Mrs N Amod Grade 4 Social Science Educator GOOGLE CLASSROOM SOCIAL SCIENCE GRADE: 4 GEOGRAPHY Please take note of the following: Do all written work in your homework book You can refer to encyclopedias, other textbooks or the internet Dates have been given as a guideline to indicate when work is to be completed Steps have been provided for certain topics Practice makes perfect


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Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator




Please take note of the following:

Do all written work in your homework book

You can refer to encyclopedias, other textbooks or the internet

Dates have been given as a guideline to indicate when work is to be completed

Steps have been provided for certain topics

Practice makes perfect

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

20th April 2020 Monday

Map Skills

A MAP is a drawing from above that shows us where places are. You can use a map to find out more about a place.

There are different types of maps. There are maps of the world, maps of continents and maps of countries. Some maps show cities and provinces, other maps show rivers and mountains.

You can learn a lot about a place from a map. You can look at a map of South Africa to learn more about the country. A map of Africa gives information about the continent of Africa. A map of the world gives information about planet Earth

I have provided an example of the South African map below

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

Exercise: 1

Look at the map below and answer the following questions

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

The map on this page shows an island. An island has sea all around it.

1. What colour is the sea on this map?

2. Use your finger to draw along the line where the land meets the sea

3. Point to each of the following:

a. The town called Topsy Town

b. A village called Sandy Vlei

c. A forest

d. The area where people grow mealies

e. The hill where people keep cattle

f. A beach where people go fishing

g. The top of the highest mountain

4. Find the rivers on the map. With your finger trace how they flow from the higher mountains down to the sea

5. Look at the road on the map. Use your finger to show how to drive from Sandy Vlei to Topsy Town and back again.


Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

21st April 2020 Tuesday

Side views and plan views

New words

view - a way of seeing something

plan - a drawing as seen from above

Side views and views from above of simple objects

When we walk around and look at buildings, trees and other people we see them from the side. We have side views of these things. A side view is what you see when you look at something from the side.

When you look at something that is down on the ground, such as a baby crawling, a dog sleeping or a line of ants, you look at them from above. This is called plan view. A plan view is what you see when you look at something from above. Maps are drawings that look at places from above. They are plan views.

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

Exercise: 1

Match side views and plan views

1. Match each picture A, B, C and D with its correct plan view 1, 2, 3 or 4. (Write down the letter with its matching number)

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

Exercise: 2

1. Look at the pictures below and answer the questions.

Find the following on both of the drawings below

a. The gate to the farm

b. The mountains behind the farm

c. The big farm house

d. The row of houses

e. The shed

f. The fruit orchard

g. The grape vines

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

2. Which of these pictures could we call a map? Why?

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

22nd April 2020 Wednesday

Symbols and Keys

New Words

symbol - a simple picture or letter that has a special meaning on a map

key - a list on a map that explains what symbols on the map mean

People who make maps draw symbols onto their maps to show where things are. For example, a little star may show a police station. Symbols are simple pictures or letters that have special meaning on a map. They make it easier to draw and read maps.

Maps usually have key. The key lists and explains all the symbols used on the map.

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

Exercise: 1

1. Look at the key on the map above and copy they symbol for each of the following:

a. library

b. clinic

c. railway line

d. factory

2. Name the road where you will find:

a. the post office

b. the school

c. the police station

d. a bridge

3. Are these sentences True or False?

a. The traffic lights are on the corner of Main Road and Aloe Road

b. The school is on the same road as the church

c. The houses are all in the same area

d. The clinic is next door to the mosque

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

23rd April 2020 Thursday

Exercise: 1

Draw a map, symbols and key

A key on a map shows what the symbols used on the map mean. Symbols on a map show where things are in real life.

1. Make up your own symbol to show:

a. a park

b. a bank

c. houses

d. a shop

2. Carefully copy the map and key from the picture below. Make it big so that it takes up a whole page.

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

3. Complete the key by filling in the symbols you drew in question 1

4. Decide where the train station will be, Draw the symbol for the train station on your map.

5. Show where the police station will be on your map.

6. Choose a place for a park and draw the symbol on your map

7. Complete your map by adding the other things on your key to it.

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

24th April 2020 Friday

Grid references

New words

grid - a pattern of straight lines that cross over each other to form blocks

grid references - numbers and letters on a grid

Concept of alpha - numeric grid references

A grid is a pattern of straight lines that are drawn over a map. Grids help us find places on a map.

A map with a grid has lines that are drawn over it. The spaces betwen the lines are given numbers along the top and letters down the side of the map. These numbers and letters give grid references. Grid references help you to find a place on a map

Reading and giving grid references on a simple, large scale map.

To find any place on a map, you look along the side and top to get the number and letter of the block, for example A2 or B3.

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

The key below shows some of the symbols you could find on a map.

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

Exercise: 1

Look at the grid above and key above and write down your answers to these questions

1. What symbol do you find in:

a. A4

b. C4

c. B5

2. Give the grid references for

a. the police station

b. the school

Exercise: 2

Draw and use a grid

1. Copy the grid below carefully. Use half a page. Make sure you copy the numbers and letters correctly - they go in the spaces and not at the end of the lines.

Mrs N Amod

Grade 4 Social Science Educator

2. Copy any four symbols from the key above into any four of the empty blocks on your grid

3. List your symbols and write the correct grid reference next to each one.