Governance and inspection: Key changes to section 5 inspection September 2014 David Selby Her Majesty’s Inspector Julie Yarwood Her Majesty’s Inspector 23 October 2014 Key changes to Inspection from September 2014| 2

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Governance and inspection: Key changes to section 5 inspection September 2014

David Selby Her Majesty’s Inspector

Julie Yarwood Her Majesty’s Inspector

23 October 2014

Key changes to Inspection from September 2014| 2

Governance and inspection


Key changes to Inspection from September 2014| 2

Governance and inspection

Governing bodies’ core functions:

Section 21(2) of the Education Act 2002 states that the purpose of maintained school governing bodies is to ‘conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school’ (p.7 Governors’ handbook May 2014)

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Governance and inspection

clarity of vision

holding the headteacher to account for the performance of the school

overseeing the financial performance.

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Governance and inspection

Activity 1:

Talk to the person sat next to you about what you think makes effective governance.

Jot down your three top points.

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Governance and inspection

Ofsted survey School governance: learning from the best (2011) found that in the best schools governors:

were well informed

received presentations from staff to inform their understanding of the school and its work

had a good awareness of the school

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Governance and inspection

held a clear view on the strategic direction of the school through regular visits

carried out their own monitoring

understand how well pupils are progressing

are closely involved in self-evaluation procedures.

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Key changes to Inspection from September 2014| 8

Significant reduction in the amount of

guidance published for inspectors, schools

and other stakeholders

There are now just 3 guidance documents

These will be used for the inspection of

maintained schools and academies from

September 2014

Additional guidance has gone.

Governance and inspection: Context to the changes

The framework for school inspection

The school inspection handbook

Inspecting safeguarding in maintained schools and academies

Key changes to Inspection from September 2014| 2

Governance and inspection: Key changes September 2014

No fundamental change to inspection methodology.

Introduction of separate graded judgements for early years and sixth-form provision.

Greater focus on the quality of the school’s curriculum.

No longer recording a grade on evidence forms on the quality of teaching observed during visits to lessons.

Clear guidance to inspectors on the duties and responsibilities of school governors.

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Governance and inspection: Key changes

The key changes fall under the following themes:

How well schools prepare pupils for life in modern Britain

The National Curriculum and assessment

How well schools use pupil premium funding

Inspection judgements.

Governance and inspection

What implications do these revisions have for you as governors?

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How well schools prepare pupils for life in modern Britain

Key changes to Inspection from September 2014| 2

How well schools prepare pupils for life in modern Britain

Inspectors will look more closely at how well schools prepare pupils for life in modern Britain by considering:

the role of governors

the organisation and quality of the curriculum, including for R.E. and the promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

arrangements for the safeguarding of pupils

how the school complies with the Equalities Act 2010.

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Inspectors should consider whether governors:

understand the boundaries of their role

ensure that they and the school promote tolerance and respect

support and help, through their words, actions and influence within the school… to prepare children and young people positively for life in modern Britain

are transparent and accountable, in terms of recruitment of staff, governance structures, attendance of meetings, and contact with parents.

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Inspectors should consider how well leaders and managers ensure that the curriculum:

is broad and balanced

actively promote fundamental British values

promotes tolerance and respect for people of all faiths, cultures and lifestyle

promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

includes a balanced approach to the teaching of R.E.

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Safeguarding, SMSC, RE and collective worship

Inspectors should consider:

the effectiveness of the school’s approach to keeping pupils safe from the dangers of radicalisation and extremism

how each aspect of SMSC development is defined by indicators that include reference to how well the school is promoting fundamental British values

implications for schools with or without a designated religious character.


How mindful the school is of its duty to comply with the Equalities Act 2010, particularly in relation to protected characteristics.

National Curriculum and assessment

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September 2014, the DfE have introduced changes to the National Curriculum and arrangements for assessment:

maintained schools are required to teach the relevant National Curriculum programmes of study by the end of each key stage

the removal of National Curriculum levels

pupils in Years 2 and 6 in 2014/2015 being taught and assessed against the old National Curriculum

alterations in Key Stage 4 assessment arrangements.

National curriculum and assessment

Key changes to Inspection from September 2014| 2

Leadership and management

Inspectors should consider:

information about the curriculum

how the curriculum is designed to respond to the particular needs of pupils and ensure that they meet their potential

the accuracy of assessment

role of governors in checking the rigour of assessment procedures.

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Achievement of pupils

Systems of assessment

Pupils’ progress

Inspecting literacy and mathematics

Changes in Key Stage 4 assessment.

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The quality of teaching

Inspectors will consider how well teachers use assessment information. They will consider the extent to which:

teachers monitor pupils’ responses in lessons and adapt their teaching accordingly

teachers seek to evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching and adapt accordingly

the frequency and accuracy of teachers’ assessments are used to set challenging work that build on prior knowledge, understanding and skills

teachers and schools share information at points of transition so that teacher plan to meet pupils’ needs from the outset

pupils understand how to improve their work.

How well schools use pupil premium funding

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How well schools use pupil premium funding


£1,300 per primary pupil

£935 per secondary pupil

£1900 for looked after children

Higher for CLA than FSM pupils.

Disadvantaged pupils

These are pupils who:

were registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years (FSM)

have been looked after for 1 day or more (CLA)

were adopted from care on or after 30 December 2005, or left care under either a special guardianship order or a child arrangement order (CLA)

The term ‘disadvantaged pupils’ does not refer to those who receive support through the service premium - £300.

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Closing gaps in achievement

Inspectors will consider how well the school is closing the gaps in achievement between disadvantaged pupils and other pupils nationally.

This will include a consideration of:

past attainment

current attainment

progress of disadvantaged pupils.

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Key changes to Inspection from September 2014| 2

Information about the school’s use of pupil premium funding

Inspectors must consider information on the school’s website to inform their preparation for inspection. This includes the school’s statement on the use of the pupil premium.

External review of the use of the pupil premium

If an inspection report identifies specific issues regarding the provision for disadvantaged pupils, inspectors should recommend an external review of the school’s use of the pupil premium.


The sequence of judgements

Inspectors will first make the key judgements on:

the behaviour and safety of pupils

the quality of teaching

the achievement of pupils

Inspectors will also draw on evidence from inspection of any early years or sixth provision to inform each of these key judgements.

early years and sixth form

quality of leadership and management

overall effectiveness taking into account impact of provision for pupils’ SMSC development and the extent to which the education provided meets the needs of pupils.

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Key changes to Inspection from September 2014| 2

Early Years and Sixth Form

the introduction of a numerical grade

the early years and sixth-form grades may be higher or lower than the overall effectiveness grade

inspectors will write sections in the report which summarise the key findings

the early years and sixth-form provision grades may not determine, but could influence, the key judgements

in sixth-form provision, inspectors must take account of whether the school meets the 16-19 interim minimum standards specified by the DfE.

The quality of teaching

Inspectors should not grade teaching in individual visits to lessons

Inspectors should not expect to see any particular style of teaching, assessment or marking

Feedback to teachers following visits to lessons will not include any grade for teaching.

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Key changes to Inspection from September 2014| 2

The behaviour and safety of pupils: Key points

Separate written judgements about behaviour and safety

Overall judgement for behaviour and safety determined by the lower of the two grades

The effectiveness of arrangements for safeguarding

Case studies

Use of unofficial exclusion


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External review of governance

Inspectors can recommend an external review of governance alone or in addition to an external use of the pupil premium.

Where governance is deemed to be ineffective, inspectors should include an external review of governance in their recommendations for improvement.

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Use of the PE and sport premium

Inspectors must evaluate the effectiveness of use of the premium, with a specific focus on how the school measures and judges its impact

Monitoring and evaluation


Information about the use of the primary PE and sport premium.

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The most-able pupils

There in an increased number of references in the School inspection handbook to the most-able pupils.

Particular references are to teaching and achievement, and in the grade descriptors for overall effectiveness. This emphasises the importance of the quality of support and challenge for this group of pupils.

How well schools prepare pupils for education, employment or training

Careers guidance.

Meeting the needs of all vulnerable groups of pupils.

Supporting families of the most-able pupils from deprived backgrounds.

Governance and inspection

Activity 2:

Skim the text on the right side of the sheet and add on any other activities you would undertake.

A few blank parts are linked to the ‘new’ aspects.

Think of some activities you would undertake to find this evidence.

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Governance and inspection

Activity 3:

Look at the two excerpts from reports.

In excerpt A identify three weaknesses.

In excerpt B identify the main strengths.

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The framework for school inspection


The School inspection handbook


Inspecting safeguarding in maintained schools and academies


Ofsted inspections – clarification for schools (A new document to confirm facts about the requirements of Ofsted and to dispel myths that can result in unnecessary workloads in schools)


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