GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV INSURANCE LAW – OPTIONAL OCT 2012, APRIL 2012, OCT 2011, APRIL 2011, Oct 2010, APRIL 2010, Oct 2009, April 2009, Oct 2008, April 2008, OCT 2007, April 2007, Oct 2006, OCT 2006 (OLD), April 2006, Oct 2005, Oct 2005(Old), April 2005, April 2005(Old), Oct 2004, April 2004(Old), April 2004, Oct 2003 (Old), April 2003 (Old), Oct 2002 (Old), April 2002 (Old), 2001 (Old), Oct 2000 (Old), April 2000 (Old)

GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW

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Page 1: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW



OCT 2012, APRIL 2012, OCT 2011,

APRIL 2011, Oct 2010,

APRIL 2010, Oct 2009,

April 2009, Oct 2008,

April 2008, OCT 2007, April 2007, Oct 2006,

OCT 2006 (OLD), April 2006, Oct 2005,

Oct 2005(Old), April 2005,

April 2005(Old), Oct 2004,

April 2004(Old), April 2004,

Oct 2003 (Old), April 2003 (Old), Oct 2002 (Old),

April 2002 (Old), 2001 (Old),

Oct 2000 (Old), April 2000 (Old)

Page 2: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW

11111111111111111111111111111111111 t1.-\1o\ n- TNY- 58

Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 1 00

Instructions: 1) Answer any 10 of the following.

2) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the role of IRDA in business of Insurance.

2. What is Insurance Contract? Distinguish it from wagering agreement.

3. Explain important documents involved in forming contract of insurance.


4. What is Material Fact? Explain the effect of non-disclosure of material fact.

5. Define and explain insurable interest with the help of case laws.

6. What is Contribution? Explain iimitations on the doctrine of contribution.

7. What is Proximate Cause? Explain with the help of case laws.

8. Explain the laws involved in marine insurance business.

9. What is Voyage? Explain with special reference to deviation and delay.

10. What are different kinds of losses recognised under marine insurance?

11. Discuss the nature of fire insurance contract.

12. How a claim of compensation can be made for loss due to fire, under fire insurance?

13. What are the procedure for assignment of Life Insurance Policy?

14. Discuss elaborately the role of Life Insurance Corporation in providing social


Page 3: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW


LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - IV) Examination, April 2012 LAW OF INSURANCE

Duration: 3 Hours

Instructions: 1) Answer any 10ofthe following. 2) All carry equal marks.

Total Marks: 1 00

(1 Ox1 0::1 00)

1. Discuss role of various authorities in regulating and developing insurance business.

2. Elaborately discuss the evolution of insurance law in India.

3. Discuss the importance of proposal, slip and policy in forming contract of insurance.

4. What is duty of disclosure ? What is the duration in which the duty operates ?

5. What is indemnity? Explain limitations on the concept under contract of insurance.

6. What is risk ? Explain with the help of case laws.

7. Discuss the tests involved to determine proximate cause.

8. Explain different kinds of marine policies with its importance.

9. What are insured perils under marine insurance ?

10. What is abandonment ? Explain with the help of case laws.

11. What is standard fire policy ? -Discuss it with special reference to definition of fire.

12. What are the salient features of the life insurance contract.

13. Who is nominee ? Describe his role in life insurance contract.

14. What is premium ? Discuss its importance in contract of insurance.

Page 4: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW

B- 8 (Pages:

[Total No. of Questions : 9]

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester- IV)

INSURANCE LAW Duration : 3 Hours

Instructions : 1) Answer any 5 questions from Q.No. 1 to 8.

2) Q.No. 9 is Compulsory.

TNY -58

Total Marks: 100

[5 X 15 = 75]

Ql) What is contract ofinsurance? Discuss the capacity of parties to enter into Contract.

Q2) Discuss elaborately different documents involved with contract of insurance.

Q3) What is insurable interest? Explain its importance.

Q4) Discuss the importance of 'nomination' under life insurance policy with special reference to duties and rights of nominee.

Q5) Discuss the role of concept of 'Proximate Cause' under tire policy.

Q6) What is the procedure to make claim under fire policy? Explain.

Q7) Discuss the definition and nature of warranties under Marine Insurance Policy.

Q8) What is Voyage Policy? Discuss the impact of deviation on voyage policy.

Q9) Write short notes on anv 5: [5 X 5 = 25]

a) Freight.

b) FOB and CIF.

c) Abundanment.

d) Reinsurance.

e) Subrogation.

f) Non-disclosure.


Page 5: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW

' TNY -58

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions from Q. No. 1 to 8. 2) Q. No. 9 is compulsory.

1. Explain the doctrine of proximate cause with special reference to rules determining proximate cause. 15

2. What is "Uberrima Fidei" ? Why it carries importance in contract of insurance? 15

3. Explain the concept of 'loss' and 'abandonment' under marine insurance. 15

4. Define 'Warranty'. What are the different kinds of warranties in marine insurance contract? 15

5. Defme 'fire' and explain the characteristics of 'fue' in fue insurance contract. Is loss caused in extinguishing a flre recoverable as a loss caused by ftre? 15

6. Explain subrogation and contribution under fu·e insurance policy. 15

7. What are the effects regarding nondisclosure and misrepresentation in life insurance poJicy ? 15

8. Define life insurance with special reference to parties to the contract. 15

9. Write short notes on any five of the following :

a) Insurable interest

b) Premium

c) Reinsurance

d) Change of voyage

e) Transfer of certificate of insurance

t) Nominee

g) Slip.


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....HfltliiiiUIJillllll TNY -58

LL.B. (Degree) (Sem. -IV) Examination, April2010 INSURANCE LAW

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100









Instructions : I) Answer any five questions from Q. No. 1 to 8. 2) Q. No.9 is compulsory.

What do you mean by insurable interest. Explain the types of insurable interest with illustrations.

Explain the principle of utmost goodfaith under Insurance Law.

Explain in detail the perils expressly mentioned in the policy under Marine Insurance.

Discuss in detail the term 'voyage' under Marine Insurance with lawful excuse for delay.

Explain the nature of Fire Insurance Contract and explain the concept of Non disclosure and misrepresentation under fire policy.

What is fire claim ? Explain the rights of the insured and insurer in fire claim.

Explain the term nomination and assignment in a Life Insurance Policy. Examine in detail the rights of assignee.

Explain the terms Representations and warranty under life insurance.









9. Write short notes on any five of the following: (5x5=25)

a) Frieght

b) Duties of the Agent

c) Subrogation and contribution

d) Double Insurance

e) Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal

f) Proximate cause

g) The Risk.

Page 7: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW

men ~lllnii EilDIIO TNY -58

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester- IV) Examination, October 2009 INSURANCE LAW

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any five questions from Q. No. 1 to 8. 2) Q. No. 9 is compulsory.

1. What is an insurable interest? Discuss various.types of insurable interest. 15

2 . Explain the doctrine of proximate cause with special reference to rules determining proximate cause. 15

3. Explain the concept of 'loss' and 'Abandonment' under Marine Insurance. 15

4 . What is voyage policy ? Does the deviation of a ship from the voyage contemplated, affects the insurer's liability. 15

5. Explain the characteristics of 'Fire' in Fire Insurance Contract. Is loss caused in extinguishing a fire recoverable as a loss caused by fire? 15

6. What is fire claim? Explain the rights of the insured and insurer in fire claim. 15

7. Define Life Insurance with special reference to parties to the contract. 15

8. Explain the importance of nomination. Who can be nominated ? 15

9. Write short notes on any five of the following : (Sx5=25)

a) Utmost good faith

b) Freight

c) The Risk

d) Carriage of goods by sea

e) Double insurance

f) Premium

g) Types of Life Insurance Policies.

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TNY -58

LL.B. (Degree) (Sem.- IV) Examination, April2009 INSURANCE LAW

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks: 100









Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions from Q. No. I to Q. No. 8. 2) Q. No.9 i.s compulsory.

Define Contract oflnsurance. Explain the fundamental principles of insurance.

Explain the rule of proximate cause under insurance.

What do you understand by Voyage Insurance ? Explain the commencement and termination of risk.

Define 'Warranty'. What are the different kinds of warranties in a marine insurance contract?

Define 'fire' and explain the liability of insurance company in fire accident.

Define subrogation and distinguish between subrogation and contribution under fire policy.

Explain the effect of non disclosure and misrepresentation under life insurance.

What do you mean by nomination and assignment in a Life Insurance Policy? Examine the rights of assignee.









9. Write short notes on any five of the following: (Sx5=25)

a) Types of Life Insurance Policies.

b) Insurable interest.

c) Carriage of goods by sea.

d) Srupping documents.

e) Utmost good faith.

f) Indemnity.

g) Cover note.

Page 9: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW

1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 TNY -'58

LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any six questions from Q.No. 1 to 9. 2) Q.No. 10 is compulsory.

l. Explain the nature of insurance contract Discuss in detail the essentials of a

contract of insurance.

2. Discuss the main functions and benefits of insurance. What are the subsidiary

functions ?

3. Explain the following :

a) Reinsurance

b) Insurable interest in insurance contract

4. Explain the characteristics of fire insurance contract. What do you mean




by constmction of warranties in a polioy ? (15)

5. Examine the conditions precedent in fire insurance who may insure against fi~ (~)

6. What do you mean by Marine Insurance Policy ? Explain the different types

of marine insurance policies.

7. Define the term warranty and explain the nature of warranties.

8. Discuss the maintainability of writ petition on validity of terms and conditions



of a life insurance policy. (15)

9. Wbat do you mean by nomination and assignment in a Life Insurance

Policy ? Examine the rights of assignee.

10. Write short notes on any two : a) Premium b) The marine policy c) Standard fire policy



I .I

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LL.B. (Degree) (Sem.- IV) Examination, April2008 INSURANCE LAW

TNY -5~

Dmation : 3 Hours Total Marks: I 00

Instructions: 1) Answer any six questions from Q. No. 1 to 9. 2) Question No. 10 is compulsory.

l. "Insurance does not protect physical property from destruction or the person from injury". Explain. 15

2. What do you mean by Insurer? Explain the duty discharged by insurance company. 15

3. Explain the following : 15

l) Contribution.

2) Subrogation.

4. Explain the nature of Fire Insurance Contract. Discuss the condition precedent in fire insurance. 15

5. Examine the doctrine of proximate cause under the insurance law. 15

6. Explain the nature and scope of marine insurance. 15

7. Discuss the provisions regarding loss and abandonment under the Marine Insurance Act, 1963. 15

8. Discuss the element of Insurable Interest for the formation of Life Insurance Contract. 15

9. What do you mean by Assignment of Policy ? Discuss in detail the nature of Policy Assignment. 15

I 0. Write short notes on any two : (2x5=10)

a) Premium.

b) The marine policy.

c) Insured under life insurance.

Page 11: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW

Duration : 3 Hours

LL.B. (Degree) (Sem. IV) Examination, 2007 LAW OF INSURANCE

Instructions: I) Answer any six quesrions from Q.No. 1 to 9. 2) Q.No. 10 is compulsory.

TNY - 58

Max. Marks: 100

I. Define contract of Insurance. Explain the fundamental principles of Insurance. 15

2. Explain the doctrine of proximate cause with special reference to the rules determjning it. 15

3. Explain:

a) Subrogation. 10

b) Contribuuon. 5

4. Explain the different types of Fire Insumnce Policy. 15

5. What ~re the essential features of Fire Insurance ? Explain the rights of the insurer under such a contract. IS

6. Explain the concept of "Loss" and "Abandonment" under marine insurance. 15

7. What are express and implied warranties in a contract of Marine insurance ? Explain the effects arising out of breach of warranty. 15

8. Explain the effect of "non-disclosure" and "misrepresentation" under Life Insurance. IS

9. What is meant by "assignment" and "nomination" in a Life Insurance Policy ? 15

10. Write shott notes on a ny two : (2x5=10)

a) Double Insurance

b) Insurable interest

c) Insured perils in marine policy.

Page 12: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW

TNY -58

LL.B. {Degree) (Semester - IV) Examination, April 2007 LAW OF INSURANCE (Optional)

Duration : ·3 Hours

Instructions :1) Answer any six questions from Q. No. 1 to 9. 2) Q. No. 10 is compulsory.

Total Marks: 100

1. "Insurable interest is necessary to support every contract of insurance". Explain. 15

2. Discuss "assignment" and "nomination" of a life insurance policy. 15

3. What is a life insurance policy? Discuss its various characteristics. 15

4. Critically examine "formation" and "discharge" of life insurance contracts. 15

5. What is a fire claim ? Examine the rights of the insured in Fire Insurance Policy. 15

6. Describe the contract of fire insurance. Explain the different types of fire policies. 15

7 . Explain the concept of warranty under Marine Insurance Policy. 15

8. Explain :

a) Various types of marine policies 10

b) Effect of assignment of marine policies. 5

9. What is a Marine Insurance Policy ? Discuss the various types of marine policies. 15

10. Write short notes on any two :

a) Contribution

b) Double insurance

c) Days of grace.


Page 13: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW


LL.B. (3 Years) Degree (Semester - IV) Examination, 2006 LAW OF INSURANCE (New)

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

lllstructwns : 1) Answer any six questions from Q. No. I to 9. 2) Q. No.JO is compulsory.

l. "A contract of life insurance is not a contract of indemnity". Elucidate.

2. Explain different kinds of losses under Marine Insurance.

3. Define fire and explain the liability of insurance company in fire accident.

4. Describe the 'insurable interest' in marine policies.


5. Describe the special features of insurance contract. Explain the competency of the parties in life insurance.

6. Explain the importance of 'Slip', 'Cover Note' and 'Policy'.

7. Briefly explain :

a) Doctrine of subrogation under fire insurance.

b) Mr. Ashok takes out a policy on the life of his wife and subsequently divorces her. Does policy continue to be valid ?

8. What do you understand by Voyage Insurance ? Explain the commencement and termination of risk.

9. Define nomination. Explain the rights and duties on nominee.

10. Write short notes on any two: (2x5=10)

a) Days of grace.

b) Assignment of policy.

c) Contribution.

Page 14: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW


LL.B. (Degree) (Sem.- IV) Examination, October 2006 LAW OF INSURANCE (Old)

Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

SECfiON -1

Instructions: a) Answer any four from Q. No. 1 - 6 and any four from 8- 13. b) Q. Nos. 7 and 14 are compulsory.

I . Explain contract of insurance. Distinguish it from wagering contract. (4x8=32)

2. What are the essential features or fire insurance? Explain the rights of insurer.

3. Explain the doctrine of proximate clause.

4. Explain:

a) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority

b) Floating policy.

5. Explain proximate clause and tests proposed to determine it.

6. Explain Uberrima Fide with the help of cases.

7. Write sh01t notes on any two :

a) Loss by fire

b) Contribution

c) Premium.


8. What is warranty under marine insurance ? Explain different kinds of warranties.



9 . Discuss the effect of non-disclosure and misrepresentation under life insurance.


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10. Explain:

a) Subrogation

b) Policy.

ll. Explain the concept of loss and abandonment under marine insurance.

12. What is general average loss? And how it is calculated.

13. Define double insurance and explain reinstatement clause under fire policy.

14. Write short notes on any two : , a) Risk

b) Insured perils

c) Sea worthiness.


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LL.B. (3 Years) Degree (Semester- IV) Examination, April 2006 LAW OF INSURANCE (New)

rime: 3 Hours Total Marks: I 00

Instructions: 1) Answer any six questions from Q. No. 1 to 9. 2) Q. No. 10 is compulsory.

(6x15=90) I . Define contract of life insurance with special reference to parties to the contract.

2 . With suitable illustrations explain the perils of sea and insured perils.

3. Define fire insurance. Discuss the essential of standard fire policy.

4 . Discuss the 'duty of disclosure' with case laws.

5. Briefly explain:

a) Doctrine of subrogation

b) Cover note.

6. What is deviation ? When it can be excused ?

7. Explain importance of duty to disclose under contract of insurance.

8. What are different kinds of perils under marine insurance ?

9. Explain the rule of Proximate Cause under insurance.

I 0. Write short notes on any two: (2x5=10)

a) Nomination

b) Contribution

c) Abandonment.

Page 17: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW
Page 18: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW

LL.B (Degn·e)(:ll:n~ ·IV) E»au dnation, ;~~005 OCT. L>.w o:' lr.:m: am~e ~old)

Duration: 3 bouts Max Marks:75

InstruCtions; a .. l!t.n;;wer ;my four from c; ~:o i-6 a:1:l my fl'·llr l'rom 8-1 3 b. Q Nos 7 ·mu. 14 are .;ompuls~<~'

I. What i.s contract of insu:mJ<:e? Ex.plail lt; fi.! r·.damr::n:dl principles 2. Explain differen: types of tire ill:ilJ:·<>.r.:e. 3. What is ·;oyage? Explain effect (lf de\• :r;,ti·JI\ 4. Explai:l r.he meaniug of double l:tsur~n:e an,l .eft'e<;t of it. 5. Explai:l

a. Subrogati ) Il ;.J, Cont-ibut' on

6. explain utmost g:Jod fa:.1h uade:· rr.~ :".r, o! insunnce. 7. Write short not~. on any t\:.'u:

a. Suicide clau&e b. PremllUn c. Days ofGral:'.!





8. Explain insureH rights in Cl!Se o'ar~1<1er.~al i ire. How far these rights affect insur•!d :ights to cl:ii.m ;om;,ennat;cn.

9. What is partial m,d total lo·B? 1\Jd !Llr.o e:,pl ::in a.v·~tage loss. 10. Explain

a) Peril of the sea b) Mari:te policy

11. Critically exami~:c the romatior and ,1ischa:·ge of lif.: i::lsurance contract. 12. What is standar1i fire policy? Exp1ai.n dlfle::tnt kirtd.s of perils covered under it. 13. Define assignm.;;nt Distinguish Jctwc;n i\Es.·,,punr..nt gnd nomination under life

insurance 14. Write short noteB on any t\\n: 2X2112=5

a) Premilt'n b) Cover Note c) Slip

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LL.B. (3 Years) Degree (Semester - IV) Examination, April 2005 LAW OF INSURANCE (New)

Time : 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any six questions from Q. No.1 to 9. 2 ) Q. No. 10 is compulsory.

(6x15 = 90)

I. What do you understand by Voyage insurance ? Explain the conunencement

and te~nation of risk. f 2. Explain the general nature of life insurance contracts. r 3. What is ~nima F.idei ? Why it carries importance jn contract of insuranc~ 4. Discuss special features of :n~ contract. Explain the competency of

parties in life insurance.~ . .

5. Explain the importance of insurable interest in insurance contracts.

6. Briefly explain:

a) J?ouble Insurance~ b) Premium. ~

7. Define nomination. Explain the rights and duties of n?,minee.~ 8. Defme fire insurance with special reference to the concept of fire under the

contract. . v 9. Discuss different types of losses recognised under marine insurance. '/'

10. Write short notes on any two: (2x5 = 10)

a) Subrogation ·

b) Reinsurance

c) Policy.

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Duration: 3 hours


LL.B (De~;ree)(sem-IV) Examir.a~.io •1, 2005 (Af[l~) Law ·Jf bs·Jr<.JH: < (Old)

a. Answer l!!\..U!ll!! trom Q no : -6 Lnd 8- l 3 b. Q no 7 and Q no 14 an! !:9l!Jltulsm:y_,

,. S:ECI ION:!

I. Explain th<~ contract c>fimur8J1<;e and dis:i. q ,;ni;h it fron v, agering a.greements.

2. Explain the concept of J.tmost good faith.

3. What is insurable inter e~;t? Explai.n with ·:ht l.elp c:·f cas :~s.

4. What is risk? Explain with the bdp c•f case:;

5. Explain thE types of~:mrine polic:es.

6. What is wa.mmty ur1der mar' ne :r:surar c-c? ;:::xplain varic LJ~: types of warranties.

7. Vv'rite short notes on ltr1:1 two of '.h~· follow:ng

a. Insure:d perils

b. Contribution

c. Pre~aiurn


8. What is proximate cause under marin.~ inmrance·:;

Max Marks: 75




9. Explain the word 'fire ' as desnihed Jndc!r ::~i ,·e imnrance . .J.nd also the contents of standard fire


10. Explain the general m.ture oflife insm:anGe .;; :mtracts.

11. Explain the life insu~at~::-e a.s a property and :t s mude of :ls>ignment.

12. Explain the nomination in lifi~ insur;.mc·.~ What are his rights and duties?

13. What is general average loss? Hew bss j,; cd culat:ed.

14. w r;te shot1. not:es on 1 1~· two of ihe :fiJllowing. 2X2l/2=5

a. Actu;ll loss

b. Deviation

c. Abandonment

r>-·· <}- -·-·0

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LL.B.fSem.JV] J}xmtzination October, 2004 l~SURAJV.CE ME

Time: 3Hrs. Max.Marks: 100

INSlJRANCE: 1. 54nswer any 6 questions fi•om 1 to 9 2. Questum No. JG is conrpulsol).

Q. l . Explain contrac~ of Insuran•:e. Distinguish it from wagering Agreements. (15)

Q.2. Explain : (a) Subrogation (10) (b) Contribution. (5)

Q.3. (a) (b)

Explain various types of Marine Policies. Explain effect of assignment of policy.

(10) (5)

Q.4. What is Voyage Insurdllce? Explain the commencement and termination of risk. (IS)

Q.5. Whal is insured Perils? Explain with special reference to Marine Policy. (15)

Q.6. (a) (b)

Explain the meaning of fire wlder flfe insuran;:e. Explain the special characteristics of Fire Insurance.

Q.7. Explain the general nature ()[Life insurance contracts.

Q.8. (a) Explain the importance of nomination and who can be nominated?

(b) What are the rights and duties of nominee.

Q.9. Explain types of losses with the help of cases.

(10) (5)





Q.l 0. Write short notes on any two: (2x 5=10) (a) Premium:; (b) Surrender Value © Actualloss .

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Page 22: GOA UNIVERSITY G.R.KARE COLLEGE OF LAW LLB DEGREE SEM IV ...grkarelaw.yolasite.com/resources/Degree/D-IV-Insurance.pdf · LL.B. (Sem. - IV) Degree Examination, 2008 INSURANCE LAW

Duration: 3 hours


LL.B (Degree)(sem-IV) Examination, 2004 ~\\) Law oflnsurnnce (Old)

a. Answer any four from Q no l-6 and 8-13 b. Q no 7 and Q no 14 are compulsory.

SECTION I I. What is contract of Insurance? Explain the paries to the contract of insurance.

2. What is insurable interest? Explain with the reference to life inrurance.

Max Marks: 75


3. Explain whether contract of insurance is contract of indemnity What are the restrictions imposed on

contract of insurance?

4. Explain the doctrine of proximate cause

5. Explain the concept of utmoSt good faith under mark"l.e insurance.

6. Explain total loss. Explain the choice of abandomnent available to insured.

7. Write short notes on any two of the following.

a. Days of grace

b. Insurer

c. Cover note


8. Explain the insurers rights on out break of fire. How insured cnn claim insured money?

9. Explain the competency of parties to enter into life insurance.

10. Explain the proposal and policy under life insuran::e.

II. Explain the nomination. Who can nominate anci who can be nominated?

12. What is general average loss? How the loss is calculated?

13. Explain the rights of insurer on payment of cornpt:nsation und.:r marine insurance.

14. Write short notes on any two of the following.

a. Policy

b. Risk

c. Deviation.




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Time: 3Hrs. Max.Marks: 100

Instructions: 1. Answer any 6 from questions 1 to 9. 2. Question No. 10 is compulsory.

Q.l. What is contract of lnsurance ? Elaborately discuss the competency of parties in life insurance. (15)

Q.2. What is Uberrima Fidei? \'Vhy it caiTics importance in contract of Insurance (15)

Q.3. What is risk? Explain with the help of cases.

Q.4. What is a proximate cause under Marine Insurance.

Q.5. (a) (b)

Explain insurer's right on out oreak of fire. How insured can claim insu.-.mce money.

Q.6. Explain the proposal and policy in Li'"e lnsu.'1Ulce.

Q.7. Explain types ofloss with the help of cases.

Q.8. (a) (b)

Whether Life Insurance is a ptop.!rty? Explain the Mode of Assignment.



(10) (5)


( IS)

(5) (10)

Q.9. What is insured Perils? Explain with SJX:Cial reference to additional perils in marine insurance. ( IS)

Q.lO. Write short notes on any two. (2x5 =10) (a) Contribution (b) Cover note (c) Shipping documents.


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Duration: 3 Hours

LL.B. (3 Yrs.) Sem. - IV Examination, 2003 LAW OF INSURANCE (Optional)


Total Marks: 75

Instructions: 1) Answer any four from Q. No. 1 to 6 and Q. No. 8 to 13. 2) Q. No. 7 and 14 are compulsory. 3) Answer Section I and II separately.


1. Explain special features of contract of insurance and distinguish it from waging agreerqents and contract of indemnity. 8

2. Explain the duty of disclosure imposed on both parties. What is the consequence of non disclosure ? 8

3. "A contract of insurance to be valid, it is not enough that the parties are competent. they have given free consent and the consideration is lawful. It is necessary in addition to that insured has insurable interest". Explain the statement with the help of cases. 8

4. Explain the rule of subrogation and abandonment with the help of cases. 8

5. Explain the word 'proximate cause' in fire insurance and elucidate the test to determine it 8

6. Explain the standard fire policy. Explain the perils insured under fire insurance. 8

7. Write short notes on any two: 6 a) Contribution

b) Policy

c) Contract of. indemnity and contract of insurance.


8. What is warranty under ~ne Insurance Act ? Explain different types of warranties. 8

9. Explain the concept of loss and abandonment under Marine Insurance. 8

10. Explain partial and total loss and also explain the rules of general average. 8

11. Explain the concept of voyage and deviation under Marine Insurance. 8

12. Explain the concept of insurable interest under life insurance. 8

13. Explain the effect of non disclosure and misrepresentation under Life Insurance. 8

14. Write short notes on any ~o: 5

a) Floating policy


c) Premium.

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SRN-113 LL.B. (3 Years) Semester - IV Examinatic~m, 2003


Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 75

Instructions: 1) Answer ally four from Q. No. 1 to 6 and Q. No. 8 to 13. 2) Q. No. 7 and 14 are compulsory. 3) Answer Section I and II separately.


I. Define Contract of [nsurance. Explain the basic principles of Contract of insurance. 8

2. "The peculiar nature of insu111nce is dury to disclose all material facts and such duty is not strict with other contracts". Explain the statement with the help of cases. 8

3. Explain the doctrine of proximate cause with special reference to rules determining proximate cause. 8

4. What are the characteristics of Fire Insurance and explain the term insurable interest. 8

5. What is Fire Claim? Explain the rights of insured and insurer in ftre claim. 8

6. Explain standard fire policy with special reference to insured perils and excluded perils. 8

7. Write short notes on any two : 6

a) Subrogation

b) Premium

c) Cover note.


8. What is Life Insurance? Explain the general nature of Life Insurance. 8

9. What is Marine Policy? Explain the different rypes of Marine Policies. 8

10. Explain the concept of loss and abandonment under Marine Insurance. 8

11. What is Life Insurance Policy ? Explain the assignment of Life Insurance Policies. 8

12. Expll!in the effect of non-disclosure and misrepresentation under Life Insurance. 8

13. Explain voyage and deviation under Marine insurance. 8

14. Write a shon note on any two: S

a) Amount recoverable

b) Double insurance

c) Average clause.

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SRN -129

3 Years LL.B. (Sem. IV) Examination, 2002 LAW OF INSURANCE (Optional)

Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 75

Instructions: 1) Question Nos. 7 and 14 are COMPULSORY. 2) Answer any FOUR questions from Q. No. I to 6 and FOUR

questions from Q.No. 8 to 13.


I. "Insurable Interest is necessary to support every Contract of Insurance". Elucidate this statement 8

2. Explain the characteristics of Fire Insurance Contract. Is loss caused in extinguishing fire, recoverable as a loss caused by fire ? 8

3. Define the principles of subrogation and contribution under Fire Insurance. 8

4. Examine contract of insurance. State the fundamental principles of Insurance. 8

5. Define the contract of ftre insurance and explain different types of frre policies. 8

6. Define and distinguish between an assignment and nomination in Marine insurance. 8

7. Write short notes on any TWO: 3 X 1•6

a) Sea Worthiness

b) Double Insurance

c) Premiwn


8. Explain the characteristics of Marine Insurance Contract. State rules as to insurable interest therein.

9. Discuss the concept of proximate cause and abandonment under Marine Insurance.

10. Critically explain "Suicide Clause" in a Life Insurance Policy.

: ·





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SRN -129

11. State in detail the fonnation and discharge of Life Insurance Contract. 8

12. Discuss the effects regarding non-disclosure and misrepresentation in Life Insurance ~~ 8

13. Explain the following: 8

a) Kinds of life policies.

b) Insurable interest in Life Insurance.

14. Write short note on any TWO: 2Y, X 2 • 5

a) Partial loss.

b) Re-insurance.

c) Delay and deviation.'

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LL.B. (3 Years) (Sem. IV) Examination, 2002 LAW OF INSURANCE (Optional)

Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 75

Instructions: 1) Question No. 7 and 14 are compulsory. 2) AnsweranyfourquestionsfromQ. No. I to6andfourquestionsfrom

Q. No. 8 to 13.


1. Defme insurable interest. Explain in detail various types of insurable interest. 8

2. Explain the concept fue. State the rules as to the insurable interest in Fire insurance contract. 8

3. What is the meaning of proximate cause in Fire insurance and mention the test to determine proximate cause. 8

4. Defme subrogation and distinguish between subrogation and contribution under Fire policy. 8

5. Explain and distinguish between Re-insurance and double insurance. 8

6. Explain contract of Marine insurance. What are the essential features of such a contract? 8

7. Write short notes on any two: (3x2=6) a) Deviation b) Suicide clause c) Re-instatement.


8. Discuss "Notice of Abandonment" and explain the provisions in Marine Insurance Act, regarding such notice. 8

9. Define "Warranty". What are the different kinds of warranties in a Marine insurance contract? 8

10. What are the effects regarding non-disclosure and misrepresentation in life insurance ~cy 8

11. Define "Assignment". Distinguish between Assignment and Nomination under Life insurance palicy. 8

12. State the essentials of Life insurance contract. Elucidate how it differs from Fue insurance contract

13. Explain the following: a) Perils of the sea. b) Types of Life Policies.

14. Write short notes on any two: a) Days of grace b) Premium c) Loss by fire.



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LL.B. (3 Years) Semester IV Examination, 2001 LAW OF INSURANCE (Optional)


Tune: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

Instructions: 1) Answer any jour questions from Q. No.' 1 to 6. 2) Question No.7 is compulsory. 3) Figures 10 right indicate marks. 4) Answer Sec lien I & Jl separately.


l. Define Contract oflnsurance. EJCplain the fundamental Principles oflnsurance. 8

2. What are the essential features of Fire Insurance ? Explain the rights of the insurer under such contract. 8

3. Briefly explain different types of Fire Insurance Policy. 8

4. What is the meaning of proxilnate cause in Fire Insurance and elucidate the test tO determine proximate cause? 8

5. Define double insurance and examine reinstatement clause under Fire Policy. 8

6. What is voyage policy? Does the deviation of a shlp from the voyage contemplated affects the insurerS liability. 8

(2x3=6) 7. Write shoFt notes: a) Doctrine of contribution b) Sea worthiness c) Premium.

SECfiON-ll lnstructums: 1) Answer any jour questions from Q. No 8 to 13.

2) Question.No.l4 is compulsory. 3) Figures to right indicate marks.

8 .• What are the express and implied warranties in a contract of Marine Insurance? Explain its effects regarding breach of warranty. 8

9. Explain the concept proximate cause and abandonment under Marine Insurance. 8

10. Define Assignment. Explain how life insurance policy can be assigned. 8

11. Critically examine the formation and discharge of Life Insurance contract. 8

12. Discuss the effects regarding non-disclosure and mis_representation in Life Insurance ~licy. 8

13. Explain: 8

a) Insurable Interest b) Agency

14. Write short notes on any two: a) Insured Perils b) Suicide clause c) Days of grace.

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S.Y. LL.B. (Sem.- IV) Examination, 2000 LAW OF INSURANCE (Optional)


Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

Instructwns: I) Answer any four questions from question Nos. 1 to 6. 2) Question No. 7 is compulsory. 3) Figures to right indicate marks. 4) Answer Sections I and II separately.


1. What is a risk ? What constitute risk ? What are the losses not included generally in it unless pol icy provides otherwise ? 8

2. Explain the Doctrine of"Proximatecause" and critically analyse the tests for determining proximate cause. 8

3. State briefly various kinds of Fire Insurance Policies. 8

4. What is the meaning of "average cal use" under the doctrine of contribution ? 8

5. "All contracts of Fire Insurance are contracts of uunost good faith"- Elaborate. 8

6. Explain "Notice of abandonment" and discuss the provision in the Act regarding such notice. 8

7. Write short notes on any two of the following: (2x3 = 6)

a) Premium.

b) Seaworthiness.

c) Doctrine of subrogation.


lnstructwns: 1) Answer any four questions from questions No. 8 to 13. 2) Question No. 14 is compulsory. 3) Figures to right indicate marks.

8. What is a warranty ? What are the different kinds of warranties in marine insurance contract? 8

9. What is Marine Insurance Policy? State and explair its main clauses? 8

10. What are the functions of Life Insurance Corporation of India under Life Insurance Corporation Act? 8

(," ~-P.T.O.

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S. Y. LL. B. (Semester IV) Examination, April 2000 LAW OF INSURANCE

Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 75

Instructions: 1) Answer any four questions from question Nos. 1 to 6. 2) Question No. 7ts compulsory. 3) Figures to right indicate marks. 4) Answer sections I & II separately.


l. What is an insurable interest? Discuss various types of insurable interest.

2. "The principle of utmost good faith imposes meaningful reciprocal duties owed by the insured to the insurer and vice-versa." Elucidate this statement and explain the effects effects of non-disclosure.

3. Explain the characteristics of Fire Insuranc.e Contract. State the rules as to the insurable interest therein.

4. What is the meaning of "Fire" in Fire Insurance Contract? Is loss caused in extinguishing a fire recoverable as a loss caused by fire?

5. What is meant by "change of voyage" and "Deviation"? When is deviation excused?

6. Explain the ' 'Notice of Abandonment'' and dlscuss the provision in the Act regarding such notice.






7. Write short notes on any two of the following:

a) Nomination of policy holder.

(2x3 = 6)

b) · Marine adventure.

c) Sue and labour clause.


Instructions: J) Answer any foul' questions from question Nos. 8 to 13. 2) Question No. 14ts compulso1'y. 3) Figures to right indicate ma1'ks.

8. Define and dlstinguish between an assignment and nomination in marine insurance.

9. Detail the circumstances under which a life policy cannot be called in question on the ground of mis-statement by the assured.




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RPN -46

10. Explain the different kinds of Life Insurance Policies.

11. Critically analyse "Suicide clause" in a life policy.

12. Explain:

a) Commencement of risk in insurance policy.

b) Floating policy.

13. Explain and distinguish between Re-insurance and Double insurance.

14. Write short notes ori any two of the following:

a) Particular average warranty.

b) Agent of insurance company.

c) Revival of lapsed policy.




