
Good attitude

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Page 1: Good attitude


Page 2: Good attitude

• Attitude means approach-outlook- manner-stance- position, feelings, thoughts mindset

• Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal.

• Nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude

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• You can train for skill, but it’s difficult to work a bad attitude.

• Attitude has a lot to do with interpersonal communications, self-esteem and your perceptions of others and theirs of you.

• It is your attitude and not your aptitude that determines your altitude in life

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• People want to be with those who have a good attitude

• For some employers, a good attitude is more important consideration than skills

• You can train for skill, but it’s difficult to work a bad attitude

• Attitude has a lot to do with interpersonal communications, self-esteem and your perceptions of others and theirs of you

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• A good attitude makes you feel better

• Others see this and judge you by that

• People want to work in an upbeat environment, and attitudes play an important role in shaping the work environment

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• Your attitude is communicated in 3 ways

• 7 percent by words

• 38 percent by tone of voice and

• 55 percent in non-verbal ways(body language

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• Try starting each day with a pep talk to yourself

• Make it a habit to enjoy the good moments;

• Express, rather than suppress, your feelings; and

• Surround yourself with a positive environment, by decorating your home or office with things that give you pleasure

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• Attitude plays a big part in your chance of getting colds, flues, and other illnesses

• Eating right, getting plenty of rest, and taking care of your body are important, of course, but thinking healthy is also important

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• If negative thoughts invade your mind, banish them

• Replace them with positive thoughts. Keep on telling yourself that you are good and worthy

• Even the slightest negative thoughts have a greater impact on you and last longer than powerful positive thoughts

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• Mental attitude one has plays a definite role in the body's immune system and its ability to fight off illnesses

• A positive attitude won't cure you of all illnesses and it can't take the place of your doctor, but it can help you get better.

• Invest three percent of your income in yourself (self-development) in order to guarantee your future.

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• People who feel good about themselves seem to walk tall and stand straight, looking alive and alert. They're attractive and nice to be around and everybody wants to get to know them.

• People who have a good attitude look forward to new challenges and new experiences along with meeting new people

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• The key to having a good attitude is motivation.

• Different things motivate different people.

• You might be motivated by the prospect of good

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• Bad attitudes are responsible for needless worry and anxiety more than anything material or tangible.

• Our materialistic desires is a bad attitude

• GOD guarantees that if we have an obedient heart-a good attitude, GOD will supply all our needs in abundance

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• You can begin today, right now, to adjust your attitude

• Your reward will be improved relationships, better health and greater success

• Remember people want to be with those who have a good attitude

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Good Luck

Appu Joseph Chacko (Life Skills Coach)

Director, Tattwa Centre of Excellence, Tiruvalla

can be reached at


[email protected]