God Wants You Well - AWMSA FP

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This booklet is titled God Wants You Well. People think of God in many different ways—some of their ideas are true, while others are false. Some ideas produce sickness; others produce health and healing. We believe the Bible has been inspired by God to reveal truth to the world. The healing ideas highlighted in this booklet come from the Bible.

Few people ever read the Bible, but some who do come up with very

different ideas and beliefs. How do you know which ones are true?

Which ones are from God? We suggest that you give them this test:

Does the idea or belief produce life, light, love, and healing? If so,

then that is evidence that the idea is coming from God, because that is

His true nature as revealed in the Bible. That is why we are sharing so

many healing stories with you; they point you in the right direction.

Each of the healings in this booklet have come through one man’s

lifelong study of the Bible. His name is Andrew Wommack, and

the results of his teachings have been astonishing. Thousands of

people have received healing and much more. They are set free and

empowered to experience joy, fulfillment, and purpose for the rest

of their lives.

We hope that this booklet will be just the beginning of a wonderful

relationship of growing in the blessings of knowing the one true God.

Change your mind and change your life.

What you think you know may be killing you. Believing wrong ideas can make you sick, keep you sick,

increase your misery, and even produce death. Changing your beliefs

can open the door to a whole new world of possibilities.


Sickness Is a Curse 4

Healing Is a Free Gift 8

Speak to Your Symptoms 12

Why Isn’t Everyone Healed? 16

What If I’m Still Skeptical? 22

Healing Is Now 26

Biblical Evidence 30

Sickness Is a Curse


God Wants You Well

Three-year-old Hannah Terradez was on the verge of death, and her parents were in despair. Diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder called eosinophilic enteropathy, her body stopped accepting food of any kind. As a last resort, a feeding tube was surgically implanted, feeding pure formula into her stomach. It worked briefly, but then her body began rejecting it. Soon, without a miracle, she would starve to death.

Hannah’s father, Ashley, remembered the time: “People would say to me that God wants to heal her, but sometimes He does and sometimes He doesn’t…. In my heart, I got to the point [of believing], ‘Well, if the Lord wants her to die for His glory, then so be it.’”

But how can God be glorified in the tragic death of a child? In fact, He can’t be glorified that way. Instead, He is vilified and made to look as if He does not love the world. Ashley could only have thought this way if he felt that somehow Hannah’s sickness might be a blessing in disguise. And that is exactly what is taught in many churches today. By the way, these churches seldom, if ever, see anyone healed.

This booklet is titled God Wants You Well. It is not religious—it is biblical. It begins with the absolute declaration that the Bible calls sickness a curse, not a blessing in disguise. The healing stories, like Hannah’s, that we will mention in this booklet can be seen in full video documentaries on our website: www.awmi.net/healing. Each story will demonstrate that what you believe about sickness and healing makes a difference in the outcome.

Have you ever looked carefully at what you believe?


Hannah’s parents had to completely change their beliefs in a very short period of time in order to see Hannah healed. A family member gave them a free teaching from Andrew Wommack titled “Your New Identity in Christ.” They heard things that they had never heard in church. That day, they went to Andrew’s website and downloaded free teachings on healing and began to listen day and night. They renewed their minds and saw their daughter totally healed within days.

So, why is it important to believe that sickness is a curse? The Bible is the inspired Word of God and the source of our beliefs. If you are inspired by the healing stories we bring to you, then we invite you to look with us at the source.

The Bible is divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is the story of how God revealed the Law to the Jews. The New Testament is the story of how God fulfilled the Old Testament Law in Jesus Christ, making the blessings of Abraham (the father of the Jews) freely available to everyone, not just to the Jews.

Under the Old Testament Law, there is a list of blessings and curses found in Deuteronomy 28. The blessings are good things that come as a reward for doing right, and the curses are bad things that come as punishment for doing wrong. Sickness is always listed as a curse, never a blessing.

The New Testament changed the Old Testament in a most profound way. The book of Galatians reveals,

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law,

being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is

every one that hangeth on a tree: [14] That the blessing

Sickness Is a Curse


God Wants You Well

of Abraham [the father of the Jews] might come on the

Gentiles [all non-Jews] through Jesus Christ; that we

might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

Galatians 3:13-14, brackets added

This is very exciting. The New Testament says the whole world can receive God’s blessings by faith and, in the meantime, never have to obey the Old Testament Law in order to qualify. Also, the curses have been paid for by the suffering and death of God’s only Son, Jesus Christ.

And sickness is a curse. Believe it.

Hannah’s parents abandoned the idea that sickness might be a blessing in disguise. They also embraced the other truths set forth in this booklet. They renewed their minds by immersing themselves in the free teachings available through Andrew Wommack’s website, and today they help hundreds of other people receive healing. Meanwhile, Hannah has grown into a healthy teenager.

We hope that you will go to the website: www.awmi.net /healing and view the full story of Hannah Terradez’s healing. There are many more insights shared in the details of that healing journey. We also recommend Andrew Wommack’s complete teachings God Wants You Well and The True Nature

of God. They are available as free audio downloads on the website, or in book form or other formats for purchase.

Go to www.awmi.net and use the search bar to find the items recommended above. Or call our Helpline: 719-635-1111 for this and other resources.

Healing Is a Free Gift


God Wants You Well

Many times Lance Weldgen felt so much pain and fatigue, he could not get out of bed. Doctors declared his condition incurable. Just to cope, they prescribed seventeen daily medications for him. As Christian believers, he and his wife, Gerri, had prayed often for healing, but for years, nothing happened to stop a downward spiral into the nightmare of fibromyalgia.

On a good day—when the medications worked—Lance would hobble to a local coffee shop. There, he bumped into Charis Bible College students Mike and Rose Gonyer, who introduced him to the teaching of Andrew Wommack and the truth that God wanted him well. Lance believed in healing, but after so many failed prayers, he didn’t think it would work for him.

One day, Lance was able to attend morning classes at Charis. He heard truths that he had never heard before, and it sparked new hope in his heart. After classes ended, he went into an empty classroom for prayer. Mike and Rose prayed with him—but again, nothing happened.

That’s when he began to realize that a deep feeling of unworthiness was holding him back from receiving God’s gift. In his mind’s eye, he could see the unworthiness like a lump of black coal in the center of his chest, blocking access to God’s love.

This is a problem for many people. Even good, church-going people can suffer from feelings of unworthiness. They


hear about other people receiving a miracle of healing and think, They must have fasted and prayed and lived a holy

life to deserve that. I’ll never be good enough. This sickness

is something I deserve.

The truth is, only one person ever lived holy enough to deserve God’s gifts: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who lived in perfect obedience to His heavenly Father. He submitted to terrible humiliation, beating, torture, and death on a cross so that we could be forgiven our sins, receive healing, and be accepted as sons and daughters of the Most High. This is the gift of God. It is free to us, but it wasn’t free to God, who paid the ultimate price. Jesus took the punishment we deserved so that we could freely receive the blessings He deserved.

The Old Testament spoke of Him this way: “But he was

wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our

iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him;

and with his stripes we are healed” (Is. 53:5).

The New Testament says, “Who his own self bare our sins

in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins,

should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were

healed” (1 Pet. 2:24).

You can see in these passages that God treats the forgiveness of our sins and the healing of our bodies as two parts of the same salvation, and it is not conditional. It is not about being worthy. It is about receiving the greatest gift in the universe, something we could never afford, earn, or deserve in any way.

Healing Is a Free Gift


God Wants You Well

Lance’s lump of coal, that feeling of unworthiness that kept him sick, had come from pride. He felt that he had done something the suffering of Jesus could not erase, and he could not be forgiven. Such pride will always block the way to God’s free gift. As Lance prayed with Mike and Rose, the feeling of unworthiness broke loose. Suddenly Lance’s pain was gone, and he began to run and leap and dance around the entire school building, completely pain free. He has never taken another medication, and he and Gerri are living an active lifestyle today.

We hope you will visit our website and watch Lance’s amazing story. We were able to get him to reenact his “happy dance” just the way it happened. At one point, he actually leaped into the air, clicking his heels together. He is a big man of retirement age—younger, fitter men might not be able to do such a thing. You will not believe that this man had been a near invalid only a few short moments before prayer.

Go to www.awmi.net/healing for more healing stories and free teaching materials. For more teaching on this topic, we recommend Andrew Wommack’s teaching Grace, the

Power of the Gospel.

Go to www.awmi.net and use the search bar to find the items recommended above. Or call our Helpline: 719-635-1111 for this and other resources.

Speak to Your



God Wants You Well

Julieann Hartman’s sickness involved the symptoms of fibromyalgia. After hearing the biblical teaching introduced in this booklet, she began to speak to her symptoms one by one, and they began to disappear!

In fact, she did not just speak to her symptoms—she commanded them to leave her body. She spoke to pain, numbness, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea. She addressed each symptom that existed in specific areas of her body: stomach, head, shoulder, neck, arms, upper and lower back, legs, and feet. Within weeks she was symptom free and drug free.

How was this possible? She happened to hear Andrew Wommack on his daily television show speak about a man whose hand was shaking from Parkinson’s disease. Andrew told the man to tell his hand to stop shaking. The man spoke to the shaking hand, and it stopped. Filled with curiosity, she went to Andrew’s website and downloaded a large amount of free teachings. It began to change her way of thinking about her own condition.

The teaching that influenced her to speak to her symptoms came from the New Testament, where Jesus said to His followers, “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall

say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and

it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matt. 17:20).

In another verse, Jesus said to a fruitless fig tree, “Let no fruit

grow on thee henceforward for ever” (Matt. 21:19), and the fig tree withered and died.


From Andrew’s teaching about these and other passages, Julieann learned that anyone who believes can do what Jesus said was possible. Instead of praying to God about her symptoms, she began to speak directly to them and command them, in faith, to get out of her body. And they did!

Do you believe this is possible? If not, then perhaps you are shutting the door to a life-changing possibility.

Even scientists are beginning to uncover the power of faith and words affecting physical realities. Medical doctors marvel at unexplained healings they witness through prayer. A leading research scientist described how the cells of your body are affected by your thoughts. Cutting-edge thinkers describe how a small change in the input to an information system will always make a huge change in the outcome. Your body is an information system. Think about it.

What you think, believe, and speak matters to the health of your body. The Bible says, “As he thinketh in his heart, so is

he” (Prov. 23:7).

So, what is the advantage to unbelief? What do we gain if we think small, believe small, and remain silent and sick? The Bible tells us God spoke the universe into existence. Jesus taught us to speak to our mountain. Why not put your faith in the Word of a loving God and speak to the symptoms of your body?

Julieann puts it this way: “We spent $300,000 on doctors, medicines, and therapies in an effort to relieve my symptoms. But Andrew’s teaching, which made all the difference, was free.”

Speak to Your Simptoms


God Wants You Well

There is much more to learn about the authority God has given to believers through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We encourage you to go to our website and discover the wealth of teaching available from Andrew Wommack Ministries. We especially recommend A Better Way to Pray.

The website also contains twenty-four documented healing stories called Healing Journeys. Go to www.awmi.net/healing, and be sure to watch the full story of Julieann Hartman’s healing from fibromyalgia.

Go to www.awmi.net and use the search bar to find the items recommended above. Or call our Helpline: 719-635-1111 for this and other resources.

Why Isn’tEveryone Healed?


God Wants You Well

Damon and Renee Peterson were using all of the principles of healing taught in this booklet, but their two-year-old son, Jason, still suffered horrible, bleeding eczema all over his body. They treated the condition with love, medicine, and prayer until they had exhausted themselves and every resource.

As employees of Andrew Wommack Ministries—a place where Andrew teaches that God always wants you well—Damon and Renee were severely challenged in their faith. The sight of little Jason’s bleeding face at company social gatherings disturbed other employees as well. For more than a year, Jason’s condition caused a turmoil between faith and unbelief.

Damon and Renee began to blame themselves. “What are we doing wrong?” they asked. Andrew counseled them not to blame themselves, but to simply rest in the truth that God wanted Jason well. No one understood why he wasn’t being healed.

It is natural to think that because God wants everyone well, everyone will receive healing. But that is not what we see in this imperfect world. Some who seek to be healed do not receive it. For others, it takes a long, long time. Some even die before they receive healing.

Of course, everyone who has received Christ as Savior receives a perfect eternal body in heaven. In that sense, everyone is healed. But why don’t we see it in the here and now? If God gives us healing as a free gift purchased at great cost, why doesn’t everyone receive it in this life?


Many answer this question by saying, “Sometimes God does not want you well. Sometimes He wants you sick.” But this answer throws the baby out with the bathwater. It stops any healing journey short of the goal. After all, if God wants you sick, then what’s the point in fighting against God?

The Bible reveals that our Creator is light with no darkness; He is pure and selfless love, and life itself. When Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth, He said that He came to bring life and even more abundant life (John 10:10). Did everyone receive it? No. Was it because Jesus did not want them to receive it? No. God’s motives are pure. So, we urge you not to answer this difficult question by blaming God.

Damon and Renee did not blame God, and they kept the door open to His healing power. In the meantime, they struggled to rest in God’s goodness as Andrew had counseled them to do. They still wondered, Why isn’t Jason healed?

In fact, there are many reasons as to why everyone isn’t healed—more than we can know and explain. Each case has a one-of-a-kind answer that will not fit a cookie-cutter approach. Though the answers are complex, with no one-size-fits-all formula, some explanations can help us think properly and keep us from putting the blame on God.

Consider personal sin. Since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, every human sins and suffers bad consequences. God warned that it would be so. For example, alcoholics get liver disease. Drug abusers suffer brain damage. Sexually promiscuous people get sexually transmitted diseases. Anger, unforgiveness, selfishness, pride, unbelief, rebellion,

Why Isn’t Everyone Healed?


God Wants You Well

and spiritual blindness—all of these are sins that damage our souls and have consequences in our bodies. Even cancer takes root in such an environment. God is not punishing us; we are simply reaping what we have sown. It is the natural law of cause and effect. You might ask, “Does God want to overcome the results of sin in our lives?” Yes. But we cling to sin, and it clings to us more than we know, holding us back from receiving the full benefit of His gift.

But it is important to understand that all disease is not because of sins we commit. The natural world itself is fallen. We get old and die. Everything, including our bodies, suffers decay. Scientists describe the law of entropy as everything moving from order to disorder. For example, bones, muscles, and organs weaken and degenerate over time. Accidents happen. There are diseases that are inherited through DNA. A wound can get infected. These things happen not because of personal sin, but because of corruption that first entered the world in the Garden of Eden.

There is much more, but we also ought to consider the role of Satan. Sin allows him to do his dirty work. He works in our thoughts to accuse us of wrongdoing, to magnify our guilt, and to make us feel unworthy of God’s love. He adds insult to injury. Most of all, he intends to make us think wrong thoughts about God. He wants us to believe that God does not love us—that He does not want us well. Satan also takes advantage of ignorance to sow superstition and false belief. He is at war with God, and the Scriptures say he comes only to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). They further tell us to beware of him because he prowls like a lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Pet. 5:8).


The good news of the New Testament is that Jesus Christ came to destroy the work of the devil. He suffered torture and death, but God the Father raised Him from the dead. The message of Easter is that Satan has no real power; he is defeated. So, if Satan wants you sick and God wants you well, the door to healing remains wide open. While we cannot imagine all the reasons a person is not healed, we know that healing comes through faith in the free gift made possible at the greatest cost. We need to cling to that.

In the end, Damon was given the keys to his son’s healing by God alone. As he watched his two sons playing one day, he prayed silently in his spirit for Jason. Suddenly, God spoke in his mind, directing him to stop praying for Jason’s eczema and to instead pray for his heart. No one knew this, but apparently there was a heart defect behind all of the terrible skin disease. Damon spoke to Jason’s heart, commanding it to be made whole, and within one week all of the eczema disappeared!

Why isn’t everyone healed? Perhaps because not everyone gets to the place of quietly hearing God’s voice as Damon did. Your relationship with God through Jesus Christ opens the door to hearing directly from God. Nothing is more important, because ultimately your answer is one-of-a-kind. God is the only One who knows the full reason His gift of healing is being blocked in your case.

Do you know Jesus as your Savior? Have you ever bowed your heart and mind to receive God’s love? Do you want to begin a relationship with God like Damon’s, where you can hear His still, small voice in your heart and mind? You can do that even now as you read this. Simply pray something like this:

Why Isn’t Everyone Healed?


God Wants You Well

Father in heaven, I am a sinner who needs to be reborn by

Your Spirit. I reach out now to receive Your mercy and Your

gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ. I see that You sent Your Son

to die for my sins and for my healing. I receive that gift now

and the new identity that You have created for me in heaven.

Thank You, Father, and teach me to hear Your voice and obey.

We urge you to visit our website: www.awmi.net/healing and view the one-of-a-kind healing journey of Damon and Renee Peterson and their son Jason. Many other Healing Journey documentaries are there to help build your faith in the goodness of God. We also believe that you will benefit from many of the free teachings available to you. We especially recommend Andrew Wommack’s powerful The New You &

The Holy Spirit teaching. These will help renew your mind to see life from God’s perspective of truth.

Go to www.awmi.net and use the search bar to find the items recommended above. Or call our Helpline: 719-635-1111 for this and other resources.

What If I’m StillSkeptical?


God Wants You Well

One day, Amanda’s mother came to her with a new sense of excitement. “I believe you can be healed,” she said. “I have been watching a television program with a Bible teacher who can explain it. I want you to watch with me.”

Amanda felt irritated by her mother’s optimism. She had given up hope for living a normal life. Diagnosed with myoclonic epilepsy, any encounter with a changing light source caused her body to convulse. She was soon to graduate from high school and had made no plans for college because she suffered up to 200 seizures per day. The only place she felt safe and comfortable was in a photographic darkroom, where she could spend hours developing film without being bothered by lights.

The television program Amanda’s mother had been watching was Andrew Wommack’s Gospel Truth program. Rather than watch it on television, Amanda chose to visit the website and watch the program on demand. She selected the God Wants You Well teaching series and watched the episodes back-to-back.

Slowly, the teaching convinced Amanda that God did want her well and that healing could be received as a gift. But she had suffered from her condition since early childhood; she could hardly imagine living free of it. She watched other healing stories on the website and believed that it was real for them, but she remained afraid to reach out for herself.


This is a typical response for many who have suffered symptoms for a long time. It affects the way they think. However, it does not need to remain an obstacle to receiving God’s healing power.

A skeptical man came to Jesus in the Bible, asking him to heal his son who had suffered a terrible epileptic-type condition since early childhood. The man was skeptical because Jesus’ disciples had failed to heal the boy. He said to Jesus, “If You

can do anything, have compassion on us and help us” (Mark 9:22, New King James Version). His skepticism showed in the cautious way he spoke. He feared that Jesus might fail as His disciples had failed, and he wanted to go home with something, even if it was only compassion.

Jesus challenged the man’s “if” statement with one of His own:

“If you can believe, all things are possible to him who

believes.” [24] Immediately the father of the child

cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help

my unbelief!”

Mark 9:23-24, NKJV

This man’s response was similar to Amanda’s after watching hours of Andrew’s teaching on her laptop. She had faith, but at the same time, she had unbelief. Some people believe that their doubts will automatically cancel their faith; but that is not true. When the man in the Bible story professed his belief and asked for help for his unbelief, Jesus did not despise him. He responded to his belief in spite of his unbelief and healed the boy in dramatic fashion.

What If I’m Still Skeptical?


God Wants You Well

God did not despise Amanda for her skepticism either. He gave her the special help she needed to overcome it. She reached out and took it for herself by faith and received instant relief from all symptoms of myoclonic epilepsy.

Since her healing, Amanda has graduated from Andrew Wommack’s Charis Bible College in Colorado and followed her love of photography through Media School. Since finishing her studies, she has become a media professional, often handling the bright lights of video production. She has become a young woman with a promising future.

We urge you to watch Amanda’s complete story in the Healing Journeys section of the website: www.awmi.net /healing. We also recommend a teaching of Andrew’s that captures the transformation seen in Amanda’s story, titled Effortless Change.

Go to www.awmi.net and use the search bar to find the items recommended above. Or call our Helpline: 719-635-1111 for this and other resources.

HealingIs Now


God Wants You Well

Niki Ochenski suffered from a host of allergic problems that trapped her in constant pain. She was so weak that she couldn’t lift a hand or go to the bathroom by herself, forcing total dependence on her mother. This condition robbed four years from her teenage life.

Through it all, Niki maintained an amazing intimacy with God. Deprived of her normal pursuits, she continued in a state of constant prayer.

“I never questioned the healing [from God],” Niki recalled, “but I questioned when the timing would come. At one point, I said, ‘Okay, God. When am I going to get healed?’ He said to me, ‘Niki, this miracle is going to be a progressive miracle.’ And I said, ‘Okay, I’m good with that.’”

At this stage in her illness, Niki’s mom, Chris, attended a church service on her daughter’s behalf, listening to Andrew Wommack teach on healing. She learned that people don’t have to wait for God to heal them. Healing is a gift God has already given. It is up to the individual to reach out and take it as their own. This was totally opposed to what Niki and her family believed, but her mom took a cassette tape of Andrew’s message home and asked Niki to listen to it.

When Niki listened, she was encouraged, but also confused. She heard Andrew say that healing can be gradual, but it doesn’t have to be. He said that a gradual healing is not God’s best. “Okay, God,” she said. “You said my miracle would be progressive, and this man is saying something different to that.


Now, where does that line up?” Then she felt God speak in her heart, “Niki, according to your faith, it was going to be a progressive miracle.”

Niki knew immediately where the phrase “according to your faith” came from because she knew her Bible well. It came from the story of two blind men who came to Jesus for healing:

When he entered the house, the blind men came to

him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am

able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” [29] Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your

faith be it done to you.”

Matthew 9:28-29, English Standard Version

According to Niki’s faith, Jesus had told her that her healing would be progressive. That was the truth. Now she saw a new possibility: She could change what she believed and see a different result. Niki told her mother she was ready to receive her healing immediately.

Chris invited Andrew to their house the following afternoon. Andrew only knew Niki had suffered for over four years and was in a lot of pain. Her doctor later admitted that she was so close to death that he didn’t expect to see her again. But Niki’s faith and the expectancy of her parents had been redirected, and they were ready to believe for her healing that day in the year 2000. The result was the most dramatic healing ever witnessed by those who were there.

Today Niki is a wife and mother of two children, living a full life in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

Healing Is Now


God Wants You Well

We recommend that you check out her dramatic testimony at www.awmi.net/video/healing/niki. We also suggest that you listen to Andrew Wommack’s Living in the Balance of Grace

& Faith teaching. It may be that your healing journey has not come into your “now.” But renewing your mind through the Word of God will help you see that Jesus’ truth is eternal, and eternity includes the past, present, and future. Choose God’s best! God always wants you well.

Go to www.awmi.net and use the search bar to find the items recommended above. Or call our Helpline: 719-635-1111 for this and other resources.


8:1-15, 28-349:1-8, 20-3312:10-13


1:40-452:1-123:1-55:1-20, 25-437:24-378:22-269:14-2910:46-52


4:33-395:12-15, 17-266:6-107:1-178:27-39, 43-569:37-4211:1413:11-1714:1-518:35-4322:50-51



There are 41 other times recorded where He healed one or two people at a time.

There are 17 times recorded in the Gospels where Jesus healed all of the sick that were present.


4:23-248:16-179:3512:1514:14, 34-3615:30-3119:221:14


1:32-34, 396:56

Nowhere do we find Jesus refusing to heal anyone. In light of Jesus’ statement that He could do nothing of Himself but only what He saw the Father do (John 5:19 and 8:28-29), His actions are proof enough that it is always God’s will to heal.

Biblical Evidence

God really does want you well.30



GOD WANTS YOU WELLChrist paid for the healing of our body as completely

as He paid for the forgiveness of our sins.

Harrison House PublishersTulsa, OK 74153


Religion/Prayer/Charismatic Interest

AndrewWommackThe ministry of Andrew Wommack, author and Bible teacher for the last thirty years, reaches millions of people through the daily Gospel Truth radio and tele vision broadcasts and Charis Bible College located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Andrew Wommack

Andrew Wom


God Wants You W


What the Bible Really SaysAbout Walking in Divine Health

Many people find it difficult to believe that God wants them well. They may be suffering personally or perhaps watching a loved one endure sickness and pain. In either case, they become discouraged after their prayers seemingly go unanswered. They then conclude that God must be allowing this to happen, or worse, that He has caused it. Both are wrong and both bring into question the goodness of God.

In this book, Andrew shares the truth of what God’s unconditional love and grace has already provided. Healing is a big part of that provision. He answers many common questions including those about Paul’s thorn in the flesh, the sovereignty of God and more. If you or someone you know is in need of healing, this book is for you.

The booklet in your hand is an introduction to the teaching titled God Wants You Well. An audio version of the full teaching is available absolutely free on our website. Also, television programs titled God Wants You Well are available in the archives for free.

Or you can purchase the teaching in book form or as a CD or DVD series or as a study guide. These products are available at www.awmi.net, or you can order them through our Helpline: 719-635-1111 (M-F, 4:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m., MT)

Watch Andrew’s television program daily

Gospel Truthwith Andrew Wommack

Andrew Wommack’s daily program is available on his website, on broadcast television, cable and satellite outlets, through Roku, and on a growing list of online channels. Go to www .awmi.net and click on the “video” tab for more information. You can view all of his daily teachings immediately when you click on the “TV archives” tab.

You have a destiny, and Andrew Wommack has founded a Bible school where you can discover it. Charis Bible College is located in Woodland Park, Colorado, and has more than seventy campuses across the U.S. and around the world. Correspondence and online opportunities are also available.

Visit www.CharisBibleCollege.org to learn more.


PO Box 3333, Colorado Springs CO 80934-3333719-635-1111

© 2016 Andrew Wommack Ministries, Inc. and its licensors. All rights reserved.

I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
