Good Morning :) wb 18.05.2020 Last Week of Term Miss B and Miss Webb are very proud of how you all have adapted to this terms learning. BIG well done. This week we are looking at Number Bonds (for some revision) and creating our own TIME CAPSULES!

Good Morning :) wb 18.05

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Good Morning :) wb 18.05.2020Last Week of TermMiss B and Miss Webb

are very proud of how you all have adapted to this terms learning. BIG well done. This week we are

looking at Number Bonds (for some revision) and creating our own TIME


We need your help!This week there is one job we need EVERYONE to do! Please!

Please could you send an email ([email protected] or [email protected]) or send to us on seesaw:

● A photo of yourself doing a star jump outside with...● Four comments on how you think you have done this year at school

○ One thing you have learnt this year○ One thing that has made you proud○ One way you have shown a school value ○ One thing you want to learn next year

You will get to see our finished project so it would really help us if you could all dothis one little job for us! Pretty please with sugar on top!

ReadingWe would like you to read 15 minutes a day then pick a different activity on the

Whole Class Reading sheet. Please record the book and pages you read.

Can you upload a video or photo of you reading to seesaw?

Tadpole Farm CE Primary AcademySchool Closure Learning

PackWhile school is closed you will find

activities for your child to complete here. We would expect you to spend 2.5

hours a day on these tasks. Upload your work to the seesaw app or

email work to: [email protected]@tadpolefarmcepa.co.uk

Due by: 22nd May 2020

Maths - See slides for further explanation

and extra hot chilli challenges!Activity 1: LO: I can use my number bondsMake a poster to show off your number bond knowledge and to help you with the rest of your learning this week.Activity 2: LO: I can reasonHow many different number sentences can you think of for the answers on your sheets?Activity 3: LO: I can link number factsUse your number bond knowledge to create fact families. Use the first bond eg 6+4=10 to tell you the next one eg 60+40=100Activity 4: LO: I can apply my number bondsUse your number bonds to help you find the missing numbers and complete the problemsActivity 5: LO: I can use number bondsHow quick can you answer these in your head? See the slides for chillies!https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

English - See slides for further explanationActivity 1: LO: I can plan a recountThink about your time in ‘lockdown’ so far. Map out some key events in order and think about how you felt.Activity 2: LO: I can write a recountUse your plan to write your recount. Make sure it is in order using time connectives and uses the past tense!Activity 3: LO: I can edit and improve my writingSee what skills you can add to your recount. Check your tenses and spellings. Have you written about how you feel?Activity 4: LO I can write a lesson planCan you plan a lesson for us to teach to the Year Two Classes of 2030 all about Corona Virus and how it changed so many lives.Activity 5: LO: I can recall key facts.We would like you to now design and create 1 more thing for your time capsule. It could be a song, a diary entry, a story, a poster about the Corona Virus - anything you think you will want to remember about this time in years to come.

Mental MathsDon’t forget to keep practising your times

tables and number bonds!

Tadpole Farm CE Primary Academy

School Closure Learning Pack

While school is closed you will find activities for your child to complete

here. We would expect you to complete one of these tasks each day, which should take an hour.

Please upload all work to seesaw or email work to:

[email protected]@tadpolefarmcepa.co.uk

Due by: 22nd May 2020

Topic:See slides for further explanation

Geography: LO: I can understand the equatorCompare your country or where your family come from to a country that lies on or near the equator - use google earth to help you!History and Music: LO: I can appreciate music through the agesCreate a poster advertising a History of Music event? Who would you invite? (It can be any music artist from history or modern day)RE: LO: I can understand the key messages from stories in sacred booksRead or watch the three stories. Can you tell us what the key messages are? Maybe you can link this to our school values?Art/DT: LO: I can use mosaic designCreate a rainbow coloured piece of mosaic art to add to your time capsule to remind you of the rainbows being everywhere at this time.Computing: LO: I can debugThis week we want you to really challenge yourselves!! Ask a parent or an older sibling to make a ‘2code’ on purple mash completely wrong. Can you work out why it is wrong and fix each step?

Thank you for the Music! We are learning about:

Changes to music over history and significant people who changed


Science: Materials - Suitability

● Play the short clips for each item in the room on the slide. Remind yourself of why they have used each material.

● Think about the key words - bend, stretch, twist and squash.

● Find items around you house that you can bend, stretch, twist or squash.

● Record what happens to them - there is a sheet in the topic resources if you would like to use it.

● Do they return to their original shape?

PE: ● Join in with Joe Wicks every

morning. Can you keep up?● Go for a daily walk, jog or bike ride

to get some fresh air● Make up a dance to your song from

last week

PSHE:How Can I Look After ME?

Think about how you can look after yourself and keep yourself H E A L T H Y !

Don’t forget to try and read every day for 15 minutes. You could record yourself on seesaw so that we can hear you!

Here is a reminder of the page of activities you could choose from afterwards to help you think about the book in more detail!

We thought it might be good to give you some words to practise this week.. The website below shows what we have worked on this year.https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/239784/English_Appendix_1_-_Spelling.pdf Try to focus on words that you use a lot and sometimes are misspelled but below are some ideas to focus on for this week!

This week it’s a apostrophe focus!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4MVPA1xCY0 This catchy tune should help!!

Contractions - Practise spelling these correctlyDon’t can’t I’ll we’ll haven’t

Contractions and possession - Practise changing these correctlyI will do not should not would not Miss Webbs coffee Miss Bs tea The donkeys legs

Contractions and possession:

Same as the 2 chilli but push yourselves! How many extra words using an apostrophe can you think of? Can you write a sentences with a contraction and possession in it?

Maths - Number BondsWe are focussing on number bonds in maths, we love

number bonds in Y2 because they help with our mental maths!


Throughout this week of Maths if you work on:Focus on your number bonds for numbers up to 10 and use these to help with 100

Focus on your number bonds for numbers up to 20 and then using 10s to 100

Focus on using your number bonds for numbers up to 100 to solve maths problems

Activity 1 - Number bond posterWe would like you to make a poster for number bonds that will help you this week with your learning! See the previous slide for which number bonds to focus on for your chilli! Here are some ideas to help you!


If you like things HOT and SPICY see if you can include 2 step number bonds in your poster eg: 10 + 6 + _ = 20 Here you are using your number bonds to ten and 20!

Activity 2 - Reasoning

The answer is …… what is the question?

Start with the number on the chillied sheets. How many different questions could have given this answer? You can use

your number bonds to answer.

Try to include + and - number sentences.

Activity 3 - Number families

We would like you to have a go at using your number bonds to create related facts families using one of the methods here:

Tens Frames: Part and whole models:

See the next slide for an example!

Activity 3 - Number families

Not feeling challenged...try the next slide!

Activity 3 - Number families

Spicier problem!

Activity 4 - Applying number bonds

Now you have had chance to explore the patterns and families of number bonds we would like you to have a go at applying them to some Maths problems.Complete the questions on the sheet in the Maths Resources.

What patterns do you notice?

How can you use the first answer to help with the next?

See the Maths Resources for the Questions!

Activity 4 - Applying number bonds

Spicier problems!

Activity 5 - Quick MathsLog on to topmarks - hit the button - time yourself and see if

you can eat your time with every try!

Click on the set of questions with your chilli next to it here <<<


If that wasn’t enough… have a go at these…

- Create your own number bond word problems and set them as a task for Miss B/Miss Webb or your family!

- Create a number bonds song or learn one from youtube- Visit https://nrich.maths.org/13780 for addition and

subtraction problems that you can solve using your number bonds!

- Visit https://www.mathplayground.com/number_bonds_20.html to try and speed up your mental maths!

English - Lockdown Time Capsule We are experiencing something at the moment that will go down in history! We would like you to have the opportunity to record your own experiences during this challenging time that people would be interested to read in years to come! This week create your very own time capsule including a RECOUNT of your experiences during lockdown.

Activity 1 - Plan your recount

● Time to plan - think about○ The key events you would like to include○ Time connectives that you will use to order your recount (first,

next finally)○ Past tense verbs you will use - I went, we watched etc○ How you felt at each point of your recount and why (I was happy

because…. I was worried because…..○ How you can include description into your writing (School was as

deserted as Antarctica!)● You can plan your recount on a comic strip (in resources), as a story

hill or story map.

See the next slide for how detailed your plan should be!

Activity 1 - Plan your recount

This is how detailedyou should aim foryour plans to be!

Activity 2 - Write your recount

Now it is time to write your recount out neatly using full sentences with lots of skills! Use this success criteria to keep you on track!

Date - wb 18.05.2020

LO - I can write a recount

Success Criteria: Tick

I can use time connectives to order my recount

I can write in the past tense

I can use ‘I’ to show it is a recount of a personal event

I can use conjunctions to extend every sentence - and, but, so, because, then.

I can add description using adjectives in noun phrases (long walks) and adverbs (walked slowly)

Activity 3 - Edit and Improve

Now you have finished your recount pretend that YOU are the teacher. Get out your editing pen and check your work against the success criteria. Can you add anything?

Next check your spellings and edit any sounds or suffixes that you didn’t quite get before uploading your work to seesaw!

Activity 4 - Lesson PlanIn years to come Miss Webb and Miss B will be teaching children,who possibly aren’t even born yet, about this time.

We would like you to write us a lesson plan for their history lesson on Corona Virus.

What do you think they should know about how it was to live through lockdown?You are making history that they will want to know about!

Your lesson could include a video of yourself telling them about it; like the videos we play to you. A song for them to learn, a timeline of events or even a worksheet for them to complete!

Activity 5 - CHOOSE YOUR OWNWe would now like you to create something else for your

future self to go into your time capsule.It could be a photo montage, a video of clap for carers, a

song, a diary entry, a story, a poster about the Corona Virus - anything you think would help you to remember about

this time in years to come.

How to Create Your Time Capsule

- A scrapbook - A paper booklet stapled together

- On a memory stick (upload it all from your computer)- Use a shoebox or small box and fill it with your

creations- An old poster tube or tupperware tub

- Cleaned 2l bottle of pop

Time Capsule Ideas

- Write a letter to your future self all about your experiences

- Include a family photo or drawing of who you are living with during lockdown

- Create a collage of newspaper cuttings of headlines from the news

- Include pictures of rainbows and what they symbolise at the moment

- Quotes from you and your family all about your current thoughts and feelings

Geography - Equator continued…

We would like you to launch google earth: https://www.google.com/earth/

Can you search for acountry that lies onor near to the equator?

Now we would like you to compareit to our country or maybe thecountry where your family arefrom. What is the same? Whatis different?

You can show your findings however you would like! Maybe use photos, a poster, a story, a news report or a song?

History and Music - Music through the agesCan you create a poster advertising a History of Music

event? Who would you invite? (It can be any music artist from history or modern day) Where would you hold it? Would you be raising money for charity? How much is a


RE - Key messages from sacred books Remember the three sacred books from last week?

Now it is time to think about what they teach the people who read them.

Read or watch the videos for the stories on the next slide!

Then can you draw each story and label it with the key message. Maybe you can find some of our school values

being shown?

RE - Key messages from sacred books

Christianity - The Bible - Jonah and the Whalehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jrh375bd_LA

Judaism - The Torah Scroll - Moseshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdSQT7DS1lI

Muslim - Qur’an - The Prophet Muhammadhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bN7KIMmwlc&t=15s

Science - Suitability

Our key words this week are all about flexibility: squash, bend, twist and stretch

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrssgk7/articles/z9pgcdm - First we would like you to explore this room and watch the videos on each item and the material it is made from to refresh your memory!

Now we want you to think about things around your home that are flexible in some way. We would like you to tell us:● Can you bend them?● Can you stretch them?● Can you squash them?● Do they return to their original shape afterwards?

Science - Suitability

This worksheet is in our topic resources if you think it would help!

PEJoe Wicks - subscribe to his youtube channel to learn all about keeping physically fit. He uploads HIIT sessions daily specially designed to keep kids moving! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ

Get out into the garden/go on a daily walk/ride/run to keep fit andkeep smiling!

Make a dance up for your song from last week!

Don’t forget to upload your photos to seesaw!

Art and Design/DT - Miss Prior :)

Can you create your own rainbow mosaic art to add to your time capsule?

It doesn’t have to be a rainbow that you create it could be a flower, a teddy an animal or something different that maybe helps you remember these times, it just needs to be rainbow coloured when finished.

To create your mosaic tiles cut up loads of pieces of coloured paper (think about the shapes that you cut out, do they always need to be squared?). If you don’t have coloured paper you could colour in white paper using pencils, pens or paint and then cut them out before sticking your mosaic tiles onto your drawing.

Computing: DebuggingCan you fix the code!? What have we done wrong?

Ask you family to create more bugs for you!

PSHE - personal, social and health education

How Can I Look After ME?Use the worksheets to think about how you can look after yourself and keep your body,

brain and heart H E A L T H Y !

End of Term 5 - Well done Team Moles and Rabbits!

You have ALL done AMAZINGLY well and should be very proud of yourselves.

Watch out for Mrs Leo’s Newsblogs to see what the next step is for after half term. Now it’s time to relax,

keep safe and keep smiling :)