Re ing r t e Week e te er , 18 S day t 4 1- , - / 15 - , -4, 4-5 1a]/Ja 1 17-1 , 1- , 7/ Mk 7 1- , 14-15, 1- Mo day 1 or 1-5/ 11 7, , , 1 , 1 1, 1 7]/ Lk 4 1 - T day 1 or 1 -1 / 145 - , 1 -11, 1 -1 a , 1 cd- 14 17]/Lk 4 1- 7 Wd day 1 or 1- / 1 -1 , 14-15, - 1 1 ]/Lk 4 -44 Th r 1 or 1- / 4 1 c- , -4a , 5- 1]/Lk 5 1-11 Friday 1 or 4 1-5/ 7 -4, 5- , 7- , -4 a]/Lk 5 - Sat rday Mi 5 1-4a or om - / 1 a, c I 11 ]/Mt 1 1-1 , 1 - or 1 1 - N t S day I 5 4-7a/ 14 7, - , -1 1 ]/Ja 1-5/ Mk 7 1- 7 e site www. tma kol .or B lleti missi ll ti tma kol .or F t er Peter M nick , P tr mpm m mail.com P rish Offi : (715) 4- P rish rtr A i St rzl 715- 4- a i tma kol .or in n i l r t ry — r n Krusi k 71 -8 4-338 Liturgi l Mini try – h r n hrist ns n 71 - 81-7784 tor l Coun il — J Ann yl 71 -8 4- 11 tt Hintz 71 - 7 -74 in n Coun il — m Zin 71 -366- 18 nnis F y 71 -8 4- 7 uil ing Groun Co itt L G nn ring 71- 43- ri h Coun il o C tholi Wo n — B nni g rs 71 -366-44 ro Li Co itt in y Gr sl 9 - 66- 3 Eliz b th Mini try — J nnif r H n rix 71 -344-3 99 ily Li Co itt T sh hur it r y r Ch in — H l n Bu kh lt 9 -6 -4461 Ju y h ll r 9 -76 - 419 r t rogr J n B u r 71 - 8-9 63 C I T rri H rt r 71 -34 -9816 o i l M i -B tty G nn ring 7 3- 9- 18 Knight o Colu bu A dy Fra z 45- 14 Ho it lity— h r n hrist ns n 71 - 81-7784 ligiou E u tion (CCD) — Kim Au r 71 - -874 Con ir tion rogr J r mi h Au r 71 - 81-98 Gu r i n Ang l C t ry — K n Trz i t wski 71 -498-6 66 Ho C t ry (H ron) — h r n L r nz 71 -366-4 7 t. M rtin C t ry — T m Guth 366-41 4 t. tri k C t ry — H l n H l h 71 -8 4- 88 S t m 1- 018 | www. tm kle.r | d S da i O di a Tim A atholi hur h in Rural outh ast rn orta ount , I 8 11 t te Hig w y 4 Al n , WI 49 9 Go o ike i e... ke

Go and do likewise Luke 10:37 · 9/2/2018  · Centesimus Annus (1991) by John Paul II. They address both the theology and dignity of work. In Genesis, God takes the initiative in

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Page 1: Go and do likewise Luke 10:37 · 9/2/2018  · Centesimus Annus (1991) by John Paul II. They address both the theology and dignity of work. In Genesis, God takes the initiative in

Readings for the Week of September 2, 2018

Sunday: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 4-5 [1a]/Jas 1:17-18,

21b-22, 27/

Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Monday: 1 Cor 2:1-5/Ps 119:97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 [97]/

Lk 4:16-30

Tuesday: 1 Cor 2:10b-16/Ps 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13ab, 13cd-

14 [17]/Lk 4:31-37

Wednesday: 1 Cor 3:1-9/Ps 33:12-13, 14-15, 20-21 [12]/Lk


Thurs 1 Cor 3:18-23/Ps 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6 [1]/Lk 5:1-11

Friday: 1 Cor 4:1-5/Ps 37:3-4, 5-6, 27-28, 39-40 [39a]/Lk


Saturday: Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30/Ps 13:6ab, 6c [Is

61:10]/Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23

Next Sunday: Is 35:4-7a/Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 [1b]/Jas 2:1-5/

Mk 7:31-37



Bulletin Submission:

[email protected]

Father Peter Manickam, Pastor

[email protected]

Parish Office: (715) 824-3380

Parish Secretary — Angie Sturzl 715-824-3380

[email protected]

Financial Secretary — Doreen Krusick 715-824-3380

Liturgical Ministry –Sharon Christensen 715-281-7784

Pastoral Council — JoAnn Doyle 715-824-2011

Scott Hintz 715-572-7420

Finance Council — Pam Zinda 715-366-2185

Dennis Fay 715-824-5075

Building & Grounds Committee —

Leo Gonnering 571-243-0250

Parish Council of Catholic Women —

Bonnie Rogers 715-366-4425

Pro-Life Committee — Cindy Gresl 920-566-2305

Elizabeth Ministry — Jennifer Hendrix 715-344-3099

Family Life Committee — Tasha Shurpit

Prayer Chain — Helen Buckholt 920-622-4461

Judy Scholler 920-765-0419

Sacred Steps Program — Jane Bauer 715-258-9563

SCRIP — Terri Hoerter 715-340-9816

Social Media-Betty Gonnering 703- 509-5180

Knights of Columbus —Andy Franz 345-2148

Hospitality—Sharon Christensen 715-281-7784

Religious Education (CCD) — Kim Auer 715-252-8745

Confirmation Program — Jeremiah Auer 715-281-9825

Guardian Angels Cemetery — Ken Trzebiatowski


Hope Cemetery (Heffron) — Sharon Lorenz


St. Martin Cemetery — Tom Guth 366-4104

St. Patrick Cemetery — Helen Helbach 715-824-5880

September 1-2 2018 | www.stmaxkolbe.org | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

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A Catholic Church in Rural Southeastern Portage County, WI

8611 State Highway 54 • Almond, WI 54909

Go and do likewise... Luke 10:37

Page 2: Go and do likewise Luke 10:37 · 9/2/2018  · Centesimus Annus (1991) by John Paul II. They address both the theology and dignity of work. In Genesis, God takes the initiative in

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As we celebrate Labor Day, can you tell me about

Catholic teaching regarding labor?


One of the most important principles of Catholic social

teaching is the dignity of work and the rights of workers.

Four encyclicals address this foundational social teaching:

Rerum Novarum (1891) by Leo XIII, Quadragesimo Anno

(1931) by Pius XI, Laborem Exercens (1981), and

Centesimus Annus (1991) by John Paul II. They address

both the theology and dignity of work. In Genesis, God

takes the initiative in creating the world, calling forth

human beings to be faithful stewards of creation. We are

thus formed to share in God's continuing creative activity

by partnering with God in finishing the world and helping

bring it to completion and fulfillment. From this

perspective, work can be spiritually understood in terms of

sharing in God's ongoing activity to build, create, and

transform the world. Human beings are co-creators with

God. This vocation demands self-discipline.

Besides an exercise in self-discipline, work is also the

means by which we develop and fulfill ourselves. In work,

we shape the world and our environment. Through work,

we also shape ourselves. Pope John Paul II summarized

this point in Laborem Exercens #6, "the value of work is

not primarily the kind of work being done, but the fact that

the one who is doing it is a person."

Labor Day offers an excellent opportunity to reflect on

how we view work in light of our Catholic social teaching.


Dear loving parishioners,

Peace and love of Christ!

Thank you so much to everyone who worked hard for

the great feast of

St. Maximilian Kolbe with the Polka mass and delicious

Polish desserts.

Today’s readings explain what true religion is. It is not

simply a scrupulous, external observance of rules,

laws, traditions and rituals. It is a loving, obedient

relationship with God expressed in obeying His

Commandments, worshipping Him, recognizing His

presence in other human beings and rendering them

loving and humble service.

St. James defines true religion as keeping the word of

God and doing His will by helping the needy, the poor

and the weak in the community. He challenges

Christians to become doers of the word, not merely


Our Sunday obligation is intended to allow us to

worship God in the parish community, to offer our lives

to God, to ask His pardon for sins, to thank God for His


Our daily family prayers are meant to maintain the spirit

of unity and love in the family and to keep a close

relationship with God.

Thank you so much for the

valuable prayers, beautiful

greetings, and delicious cake in

view of my birthday on August

22, the feast day of the

Queenship of Our Blessed Virgin

Mary. In thanking you I keep you

all in my prayers.

May God bless you,

—Father Peter


Mass will be offered at 8am followed by

confessions and one hour of Eucharistic

Adoration. All are welcome and

encouraged to attend!!

2 | St. Maximilian Kolbe Church

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Margaret King 9/2

Chris Bently 9/2

Matt Gumney 9/3

Bridget Pionkowski 9/3

Scott Jackson 9/4

Becky Kalata 9/4

Paige Forseth 9/4

Kyle Warzynski 9/5

Alex Zinda 9/5

Jacob Scipior 9/5

Patricia Somers 9/6

Carol Hutkowski 9/6

Mike Mongan 9/6

Danielle Forseth 9/6

Wyatt Blaskowski 9/6

Robert Barden 9/7

William Sommers 9/7

Henrik Dreger 9/7

Maurice Volk 9/8

Pat Blaskowski 9/8

Trinity Noel 9/8

Tiffany Gumney 9/8


Karl & Amy Kiefer 9/3

Darrell & Virginia Heck 9/4

Rich & Carolyn Perzinski 9/4

Jeffrey & Lisa Ligman 9/6

Please Remember these Parishioners

in your daily prayers!

Page 3: Go and do likewise Luke 10:37 · 9/2/2018  · Centesimus Annus (1991) by John Paul II. They address both the theology and dignity of work. In Genesis, God takes the initiative in


We welcome you to our parish family. If you wish

to join our parish, you may register by calling

the parish office.

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Arrangements must be made at least six months in

advance. Please call the parish office for an


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Please call the parish office prior to the birth

of your child.

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Please call the parish office at 824-3380.

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Please submit Mass Intentions to the parish office or

call 715.824.3380.


Mon-Thurs: 10:00-3:00pm

Tues, Wed: 4:30-6:30pm

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Servers: Volunteers

Reader: Greg Decker

Usher Captain: Dan Lehman

Eucharistic Ministers:

Sharon C., Betty G., Pat H., Rita T.

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Servers: Lily C., McKenna C., Wyatt B.

Reader: Kendra Cichy

Usher Captain: Randy Krusick

Eucharistic Ministers:

Kendra C., Amy B., Doreen K., JoAnn D.

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Servers: Alex M., Jason M.

Reader: Bob Yerkes

Usher Captain: Steve Kaminski

Eucharistic Ministers:

Bob Y., Melanie D., Kathy G., Volunteer

St. Maximilian Kolbe Church | 3

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Adult Envelopes 2333.00

Offertory: 303.55

Maintenance & Repairs: 176.00

Building project 50.00

Vigil Candles 00.00

Total: 2,862.55

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We currently have openings in our CCD program for

catechists and those available to substitute periodically.

Imagine helping youth discover the most important

choice in a lifetimeQ Jesus! Imagine helping youth

understand their faith is not another subject to study,

but rather a way of life, so they experience a personal

relationship with God. There is no greater gift

you can give a child! If you feel God is calling you

to the ministry of catechesis (teaching) to

nurture the faith of our young people,

contact Kim at 715.252.8745.


St. Max’s Fall Harvest Dinner is fast approaching!

Mark your calendars! Our dinner will be on Sunday,

October 7th. Look for more information in upcoming

bulletins. Proceeds from the dinner will benefit our

Parish Social Hall project! Help us get the word out!



Please consider donating new items, large or small, to

the Fall Dinner Silent Auction. Or, you can donate your

time and talents such as making cookies once a month,

auto detailing, house cleaning, etc. The possibilities

are endless! Contact Betty by text or phone at

703-509-5180, or email her at [email protected] with


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A representative from the Portage County Family Living

office will speak about free and confidential financial

counseling available to Portage County residents.

All parishioners are welcome and encouraged to

attend. Refreshments will be served.

Please contact Betty at 703-509-5180 with questions.



Please join the ladies of the parish on Saturday,

November 3rd. We will be carpooling to West Bend to

attend the 2018 Women of Christ Conference. The

event is a full day and we will be leaving St. Maximilian

at 6:00am for those wanting to attend mass and

7:15am for those wanting to attend the conference

only. Guest speakers will include Dr. Scott Hahn,

Crystalina Evert, Sisters of Life and several others.

Mass will be celebrated with Archbishop Listecki. Lunch

is included and will be provided on site. When you call

in your registration, you will need to select a lunch

choice. We should return to church by about 6:30pm. A

dinner stop on the way back is optional. Our Parish

Council of Catholic Women will be sponsoring this

event and will cover all attendee’s registration fees.

The deadline for registration is October 1st.

Contact Mary at 715-340-7217.

Page 4: Go and do likewise Luke 10:37 · 9/2/2018  · Centesimus Annus (1991) by John Paul II. They address both the theology and dignity of work. In Genesis, God takes the initiative in

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Sunday, September 9, 2018

St. Mary’s Church, 205 S 2nd Street, Colby, WI


Tickets: $14 Call 715-344-3722

Knights of Columbus Polonia

Saturday, September 15, 2018


Sunday, October 14


, 2018

Authentic Indian Dinner @ St. Peter’s, Stevens Point

Sunday, October 21st, 2018

Dynamic Catholic Speaker—Dominick Albano

St. Mary’s Church—Fancher

For more information: sjsmmcc.weconnect.com



Matt Fradd will be coming for two dates this

fall. Wednesday, November 7th, he will be at

Saint Bronislava‘s for the Youth Rally and the following

night, Thursday, November 8th, he will also be at Saint

Bronislava ‘s, but this time a special event for

Adults – Parenting the Internet Generation.

There is no cost for the parent night. We are asking for a

$2 per person donation for the Youth Rally.

Register groups of 10 or more through Julie Studinski at

Saint Bronislava’s.

Matt Fradd speaks to tens of thousands of people every

year. He is the author of several books, including Does

God Exist?: A Socratic Dialog on the Five Ways of

Thomas Aquinas and The Porn Myth: Exposing the

Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography.

Matt earned his master’s and undergraduate degree’s in

philosophy from Holy Apostles College. His

podcasts, Love People-Use Things and Pints With

Aquinas are listened to by tens of thousands of people

every month.

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6:10 p.m. Choir Practice

6:15 p.m.-6:45 p.m. Confessions

7:00 p.m. MASS:+ Kenneth Volk

By his Children

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7:45 a.m.-8:15 a.m. Confessions

8:30 a.m. MASS:+Clarence Herzfeldt

By the Auer Family

10:00 a.m. MASS: For the People of St. Max’s

6:30 p.m. Adoration

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5:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration

6:00 p.m. MASS:+Norm Hudziak

By Scott & Darlene McChesney

6:30 p.m. Potluck Dinner & Bible Study

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8:00 a.m. MASS:+Cindy Omernik

By Romaine Wierzba & Family

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����8:00 a.m. MASS: Birthday Blessings for

Jacinta Zdroik by the Zdroik Family�

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8:00 a.m. MASS:+Franklin (Bud) Barden

By Jack & JoAnn Doyle

8:30 a.m. Confessions & Adoration

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6:10 p.m. Choir Practice

6:15 p.m.-6:45 p.m. Confessions

7:00 p.m. MASS:+Gregory & Valerie Eckes

By Harry & Laura Eckes


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7:45 a.m.-8:15 a.m. Confessions

8:30 a.m. MASS: For the People of St. Max’s

10:00 a.m. MASS: +Fred Singer

By Terri & Craig Singer

6:30 p.m. Adoration

It won't be long before the gathering space will

begin filling up with beautiful baskets for the Fall

Dinner Bucket Raffle. Please consider donating

a basket for this popular fundraiser. Popular

themes include BBQ, sports team, campfire, and

Legos. Drop off your baskets in the gathering

space closet by September 30th. Contact Betty

by text or phone at 703-509-5180, or email her

at [email protected] with questions.

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Mother Teresa India Festival

(Celebrating Her Birthday)

3-7 pm at the Marshfield Fairgrounds

513 E 17th St., Marshfield. WI


Please consider helping out as we celebrate

St. Mother Teresa’s Birthday!

Call Dennis at


Page 5: Go and do likewise Luke 10:37 · 9/2/2018  · Centesimus Annus (1991) by John Paul II. They address both the theology and dignity of work. In Genesis, God takes the initiative in

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Sunday, September 9, 2018

St. Mary’s Church, 205 S 2nd Street, Colby, WI


Tickets: $14 Call 715-344-3722

Knights of Columbus Polonia

Saturday, September 15, 2018


Sunday, October 14


, 2018

Authentic Indian Dinner @ St. Peter’s, Stevens Point

Sunday, October 21st, 2018

Dynamic Catholic Speaker—Dominick Albano

St. Mary’s Church—Fancher

For more information: sjsmmcc.weconnect.com



Matt Fradd will be coming for two dates this

fall. Wednesday, November 7th, he will be at

Saint Bronislava‘s for the Youth Rally and the following

night, Thursday, November 8th, he will also be at Saint

Bronislava ‘s, but this time a special event for

Adults – Parenting the Internet Generation.

There is no cost for the parent night. We are asking for a

$2 per person donation for the Youth Rally.

Register groups of 10 or more through Julie Studinski at

Saint Bronislava’s.

Matt Fradd speaks to tens of thousands of people every

year. He is the author of several books, including Does

God Exist?: A Socratic Dialog on the Five Ways of

Thomas Aquinas and The Porn Myth: Exposing the

Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography.

Matt earned his master’s and undergraduate degree’s in

philosophy from Holy Apostles College. His

podcasts, Love People-Use Things and Pints With

Aquinas are listened to by tens of thousands of people

every month.

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6:10 p.m. Choir Practice

6:15 p.m.-6:45 p.m. Confessions

7:00 p.m. MASS:+ Kenneth Volk

By his Children

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7:45 a.m.-8:15 a.m. Confessions

8:30 a.m. MASS:+Clarence Herzfeldt

By the Auer Family

10:00 a.m. MASS: For the People of St. Max’s

6:30 p.m. Adoration

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5:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration

6:00 p.m. MASS:+Norm Hudziak

By Scott & Darlene McChesney

6:30 p.m. Potluck Dinner & Bible Study

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8:00 a.m. MASS:+Cindy Omernik

By Romaine Wierzba & Family

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����8:00 a.m. MASS: Birthday Blessings for

Jacinta Zdroik by the Zdroik Family�

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8:00 a.m. MASS:+Franklin (Bud) Barden

By Jack & JoAnn Doyle

8:30 a.m. Confessions & Adoration

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6:10 p.m. Choir Practice

6:15 p.m.-6:45 p.m. Confessions

7:00 p.m. MASS:+Gregory & Valerie Eckes

By Harry & Laura Eckes


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7:45 a.m.-8:15 a.m. Confessions

8:30 a.m. MASS: For the People of St. Max’s

10:00 a.m. MASS: +Fred Singer

By Terri & Craig Singer

6:30 p.m. Adoration

It won't be long before the gathering space will

begin filling up with beautiful baskets for the Fall

Dinner Bucket Raffle. Please consider donating

a basket for this popular fundraiser. Popular

themes include BBQ, sports team, campfire, and

Legos. Drop off your baskets in the gathering

space closet by September 30th. Contact Betty

by text or phone at 703-509-5180, or email her

at [email protected] with questions.

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Mother Teresa India Festival

(Celebrating Her Birthday)

3-7 pm at the Marshfield Fairgrounds

513 E 17th St., Marshfield. WI


Please consider helping out as we celebrate

St. Mother Teresa’s Birthday!

Call Dennis at


Page 6: Go and do likewise Luke 10:37 · 9/2/2018  · Centesimus Annus (1991) by John Paul II. They address both the theology and dignity of work. In Genesis, God takes the initiative in


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