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GOOD PARENTING. Dr.dr.Kusnandi Rusmil,SpA(K),M M Ka Divisi Tumbuh Kembang-Pediatri Sosial IKA FK Unpad. Anak :. Insan yang sedang tumbuh dan berkembang Belum matang Masa Anak (WHO): Dalam kandungan s/d 18 th Perlu Lingkungan yang konduksif. CIRI KHAS ANAK. Tumbuh Kembang. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GOOD PARENTINGDr.dr.Kusnandi Rusmil,SpA(K),MMKa Divisi Tumbuh Kembang-Pediatri Sosial IKA FK Unpad

Anak :Insan yang sedang tumbuh dan berkembangBelum matang

Masa Anak (WHO):Dalam kandungan s/d 18 th

Perlu Lingkungan yang konduksifCIRI KHAS ANAKTumbuh KembangMelalui tahapan yangsesuai OPTIMALPENGERTIANTUMBUH:Tambah besarKEMBANG:Tambah pintarTahapan Tumbuh-KembangTeraturSaling berkaitanSaling berkaitanBerkesinambungan saat konsepsi sampai dewasa Tahapannya : - Masa dalam kandungan (masa embrio, masa fetus) - Masa setelah lahir (masa neonatal, masa bayi, masa prasekolah, masa sekolah, dan masa remaja) kebutuhan dan kerentanan sendiri.PRINSIP-PRINSIP UMUM KHA(Konvensi Hak Anak)4.Partisipasi/ MenghargaiPendapat Anak dlm:2.The Best Interests of The Child1.Non Diskriminasi

* Lembaga Keluarga* Lembaga di Masy* Lembaga2 Negara

Sebagai Landasan Pembuatan Kebijakan Pemerintah3. Hak Hidup; Kelangsungan Hidup; PerkembanganBanyak faktor yang mempengaruhi tumbuh kembang anak: Genetik LingkunganGenetik : Potensi genetik anakLingkungan :Menentukan potensi maksimal LINGKUNGANMIKROMINIMAKROMESOORGANISASI PROFESIIDAIKEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAHDEPKESORG. NASIO-NAL/INTER NUTRISIASIPASIMPASIIBUPendidikanGiziKBSUASANA RUMAHSARANA PELAYANAN KESEHATANKELUARGANenek/KakekAyahSaudaraSARANA IBADAHSARANA PENDIDIKANTUMBUH - KEMBANGKEBUTUHAN DASAR ANAKASUH ASIH ASAHKERANGKA KONSEPTUALPROSES TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAKPRENATAL NEONATUS BAYI BALITA ANAK REMAJASI-300404Ismael S,19918KEBUTUHAN DASAR ANAKASUHNutrisiPakaianPerumahanPelayanan kesehatanHigiene diri, sanitasi lingkunganMAKANAN YANG BAIKKonsep Lama:4 sehat 5 sempurnagizi seimbang

Konsep Baru :Gizi seimbangMembantu dan mengatur fungsi organ tubuh dalam sistem pertahanan terhadap penyakitMakanan/NutrisiZat GiziKarbohidratProteinLemakAirVitaminMineral

Zat gizi lain Beta-caroteneMakanan berseratAsam lemak (AA + DHA)Protein nabatiPrebiotik dan probiotikASI TETAP YANG TERBAIKIbu bekerjaProduksi ASI kurangASI+SUSU FORMULAKEBUTUHAN DASAR ANAKKasih sayang orang tuaRasa aman, harga diri, mandiriRasa memilikiKebutuhan akan suksesKebutuhan mendapat kesempatan dan pengalamanASIHKEBUTUHAN DASAR ANAKASAHStimulasi kebutuhan dasar anak seawal dan sedini mungkin, sampai 4-5 tahun setelah lahirGolden periodePertumbuhan dan perkembangan otakPendidikan formal dan non formalMendengar, melihat (dari orangtua, pengasuh, kakak, adik, teman, TV, guru, tetangga)MengingatMerasakanMembayangkanMeniruMencobaMelakukanMengulang, MembiasakanPerilaku, Kecerdasan dan KreatifitasKebebasan berkreasi

Kecerdasan, Kreativitas, dan Perilaku Anak

16Sel saraf dan sinap (cabang)

Perkembangan Otak

Pembentukan sinaps yang tergantung stimulasi dini

Tipe orang tua Authoritative ~ Demokratis/ SeimbangHigh Love and High LimitsOtoriter Low Love and High LimitsPermisifHigh Love and Low LimitsUninvolved ~ tidak banyak terlibat/ menolak/Neglect Low Love and Low Limits

DemokratisKebebasan Dalam BatasanMenekankan kebebasan di antara hak orang-orang sekitarnya dan tanggung jawab terhadapnyaOrang tua membuat batasan dan mendorong adanya aturanMau mendengar keinginan dan pertanyaan anakTerdapat kasih sayang dan batasanAnak berkontribusi dalam diskusi masalah dan membuat beberapa keputusan untuk dirinyaDapat menjadi keras bila diperlukan, namun menerangkan alasan di belakangnyaMenghargai keinginan, opini, dan kepribadian unik anakKasih sayang, konsisten, dan memiliki pengharapanMengikombinasikan mengontrol dengan doronganPengharapan yang masuk akal dengan aturan yang realistis

Keluaran Tipe DemokratisBahagiaSeringkali percaya diriSeringkali dapat menahan diriBergaul dan dermawanKooperatifMemiliki cita-cita yang tinggiJarang menjadi sosok pengganggu atau penjahatOtoriterBatasan Tanpa KebebasanKata-kata orang tua adalah hukum, kontrol absolut ada pada orang tuaKesalahan akan dihukumKasih sayang dan pujian jarang diberikanOrang tua mengontrol sikap dan kebiasaan anakMereka menghargai kepatuhan tanpa bertanyaAnak diberitahu cara, bagaimana, dimana, dan kapan mereka melakukan sesuatu

Keluaran Tipe OtoriterPatuhTidak mudah percayaRasa tidak PuasMenarik diriTidak bahagiaCenderung menyerangTidak bercita-cita tinggiSeringkali memberontakPermisifKebebasan Tanpa BatasanOrang tua memperbolehkan anaknya melakukan keinginannyaKurang respek kepada rutinitas dan aturanOrang tua memiliki pengharapan yang tidak tinggi terhadap anakTidak nampak ketidaksabaran

Tidak terlibat (Uninvolved)Memberikan sedikit sekali dukungan emosional kepada anakTidak berharap banyak atau standar kepana anakMenunjukkan hanya sedikit ketertarikan terhadap kehidupan anakSibuk dengan urusan sendiri

Keluaran:Tidak patuhKetergantunganKemampun mengontrol diri yang rendahMudah frustasiKurang memiliki tujuan jangka panjang7 Standar Parenting yang Efektif

1Hargai Anak2Sayangi Anak3Asah Anak4Jujur1 Value yourchild. Effectiveparents always treattheir children as valued, important andworthwhile people. These parents are intent onbuilding up their childrens self-esteem through honestpraise and age-appropriate levels of independence. Theseparents understand their children and are always loyalto the best desires, instincts and dreams their childrenpossess.For example: Tell your child you are proud of her. Praise your child for doing a good job, for completinga task. No matter what happens, tell your child you love him.2 Nurture your child.Effective parents consistently displaylove for their children through positivetouch (hugs, kisses, holding close), througheye contact and through positive words ofencouragement and support. Effective parents telltheir children, I love you verbally, physically andemotionally. These parents spend time with their childrenfrequently.For example: Look directly at your child when he talks to you.Respond physically with a hug or gentle pat on theshoulder when your child tells you a story or concern. Physically comfort your child when he is frightenedor ill. Show pleasure in your childs accomplishmentswith a hug or pat on the shoulder or through verbalaffirmation.3 Teach your child.Effective parents recognize that muchof a childs learning comes from theparents actions and words. Effective parents areflexible and adaptive, sensitively challenging theirchildren to grow cognitively, socially and emotionally appropriate to their childrens age and development.For example: Teach by living. Model apositive life by being positiveyourself. Treat your children asyou would like themto treat themselves and you!4 Speak the truth.Effective parents do not knowingly tellfalsehoods or intend to deceive, but buildtrust by speaking the truth in love. Effective parentsrealize it is sometimes better to say little or nothing andallow their children to trust than to lie and undermineconfidence. Establishing a trusting relationship with yourchild will make it easier for your child to confide in you.For example: If you dont know the answer to a question, say so; thenfind a source that will give the answer. Be someone your child can trust and come to for answersto difficult questions. Tell your child you are proud of her for sharing concernsand questions with you. Try not to act shocked or upsetwhen your child shares sensitive thoughts or experienceswith you.297 Standar Parenting yang Efektif

5Disiplin6Berikan semangat7Jangan Menyerah5 Discipline your child.Effective parents offer compassionate,consistent and honest correction. Theseparents are not quick-tempered and do not hold a grudgeor keep a record of wrongs. Instead, these parents offerreasonable and clearly understood guidelines for theirchildren to follow. Through patience and gentle but firmactions and words, effective parents guide their childrensgrowth and moral reasoning.For example: Make and explain simple, age-appropriate rules for yourchild. If a rule is broken, discipline with a consistent, safepunishment like a short, quiet time alone without play. Parents do get angry. It is okay to let your child knowyou are angry at his behavior. If feeling overwhelmed, call a friend. Get help.6 Encourage your child.Effective parents always look out for theinterests and needs of their children first,before their own. They are constantly alert for thephysical and verbal cues infants and children give. Theseparents always seek to understand their childrens growthand to respond appropriately to meet the needs of theirchildren. They care as much for their children as they carefor themselves.For example: Spend time with your child doing things she enjoys. As you see your child developing a particular interest,encourage her in the way her interests and abilities show. Help your child get started, then allow moreindependence. Read a book together, a chapter each night. Go for a walk together once a week. Cook a favorite meal together, or go out to dinner withjust your child once a month.7 Never give up.Effective parents admit their fears andfaults. In times of crisis, or when unsure what isright or wrong, effective parents do what they think andfeel is best. These parents create a network of informedfriends and professionals to whom they can turn for helpand advice.For example: Realize there is no single right way to parent. Challenge yourself to find new and different solutions toproblems. Talk to friends and to other parents who haveexperienced your struggles about ideas for helping. Call a counselor. Every parent needs help andunderstanding. It is available, so ask for it.30Tumbuh kembang optimalPencapaian pertumbuhan dan perkembangan terbaik sesuai potensi genetik yang ada pada anak tersebutDapat tercapai bila kebutuhan dasar anak(asuh, asih, asah) terpenuhiAnak anak yang menderita,kekerasan, exploitasi, pelecehan dan penelantaran menghadapi resiko:

Usia yang lebih pendek;Kesehatan fisik dan mental yg buruk;Masalah pendidikan (termasuk DO dari sekolah);Kemampuan yg terbatas sebagai orang tua kelak ;

David Beckham


Enstein Peraih Nobel Kimia
