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Aussie  mum  Allyson  McConnell  accused  of  drowning  sons  in  Canada  

March  13,  201210:35AM  

Mum  on  trial  over  2010  murder  of  her  young  sons  

Prosecutors  say  marriage  problems,  wanted  to  take  sons  home  

Accused  of  drowning  them  and  jumping  off  an  overpass  


AUSTRALIAN  mother  Allyson  McConnell  drowned  her  two  young  sons  in  a  bathtub  before  driving  to  a  restaurant,  ordering  lunch  and  then  jumping  off  an  overpass  onto  a  busy  freeway,  a  Canadian  court  has  heard.  

Ms  McConnell  is  charged  with  the  2010  second-­‐degree  murders  of  two-­‐year-­‐old  Connor  and  10-­‐month-­‐old  Jayden  in  Millet,  south  of  Edmonton.  

The  trial  began  in  Wetaskiwin,  Alberta,  today.  

Ms  McConnell,  33,  formerly  of  Gosford  on  the  NSW  central  coast,  moved  to  Canada  in  2005,  met  local  man  Curtis  McConnell  and  married  him  in  2007.  

Prosecutors  said  the  marriage  deteriorated,  Ms  McConnell  was  angry  with  her  estranged  husband  and  wanted  to  take  their  sons  back  to  Australia.  

The  court  was  told  on  the  day  before  the  boys  were  killed,  Ms  McConnell  tried  to  give  away  the  children's  clothing  and  a  car  seat.  

After  Ms  McConnell  drowned  the  boys  in  the  family  bathtub  she  drove  to  a  restaurant,  ordered  lunch  and  then  left  upset,  it  was  alleged.  

She  walked  to  the  overpass  and  jumped  off,  suffering  numerous  broken  bones,  the  court  heard.  

The  Crown  alleged  police  searched  her  home  and  found  a  rope  tied  to  the  rafters  in  the  basement.  

The  trial  continues.  

Original  article:  http://www.news.com.au/world/aussie-­‐mum-­‐accused-­‐of-­‐drowning-­‐sons/story-­‐e6frfkz0-­‐1226297934250  





Aussie  mum  Allyson  McConnell  accused  of  drowning  sons  in  Canada.    This  article  is  about  a  woman,  Allyson  McConnell  who  murdered  her  two  sons;  she  then  went  to  a  restaurant,  ordered  lunch  and  jumped  off  an  overpass  in  2010.  She  suffered  many  broken  bones  but  survived.  She  is  thought  to  have  done  this  because  her  marriage  was  failing  and  she  wanted  to  take  her  sons  to  Australia.    

This  article  is  about  evil  because:  She  would  not  want  to  be  drowned  in  a  bathtub  and  that’s  what  she  did  to  her  sons.  By  doing  this  she  violates  the  Christian  Value  of  doing  unto  others,  as  you  would  have  them  do  unto  you.  Though  it  isn’t  know  if  it  was  her,  her  husband  or  someone  else  who  murdered  the  children,  the  act  was  most  likely  prompted  by  revenge,  if  this  was  the  case,  the  murder  of  the  two  boys  goes  against  the  Christian  value  of  not  holding  a  grudge  and  also  breaks  the  commandment  “you  shall  not  kill”.    Prior  to  the  drowning  of  the  two  children,  Allyson  McConnell  tried  to  give  away  the  children’s  toys,  this  maybe  because  she  was  planning  to  take  her  children  to  Australia  or  because  she  had  planned  the  murder.  Even  if  she  was  trying  to  give  away  the  children’s  things  because  they  were  moving,  her  wanting  the  children  away  from  her  husband  suggests  a  rift  between  the  couple.  This  rift  may  have  been  caused  by  her  or  her  husband  wanting  their  family  to  be  like  someone  else  wants  something  that  is  not  yours  breaks  the  commandment  “You  shall  not  covet”.  The  children  could  also  have  been  murdered  by  someone  who  coveted  McConnell’s  family.  

All  these  problems  may  have  risen  due  to  her  or  her  husband  thinking  they  are  not  equals;  this  would  have  led  to  them  feeling  unsatisfied,  angry  and  possibly  feelings  of  hatred.  Thinking  yourself  higher  than  someone  goes  against  the  Christian  value  of  not  being  self-­‐righteous.  McConnell’s  jumping  off  the  overpass  shows  a  lack  of  self-­‐control.  Even  if  she  had  murdered  the  children  or  had  found  them  drowned  she  should  have  reacted  with  calm  and  self-­‐discipline.  Calm  and  self-­‐discipline  are  both  part  of  the  “self-­‐control”  fruit  of  the  spirit.  Her  attempted  suicide  also  shows  that  she  doesn’t  value  her  life,  something  she  should  since  life  is  a  gift  from  God.  Cherishing  your  life  because  it  is  a  gift  from  god  is  part  of  the  “Love”  fruit  of  the  spirit.  Ifs  she  was  indeed  the  person  who  murdered  the  children,  her  killing  them  also  shows  a  lack  of  the  “Love”  fruit  of  the  spirit.  

 Thought  the  article  blames  Allyson  McConnell  for  the  death  of  the  two  children,  she  may  not  be  directly  responsible.  Below  are  some  possible  scenarios:  

• Maybe  someone  forced  her  into  it  • The  husband  might  have  killed  them  and  in  shock  she  attempted  suicide  • She  might  have  thought  that  death  might  be  better  for  the  kids  than  their  situation  in  the  

world.  Even  if  the  above  were  the  case,  the  article  still  demonstrates  evil  because:  if  she  had  been  forced  into  it,  she  should  have  reacted  with  self-­‐control.  No  matter  how  you  look  at  this  story  Allyson  McConnell  attempted  suicide.  Suicide  is  killing  yourself,  and  by  attempting  to  do  so  she  breaks  the  commandment  “You  shall  not  kill”    


Alaskan  beauty  queen  goes  bald  for  good  cause  


 (CBS/AP)  ANCHORAGE,  Alaska  -­‐  The  Miss  Alaska  pageant  requires  contestants  to  perform  a  public  service  project.  Under  Debbe  Ebben's  silver  tiara,  is  evidence  of  hers.  

The  reigning  Miss  Chugiak-­‐Eagle  River  has  raised  more  than  $4,000  for  children's  cancer  research  for  the  St.  Baldrick's  Foundation,  and  last  weekend,  she  delivered  on  a  promise  to  people  who  pledged  by  allowing  her  brown  tresses  to  be  buzzed  off.  

She's  proud  of  raising  money,  but  the  underlying  message  is  for  children  who  lose  their  hair  because  of  cancer  treatments.  

"You're  proving  it's  OK  to  be  bald,  regardless  of  whether  you  chose  to  be  or  not,"  Ebben  said.  

Ebben,  23,  stands  5-­‐feet-­‐4  inches  tall,  and  her  official  talent  is  playing  the  piano.  She  has  been  entering  pageants  affiliated  with  Miss  Alaska  since  2007.  She  used  scholarship  money  to  attend  the  University  of  Alaska  Fairbanks  for  four  years.  She  was  motivated  to  get  involved  with  St.  Baldrick's  by  another  beauty  queen,  Miss  Virginia  2008  Tara  Wheeler.  Near  the  end  of  her  reign,  Wheeler  decided  to  raise  $50,000  for  St.  Baldrick's  and  pledged  to  become  a  "shavee"  if  she  reached  her  goal.  

"She  inspired  me  to  get  involved  with  them,"  Ebben  said.  "She  did  it  kind  of  on  the  side  after  her  reign.  I  decided  to  make  it  my  entire  personal  platform."  

Ebben  was  looking  for  a  different  kind  of  community  project.  

"It's  my  job  as  a  title  holder  to  make  a  really  bold  statement,  and  to  be  someone  that  people  can  look  up  to,  and  make  an  impact  on  the  community.  And  that  was  really  why  I  fell  in  love  with  it.  It  was  something  that  was  different.  It  was  something  that  was  unique.  It  was  something  that  I  could  do  and  accomplish  in  a  community  and  was  something  that  everyone  could  get  involved  with."  

Everyone  included  her  mother  Julie,  who  also  pledged  to  shave  her  head.  Debbe  Ebben's  turn  began  with  auctioning  off  ponytails  of  her  hair.  

"It  looks  like  I'm  the  Who  from  Whoville,"  Ebben  said.  

Ebben  has  not  decided  whether  to  grow  her  hair  out  as  the  Miss  Alaska  Pageant  approaches  in  June,  with  the  chance  to  compete  in  the  Miss  America  Pageant.  She  may,  she  said,  rock  the  current  hairdo.  She  doesn't  think  stubble  will  hurt  her  chances.  

Ebben's  experience,  along  with  her  work  with  Children's  Miracle  Network,  a  Miss  America  cause,  has  shaped  more  than  her  hair.  Instead  of  engineering,  she's  now  studying  to  be  a  "child  life  specialist"  working  with  children  in  hospitals.  

Original  article:  http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-­‐31749_162-­‐57398984-­‐10391698/alaskan-­‐beauty-­‐queen-­‐goes-­‐bald-­‐for-­‐good-­‐cause/  



Alaskan  beauty  queen  goes  bald  for  good  cause    A  23  year  old  beauty  queen  shaves  her  head  for  charity.    This  article  is  an  example  of  good  because  it  demonstrates:  

• “Be  Humble”.  This  girl  recognises  that  cancer  victims  are  people  just  like  her,  but  have  had  to  give  up  things  due  to  cancer.  Though  her  shaving  her  head  was  voluntary  and  cancer  victims  don’t  get  to  choose  to  keep  their  hair,  her  willingness  to  give  it  up  shows  that  she  considers  them  her  equals  and  that  if  it  means  she  can  help  them  she  will  give  up  something  really  valuable  to  her.    

• “do  unto  others  as  you  would  have  them  do  to  you”  she  shaved  her  head  because  she  knows  that  if  she  had  cancer  she  would  want  someone  to  help  raise  funds  to  try  cure  her  of  the  disease.    



















What the water gave me

Time it took us To where the water was That's what the water gave me And time goes quicker Between the two of us Oh, my love, don't forsake me Take what the water gave me Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow Pockets full of stones Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow And oh poor Atlas like a beast of a burden You've been holding on a long time And all this longing And the ships are left to rust That's what the water gave us So lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow Pockets full of stones Lay me down

Let the only sound Be the overflow 'Cause they took your loved ones But returned them in exchange for you But would you have it any other way? Would you have it any other way? You could have had it any other way' Cause she's a cruel mistress And the bargain must be made But oh, my love, don't forget me Though I let the water take me Lay me down Let the only sound Be the over flow Pockets full of stones Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow Pockets full of stones Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow  




What  the  water  gave  me  This  song  is  about  the  suicide  of  Virginia  Woolf.  Woolf  committed  suicide  by  throwing  herself  into  an  overflowing  river  with  her  pockets  filled  with  stones.  The  song  is  full  of  desperation  and  makes  references  to  mythology.  

The  song  does  not  reflect  Christian  values  or  the  10  commandments.    

The  main  theme  in  the  song  is  suicide;  this  directly  violates  the  commandment  “you  shall  not  kill”  and  the  “Love”  fruit  of  the  spirit.  The  song  then  goes  on  to  say  that  Atlas  is  like  a  beast  of  burden,  always  burdened  with  the  weight  of  the  world.  From  this  we  know  that  the  Atlas  is  being  looked  down,  it  is  a  Christian  value  to  not  be  self-­‐righteous.    

“Cause they took your loved ones but returned them in exchange for you but would you have it any other way?

Would you have it any other way? You could have had it any other way'

Cause she's a cruel mistress and the bargain must be made”

From  the  above  lyrics  it  is  implied  that  the  songs  subject  worships  someone  who  wants  the  subjects  life  in  exchange  for  another’s.  God  would  not  ask  for  a  subject  to  sacrifice  themself  for  someone,  so  the  songs  subject  is  worshipping  a  false  god,  this  is  an  infringement  of  the  commandment  “You  shall  have  no  other  Gods  beside  me.”  












Te  wo  tsunago  

The  whole  world  is  a  family,  we  are  all  connected,  even  if  you’re  different  we  are  still  friends  and  no  matter  what  just  reach  out  and  I’ll  be  there  for  you,  are  the  basic  themes  in  Te  Wo  tsunago.  

This  song  is  an  example  of  good  because:  it  promotes  people  to:  respect  each  other,  do  to  others,  as  you  would  have  them  do  to  you,  not  be  self-­‐righteous  and  not  hold  grudges  among  other  good  things.    

 The  songs  promotion  of  respect  and  acceptance  can  be  easily  identified  from  the  lyrics  “No  matter  what  time,  a  bond  connects  us”  this  says  that  no  matter  what  time  you  are  from,  we  are  all  people,  and  that  we  all  go  through  the  same  feelings  and  experiences.  The  songs  promotion  of  self-­‐respect  and  acceptance  is  furthered  by  the  lyrics  “its  ok  for  everyone  to  be  different.  We  are  all  friends.”  The  meaning  of  this  is  pretty  much  the  same  as  the  other  example,  the  difference  is  that  the  second  set  of  lyrics  say  that  we  are  friends  even  though  we  have  differences,  though  this  may  seem  contrasting  to  the  first  set  of  lyrics,  it  is  not  because  the  first  set  says  that  we  are  connected  but  not  that  we  are  the  same.    

The  song  acknowledges  that  as  human  beings  we  make  mistakes  but,  we  shouldn’t  let  those  mistakes  hold  us  down.  This  attitude  is  expressed  through  the  lyrics:  “If  you  feel  trapped  by  your  life,  come  with  me”.  To  not  let  the  mistakes  of  the  past  hold  one  down,  one  has  to  forgive  and  by  forgiving  one  follows  the  Christian  value  from  Mark’s  Gospel  of  not  holding  grudges.  

This  song  is  actually  a  promotion  for  the  movie,  ‘Kamen  Rider  OOO:  The  Shogun  and  the  21  Core  Medals’.  Though  the  movie  has  elements  of  evil  in  it,  it  is  still  represents  good  Christian  values,  because  it  demonstrates  that  evil  corrupts  but  by  following  good  values  you  can  make  the  world  a  better  place  and  be  happy.  












Te  wo  tsunago  Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

This  world  is  a  big  family  

No  matter  what  time,  a  bond  connects  us  

That’s  why  you  should  lookup  

If  you  feel  trapped  by  your  life,  come  with  me  

And  we’ll  travel  together  

It’s  ok  for  everyone  to  be  different  

Were  all  friends,    

Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

To  show  that  it  is  important  

Ole!  Even  when  it’s  raining  

Ole!  [I  can’t  come  up  with  a  proper  translation;  direct  translation  “more  that  infinity”]  

Ole!  It’s  clear  that  

The  world  is  a  big  family  

As  time  passes,  a  new  day  comes,  

And  it’s  a  new  beginning  every  day  

Just  for  your  smile  

Fight  once  again,  become  stronger,  just  hold  my  hand  

It’s  what  everyone  wants  

It’s  time  for  actions  not  words  

Let’s  dace,  its  paradise!  

Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

To  show  that  we  are  all  equal  

After  a  fight  

Apologize  to  one  another  

Ole!  Lets  join  hands!  

The  world  is  a  big  family  

If  you’re  unable  to  carry  your  burdens  alone  

[This  bit  isn’t  really  translatable;  meaning  is  something  along  the  lines  of  let  go  of  your  ego]  

If  you  cant  ask  out  loud,  show  it  with  your  eyes,  

To  those  you  trust  

The  lines  that  connect  us,  crosses  in  every  direction  

Raise  your  voice;  share  your  problems  with  me  

Just  hold  my  hand!  

Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

Ole!  Let’s  join  hands!  

To  convey  that  it  is  important  

Ole!  Even  when  it’s  raining  

Ole!  !  [I  can’t  come  up  with  a  proper  translation;  direct  translation  “more  that  infinity”]  

Ole!  Its  clear  that  

The  world  id  a  big  family!  


Doctor  Who  

The  programme  depicts  the  adventures  of  a  Time  Lord,  a  time-­‐travelling,  humanoid  alien  known  as  the  Doctor  who  explores  the  universe  in  a  sentient  telepathic  time  machine  called  the  TARDIS  that  flies  through  time  and  space,  whose  exterior  appears  as  a  blue  police  box  from  1963  London,  when  the  series  first  aired.  Along  with  a  succession  of  companions,  he  faces  a  variety  of  foes  while  working  to  save  civilisations,  help  people  and  right  wrongs.  [Wikipedia]  

This  show  is  an  example  of  evil,  because  the  doctor’s  companions  come  to  view  him  as  Godlike.  The  doctor  during  his  very  long  life  has  killed  on  many  occasions  as  well  as  not  living  a  moral  life  among  other  offenses.    

Through  the  course  of  the  series  the  doctor’s  companions  and  some  common  people  come  to  view  him  as  a  godlike  idol,  who  can  be  relied  on  to  save  them  in  times  of  need.  According  to  Jesus  the  most  important  of  all  the  commandments  is  worshipping  God  alone.  The  doctor’s  companions  among  many  others  view  him  as  someone  almighty  and  godlike  when  he  is  not.    

Though  he  usually  values  life,  the  doctor  has  killed  many  times  to  protect  something  he  values,  or  to  destroy  something  he  plain  despises.  Through  these  actions  the  doctor  breaks  the  commandment  “you  shall  not  kill”,  the  Christian  values  of  ‘respecting  all  people’,  ‘humility’,  not  being  self-­‐righteous’,  ‘not  holding  grudges’  and  ‘forgiving  others’.  His  attitude  and  actions  towards  the  cyber  men  and  daleks  are  examples  of  situations  where  he  shows  total  disregard  for  the  aforementioned  Christian  values.      

In  an  episode  set  in  the  distant  future,  Liz  10  a  descendent  of  Queen  Elizabeth  say  that  her  famous  ancestor  wasn’t  in  fact  a  “Virgin  queen”  this  suggests  that  queen  Elizabeth  had  an  affair  with  the  doctor.  Though  it  is  not  known  if  he  was  married  before  or  after  the  affair  with  queen  Elizabeth  it  can  still  be  considered  adultery  because  they  consummated  their  relationship  out  of  wedlock.  This  shows  that  the  doctor  breaks  the  commandment  “you  shall  not  commit  adultery”  as  well  as  the  Christian  value  of  honouring  God  with  your  body.      










Erin  Brockovich    

Erin  Brockovich  is  a  2000  biographical  film  directed  by  Steven  Soderbergh.  The  film  is  a  dramatization  of  the  story  of  Erin  Brockovich,  played  by  Julia  Roberts,  who  fought  against  the  US  West  Coast  energy  corporation  Pacific  Gas  and  Electric  Company.[Wikipedia]  

• This  film  is  an  example  of  good  because  it  is  a  dramatization  of  Erin  Brokovich’s  fight  for  equality.  These  Christian  values  and  commandments  are  expressed  in  the  film:  

• “Do  unto  others  as  you  would  have  them  do  to  you”  Erin’s  interest  in  the  case  started  because  she  had  previously  been  in  a  car  accident  and  had  lost  a  personal  injury  lawsuit.  From  this  experience  she  would  have  learned  that  no  one  wants  to  be  wronged  and  would  have  been  inspired  by  this  to  make  sure  all  the  people  whose  health  was  suffering  because  of  the  companies  inconsiderate  activities  gained  justice.  

• “Be  generous  with  your  time  and  money”  she  took  on  the  case  because  of  personal  interest  and  without  charging  fees.  On  some  occasions  she  went  on  investigations  when  she  was  unwell,  by  doing  this  she  expresses  the  values  of  selflessness  and  humility.  


















Charlize  Theron  adopts  a  baby  boy  CHARLIZE  Theron  has  adopted  a  baby  boy,  her  rep  told  The  Insider  today.    

The  new  mum  named  her  son  Jackson  but  no  additional  details  were  provided.    The  36-­‐year-­‐old  actress  first  revealed  last  August  that  she  hoped  to  have  children.    "I  want  a  baby.  If  it  would  happen  tomorrow  I  would  be  very  happy.  There  are  so  many  unwanted  children  on  this  earth  and  it's  our  job  to  care  for  them.  And  if  we  don't  we're  doing  the  world  a  disservice,"  the  Monster  star  told  Germany's  In  Touch  magazine.    The  Oscar  winner  is  currently  single.    Theron,  a  native  of  South  Africa,  was  in  a  long  term  relationship  with  Irish  actor/director  Stuart  Townsend  from  2001  to  2010.  

 Original  article:  http://www.news.com.au/breaking-­‐news/charlize-­‐theron-­‐adopts-­‐a-­‐baby-­‐boy/story-­‐e6frfku0-­‐1226299984592  
















Charlize  theron  adopts  a  baby  boy    This  story  is  about  an  actress  who  adopted  a  baby.  This  article  demonstrates  the  ‘be  generous  with  your  time  and  money’  Christian  value.  By  adopting  this  baby  Charlize  Theron  shows  that  she  is  willing  to  give  up  time  and  money  to  care  for  this  child  who  otherwise  would  have  grown  up  with  financial  troubles  and  without  knowing  a  parents  care.    























No  jail  for  mum  who  scammed  scammers  

A  BRISBANE  woman  who  fleeced  Nigerian  scam  artists  by  stealing  more  than  $30,000  from  their  internet  car  sales  racket  will  not  spend  any  time  in  jail  for  her  crime.  

Sarah  Jane  Cochrane-­‐Ramsey,  23,  was  employed  by  the  Nigerians  as  an  "agent"  in  March  2010  but  was  unaware  they  were  scam  artists,  the  Brisbane  District  Court  heard  today.  

Her  job  was  to  provide  an  Australian  bank  account  through  which  they  could  funnel  any  payments  they  received  through  their  dodgy  account  on  a  popular  car  sales  website.  

Cochrane-­‐Ramsey  was  to  keep  eight  per  cent  of  all  money  paid  into  her  account  and  forward  the  rest  to  the  Nigerian  scammers.  

However,  the  court  heard  she  kept  the  two  payments  she  received  -­‐  totalling  $32,350  -­‐  and  spent  most  of  it  on  herself.  

The  car  buyers  who  were  ripped  off  reported  the  matter  to  police,  who  traced  the  account  to  Cochrane-­‐Ramsey.  

Police  inquiries  found  her  employers  were  based  in  Nigeria  but  had  been  using  a  web  server  in  New  York  to  run  their  dodgy  car  sales  listings.  

Cochrane-­‐Ramsey,  who  has  a  five-­‐month-­‐old  child,  pleaded  guilty  to  one  count  of  aggravated  fraud  late  last  month.  

Judge  Terry  Martin  described  her  as  having  a  "dishonest  bent"  after  hearing  she  had  a  history  of  stealing  and  property  offences.  

He  adjourned  the  sentence  until  today  to  allow  her  time  to  provide  further  details  of  money  she  claimed  was  in  a  bank  account  that  would  allow  her  to  make  some  repayments.  

Her  barrister,  Harry  Fong,  told  the  court  she  gave  police  more  than  $15,000  when  she  was  arrested,  and  has  provided  a  further  partial  repayment  of  $5000  in  the  past  few  weeks.  

He  said  his  client  was  prepared  to  repay  the  rest  of  the  money  at  a  rate  of  $100  per  week  when  she  returned  to  work.  

Cochrane-­‐Ramsey  wept  in  the  dock  as  she  was  sentenced  to  a  two-­‐year  jail  term.  

However,  Judge  Terry  Martin  released  her  immediately  on  parole,  saying  it  was  unnecessary  for  her  to  spend  any  actual  time  in  custody.  

Judge  Martin  did  not  order  Cochrane-­‐Ramsey  make  any  further  repayments,  saying  her  responsibilities  as  a  new  mother  would  make  any  such  order  "untenable".  

   Original  article:  http://www.news.com.au/breaking-­‐news/no-­‐jail-­‐for-­‐mum-­‐who-­‐scammed-­‐scammers/story-­‐e6frfku0-­‐1226300256337  

No  jail  for  mum  who  scammed  scammers  A  23-­‐year-­‐old  woman  was  employed  by  Nigerian  scammers,  her  job  was  to  provide  them  with  a  bank  account  to  receive  money  from  their  scams,  she  was  to  keep  8%  of  the  money  and  forward  the  rest  to  her  employers.  However  she  kept  two  of  the  payments.  When  her  employers  found  out  they  told  the  police.  She  was  sentenced  to  two  years  in  prison  but  was  immediately  released  on  parole.    

This  is  an  article  about  evil  because:  

• The  woman  and  her  employers  where  cheating  people,  going  against  the  Christian  value  of  honesty  

• The  woman  and  her  employers  made  money  from  stealing.  This  breaks  the  commandment  “You  shall  not  steal.”  

Both  parties  have  not  done  to  others  as  they  would  have  others  do  to  them.  It  is  a  Christian  value  to  do  u