I '•/ ty.-WW.'V* S PARTA TINEL- L EA DER. Established 1876 SPARTA. KENT COUNTY. MICH., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 29, 1924 THE WEATHER The weather Ia improving. Marrle Lollard took a bourse load of folk* to Greenville Monday niftht to vwdt the ibm U bi wbicb J&e*§r* IstUreill and Moody are there It wjui some undertaking:. Tho road* are far from perfect, hut get tin*/; atrfecter every duy. The nun is bitlnp the nnowdr»ft- M a *ood w t # a n d »>y t h e time folk « r«uj thla. if t.hey ev«r do, there wvU be lots leas snow Some folks are t a p p i n g t h e i r sujgi&r hut-hcs, and some men around to wn tiro reporting; that they t .hern selves h.vvi alioudy been tupped for ntw spring hats. Jak f>inw<i wmjs in town the other hold in r day but was not barefoot ed, no spring ia some ways off yet. SCHOOL NOTES o pored hy »«noranco and superstition; li -hin. are reported to be skulking, w Uh it be can pre - for** t-i d to around Harry Brace* place in tile boundless achievement." Utivtur. wo end H .rry say-i they may hare! "The school curriculum t. Uould bo sot some Inkling of what be kee^s adjusted to recofinii* Mie importance BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAT I • H H R J J H i BE SUR ^ ABOUT IT FIRST No community has a right to rAlTTTii*;* iTsici; ntt-vri peittWU a child to be robbed of It* tAUTIOKS J tSSJi, BEj.XEb childhood."—Phi'lips Brooks. VVh * . "JMuoaUon i a tin, fmm.laUon orj . ' ' , n ££ ''' r of u whole oar progress. Without, it man is ham- , art 1 " ^ 1 5 ; "f "fVi 1 1 " in a v now bank ( 4 ladles deep) \ h«8&i jumping the traol$, rolMnn ovdj <4. half a dozen tfrznee aiul finally frees 00 a. m. • in. and 7:00 111 hi* cellar. (K)o Beware of tire. i x n m m n m tuyfTMirm RADIO SETS We sell and guarantee O^GJIADIO Sets to work —MANY satisfied customers ARE RECEIVING BROADCASTING FROM COAST. - AGENCY FOR THE RADIO COR- PORATION of AMERICA, and AMO OTHER RELIABLE SETS and SUP- FIXES. GEO. W BETTES PHONE 107 SPARTA xxxxxaxaxxxxxaxa of character education a* * <ju.*. I to that of intellectual education, ' Ed- ucation without character «j.ai:e# for bad citizenship. The Junior elatta will not b* able to give their p);»y <vt» \l.«rct . us announced, owiiif; o wu-tr L\u% being: unable to ur<- t b e tpera Mouse. Patriotic stories sod blag* raphlea of 1 menu and Vf a* Mutton have r» <n 1 v j e. I . r ..in all g-rad'-s c'nring •. . .•we< e- eral rooms htul axeretee* !• rlda at tern 0011. W. J. D. Deacon, M IX, direc tor >' the Btireeu of f'ommunlrab?* i'in- eases i>f t h e Stat* Hoard o! M 1th. say* that » recent survey ot U\tr i wiMji separata*! aon-ntlm, re* pats j the fact tbM. }uer ^bout : »• i>< o ni J of i l l children !a tbe -"-elKs^l > xf • fl-teted with go It re, and ihvt ,• -ems a wls*» p r o v i s i o n to us* n sit»pi» rem edy through the ^ebocds to elhoinste the pond man. The «rsdo teacher* sre eoritem- piatinjc; hoIdi-iK a *bort » ntw* ««#• #iOB of elftfwie- V ' • 1 *•;, ' 5 t k s 'i > ne future to jrtee th* u rx?H- « | e.h^uce to iriftll Who / a ri ».•-.•«. 4" ?«o ! durluK the day Th^re ha,i4 been of Ptte v< . r , ill crewstnK tmnleney air;oij<p. t ; hers tn respect the parent?' O^Jnton re Kar«ttn* acAooi diecJpHne ; n ;i «tr- 11 er time aiid In : WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH -H'tf —• - SundKij School, 1 Pteaeh nj<, 11: Ob p. ui. Midweik prayer sen ice, Wedn^n- day evening at 7:30 p. m. S;;turtuy and Sunday will be our eco&d Q iurt« rly meeting' services. Rer, Vol. 26 No, 9 in# to death in tbe short space of /.ViL'. 4 ^ tu , lt5 ' 4 °" r Contearenoe . « m hi«lent will bt* with us to brin-g us m fba^e.s from God's Word. - SALES AND SERVICE Come in and See Our Second Hand Cars half an hour, ete.- J um take it with a grain or two of the bevt wait obtainable. Tbe iaois are as follows: 'I'be Hf>artn Oo-operattvc Altioei - ttion did have a car of stock H! t i e ai>ovv ei»et lee en route to Detroit a week -N#0 ou Tuesday night, the iSKh. ^;, : - i *ms, tho weatltfr w ts c,.»ld, there fkiin r.owdrtfts and the carlomj did belong- lo the freight train tlkfkt • U . . i in t h e sjfiow drifts near Jjhig l-tabviiie all ni^bt. Uut wine iralnme« knew now to handle live stock. <t>ars of stock are always pulled just be- kibd f e- « n^ine,. so 1,^ emu *»! ir.mbJi (.osiers in blnd are always «ur« <if bet»- ' »ng tarried *>n anyway. So it I j in thin case. K».euit was, the staeit.] uati taken nght on to Orand Rajp i in u -td ew^tcherl into the fast a toe h ran tor ;jl>et ro It Stock was In De- troit V('<4ia«4sy all O. K. t't." i.)< »> s tarred paper liUjlDgit plac» i m Hie iiihlde of the car|l a.f ^•wrtii v, n-( «tlil intact and ijidgfi* y of dry bedding oti'-ttm moor i\> When you hear a »tory of ill trnat- *"t•' "•' shipped livtvitock, you; * i w if aa.« started by some bfte ^ho ;• if pcwwiible, tntinutlttt. j t&« <ar<u44 f rom J .>ark»M tl\g bis itlKli f in mis aaiit.«T. We Wonld not o:»n j ttaue k>u« to e> "> • tij»*wr tntals j if w did j>ot gitw tllem every oxa j fr>rttfj ok>,'o.i. .^wniis vMiroutr*. 0n«: •' We «\tf nd a cordial invitation P . all to attend these services. tWV. DOS VLD BABB. Pastor <MMP Arc you a .SparJamctiac? UDf DKRTAiQVO MODERN mnrmxm Jtl£AKSJB—MIKE HAL —F lower Ortieni at all WELL EUUIPPID S-ftrrice {Short Calls Day er Phone- Bell 105' 1 1922 Touring, like new, - 1 1923 Two Door Sedan, - - 1 1922 Touring, - - - - 1 1917 Touring, jujt overhauled 1 1919 Touring, starter, - - 1 1921 Touring, new fires and over $300 00 400.00 250.00 75.00 150.00 ,165.00 PLACE VOUU ORDERS FOR FORD AMMONIA SULPHATE $60.00 ton, F. 0. B. Detroit Mobil Oil Kelly - Springfield Tires Miller Tires JOHNSON BROTHERS General Repairing SERVICE CAR NIGHT OIR D A Y Phone 74 day parent - an n >< •*» ir-uim U tho school*, A-»i- r> a f t t«'-.f»r h • - milih mevre w •;<•»« f pa** et»t» *A*a *n» ta^rh'?-? v. • ro-m> tries WfttUi teachers a-r* *vj o^h^t- lc to the dewiras or father* snd -no* tfieew rescarding child Attcipline tb**y do not receive w » • n i i their comment> an tnetbod* ot f '* Ing and tbe k1ftd« i f books a' 1 > 14 smi« taugbt. Tb^e -r> m. v * 'iat have been worked out * r the etudy of the beet atit2»or\M#a :*r/-i in Normal tteboot cOtHVetl In Tencbam feel that th^y ^v« « more extensive Study of tftin«s than the avorage parent* TV- terests of eh J i dreM t nd a y a» « ^ . t dliferent from whet they^s » • ? sjro. ead Methods le sehooi subjects ba^e to cf>aa.g«» te to Hald <b« tnterwst ar*d etteaHoa of the pr »vut Mfc;y d»t«d Ma taee* th/illtag «b»« <WMrce to to hie life «rv«sisi'|.< f •• '•••OJ ttlat everything bee to be ma- v - t rt* ty attwt ivs in >u h«»ol n, i&tKjrer^ him. Prof crshea of the Prtlyerstfty Of W.|scoe*tn th f n l t o w t e g r»-g>v tag h»»«li s t u d y by grsv'v r-htldr^ri ;**f| may he in error, bv it is iny baaed oa e*petieac»< ned ob«- v that It is wrong for cl»tMne?» g'cades to have te^- ^ 1,. ie«' brvme, to say ncdhlnf of katin tie work to tnfc. -ifn-r ti-e < have ^oae home Por m vhH » t ? . in *ehoo! from » to 3ft t' s v '-^ tax on bis m<ntal o a e r s a d when he laavee In the a f » should t^el fras fnai echoed work INa-h trc*-vt0iw. y. •<<<!:?•. it ) to hive tbe rticbt ;> c • nt f«-r ?hf r-> d^y'e (esgrfee. T"b-«y turn for retsmstien for b<»th m l e d aad body Hame luaseite, I have found, a r e d« tfbrtontsl to health and r e * 1 > ptl's ability to do tsl« he*i -Inrin* rerjuUr whfml tn%ur» th,- «.•<? d.*y '• The above opinion as gi^en |v « matter of mack d^pote. eaitacJeiiy for ChUCrer; of ?!- i - •- ^r <d- No,* whon ui«y xr- <b*e warm. cn-*art|4r >ar«liH rite ytrm years ifo only SO per cent of tt^e rciils in Kont County were nun'1 1 keted Detroit for tbe eant rn trade; now e*«tr J »0 pw.^r cent ure ealpjind alive to ^r.r'.^i by the itll otvepemUve a^sreriailoias 1st this exthty J. K fUCTTKCI • 000 bOH or LOCAL WOMAN WANDERS IN DESERT b KUK Uio. HU uVi-.,R6 J. B. SYMES of BYKE8' GABASE REPAIRS Storage Batteries an Good as New Takma Care of them for WINTER (W«t or Dry Ston||«ji Recharges THEM ( tight T«t Fail Capacity Do not neg;ie.ct your !lattery during the winter months No M4tojr Waat is Wrong Willi Your Battery J. B. CAN FIX IT CbtiMitv IbtaUumXft Ml I / «• hl^ D. There'* No Better (jih for Ithe BRADFORD ' S O ' t«.»n, the n Ori •* e*- 1 h srs •vi L ,i^<>a scuid» a !i«\N e:*rr»« i,# trots a lei ter received li ne h*"f j '.* • ft P«rfiHson, a ctp- usiii i.'t WMirjd fe.i, and wholly KiteM ^tjis-tevd a ad aasae«4 In tbe iUr- aant« ia August. Alter the we" cksiiwl b< Wa« e,» fbv *ur ( «sat ^o aid iuwpv.iM^r, &i6e« ? Vurfo-i h.» su^rteu tot th* -*>Mh rn f w r.nd {.tint w;f H the lfi»t he rd i»; fjiia-irauihe wa M found wanddr <»»g i»n t h e prairie* >»t feias Sepujji-. b-a '• • Hl» ts'iter ts es 101 lows: . ' a. ti.t &,!>.-'• if i k | ow not h ling aiftot i ef t Vk i a b e j d, Tex. Airgwsti'' i# i aisrttd for the border of Mexico ! 54•= xic;*os who w|ii« b«|S herina some of tii« oil wells. !,Kt i: 1 o chick that night 1 w a.- ovectakf o with a s-ahd HQru* and e jHiung ftaiiow wb«» w v; i - r »tie ^4 'put on alt the brek,^ a«si gist M u n i i tbe cat and «# w|B • i ; -I* -"wi frum the moft of 11. .ue] ju.it *u. wa were wattled tUv - v .r. .is'o>« down on us and sc$n 11-)ng Hbit tbs feilo'jv and otunn d •nm and aa 1 wae trylug to bring: Wpi to something bit me and that ; *** 1 ' • 1 Knew «.•»tli j «s« at t, |j' h..,•= 4*'«d tbe d*K>». j a 4a worStii ||{ v ' •»"'« 'Hi r"elwa*iry i t. tThis w u-i t ' « !h»- 1jv*» vo* or ill Hfjiuor* Ho<t:« ii'iepUsc ) if aeetna 'hey operaon m- - ce a nd trlsd everything to brlr^b' ( Rental BatterieA ai 1 on Hand on GENERAL W a Se ll GLOBE BATTERIES C5- & T i » w a s || ifc£R£ IS A Dentist in Sjarta S mLX£B::; p AfWlt lltf r?y8H OATES 8XTPXR T&lAJl M M Dr F O R R E S T Phova M I LOUG DISTAJrnt 1 WhatherYou Earn a Little or More Plan to Spend a Little Less — I F YOU SPEND A LITTLE LESS than vou earn, votar future is siue —laa&e no doubt of i t ! —HONEY IN THE POCKET GROWS leu :iii the Sitvisurs Book it constant- lv increases -REMEMBER! IT IS A GREAT mistake to suppose that small sum* are »iot worth saving. —BY THE HABIT OF SAVING small sum*, richer are accnmoluted —EARN A LITTLE. SPEND A U t - ile leas, and ithe 9oed thines ol life will accomoanv votj throturh the fu- ture years. SPARTA STATE BANK Sparta Michigan * r«r rtra c*>K«AJ sfjtseaviB "IICM many t^aehsrs - ;«.r* -• bsv j ;r!li r " • but the lae* l h i s | they dhi st h-rne tbat tbey & - ti-»k no? u> t h e fcrt and tnt^f #a ta ft ahani battle and tb? ' sb wrk of th» a:una scared me utiUl a iwouaht roe to my reaaou. Tbou •oiid not thiak s'i*at If meant, fol* I . u wa* snow oa tbe around auc v\ a^ioh a hot day she taat J iknew, »:> u was blank «dnce Auiruat 5 until «•» .»ruury 12 # over «i k montbs. oocy tHS SAWYLR HAS BIRTHDAY RECEIVES FINE PRESENTS Wars. Harry HmWfmr celebrated nor, :^*}i birthdAy laat week, ** r^ihel - hvr husband. Marry, ».e$etor'«.ted l|i le. b<r in the «ha|N of presettin,(; '•©* wUb a stiver se! and n s et- piece tltnner set. Mr. $ud Mm, S4V. y» r, tt is ro numbered, wef)l| v "e.«hful ^wetheans, but when tho tTivu w ar osp* »*«! Mr. Hawyer enlist* ; ud thcvtr eurly r<<tnabcs was brofcaiii u p Had They went rhwir various wayi; ^ i'ow years si$o they met In thej Vliehtaaa Slate Bo Irile r* H »me aaij! i«;»'Sfw« d their acquaintance fovc J decided lo fin lab tho jcurney of Ufa teipetber. j^o they wera marrJe" ind eatae to Sparta and bought t , ob Pw>»pect strwai where the| ; | prepare tensons m -_BL era to hsvs in achocd the ne*t flay hut to do some suppta^ ^ntary work slon#c with tikeir «»«•» w t t h p l e n t y i af reading at aeod » *ud n i ^ p xinm makes for - l t- ^ 1 ^rabtp anu a we*ll i n f o r m e d ^ 1 Many pupil- know very lit.tie of earrant eveata^ and m u c h te-**- •»*)s u e d of *:<>* ernmeat tttMNr %f. : 'h w« Mve a aood many coaie to s^'bool un- fit fvfj' wtu-ty fr)«m over study but fefSOtt tU* tsi<e h o u r s i»>d tile w Ih^y hart» spent the tfVi a t n s l>e' -v HUE EN JSSTHtR GIHLS | WILL ENTERTAIN I _ - the Qu«f#e iW'? - ?a w . • i>f an pel i-.; 1 sSI v: ' h • l-i t'bUirh TV, , "/•e, v f. . i- ; h U KoiU w ing' i* t h proa * a J • i C; .re,- iHiet V, .(fed \\ . H< . en Krtiter yecal Mre t . A M >ok ifttty-- "Wtle A Ue. i-Oi»" t.'h>ra^- *: •fuim-.- h" vith a ban* diter, Merritt t»ymhurto r Ur Mro« n A it Hy i>- • K»k, «t -»- • i ^ Earl SbaatTer flaflii Mi!!W~»A Youair Lawyer, • • • • - . . Char tea Eradstjraaa llei»rtatsa Kmt'k The tbtermiaod ^ teli^b RMr|uf{||| «ra. Mroar* T5i^ AmAabJe Wife. ! . Olive Hon t er llarf Ke.;^e,- | A > Mllbf, • - • • . I'VtMifi* A i henm llr« jonkarK <^Mr« Smith's Stster. * . . Holen Crowley ' IMr«»tby Jenkem AS**d ItnobalW fHerssm ?!«.oay Sn.vth'H iit'vd C;if|. - • • - . Mtid r rd Han Or ' V*ciln ^its ( i sx 1 etle- ii tier n I'.oh«t Ot>-l# i|«mn K+'hw t>r»iueillirtl AlntUaslob U» and ?6 cents ~ ~~t»e ooo ATTENTION PYTHIANS I —— l\eR-iik<ir (Convention of t ntty ^ <"U« No. " M, |< <»f i Tuesday, March 4th .U p, ; v, .. mnk » OOO Sruuo UHsfi in moderation are v-«'rn.e t h a n o t h e r s in fiatoess. Goodyear Tires; jgj MOBIL OIL l l K i H T E S T G A S O L I N E BATTERY KECIIARQINA AND j / M S ^ H B A T T E R Y R E P A I R I N G Chevrolet and Ford Batteries S14.N General Rep^irin&r Garage * I I M Rvl tsars < iv^*d tv*ppsiy ever alnce. MONDAY EVJtKNO CLUB On Monday nl#it tbe Monday Kx ^fp Ciob met at the Elmer Smitf anH enjoyi-d thn dlacUe^ion o( WM^droa \\llso» a ' Man for the Ait HO" and t h e 'Mellon Tax Pbsn/j ala.K an animated sr^tBtramt between f nil'of the we-mbers who were pouted be to the lain :•? locks in the world, •aoine et the Seo being tbe Largest., WhUe thoea at the Panama Canal '>r? found to be the widest and deep i*»| v Kilt* Utlson idtve an excellent "M'k ot "*iuut^rg of the Nor»Uiby «teffan»on. Howard Pass* «e >n howi served « real "honey aperlaL'"* ^|ej< 4 wtijbt, jjo meetinif March 'l. b fSftuaa tbe tactUre coarse liurn- bm\ fyp»« writer ribbons m*. dentinal 1/en'ier office. BE THRIFTY || I he best protection you can h a v e for your family k A B A N K ACCOUNT. T h e best protection you can h a v e f r o m creditors or sickness or h a r d t ines is A B a n k A c c o u n t If you h a v e not a n y m o n e y in the bank, w h y not begin n o w ? eopies State Bank m

Goodyear Tires; jgj - Sparta Township Historical Commissionspartahistory.org/newspaper_splits/The Sentinel... · I '•/ ty.-WW.'V* SPARTA TINEL-LEA DER. Established 1876 SPARTA

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Page 1: Goodyear Tires; jgj - Sparta Township Historical Commissionspartahistory.org/newspaper_splits/The Sentinel... · I '•/ ty.-WW.'V* SPARTA TINEL-LEA DER. Established 1876 SPARTA

I '•/ ty.-WW.'V*

S P A R T A T I N E L - L E A D E R . Establ ished 1876 S P A R T A . K E N T C O U N T Y . M I C H . , F R I D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 29, 1924


The weather Ia improving. M a r r l e Lollard took a bourse load

of folk* to Greenville Monday niftht to vwdt the ibmUbi wbicb J&e*§r* IstUreill and Moody a r e there

It wjui some undertaking:. Tho road* are far f rom perfect , hut

get tin*/; a t r f e c t e r every duy. The nun is bi t lnp the nnowdr»ft-

M a *ood w t # and »>y the t ime folk « r«u j thla. if t.hey ev«r do, there wvU be lots leas snow

Some folks are t app ing the i r sujgi&r hut-hcs, and some men around to wn tiro reporting; tha t they t .hern selves h.vvi a l ioudy been tupped for n t w spring hats .

Jak f>inw<i wmjs in town the o ther hold in r day but was not barefoot ed, no

spring ia some ways off yet.


pored hy »«noranco and supe r s t i t i on ; li -hin. a re reported to be skulking, w U h it be can pre - for** t-i d to

around H a r r y Brace* place in tile boundless ach ievement . " Utivtur. wo end H .rry say-i they may h a r e ! " T h e school cur r icu lum t. Uould bo sot some Ink l ing of what be kee^s a d j u s t e d to recofinii* Mie impor tance

BE CAREFUL W H A T YOU SAT I • H H R J J H i B E S U R ^ ABOUT IT FIRST No communi ty has a r igh t to rAlTTTii*;* iTsic i ; n t t -v r i

peittWU a chi ld to be robbed of It* t A U T I O K S J tSSJi, B E j . X E b c h i l d h o o d . " — P h i ' l i p s Brooks. V V h * .

"JMuoaUon i a tin, fmm.laUon o r j . ' ' ,n £ £ ' ' ' r of u whole oar progress. Without, it man is ham- , a r t 1 " ^ 1 5 ; " f " f V i 1 1 "

in a v now bank ( 4 l a d l e s deep) \ h«8&i j u m p i n g the traol$, rolMnn ovdj <4. half a dozen tfrznee aiul f inal ly f r ees

00 a. m. • in. and 7:00

111 hi* cellar. (K)o

Beware of tire.

i x n m m n m t u y f T M i r m

R A D I O SETS We sell and guarantee OGJIADIO

Sets to w o r k —MANY s a t i s f i e d c u s t o m e r s ARE RECEIVING BROADCASTING FROM COAST.







of c h a r a c t e r educat ion a* * <ju.*. I to t h a t of in te l lectual educat ion, ' Ed-ucat ion wi thou t cha rac t e r «j.ai:e# for bad ci t izenship.

The Jun io r elatta will not b* able to give the i r p);»y <vt» \l.«rct . us

announced, owiiif; o wu-tr L\u% being: unab le to ur<- t b e • tpera Mouse.

Pa t r io t i c s tories s o d blag* raphlea of 1 m e n u and Vf a* M u t t o n have r» <n 1 v j e. I . r . . i n al l g-rad'-s c'nring •. . . • w e < e-e ra l rooms htul axeretee* !• r lda a t tern 0011.

W. J. D. Deacon, M IX, direc tor >' the Btireeu of f 'ommunlrab?* i'in-eases i>f the S ta t* Hoard o! M 1th. say* t h a t » recent survey ot U\tr

i w i M j i separata*! aon-ntlm, re* pats j t he fact tbM. }uer ^bout : »• i>< o ni J of i l l ch i ldren !a t b e -"-elKs l > xf •

fl-teted with go It re, and ihvt ,• -ems a wls*» provision to us* n sit»pi» rem edy th rough t h e ^ebocds to e lho ins t e t h e pond m a n .

The « r sdo teacher* s r e eoritem-piatinjc; hoIdi-iK a *bort » ntw* ««#• #iOB of elftfwie- V'• 1 *•;, ' 5t k s 'i > ne

f u t u r e to jrtee t h * u rx?H- « | e.h^uce to iriftll Who / a ri ».•-.•«. 4" ?«o ! durluK the day

Th^re ha,i4 been of Ptte v< . r, ill crewstnK tmnleney air;oij<p. t ; hers tn respect the parent? ' O^Jnton re Kar«ttn* acAooi diecJpHne ; n ;i « t r -11 er t ime aiid In :


SundKij School, 1 Pteaeh nj<, 11: Ob

p. ui. Midweik p raye r s e n ice, Wedn^n-

day evening at 7 :30 p. m. S ; ; tu r tuy and Sunday will be our

eco&d Q iurt« rly meeting' services. Re r ,

Vol. 2 6 No, 9

in# to dea th in t b e shor t space of /.ViL'. 4 ^ t u , l t 5 ' 4°" r Contearenoe . « m hi«lent will bt* with us to brin-g

us m fba^e.s from God's Word.


SALES AND SERVICE Come in and See Our

Second Hand Cars

half an hour , ete.-Jum t a k e it wi th a gra in or two

of the bevt wait ob ta inable . T b e iaois a r e as fol lows: 'I'be Hf>artn Oo-operattvc Altioei -

ttion did have a car of s tock H! t i e ai>ovv ei»et lee en rou te to Detroi t a week -N#0 ou Tuesday night , the iSKh. ^ ; , : -

i *ms, tho wea t l t f r w ts c,.»ld, there fkiin r .owdrtf ts and the carlomj did belong- lo the f re igh t t ra in tlkfkt • U . . i in t h e sjfiow d r i f t s near Jjhig

l-tabviiie al l n i^b t . Uut wine i ra lnme« knew now to handle live stock. <t>ars of stock a r e a lways pulled jus t be-kibd f e- « n^ine,. so 1, emu *»! ir.mbJi (.osiers in blnd a re always «ur« <if bet»- ' »ng t a r r i e d *>n anyway . So i t I j in thin case. K».euit was, the staeit.] uati taken n g h t on to Orand Rajp i

in u -td ew^tcherl into the fas t a toe h r an tor ;jl>et ro It Stock was In De-troit V('<4ia«4sy all O. K.

t't." i.)< »> s tar red paper liUjlDgit plac» i m Hie iiihlde of the car|l a.f ^•wrti i v, n-( «tlil i n t ac t and ijidgfi*

y of dry bedding oti'-ttm moor i\>

When you hear a »tory of ill t rna t -*"t•' "•' shipped livtvitock, you;

* i w if aa.« s t a r t ed by some bfte ^ h o ;• if pcwwiible, tntinutlt t t . j t&« <ar<u44 f rom J .>ark»M tl\g b i s itlKli f

in m i s aaiit.«T. We Wonld not o:»n j t t a u e k>u« to e> "> • tij»*wr tntals j if w did j>ot gitw tllem every o x a j fr>rttfj ok>,'o.i. .^wniis vMiroutr*. 0n«: •'

We «\tf nd a cordial invi ta t ion P . all to a t t end these services.

tWV. DOS VLD BABB. Pas tor

<MMP Arc you a .SparJamct iac?


MODERN mnrmxm


— F lower Ortieni

a t al l


S-ftrrice o» {Short

Calls Day er

Phone- Bell 105'

1 1922 Touring, like new, -1 1923 Two Door Sedan, - -1 1922 Touring, - - - -1 1917 Touring, jujt overhauled 1 1919 Touring, starter, - -1 1921 Touring, new fires and over

$300 00 400.00 2 5 0 . 0 0

7 5 . 0 0

1 5 0 . 0 0

, 1 6 5 . 0 0


FORD A M M O N I A S U L P H A T E $60 .00 ton, F. 0 . B. Detroit

Mobil Oil Kelly-Springfield Tires

Miller Tires

JOHNSON BROTHERS G e n e r a l Repairing

S E R V I C E C A R N I G H T OIR D A Y P h o n e 7 4

day parent - a n n >< •*» ir-uim U tho school*, A-»i- r> a f t t«'-.f»r h • - mil ih mevre w•;<•»« f pa** et»t» *A*a *n» ta^rh'?-? v. • ro-m> tr ies WfttUi teachers a-r* *vj o ^ h ^ t -lc to the dewiras or f a the r* snd -no* tfieew rescarding child Attcipline tb**y do not receive w » • n i i the i r comment> an tnetbod* ot f '* Ing and tbe k1ftd« i f books a'1 > 14

smi« t augb t . T b ^ e -r> m. v * 'iat have been worked out * r the etudy of the beet atit2»or\M#a :*r/-i in Normal tteboot cOtHVetl In Tencbam feel tha t th^y ^ v « « more extensive Study of tf t in«s than t h e avorage parent* TV-te res t s of eh J i dreM t nd a y a» « ^ . t d l i ferent f rom whe t t h e y ^ s » • ? sjro. e a d Methods l e sehooi subjec ts ba^e to cf>aa.g«» te to Hald <b« tnterwst ar*d e t t e a H o a of the pr »vut Mfc;y d»t«d Ma taee* t h / i l l t a g «b»« <WMrce to to hie life «rv«sisi'|.< f •• '•••OJ tt lat eve ry th ing bee to be ma-v- t rt* ty a t t w t ivs in >u h«»ol n, i&tKjrer^ him.

Prof c r s h e a of the Prtlyerstfty Of W.|scoe*tn th fn l towteg r»-g>v t ag h»»«li s tudy by grsv'v r-htldr^ri ;**f| may he in error , b v it is iny baaed oa e*petieac»< ned ob«- v t ha t It is wrong for cl»tMne?» g'cades to have te^- ^ 1,. ie«' brvme, to say ncdhlnf of k a t i n t i e work t o tnfc. -ifn-r ti-e < have ^ o a e home Por m vhH » t ? . in *ehoo! f rom » to 3ft t' s v ' - ^ tax on bis m<ntal o a e r s a d when he laavee In t h e a f » should t^el fras fnai echoed work INa-h trc*-vt0iw. S« y. •<<<!:?•. it ) to h i v e t b e rticbt ;>c• nt f«-r ?hf r-> d^y'e (esgrfee. T"b-«y turn for retsmstien for b<»th mled a a d body H a m e luaseite, I have found , a re d« t fb r ton t s l to heal th and r e * 1 > ptl 's abi l i ty to do tsl« he*i -Inrin* rer juUr whfml tn%ur» th,- «.•<? d.*y '•

The above opinion as gi^en |v « m a t t e r of m a c k d ^ p o t e . eaitacJeiiy fo r ChUCrer; of ?!- i - •- ^r <d- No,*

whon ui«y xr-<b*e

warm. cn-*art|4r >ar«liH r i t e

ytrm years i f o on ly SO per cent of tt^e rciils in Kont County were nun'11

keted i« Detroit for t b e eant rn t r a d e ; now e*«tr J»0 pw. r cen t ure ealpjind a l ive to ^ r . r ' . ^ i by the itll o tvepemUve a^sreriailoias 1st t h i s e x t h t y

J . K fUCTTKCI • 000


b KUK U i o . HU uVi-.,R6



S t o r a g e B a t t e r i e s

an Good as New

Takma Care of t hem for


(W«t or Dry S ton | | « j i

Recharges THEM (tight T«t F a i l Capacity

Do not neg;ie.ct your !lattery

d u r i n g the win te r months

No M4tojr W a a t is Wrong

Willi Your Ba t t e ry





I / «• hl^ D . There'* No Better

( j ih for Ithe



' t«.»n, the

n Ori •* e*-1 h s r s

•vi L ,i^<>a scuid» a !i«\N e:*rr»« i,# t rots a lei ter received li ne h*"f j '.* • ft P«rfiHson, a c tp -usiii i.'t WMirjd f e . i , and w h o l l y KiteM ^tjis-tevd a ad aasae«4 In tbe iUr-aant« ia August . Alter the we" cksiiwl b< Wa« e,» fbv *ur(«sat ^o aid iuwpv.iM^r, &i6e« ?Vurfo-i h.» su^rteu tot th* -*>Mh rn f w r.nd {.tint w;fH t he lfi»t he rd i»; f j i i a - i r a u i h e waM found wanddr <»»g i»n the p ra i r i e* >»t f e i a s Sepujji-. b-a '• • Hl» ts'iter ts e s 101 lows: .

• ' a. ti.t &,!>.-'• if i k | ow not h ling aiftot i ef t Vk i a b e j d, Tex. Airgwsti'' i# i a i s r t t d f o r t h e border of Mexico

! 54•= xic;*os who w|ii« b«|S her ina some of tii« oil wells. !,Kt

i: 1 o chick t h a t n ight 1 w a.- ovectakf o with a s-ahd HQru* a n d e jHiung ftaiiow wb«» w v; i - r »tie ^4 'put on alt t h e b rek ,^ a«si gist M u n i i t b e cat and « # w|B • i; -I* -"wi f rum the m o f t of 11.

.ue] ju.it *u. wa were wattled tUv - v .r. .is'o>« down on us and sc$n •

11-)ng Hbit t b s feilo'jv and otunn d •nm and aa 1 wae t ry lug to bring: Wpi to someth ing b i t me and tha t ; *** 1 '• 1 Knew «.•»tli j « s « at t, | j ' h . . , • = 4*'«d tbe d*K>». j a 4a worStii | |{ v' •»"'« 'Hi r"elwa*iry i t . tTh i s w u-i t '« !h»- 1jv*» vo* or ill Hfj iuor* Ho<t:« i i ' iepUsc )

if aeetna 'hey o p e r a o n m-- ce a nd t r l sd eve ry th ing to brlr^b' (

Ren ta l BatterieA ai1

on Hand

on GENERAL W a Se ll



& T i » w a s

| | i f c £ R £ IS

A Dentist in Sjarta S m L X £ B : : ;

p AfWlt lltf r ? y 8 H


Dr F O R R E S T

Phova M I



WhatherYou Earn a Little or More Plan to Spend a Little Less

— I F YOU SPEND A LITTLE LESS t h a n vou earn, votar f u t u r e is s iue —laa&e no doubt of i t !

— H O N E Y IN THE POCKET GROWS l e u :iii the Sitvisurs Book it cons tan t -lv increases

- R E M E M B E R ! IT IS A GREAT mistake to suppose t ha t small sum* are »iot worth saving.

—BY THE HABIT OF SAVING small sum*, richer a re accnmoluted

— E A R N A LITTLE. SPEND A U t -ile leas, and ithe 9oed t h i n e s ol l ife will accomoanv votj throturh the fu -ture years.

SPARTA STATE BANK Spar ta Michigan

* r«r r t r a c*>K«AJ sfjtseaviB


many t^aehsrs - ;«.r* -• bsv j ;r!li r" • but the lae* l h i s | they dhi st h-rne tba t tbey & - ti-»k no? u> the f c r t and t n t ^ f

#a ta ft ahani ba t t l e and tb? ' sb wrk of th» a:una scared me utiUl a iwouaht roe to my reaaou. Tbou

•oiid not t h i a k s'i*at If meant , fol* I . u wa* snow oa t b e a round auc

v\ a^ioh a hot day she taat J iknew, »:> u was b lank «dnce Auiruat 5 un t i l «•» .»ruury 12# over «i k montbs .



Wars. Harry HmWfmr celebrated nor , : *}i birthdAy laat week, ** r^ihel -

hvr husband . Marry, ».e$etor'«.ted l|i le. b<r in the «ha |N of presettin,(; '•©* wUb a s t iver se! and n s et- piece t l tnner set . Mr. $ud Mm, S4V. y» r, tt is r o numbered, wef)l| v"e.«hful ^ w e t h e a n s , but when tho tTivu w ar osp* »*«! Mr. Hawyer enlist* ;

ud thcvtr eurly r<<tnabcs was brofcaiii u p Had They went rhwir var ious wayi; ^ i'ow years si$o they met In t h e j Vliehtaaa S la t e Bo I ri le r* H »me aaij! i«;»'Sfw« d their acqua in tance fovc

J decided lo f in lab tho j cu rney of Ufa teipetber. j^o they wera marrJe" ind ea tae to Spar ta and bought t,

ob Pw>»pect strwai where the | ;

| p repare tensons „ m -_BL e r a to h s v s in achocd t h e ne*t flay hut to do some suppta^ ^ntary work

• slon#c with tikeir {» «»«•» wt th plenty i af r e a d i n g a t aeod » *ud n i ^ p xinm makes for - l t- ^ 1 ^ rabtp anu a we*ll in formed ^ 1 Many pupi l -know very lit.tie of e a r r a n t eveata^ and much te-**- •»*)s u e d of *:<>* e r n m e a t tttMNr %f . : ' h w« Mve a aood many coaie to s^'bool un-f i t fvfj' wtu-ty fr)«m over s tudy but fefSOtt tU* tsi<e hours i»>d tile w Ih^y hart» spen t t h e tfVi a t n s l>e' -v


t h e Qu«f#e iW'? - ?a w . • i>f an pel i-.;1 sSI v: ' h • l-i t'bUirh TV, , "/•e, v f. . i- ; h U

KoiU w ing' i* t h proa * a J • i C; .re,- iHiet V, .(fed \\ . H< .

en Krtiter yecal Mre t . A M >ok

ift t ty-- "Wtle A Ue. i-Oi»" t.'h>ra^- *:

•fuim-.- h" vith a b a n * diter, Merri t t t»ymhurto r

Ur Mro« n A it Hy i>- • K»k, «t -»- • i ^ Ear l SbaatTer

flaflii Mi!!W~»A Youair Lawyer , • • • • - . . C h a r tea Eradstjraaa

l lei»rtatsa Kmt 'k The t b t e r m i a o d ^ teli^b RMr|uf{| | |

«ra. Mroar* T5i^ AmAabJe Wife. ! . Olive Hon t er

l l a r f K e . ; ^ e , - |A> M l l b f , • - • • . I'VtMifi* A i h e n m

l l r« jonkarK <^Mr« Smi th ' s Stster . * . . Holen Crowley '

IMr«»tby J e n k e m AS**d ItnobalW fHerssm

?!«.oay Sn.vth'H i i t 'vd C;if|. - • • - . Mtid r rd Han O r '

V*ciln ^its ( i sx 1 etle- i i tier n I ' .oh«t Ot>-l#

i | « m n K+'hw t>r»iueillirtl AlntUaslob U» and ?6 cents


I — — l\eR-iik<ir (Convention of t ntty

^ <"U« No. " M, |< <»f i Tuesday, March 4th .U p, ; v, ..

m n k — » OOO

Sruuo U H s f i in moderat ion a re v-«'rn.e than o t h e r s in fiatoess.

Goodyear Tires; jgj M O B I L O I L

l l K i H T E S T G A S O L I N E



Chevrolet and Ford Batteries S14.N G e n e r a l Rep^irin&r

Garage *



Rvl tsars < iv^*d tv*ppsiy ever alnce.


On Monday n l # i t tbe Monday Kx ^ f p Ciob met a t the Elmer Smitf

anH enjoyi-d thn dlacUe^ion o( WM^droa \ \ l l so» a ' Man for the Ait HO" and t h e ' M e l l o n Tax P b s n / j ala.K an an imated sr^tBtramt between f nil'of t h e we-mbers who were pouted be to the lain :•? locks in the world, •aoine et the Seo being t b e Largest., WhUe thoea a t the P a n a m a Canal

'>r? found to be t h e wides t and deep i*»|v Kilt* Utlson idtve an excel lent "M'k ot "*iuut^rg of t h e

N o r » U i b y « tef fan»on. Howard Pass* «e >n howi served « real "honey

aperlaL'"* ^ | e j< 4 w t i j b t , jjo meetinif March

'l. b fSftuaa tbe tactUre coarse liurn-bm\

fyp»« wr i t e r r ibbons m*. dent ina l 1/en'ier office.

BE T H R I F T Y | | I h e b e s t protection y o u c a n

h a v e f o r y o u r f a m i l y k A

B A N K A C C O U N T . T h e b e s t

p r o t e c t i o n y o u c a n h a v e f r o m

c r e d i t o r s o r s i c k n e s s o r h a r d

t i n e s i s A B a n k A c c o u n t I f

y o u h a v e n o t a n y m o n e y i n

t h e b a n k , w h y n o t b e g i n n o w ?

eopies State Bank


Page 2: Goodyear Tires; jgj - Sparta Township Historical Commissionspartahistory.org/newspaper_splits/The Sentinel... · I '•/ ty.-WW.'V* SPARTA TINEL-LEA DER. Established 1876 SPARTA

i ,.v '•

- m • ; T -• / -%

S E N T O f F X - L E A D K B , S P A B T i M i r H .

w * • v.--, • WW! •Mfe.


COMING AUCTIONS Thursday, March 6 - A r t h u r Bo-

attCl Stock and fami* tools IVa.iom tarin 1-2 mile west oi Lcibon.

Wednesday, torch —3 a n u s May** HoWctttAi Three half miles t*>rtbea«t or Pork


Tuesday. March It •"«Mp.sr» nsr at Baptist church

Friday a f te rnoon, l»>brua,ry| Annua l " Calendar ir\r< y ahureb.

aiul one < lotnstoc k


Ed Rober ts spent th? week end with his s i s ter , Mrs. Gilbert l i a n a s of Caanovia. , ,

Mr. and Mr*. i\?rk\v -Steinbuuer spent. the week end with her bro ther Vorn And rue and fami ly

Mra, Ju l ia Mnr tmda le Ost rum i*

at 29—


spending a Ms Ellison

l). J U' wet K end iieeby.

Born, to Kr-Urary *•;.

Mr. and Mr. and

few days with Mra. Mat

• by ol Chicago with his lath

•--pent rhe u\ Oscar

s a y -my i i ra .Minnie DeYottog ol Grand

Kaplds visited her parents . Mr. and Mra A. H Withey Monday.

C B. K+*i*r of Marae *ri '»^ In oonseCtlOB with gftcloidng hi check U*r subscription, thai he h a * n o * arrived ut the honor* >u ;VJjS® ° and don't believe In youag kids Ret-t ing fcar f rom kome w i t h e r a* we now have -and he nays Mam is having some of the s,»me kind.

The y**rv ' 11 ' :aJ!- 'ay 1 •'• hn» been r e n t e d unt i l Monday to | Bis addHtonl l aittd-ti vite in *oj>p - 't ui a previous motion tor a ro*w In t h s damage sal t brought hy Ed-ward Downey, tatxl driver, who was s e i W S l y in jured when a t r a m • t ruck ht» car at the Ouxtlaey s t ree t crossing in November. 1922 Downey was a w a r d s a Judgment In the firm. t r ial , a n d . y n his case hang » 9 j w ' h " ; Itlos of proceedings by relative^ o< three other oomplatnani*. Th© oom panv s a t t o rneys h a r e Bled ^rations for a verdict of no cau.se for action and also fot a new tr ial .

Mr. and Mrs, Bert Kaiir. » daugh te r . Hetty Louisa. Mrs F r a n k SVynant and

Mrs. B«*vnd Teudisia ol Urund Rapids w-ro Sunday *u-*t* ot C. L. Meek and family.

Mt- c . IT. Jackson h- ou the *lck

1MMr. and M.k I- M. 0«u.*wu» «•»• ter ta lned »t dm m i Sunday. Mr and Mr,' John M ir ray, Mr. a n d "«>• George Dunn, Mr. and Mrs, N. A. Hhuw and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Has* and gmutldaugHtor , Clarlhel .

Mr-- M. 1 inl'1 sv • cal l 'd to ' •* ,-ttgo SaUfi-dfty by tbe "• rtous l t ln«> of her fa ther .

The Old Cabin Home Mlustre,*

,,, •. ), I v . *-.-u • hw.d their i x u n , vu ng. (ieowc* Wash l» ft t« n vMr. ttvd Oph IU* and f l e o p i ' r a Ji'Mvh a f t e r rehearsa l .

Alien S \ to taman of Si. i.ouis. Mo' 'yipent the we«*k end with h«H bro ther Jay Moraman and family , and on Monnay left for Idtna where ire wlil join hU wife ««nn wit mot.-r tmnv together .

Mr and M- t,do..ranee^ t 'ar j».m ' <b, of Grand Rapids Uent Sum

dav u f tvmoon and pa r t ot. with M r,f. ( ' trtsoy 'a fat her Bradford and fami ly .

Miss Ann Hat h vvay who tcarh< * >onl

G (he

Monday Harry

BtBUi THObGHTS —. F«T Thin Week—.


the u id

dauKhter rtlied Mr


spent Hlumenstotn and


\ r

IF YK W ' i U OBEY M f VGlCK indeed, and keep my oorenan t , then ye shall be a p«vuJtar t r easa re ui»'«-me above al) people: for all th sar th 1* mine; and ye xhall he to me a kingdom of priest*, and a nation.—KxodUH \ 9 5,6.


wra th , and anger , and clamor. evil speaking, be put away from you. with ell malice; and b« y« hind to one (another, tender hoar^ni. forgiv-ing one another even * God for Christ 's »ake ha th forgiven you. Kph. 4 .31 . 32


to^HhOther wi th brother ly love; In hondi- prefer r ing one Another; r -rOwipfiiJ-- to no man evil for evil provide th ings honest tn the aifcM of alt men. Be not overcome or evil hut overeome evil with ««»od — P.om- j 1 | : 10. 17, 21.


whleh was aleo Iu OhrUt J-vus Let nothing be done through s t r t l r v> vsiniriory; but in iwwlloftw of utind let s sgh «§to*mi other bet ter ihf.n thomeelvsa .—Phi l lppt tas 2:4, 3.

v t r a t t n i v HE WILL SWALLOW VV DKATH

in victory; and the Lofd God wi'.' wipe sway tear« f rom of! all f>u " 1, and the ratoufc© of his peo ple shall h •« ta4e away from off all t ae e a r t h ; for w>- L«^rd hath spoken i t .—U. 2f»:K


yoy. and caus<» you to walk in my aatu«e»*; and ye shall keep my Jtittftatnents, and do then> And ye •feel dwell In the lend tha t I gave •o* your f a the r s ; aud ye shal l IK- ray

pie, end I will be your God K* 28.

| THURSDAY j | . | r MY PKOPLK WHKTH AKK eillled by my n»me. nhall humble tSuneetve j , and pray, and seek uiy fan©; and turn f rom their wieked wi>«; then will I hear f rom heaven and will forgive thetr *in. and wHI heal their Vs 'nd .^ t Chmn. 7 :14 .

A . B . E L L I O T T > V/ATCH CLOCK * i " and

JEWELRY EE?AIRING Leave Work lit Bradford'* Store

school in Greenvil le end with her paren ts . Mr. Will iam H it ha way,

Mrs. AltHft K r h i r t and Alberts, of Kngitshvll le v and Mrs. J. A. Hurteh 's t ra ins Fr iday

Mr. and Wrs. n ® Wat - i Sunday with ti< family of Roc1 '

Memh»'i'a of and pan tor K '•*<? ^ervl- eft ItUJMwey a M K trfcur«h wh ten*l--d ai'd sr.*ve

holy their work Dr W trict Bui

Wot d

week Mr*

d ! V, H ,p1 i.«t ( luireh

up their . v i c i n g rnl all went to lo-re Boy tfev'.mu a"

s rtemo«n*traUf<<! of | . V KendHi K. Ho-

r l t t tendent preached w.j r*>celve«l the firat

!. a»v ^irl had urriv-ot Mr. and Mr.v roil. •u r of Alba and „ w* r? Aifiuer

vlie week tha t a ed at the hotau; Clair of V>

Mrs. navtd v Mr-. K H« Kuttit* >u Thiir«t i-r Of Mr nn< L. M (Nixhman

Through the eo\m Hallurd, a number ot were given n ioy rid< Monday night where

>1 sih QtY*' Sparta people to Greejiirtlle

r<- they atteUd<»l the e>*« n gel 1stS • i mS' '•» ftfi» bf tni ; he l l hv Litt> H and Moodf

Mr and I f r s Oserge Dunn move to Spar ta the f i rs t of week j»nd •»<•(• upy t'Ae I ^ w j s Dunn home on We*t i n . ^ i o f s t ree t .

M? t it wel'Mt t 'u tver of Gfahd li ii.ti'- i m e Monday to wpeud a few IV » t *'»• v » a v . «i' li«

»,«. «a M 11 iLitt? VOt >MUl rrx>\rre on Tnoftdu-} Pehruary iKomd hoy

Mr. and Mrs. GeoTg> sou Rett rami and I ti» family fOCi.:

. In Bu

•n adad tho . Id in the

In < U

pft»ple 31:tl,

kUd i ud

Sunday The a ^ 1 tl.\!U f n f ' |tl>T Rapid* who T

were present. iMvri'.m No. 1

Otiur n Aid "JiKg^" d inner n the chureb Tuewt 3 l . M n n v r .vill '• unt i l aU tiro «< 1

Regular n rt n Harit>Ott> Chapter March ts. S->a lai l»ent» will follow

The home of

pids nii v

if t he •|!1 eel

hn»e»r.i 'Minij?,

1 torn, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred CU-wlnws Fr iday , Feb rua ry 2%, a HOY, Venron Calvin.

vir$. Lucy Uodeaux of Wyando t t e w expected to a r r ive c^itur«lay tt)i .ta i i idellnite shajy wi th her daugh-ter!, Mrs. Jay Momman.

Word hiui come f rom s t a t e head-aua r t e r s t h a t the Spar ta Pa ren t reach t A*soei;»tiion has a good chance of winn ing t h e cash prize for ft living the largest number of m a h uietnbera. K m u m ber t he re is a driv< on fo r Tin mlHr«hlp. Mrs George Dut nvtt and George O. Stockhil ': a re (ho captalnn. They will he g u d ti receive vour nume for memhortihip. Dues 26 eeata per year . It Is in th in teres t oi the boys and gDie. will l>o a worth whi le Inves tment , rhe membersh ip drive clost^s Marct 17.

Vance Kent of Rock ford apent Tuesday wi th his wi fe and baby.

in-mt.nl MoCarthy w ho new n he grocery husintws at 4 all Lyon

s t n Grand 1 U p Ida, will Wove hit is t h e r e t h e f i r a t or the week.

MiHS Dorothy Robbins w h o toacbet at Bellovue is home for - week 's va ra t ion on aceount of se r letfevei in tHe rehool .

VH" ihi d d»visi<rtS of the, Dapt st AM Society m--t w i th Mra. S. It

n 'I u^sday a f t e rnoon . Twelve ia--d i -s were present . Mr;. Ivow n i n -»lded a,t the request of the prij-i lent , Mus. C. K. Chai»m:in. The bus-iness of the a f t e rnoon eomdsUd »t work oil a\vronM and oti .er artict°« for tho Waster fa i r . The mom her d of t ins division have decided t o ma-» a.u a n n u a l btrt luluy offeriiVg in j;| the r a t e of one «.-eht for each yeai • >i the i r a^e.Ttie division will doens-tom sewing a t t h e r a t e of $2,00 for all a f t e rnoon ' s work of seven or e ight members, and will Ue c«m#orla»?le• for $1.00 each. The next meet ing will be held a t t h e ehurch , Thurai iy( March 13. The ro a III foe two com

, fi>rUibl<-s to tie at thin meet ing. I Carr Cfinci-- held a very plo.isani pveetlng a ' ih* home or Mrs Av, rv Aluirr.(ir>, TtOfS-lay. a f t e rnoon . Feb ruary Much Whi te Cross werl v, as acoompltfehf-d and a nice big iiliix won! tracked nnd tmiMlo ready to sent! to Bron«uyt Hospi ta l Mrs. Hathawaj i : ud MrsTSltw! Spaiu-entiery: were up (bi l l ted to r e p r ^ v ni the C i r r l e a t t h -a e t ! ,>. ve «ld OiSe-'.inK Mrs. Vm»-'A'f11 e.tioeti;. M r F a 1 -roaer and Mr*> Hsl i s w a y were appointed on th»

, wit ti •- for the hoapital work lovely le t te r front Mrs. Maul> Durt rh was read. One new name was od-.ie:! to the circle. T h e hostess served. * dv ad, eooktfs and ton The next meet ing will he held Tuesday, March - •

Urs v, ,-drn.M»ay. M u c h R. the Lft'V4^" Lit. rary Club wil ' meat In the M/ « Church p-trlors. Thfs Is to he g^4*?-day. and each member is r e q u i t e d ti ask a mo the r as her uruc«t. as «>< florae Kconomlcs (.'oni'tiittee pre oa r ing » p rogram Intended to # | PSC$ lily tn t- r t the n%it hers -of young chi ldren. Those on t h e * »it ing list a re cordial ly invitavl aitto any woman who Is intere^ta A special f e a t u r e will be t h e deutow •Urst ion of «n leelesj? r*<rlger -i^ur.

s H L' * n nd wjfe UP<kb re t i r rn in* h.,va»#* f iom rh uro-h 8 via day werr

: y surpr ised to f ind a chlek , ; ^ liC, an * .-j i:: ivec AVUIUqc ths®^» prepared ^y

ael f - tnvlHd m»^'»ta. who h d t «k n pi-set di>n <vt the anus* li»th«ir «l> >ainee. It was the i r 35th wedding *n nIvor*ary. Those present were J R i » w n and f^smtty. Thorn** i feufinuji and fami ly , It It M i i P e l l and w if* Hid Mls»s Belle Munsell

11. \. !11dI;nan who ut' m h o d . t £a*t Is tnaing spent the week end a* honu hei-

As noted el we where, Mrs. C. Kf. Hole was e- i led to ch lc j ig" by <h» serious illoesw of her f a t h e r la».ter word ba* bees received that h*-p.v.K ed AtVay Masn lNay '• •'"'t'ta'g

Mr* V r Wai l s etmrie?d horn-

Klmer Jacobs went to Gran i I E X P E R T WILL DLfltONSTRAT


Mrs. 1 .. I , . ^ . I Kapida Tuesday forenoon to spend the week wi th relat ives.

Wil l iam Campbell r e tu rned home Wednesday a f t e r »p» nding the win-ter at Cold water .



\ t t he Feb rua ry Court of Hon m held last Monday night , e ight more my* became second class scouts, and

one a f i r s t class. This makes a to ta l of 12 second

class a n d one f i r s t class. Several p a r e n t s of boys were t he t e

and some of the troop committetmga j as well as Court officials.

Follow rig is a l ist of boys that, a p - j pearod before the Feb rua ry Cour t ; i Wi i l i rd Friz . Kenne th LaVin<\ h'yl- ] veatot lipaseck» ;r, Ohris t in Glae-t, Kenneth Church , Karl Henn ing . LI-» mer Wester , Bruce Fast , all for het-ond class;

Hruce Fas t ha«« the highent r«s:ord for at tendance , hav ing beeu om| of the rirst lo line up with tlie troop uid he lias never missed a meet ing

| yet. itr use is l ^ i r o l Leader ol the \ itMaver Patrol . ; Hav, n Anderson successful ly com-pleted t h e First Class work and was appointed se inor Patrol Leader oi the troop HtV'ii because -i eiaas sooul il*» i f inish ed th< Fi rs t « tas»» work 1

ruary ' ^ . IV*'-*4 H-- had -n. ! »»;eO <!»» work before his t>0 <V;y>- l'* il*'^v*

as a second, class scout w« r ever The above is a splendid recoil* of

scout ing and Spar ta fo lks h va j* t roop t o lie proud of.

There will he a *ki pa r ty r r th . secoud clews seoiti • th i s week Satnr-day. The hoys m i l leave rhe l i b ' a r y at 2 :30 P- m. ' taking their s u i t s ' v .

nd will s tar t for home a f t e r a ue*-nie roast .

ARZ1K L. P1NCKNFY Scout ma »t<

- o o o ARM0CKS E N T E R T A I N



i hat tho modern wfay to sell •ffods is to let the buyer know all about t h e n Is well i l lustrated at the demons tna t ion of the MajesticKiin&e which is 10 be given at the s tore of j . c . Hall i:d &Co. beginning March 10 and con t inu ing un t i l March la. \n expert f rom t h e factory will show how the fin Jest ic won its reputa t ion tli rough its rugged construct ion heat t igh t seswne. perfeet damper and dr ft control , f ine permanent Unish and other characta-Hetus A fine of cooking utensi ls the c . -^ce <>f two S.>ts Will he given away f"*-» wtth every range purchased d u n n g tha t we*K

PERLE WHJ.1A.1S Per ls William w;u. born Novem-

ber l 7, ID22 at HeapeHa. Mich., and i>';«3€d awiy F'" i>ruary - 1 •'-[ the home of hi.-. parenSs. Mr snd Mrs Fred Williams of Beg»lshvllls, Mldh. . .. A

He will he great ly misled by the parent.* and all v h o came to know

A'as hurl- 1 it. Alpine, February ::G. Rev. G. W. Max we:i officiating.

Coke for the H?rd Coal Burner

Net Coal tor the Range

Scift Coal of all Kinds

Molasses per

Salt 90 cenis per Mred







C U R T A t N


D o r a C l u t e


On« Block South of P M IH'pot

P H O N E 6 .


will next

Mr. and l i r a . Enoch Armock «*n-l l e r t s tned M«>nday nigh"-, with a "ev-en •>'ch ck d inne r a par ty of ciPcult i our t officials and a t taches T h e din i ,er consisted of f ive course* and was i

•n- rved with a ss a n c e of M1 s s < 3 e r - j a a i n e Har r ing ton The evening was tspentf in sociabil i ty and #'M»ry ».• l l ing W,a» a l>ig t*»a'ure of the -a- j «ion.

Members ol the pa r ty were J -H L. Dun ha m, John Dunham, John 4 McKenna. James Qulnlan. Willi m Ktchter. Or C. L. W a t t , fvah K It? 11, Wil l iam K. jEirove. of Grand

Kaj his, F B. West and Pert Silt m ler of Cedar Springs . Harold M. 'if<Hit. and Roy Ooodfellow «.f |}par-ta.

• he company was made up large-'y of a c ius4a t s t i cee made by Mr Ar-'.ipek W'h1% on Jury. *

OOO Ft nV M< Gee of Hopkins ia now

rnpiojed in Johnson ' s meat depnri -r ,#y t

j p s x c i a r » i c aamtrn" y nt yiaaaxrmi'dJUUGOi We have a Few Colors in

E G Y P T I A N P A I N T Thai we are closing our al a

V E R Y L O W P R I C E It would pay you to buy now before it is gone

Our Regular Line of

BENJAMN MOOR S H O l h E PAINTS Is complete and we are taking

Orders for Spring Delivery CHAS. C. FR IZ , The Hardware Man

Sparta, Mich. " y r r aCKHQ3XT. CTDCT /JuaaoK!:oxs:

-7-:' mr »T.' y er vl !>.•>JT..* AuS . *•••«»•'

Buroei t ; Burne t t

and and

Big lt'Pid?» As-Bhepard build

Saturday. Xxju'.s remained over

th>« ref- rr* d tr •rt»sldents of h ft theie 3a0


at i '• • larch

T r?»(d > y ev en i n$ Je>Ur *o,? '' ^ ^ the meet ing !..e>ne AhiSURis on

Rive*' iitreet caught f i re f rom a de teet ive chimney ahout 10:30 Sunday f«rer:»ion ' he rocT -;ji i the upMalr*i m r n l m r . « w rov,.i.l<.u.»y il.'-olMrfd hy the Dre and the d o w i ^ s i r e hy vw/iti-r The feoss w>i" fully covered Uy insurance The f-,wt\y h^d gone to Grand Rapids to spend the day

The Fou r th Annual Oomtruni ty Homecoming for Fas t Spa r t a was* held Fridny, Feb rua ry 22, the Myers schooltooiwe ®sweTi»ty ^at down l<i the iMHUStitui dt&nsr which was servod .»t o'c.aw;K Revs, Maxwell and Btevea^ of X$rtrU w h - pr ^eat

• n

from 11'»- hfptlrUsil uie'- r V • . i op- *t a /'.• a few weeks ago.

Mr, and Mrs. Lester I- '


>rd and l i un 'h -Majss

1 3 x ' a n d

in unity

ve hoi h fhos.

i-.4 by 1 om eH,



^ v - |

m A N© l


• .... m.

y O L U E not a ch i l d anv

have to play grab bag when

tage. Come t o tKis place, and then

gurr of the k ind oI sausage you are i

k n o w w t u i t g txr* i n t o it . *! o u ia u

upofi the high quality of ai l our -t t.


We M

Miw Theliua S-torn saw "Ti'» hack of Notre Dame** at i t tic Tuesday evening

Mra. Louise I ^Chappe l l e of Orand Rapfds sp»»a? Suudwy with her hro-? h er Lcm *»r BiHard a nd fnan 1 y

Misa O e r ^ u 4 e Scot t was *inabl to he Ui wMrhooi Wednesday on nc count of ItlBWHI.

l.v«ter Ral l s rd r«ceive»l word the firat of t h e w- ek tha? h i s fa^hc* itsd mother who nr« a t Meihourne Bs icb

-•»• very ue.idi improved '•> h.*'»tth f toth ha v«* bee a ill

M w O«»or|je UumMl i* tr receipt of a u-fter f rom tbs $pleet fajedly of <lrant'« {M*a ore . , in whi ih it I"

' hey w i l l , ref urn hctj .e a haul May I rtpaeta ia Ivekitig "a^oethUlg

i when the spicer^ a r e not hf^e . i Oh Wedn*wday 28 m«rr»lx ra ol the j Cen t r a l Circle o l the Methodist ; c h u r c h mot a t the beau t i fu l home j (of Mr and Mrs. X. M, Rhawty, west t , «.« town f«»i «« all day m e e t i n g . / a j houaMful d i a n e r wse serrcrt »-t aoon

4 m ' tnislaeyH meet l ag a | | s held, I , • f ••r « h I eh ga me* w« r e pi * y ed.

Who says the «ieh ' an ' t m w t There is no ge t t i ng ahoad of Hstvy. G W Maxwell wtioSi it U* mowing

o« bu t tons As for atunfts the C. ( \ bum h la 1ft it iVom wtarf to Urn

f U. n e t ! mec-tlfiK held with Mrs Hinfth at t h s home of d r . WHIfam H a t h a w a v on S l a t e St.

Mr hi Hu1 h BehSOfi of Cad I) lac i t -; tend« 1 the fune ra l of her niece Miss ; ?.,^Verf;a Vftderwon K '• n t City

ir'fl jp.v Mr sod Mr A M Uh*">- and

Mr and Mrs Kliratf l»«o4# were n aar » - i s ai • b <* '• • ' Fivan-

i ^ " i k * ' t h and a i f e Monday even inR »ia week.

M tea Mare I Klenk. a bo Is employed ' a the offloe of the Welch Matlufac t u r t a g Co. waa In Orand Rapids Tuesday nnd Wednesday of tb.U week

Ml** L-iVerna Aftdersoo who was i i # . t i e d on -%t f l lodes t i hospital l a v Ti^4^d'iy. .11'd Tuesday fore SO Oh .in,, was 81 ysars s a d « month* of

I ttgpa, 9 h e w t s s dsugh te r of J«»" An -*l• ?'*<>»} of 18«st Hparta. her mother

t 4 t ea died -when she and har ttriti | itMf M.-r \ rTi-m ware only a few dtiv*

Her body was t aken to th*- honv H*f he" i' ' indparenta . Mr and V'm. (j! v Haur at Kent < i t y »ad tb«* fti-; i t t ii will he held at t l je Methodist ; eh a rch today, Kriday. ^he leaves a

nuniber of re la t ives In ami about Spar ta .







Overstuffed Suits, Lamp Bases




