From the Greenville Mountaineer. To the Editors of the different News- papers throughout the State. Gcntlemen:-A report havinggained rene. ial circulation that I am about to remove from Greenville, several young ladies at a di.tance who were about to enter the Sehool have been induced to delay. In order, there- fore, to correct this nistake. vou will confer an especial favor by giving this publicity.- The School has never been in a more flour-! ishing condition, and, so far from removing, I am about to build a new Collegtiate lnst. tute, and to settle permanently in Greenville. Every :rrangenent has been made for a large number of boarders. I am well :ware that my success in Greenville has excited the en- vy and malice of sonic who are personally interested in my removal; this feeling, to- gether with my ivell known political position, as opposed to submission, has given rise to secret efforts of some and the persecution of others. I am, gentlemen, Yours, most respectfully, J. HUME SuIoss. BEDSTEAD FoR AN INvALID.-Dr. Henry R. Frost, sometime since, presented to the South Carolina Medical Association, a bedstead, to which an aparatus is attaeed, by which frac- tures of the lower extremities of the body may be treated by suspension. It was ex- hibited at the South Caroiina Institute Fair, in November last, and is a very ingenious in- vention. The Doctor's assistant, 51r. John Clark, met with an accident by which his leg was fractured, and being a mechanie, coi- ceived the idea of fashioning this contrivance for suspending it. The aparatus consists (f an iron frame, plated with brass, fistened by two screws to the bedposts; to this a rod is attached, upon which two small rollers, con- nected by a wooden rod with corresponding posts, are al'owed to run. Connected with this by brass pullies is a trough, in which the fractured leg is received. With the aid of cords the limb is elevated or moved in a horizontal position, front one part of the bed to the other, the body closely following its movements. The bandagcs being applied it can be made to rest in the trough, and sus- pended when required. By means of this novel aparatus the surgeon is enabled to lesson the flow of blood to an inflamed mem- ber, and the patient to vary his position-sit up, read or work without assistance.-Chas. Courier. A STAPEDE.-A party of adventurers, styling themselves 4 Sable Minstrels." yes- terday gave out that they intended to give a grand concert;" posted large bills, adverti- sed extensively, and persuaded a too coni- ding public that a rare treat was in store for them. At night the doors were opened. the hall brightly lighted, and an audience of about one hundred expectant admirers in atten- denee. The hour otf performance being long past, the audience begman to show signs of impatience, then to cry aloud for the exhibi- tors to appear, when one poor wretch-the scape-goat of the party-did appear, and in pi- teous accent announced that P. T. West, the great delineator of the pas de African, had taken the pas Espagnol, or in other words, had "walked Spanikh" with all the money collected at the door. Here upon arose a general shout. Some cried 'sold' some demanded t heir money back, and some were disposed to give tip the money willingly it' they could but creep out unperceived. But the umajority were niot so easily appeased. The screen was broken down, a general stampede ensued, and the last wvhat wasm seen of the Sable Minstrels was a man with a violin going at the rate of about tifteeni knots an hour down flay Lane. -Savannah News. THmE Omto NULLIFYING LAW.-The Wil- mington (N. C.) Journal, an acquiescent pa. pecr, anid oneo which is somewhat wedded to thme nationamlity oft the Democratic party, in commenting upon the law just passed by the Legislature of Ohio. says': '-Pretty well for Ohio! This is most di- rect and unqualified nullification, anmd not by the insignificant State of Vermont but byv the empire State of the Wes~t, aind the third State in the Union. Decidedly the North will have disunion. Uponi their heads be it, for uas sure as this state of things progresses. so surely must disunion come-and perhaps thme soonmer the better. We have tried aot to think so, but to this comiplexion must we come at last. South Carolina must not stand alone." MAKE the best of a bad bargaitn. Subscription Receipts. Rev. D. D. Brunson, to Sth February 18352. A. G. Turner, to 9th Jan '52. WVest Corley, to 13th .March '52. Nathaniel Corley, to 1 3th March '52. Burditt Corley, to 13th March'52. Ilillery Hardy. to 13th March '52. Philip Jennings, to 13th March '52. .John W. Dcnny, to 13th il arch '52. Lemuel Salter, to 13th March '52. Whitfield Smith, to 20th Miarch '52. J. B. Coleman, to 13th March '52. W. A. Turnier, to Sth Feb '52. W. R. Allen, to 13th March '52. HI. C. Blnxnm, to 2(1th March '52. C. D. Elkins, to 0th March '52. Wmn. Thurnmondl, to 21st Oct '51. Battiloward, to Sth Feb '52. Mrs. Elizabeth Burriss, to 9th Feb '52. Wmn. L. Anderson, to 3d April '52. Caleb Tally, to 22d Nov '51. Daniel Prescuitt, to 9th Jan '52. Luke Culbreatb, to Sih Feb'52. Mrs. Martha A. Doby, to 20th Feb '52. James Ferguson, to 1st Jan '52. Dr. John Galphiin, to 1st April '52. W. B. Galphin, to " " " .J. M. Clark, to " " " Z. W. Whatley, to " " " David Westbrook, to " " " Joseph Way, to " " " -G.W. Foster, to " " " Julha Evrit, to " " " D. Z. Wright, to " " " Lenard Butler, to " " " E. H. Norris, to 3d Oct '51. Rausonm Timmerman to 20th Jan '52. S. C. Strom, to 17th May '52. B. F. Strom, to 31st Jan '52. Col. M. C. M. Hanmmond,to 1-4th March '52. Maj. Win. Daniel, to Sth Feb '52. Wmn. Barron, to 27th March '52. Not ice. - J TD. TBBiITS will hereafter sell B BOOTS and SHOES. at the fol- ~.lowing prices, for C AS8H 'ON LY : Fine Water Proof Boots,......-.... 9 00 Fine Pump Boots,-..............-8- 0 Fine Welted do-................7 00' Men's fine Pump Shoes,.......... 3 75 do do Welted do-......-..--- 5 do Kip do do ........... 200 Ladies Calf Shoes,............... 1 75 do do Bootees,...............2 00 J........., 20-:. tI i Correspondence of the Advertiser. 11AM B1URG, March 25. MiL. Eirron:-Tlhe accounts per Arctic and Franklin are at hand. Our Cotton Market is in a dtepressed sitc i very little selling and not much disposition to purchase. Buyers generally are apprehensive that when the accounts reach Liverpool of the inreased receipts in this coun- try, and the rapid decline which took place oi this side of the water some Weeks Vince, it will materiall less n prices in that market, and they dread its reaction here, consequeitly deakrs are operating with a grat deal of caution. In addi- tion to this, the Banks are curtailing their ciretn- lation, which lias erused mloney to be very tight. I have no ehange to notice in other articles. I quote common prime Cotton 10 cents ; it re- quires a choice article to bring this figure. O. P.Q. CHARLESTON, March 2.1. Thc news by the two steamers has insettled the market for cotton, and the demand, which was dull, resuhed in the sale of only d50 bales of cotton, at Q.i a Il.-Mcrcury. COLUMBIA, 'March 24. Our review of the Cott on market for the week ending :he 17th instant, closed with a fair and steady demand, at prices ranging from 6 to 10. cents. During the week just terminated we [ind :ttle, if anything, new to notice.-Carolinian E'or the Southern Congress. Mr. EITOR: I offier for the consideration of the voters of this Congressional District, Col. F. W. PLCICENS and DrAYTON NANCE, Esq., as candidates to represent it in the Southern Congress. They atre gentlemen or ripe experience, of tried patriotism, and united to the State by the highest and holiest ties.- These gentlemen would possess some ad-' vntages from their attendance upon the NKashville Convention above many others, no less worthy and qualified in other respects. A VoTER. Butler Lodge, No. 17 I 0, F, . A Regular meeting of this Lodge K will be held on Monday evening next at 7 oelock. JOSEPH ABNEY, See'y. March 27 it 9 To the Public W 11E are now receiving a large and well Se- V letted stoek of D R Y (ODS, 1110CE- RIES. IARDWARF. hIATS,SlOES, &c.- Which will be sold at the r.owes-r marke!t price. WILLI \.\1S & CllRISTIE. March 24 1851 tf 10 Baron. 1 0001 Lbs. Baltimore Sides. 5000 lbs. " Shoulders, Just received and for sale low. WILLIAMS & CIIRISTIE. Iarch 2-1 1851 tf 10 To the Stockholders of the Edgefield & Hamburg Plank Road Compa'y rjj HE ilrectors of this Company, submit to Lyour consideration, a statement of its affairs, to this date. At the commencement of our labors, it was .ious the high price of Lumber, and the limmi- ed supply that could be procured at the mills in the nieighiborhiood of the proposed line o.f Rotad, made it imipraticable~ to rely upon nills already ini oph ration for miateritl to conmstruct thme road; our eflbrts were therefo.re immoeiately directed to pocurie a isupply of t::ober-!anid, and er,.et a s-eam-sawv millh, wvhich were carried into effeet as sooni as prae~mieible. The mIll wvas commnenced n the 15th of Mlarch 1850, and one saw put in operationi on the 1 5th of M1ay foullowing. Ini eiuseunlce of defective nmachiinery, imiperfect work, andl inexperi ne 'I handis, it was several weeks before the imilt eut satidirmetorily. about which time the water fald aitd we wemre sub- jetedl ihr about six weeks to a heavy expense ini hauling water a ho.'ii distance to sup~ply thle En- ine. In August wye precuiredh a plenitiful sitpply of water. by siinkinmg a wvell to the depth ot inety feet. U.p to this time, valuiing the Lumiber cut, thme market price, the mill run at a decided loss. Sinice thamt time, the mill has worked satis- factorily, with thme exception of the stoppage of to weeks, caused by defective work ini onie of the boilers andl at the presenlt timle is cutting about 40),C00( feet per week. The defective por*- ion of thle machinery, has beeni iimproved, aind new machinery added, which works well, aid is amaterial savinig in timet, labor, &c. Three miles of the Road being comiplted, it will be opened in a few days foi the use of the public. IhlvingL secured ani am~ply sulpply of tim- ber, tol build the Road,* anid its proposed bran- eles, a nill in successful operation, and relyinig in only a uodlerate amiioizit of nil!, we see no god reason to prevenlt thie Road heeotming its useful and profitable as its mlost sanguine frienids have anticipated. LIA BILITIES. To Capital Siock paid ill.......$15,000 00 " Ulantce due on pturehiased Landis payable ini 1851, '52, '53 andI '5 1.1,10 00 " kilahmee due on machinery &c... 1,079 53 " lDalaiice due 1 ni ctraciuits, hautI- inmg, htandl-hire, nmitennce otf hiaiids, &c....................1,783 60 " Iinlance duie on Real Estate ini HIaimbure..................... 400 no " Protit and Loss Account........2.t01 00 $31,075 07 ASSETTS. By lands valued at cost 'Geiger Tract..$5,500 00 lainis valued at cost, Cotsby Tract....,700 00 RL'! estate in IIambutrg 500 00-0-12,700 00 Invested in tmachinery, mill and Buailding....................8,50 00 " Three miles Road valued at $2,000 per mile... ... ... ... . . 0 000 00 "eas wvagons, Carrylogs, &c. . ..1,450 00) " 185.000 feet Lumiber on haand, valued a.$ 00................1,480 00 " Am'nt dutefor Wood, Lumber &c. . 172 31 " Bills Heeivable........... 3 42 " Balance Cash oii hand..........09 34 $31,075 07 IH. A. K ENRLICK, PREsiDE.\T. W. WV. SAuLs, Treas~urer. Hamburg, March 15th, 1851. Estrayj. A D)AM MINICKC, living near Mount WYil- tlinig, tolls before iie a smiall RED) STEER Y EARLING with a emmnalon sized bell on ; en- der part of the belly, lower end of the tail and two hinid feet whlite ; abount two yeats old ; crop nd t wo slits ini the righmt ear, uand an overbit in the left. Appriised at $2,50. Appraisrs.-A . W. Youngblood, Win. Gear- M. M. PADGETT, M. E. D). March 10, 1851. 4tm 10 25 Bales GUNNY BlAGGING, 200) Pieces Dundee Baggiing, 75 (Coils. A iinch Kentucky Rope. Foambrg ae by A1 . t' 2 SIE NEW GOODS, Cheap for Cash. T ITE SUNIPSCRIDERS are now opening a large Stock of SPRING AND SUMMPR GOODS, Or the tnewest and111 most flshionale Styles, aiong which are Mlch Colored antd lilack figured Silk, Tissue Silk and Rich Linen Lustres, French Printed Lawns and Muslins, Plain, Cheeked and Embroi'ed Gingbans, French, En glish and A merican Prints, Pure Irish Linen and Linen DrJlls, Worked Collars, Capes, CuN's and Sleeves, English and German Hosicry, Kid uand Pie-Nie Gloves, Linena Slicetings and Sno'w drop Diaper, Blea'ed an:l B3rown Shirtings and -Sheetings Cotton Oznahurgs, Georgia Stripes & Yarns. -A Iso- BONNETS. RIBBONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS,& SLIPPERS, GRANITE, GLASS, CHINA AND BRITANIA WARE, HARDWARE AND CUTTLERY. NAILS, SADDLEIS, TRUNKS AND CARPET BAGS, GROCERIES, TOBACCO and SEGARS, In fact, a complete assortment of all kinds of Goods usually kept in a Country Store. They were carefully selected and bought unmusually low, and as our object is to do strictly a Cash busihess, they will be sold at a S3AT.L ADVANCE os TiE CosT. A call is respectfully solicited froi all who wish to sare money by purchasing their Spring supplies low for Cal. .1. B. SULLLYAN & BROTIER. March 27, tf 10 NEW GOODS. W OU L) respectfully infurmr their customers I and the public generally, that they are now receiving their SI'RTNG STOCK, and are prepared to offer fir inspection. the most choice selection of FA N C Y G 0 0 D S, ever of- fered in this market. Before looking elsewhere, we kindly solicit our friends to call ont us, and examine our Printed and Plain Bareges, Organdies, Grenadines and Silk Tissues, French lMuslins a 1 ., cents. Plain and Printed -laeonets and Cambries, New Styles of Printed DeLaines, Mo'urningi 1nreges and Grenadines, Plain and Printed Lawns, American, English ani French Prints, Linen Poplins, Gintghams. &c., &c. We have. also, an extra assortment of the latest styles of .IE WELRY, which we will sell CII.tPEta than any other house this side of Char- leston. Our Stock of HATS, BOOTS & SilOES, SADDLERY, GROCERIES, IARDWARE AND CROCKE RY, in price and quality, will please the tumost fastidious. Jonigmvires, March 25. 6t 10 0' Abbeville Banner please copy one month and forward bill to R. M. F. & Co. New Spring Goods, ADDITIONAL SUPPLIES. SNOWDEN & SHEAR, AucSTA, GA. I AVE received this day from New York, hy 11 the steamer Alabama, large additional sup- plies of Ladies' Dress Goods, of rich and splendid styles, among which are, Rich Grenadine MESOPOTAMIAS, a new and sp'lendid article for Ladies' dresses, Printed Pompadour B3AREGES, of new and elegant styles, Rich Chene and Printed CRAPE DE PARIS, Rich Foulard SILKS, in Dress patterns, of splendid styles, English Foulard SILKS, of superior quality, at ver'y low prices. Splendid White Lace ROBES and SCARFS, Superior French Laen and Itemnstitch Linen Canmbrie H ANOKERCIlIEFS, Real Vzdenienesc and Thread LACES. White Tarletoni al LSLINS and Linen CA31- BRICS, Stiperior 10-4 Damask Table DIAPERS, and Damansk Tabsmle CLOTIIlS. Plain and F'aney Linen DRILLS, for Gentle- men's and Youth's sunmmer wear', With ai great variety of' other articles suitable for the present season, and to all ot' which they' respectflly invite. the attention of the public. Mlarch 241, 1850. tf 10 DRi. A. G. TrEAGlrE, havinig purchased the interest of his brothmer, R F. T1'wMs.:, dee'd., in the D)RUU STOI-:, at Edge'field C. IH., takes thtis nmethod osf return- ing his thanks to their friends and .the commnunity for the liberal pat- ronage be'stowed upon the firm. A imd informs his friends and thu -ptublie generally', that lie will con- tinue. the. Salof DRUGS, M1EDICINES, &c., at Edgelield C. 11. Hie flatters himself that the experience derived fronm fifteen yeatrs ehose appjlicationm to the quality andI Compounding of Dr~ugm, as well as in the administration, or remedial application of the smine, will entuitle himu to sonic degree of public conlidence in his ability to procure, cotmpound and furnish his friends and the public with P'URE anmd UNADULTERATED artieles in his line. Hie will continue to keep for sale all articles usually keput by3 Druggists; and pledges himself to sell as L.ow, as Drugs, ke., of thme same quality, are sold in llamburg or Augusta. Accounts to become dtue seumi-annually: the 1st of .January and the 1st of Jtuly. He is also willing to attenid a snmail practice of his Profession, in its variotus branchems, viz: The Practice of Mecdiinme, Surgery, Obstetrics and Denitirstrv. Office at his Drug Store, where he may al- ways be found in the day, excep~t professionally absent, and at night after 9 o'clock, at his resi- dence-the late residence of E. F. Teague, dee'd. Miarch 27, tt' 10 NOTICE' THlE Subscriber having purchased the fine large and well bred young Jack, ROUGII AND READY, will stand hint the present season at his residence ont- I)y, where lie will be let to mares at seven dollars for the season, ten dollars to insure a masre to be in foal ,and twelve dollars to iunsure a live standing coot.-Twenty-flve cents to be paid to thte groom int advance, in every in- stance. No responsibility to involve on the Sub- scriber for any accident that maty happen, but every care will be taken to avoid such. Any3 person putting a mare by insurance and changing the tight before the fact is knowvn will be held respoiisible for the insurance mnoney. RtOUGli aind REAIDY is of fine Stock, and is very large: lie is 14 hands hiigh and has proved to be a sure foal-getter, and breeds very large. Persons living at a distance can send their matres anid they will be pasttured and fed oni grain, aiid taken ptarticuilar care of for 25 cents per day. DANIEL HOLLAND. March 25th, 1851. 4___ *t ~10 Chairs. A GOOD Stock of CHAIRS of differe q~ualities, sie, &. Ftor stale by A. BURNSIDE. Uamburg, Feb 13 tf 4 iron. \TOSIRON, asred sizes. For sale 20 TON A.sor BURNSIDE. Ihmhurg Feb 1:3 tf .3 A Card. I BEG leave respectfully to inform the citizens of Edgetiel.l, Village and Country, that I have commenced a MERCANTILE BUSIN ESS in the house situated between Mr. BRYAN's Store antl the Court House. My STOCK, consisting of all the varieties usually found in aVillage Retail Store, has been recently piurebas~d in Charleston, from Houses that import their Goods,principally, direct from Europe. And F fitter myself, that an ex- perience of five yearsin an Importing and Job- bing Ilouse in Charleston, together with other facilities, has enabled ine to get a STOCK of GOODS. that will, in point of STYLE and PRICE, compare favorably with any Establishment in the place. Persons wishing to purchase Goods for CASH or on a credit until first of January next, Iwill loose nothing by giving me a call. A small share of patronage is earnestlysolleited. LOD. HILL. Edgefield C. H., Mar 17,i1851. tf 9 JMillenery and Dress Making. RS. NICHOLAS takes this method of in- forming the Ladies of Edgefield, that she still continues to carry on the MJILLINER and DRESS MAKING BUSINESS, IN ALL ITS BRANCIIES, at her residence, up-Stairs abovc Mr. B. C. BRYAN's Store, where she respectfully solicits a share of patronage, March 20, if 9 Notice. IIRE MILES of the Hamburg and Edge- Lfield Pland Road being COMPLETED, it will be opened fur the use of the Public on the 20th instant. RATES OF TOLL. Wagons drawn by 4 or more horses,..5c pr mile do do " 2 do ..3o" " do or Carts drawn by one do ..2c " " Carriages, &c., drawn by two do ..3c " " Horseback Travellers,............. " " I. A. KENRICK, President. Hamburg, March 18,1851. tf 9 Read-Quarters. COLEMAN'S X ROADS, March 13, 1852. ORDER, NO- ITE UPPER BATTALION of the 10th T Regiment, S. C. M., will appear at Towles', on Saturday, the 3d of May, for Drill and Review. The Lower Battalion, will appear at Mt. Wil- ling, on Saturday the 10th of May, for Drill and Review. The Commissioned and non-Commissioned Officers will assemble the day previous at the place of render:ous of their respective Battalions, for Drill and Instruction. By order of 51. W. CLARY, Col. 10th Reg'nt S. C. M. March 20 St 9 Premium Daguerrcotypes! IR. LEIGH of the firm of Leaon & TUCKER, Augusta, Ga., whose Pictures was awarded the first P-einium at the Stato Fair of Georgia. I would respectfully announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Edgefield and vicinity, that he has taken rooms at the Spann Hotel, and would be pleased to wait on all that may favor him with their patronage. February 6, tf 3 "In statu quo aute beHlum." Leather. O F ALL DESCRIPTIONS, may be bad at the Tannery for CASn. Also Tanner's and Neat's Foot Oil; the latter the best articlc for Harness. Cash paid for Hides and good Oak Bark. All orders addressed to Williams & Christie, or to Mr. L. M. Mungis-at the Tan Yard, will be promptly attended to. .R. T. MIS. Feb. 6. i f 3 Depot Lots for Sale. T WILL ofl'er at Public Sale, on Wednesday lthe 2d daty of April next, sundry lots around the D~epot Square at Nine-Six Depot near Cam- bridge on the Greenville and Colunmbia Rail Road. The location is healthy, well watered and eligible for business. Further conditions, will be made known on the day of sale. JAMES GILLAND. March 17 t* 9 Corn. Flour and Ilamis. 3000 BUSH ELS PRIME CORN. 45 UB1LS. CANAL FLOUR, Double extra Genesee & Em~pire Mills. 2000 LBS. PRIME HAMS, just received from Baltimiore ,and for sale by JOSIAH SIBLEY. IHambnrg, March 15, 4lt 9 TO Bridge Bluilders. P ROPOSALIS for building a Bridge acrosa the Sal uda River, at the " Saluda Mills," one andit a half miles above Higgins' Ferry, arc solicited from persons experienced in Uridge Building. For particulars apply to Dr. H. M. Eichelberger, near the place, or to E. P. Abney, at the Mills, or by letter, at Ihiggins' Ferry P. 0. E. P. & J1. AB3NEY, For those concerned. March 13, 5t* 8 Notice. T HOSE indebted to the E~state of Hugh Hill ..burn,d deceasedl, are requested to umake im-~ mediate payment, and all those having demnands to present them, properly attested, to me, on or before the first of January next, or they will be rejected. Given under my hand at iny office, this 29th April, 1850. JOHN ITILL, Adm. May 1 tf 15 Estray. BPALMER TYLE~R, living in Granite. * ville, tlsbefore mec a BAY RORSE, with white hind feet, star in the foerhead, blind in both eyes, about fiftcen hands high, and sup. posed to be nine years old. Appraiscd at 815. J. J. SENTELL, M. E. D. Feb. 13, 1851. 4tm 6 To Purchasers. T O make room for the incoming Spring Stock, I will sell tho remainder of may Stock of WOOLENS AT COST, FOR CASII or at greatly reduced prices, on thme usual teroms. W. P. BUTLER. Feb. 27, 1851. tf 6 WIanied. A GOOD BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, .1can get a 'good situation and permanent emnploymenat, by coming well recommended, to the Subscriber, near Coleman's X Roads, S. C. M. W. CLARY. March 10 8t 8 Fish. wfiBBL lageNo. 3, MACKEREL, OU3 afbarrels No 2 " 75 Kits, No 1, 50 IHalf Kits Nol1. For sale by A. BUlRNSIDE. hamburg, Feb 13 tf 4 .Wails. 500 KEGS of CUT NAH2S, assorted sizes. For sale by A. BUR2NSIDE. Hanmburg, Feb 13 tf 4 .Woice. a Lpros indebted to the estates of Thmos Floo, dceaedarc requested to make im- mediate payment, and all those having demandi against said estate to present theni properly attes- ted acc.ordinmg to law. I spt , 150 WM. HERBERT, Adm'r. Scote.830ly 33 RICH SPRING GOODS. SNOWDEN & 5EEAR AUGUSTA, GA. IHAVE just received, from New York, a large supply of RICH DRESS GOODS, of new and splendid styles, among which are Rich Printed Bareues, Crapes De Paris, and Gren:adines, of elegant styles, Rich Printed Jaconet, and Organdies, of the latest Paris styles, Ladies Worked Lace Sleeves, and Mantillas, Ladies French Worked Muslin, Cuffs, Sleeves, Collars and Mantillas, of the latest Paris styles, Rich Embroidered and Plain, White and Black Grenadine Shawls, Sup. White, Black and Salmon Colored Crape Shawls, Rich Embroidered and Black Lace Scarfs, Superior Plain and Black Watered Silks, Lupin's Superior Sumn r Black Bombazines. Silk and Linen. and Silk and Cotton Poplins of the best quality, Superior Fancy Ginghams, in great variety of styles, Extra French, Landon and American Prints, of new and beautiful styles. The above, with a great variety of other Fancy and Staple articles, suitable fur the Spring season, comprises the latest and most choice styles of recent importatiosns. The public are respectfully requested to call and examine the assortment,. March 20 tf 9 Hosiery. SNOWDEN & SHEAR, ArGTSTA, GA. H AVE JUST received frotn New York, a very large supply of ENGLISII and GERMAN COTTO N HOS E, of the best style and manufacture, comprisimg Ladies' White, Black, Brown and Ilode cold HOSE, of stmall, medium and large sizes. Misses Witte. Brown and Mode col'd HOSE, Gentlemen's and Youth's Cotton half HOSE, of small, medium and large sizes. Having selected our HOSIERY with great care, in reference to shape, style and quality, we feel assured that it will give great satisfaction to our custoners. The public are respectfully re- quested to call and examine it. March 20 tf 9 A CAIRD, IE Trustees of the Edgefield Female In- stitute, in announcing the death of the late Rector, Mr. RODFa'T I1. NICnoLLS, have the satisfaction of informing the patrons of the School and the public generally, that the exercises (of the Institute will be resumed on .Monday next, 17th instant, and continued under the Superinten- dance of Miss M. CORNELIA PELOT, in the higher Classes, and Miss ELIZA P. PELOT, in the Primary Department. The Music Department will be under the di- rection of Mrs. SUSAN NICHOLLS. The Trustees take pleasure in expressing their entire confidence in the competency of the above named ladies in their several Departments. The Terms and regulations of the School will be the same as heretofore. N. L. GRIFFIN, F. H. WARDLAW, S. F. GOODE. EDMUND PENN, e R. T. MIMS. March 12, 1851. tf 8 Ice! lee! ice! TIE Subscriber keeps constantly on hand a large supply of SUPERIOR ICE, whole- sale atnd retail, which he off'ers to the City and Coiuntry trade, on as reasonable ternis as any other House in the City. JIOHN 13. MARTIN, AGENT, Charleston Neck Ice House. Charleston, S. C., March 15, 1851. N'. B -Persons wishing Ice sent to any place on the South Carolitna or Georgia Rlail Roads, can be supplicd by addressitng a letter to the Agent, at Chtarleston, S. C., and the Ice will ho forwiarded on thte receipt of the samei. J. B3. M., Agent. Cost price chtarged for Casks and Blankets. ])rayage to Rail Road, 126 cents per package. M1arch 20) tf 9 2,200 Acres Pine Lands FOR SALE! BEING desirous of making a change in my JIbusiness, I will sell at private sale my lands ott Shaw's Creek, 1:3 tmiles front Edgefield, and 10 front Aiketn. On the premises are an abun- datnce of water power, well improved with dwel- litngs atnd other houses, atnd also, mty POTT' EE RY attached. rTere can new be a bargain htad. C. RilODES. Marcht 6, 3mn 7 lLT The Newbelxrry Senttinel will please copy three timeis and forward bill to this off1ee. Fifty Dollars RewardE. R A NAWAY frotm the Subscriber sotme titne in D)ecember hust. a negro mn by the name of LUK E, about thirty years of age, live feet ten or eleven inches hgh, dark eomnplexion and rather plensintg coatetnance. I purchased him of Allen S. Dozier, of this Dlistriet, near the Saluda River, where he is well kntowns, and tmost likely lurking in that neighborhtood. I will pay Fifty Dollars for his delivery to mc in Hamburg, otr Thirty Dollars for his delivery to any Jail itt the State. G. W. GAMIA NY. IHamburg,March 4, 1851. tf 7 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN OltDINARY. B Y JOHN HILL, Esq., Orditnary of Edge- field District: Whereats HI. R. Spann, Esq. htath applied to me for Letters of Administrattion, on all and singular the goods and ehattles, rights and credits of R. II. Nicholls, late of the District aforesaid, deceased. Trhtese arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singutlar, the kindred and creditors of' the said deceased, to be atnd appear before me at our next Ordinatry's Court for the said Dis- trict, to be holdetn at Edgefleld Court House on the 3d daty of April next, to show eause if' any why the said administration should not be rranted. Gitven under my hand and seal, this the 19th day of March. in the yeatr of our Lord one thotusatnd eight hundred and fifty-otne, and itn the 75th year of Atmerican Independence. JOHN HILL, o. E. D. March 20 ,2t 9 Losi or* .!islaid, A NOTE OF HAND, drawtn by John Lyon, t.Esq., payable to M. A. Quarles, for twenty- three and 62-100 dollars ($23,62) dated in May 1848. All persons arc hereby cautioned from trading for said Note, as the same has ntever been transfereud to any one. Whoever having thte said Note will leave it at this Office or return it to Loagmies. R. M. FULLER. March 10 4t 8 INotice. A LL thtose indebted to the Estate of Abiah Robertson, deceased, are requested to make payment, and those htavintg demands to present thenm, properly attested. JOHN HILL, Admn. April 2,15 Notice. A LL those having detnands against the estate of Allen B. Addison, deceased, are reques- ted to present thetn properly attested and those indebted to tmake paymeut.-. G. A. ADDISON, E'u E. 3. MIS. E's NEW GOODS! THE Subscriber is now re- ceiving a SPLENDID Stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS FOR Gentlemen's Wear, CoisilNo OP Super sup. Back French Twilled CLOTH. Super sup. Blue French Twilled Cloth, " " Brown "4 " " Black fig'd and Doe Skin CAS- SIMSERS, (a large supply,) Fancy Checked DRILLINGS, new styles, White figured " Heavy Plain " A superior lot of Plain BI'k Silk VESTINGS, Figured " 4 Fancy fig'd "" White " " " White Silk Vestings embroi'ed with Animals, Buff and White Marsailes " " " " " Valentia " " " A beautiful lot of Fancy Silk CRAVATS, Silk NECK TIES, with embroidered Ends, A large lot of Black, White, Kid and Linen GLOVES, Also, a good supply of HATS, READY MADE COATS, of various kinds, SHIRTS, DRAWERS. &c., &c. All of which he will sell Low for Cash or to punctual customers, and madc up in a style inferior to none. JOHN LI ON. March 13 tf 8 NEW GOODS. T HE Subscriber has just received his Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, from Charleston, direct importations, Rich Silk Dresses, " "1 Tissues, " " fig'd " " Figurud Barages, " " Muslins Swiss and Jaconet, A fine Lot of Gingham and Muslin Gin- hams, for Ladies Dresses, Ladies Embroidered Capes, fine worked Collars, Cuffs and Sleeves, Fine Bonnets, Bonnet, Sasl, Neck and Cap Ribbons, Gloves and Mitts, Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread, and Sewing Silk, HA TS. White and Black Beaver, Moleskin, Panama, Leghorn, English, Straw and Palm. BOOTS AND SHOES. Gentlemen's, Ladies and Misses, of every variety. A few ready made COATS and VESTS. Also. GROCERIES, HARDWARE and CROCKERY, all of which will be sold vEav tLow, and a liberal discount for CAsn. B. C. BRYAN. March 13, tf 8 Anderson Female Academy AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. REv. E. E. PRESSLEY, M. D., Principal. REv. ROBERT II. REID, A. M., Professor of Sacred Literature. SAMUEL B. JONES, Instructor in Mathe- matics, &c. A. H. BUTTERWORTH, Instructor in Mu- sic and Drawing. Miss E. McQUERN, Instructress in Primary Department. T flE Board of Trustees having now organ- ized the above Institution in all its details, would respectfully announce -to its friends and patrons, and the public generally, that the exer- cises commenced on the first Monday in Februa- ry. 'The Faculty have been selected iith great care, and are each distinguished for Literary at- tainments, and high moral character. In Music and Drawing, the Trusteesbave suc- eeded in securing the services of Mr. A. 'H. uv-Tmawon-rn, a gentleman who has taught these branches with distinguished success in Europe and the United States~ For the last three years Mr. BUTTrEawvoRTH has been engaged at the Barhamnville Institute, and in the town of Columbhia, where he has given the highest satis- faction. The Trustees would recommend to Parents and Guardians the importance of sending in pupils at the beginning of the session, as the dif- ferent classes will then be forimcd according to the rules prescribed in their late Catalogue. An excellent Private Boarding House unda~er the charge of Mrs. E. Rionmisox, and connected with thme Institution affords a line opportunity for that quiet and retirement so essentially necessary for Students. The House will also be furnished with Mlusical Instruments for the use of the boarders, Termis. PRa:ARv DEPAanTtEN'r. Per annum.......................$!2 00 COLLEGIATE DEPART3MENT. First Class....................... S20 00 Second Class,.................... 25 00 Senior Class,...................... 30 00 ' OaNA3ME'TA.. Minse on Piano, Harp and Guitar, pr ann. 40 00 Vocal Music,...................... 10 00 Drawing, Painting, &e.... .... .... . 0 00 Embroidery and Needle Work,........ 20 00 Ancient or Modern Languages,.... ...30 00 tr Good Boarding. $8 per month. Bloard of Trustees. IHox. J. N. WHUITNER, Chairman. S. M. WILKES, Secretary and Treasurer. Hion. J. L. Oaa, H~on. A. Evrss, J. P. Bvssox, B. F. C~rs Et.:JAn WEDD, L. A. Ossoaxe, Dr. A. P. CArEa, J. W. IlIason. March 1851. 4t 8 Jrecroes Wanted. W ANTED by tho Hamburg and Edgefield ?Plank Road Company, by the month or year, TWENTY able-bodied HANDS. A pply to If. A. KEN RICK, President, or S.TRO BRDESue'et Hamburg, Feb 3, 1851. tf 3 N~otice. A LL persons having demands against the es- t1tate of Jacob Shibley, deceased, will please to render theni in duly attested, and those owing the said estate will please to make immecdiate pay- ment. SILAS LANIER ,Adm'r. Cum Teat. annex. Sept 4, 1850 ly 33 Turpentine Soap. 5O BOXES TURPENTINE SOAP, 20 boxes Variegated do 14 Cases Chinese Washing Fluid. For sale by HI. A. KENRICK. Hamburg, Feb 3 tf 3 Execiutor's Sale. A young negro woman and child. do do do seamstress, washer, starcher and ironer. At private sale, apply to G. A. ADDISON, E. J. MIMS, )u Jan. 8th 185I. Nlotice. A LL prsons having denmanmds against the es- ..Itat of John Harrison, deceased, are re- quested to hand thenm to the subscriber, proiperly attested, and all those indebted to the estate'are requested to mnak e payment. JAMES M. HARRISON. Administrator. wcpt 3,185n ly 23 GRANITEVILLE HOTEL. THIS admirablylooead-HOUSE having recently-uIdergan exten- fill eive repairs and 6mprovetis now open for the sekdi i'datmod of the public. For salubrity of climate, beauty andvariety of scenery, and a balmy and healthful atmosphere this establishment offirs attractions unequalled in the Sonthern country, either for the- invalid from the North, or as a summer .retreat for the citizens of the South, to whom the daily coinmu- nication by Rail Road, the fgourishing Manufac- tory near by, and the opportunity for bathing, fishing and hunting, must prove great-advan- tages. The proprietor, a native of Charlestoi, will spare no effort to accommodate those who may favour him with their patronage. Granitevlle is in sight of the Rail Road. An omnibus will al- ways be in waiting at the arrival of the ears, and every attention will be paid to baggage. As ae- commodation train runs to and from Hamburg daily. March 13 4t VICTORIA HOTEL. THE Undersigned late of the Eagle and Phenix, Augusta, and m'I Carolina Hotel, Hamburg, respect- fully announces to her friends and the public generally, that she has leased the ele- gant and commodious building known as the VICTORIA HOTEL, where she will be happy to receive all who may favor her with theirpat- ronage. The situation of the House renders it desirable to those visiting the city either on busi- ness or pleasure. No pains will be spared to render satisfaction to all who may call. An om- nibus will always be ready to receive passengers at the Rail Road and boats. E. C. WEST. 71 Charleston, March 13, 4t 8 Chronicle & Sentinel, Edgefield Advertiser, Laurensville Herald and Greenville Mountai- neer, will copy four times weekly, and forward bill to E. C. W.-Charleston Courier. GROCERIES. 40 HHDS. SUGAR, consisting of faik to Uprime and choice. Also, Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Clarified sugars. 100 Bags Old White Java and prime Green Rio Cof'ee, 2,000 Soeks Salt. 20,000 lbs. Sweed and English Ire. 1,500 Kegs Cut Nails of good quality. 200 Kegs 45 to 6 inch Spikes. 30 Bales Gunny Bag 'ng. 100 Coils Russia and Kentucky Repe.. 30 Boxes, half and quarter Boxes, Bunch Rat- sins. 75 Boxes Candles, consisting of Sperm' Ads- mantine and Hull's Sons Tallow Candles. 40 Boxes and half Boxes, Jackson's No r. Soap. 30 BbIs. New Orleans and Hais. prime Cuba Molasses. 20,000 lbs. Prime Baltimore Bacon Sides. Also, choice Baltimore Cured Hams, 10 Bbls. Plaster Paris. Also, Roct Yime and Gypsum. 5,000 lbs. No. 1, Extract and Pure White Lead of Union Mills and Bedville Brands, Linseed and Train Oils, Superior Lamp Oil, Cooking and Air Tight Stoves, Large Supply of Saddlery, consisting olMenhb Bove' and Ladies' Side Saddles and Bsidlbs, Whips, Saddle-Bags, &c., &e. 2,000 lbs. Damaged and good SobA Leatnter. Also, Boots and Shoes and UpperLoather. Half Barrels No l and 2 Mackerel- . Also, Extra No. 1, Mackerel. Furnifture. A large Stock of BEDSTEADS and ItIT- RASSES, Bird's Eye Maple Cain Sceat Chairs, Dining und Office Chairs, Wood Seat Chairs, Cain Seat and Cain back large Roeking Chairsr " " and Wood Seat Ladies Sewing das Low priced Tables and Bureaus, ad Nurse Chairs, Willow Waggons and Willow Cradles. A good assortment of TChurns and' Wash Stands, Iron-bound and Small-brass bound Wasit Tubs, Brass bound Buckets, &c., &c. For sale by JOSIAH SIBLEY. HIamburg, Mnrcht 1st, 1851. 2m 7Z U?7 Abbeville Banner, will please copy. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. Iverson L. Brooks, vs. Antoine Piequet and Henry Bialfer Reief. IL. Cumming, Ex'rs of John Fox, dee'd. and So. Ca. Rail Road Company. IT appearing to my satisfuetion that Ante- eentors of John Fox, deceased, two of the defendants in the above ease, are absent from, and reside without the limits of this State; on motion of Mr. Bauskett, Plaintiff's Solici- tor: it is ordered that the said Antoine Piequet and Henry H. Cumming, Executors as afore- said, do plead, answer or demur to the said Bill of complaint, within! three months fronm the publiention hereof, or the said bill will be taken pro confesso against them. S. S. TOMIPKINS, C.LE.E.D. Commissioners Office, Feb. 26, 1851. Feb27, 3m 6 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN ORDINARY. B Y JOHN HILL, Esq., Ordinary of Edge- field District. Whereas, E. H. Norris hath applied to me for'Letters of Administration, with the Will annexed, on all an singular the goods and ebiattles, rights and credits of Nathan Norris late of the District aforesaid, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear beforo me, at our niext Ordinary's Court for the said Dis- trict, to be holden at Edgefield Court House, on the 24th day of March inst., to show eause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this the eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one and in the seventy-fifth year of American In- dependene.J H H L,.E.D March 13, 1851 2t 8 Notice. A LL Persons indebted to the Estate of Isaiah .1Blackwell, deceased, are requested toarakce immediate payment, and those having demands will present tem properly attested April 17 1850 tf 13 Nottee. A LL persons having demands against the Es- tate of Jacob Long, dec'd., will present them duly attested, and those indebted willmako immediate paynment. J. A. EICHELBERGER. Jan 30 tf 2 M~olasseS. -_ 30 HRDS..CUBA MOLASSFA .- 10 " N. Orleans " 50al b " Goldeni Syrup, very. fle. For sale y A. URNSIDE.


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Page 1: GOODS, NEW Cheap IHAVE

From the Greenville Mountaineer.To the Editors of the different News-

papers throughout the State.Gcntlemen:-A report havinggained rene.

ial circulation that I am about to removefrom Greenville, several young ladies at adi.tance who were about to enter the Sehoolhave been induced to delay. In order, there-fore, to correct this nistake. vou will conferan especial favor by giving this publicity.-The School has never been in a more flour-!ishing condition, and, so far from removing,I am about to build a new Collegtiate lnst.tute, and to settle permanently in Greenville.Every :rrangenent has been made for a largenumber of boarders. I am well :ware thatmy success in Greenville has excited the en-vy and malice of sonic who are personallyinterested in my removal; this feeling, to-gether with my ivell known political position,as opposed to submission, has given rise tosecret efforts of some and the persecutionof others.

I am, gentlemen,Yours, most respectfully,

J. HUME SuIoss.

BEDSTEAD FoR AN INvALID.-Dr. Henry R.Frost, sometime since, presented to the SouthCarolina Medical Association, a bedstead, towhich an aparatus is attaeed, by which frac-tures of the lower extremities of the bodymay be treated by suspension. It was ex-hibited at the South Caroiina Institute Fair,in November last, and is a very ingenious in-vention. The Doctor's assistant, 51r. JohnClark, met with an accident by which his legwas fractured, and being a mechanie, coi-ceived the idea of fashioning this contrivancefor suspending it. The aparatus consists (fan iron frame, plated with brass, fistened bytwo screws to the bedposts; to this a rod isattached, upon which two small rollers, con-nected by a wooden rod with correspondingposts, are al'owed to run. Connected withthis by brass pullies is a trough, in which thefractured leg is received. With the aid ofcords the limb is elevated or moved in ahorizontal position, front one part of the bedto the other, the body closely following itsmovements. The bandagcs being applied itcan be made to rest in the trough, and sus-pended when required. By means of thisnovel aparatus the surgeon is enabled tolesson the flow of blood to an inflamed mem-ber, and the patient to vary his position-situp, read or work without assistance.-Chas.Courier.

A STAPEDE.-A party of adventurers,styling themselves 4 Sable Minstrels." yes-terday gave out that they intended to give a

grand concert;" posted large bills, adverti-sed extensively, and persuaded a too coni-ding public that a rare treat was in store forthem. At night the doors were opened. thehall brightly lighted, and an audience ofaboutone hundred expectant admirers in atten-denee. The hour otf performance being longpast, the audience begman to show signs ofimpatience, then to cry aloud for the exhibi-tors to appear, when one poor wretch-thescape-goat of the party-did appear, and in pi-teous accent announced that P. T. West, thegreat delineator of the pas de African, hadtaken the pas Espagnol, or in other words, had"walked Spanikh" with all the money collectedat the door. Here upon arose a general shout.Some cried 'sold' some demanded t heir moneyback, and some were disposed to give tip themoney willingly it' they could but creep outunperceived. But the umajority were niot soeasily appeased. The screen was brokendown, a general stampede ensued, and thelast wvhat wasm seen of the Sable Minstrelswas a man with a violin going at the rate ofabout tifteeni knots an hour down flay Lane.-Savannah News.

THmE Omto NULLIFYING LAW.-The Wil-mington (N. C.) Journal, an acquiescent pa.pecr, anid oneo which is somewhat wedded tothme nationamlity oft the Democratic party, incommenting upon the law just passed by theLegislature of Ohio. says':

'-Pretty well for Ohio! This is most di-rect and unqualified nullification, anmd not bythe insignificant State of Vermont but byvthe empire State of the Wes~t, aind the thirdState in the Union. Decidedly the Northwill have disunion. Uponi their heads be it,for uas sure as this state of things progresses.so surely must disunion come-and perhapsthme soonmer the better. We have tried aot tothink so, but to this comiplexion must wecome at last. South Carolina must not standalone."MAKE the best of a bad bargaitn.

Subscription Receipts.

Rev. D. D. Brunson, to Sth February 18352.A. G. Turner, to 9th Jan '52.WVest Corley, to 13th .March '52.Nathaniel Corley, to 1 3th March '52.Burditt Corley, to 13th March'52.Ilillery Hardy. to 13th March '52.Philip Jennings, to 13th March '52.

.John W. Dcnny, to 13th ilarch '52.Lemuel Salter, to 13th March '52.Whitfield Smith, to 20th Miarch '52.J. B. Coleman, to 13th March '52.W. A. Turnier, to Sth Feb '52.W. R. Allen, to 13th March '52.HI. C. Blnxnm, to 2(1th March '52.C. D. Elkins, to 0th March '52.Wmn. Thurnmondl, to 21st Oct '51.Battiloward, to Sth Feb '52.Mrs. Elizabeth Burriss, to 9th Feb '52.Wmn. L. Anderson, to 3d April '52.Caleb Tally, to 22d Nov '51.Daniel Prescuitt, to 9th Jan '52.Luke Culbreatb, to Sih Feb'52.Mrs. Martha A. Doby, to 20th Feb '52.James Ferguson, to 1st Jan '52.Dr. John Galphiin, to 1st April '52.W. B. Galphin, to " " "

.J. M. Clark, to " " "

Z. W. Whatley, to " " "

David Westbrook, to " " "

Joseph Way, to " " "

-G.W. Foster, to " " "

Julha Evrit, to " " "

D. Z. Wright, to " " "

Lenard Butler, to " " "

E. H. Norris, to 3d Oct '51.Rausonm Timmerman to 20th Jan '52.S. C. Strom, to 17th May '52.B. F. Strom, to 31st Jan '52.Col. M. C. M. Hanmmond,to 1-4th March '52.Maj. Win. Daniel, to Sth Feb '52.Wmn. Barron, to 27th March '52.

Notice. -

JTD. TBBiITS will hereafter sellBBOOTS and SHOES. at the fol-~.lowing prices, for CAS8H 'ONLY :

Fine Water Proof Boots,......-.... 9 00Fine Pump Boots,-..............-8- 0Fine Welted do-................7 00'Men's fine Pump Shoes,.......... 3 75do do Welted do-......-..--- 5do Kip do do ........... 200

Ladies Calf Shoes,............... 1 75do do Bootees,...............2 00

J........., 20-:. tI i

Correspondence of the Advertiser.11AM B1URG, March 25.

MiL. Eirron:-Tlhe accounts per Arctic andFranklin are at hand. Our Cotton Market is in

a dtepressed sitc i very little selling and not

much disposition to purchase. Buyers generallyare apprehensive that when the accounts reach

Liverpool of the inreased receipts in this coun-

try, and the rapid decline which took place oi

this side of the water some Weeks Vince, it willmateriall less n prices in that market, and theydread its reaction here, consequeitly deakrs are

operating with a grat deal of caution. In addi-tion to this, the Banks are curtailing their ciretn-

lation, which lias erused mloney to be very tight.I have no ehange to notice in other articles.

I quote common prime Cotton 10 cents ; it re-

quires a choice article to bring this figure.O. P.Q.

CHARLESTON, March 2.1.Thc news by the two steamers has insettled

the market for cotton, and the demand, whichwas dull, resuhed in the sale of only d50 balesof cotton, at Q.i a Il.-Mcrcury.

COLUMBIA, 'March 24.Our review of the Cotton market for the week

ending :he 17th instant, closed with a fair andsteady demand, at prices ranging from 6 to 10.cents. During the week just terminated we

[ind :ttle, if anything, new to notice.-Carolinian

E'or the Southern Congress.Mr. EITOR: I offier for the consideration

of the voters of this Congressional District,Col. F. W. PLCICENS and DrAYTON NANCE,Esq., as candidates to represent it in theSouthern Congress. They atre gentlemen orripe experience, of tried patriotism, and unitedto the State by the highest and holiest ties.-These gentlemen would possess some ad-'vntages from their attendance upon theNKashville Convention above many others, no

less worthy and qualified in other respects.A VoTER.

Butler Lodge, No. 17 I 0, F,. A Regular meeting of this Lodge

K will be held on Monday evening nextat 7 oelock.

JOSEPH ABNEY, See'y.March 27 it 9

To the PublicW 11E are now receiving a large and well Se-V letted stoek of D R Y (ODS, 1110CE-

RIES. IARDWARF. hIATS,SlOES, &c.-Which will be sold at the r.owes-r marke!t price.

WILLI \.\1S & CllRISTIE.March 24 1851 tf 10

Baron.1 0001 Lbs. Baltimore Sides.

5000 lbs. " Shoulders,Just received and for sale low.

WILLIAMS & CIIRISTIE.Iarch 2-1 1851 tf 10

To the Stockholders of the Edgefield &

Hamburg Plank Road Compa'yrjjHE ilrectors of this Company, submit toLyour consideration, a statement of its affairs,

to this date.At the commencement of our labors, it was.ious the high price of Lumber, and the limmi-

ed supply that could be procured at the mills inthe nieighiborhiood of the proposed line o.f Rotad,made it imipraticable~to rely upon nills alreadyinioph ration for miateritl to conmstruct thme road;our eflbrts were therefo.re immoeiately directed topocurie a isupply of t::ober-!anid, and er,.et as-eam-sawv millh, wvhich were carried into effeet assooni as prae~mieible. The mIll wvas commnencedn the 15th of Mlarch 1850, and one saw put inoperationi on the 1 5th of M1ay foullowing. Inieiuseunlce of defective nmachiinery, imiperfectwork, andl inexperi ne 'I handis, it was severalweeks before the imilt eut satidirmetorily. aboutwhich time the water fald aitd we wemre sub-jetedl ihr about six weeks to a heavy expense inihauling water a ho.'ii distance to sup~ply thle En-ine. In August wye precuiredh a plenitiful sitpply

of water. by siinkinmg a wvell to the depth ot inetyfeet. U.p to this time, valuiing the Lumiber cut,thme market price, the mill run at a decided

loss. Sinice thamt time, the mill has worked satis-factorily, with thme exception of the stoppage ofto weeks, caused by defective work ini onie of

the boilers andl at the presenlt timle is cuttingabout 40),C00( feet per week. The defective por*-ion of thle machinery, has beeni iimproved, aindnew machinery added, which works well, aid isamaterial savinig in timet, labor, &c.Three miles of the Road being comiplted, it

will be opened in a few days foi the use of thepublic. IhlvingL secured ani am~ply sulpply of tim-ber, tol build the Road,* anid its proposed bran-eles, a nill in successful operation, and relyiniginonly a uodlerate amiioizit of nil!, we see nogod reason to prevenlt thie Road heeotming itsuseful and profitable as its mlost sanguine frienidshave anticipated.

LIABILITIES.To Capital Siock paid ill.......$15,000 00"Ulantce due on pturehiased Landispayable ini 1851, '52, '53 andI '5 1.1,10 00

" kilahmee due on machinery &c... 1,079 53" lDalaiice due1 ni ctraciuits, hautI-

inmg, htandl-hire, nmitennce otfhiaiids, &c....................1,783 60

" Iinlance duie on Real Estate iniHIaimbure..................... 400 no

" Protit and Loss Account........2.t01 00

$31,075 07ASSETTS.

By lands valued at cost'Geiger Tract..$5,500 00lainis valued at cost,Cotsby Tract....,700 00RL'! estate in IIambutrg 500 00-0-12,700 00Invested in tmachinery, mill andBuailding....................8,50 00

" Three miles Road valued at$2,000 per mile... ... ... ... . . 0000 00"eas wvagons, Carrylogs, &c. . ..1,450 00)" 185.000 feet Lumiber on haand,valued a.$ 00................1,480 00

" Am'ntdutefor Wood, Lumber &c. . 172 31" Bills Heeivable........... 3 42" Balance Cash oii hand..........09 34

$31,075 07IH. A. KENRLICK, PREsiDE.\T.

W. WV. SAuLs,Treas~urer.Hamburg, March 15th, 1851.

Estrayj.A D)AM MINICKC, living near Mount WYil-

tlinig, tolls before iie a smiall RED) STEERYEARLING with a emmnalon sized bell on ; en-der part of the belly, lower end of the tail andtwo hinid feet whlite ; abount two yeats old ; cropnd two slits ini the righmt ear, uand an overbit in

the left. Appriised at $2,50.Appraisrs.-A . W. Youngblood, Win. Gear-

M. M. PADGETT, M. E. D).March 10, 1851. 4tm 10

25 Bales GUNNY BlAGGING,200) Pieces Dundee Baggiing,75 (Coils. A iinch Kentucky Rope.

Foambrgae byA1 . t' 2SIE

NEW GOODS,Cheap for Cash.

TITE SUNIPSCRIDERS are now opening a

large Stock ofSPRING AND SUMMPR GOODS,Or the tnewest and111 most flshionale Styles,aiong which are

Mlch Colored antd lilack figured Silk,Tissue Silk and Rich Linen Lustres,French Printed Lawns and Muslins,Plain, Cheeked and Embroi'ed Gingbans,French, En glish and A merican Prints,Pure Irish Linen and Linen DrJlls,Worked Collars, Capes, CuN's and Sleeves,English and German Hosicry,Kid uand Pie-Nie Gloves,Linena Slicetings and Sno'w drop Diaper,Blea'ed an:l B3rown Shirtings and -SheetingsCotton Oznahurgs, Georgia Stripes & Yarns.



In fact, a complete assortment of all kinds ofGoods usually kept in a Country Store. Theywere carefully selected and bought unmusuallylow, and as our object is to do strictly a Cashbusihess, they will be sold at a S3AT.L ADVANCEos TiE CosT. A call is respectfully solicitedfroi all who wish to sare money by purchasingtheir Spring supplies low for Cal.

.1. B. SULLLYAN & BROTIER.March 27, tf 10

NEW GOODS.W OUL) respectfully infurmr their customersI and the public generally, that they are

now receiving their SI'RTNG STOCK, and are

prepared to offer fir inspection. the most choiceselection of FA NC Y G 0 0 D S, ever of-fered in this market. Before looking elsewhere,we kindly solicit our friends to call ont us, andexamine our

Printed and Plain Bareges, Organdies,Grenadines and Silk Tissues,

French lMuslins a 1 ., cents.Plain and Printed -laeonets and Cambries,New Styles of Printed DeLaines,Mo'urningi 1nreges and Grenadines,Plain and Printed Lawns,American, English ani French Prints,Linen Poplins, Gintghams. &c., &c.

We have. also, an extra assortment of thelatest styles of .IEWELRY, which we will sellCII.tPEta than any other house this side of Char-leston.Our Stock of HATS, BOOTS & SilOES,

SADDLERY, GROCERIES, IARDWAREAND CROCKERY, in price and quality, willplease the tumost fastidious.

Jonigmvires, March 25. 6t 100' Abbeville Banner please copy one month

and forward bill to R. M. F. & Co.



I AVE received this day from New York, hy11 the steamer Alabama, large additional sup-plies of

Ladies' Dress Goods,of rich and splendid styles, among which are,Rich Grenadine MESOPOTAMIAS, a new

and sp'lendid article for Ladies' dresses,Printed Pompadour B3AREGES, of new and

elegant styles,Rich Chene and Printed CRAPE DE PARIS,Rich Foulard SILKS, in Dress patterns, of

splendid styles,English Foulard SILKS, of superior quality,

at ver'y low prices.Splendid White Lace ROBES and SCARFS,Superior French Laen and Itemnstitch Linen

Canmbrie HANOKERCIlIEFS,Real Vzdenienesc and Thread LACES.White Tarletoni al LSLINS and Linen CA31-

BRICS,Stiperior 10-4 Damask Table DIAPERS, and

Damansk Tabsmle CLOTIIlS.Plain and F'aney Linen DRILLS, for Gentle-

men's and Youth's sunmmer wear',With ai great variety of' other articles suitable

for the present season, and to all ot' which they'respectflly invite. the attention of the public.

Mlarch 241, 1850. tf 10

DRi. A. G. TrEAGlrE, havinigpurchased the interest of his

brothmer, R F. T1'wMs.:, dee'd., inthe D)RUU STOI-:, at Edge'fieldC. IH., takes thtis nmethod osf return-ing his thanks to their friends and

.the commnunity for the liberal pat-ronage be'stowed upon the firm.A imd informs his friends and thu

-ptublie generally', that lie will con-tinue. the. Salof DRUGS, M1EDICINES, &c.,at Edgelield C. 11.

Hie flatters himself that the experience derivedfronm fifteen yeatrs ehose appjlicationm to the qualityandI Compounding of Dr~ugm, as well as in theadministration, or remedial application of thesmine, will entuitle himu to sonic degree of publicconlidence in his ability to procure, cotmpoundand furnish his friends and the public withP'URE anmd UNADULTERATED artieles inhis line.

Hie will continue to keep for sale all articlesusually keput by3 Druggists; and pledges himselfto sell as L.ow, as Drugs, ke., of thme same quality,are sold in llamburg or Augusta.

Accounts to become dtue seumi-annually: the1st of .January and the 1st of Jtuly.He is also willing to attenid a snmail practice of

his Profession, in its variotus branchems, viz: ThePractice of Mecdiinme, Surgery, Obstetrics andDenitirstrv.

Office at his Drug Store, where he may al-ways be found in the day, excep~t professionallyabsent, and at night after 9 o'clock, at his resi-dence-the late residence of E. F. Teague, dee'd.

Miarch 27, tt' 10

NOTICE'THlE Subscriber having

purchased the fine largeand well bred young Jack,ROUGII AND READY,will stand hint the presentseason at his residence ont-I)y, where lie will be let to

mares at seven dollars for the season, ten dollarsto insure a masre to be in foal ,and twelve dollarsto iunsure a live standing coot.-Twenty-flve centsto be paid to thte groom int advance, in every in-stance. No responsibility to involve on the Sub-scriber for any accident that maty happen, butevery care will be taken to avoid such. Any3person putting a mare by insurance and changingthe tight before the fact is knowvn will be heldrespoiisible for the insurance mnoney.RtOUGli aind REAIDY is of fine Stock, and

is very large: lie is 14 hands hiigh and hasproved to be a sure foal-getter, and breeds verylarge.Persons living at a distance can send their

matres anid they will be pasttured and fed oni grain,aiid taken ptarticuilar care of for 25 cents per day.

DANIEL HOLLAND.March 25th, 1851. 4___*t ~10

Chairs.A GOOD Stock of CHAIRS of differe

q~ualities, sie, &. Ftor stale byA. BURNSIDE.

Uamburg, Feb 13 tf 4

iron.\TOSIRON, asred sizes. For sale20 TON A.sor BURNSIDE.

Ihmhurg Feb 1:3 tf .3

A Card.I BEG leave respectfully to inform the citizens

of Edgetiel.l, Village and Country, that I havecommenced a MERCANTILE BUSIN ESS inthe house situated between Mr. BRYAN's Storeantl the Court House.My STOCK, consisting of all the varieties

usually found in aVillage Retail Store, has beenrecently piurebas~d in Charleston, from Housesthat import their Goods,principally, direct fromEurope. And F fitter myself, that an ex-

perience of five yearsin an Importing and Job-bing Ilouse in Charleston, together with otherfacilities, has enabled ine to get a STOCK ofGOODS. that will, in point of STYLE and PRICE,compare favorably with any Establishment in theplace. Persons wishing to purchase Goods forCASH or on a credit until first of January next,Iwill loose nothing by giving me a call.A small share ofpatronage is earnestlysolleited.

LOD. HILL.Edgefield C. H., Mar 17,i1851. tf 9

JMillenery and Dress Making.RS. NICHOLAS takes this method of in-forming the Ladies of Edgefield, that

she still continues to carry on theMJILLINER and DRESS MAKINGBUSINESS, IN ALL ITS BRANCIIES,

at her residence, up-Stairs abovc Mr. B. C.

BRYAN's Store, where she respectfully solicits ashare of patronage,March 20, if 9

Notice.IIRE MILES of the Hamburg and Edge-

Lfield Pland Road being COMPLETED, itwill be opened fur the use of the Public on the20th instant.

RATES OF TOLL.Wagons drawn by 4 or more horses,..5c pr mile

do do " 2 do ..3o" "

do or Carts drawn by one do ..2c " "

Carriages, &c., drawn by two do ..3c " "

Horseback Travellers,............. " "

I. A. KENRICK, President.Hamburg, March 18,1851. tf 9

Read-Quarters.COLEMAN'S X ROADS, March 13, 1852.


T Regiment, S. C. M., will appear at Towles',on Saturday, the 3d ofMay, for Drill and Review.The Lower Battalion, will appear at Mt. Wil-

ling, on Saturday the 10th of May, for Drilland Review.

The Commissioned and non-CommissionedOfficers will assemble the day previous at theplace of render:ous of their respective Battalions,for Drill and Instruction.

By order of 51. W. CLARY,Col. 10th Reg'nt S. C. M.

March 20 St 9

Premium Daguerrcotypes!IR. LEIGH of the firm of Leaon & TUCKER,Augusta, Ga., whose Pictures was awarded

the first P-einium at the Stato Fair of Georgia.Iwould respectfully announce to the Ladies andGentlemen of Edgefield and vicinity, that he hastaken rooms at the Spann Hotel, and would bepleased to wait on all that may favor him withtheir patronage.

February 6, tf 3

"In statu quo aute beHlum."Leather.OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, may be bad at

the Tannery for CASn.Also Tanner's and Neat's Foot Oil; the latter

the best articlc for Harness.Cash paid for Hides and good Oak Bark.All orders addressed to Williams & Christie,

or to Mr. L. M. Mungis-at the Tan Yard, willbe promptly attended to.

.R. T. MIS.Feb. 6. i f 3

Depot Lots for Sale.T WILL ofl'er at Public Sale, on Wednesdaylthe2d daty of April next, sundry lots around

the D~epot Square at Nine-Six Depot near Cam-bridge on the Greenville and Colunmbia RailRoad. The location is healthy, well watered andeligible for business. Further conditions, willbe made known on the day of sale.

JAMES GILLAND.March 17 t* 9

Corn. Flour and Ilamis.3000 BUSHELS PRIME CORN.45 UB1LS. CANAL FLOUR, Double

extra Genesee & Em~pire Mills.2000 LBS. PRIME HAMS, just received

from Baltimiore ,and for sale byJOSIAH SIBLEY.

IHambnrg, March 15, 4lt 9

TO Bridge Bluilders.P ROPOSALIS for building a Bridge acrosa

the Sal uda River, at the " Saluda Mills,"one andit a half miles above Higgins' Ferry, arcsolicited from persons experienced in UridgeBuilding. For particulars apply to Dr. H. M.Eichelberger, near the place, or to E. P. Abney,at the Mills, or by letter, at Ihiggins' Ferry P. 0.

E. P. & J1. AB3NEY,For those concerned.

March 13, 5t* 8

Notice.THOSE indebted to the E~state of Hugh Hill

..burn,ddeceasedl, are requested to umake im-~mediate payment, and all those having demnandsto present them, properly attested, to me, on orbefore the first of January next, or they will berejected. Given under my hand at iny office,this 29th April, 1850.

JOHN ITILL, Adm.May 1 tf 15

Estray.BPALMER TYLE~R, living in Granite.* ville, tlsbefore mec a BAY RORSE,

with white hind feet, star in the foerhead, blindin both eyes, about fiftcen hands high, and sup.posed to be nine years old. Appraiscd at 815.

J. J. SENTELL, M. E. D.Feb. 13, 1851. 4tm 6

To Purchasers.TO make room for the incoming Spring Stock,

I will sell tho remainder of may Stock ofWOOLENS AT COST, FOR CASII or atgreatly reduced prices, on thme usual teroms.

W. P. BUTLER.Feb. 27, 1851. tf 6

WIanied.A GOOD BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,.1can get a 'good situation and permanentemnploymenat, by coming well recommended, tothe Subscriber, near Coleman's X Roads, S. C.

M. W. CLARY.March 10 8t 8

Fish.wfiBBL lageNo. 3, MACKEREL,OU3 afbarrels No 2 "

75 Kits, No 1,50 IHalf Kits Nol1. Forsaleby

A. BUlRNSIDE.hamburg, Feb 13 tf 4

.Wails.500 KEGS of CUT NAH2S, assorted sizes.For sale by A. BUR2NSIDE.Hanmburg, Feb 13 tf 4

.Woice.aLpros indebted to the estates of Thmos

Floo,dceaedarc requested to make im-mediate payment, and all those having demandiagainst said estate to present theni properly attes-ted acc.ordinmg to law.

Ispt, 150 WM. HERBERT, Adm'r.Scote.830ly 33


AUGUSTA, GA.IHAVE just received, from New York, a

large supply of RICH DRESS GOODS,of new and splendid styles, among which are

Rich Printed Bareues, Crapes De Paris, andGren:adines, of elegant styles,

Rich Printed Jaconet, and Organdies, of thelatest Paris styles,

Ladies Worked Lace Sleeves, and Mantillas,Ladies French Worked Muslin, Cuffs, Sleeves,

Collars and Mantillas, of the latest Parisstyles,

Rich Embroidered and Plain, White and BlackGrenadine Shawls,

Sup. White, Black and Salmon Colored CrapeShawls,

Rich Embroidered and Black Lace Scarfs,Superior Plain and Black Watered Silks,Lupin's Superior Sumn r Black Bombazines.Silk and Linen. and Silk and Cotton Poplins

of the best quality,Superior Fancy Ginghams, in great variety ofstyles,Extra French, Landon and American Prints, ofnew and beautiful styles.The above, with a great variety of other

Fancy and Staple articles, suitable fur the Springseason, comprises the latest and most choicestyles of recent importatiosns. The public are

respectfully requested to call and examine theassortment,.March 20 tf 9



HAVE JUST received frotn New York, a

very large supply of ENGLISII andGERMAN COTTON HOS E, of the best styleand manufacture, comprisimg Ladies' White,Black, Brown and Ilode cold HOSE, of stmall,medium and large sizes.

Misses Witte. Brown and Mode col'd HOSE,Gentlemen's and Youth's Cotton half HOSE,

of small, medium and large sizes.Having selected our HOSIERY with great

care, in reference to shape, style and quality, wefeel assured that it will give great satisfaction toour custoners. The public are respectfully re-

quested to call and examine it.March 20 tf 9

A CAIRD,IE Trustees of the Edgefield Female In-stitute, in announcing the death of the late

Rector, Mr. RODFa'T I1. NICnoLLS, have thesatisfaction of informing the patrons of the Schooland the public generally, that the exercises (of theInstitute will be resumed on .Monday next, 17thinstant, and continued under the Superinten-dance of Miss M. CORNELIA PELOT, in thehigher Classes, and Miss ELIZA P. PELOT,in the Primary Department.The Music Department will be under the di-

rection of Mrs. SUSAN NICHOLLS.The Trustees take pleasure in expressing their

entire confidence in the competency of the above

named ladies in their several Departments.

The Terms and regulations of the School willbe the same as heretofore.


R. T. MIMS.March 12, 1851. tf 8

Ice! lee! ice!TIE Subscriber keeps constantly on hand a

large supply of SUPERIOR ICE, whole-sale atnd retail, which he off'ers to the City andCoiuntry trade, on as reasonable ternis as anyother House in the City.

JIOHN 13. MARTIN, AGENT,Charleston Neck Ice House.

Charleston,S. C., March 15, 1851.N'. B -Persons wishing Ice sent to any place

on the South Carolitna or Georgia Rlail Roads,can be supplicd by addressitng a letter to theAgent, at Chtarleston, S. C., and the Ice will ho

forwiarded on thte receipt of the samei.J. B3. M., Agent.

Cost price chtarged for Casks and Blankets.])rayage to Rail Road, 126 cents perpackage.M1arch 20) tf 9

2,200 Acres Pine LandsFOR SALE!

BEING desirous of making a change in myJIbusiness, I will sell at private sale my lands

ott Shaw's Creek, 1:3 tmiles front Edgefield, and10 front Aiketn. On the premises are an abun-datnce of water power, well improved with dwel-litngs atnd other houses, atnd also, mty POTT'EERYattached. rTere can new be a bargain htad.

C. RilODES.Marcht 6, 3mn 7lLT The Newbelxrry Senttinel will please copy

three timeis and forward bill to this off1ee.

Fifty Dollars RewardE.RANAWAY frotm the Subscriber sotme titne

in D)ecember hust. a negro mn by thename of LUKE, about thirty years of age, livefeet ten or eleven inches hgh, dark eomnplexionand rather plensintg coatetnance. I purchasedhim of Allen S. Dozier, of this Dlistriet, near theSaluda River, where he is well kntowns, and tmostlikely lurking in that neighborhtood.

I will pay Fifty Dollars for his delivery to mcin Hamburg, otr Thirty Dollars for his deliveryto any Jail itt the State.

G. W. GAMIANY.IHamburg,March 4, 1851. tf 7


IN OltDINARY.BY JOHN HILL, Esq., Orditnary of Edge-field District:

Whereats HI. R. Spann, Esq. htath appliedto me for Letters of Administrattion, on alland singular the goods and ehattles, rightsand credits of R. II. Nicholls, late of theDistrict aforesaid, deceased.

Trhtese arc, therefore, to cite and admonishall and singutlar, the kindred and creditors of'the said deceased, to be atnd appear before meat our next Ordinatry's Court for the said Dis-trict, to be holdetn at Edgefleld Court Houseon the 3d daty of April next, to show eause if'any why the said administration should notbe rranted.Gitven under my hand and seal, this the 19th

day of March. in the yeatr of our Lord onethotusatnd eight hundred and fifty-otne, and itnthe 75th year of Atmerican Independence.

JOHN HILL, o. E. D.March 20 ,2t 9

Losi or* .!islaid,A NOTE OF HAND, drawtn by John Lyon,

t.Esq., payable to M. A. Quarles, for twenty-three and 62-100 dollars ($23,62) dated in May1848. All persons arc hereby cautioned fromtrading for said Note, as the same has ntever beentransfereud to any one. Whoever having thte saidNote will leave it at this Office or return it to

Loagmies.R. M. FULLER.

March 10 4t 8

INotice.ALL thtose indebted to the Estate of Abiah

Robertson, deceased, are requested to makepayment, and those htavintg demands to presentthenm, properly attested.

JOHN HILL, Admn.April2,15

Notice.ALL those having detnands against the estate

of Allen B. Addison, deceased, are reques-ted to present thetn properly attested and thoseindebted to tmake paymeut.-.

G. A. ADDISON, E'uE. 3. MIS. E's

NEW GOODS!THE Subscriber is now re-



Gentlemen's Wear,CoisilNo OP

Super sup. Back French TwilledCLOTH.

Super sup. Blue French Twilled Cloth," " Brown "4

" " Black fig'd and Doe Skin CAS-SIMSERS, (a large supply,)

Fancy Checked DRILLINGS, new styles,White figured "

Heavy Plain "

A superior lot of Plain BI'k Silk VESTINGS,Figured " 4

Fancy fig'd""White " " "

White Silk Vestings embroi'ed with Animals,Buff and White Marsailes " " "

" " Valentia " " "

A beautiful lot of Fancy Silk CRAVATS,Silk NECK TIES, with embroidered Ends,A large lot of Black, White, Kid and Linen

GLOVES,Also, a good supply of HATS, READYMADE COATS, of various kinds, SHIRTS,DRAWERS. &c., &c. All of which he willsell Low for Cash or to punctual customers, andmadc up in a style inferior to none.

JOHN LI ON.March 13 tf 8

NEW GOODS.THE Subscriber has just received his Stockof SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,from Charleston, direct importations,

Rich Silk Dresses," "1 Tissues,

" " fig'd "

" Figurud Barages," " Muslins Swiss and Jaconet,A fine Lot of Gingham and Muslin Gin-

hams, for Ladies Dresses,Ladies Embroidered Capes, fine worked

Collars, Cuffs and Sleeves,Fine Bonnets, Bonnet, Sasl, Neck and

Cap Ribbons,Gloves and Mitts, Kid, Silk, Lisle Thread,

and Sewing Silk,HA TS.

White and Black Beaver, Moleskin, Panama,Leghorn, English, Straw and Palm.

BOOTS AND SHOES.Gentlemen's, Ladies and Misses, of every

variety.A few ready made COATS and VESTS.Also. GROCERIES, HARDWARE and

CROCKERY, all of which will be sold vEavtLow, and a liberal discount for CAsn.

B. C. BRYAN.March 13, tf 8

Anderson Female AcademyAND


of Sacred Literature.SAMUEL B. JONES, Instructor in Mathe-

matics, &c.A. H. BUTTERWORTH, Instructor in Mu-

sic and Drawing.Miss E. McQUERN, Instructress in Primary


TflE Board of Trustees having now organ-ized the above Institution in all its details,

would respectfully announce -to its friends andpatrons, and the public generally, that the exer-cises commenced on the first Monday in Februa-ry. 'The Faculty have been selected iith greatcare, and are each distinguished for Literary at-tainments, and high moral character.In Music and Drawing, the Trusteesbave suc-eeded in securing the services of Mr. A. 'H.uv-Tmawon-rn, a gentleman who has taughtthese branches with distinguished success inEurope and the United States~ For the last threeyears Mr. BUTTrEawvoRTH has been engaged atthe Barhamnville Institute, and in the town ofColumbhia, where he has given the highest satis-faction.The Trustees would recommend to Parents

and Guardians the importance of sending inpupils at the beginning of the session, as the dif-ferent classes will then be forimcd according tothe rules prescribed in their late Catalogue.An excellent Private Boarding House unda~er

the charge of Mrs. E. Rionmisox, and connectedwith thme Institution affords a line opportunity forthat quiet and retirement so essentially necessaryfor Students. The House will also be furnishedwith Mlusical Instruments for the use of theboarders,

Termis.PRa:ARv DEPAanTtEN'r.

Per annum.......................$!2 00COLLEGIATE DEPART3MENT.

First Class....................... S20 00Second Class,.................... 25 00Senior Class,...................... 30 00

' OaNA3ME'TA..Minse on Piano, Harp and Guitar, pr ann. 40 00Vocal Music,...................... 10 00Drawing, Painting, &e.... .... .... . 0 00Embroidery and Needle Work,........ 20 00Ancient or Modern Languages,.... ...30 00

tr Good Boarding. $8 per month.Bloard of Trustees.

IHox. J. N. WHUITNER, Chairman.S. M. WILKES, Secretary and Treasurer.Hion. J. L. Oaa, H~on. A. Evrss,J. P. Bvssox, B. F. C~rsEt.:JAn WEDD, L. A. Ossoaxe,Dr. A. P. CArEa, J. W. IlIason.March 1851. 4t 8

Jrecroes Wanted.

WANTED by tho Hamburg and Edgefield?Plank Road Company, by the month or

year, TWENTY able-bodied HANDS. Applyto If. A. KEN RICK, President, orS.TRO BRDESue'et

Hamburg, Feb 3, 1851. tf 3

N~otice.A LL persons having demands against the es-

t1tate ofJacob Shibley, deceased, will pleaseto render theni in duly attested, and those owingthe said estate will please to make immecdiate pay-ment. SILAS LANIER ,Adm'r.

Cum Teat. annex.Sept 4, 1850 ly 33

Turpentine Soap.5O BOXES TURPENTINE SOAP,20 boxes Variegated do

14 Cases Chinese Washing Fluid. For saleby HI. A. KENRICK.Hamburg, Feb 3 tf 3

Execiutor's Sale.A young negro woman and child.

do do do seamstress, washer,starcher and ironer. At private sale, apply to


Jan. 8th 185I.

Nlotice.ALL prsons having denmanmds against the es-

..Itat of John Harrison, deceased, are re-

quested to hand thenm to the subscriber, proiperlyattested, and all those indebted to the estate'arerequested to mnak e payment.

JAMES M. HARRISON.Administrator.

wcpt 3,185n ly 23


having recently-uIdergan exten-fill eive repairs and 6mprovetis

now open for the sekdi i'datmod ofthe public.For salubrity of climate, beauty andvariety of

scenery, and a balmy and healthful atmospherethis establishment offirs attractions unequalled inthe Sonthern country, either for the- invalidfrom the North, or as a summer .retreat for thecitizens of the South, to whom the daily coinmu-nication by Rail Road, the fgourishing Manufac-tory near by, and the opportunity for bathing,fishing and hunting, must prove great-advan-tages.The proprietor, a native of Charlestoi, will

spare no effort to accommodate those who mayfavour him with their patronage. Granitevlle isin sight of the Rail Road. An omnibus will al-ways be in waiting at the arrival of the ears, andevery attention will be paid to baggage. As ae-commodation train runs to and from Hamburgdaily.March 13 4t

VICTORIA HOTEL.THE Undersigned late of the

Eagle and Phenix, Augusta, andm'I Carolina Hotel, Hamburg, respect-fully announces to her friends and

the public generally, that she has leased the ele-gant and commodious building known as theVICTORIA HOTEL, where she will be happyto receive all who may favor her with theirpat-ronage. The situation of the House renders itdesirable to those visiting the city either on busi-ness or pleasure. No pains will be spared torender satisfaction to all who may call. An om-nibus will always be ready to receive passengersat the Rail Road and boats.

E. C. WEST. 71Charleston, March 13, 4t 8Chronicle & Sentinel, Edgefield Advertiser,

Laurensville Herald and Greenville Mountai-neer, will copy four times weekly, and forwardbill to E. C. W.-Charleston Courier.

GROCERIES.40 HHDS. SUGAR, consisting of faik toUprime and choice.Also, Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Clarified

sugars.100 Bags Old White Java and prime Green

Rio Cof'ee,2,000 Soeks Salt.20,000 lbs. Sweed and English Ire.1,500 Kegs Cut Nails of good quality.200 Kegs 45 to 6 inch Spikes.30 Bales Gunny Bag 'ng.100 Coils Russia and Kentucky Repe..30 Boxes, halfand quarter Boxes, Bunch Rat-

sins.75 Boxes Candles, consisting of Sperm' Ads-

mantine and Hull's Sons Tallow Candles.40 Boxes and half Boxes, Jackson's No r.

Soap.30 BbIs. New Orleans and Hais. prime Cuba

Molasses.20,000 lbs. Prime Baltimore Bacon Sides.Also, choice Baltimore Cured Hams,10 Bbls. Plaster Paris. Also, Roct Yime and

Gypsum.5,000 lbs. No. 1, Extract and Pure White

Lead of Union Mills and Bedville Brands,Linseed and Train Oils,Superior Lamp Oil,Cooking and Air Tight Stoves,Large Supply of Saddlery, consisting olMenhb

Bove' and Ladies' Side Saddles and Bsidlbs,Whips, Saddle-Bags, &c., &e.

2,000 lbs. Damaged and good SobALeatnter.Also, Boots and Shoes and UpperLoather.Half Barrels No land 2 Mackerel- .

Also, Extra No. 1, Mackerel.

Furnifture.A large Stock of BEDSTEADS and ItIT-

RASSES, Bird's Eye Maple Cain Sceat Chairs,Dining und Office Chairs,Wood Seat Chairs,Cain Seat and Cain back large Roeking Chairsr" " and Wood Seat Ladies Sewing dasLow priced Tables and Bureaus, ad Nurse

Chairs, Willow Waggons and Willow Cradles.A good assortment of TChurns and' Wash

Stands, Iron-bound and Small-brass bound WasitTubs, Brass bound Buckets, &c., &c. Forsale by JOSIAH SIBLEY.

HIamburg, Mnrcht 1st, 1851. 2m 7ZU?7 Abbeville Banner, will please copy.


IN EQUITY.Iverson L. Brooks,

vs.Antoine Piequet and Henry Bialfer Reief.IL. Cumming, Ex'rs of John

Fox, dee'd. and So. Ca. RailRoad Company.IT appearing to my satisfuetion that Ante-eentors of John Fox, deceased, two of thedefendants in the above ease, are absent from,and reside without the limits of this State;on motion of Mr. Bauskett, Plaintiff's Solici-tor: it is ordered that the said Antoine Piequetand Henry H. Cumming, Executors as afore-said, do plead, answer or demur to the saidBill of complaint, within! three months fronmthe publiention hereof, or the said bill will betaken pro confesso against them.

S. S. TOMIPKINS, C.LE.E.D.Commissioners Office, Feb. 26, 1851.Feb27, 3m 6



BY JOHN HILL, Esq., Ordinary of Edge-field District.

Whereas, E. H. Norris hath applied tome for'Letters of Administration, with theWill annexed, on all an singular the goodsand ebiattles, rights and credits of NathanNorris late of the District aforesaid, deceased.These are therefore, to cite and admonish

all and singular, the kindred and creditors ofthe said deceased, to be and appear beforo me,at our niext Ordinary's Court for the said Dis-trict, to be holden at Edgefield Court House,on the 24th day of March inst., to showeause, if any, why the said Administrationshould not be granted.

Given under my hand and seal, this theeighth day of March in the year of ourLord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-oneand in the seventy-fifth year of American In-dependene.J H H L,.E.D

March 13, 1851 2t 8

Notice.A LL Persons indebted to the Estate of Isaiah.1Blackwell, deceased, are requested toarakce

immediate payment, and those having demandswill present tem properly attested

April 17 1850 tf 13

Nottee.ALL persons having demands against the Es-

tate of Jacob Long, dec'd., will presentthem duly attested, and those indebted willmakoimmediate paynment.

J. A. EICHELBERGER.Jan 30 tf 2

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30 HRDS..CUBA MOLASSFA .-10 " N. Orleans "

50alb " Goldeni Syrup, very. fle. Forsale y A. URNSIDE.