Good News Press September/Oct. 2015

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Good News Press is a Christian newspaper distributed in the SF Bay area.

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  • Good News Press To Contact Us: 1.888.76.PAPER September/October 2015

    Sharing the good news of Gods Love through his Son to our local community and world!

    Plan of Salvation: John 3:16

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever shall believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting


    Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the

    Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt

    be saved.

    A Message From Good News Press

    The Christian message is often re-ferred to as the "Gospel," which means "good news." Specifically, it is the good news about Jesuswho He is, what He has done, and what He offers. Essentially, the message is that Jesus was God in the flesh, that He came into the world to rec-oncile humanity to Himself, and that his salvation is freely offered to each person who will respond in faith. The Gospel message explains that salvation is only possible through the Crucifixion and Resur-rection of Jesus. Through his sacri-fice, Jesus paid the price for our sin-fulness (rebellion against God), thus offering us forgiveness. Then through his Resurrection He con-quered death, removing it as the penalty for our sin and replacing it with the offer of eternal life that is only available from Him to all those that place their faith in Him.

    What is the Christian Message With his final words before his as-

    cension, Jesus issued to his followers

    the task of conveying his message to

    the world. Armed with this di-

    rective, the total number of Chris-

    tians exploded from a mere 120 to

    over 3,000 within the span of two

    weeks. By the end of the first centu-

    ry, an estimated one million people

    had responded to the Christian mes-

    sage by becoming followers of Jesus.

    Today, nearly two thousand years

    later, the Christian faith has grown

    to become the largest faith in the

    world with over two billion adher-

    ents. Still, Christians continue to

    treat Jesus' mandate seriously and

    persist in spreading his message far

    and wide.

    What is this message, though, and

    why is it so important? Why have

    countless Christians pledged and

    even given their lives in order to

    promote it?

    The Christian message is often re-

    ferred to as the "Gospel," which

    means "good news." Specifically, it is

    the good news about Jesuswho he is, what he has done, and what he

    offers. Essentially, the message is

    that Jesus was God in the flesh, that

    he came into the world to reconcile

    humanity to himself, and that his

    salvation is freely offered to each

    person who will respond in faith.

    Furthermore, the Gospel message

    explains that salvation is only possi-

    ble through the Crucifixion and Res-

    urrection of Jesus. Though thou-

    sands of books have been written

    about these events, the core idea is

    that, through his sacrifice, Jesus paid

    the price for our sinfulness (rebellion

    against God), thus offering us for-

    giveness. Then through his Resur-

    rection he conquered death, remov-

    ing it as the penalty for our sin and

    replacing it with the offer of eternal


    Though the Christian Scriptures do

    contain a code of conduct as well as

    doctrinal and theological state-

    ments, the central message is more

    about placing faith in the person of

    Jesus than it is about conforming to

    any code. The primary emphasis of

    Christianity, then, is to point people

    toward Jesus and the salvation that

    is only available from him.

    The Christian Church has taken dif-

    ferent forms throughout the centu-

    ries, but this central message has

    remained the same. It binds all of

    Christendom together. Despite the

    various branches of Christianity in

    the world todaymost notably Ro-man Catholicism, Protestantism,

    and Eastern Orthodoxythis Gospel message acts as a unifying element.

    Though adherents to the faith in-

    clude people from every walk of life,

    this message binds them all togeth-

    er. Throughout the Christian

    Church, this message of salvation is

    considered to be the hope of the


    Look for Good News Press Commercials sharing the Gospel Message on CNN, BET, & OWN cable networks in the SF Bay Area!!

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    About Good News Press

    Partner With Us in Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ to our Community!

    Good News Press is a Christian outreach publication in the San Francisco Bay Area. This popular high-quality, newspaper, informs and inspires believers, as well as plant seeds into the hearts of men and women that do not know Jesus Christ. Good News Press covers world, national, and local religious news and events, and features inspir-ing Christian articles and insights. It is available, both digitally online and in full-color printed format. Christian newspapers reach a targeted audience-specifically a family orient-ed, audience, with strong loyalties and convictions. Why Support Good News Press Fulfill the Great Commission! Help us tell our neighbors about the Good News of Jesus Christ and reap eternal rewards. Good News Press believes that this commission begins in our own backyards. There are more than 7 Million people in the Bay Area and a great number need to be reached. We want to reach these men and women,

    share the good news, and bring to them the love of Jesus Christ. We do that by bringing glory to God in this newspaper. Urgency We believe that these are the last days and that Jesus Christ is soon to return. Distribution Good News Press is distributed FREE all over the Bay Area. You can find it in area grocery stores and businesses. Good News Press is produced by Baron & Connie Woods and Family. To contact us: [email protected].

    Sharing the good news of Gods Love through his Son to our local community and world!

    Christian Freedom International releas-es a new video docu-menting the plight of Christian refugees from Pakistan BANGKOK, Thailand, -- More than half the 14 mil-lion refugees and asylum-seekers under the mandate of the United Nations refu-gee agency world-wide do not actually live in the camps they are associated with. A growing number live illegally in cities and towns around the world. Across Asia alone, from India to the Pacific islands, there are about half a million such "urban refugees" ac-cording to the UN agency. Christian Freedom Interna-tional has documented the plight of Christian refugees from Pakistan in a newly released video. After receiving numerous death threats and beatings from Muslim militants, Pas-tor Joseph Aswar, his wife, and two children sold their home and everything they owned in Pakistan to flee the country. They paid an "agent" a large sum of money in La-hore, and came to Thailand as "tourists" to apply for asylum with the United Na-tions High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Bangkok. In theory and according to international law, the UN-HCR is supposed to protect and provide for the basic needs of asylum seekers while they wait for a hear-ing to decide their fate. If granted asylum by the UNHCR, Pastor Joseph and his family will be able to resettle in a free country, where Christians are not

    persecuted for their faith. However, the "reality" for Jo-seph and many other Pakistani Christians seek-ing asylum at the UNHCR in Bang-kok is far differ-ent than what is "supposed" to happen. After arriving in Bangkok and immediately making application for asy-lum as a persecuted Chris-tian, Pastor Joseph re-ceived his "person of con-cern" card from the UN-HCR. His "hearing" for asy-lum is scheduled for years from now. His tourist visa has long since expired. Joseph, an educated, ca-pable man, cannot work because he is now in Thai-land "illegally." He and his family, and many other Christian asy-lum seekers from Pakistan pray each day for their next meal. Their children cannot go to school and they share a room in a Bangkok slum with another Christian fami-ly, all living in the one room flat, sleeping on the floor. Joseph and his family re-ceive no help from the UN-HCR and they must survive in the "shadows" while they await their hearing. He and many other Christian asy-lum seekers from Pakistan live day to day in fear of arrest and deportation be-cause they have no visas, and Thailand never signed the 1951 U.N. Refugee Convention that protects refugees' rights.

    As bad as his current con-ditions are, Joseph says he is thankful to be in Thai-land. He cannot go back to Pakistan as he and his family face certain death. Pastor Joseph misses his home, church, and friends and family in Pakistan, but he knows he must keep looking forward, not back-ward. An "Uncaring" Bureaucracy Persecuted Christian "urban refugees" scrape by in limbo, even more vulner-able than refugees living in a refugee camp. To make matters worse, the UNHCR in Bangkok is an enormous, uncaring, inefficient bureaucracy that provides little to no help to Christian asylum seekers. According to Christian Freedom International president, Jim Jacobson, "It is a heartbreaking travesty how the UNHCR treats Christian asylum seekers. It is wrong, and this needs to be investigated and cor-rected before donor nations give another penny to the UN." For more info visit:

    Christian Refugees from Pakistan Cry for Help

  • Good News Press - 3

    There have been several

    good articles, pro and con,

    about upcoming events to

    watch for in Sept. 2015

    (blood moons, Sabbatical

    year, Shemitah, etc.). To be

    honest, when these good

    articles came out I just

    skimmed over many of

    them. But I now realize that

    the list of things to watch for

    in Sept. 2015 has surpassed

    my ability to keep up with all

    of it.

    So here is a list I made for

    myself. It is not my purpose

    to comment on the rele-

    vance of any of these things.

    But it is my purpose to have

    a calendar of events that I

    can refer to. Also, under-

    stand that because a Jewish

    day ends at sundown (not 12

    p.m.) and because there are

    questions about the accura-

    cy of the Jewish calendar

    some of what is being re-

    ported could be wrong.

    Sept. 9: The date the Jewish

    Sanhedrin plans to put Pres.

    Obama on trial on Mt. Zion

    for promoting genocide of

    the Jewish people with the

    P5 +1 agreement with Iran

    over that nations nuclear weapons program. Will this

    trial be worthless or will it

    accomplish anything?

    Sept. 13: The end of the Sab-

    batical year (at sundown on

    Sept. 13) and the date that a

    highly respected ultra-

    Orthodox Jewish Rabbi

    named Chaim Kanievsky

    says Israels Messiah will ar-rive. Is he right or a false


    Sept. 13: Congress has 60

    days to vote on the P5 + 1

    agreement with Iran (signed on July 14, 2015). If Congress

    takes a full 60 days, this vote

    could be on Sept. 13. Con-

    troversy surrounds this date

    because there are secret

    deals between the IAEA and

    Iran that Congress has not


    Sept. 13: The Shemitah year

    (also called a Sabbath year,

    or a Sabbatical year, or the

    seventh year of the agricul-

    tural cycle) ends at sundown

    on Sept. 13. It is associated

    with financial issues; debt

    forgiveness; economic prob-

    lems; recession; declines in

    the Stock Market, etc. Jona-than Cahn says the U.S. or

    the world could have eco-

    nomic problems about this


    Sept.13-15: Rosh Hashanah

    (also called the Jewish New

    Year or the Feast of Trum-

    pets) begins at sundown on

    Sept. 13 and ends at sun-

    down on Sept. 15. Some

    (not all) prophecy teachers

    believe the Rapture could

    occur at the end of Rosh

    Hashanah this year or next

    year or some year.

    Sept.15: The purported mili-

    tary drill called Joint Assis-

    tance for Development and

    Execution (JADE) Homeland

    Eradication of Local Mili-

    tants (HELM) is supposed to

    end. Will it? Will there be a

    JADE HELM 2016, 2017,


    Sept.15: The 70th UN Gen-

    eral Assembly will begin

    meeting. During this session

    (not necessarily on the

    15th), France is expected to

    present a resolution to the

    UN Security Council to di-

    vide the Promised Land

    (Two-State Solution) and to

    force a peace treaty on Isra-

    el and the PA. If the UN

    does this, their decision will

    lead to the beginning of the

    Tribulation period and the

    battle of Armageddon.

    Sept. 20: The Jewish Sanhed-

    rin plans to put Pope Francis

    on trial on Mt. Zion for offi-

    cially recognizing the exist-

    ence of a Palestinian State

    on land that God gave to

    Israel. Will the outcome be

    recognized by God?

    Sept. 22-23: Yom Kippur

    (also called the Day of

    Atonement or the Feast of

    Atonement) begins at sun-

    down on Sept. 22. This will

    mark the beginning of the

    next year of Jubilee (the

    50th year) which involves

    focus on God, the cancella-

    tion of debts, restoration of

    land to the original owners,

    etc. Will God focus on eco-

    nomic issues, Israels resto-ration to the land, etc.?

    Sept. 23: Pope Francis is

    scheduled to visit the White

    House for discussions with

    Pres. Obama about their

    shared values on caring for

    the poor (wealth redistribu-

    tion), religious freedom,

    immigration (elimination of

    borders), environmental

    issues (global warming), etc.

    Sept. 24: Pope Francis is

    scheduled to address a joint

    session of Congress about

    world peace, religious values

    (probably a need for a world

    religion), caring for the

    poor, etc.

    Sept. 25: Pope Francis is

    scheduled to address the

    UN. He wants to reduce the

    worlds population, regulate global climate change, estab-

    lish a global constitution,

    establish a global court and

    establish a one-world gov-


    Sept. 25-27: The UN plans to

    hold a Sustainable Develop-

    ment Summit to expand the

    role of global governance

    (world government). They plan to discuss global eco-

    nomic issues, climate

    change, global education and

    gender equality. It is really a

    plan to control the life of

    everyone on earth.

    September 2015 by Daymond Duck

    Victoria Stith & Gods Anointed Chil-


    Purchase the CD for only $7!

    Featuring Itsy Bitsy Drop of Blood Contact: Sister Victoria Stith 510-754-7077

    Upcoming Gospel Concerts: 37th Street Baptist

    Church: 915 37th Street at Market Street , S.F., CA

    Call for Other Upcoming Concerts

    Disclaimer: All views in Articles may not represent the views of Good News Press or Baron & Connie Woods.

    Sept. 28: The Feast of

    Tabernacles and the

    fourth blood moon in

    the current Tetrad will

    take place on this date.

    Several major prophetic

    events have happened

    just before or just after

    other blood moon Tet-

    rads. The Jewish Tal-

    mud (not the Bible)

    says blood moons are a

    sign of war in Israel.

    Several major end-of-

    the-age wars are men-

    tioned in the Bible and

    some are prophecy

    teachers believe some

    or all of these could

    soon occur.

    This convergence of

    events in Sept. 2015 is

    why many people think

    something big is about

    to happen. We shall

    soon know. Prophecy

    Plus Ministries

  • Good News Press - 4

    Social Skills & Etiquettes, Girl Power Event, Educates Oaklands Youth

    (Top Left) CEO/Founder of Social Skills & Etiquette, Juanita Walker, pictured with at-tendee of the Girl Power Event held on August 1, 2015 in Oakland, CA.

    Social Skills & Etiquette, Girl Power event was held on August 1, 2015 to address real issues that girls are fac-ing today to make them bet-ter leaders tomorrow. Founder Juanita Walker, put together a program to edu-cate, motivate, and teach social and etiquette skills to girls for this event. It includ-ed educational topics such as image, social media, self con-fidence, money matters, hu-man trafficking, health & hygiene, self respect, listen-ing skills, public speaking, self esteem, education, etiquette,

    work ethics, dating, introduc-tions, peer pressure, fre-nemies, skincare, goal setting and more. The event held in Oakland, mainly for Oakland youth included teen entertainment, continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and event materials. Juanita Walker is the presi-dent and founder of Social Skills And Etiquette. She obtained her certifica-tion from the Etiquette Insti-tute in St. Louis, Missouri

    under the training of Maria Everding, world renowned trainer and author. Juanita coaches children, teens, youth, young adults, adults, business professionals and faith based organizations in areas of; business acumen, effective communication, introductions, dining eti-quette, image, socialization and much more. Social Skills And Etiquette is also an ap-proved vendor with Oakland Unified School District and Peralta Colleges. To contact Juanita Walker : [email protected]

  • Good News Press - 5

    OreMi Mentoring

    Program - Oakland

    Looking for Active Youthful Mentors! Volunteers are support-ed in working with a foster youth 4 hours/month for one year. Call for Next training dates. Contact the OreMi Mentoring Program at: (510) 834-2443, ext.

    3033; [email protected], or

    Got Knee Pain? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-relieving brace -little or NO cost to you. Medicare Patients Call Health Hotline Now! 1-


    Essential for Labor Day Picnic

    New Show by Connie Woods Appearing on KTLN

    (Local Christian Television) on

    Sundays at 4:30 PM in the SF Bay Area

  • Good News Press - 6

    We Overcome Terrorism

    By Connie Woods In the past month or so, 5 US Marines have been killed in the United States; once again another terrorist attack on US soil by a person in-fluenced by terrorist ideology. As it stands now, there have been several US Islamist influ-enced attacks over the past few years and increasing. Thousands of our Christian sisters and brothers have also been killed in the Middle East by the same groups. The 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution, (...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be in-fringed) gives Ameri-cans the right to pro-tect themselves, but more importantly, Christians fight in the spiritual realm, and the battles that they face will be won by

    the Spirit of God. Je-sus will fight this bat-tle, as all others. God called Chris-tians to pray, stand, fully armored with the word of God, and to continue to be a light in a dark world. (For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the dark-ness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12) Christians know that they win, in the end, and through their trials, encouraged that when they suffer with Jesus they shall also reign with him. As evil is being perpe-trated on Jews, Christians, and Americans all over the Earth by terror-ists, remind your-selves, sin only last for a season. Saints have compassion on those that know not

    the truth, because they know what awaits those that are lost. God call us to love our enemies, and to pray for them. When Jesus rights all wrongs, all this terrorism and evil will be done away with for good! Pray for all that are blinded by the devil and for the hearts of the people of this country that they would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and in the midst of every-thing that is going on Christians ask God to protect them like only he can. Chris-tians, stand on his promise No weap-on formed against them shall prosper. Please email all questions or com-ments to [email protected].

    National Grandparents Day Celebrated September 13

    First cel-

    ebrated in 1978,

    National Grandpar-

    ents Day is ob-

    served in the U.S.

    on the first Sun-

    day after Labor

    Day. It honors

    both maternal and

    paternal grandpar-



    ents have always

    been special. To-

    day, they're even

    more important. In

    very busy fami-

    lies, an involved

    grandparent is es-

    pecially benefi-

    cial ... and help-


    The spe-

    cial kind of love

    children get from

    a grandparent is

    something they

    can't get anywhere

    else. It is a gen-

    uine kind of love,

    a unique and im-

    portant kind.


    have to worry

    about who children

    will become in the

    future, and they

    have to be provid-

    ers and discipli-

    narians. Grandpar-

    ents can just en-

    joy their grand-

    children for who

    they are in the


    Authority to Declare

    by Olive Branch Ministries Faith takes hold of spiritual realities we can not touch with our physical senses and brings them into the natu-ral realm. All physical matter was brought into existence by God. God is a Spirit. All things are held to-gether by His Word. John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. Even though we can not see it, it is real. God has given us the authority through the Lord Jesus Christ when we are submitted to His Word, to exer-cise the power of God and walk in that authority. As Paul said -- Eph:3:20: Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abun-dantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. This power is in us the Word of God says, yet we must be obedient and submitted to Him if we want that pow-er to flow through us. We have to fol-lows God's directions if we are going to get God's results. Authority is the God given right to use this power.

    Jesus said in -- Matthew 28:18 Then Jesus came and spoke to them, say-ing, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20. "teaching them to ob-serve all things that I have command-ed you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'' Amen. All authority was been given to Jesus who immediately turned around and gave it to the church in order to bring God's will into fruition in the Earth. Declaration I will rise up in Jesus name and walk in the authority that Jesus has trans-ferred to me. I will rise up and faint not in the day of adversity. I will rise up and walk worthy of a child of God. I will rise up to my place of authority and leadership. I will rise up and boldly declare Gods Word to be true. I will Rise up, I will Rise up! The day is at hand, I will not turn to the right or left, but face straight ahead, and see Gods glory poured forth over the Earth. Glory to God. Amen

  • Good News Press - 7

    Watch & Pray

    Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. The Bible contains detailed prophecy about the future. Its amazing, the times that we live

    in, as we watch bible prophecy being fulfilled. God so lovingly foretold us of things to come be-fore it happened, because God already knew the end from the beginning. Why do you think Je-sus told us things that would hap-pen before he returned? Could it be that when we saw all the crazy things in this world happen, Christians would not lose hope, and hold fast to what they be-lieve. Could it also be that God wanted Believers to know the season that they were living in. I believe there is a special reward for all those that are looking, watching, and anticipating the Lords catching away of the Saints in an event called the rap-ture, and also rewards for those that share the word of God and this hope to others.

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