dr. Priyanka Sharma completed their respective Ph.Ds. during

the current session.

2. Dr. Madhu Kaul has been working as the Editor of Nutrition: News N Views, a half

yearly newsletter of Indian Dietetic Association, Chandigarh Chapter.

3. Dr. Deepali Sharma is a guest editor for the bulletin of the international society and

served as a guest editor for the Journal of Research on Adolescence.

4. Mrs. Nandini Sharma is an All India qualified Referee in Kho- Kho and officiated at

Panjab University Inter College Kho-Kho A, B, and C division Championship.

5. Dr. NirupaMarwaha, Dr. Madhu Kaul, Dr. Suman Verma, Dr. SudhaKatyal, Dr. Jagjiwan

Kaur, Mrs. Monica Malik, Dr. Ravneet Chawla, Dr Rajesh Biswas, Dr. Ritu Pradhan, S.

Mahaboob Khan, Dr. Deepali Sharma, Mrs. Shabana Gandhi, Dr. Narinder Singh and

Ms. Bhavneetpresented papers at various seminars and also been consistent in getting

their papers published in journals of National/International repute.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13



Hon‟ble Sir, I once again thank you for being with us this evening and making this occasion

special for all of us. My thanks are also due to the Chandigarh Administration for always taking

keen interest in the progress of our institution.

I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to the entire college staff for the smooth

running of the college and maintaining the prestige and reputation of this pioneer professional

institution for women.

I am particularly thankful to my dear students for giving us these proud moments by doing

extremely well in academics, sports and extra-curricular activities during their stay in the


I congratulate and extend my heart felt blessings and good wishes to all the post graduates and

graduates who shall be receiving their degrees as well as the prizes this evening.

May all your dreams be realized and may God bestow his blessings on you so that you succeed

in all the spheres of life and do your best in making this world a better place.

Thank you.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Annexure II


S.No. Type of Feedback Frequency/Method Outcome/Suggestions 1 Student’s Feedback Yearly through

Proformas Inclusion of

communication skills & personality development in the course work

2 Parent’s Feedback Through interaction of students, parents & teachers

Improvements to be incorporated in the Hostel & Mess facilities

3 Employers Feedback Staff meetings Major cleanliness drive of college Campus, Hostel & Canteen undertaken

4 Alumni Feedback Annual Alumni meet Regular mock tests for students

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Annexure III A




Date Activities

1. July 27, 2012 Organised talk by sister Anita Devi from

Brahmkumari Ashram, Chandigarh during

College Orientation session .

2. July 28, 2012: Orientation of NSS volunteers and Motivational

Lecture cum Discussion by Mr. Bikram

Rana,NSS State Liaison Officer, chandigarh

Administration, Chandigarh.

3. August 01, 2012- August 07,


Celebration of World Breast Feeding

Week.Awareness generation activities for NSS


4. August 08, 2012 Valedictory day World Breast Feeding Week


Lecture by Dr. ManjitSekhon on Importance of

Breast Feeding.

Talk by NGO, Sahayata on Cancer Prevention

and treatment.

5. August 02,2012

Organised Walk/Rally on Environment

Conservation for NSS Volunteers in

collaboration with ZEE TV/ZEE News

6. August 15, 2012: Independence Day celebration at the college


7. August 18, 2012:

NSS environment week celebration by

organising a tree plantation drive in the college

campus by NSS Volunteers.

8. August 18, 2012 Celebration of Sadbhawana Divas.

Undertaking of Pledge by NSS Volunteers

9. August 28-September01, 2012-

Organised training of Rural Associate Woman

Worker - activities organised for developing

life skills and enterpreneurship development.

Also, various social issues were discussed using

skit, rally and discussion. Skit on Domestic

Violence and Gender Discrimination by the

students of P.G. Diploma in Nutrition &

Dietetics. Rally with placards on Importance of

Education and Female Foeticide.

10. August 29, 2012

Organized talk by NGO Sahayata on Breast

Cancer; Causes, prevention & treatment.

11. September 19, 2012:

Attended Meeting on Disaster Management to

discuss Standard Operating Procedure and to

discuss resource inventory if any at the office

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


of NSS State Liaison Officer. Member of Core

Committee for Disaster Management at Govt.

Home Science College Sector-10, Chandigarh.

12. September 20, 2012

Tourism week celebration:Meeting with NSS

State Liaison Officer Mr. Bikram Rana to

discuss Run for Fun organized by Ministry of


13. September 25, 2012

Tourism week celebration:Organized Run for

Fun from Open Hand Monument to Govt. Arts

College, Sector-10, Chandigarh under the aegis

of Ministry of Tourism during the Tourism

Week Celebrations from September 24- 30,


14. October 20-26,2012: Organised NSS Special Seven Day Residential

Camp at Khuda Ali Sher, adopted village of

NSS wing.

15. November 04, 2012:

Vigilance week celebration.

Organized a lecture on “Legal Aspects for

Women” by Ms. Shabana , Lecturer, Govt.

Home Science College Sector-10, Chandigarh,

for celebration of Vigilance Week.

16. November 19-26,2012: Celebration of Communal Harmony Week by

NSS Wing and organized:

o Pledge on National Integration

o Discussion and Interaction on

Prime Minister‟s 15 Point

Programme by Dr. Ritu Pradhan

o Valedictory Programme

o Paper Writing and Reading


o Poem Writing and Recitation


o Lecture on “Importance of

Communal Harmony” by Dr.

Nemi Chand, Assistant

Professor, Govt. College Sector

42, Chandigarh

17. December 01,2012

World AIDS Day.

Organized Candle Light March along with

State AIDS Control Society Sector-15 A,

Chandigarh and Red Ribbon Club from College

Premises to Sector-10 Market.

18. January 11, 2013

Swami Vivekananda birth centenary


Meeting with NSS State Liaison Officer Mr.

Bikram Rana to discuss celebrations for Swami

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Vivekananda birth centenary and for organizing

various competitions like slogan writing, essay

competitions and paper reading competition.

19. January 17, 2013

Swami Vivekananda birth centenary


Organized celebrations for Swami Vivekananda

birth centenary by organizing paper reading


20. January 17, 2013

Organized one day Road Safety and Awareness

Generation Camp for NSS volunteers in

collaboration with Chandigarh Traffic Police at

Govt. Home Science College Sector-10,


21. January 20-22, 2013: Organized Pulse Polio Campaign

22. January 22, 2013

Organized Human Chain Formation from

Sector 18 to State AIDS Control Society

Sector-15 A, Chandigarh along with State

AIDS Control Society Sector-15 A, Chandigarh

and Red Ribbon Club.

23. January 25, 2013 Organized National Voters Day celebrations

and awareness generation programmes:

o Pledge

o Poster Making

o Paper Reading

o Rally

24. January 26, 2013 Organized celebrations for 64th

Republic Day at

Govt. Home Science College Sector-10,


25. March 08, 2013

Organized celebrations for International

Women‟s Day by organizing lecture cum

interaction by Dr. SwapnaMisra, an eminent

gynecologist, Fortis Hospital, Mohali in

Conference hall, Govt. Home Science College

Sector-10, Chandigarh.

Government Home Science College AQAR 2012-13


Annexure IIIB


National Cadet Corps is an Organization engaged in conducting constructive activities for all

round development of youth of our country since 1948. Cadets who have undergone training at

the NCC have self discipline, leadership qualities and good value system. This organization helps

in spreading gender equality among youth by empowering young girls.

Regular Associate NCC Officer: Capt. NeelamKumari

Enrolled Strength: 98 NCC Girls Cadets

Regular NCC Training, Social Service Programmes and Camp Activities in liaison with:

1 Chandigarh Girls BN: NCC, Sector-26, Chandigarh

Student NCC Incharge: U.O. Ritu Joshi

NCC Cadets were encouraged to participate in following camps and social activities :

Social service activities

Name of Events Date Name of Organization

Independence day Celebration Aug.15, 2012 Organized by NCC Unit GHSc.

Visited to Blind Institute,

Old Age Home

Nov. 19, 2012 Organized by NCC Dte Chandigarh

Anti Drug Foot Rally Nov.21, 2012 Organized by NCC Dte Chandigarh

Anti FemaleFoeticide Rally Nov. 18, 2012 Organized by NCC Dte Chandigarh

Pledge on Anti Dowry,

Anti Drug, Anti Female Foeticide

Nov. 21, 2012 Organized by NCC Dte Chandigarh

Run For Fun Nov.21, 2012 Organized by NCC Dte Chandigarh

Republic Day Celebration Jan. 26, 2013 Organized by NCC Unit GHSc.

Earth Day Celebration March 23.2013 Organized by NCC Dte Chandigarh

Camp Activities

Name of Camp Number of Cadets Duration

National Integration Camp, Orrissa (02 Cadets) May 29, to June 15, 2012

Punjab Trek-12 at Paprola, Baijnath (06 Cadets) June 3 to June 15, 2012

National Integration Camp, Amritsar (03 Cadets) June 18 to June 27, 2012

Shooting Camp, Ropar (01Cadet) June 21 to June 30, 2012

Summer Annual Trainning Camp, GCG-42 (06 Cadets) June 30 to July 09, 2012

Annual Training Camp, GCG-11 (42 Cadets) Oct. 24 to Nov.02, 2012

All India Girls Trekking Expedition Azmer Trek-


(06 Cadets) Oct. 28 to Nov.06, 2012

Directorate ATC, Chandigarh (02 Cadets) Nov. 02 to Nov.11, 2012

Annual Training Camp, Ropar (08 Cadets) Jan.22 to Jan. 31, 2013

Military Hospital Attachment, Chandimandir (04 Cadets) Jan.14 to Jan. 25, 2013

National Integration Camp, Ranchi (02 Cadets) Jan.17 to Jan. 28, 2013

NCC Cadets collected donation of Rs. 2,000 to observe Armed Forces Flag Day held on 7th

December 2012

Member of Board to conduct “CEE” Certificate Exam held on 19th Feb. 2013. at GHSc.10, Chandigarh.