The Independent Woman's Guide to Social Climbing Michaela Pink THE GOAL DIGGING GOLD DIGGER CHRONICLES

GOAL DIGGING GOLD DIGGER - The PinkPrint …...As for canceling out on plans at the last minute, that's just rude and you probably won't get invited to anything else. The Goal Digging

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Page 1: GOAL DIGGING GOLD DIGGER - The PinkPrint …...As for canceling out on plans at the last minute, that's just rude and you probably won't get invited to anything else. The Goal Digging

The Independent Woman's Guide toSocial Climbing

Michaela Pink


Page 2: GOAL DIGGING GOLD DIGGER - The PinkPrint …...As for canceling out on plans at the last minute, that's just rude and you probably won't get invited to anything else. The Goal Digging


The advice contained in this material might not be suitable for everyone. The

author designed the information to present her opinion about the subject matter.

The reader must carefully must make clear decisions for his or her life before

committing to any lifestyle changes. The author obtained the information

contained herein from sources she believes to be reliable and from her own

personal experiences, but she neither implies nor intends any guarantee of

accuracy. The author is not in the business of giving spiritual, physical or any other

type of professional advice, he or she must seek services from a competent

professional. The other particularly disclaims any liability, loss or risk taken by

individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. The

author believes that the advice presented here is sound, but readers cannot hold

her responsible for either the actions they take or the result of those actions.


Michaela Pink

Page 3: GOAL DIGGING GOLD DIGGER - The PinkPrint …...As for canceling out on plans at the last minute, that's just rude and you probably won't get invited to anything else. The Goal Digging


The Goaldigging Golddigger

The Independent Woman's Guide to Social Climbing

You don't have to be born rich, be famous or come from a wealthy family to move

up the social ladder. 

It would be dif�cult for anyone outside the Forbes 400 to live that kind of lifestyle.

However, in your social circle there are plenty of people who compete �ercely to

“keep up with the Joneses.”

You make a good living. You socialize with your peers. How do you play the game?

The Big Picture - What is your goal?

Before you start....why are you doing this? Is it because you feel that you have out

grown your present friends and family and are simply bored with them? Do you

want to make friends with people that are more exciting and interesting than you

know right now? Do you feel you don't have the type of people in your life right

now that share the same values that you do? You are looking for business

contacts? All of these are great reasons to reach for something better. Moving

forward with your life with more like minded people that you admire is a great

goal but these people don't outsiders in. It takes a lot of work and strategic

planning to get to the top. Hanging out with rich and famous people can be an

empty experience if you have nothing in common with them and you are only

doing it to brag to family and other people that you know. 

Michaela Pink

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What exactly are you willing to do to get to the top? How mercenary are you? Do

you even know what that means? Go look it up, we'll wait. 

Are you planning to drop anyone that can't help you out like a hot potato? Are you

going to be ignoring family in the street when you are with your new friends? Are

you planning to cancel out on plans at the last minute because something better

turned up? Bad, bad idea. You do need to weed out the people in your life that are

toxic, the ones that belittle you, or people that try to under mind your plans and

con�dence but there is no reason to be mean or rude about this. Friendships

change over the years and you can grow out of people, doesn't mean that you

should treat them poorly. As for canceling out on plans at the last minute, that's

just rude and you probably won't get invited to anything else. The Goal Digging

Gold Digger.

Next, what are you willing to bring to the table. People in these circles are all about

pro�t and loss. If you aren't adding value to the experiences that they have with

you, you'll be seen as a threat and ostracized. You have to be the type of person

that interesting people �nd interesting. It might be your witty sense of humor, it

might be your ability to be a great listener, being well read, politically savvy or your

interesting take on life. Being a bombshell and thinking you can use sex as a

means to social climb will just get you labeled and avoided by the women. The

men won't require much more than that, but the ladies hold the key to the

Promised Land. Fitting in with them is a must!

The Hard Questions

Michaela Pink

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The Independent Woman's Guide to Social Climbing

There are several different ways to assimilate into high society. Some women get

high paying jobs (which is what I did), some ladies marry in, others snake their way

in. They are strategic, cunning and relentless. You can tell a social climber a mile

away. She's either the most hated or the most beloved in the group.

THE RULESFirst, know that there are rules and that you must abide by them. Giving an

indication that you do not know the rules is a dead giveaway that you are an

imposter. If you have no idea what the rules are don't open your mouth until you

do. You don't want to ruin your chance of succeeding before you even get started.

1. Stay within your means. 

Don't go broke trying to look rich!

Don't lie to try to impress, it will show through fast and you will lose your credibility.

Buying designer clothes and items that you can't afford is a form of lying and it will

leave you broke in the end. Buying knock-offs and trying to pass them off for the

real thing will only get you smirked at and judged. Garish, lurid clothing is not the

norm, so you can get away with it there. Handbags and shoes are another story.

Invest when you can and don't stress when you cannot. BUT, recognize that they

own designer gear. If you found the same bag as a consignment shop and you got

a great deal, they do not need to know the details. Not only will you be talked

about, you won't be heard from again. 

Michaela Pink

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They own designer gear. You found the same bag in a consignment shop. You got

a great deal. Now you have the same designer gear as them. Keep the details to


You are in the same league. Once you mention discounted prices or great deals, it

diminishes your accomplishment in their eyes. Have the gear to entertain well. Let

them think you paid full price.

2. Be strategic on how you climb the social ladder

If you have never been to a horse show and decide that is someplace that you

want to freestyling and meet new people, don't just guess what they are like and

who attends, do some research. Start off by going to some less posh shows and see

how they are run. Take some riding lessons. Find out as much as you can about

the shows, the rules, who attends, what people generally wear and what the

season is about. BEFORE YOU GO. Build up your knowledge so you seem

comfortable and knowledgeable. It is the same if you are going to clubs or sporting

events. Don't assume, �nd out. 

3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day

You are involved in your religious institution for all the right reasons. Attending

services is also a great way to de-stress. Unfortunately, it’s also a community

organization and it is where most people have their guard down. Fortunately for

you, this is prime time to make your introductions and get acquainted. Volunteer

for as many programs as you can to make sure that you are noticed and that you

are a standout! This earns respect among the movers and shakers. It provides

access to higher social circles in more ways than one. Volunteering in the name of

"the Lord" brought me a mighty long way! 

Michaela Pink

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4. Nuture old friendships

You don't want to be seen as an opportunistic social climber by casting off old

friends because they don’t �t with your aspirational lifestyle. Having friends from

all walks of life and all ages is something successful entrepreneurs do frequently.

They want to know how the next generation thinks and makes buying decisions.

Loyalty and longevity speak volumes about your ability to be a consistent �xture in

their very tight circle. You don't want to appear �ighty or like someone who is

easily replaceable. Keeping up with old friends reduces the pressure to �t in with

your new ones. It takes the anxiety off of trying to "�t in" and not being

comfortable with this new persona you are attempting to create. As long as the

relationships are fruitful and continuously growing WITH you, old friendships

should be honored at all costs.

5. Be Discrete

There will be times when you are hanging out with your new friends that

something might be said after a glass or two of wine that you need to keep

discrete about. It could be about a business deal that is about to happen or it could

be about a relationship that is coming to an end. No matter how juicy the tidbit

might be (and believe me there are some juicy ones) you have to keep to yourself.

Your discretion will be valued and you will be pulled more into the inner circle if

you have a reputation for not gossiping. 

Michaela Pink

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6. Take Etiquette classes

6. Lie whenever necessary. 

It’s common for people to talk about their gardeners, landscapers and the people

who clean their homes. This implies they are too good to do the job themselves or

their time is way too valuable. This is pretentious. It also costs a fortune in after-tax

dollars. Having hired help is almost a necessity as most of these homes are way too

big for one person to do it alone in one day. This is not something that is necessary

for you to DO but you may want to elude to the fact that you have people that

"help" you from time to time. Again, this is just so that you appear to �t in. This

doesn't have to be true as long as it's mentioned. 

Do as much of your own housework as possible. It’s good exercise. It saves money.

Gardening is a favorite pastime of the British upper class and most other Britons

who live in the countryside.

If you have no idea about etiquette and the rules of high society, please invest in

etiquette lessons. There are courses all over the internet, thousands of YouTube

videos and even live courses that teach etiquette.  The higher up the social ladder

you climb, the more polished your manners should be. There are etiquette coaches

everywhere, make sure the one you pick does come with proper credentials.

(Often etiquette coaches have corporate clients that need to learn dining etiquette

from different countries, take advantage of this if some of your new friends are

from overseas). The truly rich had their manners taught to them by their nannies

and at private school. You want to be knowledgeable so you will be comfortable.

There's nothing worse than being the cause of awkwardness at dinner or in other

social gatherings. Best practice is, if you don't know, be quiet. 

Michaela Pink

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Many great industrialists in American history were also philanthropists. They gave

back. Get involved in worthwhile community organizations as a worker bee. This

earns respect among the movers and shakers. It provides access to higher social


Don't lie to try to impress just for the sake of impressing, lie with a purpose. Make

sure that it doesn't show through. You don't want to be outlandish and grandiose

with your �bs, but a little bity lie never hurt anybody. Losing your credibility is an

absolute no-no. At all costs, you must protect your reputation and the way that you

are perceived. If you can't remember what you've said, the lie is too big. I said a

LITTLE lie Sis. Don't go crazy. 

Some buy expensive Scotch to serve the Scotch snob. Others think about trading

up to an expensive sports car, so you have something in common with the car

snob. You start buying art to compete with the art snob. Eventually, it will get out

of hand. You can do one thing very well or several things poorly. You will also go


7. Become an expert

Pick the one interest that’s your passion. Dive in and become an expert. Maybe you

are a home chef. Perhaps wine is your thing. Others will defer to your knowledge. If

you are an interior decorator, be the best. Find the need in the circle and �ll it.

Study the subject and make it a point to spread your knowledge. Doing this will

make you necessary and vital to the community.  Sharing knowledge is not the

same as boasting. No one likes a know-it-all so you want to reveal your expertise in

doses instead of all at once. 

Michaela Pink

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9. Know how to dress

This might be the most important thing of all. You need to be appropriate for the

situation that you are in. The quickest way to make yourself look out of your league

is to dress wrong for the occasion. Have you been invited out on their boat? Are

they serious sailors that expect you to know what boat shoes are or are they

partiers that want everyone to look fabulous? Going to a concert? Is it the

Glastonbury Festival where hippy chic is the trending rage or is it the Vienna String

Quartet where a stunning cocktail dress would be perfect. If it is a party where you

are hoping to meet future business contacts then try to �nd out what they prefer

to wear and mimic it, if it is age appropriate (you don't want to look like Oprah

Winfrey unless you're past 60. Stylish and chic is the way to go. Try to be as boring

as you possibly can so that you don't stand out like a sore thumb. Blending in and

assimilating is highly important. Everyone is a carbon copy of the next person, so if

you want to be accepted you have to �t in. You may love long nails and �owing

hair down your back, but if everyone else has short nails and short hair, you will

need to adjust. Do what you have to do to reach your goals, so that when it is time,

you will be able to do what you WANT to do. 

Michaela Pink

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8. Keep up appearances 

When money is tight, people and businesses often defer maintenance or capital

improvements. The �ower beds get overgrown. The paint is peeling. Your car is

dirty. Your nails and hair may not be done. People make judgments about this

stuff. Word spreads quickly. If you can't afford the upkeep and you aren't able to

look your best at all times don't participate rather than making yourself look less

than. Many people are arrogant and judgemental in high society and you don't

want to be the brunt of any ridicule. 

Always dress well, even when grocery shopping. Get out and do home and garden

upkeep yourself if necessary. Your home and car are your personal business card,

advertising your prosperity. They should look well maintained. Buying second hand

is laughed at but if it's all you can afford do it until you can do better. 

9. Keep up appearance but don't compete

It’s easy to want someone else’s lifestyle. That’s the concept behind celebrity

product endorsements. You may not have their house in Malibu, but you can wear

the same watch. What you don’t know is the range of problems and issues they

face in their own lives. These friends might look at you, a successful socialite or

professional, and wish they could trade places. A lot of the wealthiest people are

the most unhappy. They have different problems are more expensive solutions. Be

careful what you wish for and make sure that you want it when you get it. 

Also, having a plan for your life is vital. It may include a bucket list or just a day-to-

day list of tasks. Take the long view; you have certain things you want to

accomplish and they should be done on your timetable and yours alone. 

Michaela Pink

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10. Go out of your way to be nice

Treat everyone you meet, from the checkout person at the supermarket to the

mayor, as equals. Remember names. Take the time to have sincere conversations,

providing you are not taking them away from their jobs. Remember details about

their lives. Smile. This is what I like to call schmoozing. Rubbing elbows and kissing

cheeks. As soon as people think you like them, they will automatically like you

back. Word will get around that you are gracious. This con�rms you are secure in

who you are. This is an admirable trait.

What happens when you follow these rules? You are seen as a successful socialite

or professional who always dresses well. You are nice to others and treat them as

equals. You are an expert in areas of your own choosing. You give back to your

community. You are a leader. Now people want to be more like you instead of vice


No matter what you do, have fun with it. You never know where social climbing

might get you. Meghan Markle is often used as an example of social climbing

success. Her parents were determined to social climb and the end results was their

daughter Kate marrying into the royal family in 2018. Enjoy meeting new people,

some you will click with and some your won't. But if you are not enjoying yourself

then maybe social climbing really isn't for you. As I mentioned at the beginning

surrounding yourself with great people doesn't mean those people have to be rich

and famous.

Michaela Pink

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Social climbing is the way I was able to totally change my life. I was able to make

the right connections, get in to the right circles and receive the right help to get

exactly where I am today. My goal was to make sure that my family would always

be cared for and that we would have the best that this life has to offer. I cannot

attribute any of my success to anything other than social climbing. I love people

and I love interacting with them and I used that to my bene�t. One last thing I will

leave you with is this, try to mean it when you ask how someone’s day is going.

And if you don’t mean it, don’t ask. People can tell the difference between genuine

connections and those who are just going through the motions. If you only talk to

and meet people to get yourself to the top of some sort of social food chain, you’re

wasting your time. All the social climbing in the world won't matter if you don't

have anyone you can actually count on. If the new friendships you are making are

arti�cial and you lack a real support system you may be left feeling pretty empty. It

doesn’t matter how many pictures you’re tagged in or how many people wished

you a happy birthday on Facebook. What matters is how many people you know

you could call in a crisis. What matters is whom you can reach out to when you’re

feeling alone. Even if that’s only one person, you’re better off than the girl who has

3,000 Facebook friends but goes to bed at night worrying about where she stands

with all of them. I was once told that it’s better to have four quarters than one

hundred pennies. If you’re a social butter�y, I think that’s great. If that comes with

the perks of social status, good for you. The world needs more people who bring

everyone together. But make sure that you are making connections that are

bene�tting you and not just boosting your ego.


Michaela Pink

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Goal Digging Gold Diggers

Gold digger is a term to be embraced and exalted. If you aren't doingthings to bene�t you, you won't get very far in life. Everyone is seekingsomething for themselves at every stage. There is not a person alivethat will put your needs above their own. With that being said, it'sonly right that you do what it takes to make and create the life thatyou want. I decided social climbing was the best and fastest way toget where I was trying to go. Success leaves clues and I'm a gooddetective.

Life affords us many chances to get it right. People come into your lifeand they go and everyone of them is for a divine reason. Learningwhat those reasons are can mean the difference in a mediocreexistence and a grand lifestyle. 

                                                                                        Michaela Pink