God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

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Page 1: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31

2.Psalm 145:9-10

3.Romans 1:20

4.Psalm 148 7:12

What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Page 2: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Genesis 1:20, 25

“Let the water teem with living creatures…let the birds increase on the earth.”

God made the wild animals…

And God saw that it was good.

Page 3: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

• God made creation and it is good.

Page 4: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Psalm 145:9-10

The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. All you have made will praise you, O Lord; your saints will extol you.

Page 5: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

• God made creation and it is good.

• God loves creation and cares for it.

Page 6: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Romans 1:20

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Page 7: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

• God made creation and it is good.

• God loves creation and cares for it.

• God reveals Himself through His creation.

Page 8: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Psalm 148 7:12

Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creatures…

Page 9: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

• God made creation and it is good.

• God loves creation and cares for it.

• God reveals Himself through His creation.

•God receives worship from His creation.

Page 10: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

1.Luke 5:16

2.Acts 14:15-17

What does the Bible say about our relation to God through creation?

Page 11: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Jesus got away, He went outside into God’s creation, to spend time with his Father.

Page 12: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

•Creation gives us an opportunity to pray and to worship God.

Page 13: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Acts 14:15-17

He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food…

Page 14: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

•Creation gives us an opportunity to pray and to worship God.

•We are dependent upon God’s creation.

Page 15: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

1.Genesis 2:15

2.Luke 12:48

3.Psalm 8:5-9

What does the Bible say about our responsibility to care for creation?

Page 16: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Genesis 2:15

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

Page 17: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Luke 12:48 From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded…

Page 18: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Psalm 8:5-9

You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet…

Page 19: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

1. Genesis 2:15 … to work it and care for it.

2. Luke 12:48 … much will be demanded.

3. Psalm 8:5-9 You made him ruler…

We are stewards of God’s creation.

Page 20: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

1. Proverbs 13:22

2. Proverbs 14:31

3. Matthew 25

4. 1 John 3:17-18

5. Acts 1:8

What does the Bible say about our relation to others through creation?

Page 21: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Proverbs 13:22

A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children…

Page 22: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

• We share creation with future generations.

Page 23: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Proverbs 14:31

He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker…

Page 24: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Matthew 25

“…whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Page 25: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

1 John 3:17-18

If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? …let us love with actions and in truth.

Page 26: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

• We share creation with future generations.

• We share creation with our fellow human beings, all over the world.

Page 27: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

Acts 1:8“…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Page 28: God’s Word on God’s Creation 1.Genesis 1:1, 20-31 2.Psalm 145:9-10 3.Romans 1:20 4.Psalm 148 7:12 What does the Bible say about God and His creation?

God’s Word on God’s Creation

• We share creation with future generations.

• We share creation with our fellow human beings, all over the world.

• Our actions, for good and for bad, affect our ability to proclaim Christ in the world.