Carlebach Minyan this Friday Night, September 4, in the Daily Minyan! Bring in Shabbos with the ruach (spirit) and energy of the Carlebach tradition. Shabbos Youth Programs SKIP for children ages 18 months - grade 5, ECD Wing, 9:45 - 11:45am. Mommy & Me for Moms with children 2 years old and younger, ECD Wing, Ruach Rainbows Classroom, 9:45 - 11:45am. B’nei BJ for Boys in Grades 2 – 5, led by Lawrence Stroll, Board Room, 10:30am. Nine fif-TEEN Minyan for boys and girls in grades 5 - 12, led by Rabbi Shalom Yosef Horowitz, Conference Room, 9:15am. NCSY Shalosh Seudos for High Schoolers, led by Rabbi Chaim Neiditch, between Mincha & Maariv, Carson Room. Shalosh Seudos for Grades 5 - 8, between Mincha & Maariv, Youth Lounge. Father Son Learning, 5:30 - 6:30pm, Kollel Beis Medrash, followed by popcorn and drinks. Sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 613. Shabbos Classes (Brought to you by Beth Jacob and Atlanta Scholars Kollel) Daf Yomi, Rabbi Reuven Stein, one hour before mincha, Kollel, for men. Shabbos Morning Chumash Shiur, Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman or Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich, 8:15am, Main Shul, for men & women. Shabbos Shiur for Men, Rabbi Doniel Pransky, 10:45am, Kollel. 12 Minute Halacha, Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich, following the 9:00am Minyan Kiddush, for men & women. Erev Shabbos FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Earliest Candlelighting..........6:40pm Candlelighting.......................7:41pm Early Mincha, MS..................6:25pm Mincha, DM...........................7:40pm Shabbos SEPTEMBER 5 Shacharis Early Minyan, K ................... 8:00am Main Minyan, MS ................ 8:45am 9:00 Minyan, DM................. 9:00am Nine fif-TEEN Minyan, CR....9:15am Adult Beginners, CS...........10:00am Mincha Early Mincha, DM................5:00pm Mincha, MS .........................7:15pm Maariv Shabbos ends/Maariv, MS...8:33pm Late Maariv, K.......................8:43pm Selichos, MS........................12:00am Weekday WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 6 - 11 Selichos followed by Shacharis Sun, DM................6:30/7:30/*9:00am *Shacharis only Mon-Fri, K...............................7:05am Mon, DM/CR/DM.......6:35/7:35/8:35am Tues, Wed, Fri, DM/K/DM6:35/7:05/8:05am Thurs, DM/K/DM....6:25/7:05/8:05am Mincha Sun, K ..................................2:15pm Sun - Thurs, DM ..................7:35pm Mon - Thurs, K.....................2:30pm Maariv Sun - Thurs, DM....following Mincha Sun - Thurs, DM ..................9:00pm Sun - Thurs, K ......................9:45pm Next Shabbos FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Earliest/Latest Candles...6:32/7:32pm Early/Mincha, MS/DM.....6:15/7:30pm (CS) Carson Room, (CR) Conference Room, (BR) Board Room, (DM) Daily Minyan, (K) Kollel, (MS) Main Shul We are pleased to host Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Menachem Nissel this Shabbos. Rabbi Nissel will speak at the following times/locations: • 9:30pm, Friday night, Home of Rabbi David & Julie Silverman, 1368 Holly Lane - “Stuck in Stuckeys” e Journey from Elul to the Rest of our Lives • 11:45am, Main Shul - “e Circle of Life” How First Fruits Changes Us • 11pm, Heritage Hall - “Viduy Made Easy” Practical Advice on Effective Teshuva, followed by Selichos at midnight in the Main Shul. Ilan D. Feldman, Rabbi • Yechezkel Freundlich, Associate Rabbi Dr. Emanuel Feldman, Rabbi Emeritus Harvey Steele, Executive Director • Larry Beck, President Mindy Tanenbaum, Preschool Director Jodi Wittenberg & Tzippy Teller, Co-Presidents, Sisterhood 1855 LaVista Road Atlanta, GA 30329 • (404) 633-0551 • Fax (404) 320-7912 www.bethjacobatlanta.org This Shabbos flyer is brought to you in loving memory of Marlene Mendel, z”l. Her light does not go out at night. - Prov. 31 Good Shabbos and Welcome! PARSHAS KI SAVO SEPTEMBER 5, 2015 • 21 ELUL 5775 Torah Reading: page 1068 Haftarah: page 1201 Pirkei Avos: chapters 3 & 4

Good Shabbos and Welcome! · 05/09/2015  · Board Room, (DM) Daily Minyan, (K) Kollel, (MS) Main Shul We are pleased to host Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Menachem Nissel this ... NORMAN

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Page 1: Good Shabbos and Welcome! · 05/09/2015  · Board Room, (DM) Daily Minyan, (K) Kollel, (MS) Main Shul We are pleased to host Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Menachem Nissel this ... NORMAN

Carlebach Minyan this Friday Night, September 4, in the Daily Minyan! Bring in Shabbos with the ruach (spirit) and energy of the Carlebach tradition.

Shabbos Youth Programs• SKIPfor children ages 18 months - grade 5, ECD Wing, 9:45 - 11:45am. • Mommy&Mefor Moms with children 2 years old and younger, ECD Wing, Ruach Rainbows Classroom, 9:45 - 11:45am. • B’neiBJfor Boys in Grades 2 – 5, led by Lawrence Stroll, Board Room, 10:30am.• Ninefif-TEENMinyanfor boys and girls in grades 5 - 12, led by Rabbi Shalom Yosef Horowitz, Conference Room, 9:15am. • NCSYShaloshSeudosfor High Schoolers, led by Rabbi Chaim Neiditch, between Mincha & Maariv, Carson Room. • ShaloshSeudosforGrades5-8,between Mincha & Maariv, Youth Lounge. • FatherSonLearning, 5:30 - 6:30pm, Kollel Beis Medrash, followed by popcorn and drinks. Sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 613.

Shabbos Classes(Brought to you by Beth Jacob and Atlanta Scholars Kollel)

• DafYomi,Rabbi Reuven Stein, one hour before mincha, Kollel, for men. • ShabbosMorningChumashShiur, Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman or Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich, 8:15am, Main Shul, for men & women. • ShabbosShiurforMen,Rabbi Doniel Pransky,10:45am, Kollel. • 12MinuteHalacha,Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich, following the 9:00am Minyan Kiddush, for men & women.

Erev ShabbosFRIDAY,SEPTEMBER4Earliest Candlelighting..........6:40pmCandlelighting.......................7:41pmEarly Mincha, MS..................6:25pm Mincha, DM...........................7:40pm

ShabbosSEPTEMBER5ShacharisEarly Minyan, K ...................8:00amMain Minyan, MS ................8:45am9:00 Minyan, DM .................9:00amNine fif-TEEN Minyan, CR....9:15amAdult Beginners, CS...........10:00amMinchaEarly Mincha, DM ................5:00pmMincha, MS .........................7:15pmMaarivShabbos ends/Maariv, MS...8:33pmLate Maariv, K.......................8:43pmSelichos, MS........................12:00am

Weekday WEEKOFSEPTEMBER6-11SelichosfollowedbyShacharisSun, DM................6:30/7:30/*9:00am *Shacharis onlyMon-Fri, K...............................7:05amMon, DM/CR/DM.......6:35/7:35/8:35amTues, Wed, Fri, DM/K/DM6:35/7:05/8:05amThurs, DM/K/DM....6:25/7:05/8:05amMinchaSun, K ..................................2:15pm Sun - Thurs, DM ..................7:35pmMon - Thurs, K.....................2:30pmMaarivSun - Thurs, DM....following MinchaSun - Thurs, DM ..................9:00pmSun - Thurs, K ......................9:45pm

Next ShabbosFRIDAY,SEPTEMBER11Earliest/Latest Candles...6:32/7:32pmEarly/Mincha, MS/DM.....6:15/7:30pm (CS) Carson Room, (CR) Conference Room, (BR) Board Room, (DM) Daily Minyan, (K) Kollel, (MS) Main Shul

We are pleased to host Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Menachem Nissel this Shabbos. Rabbi Nissel will speak at the following times/locations:• 9:30pm, Friday night, Home of Rabbi David & Julie Silverman, 1368 Holly Lane - “Stuck in Stuckeys” The Journey from Elul to the Rest of our Lives • 11:45am, Main Shul - “The Circle of Life” How First Fruits Changes Us • 11pm, Heritage Hall - “Viduy Made Easy” Practical Advice on Effective Teshuva, followed by Selichos at midnight in the Main Shul.

Ilan D. Feldman, Rabbi • Yechezkel Freundlich, Associate Rabbi Dr. Emanuel Feldman, Rabbi Emeritus

Harvey Steele, Executive Director • Larry Beck, PresidentMindy Tanenbaum, Preschool Director

Jodi Wittenberg & Tzippy Teller, Co-Presidents, Sisterhood1855 LaVista Road Atlanta, GA 30329 • (404) 633-0551 • Fax (404) 320-7912

www.bethjacobatlanta.orgThis Shabbos flyer is brought to you in loving memory of Marlene Mendel, z”l.

Her light does not go out at night. - Prov. 31

Good Shabbos and Welcome!PARSHASKISAVO

SEPTEMBER5,2015•21ELUL5775TorahReading: page 1068 Haftarah: page 1201

PirkeiAvos: chapters 3 & 4

Page 2: Good Shabbos and Welcome! · 05/09/2015  · Board Room, (DM) Daily Minyan, (K) Kollel, (MS) Main Shul We are pleased to host Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Menachem Nissel this ... NORMAN

Thank You to Our Donors!


• Abe&FayeEsralin memory of Abe’s brother, Isadore Esral, z”l, and Faye’s aunt, Lillian Weinberg, z”l.

• AlanMinsk&JulieKaminsky in memory of Julie’s father Robert Kaminsky, z”l.

• GloriaAbrams in memory of her husband Leo Kirkman, Chaim Aryeh Leib ben Avraham, z”l.

• RabbiShlomo&SarahFaygieBerkowitz in memory of Mira Bergen’s mother Binnie Bergen, z”l.


• TalFrankandDannyFrankin memory of their father Moshe Frank, z”l. RABBI’SSERMON

• Warren & Kim Axelrod to thank Hashem for Warren’s recovery and for the Seudas Hoda’ah, which is open to the community this Sunday. KOLLELKIDDUSH

• Drs.David&DebbieMitchellsponsored last week’s Kollel Kiddushin honor of their children Rabbi Noach & Esther Muroff’s move to Atlanta.

Upcoming Classes & Events • ThisShabbos!Scholar-in-ResidenceRabbiMenachemNissel Rabbi Nissel will speak about and prepare us for the recitation of Selichos, which begin Motzei Shabbos, September 5. There will be an Oneg (gathering) with Rabbi Nissel Friday night, 9:30pm at the home of Rabbi David & Julie Silverman, 1368 Holly Lane, for men and women. (Full schedule on cover.)• ThisSunday!PruzbulBeisDinwithRabbiIlanFeldman,September 6 at 10:30am, Conference Room. The Beis Din will convene twice more for Pruzbuls on Thursday, September 10 at 7pm and Sunday, September 13 at 9:30am. A pruzbul is a mechanism enacted by Beis Din that enables debts to be repaid after shmitta. Prior to the first session, on Sunday at 10am, Rabbi Feldman will explain pruzbuls and shmitta. • ThisMonday!LaborDayBreakfastforMiddleSchoolBoys with Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich and Rabbi Shalom Yosef Horowitz, September 7, Youth Lounge, following 9am Minyan. RSVP to Rabbi Freundlich. • ThisMonday!NesivosShalom/YamimNoraimClassPart 1 (of 2) with Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich, 9pm, Kollel Franco Room, for men. Probe the essence of what teshuva really means and how it applies to contemporary life. Next class will be held Monday, September 21 (Erev Yom Kippur). • ThisMonday!AgudathIsrael26thNationwideYomIyunBroadcast, September 7, 9:15 - 11:30am, for men and women, Conference room, no charge. • BENA&BJ:RebbetzinYemimaMizrachiVideo,“Elul:GettingReadyforaFreshStart,” NewDate: Thursday,September10, 8:15pm, for women, Conference Room, no charge. This program is sponsored by Shoshana & Harold Stiefel in honor of the amazing women of our community.• RoshHashanah:Didn’twedothisayearago? Part 2 of a 3-part workshop with Rabbi Sloviter and Rabbi Schwarzmer, Thursday, September 10, 8:30 - 9:30pm, BJ Board Room, for men. • Pre-RoshHashanahLadiesGetTogether,ShabbosSeptember12,5:30 - 6:30, home of Mrs. Esther Pransky. Meet new women who have moved to our community, hear words of inspiration from Mrs. Pransky, and enjoy delicious refreshments and shmoozing. • RabbiFrandAnnualTeshuvahDrashaBroadcast, Thursday, September 17, 8:00pm, Heritage Hall, for men and women.

News & Updates

• PleaseNote:Mrs.Feldman’sSeptember20classis being cancelled so as not to conflict with a planned community Teshuva event. Please look forward to a new series with Mrs. Feldman, Building Blocks of Emunah, which will begin in October.

• RabbiStein’sMondayHaftarahClasswill meet next on September 21, and will resume after Sukkos on October 12.

• TheBJSukkahneedsnewSchachMats - if you are interested in sponsoring the purchase of a new schach mat for the shul, please contact Harvey Steele.

• RabbiDanielGopin’sHilchosShabbosClass meets on Sunday mornings from 9:15 - 10:00am in the Filreis classroom. They will be continuing this week with the laws of kotzeir (harvesting).

• ShatnezCheckingDeadline prior to Rosh Hashanah is Thursday, September 10. Please contact Rabbi Asa for more information.

• SimchasTorahLuncheonforms are in the flyer racks and online. Join friends and family to celebrate the conclusion of Yom Tov with a festive meal!

• ThePlayground has been treated for biting ants. Please refrain from using it until after Labor Day.

• AnewLost&Foundlist has been posted on the BJ website under “About Us.” All items are kept in the office where they will be held for 30 days and then given away.

High Holiday Honors

• OurnewHighHolidayAuctionformat this year yielded great success - thank you to everyone who participated generously! Avi & Rachel Tate have stepped forward graciously and purchased all remaining honors for first day Rosh Hashanah. Anyone wishing to follow suit for second day Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur, or purchase a single honor for yourself or someone else, please contact Harvey Steele. A full list of sponsors will be published prior to Rosh Hashanah.