GOLD STANDARD LOCAL STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION REPORT CONTENTS A. Project Description 1. Project eligibility under Gold Standard 2. Current project status B. Design of Stakeholder Consultation Process 1. Description of physical meeting(s) i. Agenda ii. Non-technical summary iii. Invitation tracking table iv. Text of individual invitations v. Text of public invitations 2. Description of other consultation methods used C. Consultation Process 1. Participants’ in physical meeting(s) i. List ii. Evaluation forms 2. Pictures from physical meeting(s) 3. Outcome of consultation process i. Minutes of physical meeting(s) ii. Minutes of other consultations iii. Assessment of all comments iv. Revisit sustainable development assessment v. Summary of changes to project design based on comments D. Sustainable Development Assessment 1. Own sustainable development assessment i. ‘Do no harm’ assessment ii. Sustainable development matrix 2. Stakeholders blind sustainable development matrix 3. Consolidated sustainable development matrix E. Discussion on Sustainability Monitoring Plan F. Description of Stakeholder Feedback Round Annex 1. Original participants list

GOLD STANDARD LOCAL STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION REPORT · A Muhtarl(Dualar Köyü) Muzaffer Yıldırım Via phonecall 18.05.2011 Y . Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

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Page 1: GOLD STANDARD LOCAL STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION REPORT · A Muhtarl(Dualar Köyü) Muzaffer Yıldırım Via phonecall 18.05.2011 Y . Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report



A. Project Description

1. Project eligibility under Gold Standard 2. Current project status

B. Design of Stakeholder Consultation Process

1. Description of physical meeting(s) i. Agenda ii. Non-technical summary iii. Invitation tracking table iv. Text of individual invitations v. Text of public invitations

2. Description of other consultation methods used C. Consultation Process

1. Participants’ in physical meeting(s) i. List ii. Evaluation forms

2. Pictures from physical meeting(s) 3. Outcome of consultation process

i. Minutes of physical meeting(s) ii. Minutes of other consultations iii. Assessment of all comments iv. Revisit sustainable development assessment v. Summary of changes to project design based on comments

D. Sustainable Development Assessment

1. Own sustainable development assessment i. ‘Do no harm’ assessment ii. Sustainable development matrix

2. Stakeholders blind sustainable development matrix 3. Consolidated sustainable development matrix

E. Discussion on Sustainability Monitoring Plan

F. Description of Stakeholder Feedback Round

Annex 1. Original participants list

Page 2: GOLD STANDARD LOCAL STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION REPORT · A Muhtarl(Dualar Köyü) Muzaffer Yıldırım Via phonecall 18.05.2011 Y . Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


Annex 2. Original feedback forms

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009



A. 1. Project eligibility under the Gold Standard

The proposed project activity involves the capacity increase of Sayalar Wind Farm Project located in the Aegean Region, Manisa Akhisar Province in Turkey. Currently the project activity is in operation since 06.06.2008 with an installed capacity of 34.2 MW and has been registered as a Gold Standard VER project on 22.11.2007 (GS ID: GS369). Doğal Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. (Referred as the Project Participant), is planning to increase the capacity of the Sayalar Wind Farm Project from 34.2 MW to 54.2 MW introducing 10 units of wind turbines with an installed capacity of 2MW each (The capacity increase is referred as the Proposed Project Activity). The Project Participant wishes and aims to develop and register the capacity addition also under Gold Standard rules. According to Gold Standard v2.1 rules, the eligibility of the project activity is defined by several aspects. The justification of the project eligibility criteria are discussed as followed. Scale of the Project Activity: The proposed project activity is a renewable energy project, which involves increase in the installed power generation capacity of an existing power plant through the installation of new power units (wind turbines), additional to the existing power units. The existing power units will continue to operate after the implementation of the project activity. The total capacity increase is estimated approximately 20 MW. The average annual electricity generation is expected to reach approximately 57,300 MWh/year resulting in and emission reduction of 36,000 tCO2eq/year. The planned capacity increase is above the small scale threshold of 15 MW defined by UNFCCC resources and above the values set for micro scale projects under the Gold Standard. Therefore the Proposed Project activity falls under the “large scale” project activity. Host Country or State: As Turkey has no cap on GHG emissions; the GS VERs does not need to be backed up by allowances or other denominated units reflecting emission reductions. Although there is a voluntary registry system under the Ministry of Environment in Turkey for VER projects, the project is not currently registered under this voluntary registry however the Project Participant might consider to register in the future. Type of Project Activity: The proposed project activity falls under the “Renewable Energy Supply Category” as the project activity involves generation and delivery of energy services (electricity in this case) from wind energy, which is a non-depletable energy source. Official Development Assistant: According to GS rules, a project is not eligible for Gold Standard registration if it receives ODA under the condition that the credits coming out of the project are transferred, directly or indirectly, to the donor country requirements. No ODA is received or benefited for the proposed project activity. An ODA declaration will be presented in the Gold Standard Passport.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


Greenhouse gases: The project activity involves reduction of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and only Carbon Dioxide is included in the project boundary, which is eligible under Gold Standard. Project timeframe: The proposed project was not previously announced to go ahead without the revenues from carbon credits. The construction is expected to start within 4th quarter of 2011, while the LSC meeting took place on 06.06.2011. Other certification schemes: The proposed project activity does not claim Green or White Certificates or any other equivalents. Based on the above arguments it can be concluded that the proposed project activity is eligible as Gold Standard VER project activity.

A. 2. Current project status

According to GS V2.1 rules if the proposed project activity is already under construction, the project must apply for retroactive registration and a pre-feasibility assessment must be conducted. Since the estimated project construction start date is , the project activity will follow a normal cycle. Key project cycle stages of the proposed project activity is presented in the below table as followed:

Date Event 08.04.2010 Amendment of the Generation License for the capacity increase 06.06.2011 Local Stakeholders Consultation Meeting 4th quarter of 2011 Expected start of construction 3rd quarter of 2012

Expected commissioning date

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009



i. Agenda

The agenda of the meeting was developed according to guidelines in the Gold Standard Toolkit v2.1 and as followed:

- Opening of the meeting - Explanation of the project - Questions for clarification about the project - Blind SD exercise - Discussion on monitoring SD - Closure of the meeting

ii. Non-technical summary

The non-technical summary of the project was sent out together with the invitations. Also hard copies have been delivered to the stakeholders during the meetings. Turkish version of the non-technical summary is as followed:

Sayalar Rüzgar Enerji Santrali Kapasite Artışı Projesi

Doğal Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş., Haziran 2008’de devreye alınan ve şu anda Manisa Đli, Sayalar Đlçesi, Akkocalar-Dualar Mevkiinde 34.2 MW kapasite ile işletmede bulunan Sayalar Rüzgar Enerji Santralinin kapasitesinin 54.2 MW’a çıkarılmasını planlamaktadır. Proje kapsamında her biri 2 MW gücünde 10 adet rüzgar türbini inşaa edilecektir. Mayıs 2012 döneminde devreye alınması beklenen ek kapasite ile birlikte Sayalar Rüzgar Enerji Santrali, mevcut üretime ilave olarak 57.300 MWh/yıl enerj üretecek ve Akhisar TM bağlantı noktasından ulusal şebekeye enerji verecektir. Gerçekleştirilecek olan 20 MW’lık kapasite arttırımı sayesinde yaklaşık 36.000 ton eşdeğer karbondioksit azaltılması hedeflenmektedir. Projenin bölgenin sürdürülebilir kalkınmasına olumlu etki ve katkıları bulunacaktır:

- Türkiye’nin yenilenebilir ve temiz bir kaynak olan rüzgar enerjisinden ürettiği toplam elektrik miktarı artacaktır.

- Ülkenin enerji üretiminde dışa bağımlılığı azaltılacak ve yenilenebilir enerji sektörünün -özellikle rüzgar enerjisi sektörünün- gelişimine önemli katkıda bulunulacaktır.

- Enerji üretiminde yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının payı arttırılacak ve dolayısıyla, sağlığı ve çevreyi olumsuz etkileyen kirleticilerde azalma sağlanacaktır.

- Sera etkisi yaratan karbon emisyonlarında düşüş sağlanarak küresel ısınmayı azaltma çabalarına katkıda bulunulacaktır.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


- Đnşaat ve işletme safhasında ek istihdam olanağı sağlanacaktır. Proje kapsamında, projenin daha detaylı bir şekilde paydaşlara aktarılması, sürdürülebilirlik ve çevresel etkilerinin tartışılabilmesi amacı ile, 06.06.2011 tarihinde Dualar Köyü Ardıçlı Mahallesi Göleti’nde saat 14:00’da Paydaşların Katılımı Toplantısı gerçekleştirilecektir. Sizlerin de katılımını bekliyoruz. Saygılarımızla Doğal Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. English translation of the the non-technical summary is as followed: Doğal Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. is planning to increase the capacity of Sayalar Wind Farm to 54.2 MW, which was commissioned in June 2008 with 34.2 MW installed capacity, in Manisa Province, Sayalar District, Akkocalar-Dualar Region. Within the scope of the project activity, 10 units of wind turbines with 2 MW capacity each will be installed to the project area. With the capacity increase, which is planned to be commissioned till May 2012, there will be an additional 57,300 MWh/year electricity generation and the generated electricity will be delivered to the national grid via Akhisar Transformer Station. The capacity increase will result in an equivalent of 36,000 tons of CO2 reductions. The project will have a a contribution in the sustainability development and environment of the region, which could be summarized as followed:

- Increase in the share of renewable energy in Turkey - Reduce in dependency to energy imports and will contribute in strengthening of the

renewable energy sector –especailly wind- in Turkey. - Will increase the share of clean energy resources within the electricity generation mix of

Turkey and will contribute in decreasing the emissions, which has a negative impact to human health and environment in Turkey.

- Will contribute to the fight against the climate change by reducing the GHG levels in Turkey.

- Will create employment opportunities in both during construction and in operational phase. With regards to the project activity, we would like to kindly invite you to the Local Stakeholders Meeting on 06.06.2011 to Dualar Village Ardıçlı District at 14:00 to discuss the project activity and its impact to the environment and sustainable development. Kind Regards, Doğal Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


iii. Invitation tracking table


code Organisation (if

relevant) Name of invitee

Way of invitation

Date of invitation

Confirmation received? Y/N

C Ministry of Environment and Forestry /

Department of Climate Change, Head of


Fulya Somunkıranoğlu

Via E-mail: [email protected]

25.05.2011 N

C Ministry of Environment and Forestry /

Department of GHG and Emission Trade, Head of


Mehrali Ecer Via E-mail: [email protected]

23.05.2011 Y

C Ministry of Environment and Forestry /

Department of GHG and Emission Trade,


Evren Türkmenoğlu

Via E-mail: [email protected]

23.05.2011 Y

B Manisa Province Agricultural Directorate,


Ömer Çelik Via E-mail: ilmudurlugu@manis

atarim.gov.tr / omercelik45@yaho


23.05.2011 Y

B Manisa Province Environment and

Forestry Directorate, Director

Yahya Güngör Via phone and Fax: +90 236 2313570 / +90 236 2370803

23.05.2011 Y

B Başlamış Forestry Operation Manager

Mesut Göçmüş Via E-mail: mesutgocmus@hot


23.05.2011 Y

B Kırkağaç Forestry Operational Manager

Coşkun Çanakkale

Via E-mail: coskuncanakkale@


23.05.2011 Y

D Chamber of Industry and Commerce Manisa

Branch, Head of Chamber

Tamer Balatlı Via E-mail: [email protected]

23.05.2011 Y

D Chamber of Electrical Engineers Manisa Branch, Head of


Cemal Akpınar Via E-mail: cemal.akpinar@em


23.05.2011 Y

D Chamber of Electrical Engineers Manisa Branch, Technical

Hurriyet Şimşek

Via E-mail: Hurriyet.simsek@e


23.05.2011 Y

F Greenpeace Hilal Atıcı Via E-mail: hatici@greenpeace.


23.05.2011 Y

F WWF Ceren Ayas Via E-mail: [email protected]

23.05.2011 Y

D ÇEVKO Environmental Protection Association,

Head of Association

Mete Đmer Via E-mail: [email protected]


23.05.2011 Y

D REC Regional Environmental Centre

Info Via E-mail: [email protected]

23.05.2011 N

E Gold Standard Foundation

Bahar Ubay Via E-mail: bahar@cdmgoldsta


23.05.2011 Y

F REEP Info Via E-mail:Via E-mail:[email protected]

25.05.2011 N

A Muhtarl(Dualar Köyü) Muzaffer Yıldırım Via phonecall 18.05.2011 Y

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


The stakeholders to the project activity was defined jointly by the project owner and OakDanışmanlık, who is the consultant to the GS project cycle, taking into account the characteristics and possible impacts of the project activity. Since the project is the capacity addition of an existing wind farm and there had been a stakeholders consultation meeting on 3rd of July 2007, the stakeholders defined at that time were also identified as stakeholders for the capacity addition and were invited to the stakeholders meeting held on 6th of June 2011. An emphasize was given to the locals specifically from the nearby village Dualar, which is the closest residential area. Female attendance was specifically emphasized and encouraged both by the Project Participant and the Muchtar. Generally the preferred means for invitation was through e-mails. Most of the stakeholders were invited through emails and phone calls followed by the e-mails where possible. However taking into account that reaching all of the locals through e-mails is not possible, village muchtar was asked to inform the locals and inform them about the project and the meeting (the hard copies of the non-technical description of the project activity, description of the sustainable indicators and questionnaire on sustainable development matrix and monitoring were also delivered to the locals on beforehand). Furthermore an announcement has been also made through the webpage of Polat Enerji www.polatenerji.com and webpage of Demirer Holding http://www.demirer.com.tr/santral/dogal/sayalar/SayalarProjeOzeti.htm. The non-technical project description of the project activity as well as the explanation on the sustainable indicators was also published on the webpage. The meeting was also announced on a local newspaper on 24.05.2011. The meeting date, time and place were defined by consulting to the village Muchtar to enable a high level of participation. Based on the feedback from Muchtar it was decided to organize the meeting at Dualar village Pond close to the villages and the project site.

iv. Text of individual invitations

The invitations to the stakeholders were generally sent out as an e-mail to the stakeholders who had an active e-mail account. A non-technical project description, an explanation of sustainable indicators (also including a questionnaire) and an invitation letter were enclosed to the e-mails submitted.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


Turkish text of the example email to the stakeholders is as followed: Sayın …, “Sayalar Rüzgar Santrali Kapasite Artışı Projesi” ile ilgili olarak paydaşların katılımı toplantısına, Demirer Holding ve Polat Enerji A.Ş. adına sizleri de davet etmekten memnuniyet duyarız. Toplantı 06.06.2011 Pazartesi günü, Manisa Đli, Sayalar Đlçesi, Dualar Köyü Ardıçlı Mahallesi Göleti’nde saat 14:00’de gerçekleştirilecektir. Paydaşların katılımı toplantısı, projeden kaynaklanan emisyon azaltımlarının kredileştirilmesi ile ilgili “Gold Standard” sürecinin bir parçası olup, projenin siz paydaşlara tanıtılması ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma ve çevresel etkilerinin tartışılmasını hedeflemektedir. Toplantı programı aşağıda yer almaktadır: - Toplantı açılışı - Proje tanıtımı - Proje ile ilgili soru ve cevaplar - Etki değerlendirmesi - Sürdürülebilir kalkınmanın izlenmesi - Kapanış Toplantının daha verimli geçmesi amacıyla projenin teknik olmayan kısa özeti ve proje etki değerlendirmesinde yönlendirici olacak göstergelerin açıklamaları ve değerlendirme formu da ekte yer almaktadır. (Projenin teknik olmayan özeti ve proje etki değerlendirme formu aynı zamanda www.polatenerji.com adresinden de erişilebilmektedir.) Toplantıya katılamamanız durumunda en azından ekte yer alan değerlendirme formunu doldurararak görüş ve önerilerinizi bizlerle paylaşabilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgi ve/veya projeyle ilgili görüşlerinizi paylaşmak için lütfen aşağıda yer alan iletişim numarasından bizimle irtibat kurunuz. Saygılarımızla, Doğal Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


English translation of the example email to the stakeholders is as followed: Dear Sir/Madam, With regards to “Sayalar Wind Farm Project Capacity Addition Project”, we are happy to invite you to the Stakeholders Meeting on behalf of “Doğal Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.”. The meeting will be held on 06.06.2011 Monday at 14:00 in Manisa Province / Sayalar District / Doğalar Village. The meeting is held within the scope of Gold Standard procedures for VER projects and aims to explain the project to stakeholders and discuss the impact of the project activity to environment and sustainable development. The meeting schedule is as follows:

- Opening of the meeting - Explanation of the project - Q&A session - Sustainable development blind assessment exercise - Discussion on sustainable indicator monitoring - Closure

In order to increase the efficiency of the meeting we would like to draw your attention to the non technical summary of the project activity document enclosed to this email. The non-technical project summary along with other documents also can be accessed from www.polatenerji.com.tr address. For more details on the project and the meeting please do not hesitate to contact us from the below coordinates. Kind Regards,

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


v. Text of public invitations

The meeting was announced both on the webpage of Polat Enerji and in Kırkağaç Gazetesi local newspaper on 24.05.2011. The same text of email announcement was used for the announcement on the web page. The announcement in the local newspaper is as follows:

B. 2. Description of other consultation methods used

Taking into account that the participation of the locals to the Local Stakeholders Meeting was high with a balanced male and female attendance, no other meetings were organized. However the

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


Project Participants are in regular contact with the Locals specially through Muchtar and they are always encouraged to provide any feedback and comment anytime.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


SECTION C. CONSULTATION PROCESS C. 1. Participants’ in physical meeting(s)

i. List of participants

Participants list

Date and time: 6th of June 2011 14:00

Location: Manisa Akhisar Dualar Village



Name of participant,

job/ position in the




Signature Organisation (if


Contact details

A Mehmet Kıvrak Male Yes Local +90 538 2193804

A Irfan Sarı Male Yes Local +90 534 4418984

A Şaban Daldal Male Yes Local +90 535 4388180

A Mustafa Yıldırım Male Yes Local +90 538 2772367

A Đsa Dinç Male Yes Local +90 536 4456157

A Ferhat Dinç Male Yes Local +90 536 8721190

A Halil Budak Male Yes Local +90 537 7277496

A Celal Yıldırım Male Yes Local +90 535 2462672

A Muzaffer Yıldırım Male Yes Local +90 536 8249443

A Halil Daldal Male Yes Local n.a.

A Ismail Sarı Male Yes Local +90 537 480016_

A Mehmet Yıldırım Male Yes Local +90 536 8532269

A Ramazan Fidan Male Yes Local +90 536 9498720

A Ali Dinç Male Yes Local +90 538 6671576

A Fezullah Ok Male Yes Local +90 538 2154614

A Nazım Işık Male Yes Local n.a.

A Ahmet Sahi Male Yes Local n.a.

A Necati Sahi Male Yes Local n.a.

A Ali Daldal Male Yes Local +90 539 6230491

A Đsmail Budak Male Yes Local +90 530 3407986

A Halil Yıldırım Male Yes Local +90 535 8916642

A Ayşe Daldal Female Yes Local n.a.

A Fatma Dadaş Female Yes Local n.a.

A Cennet Daldal Female Yes Local n.a.

A Ayşe Kıvrak Female No Local n.a.

A Emine Sarı Female Yes Local n.a.

A Hanife Budak Female No Local n.a.

A Hanife Adaş Female No Local n.a.

A Hatice Sarı Female Yes Local n.a.

A Gülabiye Yege Female Yes Local n.a.

A Dudu Aydın Female Yes Local n.a.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


A Nurdagül Yıldrım Female No Local n.a.

A Şadiye Yıldırım Female No Local n.a.

A Öznur Yıldırm Female Yes Local n.a.

A Hanife Ok Female No Local n.a.

A Fatma Sarı Female Yes Local n.a.

A Saadet Sarı Female No Local n.a.

A Havva Sarı Female No Local n.a.

A Gülşen Yıldırım Female No Local n.a.

A Aynur Yıldırım Female No Local n.a.

A Fatma Daldal Female Yes Local n.a.

In total 41 people have filled the participation list with 21 male and 20 female attendances. All of them were locals from Dualarvillage. However the female participants were reluctant to give a signature or a contact detail.

ii. Evaluation forms

Name Kazım Yıldırım

What is your impression of the meeting? I liked it

What do you like about the project? An Environmental Project

What do you not like about the project? Few employment

Signature Yes

Name Nazım Işık

What is your impression of the meeting? Good

What do you like about the project? Genial

What do you not like about the project? None

Signature Yes

Name Halil Yıldırım

What is your impression of the meeting? n.a.

What do you like about the project? Environmental friendly

What do you not like about the project? n.a.

Signature Yes

Name Mehmet Atasoy

What is your impression of the meeting? Positive

What do you like about the project? The cost of electricity will decrease in Turkey

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


What do you not like about the project? High voltage is dangerous however there are no

residents nearby

Signature Yes

Name Gülabiye Ege

What is your impression of the meeting? Good

What do you like about the project? I am pleased. There will be no odour or


What do you not like about the project? none

Signature Yes

Name Dudu Aydın

What is your impression of the meeting? Good

What do you like about the project? We liked it

What do you not like about the project? Good

Signature Yes

Name Mehmet Sarı

What is your impression of the meeting? +

What do you like about the project? +

What do you not like about the project? +

Signature Yes

Name Fatma Dal

What is your impression of the meeting? We want a wedding hall

What do you like about the project? n.a.

What do you not like about the project? n.a.

Signature Yes

Name Davut Yıldırım

What is your impression of the meeting? Positive

What do you like about the project? The contribution to the nation is great

What do you not like about the project? none

Signature Yes

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


Name Bayram Maya

What is your impression of the meeting? Good

What do you like about the project? Listened to our problems

What do you not like about the project? none

Signature Yes

Two different sets of questionnaires have been provided to the stakeholders.

A) Questionnaire regarding the sustainable development indicators and monitoring of the indicators along with the explanation of the indicators. This questionnaire was provided to the stakeholders via invitation emails before the meeting (in case of locals the hardcopies were distributed through muchtar). This additional document aimed to provide more detailed information on the sustainable indicators to increase the efficiency of the meeting (especially the blind assessment and discussion on monitoring) and to allow stakeholders to provide feedback on the project not only during the meeting but also after the meeting. However there were no filled Questionnaires regarding the sustainable development indicators and monitoring submitted back to the PP neither during the meeting nor after.

B) Meeting Evaluation Forms which has a fixed format according to GS v2.1. In total 10 written comments have been received from the participants generally expressing their positive comments. A detailed evaluation of the comments received has been included under section C.3 i of this report.

The original written comments from the stakeholders are presented under Annex 2 of this report. C. 2. Pictures from physical meeting(s) Invitation on the announcement board of Dualar Village Mosque and the village market.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


Pictures during the LSC meeting held on 06.06.2011

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


C. 3. Outcome of consultation process

i. Minutes of physical meeting(s)

The proposed project activity is exempted from conducting an Environmental Impact Assesment (EIA) according to Turkish Law and Regulations however the project participant has organized a Local Stakeholders Meeting on 06.06.2011 in accordance with the requirements of the Gold Standard Foundation v2.1. The LSC meeting was held at Dualar Village near the project site. In general the participation to the meeting was good with more than 41 people and achieved a female participation of 50%. Before the meeting the following documents have been provided to the stakeholders: + Non-technical description of the project activity (also submitted along with the invitations); + Meeting evaluation forms; + Questionnaire regarding the sustainable development indicators and monitoring of the indicators along with the explanation of the indicators (also submitted along with the invitations). The meeting has started with introduction of the representatives of the Project Participant Mrs. Çağla Balcı Eriş and Mrs. Sila Kılıç, explaining the aim of the meeting. Also a brief explanation was made with regards to the documents provided before the start of the meeting. The introduction followed by the explanation of the project activity, followed by a question and answer session. Since the proposed project activity is the extension of an existing power plant, the locals were quite informed about the activities. There were no concerns on the impact of the proposed project activity to sustainable development and environmental. The topics discussed during the meeting could be summarized as follows: Q: Could we use the electricity for free? A: Unfortunately this is both technically and on a legislative base impossible. The electricity is exported/delivered to the national grid at a HV level which is not suitable for end use. Furthermore as the Wind Farm will operate as a generation unit, the sales of electricity generated is under the regulation of EMRA and the electricity could be only sold to entities which has a wholesale license holder such as a distribution company or consumers who are eligible for “free consumers” such as large industries. Q: There are people working at the wind farm right now. Will the capacity addition require more people to be hired? A: The capacity addition will result in employment opportunities in the construction phase as well as an increase in the human capacity required to operate wind farm. As it has been the case for the existing project, the locals will be the preferred choice for employment both during the construction phase and the operational phase. Q: How many people will be hired from the locals during the operational phase? A: Since the project is under planning phase it is not defined yet. However it is planned to create

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


two or three more positions available after the capacity increase. Q: The Project Owners have contributed to the villages previously such as donating a primary school in Dualar Village. Will there be a similar contribution this time? We are currently lacking a wedding hall in the village. A: The Project Participants are willing to contribute as much as they can to the sustainability development of nearby regions of their projects as a general principle and this project will be no exception. However it is not yet concrete how this contribution will be at this time and is being assessed by the project participants. Q: There are domestic dogs at the project site (existing Sayalar Wind Farm). They are usually tied however once in a while they get lost and come to the village and disturb us. A: The Project Participants have promised to deal with this situation asap. The dogs will be only allowed to walk around with a leash with a person from the Sayalar Project.

ii. Minutes of other consultations


iii. Assessment of all comments

Stakeholder comment Was comment taken into

account (Yes/ No)? Explanation (Why? How?)

Can we have the electricity for free?

No The electricity produced could be only delivered to the national grid system.

Employment opportunities are very important to the region. Will there be any job opportunities created by the capacity increase?

Yes The Project Participant knows and acknowledges that the employment issue is critical in Turkey in general as well as in the region and surrounding villages. The capacity addition will eventually result in employment opportunities both during the construction and in operational phase. As a general policy of the Project Participants, the locals will be the preferred choice for any

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


required staff. Taking into account that this issue is considered to be a critical positive impact of the project activity, this has been included in the monitoring plan under the sustainable indicator “Quantitative Employment and Income Generation”.

Will there be any extra contribution/donation to the region?

Yes The Project Participants are willing to contribute as much as they can to the sustainability development of nearby regions of their projects as a general principle and this project will be no exception. However it is not yet concrete how this contribution will be at this time and is being assessed by the project participants. Once the Project Participant has reached to a conclusion on the means of contribution this will be shared with the locals and will be reflected in the updated documents of the stakeholders consultation period. This issue has been included to the monitoring plan under the parameter “human and institutional capacity”.

There have been some complaints on the dogs.

Yes There are a couple of domesticated dogs at the current Sayalar Wind Farm area and they are mostly kept on leash. However time to time they were released. The dogs will be always attended by a site personal.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


iv. Revisit sustainability assessment Are you going to revisit the sustainable development assessment? Please note that this is necessary when there are indicators scored ‘negative’ or if there are stakeholder comments that can’t be mitigated [See Toolkit 2.7]

Yes No


No negative comments were received from the stakeholders consultation meeting. The issues brought to discussion during the meeting (such as employment) was already known to the project participants on beforehand and was reflected in the sustainable assessment.

v. Summary of alterations based on comments

No comments were received during the LSC meeting that requires modification in the project design.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


SECTION D. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT D. 1. Own sustainable development assessment

i. ‘Do no harm’ assessment

[See Toolkit 2.4.1 and

Toolkit Annex



Description of

relevance to my


Assessment of my

project risks breaching

it (low, medium, high)

Mitigation measure

Human Rights

The project respects


proclaimed human

rights including

dignity, cultural

property and

uniqueness of

indigenous people.

The project is not

complicit in Human

Rights abuses.

The project



proclaimed human

rights including

dignity, cultural

property and

uniqueness of

indigenous people.


As a member of United

Nations and part of UN

Agreement on Human

Rights, it is ensured by

law in Turkey that no

action can be taken

against human rights1

including dignity, cultural

property and uniqueness

of indigenous people.


The project does not

involve and is not

complicit in



The project is not

complicit in Human

Rights abuses. The

project does not

involve and is not

complicit in



Project does not

require residents


Cultural and

environmental heritage is

protected against

alteration, damage or

removal by the law2.


1 Reference: http://www.unicef.org/turkey/udhr/_gi17.html

2 Reference: “Law on Protection of Cultural and Environmental Assets”



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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


to be relocated.

The project does not

involve and is not

complicit in the

alteration, damage or

removal of any critical

cultural heritage.

The project does

not involve and is

not complicit in the

alteration, damage

or removal of any

critical cultural



Cultural and

environmental heritage is

protected against

alteration, damage or

removal by the law3.


Labor Standards

The project respects

the employees’

freedom of

association and their

right to collective

bargaining and is not

complicit in

restrictions of these

freedoms and rights.

Employees are not

restrained from


associations or

collectively bargain




Freedom of association

and their right to

collective bargaining is

granted by national law

(Trade Union Act of

Turkey No. 2821)4.


The project does not

involve and is not

complicit in any form

of forced or

compulsory labor.

Project does not

involve any form of

forced or

compulsory labor

as enforced by the

Labor Act of Turkey



Forced or compulsory

labor is forbidden in

Turkey and protected by




The project does not

employ and is not

complicit in any form

of child labor.

Project does not

employ and is not

complicit in any

form of child labor

in compliance with

Article 71 (Working


As a member of United

Nations and part of UN

Agreement on Human

Rights, it is ensured by

law in Turkey that no


3 Reference: “Law on Protection of Cultural and Environmental Assets”



4 Reference: http://www.ilo.org/public/english/region/eurpro/ankara/download/tradeunionsact.pdf

5 Reference: http://www.unicef.org/turkey/udhr/_gi17.html

6 Reference: http://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/SERIAL/64083/63017/F1027431766/TUR64083.PDF

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


age and

restrictions on the

employment of

children) of Labor

Law (4857).

project can complicit in

any form of child7.

The project does not

involve and is not

complicit in any form

of discrimination

based on gender,

race, religion, sexual

orientation or any

other basis.

The project owner

respects Article

5/8425 of Labor

Law; which states

no discrimination

based on gender,

race, religion,

sexual orientation

or any other basis

is allowed.


As a member of United

Nations and part of UN

Agreement on Human

Rights, it is ensured by

law in Turkey that no

discrimination could take



The project provides

workers with a safe

and healthy work

environment and is

not complicit in

exposing workers to

unsafe or unhealthy

work environments.

The project owner

is committed to

the safe and

healthy working

conditions during

all phases of the

project. All

employees will

attend trainings on

first aid and health

& safety.


This issue is protected by

Labor Law and

regulations9 and UN

Agreement on Human






The project takes a


approach in regard to


challenges and is not

complicit in practices

contrary to the


principle. This

principle can be

The precautionary

principles have

been applied in this



The environment is

protected by several

Laws and Regulations in

Turkey. The purpose of

the “Law on


Protection” is to protect

the environment with

principles of sustainable


7 Reference: http://www.unicef.org/turkey/udhr/_gi17.html

8 Reference: http://www.unicef.org/turkey/udhr/_gi17.html

9 Reference: http://www.mevzuat.adalet.gov.tr/html/1243.html

10 Reference: http://www.unicef.org/turkey/udhr/_gi17.html

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


defined as: ”When an

activity raises threats

of harm to human

health or the



measures should be

taken even if some

cause and effect

relationships are not

fully established


development and



The project does not

involve and is not

complicit in significant

conversion or

degradation of critical

natural habitats,

including those that

are (a) legally

protected, (b)

officially proposed for

protection, (c)

identified by

authoritative sources

for their high

conservation value or

(d) recognized as

protected by

traditional local


The project is not

complicit with the

degradation of

critical natural

habitats, as verified

through an

investigation of the



The environment is

protected by several

Laws and Regulations in

Turkey. The purpose of

the “Law on


Protection” is to protect

the environment with

principles of sustainable

development and





The project does not

involve and is not

complicit in


It is ensured by law

in Turkey that no

action can not

involve and is not

complicit in



The project does not

involve and is not

complicit in corruption.


Additional relevant Description of Assessment of relevance Mitigation measure

11 Refenrence: http://www2.cevreorman.gov.tr/yasa/k/2872.doc

12 Refenrence: http://www2.cevreorman.gov.tr/yasa/k/2872.doc

13 Reference: http://www.anayasa.gen.tr/

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


critical issues for my

project type

relevance to my


to my project (low,

medium, high)

n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

ii. Sustainable development matrix

Indicator Mitigation measure

Relevance to achieving MDG

Chosen parameter and explanation

Preliminary score

Gold Standard indicators of sustainable development

If relevant, copy mitigation measure from ‘Do No Harm’ assessment, and include mitigation measure used to neutralise a score of ‘-’

Check www.undp.org/mdg and www.mdgmonitor.org Describe how your indicator is related to local MDG goals

Defined by project developer

Negative impact: score ‘-’ in case negative impact is not fully mitigated, score ‘0’ in case impact is planned to be fully mitigated No change in impact: score ‘0’ Positive impact: score ‘+’

Air quality n.a.

MDG affected: 7a: Integrate the principle of sustainable development into country policies and programs; reverse loss of environmental loss of environmental resources

SOx and NOx +

Water quality and quantity

n.a. MDG set for Turkey affected: 7.10 Proportion of the

Release of pollutants and changes in water


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


population using improved drinking water sources


Soil condition n.a. n/a Pollution of soils 0

Other pollutants n.a. n/a Level of noise 0

Biodiversity n.a.

n/a Alteration or destruction of natural habitat


Quality of employment

n.a. MDG affected: 1.5 Employment – to –population ratio

Certifications on trainings provided to the employees


Livelihood of the poor

n.a. MDG affected: 1b Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.

Number of people receiving social security system through a contract


Access to affordable and clean energy services

n.a. MDG set for Turkey affected: 7.2 CO2 emissions,

Reduction of dependency on fuel/energy imports


Human and institutional capacity

n.a. n.a

Changes on educational skill


Quantitative employment and income generation

n.a. MDG affected: 1.5 Employment-to-population ratio

Employment opportunities created


Balance of payments and investment



Net foreign currency savings resulting from a reduction of fossil fuel imports.


Technology transfer and technological self-reliance

n.a. MDG affected: 8f In cooperation with the private sector, make available of new technologies

The use of new type 2MW turbines


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


With regards to the sustainable indicator “Human and Institutional Capacity” the project participant is planning a contribution that will have a positive impact to the human and institutional capacity in the region (example education), and currently the project participant is assessing the options and opportunities on this subject. However this assessment have not reached a conclusion yet. Once the project participant has reached to a concrete decision on the means of contribution, the LSC report along with the other documents (such as the GS Passport) will be updated to reflect a detailed explanation on the contribution. D. 2. Stakeholders Blind sustainable development matrix

Indicator Mitigation measure

Relevance to achieving MDG

Chosen parameter and explanation

Preliminary score

Gold Standard indicators of sustainable development

If relevant, copy mitigation measure from ‘Do No Harm’ assessment, and include mitigation measure used to neutralise a score of ‘-’

Check www.undp.org/mdg and www.mdgmonitor.org Describe how your indicator is related to local MDG goals

Defined by project developer

Negative impact: score ‘-’ in case negative impact is not fully mitigated, score ‘0’ in case impact is planned to be fully mitigated No change in impact: score ‘0’ Positive impact: score ‘+’

Air quality

n.a. MDG affected: 7a: Integrate the principle of sustainable development into country policies and programs; reverse loss of environmental loss of environmental resources

SOx and NOx +

Water quality and quantity

n.a. MDG set for Turkey affected:

Release of pollutants and


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


7.10 Proportion of the population using improved drinking water sources

changes in water balance.

Soil condition n.a. n/a Pollution of soils +

Other pollutants n.a. n/a Level of noise +

Biodiversity n.a.

n/a Alteration or destruction of natural habitat


Quality of employment

n.a. MDG affected: 1.5 Employment – to –population ratio

Certifications on trainings provided to the employees


Livelihood of the poor

n.a. MDG affected: 1b Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.

Number of people receiving social security system through a contract


Access to affordable and clean energy services

n.a. MDG set for Turkey affected: 7.2 CO2 emissions,

Reduction of dependency on fuel/energy imports


Human and institutional capacity

n.a. n/a

Changes on educational skill


Quantitative employment and income generation

n.a. MDG affected: 1.5 Employment-to-population ratio

Employment opportunities created


Balance of payments and investment



Net foreign currency savings resulting from a reduction of fossil fuel imports.


Technology transfer and technological self-reliance

n.a. MDG affected: 8f In cooperation with the private sector, make available of new technologies

The use of new type 2MW turbines


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


In order to increase the efficiency of the blind assessment, an explanation of the indicators together with a questionnaire have been provided along with the invitations and during the meeting. During the opening session, Project Participant representatives have also explained briefly the indicators and what the blind exercise is. The stakeholders have provided all positive comments to the indicators. The stakeholders have not provided any kind of feedback (negative or positive) for some of the sustainable indicators and these are scored as “n.a”. However it was observed that the interest of the stakeholders was little to the indicators other than the ones related with employment.

Indicator Own Assessment Blind Assessment Air quality + + Water quality and quantity 0 + Soil condition 0 + Other pollutants 0 + Biodiversity 0 + Quality of employment + + Livelihood of the poor + + Access to affordable and clean energy services

+ n.a.

Human and institutional capacity

+ n.a.

Quantitative employment and income generation

+ +

Balance of payments and investment

0 n.a.

Technology transfer and technological self-reliance

0 n.a.

The blind assessment confirms the positive result of the self-assessment, however it is observed that the stakeholders intend to give scores for each and individual sustainable indicators based on their “general” view regarding the project and therefore most of the indicators under the blind assessment were scored “+” by the stakeholders. With regards to the sustainable indicator “Human and Institutional Capacity” the project participant is planning a contribution that will have a positive impact to the human and institutional capacity in the region (example education), and currently the project participant is assessing the options and opportunities on this subject. However this assessment have not reached a conclusion yet. Once the project participant has reached to a concrete decision on the means of contribution, the LSC report along with the other documents (such as the GS Passport) will be updated to reflect a

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


detailed explanation on the contribution. The sustainable indicator “Human and Institutional Capacity” has been included in the monitoring plan to enable monitoring the progress regarding this issue. D. 3. Consolidated sustainable development matrix

Indicator Mitigation measure

Relevance to achieving MDG

Chosen parameter and explanation

Preliminary score

Gold Standard indicators of sustainable development

If relevant, copy mitigation measure from ‘Do No Harm’ assessment, and include mitigation measure used to neutralise a score of ‘-’

Check www.undp.org/mdg and www.mdgmonitor.org Describe how your indicator is related to local MDG goals

Defined by project developer

Negative impact: score ‘-’ in case negative impact is not fully mitigated, score ‘0’ in case impact is planned to be fully mitigated No change in impact: score ‘0’ Positive impact: score ‘+’

Air quality

n.a. MDG affected: 7a: Integrate the principle of sustainable development into country policies and programs; reverse loss of environmental loss of environmental resources

SOx and NOx +

Water quality and quantity

n.a. MDG set for Turkey affected: 7.10 Proportion of the population using improved drinking water sources

Release of pollutants and changes in water balance.


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


Soil condition n.a. n/a Pollution of soils 0

Other pollutants n.a. n/a Level of noise 0

Biodiversity n.a.

n/a Alteration or destruction of natural habitat


Quality of employment

n.a. MDG affected: 1.5 Employment – to –population ratio

Certifications on trainings provided to the employees


Livelihood of the poor

n.a. MDG affected: 1b Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people.

Number of people receiving social security system through a contract


Access to affordable and clean energy services

n.a. MDG set for Turkey affected: 7.2 CO2 emissions,

Reduction of dependency on fuel/energy imports


Human and institutional capacity

n.a. n/a

Changes on educational skill


Quantitative employment and income generation

n.a. MDG affected: 1.5 Employment-to-population ratio

Employment opportunities created


Balance of payments and investment



Net foreign currency savings resulting from a reduction of fossil fuel imports.


Technology transfer and technological self-reliance

n.a. MDG affected: 8f In cooperation with the private sector, make available of new technologies

The use of new type 2MW turbines


Justification choices, data source and provision of references

A justification paragraph and reference source is required for each indicator, regardless of score

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


Air quality Electricity generation is considered to be a major source of NOx and SOx, which have a negative impact on human health and the environment. Especially in Turkey, the un controlled combustion of low quality lignite in power stations create dense pollution problems14. Taking into account that the majority of the energy generation is dependent on fossil fuels in Turkey, introduction of renewable energy will have a positive impact on air quality by decreasing not only SOx and NOx concentration but will also decrease the amount of particulates compared to the baseline. The sustainable indicator is scored (+) taking into account the proposed project activities positive impact.

Water quality and quantity Since the project is not located near to any ground or underground water sources, there will be no impact of the capacity increase compared to the baseline. There will be an insignificant amount of waste water due to the workers at the site however this waste water will not be released to the ground and will be managed in accordance with “Regulation on Control of Water Contamination”15. During the operation the domestic waste water from employees will be collected in a sealed septic tank and will be discharged to a location shown by the local authorities. The sustainable indicator is scored (0) taking into account the proposed project activity has no impact or negligible on the water quality and quantity without a requirement to mitigate.

Soil condition The project location has no agricultural value or a sensitive area (such as erosion). Wind Energy is one of the most environmental technologies that does not result in pollution of soil with lead, NOx, SOx, mercury or cadmium. As compared to the baseline, no significant changes or impact are expected. The use of large capacity turbines will result in decreased excavation work. The excavation work will be carried out according to “Regulation on Excavation and Construction Work”16. The sustainable indicator is scored (0) taking into account the proposed project activity has no impact or negligible on the soil condition without a

14 Reference:

http://www.elazigproje.org/uploads2/Turkiye_de_enerji_sektorunun_Olusturdugu_Havakirliligi_Raporu.pdf (page 15 SO2 Emissions) 15 Reference: http://www2.cevreorman.gov.tr/yasa/y/25687.docx

16 Reference: http://www2.cevreorman.gov.tr/yasa/y/25406.doc

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Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


requirement to mitigate.

Other pollutants Since the proposed project activity replaces electricity generation from fossil fuel resources dominating the national grid, it will have a positive impact on reduction of “other pollutants”. In the context of wind farms noise issue could be considered as a relevant topic. The proposed project activity involves installation of 10 Enercon turbines. Enercon is known to be one of the most silent turbine technology available for commercial use with a gearless mechanical transmission17. The optimised blade tips also reduce the noise levels significantly18. Based on the sound pressure level (in accordance with ISO 9613-2) of Enercon E-82 turbines, the level of sound pressure drops under 50 dB at 200 m distance from the turbines, which is a permitted level of noise for sensitive areas such as hospitals19. Taking into account that the closest residential area is 4 km away from the project area, the noise level will not be permanent negative impact of the turbines, which has been also confirmed by the locals close to the existing wind farm. They have confirmed that the noise is either too low or not disturbing at all. The sustainable indicator is scored (0) taking into account the proposed project activity has no impact on other pollutants without a requirement to mitigate.

Biodiversity The project area is not located in a sensitive area with regards to biodiversity. The project area is not a protected area and there are no sensitive genes, species and/or habitats existing within the project projects impact boundaries. The sustainable indicator is scored (0) taking into account the proposed project activity has no impact on biodiversity without a requirement to mitigate.

Quality of employment The proposed project activity will result in a demand of extra employment and locals will be contracted both during the construction and operational phase. During the operational phase the employees will be trained on health and security issues. The sustainable indicator is scored (+) taking into

17 Reference: Technical specification of E-82: http://www.enercon.de/de-de/62.htm

18 Reference: Technical specifications of Enercon Turbines:



19 Reference: http://www2.cevreorman.gov.tr/yasa/y/26809.doc

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Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


account the proposed project activity has a positive impact on quality of employment.

Livelihood of the poor As also confirmed during the Local Stakeholders Consultation Meeting, the unemployment is one of the major problems in the region as well as the nearby villages. The average age of the nearby villages are over 50 and most of the families are supported by only pension salary, and there are limited opportunities of jobs for young people in the nearby villages20. The proposed project activity will create extra job opportunities especially to young people and will give the opportunity for the employees to provide a living to their families without trying to look for a job in bigger cities. The sustainable indicator is scored (+) taking into account the proposed project activity has a positive impact on livelihood of the poor.

Access to affordable and clean energy services

According to 2009 statistics, 50% of Turkey’s energy generation is dependent on natural gas21. As Natural Gas is not a national resource available in Turkey the majority of the natural gas is bought from Russia and Iran. Natural gas and petrol imports are claimed to be the biggest responsible for current account deficit of Turkey and have been reported to increase 40% compared to 2010 figures22. Utilization of natural resources (such as wind) will decrease the dependency of fuel/energy imports that will lead to more sustainable and affordable energy services in Turkey. The successful implementation of the project activity will contribute the trend to increase the renewable energy utilization in Turkey’s energy mix. The sustainable indicator is scored (+) taking into account the proposed project activity has a positive impact on access to affordable and clean energy services23.

Human and institutional capacity With regards to the sustainable indicator “Human and Institutional Capacity” the project participant is planning a contribution that will have a positive impact to the human and institutional capacity in the region (example education),

20 Reference: Mr. MuzafferYıldırım / Muchtar of Dualar Village

21 Reference: Annual Developmnet of Turkey’s Electricity Generation by Primary Energy Sources (1975-

2009) http://www.teias.gov.tr/istatistik2009/32(75-09).xls

22 Reference: http://www.gso.org.tr/Content/Haber/Gundem.aspx?ID=1612

23 Although the proposed Project activity will have a positive impact it is very hard to monitor the impact

quantitatively and therefore this indicator has not been included in the monitoring plan.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


and currently the project participant is assessing the options and opportunities on this subject. However this assessment have not reached a conclusion yet. Once the project participant has reached to a concrete decision on the means of contribution, the LSC report along with the other documents (such as the GS Passport) will be updated to reflect a detailed explanation on the contribution. This sustainable indicator has been included in the monitoring plan to enable monitoring the progress regarding this issue and scored as (+).

Quantitative employment and income generation

The project will create local and regional employment both during the construction and operational phase. Since the project is in planning phase the number of required jobs are not defined yet, however taking into account the importance of employment opportunities to the locals, the proposed project activity will have a positive impact on the sustainable indicator quantitative employment and income generation and therefore scored as (+).

Balance of payments and investment

Although the project activity will lead to changes with regards to net foreign currency savings resulting from a reduction of fossil fuel imports, the impact of the project activity have been already taken into account under the sustainable indicator access to affordable and clean energy services. Therefore the sustainable indicator balance of payments and investment is scored as (0).

Technology transfer and technological self-reliance

Since wind energy is still a marginal and new technology in Turkey, the project will have a contribution on technology transfer and help the sector to develop a self-reliance. However taking into account that a quantitative monitoring is very difficult, it is assumed that there will be no change in the baseline regarding this sustainable indicator and the score is set to “0”.

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009



To increase the efficiency of the meeting on sustainable indicators and monitoring, a questionnaire with the explanation of the indicators were provided to the stakeholders along with the invitations (both via emails and hard copies for locals) and during the Local Stakeholders Meeting. However no written respond have been provided by the stakeholders so far. During the stakeholders meeting the stakeholders were asked for their opinion on monitoring however the participants showed little interest on this topic and stated that they are happy with the current situation (interviews during the periodic verifications). In accordance with the Gold Standard v2.1 requirements the following sustainable indicators have been added to the monitoring plan. No 1 Indicator Air quality Mitigation measure n.a. Chosen parameter Electricity delivered to the grid substituting fossil fuel based

electricity generation in the baseline resulting in decreased NOx and SOx.

Current situation of parameter The majority of the energy generation is dependent on fossil fuels which result in high emission levels of SOx and NOx.

Estimation of baseline situation

of parameter SO2 and NO2 emissions per MWh electricity generation from fossil fuels are as follows:

SO2 (kg/MWh) NO2 (kg/MWh) Natural Gas 0.45 7.71 Coal 5.89 2.72 Oil 5.44 1.81

Reference: United States Environmental Prottection Agency / http://www.epa.gov/cleanenergy/energy-and-you/affect/air-emissions.html

Future target for parameter The electricity delivered to the grid by the project activity will substitute the same amount of electricity generated from the generation mix of Turkey, which is dominated by fossil fuels.

Way of monitoring How For simplicity and conservativeness it is assumed that the electricity delivered to the grid by the project activity will result in 0.45kg/MWh SO2 and 1.81kg/MWh emission reductions.

When Once for each monitoring period By who Project Participant

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


No 2 Indicator Quality of employment Mitigation measure n.a. Chosen parameter Certifications or records of trainings on occupational safety

provided to the employees. Current situation of parameter n.a. Estimation of baseline situation

of parameter n.a.

Future target for parameter Technical staff will be trained on occupational safety. Way of monitoring How The technical staff will be trained and certified.

When Once for each monitoring period By who Project Participant

No 3 Indicator Livelihood of the Poor Mitigation measure n.a. Chosen parameter Number of people receiving social security system through a

contract Current situation of parameter n.a. Estimation of baseline situation

of parameter n.a.

Future target for parameter All employees will be covered by the social security system (SGK)

Way of monitoring How Documentation check on social security system When Once for each monitoring period By who Project Participant

No 4 Indicator Quantitative employment and income generation Mitigation measure n.a. Chosen parameter Number of contracts Current situation of parameter n.a. Estimation of baseline situation

of parameter n.a.

Future target for parameter The project will result in extra employment opportunities Way of monitoring How Number of contracts

When Once for each monitoring period By who Project Participant

No 5

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


Indicator Human and institutional capacity Mitigation measure n.a. Chosen parameter Contribution that will result in human and institutional

capacity (as an example educational quality) Current situation of parameter n.a. Estimation of baseline situation

of parameter n.a.

Future target for parameter the project participant is planning a contribution that will have a positive impact to the human and institutional capacity in the region (example education), and currently the project participant is assessing the options and opportunities on this subject.

Way of monitoring How Visual inspection or monitoring based on documentation depending on the nature of the contribution

When During first verification By who Project Participant

No 6 Indicator Access to affordable and clean energy services Mitigation measure n.a. Chosen parameter Amount of renewable energy supplied to the grid in MWh. Current situation of parameter n.a. Estimation of baseline situation

of parameter According to 2009 statistics, 50% of Turkey’s energy generation is dependent on natural gas. As Natural Gas is not a national resource available in Turkey the majority of the natural gas is bought from Russia and Iran. Natural gas and petrol imports are claimed to be the biggest responsible for current account deficit of Turkey and have been reported to increase 40% compared to 2010 figures.

Future target for parameter Utilization of natural resources (such as wind) will decrease the dependency of fuel/energy imports that will lead to more sustainable and affordable energy services in Turkey.

Way of monitoring How Measurement of electricity delivered to the grid. When Once for each monitoring period By who Project Participant

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009



The Stakeholders Feedback Round (SFR) is a two month period, where all necessary documents will be made publicly available. Once the draft PDD is finalized, the PDD, the local Stakeholder Consultation Meeting report (the Turkish translation of this report) and the passport will be made available for comments for all stakeholders that were invited to the LSC meeting. Several hard copies of this LSC report will be handed over to the muchtar to be shared with locals that would like to also provide comment and feedback. Project Participant will also publish the documents at their website once the documents are prepared for consultation. If there are any kind additional comment before the feedback round from stakeholders, the reports (LSC report and Passport) will be revised accordingly to reflect those additional comments as well .

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report

Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009


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Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report