Gold, Beauty Or Death By: Gabriel Chalom and Kareem Woodard

Gold, Beauty Or Death

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Gold, Beauty Or Death. By: Gabriel Chalom and Kareem W oodard. Gold Uses. *It can be used in coating objects. ex: used in medical lasers to reflect, coated sometimes in money (certain coins). *It is used many times for reflecting and conducting electricity in objects. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Gold, Beauty Or Death

Gold, Beauty Or DeathBy: Gabriel Chalom and

Kareem Woodard

Page 2: Gold, Beauty Or Death

Gold Uses*It can be used in coating objects. ex: used in medical lasers to reflect, coated sometimes in money (certain coins).*It is used many times for reflecting and conducting electricity in objects.Jewelry and Fashion, many rings and necklaces are either coated or made with gold.*Obviously last used in gold bars *Gold is even used in food. (p.s. 1/3 of the things Paris Hilton eats has gold in it)

Page 3: Gold, Beauty Or Death

• White Gold• Black Gold • Pink Gold• Apache Gold • Wire Gold• Nail Gold• Mustard Gold• Paint Gold• Blue Gold• Grey Gold

Types Of Gold

Page 4: Gold, Beauty Or Death

• Cyanide is a very deadly chemical that comes off of gold especially when mining.

• It can stop the production of ATP in the body causing immediate death

• When mining mercury is used to obtain the gold and often is leached into our rivers.

• Both are extremely dangerous; 50 millagrams of cyanide kills animals instantly.

Gold’s Environmental Consequences

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• When cyanide mercury enters our rivers and streams seperately it contaminates our aquatic food and usually gives fishermen that area two choices, either find another area to fish or find another job; so imagin if they enter the same water source.

Cultural Consequences

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What The Government Say They Doing

• Many Governments have made only small mining legal

• Many governments have also made using mercury or cyanide to mine illegal

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What We Think Should Be Done

• Gold extractions should not be dumped in rivers.

• Instead mining companies should sell cyanide instead of wasting & polluting.

• People should be more precautionary when mining with mercury.

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Work Cited Page• http://serc.carleton.edu/research_education

/nativelands/ftbelknap/environmental.html• http://www.springerlink.com/content/x0410

0t1x7285469/• http://bullion.nwtmint.com/gold_uses.php• http://biz.yahoo.com/ic/134.html• http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/687

913.stm• http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28596948/