Government Chapter 1. SOVEREIGNTY??? All powerful---control without any permission for another Nation-State-Nation State Groups of people with common

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Outline of States What are the features of a state? How do you identify a “state” or “nation”?

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Government Chapter 1 SOVEREIGNTY??? All powerful---control without any permission for another Nation-State-Nation State Groups of people with common culture What makes up your culture? Outline of States What are the features of a state? How do you identify a state or nation? FEATURES OF A STATE Population Territory Sovereignty Government Explain the features What does it look like? Who decided a state would be a good thing? What brought about the existence of a state? Social contract Horrible Hobbes vs. Logical Locke Explain the differences in the two views on state government Evolutionary : Large families working together to provide for the masses. Needed organization? Force Theory: out of necessity to protect or organize military Divine Right Theory: God selected a ruler and it would be unwise to question the ruler God had suggested? (Social Darwinism---Survival of the Fittest??) Social Contract Theory: Purpose of Government Social order Public services Security and defense Economy MAINTAINING SOCIAL ORDER Do you need someone to tell you how to behavior? What do you call a society without rules and regulations?? Would your property be safe without rules? Would you have the rights you have without rules? What rights would you have that you dont presently have WITH government? Can your government demand toooo much order? Government should PROTECT Clean Water Act But who is the Clean Water Act really protecting? Read article on FRACKING FRACKING Fight Pollution Providing Public Services Government should provide public services that cannot be handled by the people themselves..such as road building, protecting environment from abuse, and protecting consumer consumption. Should they provide health care? Should they limit the production of certain consumer goods Providing National Security But how do they provide national security?? Create armies to protect from invasion Protect from terrorist attacks How do they protect from terrorist attacks? Who is Snowden?Edward Snowden 'The US government will say I aided our enemies' video interview World news Snowden 'The US government will say I aided our enemies' video interview World news Making Economic Decisions Trade decisions The amount of interest that should be charged The rules and regulations for trade of stocks and bonds The tax advantages given to corporate America ETC Goal is to encourage or stimulate economic growth Ch 1 Section 2 Unitary System Central government has the power to create lower level government Ex. England Federal System Shared system of government Central government Lower level such as State Each level has control and power Confederacy of United States gave little power to the Central government too little causing a weak government PURPOSE OF A CONSTITUTION 1. SETS OUT IDEALS 2. ESTABLISHES BASIC STRUCTURE 3. SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND Other laws are made around the Constitution POWER OF THE CONSTITUTION CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT IS A GOVERNMENT LIMITED BY THE CONSTITUTION IN ORDER WORDS IT CANNOT CREATE OR ACT WITHOUT FOLLOWING THE GUIDELINES OF THE WRITTEN CONSTITUTION. OR ITS NOT SUPPOSE TO. PREAMBLE The goal of a Constitution is laid out in the Preamble. Framework divided into Articles US has 7 Articles PURPOSE OF POLITICS INFLUENCE THE GOVERNMENT TO DO WHAT YOU WANT IT TO DO!! What is this political cartoon saying?? SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS SOME GROUPS WANT CONGRESS TO PROTECT THEIR BEST INTEREST EDUCATORS OIL COMPANIES ENVIRONMENTALIST CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES Look at the following cartoons and see which special interest group is being protected according to these cartoonist at the expense of the environment and the tax paying citizen AU Industrialized nations enjoy more technology and a stronger economy Developing nations struggle with their government and stability. The average income is extremely low along with education and healthcare. CIA ranking of Nations per capita International Organizations National Governments are not the only players in global policy Organizations cross national borders and influence policy that benefit their group Terrorist organizations: Al-Qaeda Multinational corporations: British Petroleum BP, General Motors Chapter 1 Section 3 Autocracy: Monarchy such as a king or queengained their power as a result of divine right. Many now are Constitutional Monarchs that share power with legislative body Dictator- receives power as a result of seizing power Totalitarian (dictator) controls not only the political decisions of the state but also the everyday lifestyle decisions of the citizens Oligarchy A few individuals rule the state/nation The power is received from their social status or shared military power DEMOCRACY People Rule But who are considered people is different in each nation Are all ethnic groups people Are women people Are criminals people And how do those people RULE???? In ancient days..people ruled by all voting and discussing laws being created In our Nation.we elect representatives to vote and debate the laws created to govern our society Government with elected representatives is called a REPUBLIC What does a true Democracy look like? Individual liberty Majority rule with protection of minority rights Free elections Competing political parties Majority Rule with Minority Rights Although the majority with win a votethe constitution is there to protect the liberties of the minority Korematsu vs. US Exparte Endo vs. United States Free Elections Who should vote???? Why shouldnt everyone?? Has it always been this way??? NO! Voting has been determined by wealth, race, and sex In order for a true democratic republic to exist those under the rule of the government should have free elections. With no anticipated punishment for their vote. Iron Jawed Angels: Women's right to Vote Political Parties Rivals: Democrats and Republicans Their job is to help society opposing viewpoints This cartoon shows something else going on..EXPLAIN RECIPE FOR A DEMOCRACY CITIZEN PARTICIPATION FAVORABLE ECONOMY (Citizens that are making money and have financial stability believe they have RIGHT to have a say so in their government) WIDESPREAD EDUCATION (a lack of education cripples the society from being able to make good decisions Civil society (voluntary organizations that work to ensure the health and stability of the citizens) SOCIAL CONSENSUS (the people need to be in a general agreement about the purpose of government) Chapter 1 Section 4 ECONOMICS: HOW RESOURCES ARE USED TO MEET OUR DESIRES Who makes the decision how those resources are dispersed? Do the people or does the government????? CAPITALISM FREEDOM OF CHOICE CAPITAL MONEY OR WEALTH THAT IS INVESTED TO MAKE MORE MONEY FREE MARKETS exists when the government places no limits on buying and selling What is wrong with this system? The government is not suppose to put their hands in what the raw resources are being used to produce, how much is being charged, how much produced nor what wages are being paid. REGULATION The Great Depression made the US government more fearful of economic failure and became more involved with the economics of our country. The regulation has continued to increase. Socialism The government has control over how resources are used, what is produced and what wages are paid All resources are dispersed EQUALLY What is wrong with this system?? Communism Karl Marx: believed that the proletariat (working class) would one day rise up against the bourgeoisie (middle class business owners) and the class struggle would result in a group ownership by the workers There would be no need for government because the people would be so happy TO BE EQUAL they would all get along and live happily everafter Whats wrong with this system? Sounds like a perfect Walgreen World does it not???!!!