Goodwin’s Theory 1)Genre Characteristics 2)Visuals that match the lyrics 3)Visuals that match the music 4)Intertextuality 5)Voyeurism 6)The need to always being selling/promoting the band or artist I will be using 50 Cent’s music video – Candy Shop – to demonstrate how Goodwin’s theory is applied.

Goodwin's Analysis

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Goodwin’s Theory 1) Genre Characteristics 2) Visuals that match the lyrics 3) Visuals that match the music4) Intertextuality5) Voyeurism 6) The need to always being selling/promoting the band or artist

I will be using 50 Cent’s music video – Candy Shop – to demonstrate how Goodwin’s theory is applied.

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This is one of the opening shots- portraying 50 cent as materialistic (due to his sports car and also his outfit). His outfit is very colour coordinated and also matches his car showing he is self conscious of his appearance. – GENRE CHARACTERISTIC

The 2 shots above are accompanied by each other. The close up of the trainer on the right, placing the brand name G-Unit promotes this band. Also as the trainers coordinate very well with the rest of 50 Cent’s outfit. GENRE CHARACTERISTIC AND NEED TO PROMOTE.

The high angle of this shot portrays 50 Cent as superior and dominating and also displaying his wealth by pulling up outside a mansion in an extremely expensive car. – GENRE CHARACTERISTIC

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This is the opening long shot into the mansion 50 Cent has just pulled up to. The opening of the door reveals the numerous girls wearing provocative clothing, implying a brothel-like mansion. – VOYEURISM

The diegetic sound of the girl in the middle – ‘welcome to the candy shop’ connotes a sexual nature to the music video. – VOYEURISM

This shot is a reaction shot made by 50 Cent when he sees all of them women dressed like this and also the vast number of them. Also as 50 cent looks ‘cool’ here, wearing an expensive gold chain and a cap tilted to the side. – NEED TO SELL ARTIST

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This shot shows 50 Cent on a bed with a woman. Their position in this shot suggests that of a sexual nature.

As this shot shows 50 cent and the woman in the background on several screens, this implies they are being filmed whilst on the bed. – pornographic nature – VOYEURISM

Also as 50 cent is conveyed as a ‘womaniser’ within the music video, he is being promoted as this – NEED TO SELL/ PROMOTE ARTIST

Also the lyrics match the actions 50 cent and the woman are carrying out – VISUALS MATCH LYRICS

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As 50 cent has changed outfit in this shot, his wealth is again conveyed here as he is wearing a luxurious fur coat that appears to be very expensive.

Although he is wearing a fur coat he still remains wearing a cap slightly tilted, showing that this is trade mark and keeps his ‘cool’ throughout the video. Therefore he is maintaining the promotion of himself – NEED TO SELL/PROMOTE THE ARTIST

As he is looking straight into the camera and is performing whilst singing – GENRE CHARACTERISTIC

The artist looking direct into the camera is known as a ‘Spectacle’ that is a direct address for the audience. This is a – GENRE CHARACTERISTIC

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50 CENT’S lyrics ‘I’m the love doctor’ matches the visuals as the woman is dressed as a nurse and their surroundings look like they are in a doctors surgery. – VISUALS MATCH LYRICS

The woman’s provocative and revealing clothing suggests a sexual nature and their pose also strengthens this. – VOYEURISM

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The choreographed dance routine performed in a section of the music video is a characteristic of R&B/ Hip hop genre. – GENRE CHARACTERISTIC

The colour red of the dancers costume connotes lust, which is demonstrated throughout the music video.

The dance routine matches the music and also the cuts of the shots are complementary to the music and are edited to the beat. – MUSIC MATCHES VISUALS

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How is gender represented?The opening shot of the video when 50 cent walks through the door of the mansion is a long shot of all of the women dressed in provocative clothing. As 50 cent is the only man throughout the video, accompanied by various women – this implies that 50 cent holds power within the house. As 50 cent is fully clothed throughout the video, including various costume changes, juxtaposing the women's minimal clothing, suggesting they are sexual objects throughout the video – Male Gaze theory. The video has a resemblance to the playboy mansion – intertextuality – where 50 cent has the position of authority, similar to Hugh Hefner. The lighting is also dimmed in multiple scenes of the music video, in order to convey actions of a sexual nature. 50 cent is also placed normally in the centre of the shot to reinforce the idea that he is centre of attention and authority., There are many slow motioned shots focusing on the women, specifically when the shot is showing parts of the women’s bodies. The whole music video is shot from a heterosexual males point of view, the male appearing superior whereas the women are inferior.