GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005

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  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005



    GM -7

    Continuei! 0/1 Pnge 2


    SpiteWill Get



    111 My Opinion ... We Ill! know th at Captains tire thebackbone of the Department of Correction. The job doesnot get don e ioi thout NIl! presence and superoision ofthe first-lin e superv isors. Wllile we flllly acknowledgethat there is all enornions rcsponsibiiitq that COIII('Swith the title of Captain, running the Deportment effec-tively shoult! not rest 011 0/11' shoulders alone.

    I t appenr th a! Captnins nrc held most accountabte by the inocstigatious Division . Ifamazes me how lJIaJ1Y ranks above us S ( ~ 1 1 off 011 0111' investigative p(/ckages bnt theInoc stigation Division I/Jljl/st/y Iny:; all the blame 011 Captnin if something is wrollg.WhCll il Wardell as rees with our inoesrigation and signs off 011 it, why then is thntWardell not held equalts] responsible by In vesrigators?

    I t hils always been th e opinion oj the CCA that Captaius' initial reports are basedsolely 011 what tlrey wae told nn d their initial nsscssment of the incident, Coutran] towhat tile Department believes, wc lire not trained imrcstigators and our preliminan]report is al l opinion of tohat we believe happenctt, If tho se 11IJoVC us ag ree, then they oreequalls] responsible ,Wllile Commiss ioner Hom acknoioledgcs the difficult jolJ Wi' liaue - I I I / I i knows hou:

    important we are to the care, custodi] ( i l i f f control of the [nciliis) - his act ions by theway he t reats us indicate differel/tly. He gives his nuumgcria! staff the okay to bltuneeverything 011 us. Fortnnatets] thu [ar, OATH lias 1101' taken the silme view f/ 5Commissioner HOI"/} . Whc1l OATH J l I ( ( ~ e examine each CtlSC before rhein thorOlighly,

    they do not collie I/}' uiith th e SlIlIIe conclus io n as Commissioner Horn ant! OepllryConunissioner White, that the Captain is guilty.All of th es e sltenattignn make yOI l 7001/11('1' what l){/ckgrol/1Id Horn hn s to qual

    ify IIill1115 Commis sioner. He cl aints ne did ow ' job: yet, I rio II0t believe ITe knowsthe first thillg about lJeil-lg a superuisor ill a jail. III the ir quest to incriminate (ICaptniu , the luucstigations Depariment is uiolating till' Departincnt's OTUll direc

    t-ives . The 28-pflge OATH decision that exonerated four Captains - while Hom andWhite wanted these ncternn Captnins f i r cd - shows tha t Mnrtin Hom is not (l[a i r perSOI1 . If he WtlS , he uiould lutue thoroughLy inuestiga ted the iuc iden t ant!then th e people responsible fo r p"tting those Captnins throush hell would he

    rem oued f ro 111 their posiUOIIS . There is a t len i one lounjcr, 11 few inues tigntors and th e person il l charge who clearly had ollly one thing ill mind w hileinuestigating that incident: - incriminate tlt e Cap tains f it tillY costt

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    OffIC101 Publlc.111on 01~ E C 0 CAPTA INS ' ASSOCIATIONDepoiUmont of [Ot frC IIOO

    t of Ne" Yon-2] ) ' Q i I ' N a ~ SUle 17O!

    NtowYork. NY10279PI\. (ZIZ) 2(1":090Fx' {ZIZ] 9GZ.4819

    HotliM {Eme'!:"nti . On lyl,IBB8l 7O?)2U

    I ; tGl "'J dOcorn\'/eb. ite:wwwnyt= orgPE ERD MER1NGO LO






    S E G E ; . : n A A :









    Capt. os " o l " l LSproducedby the Corection \ . ' l I / ~ A.SSOCla lK)n Enurecontef' ts

    topyn&hted .IIEWSlETTER


    RWO GROUP(8451 ) 0 2 2 Z

    President's MessageCOl/til/lied from plfge 1

    This HOW bring me to i l very important po int, It takes a !Jig pe rson to admit hi s mistakes. Ollly n person 'wi th a huge ego and the illnbility to acknowledge wrollg-doillgioould take the flpprollch th at Commissione r Horn has taken. tnstetu! of moving foruiard aiu! placing the blame appropriatelu, he continues to tnkc hi s frustration our Oilthe Captuins I I I ld t he CCA lcadersliip,He is so upset with my expoeing the truth about isis administration thnt he hae

    nlloioed Isis nnger at me to dictate flow lie 1'1111S the Agency. Thi s is clearly the s of IIpoor lender. ln steat! of tnkiJfg his frn stration out 011 tile liavdest working men andtoontcn in this Department , he s liou ls! nrtenuit to correct: th e mistakes of hi s s taff .Instead of his negative rem arks ognillst me, he sholt/d rio the jo b he lOllS Itired to do andrUII th is Agellcy properly, whir:h thu s fill' he l ias [ailed terribly .

    As you fIIal) know, Ho rn is the 16th Co 11/1/1 issioner tho t J have toorked for . While he isquick to criticize those before him, he in I/O way measures up to his predecessors tohenit comes to lmildil1g morate and mill/ ins th A genes]. Those bejor f, im at leust kneto 11070to remove persona! issues from the business at hand. They knew when it wns time tomeet and talk sensibly and work in the best interest of the Department , TIl / IS fill", al lCommissioner Hom has prooen is his di slike fo r me and his d is respect fo r Captains.One recent example of tiiie disrespect (mile by 1I0t nc/olOwledging 0111' presence nt a

    graduntion ceremony. Another is totten Commissioner Hom held (I graduation ceremony th at IlslIn!ly in cludes Captnins inouing lip to A OW and excluded our Contain s frointhe ceremony. Theil, iohen he runs wiled to tns}: 011 the issue, held n separate promotionfo r them and did not intnre lilt ' 115 the Presiden t of the union they were grnd'lllting from.This al l shows Horn 's selfishness and sp itefulness at lilt' cx ucnsc of ot hers . How childisll can yOIl gel?

    A s the Commissioner COil tin lies to commit in'propf'r practices, 1 wil l continue to takehim to taste 011 al l of them . He has demonstrated ttis un ioilliugncss to t reat n il threeunions fro1/1 the Deportment of Co rrection alike. He e/ljoys piL-tiJlg union against union.

    If (III of this seems ridiculous and chi/dish 011 Iiis part, here's OIlC more. CommissionerHom is depri ving the CCA of narking passes that we luroc ho d fo r seuen YCllrs fo r 0111'th ree release positions while isslling tile slime po ss es to other unions . I doubr that otherCommissioners urould act the same wily iu: docs. lt [ust prov es he cannot accept losing .l{yol/ uuint respect you have to give respect. Hom disrespect s Captnin end, {llId everydo.'/ . I t is time fo r lt int to start treating each rank il l the Department toith the dig"it!!and respect we al l dcscroe. The ;0[,.'0 wc rio e1Jery dny often go unnot iced tnut tmappreciated vy Conunissioner Hom I1l1d his stllff.

    III his spnre time, Conunissioncr Hom should rend tile 28-page deci sion lunuied down1>.'/ OATH instead of th iJlkillS liou: he C{l1I hurt the nevt Captain . All the ui rongs cited bythe Judge against this Department should be imbedded ill hi s head. He should at the veryleast learn n lesson from t l iat decision. However, hi s allger and [rustration over th atdecision makes h im w((nt to hold CllptlJil/ s to II higher stl/Ildnrd tl!{lll his m(l)wgers.

    I am glad the I l l lme Martin Hoi'll will fore ver ve cOllueeted to the decisioll to eXO/lrr-Il te foul" C l l p t f l i l l ~ he wanted to termil/I/te. T ililt decisioll U)IIS an cl/I/)nrr l1sslIl t'lItfol' thisDepar[JJ/Cllt mul tl,l ' person in chllyg'. T1lnt decisioll tolrl l' INrIjOllC whnt I have been SI/Y-illg fo r yea rs - tilL' Depn rtmcllt goes lifter the rlwk of Cnp tn i l l! Th is time, 11Owever, tile!!were exposed.III closillS, J raft' COIIIJllissiollcr Hol'll at tfle lJottom of tf,e 16 COll1mi%iollL'l'S I /rave

    worketl for.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005



    COMMISSIONER MARTIN HORNThis is an end-of -year record of Mart in Horn 's progress as

    Commissioner of the Department of Correction.KEY: A=Excellent, B=Good, C=Fair,F=FAIL

    Ability to put aside personal differences FSupport Captains as they move up through ranks FEquality and fairness to all members in Department FKnowledge and understanding of job FAbili ty to accept losing and/or defeat FAcknoWledge wrong-doing FPlace appropriate blame F

    COMMENTS: ~ ' W \ i . . 5 $ ~ kas +0 i.y/l.CNe- cv: i . ~ J ' l + o . . ' Y \ . +a.A2AS 0..$ i . ~ + e c L cv-: tNWLoS ~ J ' l + c.aN1. Hi.5 00k " N J W ~ e . a..-vv:1. v . ~ + o . . - v v : 1 . i . ~ 00 +A.. jPh ts 00 ~ CUY\.-CVl'Y\.. Hi.5 tU>.60J'l'WUJ.'Y\.C..e. Aa.5 cU..cJ.i.'YI.ec1. wWe. Ai..s 5 f i . + e 6 c d . ~Aa.5 i . . ~ +Ae."WI.e.-vv:lov.slo. He. is v.'Y\.Qhle. +0 o . . ~ 0.. loSSQS 0.. loSS , o..-vv:1. +o.k.e.s Ai..s 6J'Lv.S+AQ+Lov: ou:f O'Y\. +Aose. A2.. i.5 -reeL +0 he- t A o + e . c . + i . . ~ J.'Y\.QbJ.i..-f.g +0; te..A6J'l"WI. r0..$ 'WU.S$i..0'YI.e.A. ~ e . c . 0 " W I . "WI.e."'Ada.+i..0Y\. : Fa..i.lecL 0..$~ " W I . i . . S S i . . c r v \ 2 J L ~ + v . A ' Y \ . +0 1 e . . ' Y \ . ~ 6J'l rce:"WI.edi..a1+Aa..i..'YI.i.."'Ad-

    Pnge 3







    BKDCFebruary 200S





    GMDCApril 2005




  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    recognizes th e tremendous effor t pu t for thby those w ho res ponded to he te rroristattack. .Thi s bill wi ll "ensure that they rece ive

    appropriate co m pensa tio n for an y di sabi lit ie they mny have su ffe red as a rc.ul t oftheir inv lvemen t in the rescue , recove rya nd cleanup effor t . Ne w Yorke rs w illnev r forge t tip tragic 'vents of that da y ,no r w ill we forget those w ho an swered theca ll to d u tv w ithou t he s ita t ion ."

    Diseases cov e re d bv th e law in Jude cance r, respiratory illness anel ertain skincond itions. In ad dition, th e law creates a

    cp tc mbc r 11 Worker Pro tec tio n TaskForce to review and e xam in e ev id enceabout ad verse health effect: on wor kersw ho participat ed il th e W o rld Tr ad e

    enter efforts.Me ringolo aid he was l is, ppointed that

    I -layo r Bloomberg co u ld no t pu t aside h isout rage a t th is bill becoming law an dmake an appearance I the bill s igning.Mayor Bloomber g ha d worked to slop th eGovernor from signing th is law."While this canno t be p roclaimed as a

    grea t o r happy day si nce w henev er weremembe r September 11, sorrow fills ou rhear ts , w e can be p ro ud of w ha t we w ereable 10 accomp li sh for ou r members,"Me ringolo . aid.

    Pnge 5

    Top Photo: Presidentto1eringolo with CCATreasurer GeorgeAufiero [r ight) andUFOALI. Rep. EdwardBoles (left ). MiddlePhoto, Meringolo witlCCA1st VP RonaldWhitfi eld discussingthe legislation beforethe press conferencebegan.

    CCA President PeterMeringolo addressedthe crowd of morethan 20 by saying,"Governor Patakipromised to neverforge the men andwomen PublicEmployeeswhoresponded to threscue and recovery.Hedid not letus down:

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    New ChildCare LeaveBill Would

    IncludeTier III

    Although th e New York State Legislati ve ession is comi ng to its o ffic ia l endfo r the ye ,ll', the CCA :-t ill has hopes o f ge tting its Ch ild Ca re Leave bill signe d in tolaw.Last yea r saw the creat ion of a new law

    tha t zave re tiremen t cred it for period s ofchild care lea ve, b u t on ly cov red rn em bers in Tie rs I and II. Members in T ier llf'NCr ' inad verte ntly exclu ded from the law.

    CCA Pres ide n t Pe te r Meringo lo sa id heis now try ing to Iix tha t ineq u ity b Iamending th e LoW to also co ve r membersin T ier Ill."Membe rs in Tie r III were acciden tly

    excluded fro m th e b ill when it was d ra ftedlast year an d arc now going back to theState c gislaturc to get th is roblernfixed ," Mc ringo lo said .In 2001, simil ar legisla tio n was s ia ne d

    in to law to a llow member. of the po licepension funcl to ob tain retiremen t cred itfor period s o f leave fo r hil d care , This billexpands that concept to allows Car re tionO ffice rs th e Sam ' pr iv ilege.lvle ringolo sa id th a t like Police O fficers ,

    Corre lion Off ers are a rced to take aIC{lvC of absence after the birth of a child ,or ado} lion. be 'a nd {ha t afforded throughs ick lea ve , incc existing law incl ud e ' no\vay to p res e rve a Co r rec t! n O ffice r'sre t iremen t be nefits d ur ing {his pe riod ufleave , this Jill w ill p rov ide (l way 10restore t hese benefi ts by making ontribu lions to o ff. et a po r tion o f the cos ts."The Legisla tive ession in A lbany is

    windi ng down qu ickly and we' re doingeverything ,,\'C can 10 be sure the Gove rno rgets th is bill so he can sign it into law ,"Me ringolo said.

    School is a.lmost over- a.nd summer is a.rouhd the cor-ner-,Here is a. Iist of' phone humbers G.nd webs ite a . d d ~ e s s e s

    f ' o ~ soroe a.ttra.ct iOns t ha.t ar-e Sr-eQ.+surnmer-time set-a.wa.ys .Dorney Park. , , . . , . . , , . , , , , . . 610-395-3i24 www.dorneypark.comHershey Park , , . " . . 'l-SOO-HERSHEY www .h ersheypark.comLand of Make Believe , , , 908-459-90ll0 . . , . , , . . . , . . . www.lornb.comRye Playland , 914-813-701ll , . . , www .ryeplayland.orgSix Flags Great Adventure , 732-928-1821 . , , . www.sixflags.cornSesame Place , 215-752-7070 , . , sameplace.comMy st ic Aquarium ", 860-572-5955 www.mysticaquarf

    Amusement Parks, Theme Parks, Watcrparks & Zooslcncl: wc l!s ilt is [o r /' purt iculnr " 111

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    Page 7

    PUERTORICANDAYPARADETheExecutive Boardcelebrates the PuertoRican DayParadewith thousands ofmembers of service.President Meringoloand I st VPRonaldWhit field also had thechance to meet withCardinal Egan. Theparade was Sunday.June 12, through thestreets of midtownManhattan.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    PROMOTIONSCongratulations toour seven formerCaptains who were

    promoted toAs istan t Dep u tyWarden effectiveApril 8 andApr il 28, 200- .April 8



    4-28-05DWA YNE BROWN

    MEMBER RECOGNITION AWARDSooften, members of t he CCA do man y good deeds tha t don't cross the paths of Captainsand Board Memb ers, whether it be cornrnunitq service, being involved in a use-of-force

    situation, or winn ing an award or recognition for something unrelated to work.But that doesn't mean we don't want to recogn ize these mem bers .And that's w h we're turning to you.

    Our members are th e e ~ e s and ear s of our union.You talk to each other all the t ime. We w ant you to te ll us about the good things

    other union members are doing or involved in.Send us t he name and worksite of someone you're nominating for the

    CCA MEMBER RECOGNITION AWARDalong with any pert inent information about their good deed.

    Each quarter, the union will feat ure a Captain in the Captains' Ouarterlq .Informat ion can be sent to:233 Broadwau, Suite 1701, New York. NY 10279

    or e-rnailed [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005



    members of th e New Yo rk Ci ty Em p loyeeRetiremen t Syst em a fte r [u lv27, 1976, a re membe rs o f Tie r 3.As Tier 3 membe rs, Cap ta ins are eligible

    fo r fou r d ifferent type. of d isability ret irement benefit" if they beenme unable tope rfo rm the d II ties of (l o rrec tio nCaptain .The fir st tn e o f d isa bilit y is th e Sec tion

    506 benefit. Th is app lies to a Cap tain w itha t It.. . t five 'ears of credited serv ice w hohas bee n found d i abled by the Soc ialSecur i ty Ad min is t ra tion and aw ardedbene fits unde r Socir I ecuritv Disab ili ty . Ifg ranted re tiremen t unde r th is Section, them zmber is en ti tled to one - th ird the fin alaverage sale ry (FAS) or 2 percen t o f the

    m ult iplied by the YCiH S of cred itedse rv ice , les lin offse t fo r Workers 'Compensa tion benefits received and oneha lf of Social Sec u rit ' benef its rece ived.

    Th e second type o f d i: abili ty is theSpecia l Disabili ty Re tir emen t Benefit ,Sec tion S07-a benefi t. Th is applies to the

    aptain w ith 10 yea r. o f redi ted se rvicewho has been fo und disab led by th eMed ical Board o f N Y ERS. Th i benef iten titles the membe r to receive one -thirdthe FAS w ith no offse ts, The re is no m inimum service re qui rement if NY ERS'Med ical Boar d de term ine. the d isability isa natura l and pro xim at e result o f an ac ide n ta l inj u ry recei ved whi le in the pe rformance of duty and w h ile in C ity serviceand not cau ed by 'o ur own will fu l n eg ligence. NYCERS' d ef in i tion o f a n accidentincludes inju r ies s ustained b I sudd enunexpec ted 'ven ts th at are no t a risk o f thewo rk pe rformed .

    The th ird type of benef it is Section 507-co r the 31 D isability . This entit les membe rsto II the FA5 if fou nd di sab led by theMed ica l Board of NY ERS and if th e di sabili ty is as a res u lt of an inj u ry sus tainedin the pe rfo rmance of duty. bv or (I S a na tu ra l p ro xim a te o f a n act f an

    inma te. The re is no m in imu m se rvicereq u irem e n t fo r th is typ e of benefi t.ection 507-c app l ie s a lso Io aptains w hoco n tr act I-IIV, tuberculos is o r he pa titis(where the re ma y have been ex posure tobod ily flu id , of an inma te tha t may haveinvolved Iran smission o f the d isease) an dcreates a presump ti on tha t th ey w ill qu a lify fo r acci dent a l d isabi lity as long as theMed ica] oard find s them disabled .The final benefit is 5e tion 207-0 , o r th e

    Heart Bill. Th is entitles membe rs to . theFA5 if fo und to be di szb led by the Med ica lBoard o f NY ERS bv a n I cond ition orim pa i rme n t ca used by d iseases of th eh art tha t res u lt in to tal o r partia l disabili ty . The co nd itio n or irnpa irm .n t m us t bep res umed incu rr ed in th e pe rforma nceand discha rge o f duty , u nless th e contraryca n be p ro ven by competen t ev idence .Capta ins consid e ring ap plying for re tire

    men t bene fits unde r these ec tio ns shoul dcon tac t thei r timekeeper o r Pe rsonnelCap ta in in o rder to determ ine how muchtime they have ac rued . Thi s time is compu ted from th e first d o, ap tains jo in thepension p la n an d nu t when the ' startedworki ng fo r the Depa r tment.On e members de te rm ine w ha t benefi t

    they m ay be elig ib le fo r, they mus t file a napplication wit h in th re e months a fte r thelast da te they w ere on pay roll, o r w i th in 12mon ths a fte r receipt o f no tice that em p loymen t has been term inated, if th ey havebee n on a med ica l le av e of ab sence w ithou t pay p rio r to te rm ina tio n.O ne im portant fac t tha t Cap ta ins shou ld

    remember: If in jured in th e line of du ty,membe rs m us t be vc ry ac ura te in comp le ting the accid e n t repo r t th a i is to bes ubm itted to the De par tment w ith regardto the facts of the occu rre nce . Ve ry of tenth is ini tial acc id en t repo r t can turn ou t tobe a decid ing factor in d eterm ining ifmembers a rc entitled to benefits unde rSection ~ 0 7 - or Section 507-c.

    By:Richard S. ObermanLevidow, Levidowand ObermanWorkers'CompensationCounsel

    One important factthat Captainsshould remember:If injured in theline of duty,

    members must bevery accurate incompleting theaccident reportthat is to besubmitted to the

    Department withregard to the factsof the occurrence.

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    Page 10

    More than 100mem bers, fr iends andsupporters of the ( (A

    came out on agorgeous, sunny

    aftern oon on June ?to take part in the ? h

    Annua l Golf Day atLido Beach GofCourse on Long

    Island. Funds raisedfrom the event go

    toward the CCAScholarship Fund.This year 's event

    drew one veryspecial guest, NBASuperstar Earl "The

    Pearl" Monroe.President Peter

    Meringolo said theevent was a huge

    success , withbeautiful weather,

    new golf carts, andgreat camaraderie.

    In top left photo, CCAAttorneys Seth andHarrq Greenberg, Earl

    "The Pearl" Monroe,President Peter

    Meringolo, and Chiefof the Depart mentRobert N. Oavoren.

    7th Annual CCA 5c

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    larship Golf Outing Page 11I

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    CorrectionUnions'VSF RunsInto


    As repo rted in numero us med ia s tori esdur ing the past couple of month s, theVariab le Supp lement Fund (VSF) fo r un ifor med correction pe rsonne l w ill d ry upaf ter next yea r' s schedu led p ayou t.Acco rd ing to the C ity Actuary , curre n tprojections have ind ica ted tha t the las tpay men t could be in December 2006.The VSF i a special retiremen t benefitbased on pe n, ion fund st ock op tions. Thefund, w hich provides a d efined bene fit,was created in 2000 after Gove rn o r Palakisigned leg islation des p ite the fac t tha t former Mayo r G iulia ni was not in favo r.

    CA Presid en t Pete r Meringo lo sa id thatthe issues su rround ing the VSF arc com p licated and that unfortunately , a t leas tone re tiree group has di s erni natcd mislead ing informa tion to its me mbers.Mcringolo sa id tha t one major p roblemwith the VSF is tha t it is fu nded by taki ng,1 por tion of the NYC Ern plo -ecs' Retire ment Sys tem s tock investmen t earn ings .Fo r the firs t yea r, th is amounted to arepor ted 5100 million d ue to the boom ings tock marke t of the 1990s. Those earn ingshave been \.I cd to fina nce the d efined benefit fo r the pas t five years . Howe ver. st ockmarke t ea rn ings si nce then have no treached ex pe ted levels .Me ringolo sai d tha t un ion, we re counting on the s tock marke t car ry ing the fund ing un til 2019 w hen the benefit becomesguaranteed by law .Pol ice an d firefigh ters already hav e agunranteed pa yo ut. regardless o f marke tpe rforrnanc '.Mcr ingo lo said tha t d ep end ing 011 howthe marke ts do, the re could po s ibl I beenough money to fund through 2007. " It's

    no se cre t and we' ve told ou r membersfrom D Cl ) ' One that d epending on how themar ket s arc do ing , tha t there cou ld come ayenr w ith no payout.'In its cu rrent state, I ew York C ity facesn projec ted cos t of 540 million in theupcoming fiscal year alone . And MayorMichael Bloomberg, w ith his a nti-union

    stance. has trad itionally opposed all pen-sion legis lation tha t comes w ith a financialburden to the C ity .Un de r the cur ren t setup/ orre c lionDepa r tment unifo rm ed pe rsonnel w hore tired after July 1, 1999, rece ived $11,000last December, w ith the amou n t sched u ledto increa : e by $500 each J 'ar un t il reach ing a "12,000 ceiling for 2007.Meringolo .

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    COl/til/l/cd from Page 12opinion, its ollly purpoe is 10 ups! tlu:membcr ill YO ll r orgl1l l i:nlioll tuu! 10 do toha! .110 11 thrccsevn:10 excel at - that is to criticize Ihe unions tlia! till 0fyoll belO /ISI 'd 10111 0I1l' time I1l1d 10 aduancr YO ll rOW II I Igl'lldll, wlw ll'(1('r tI/I11 lIIay be. I ioould J/()pc tim! i j yollr mcmbcr li n ' inad 10 pay dil l'S11Ial nOlll '( il SOl'S to salar ies fo r lill y (!f yo11 11m'/' bcccus that toould bea tlu:ft of eervio. I fnllY (! f their Il lOlICyis bt'illg spen ! ill Al luwy, the,l should recehv n rcbntc sincetli /' ti me Ill/d 1I1O/ leY spen! ill AlballY J1I1S in110 it 'Il:1h('lp,'d tomake yOIl kllowledgeable 0 11 11It' hislor.'! I /!le V. F. Yon do :1(llIrsd " I'_alld :10111' IIICIIber a total disscroic tohcn yOIl sJle 'ak 0 11 sO Illt'thillg .IIOl d e{/rly knot l/olhillS 0/10111.WI10t I will do - F l'eo d lorse il l thi IcI/r'rfo r thesoil' bC'IIl:fi l I!{ yollr member - is 10 11.11 and educall' .110 11 by leI/iII::; yOIl fi ll' truth , baL'ked lip toithJilt'fs. The 11/1"('f' Il fyol/ mighl 111(/ /11 10 III.ili: 1' lily philosophy Ihalll l /'mbers alway: appreciat hl'orins tlu: trutl1. IInd/hl'y desert: notllins 1/'55. Of !'O lIrSI', !(IIII' IIm'I' 1{yOIi do 1101 slum' ttii 11'/1 /'1' toitt:YO ll r 1IlL'lIIb,'I'5 then tll t'y w ill cont inu, 10 be ' misillfol'll1l'dand YO II (pill l't' able 10[ester .110111' aSt'ndll o.(ge ll ins tlu: 11/ l'1II/ lI'rSto IIII'Il on their unions awl continue10 Sit'!' .11011 1110111'.11 while .11011 f i l l tllei r hrad toith l ies. TIII_ lacti c stuutk! /lr' fn II I iliar 10 Allthony AIFsince the i l lformalion lu: /'t 'FO r ll'd resardillS IIII' Captains [mancia! report w { l ~ f l l l I'xp/ninl'd to him b.11Illy Treasurer, C('orS'e I I ~ f i t ' m . /-II' chose 10 prin I Ili s tvrsion and disregard all 111111 w a lold 10him. WI'did ill fa d ansltwr all till' question O ~ t ' to us 011 tlu: phon and WI' also look the opport llni l,lf 10 lei/lhrn: that ~ f kueu: tIlt' I/'l(th but chose to /lol repo rt it. A I/i then Cl1lh'd and r!ai1l1ed lit' had IlOth i/l, ' todo with tlu-an ide. !llIli j i )rl!l" reco rd, Kevin Ctllabn'sl' /I('{'I'r ca l ledl ilt' Capmins IIlI iOiI 10 I1sk liS 1111.'1thing. l i' a shal/It'f or hiin thn! III' did /lol m il II:> bt':f111SI' IIII'll Ill' toouid 111( 1(-' bl' l ' l1 educoted find .110111'lI IeI/I/ 'a S n./il'l' readillS thi u'oliid 11 01 lutt: kllOW II Iuno l i l l ie he snou ubout legis/al iull . That is !fyoll/l'I YO ll r mcmbcr read thi.CA L4 BRESE REPORT : 7 ransit IIlId I-1m/sil lS Policv q tficcrs 1111 ,1 SuperiorWCI'C included il l ilu:

    Correction I 'sislalion blCIIIS,' 111' 11 did not han ' II [und and i l l par! Conttnissloncr /-lollky . / i J ~ f i l ( ' ( / aI' /'OII/ise In Ih/'//1 10 mukSlIre Ih,'y had 11 place 10So.F/\ CT: Chapter 844 and 846 o tlu: J fIWS o 1987 crmted a \ ls r f or Trnnsit and J{ollsil IS Policert'spt'C l iz'I'ly, Chaptvr c.n (if tilt' Laws l 992 I'slo/llis/wd n defillt'd bcnefi!fo r Transit Police 0lficl'rs,OW].' ler 3 75 o th 1..1110:; of 1993 t'sfa/llished a dtfi l l l'd bellcfil j( I1' HOl/sillg Policl'. TheybVlh ret"ci l' ,'d IheSUlml/tel' 011 the dl/il/ cd bl')/()II ill '1 994. t i s .'1011 call sce tlIere al'l' sqlfll 'f lle laws rlel l/illg wilh l ilt'NOIISillS alld r mllsil Police VSF.TIIC./ llo l 0111.'1 hadl1./ill/d, bUI thai i l was I1l ready SU1mll ll'ed. ;\/1 C l l l l i ~ O l l /-Iallleydid wi t l l IIII'perl//issioll /if IIII' Corrl'cliol'1 IllliollSwasut il iL,' Ille lesislalion Ihat c/'I .-all'd Ol r fll /ld to providc aflllldillS mt'dlllll iSIIl f or f l l I111'1' 1lol/siIlS I1Ild Trall: il payou lS. Rel// l'lII/wl' 11r ,' Ci ty il'ns '11111' IIlltll'r Ihe olJl isalioll 10 makc 1111'Sl/Omnlfl 'd payouls. 0 111' o fill ' I'/ '1150IlS IIII' CO l 'n'(lioll Bill was5uccc:.=;4 l/l i.; Lwmllsl'i l was II/odded tifl

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    S incerely,Nan ci] OrtizCapt. #1253OBCc/CPSU

    JJlIIt' 1, 20051 toould lik:e to take tl moment to say

    thank yOl l to one of YOllr delegates.I rcccntbj W(lS illjured tuh ile conduct-illg Il tOIlY. While al i t s ick, 1ca/l1e acrossCapt, James, first vin telephone COIIVe!"-sations, then in person during my lustappointntent: I WOIIJrl like to tiuinkCapt. JI1IIlCS for prouiding me with enor-mons assistance niu! guidance while onsick leauc, fo r ensuring tluit [ have al lthe correct infovsnat ion regarditlg work-ers' comp, for ensuring' 11ly pnpenoork ISproperly filed, i ll addition to (lssist il lSme 70 ; til v ario us 0 tiler issues.

    Each appointment th at [ have attend-ed (I f HMO, 1ha ve noticed tliat Capt.James I l IWllyS ta kes the time to speakuiith Iris peers, and takes the time tonn stoer their telephone cnlls (l1H! eucnreturn them.I just u iant ed t o le t yOIl knoto th at

    amidst all th e compiautts and sorrow s,we rio come across someone who is ge1/-uine anti helps. [ust t1lOlIgJlt L't! Jet yOl lknow.

    Good Morning:I uiould like to le t Pete and eueruonc

    lWOlV that my 5011 Ry(1Il (form er CCAscholarship i oinner ) grad r i l l ted from[ohn lay ioitli 17 degree il l Criminal[usticc, 011 [une 3, 2005,

    He 11(/:> been accepted into the UnitedStates 1\1arS/1I11 Service aiu! is startingth e A caaemn nt the Federnl LmoEnforcement Trtlinillg Center il l Georgiaa t the end of the nion th.

    My wife Cathy and] nre very proud 0/his accomplishments .Tnan): yo II ,Frank DwyerCaptain "832EMTC

    [uue 15, 2005


    / - ~ _IIj '. ' I'I

    If you have a l et terof thanks Dr

    apprecia tion youwa nt t o share w ith

    y our Union andmembers, please

    submit it to:Captains' OuarterlyCorrecti on Cap tains

    Association233 Broadway

    Suite 1701New York, NY10279You can also e-mail

    your letter to:[email protected]

    CCA Says Good-Bye to 3 Board Membershe Correction Captains ' As sociation is saying good -bye to th ree of its longtimedevo ted and hardworking Boa rd members. '

    CAPT. A L SEDA , Legisl ative Chai rman, CAJlT . CHARLESGLOVER, ecretary, and CAPT.JOYCE BROWN, Financial Secretary, have all opted for re tiremen t in th e pas t fewmon ths." It is go ing to be di fficult to replace such ta lented and highl y d evoted members,"

    . a id Pre ident Pete r Merin golo. "But, V\ C have a great group of Delegate to choosefrom wh o nil have a genuine concern for the future of th i union and for the wel fareof the Cap ta ins. I'm confiden t we will be ab le to con tinue to run the Correct ionCap tains Association U1e arne as we have in the past."Mcringolo sai d he ha s asked all Delegates in terested in se rv ing a a Board Member

    to su bmit a le tter of cons ide ration. He 's hoping to have a ll the vacanc ie filled be forethe en d of the y CM."It has been so grea t to work wi th AI, Ch arlie and Joyce," Mer ingolo sa id . "TI1CY

    have added so mu ch to our union and helped make the day-to-do " running of ourun ion so much easier. The y will definitel y be missed , but I wish them all well."

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    Continued from Page 13I f in [ac! till' 'orrcction[und runs out o 111n/H'Y and tilt' Cllill Aefllary vf til l' Ci ty rcport there isno! enO/gil ll/Oney to IIIl1kt ' 11 1111 ,1/01/1 that yetlr, 11m I l I o I ' 1I11'lIIber. tim! retired [nnn fl/ly 1, 1999,ioould /lot reccit: II pllYOllt tha! yl'lIr VI 'I 'r/llse till' Correct ion[und fwd 110 1110 111,1/ , not c r n l l ~ we paidf or I-Iollsing and Transit Police,CAl .ABRESE REPORTS: III order 10 prot: his [Joint there presl'llll,ll is a bil! i ll Albany sl'/'ldllg to

    Suumn ir thedtfinl'd llellefit f or scroicc reti1'1'1'5[ro 111 'i999 to p rl'Scl/ I . I-Iea/sosill ies if infac: t1(:Sunr/1 11 /1/' exisll'd why toould tlu-n:bva needfor tiIis bill? /-lopI:(l/ll y t!Ie thrrr experts i Iunv Ilddn'ssld Il1isI/'t ter to hI/VI ' distributed thi lcttvrt all tl ldr memivre and r s o , can anu nfyoll di l l'S pilyil/g membertrl l nu: toher ill i l i ikit er did I c!,l'r IIII' Correction / D t f i l l t ' B C ' I I ~ f i l WIIS Ill ret1it,lf SIII/mntel'd?I said i t would /Ic 'SlIarall teed ill 2019, I hat: ..xplalncd till' vn tireprocrs of hou: thefund ioork, tohentI lt' guarantee kick" in and ho then:could comea tintc 1('/1(' 11 then:might I/ot bc payout. 0 (1 I WlIll}1/1010 need to explain why we have a bil l i ll A lhallY to s " am/lt!'e ilii Il{'JlI:fi t pr ior to 2m 9,

    CALABRESE REPORTS: ~ ( t h c W 'W /t'$isll1tioll to smut J-10llSiIlS lind PoliceOf ficers toho retiredbcnocen 1968 and 1987 ti le' \lsr/Define'd 8('11cfi t receives a I-IOlie' Rule 1II'ssa,'\,' awl then pa:;;S's illAlballY, ilu:/,flyl1ll' l I t /or this additional v,'/lefit will contr jrom tln:Correction Fund. I Ie also "tat l's thaiTransit alit! 1101lSiliS dol',' / /0 1 haw a[uud.

    l ] -nlalll'l'st' has pro

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    Pngc 16

    DeathPenaltyThroughthe Eyes



    Winston M. Clarke

    Whave discussed the d eath penalty on many occa sion , realizing tha t it L a topic o f great ontrovc rsy. We also lea rned th a t in God 's Word the Bible(King james Vers ion), in Exod us 20: 13, it s ta tes th a t "thou sha lt no t kill," w hichis no t the correc t tra ns la tion; The co r rec t word for "kill" sh ould be "mur der."Th ere a re ma ny do gooders who wou ld rathe r have the murdere r spend his orher life in p rison, then be execu ted . The y appear no t to be concerned ab ou t thevict im 's family. I want to li ve yo tl a sy no ps is o f il young man who has histhoughts abou t th is cont roversial iss ue; this is from the Washingto n In forme r(April 200 )."My name is -lichael Pridgen an d I am a 12th grade student a t Be ll

    Mu lt icu lt u ra l H ig h Schoo l in Wn sh ington . D. . I'm curren tly ta k ing anAmerican Gove rn men t class in w h ich w e've d iscussed na tural r igh ts . Mos trecen tly w 've tal ked about capita l pun ishmen t. We've seen films, read andeve n d ebated abo u t th e s ubject. This L i l l iss ue tha t is im portant fo r a llAme ricans becau: e you ca n neve r know when the dea th pena lty m igh t a ffe tyou di rectly . It is a lso an issue, wh ich ma y cause o ther oun tries to have a lessthan p leasan t v iew of U.s, cit izens . o m peo p le feel it is in v io la tion of theon stitution a nd it is up to us a: Amcri an citi zen s to p ro tec t the rig h ts of eachother in such cases. I myse lf agree w ith the old say ing "an eye for an ey e ," Ifsomeone pu rpo. efully take the life of ano ther person , tha t pe r on shou ld facethe same fa te .In th e movie "Dead Man Walking, " the murd ere r took the lives o f young peo

    ple . They had the ir w ho le liv .s , hea d of them bu t had tl1(>111 ta ke n away. Th eycouldn' t grad ua te college, have ch ildren , o r jus t live the re st of th eir lives . O neof th e vic tim 's parents said that the d e ath of h is su n mea nt the d eat h of his fam ily' s nam e, which rea lly made me wa nt to se e the mu rde re r executed .In a wr itt en in te rv iew , a Sis te r He len Prejea n said she fee ls the mr v ie and book

    w ill sh ow everyone how "in humane" the death penalty is . However, I fee l it w illdo exac tly the oppos ite an d show everyone w ha t it sho wed me ; how much thev icti ms famil ies , u ffc red .Wh e n peo pl e se e the I' 's u it. one! hard times those amilies go thro ugh, they shou ld s u ppo r t cap ita l pun ishmen t.At the end of ou r class's death penal ty uni t, 1s till fin d my self in favo r of it. I

    saw how d amaged the conv ic t's fam ily becom es. but thei r I ain is no com parison to the pain felt by the vic tim's Iamil ' .There a rc man ' inj us tices wi th the d eath penalty and that's something we

    could ch an ge if more people knew about i t and ' p oke out against it. It's lip to usregu lar citizen ' to look after the righ ts of each other and make su re the d ea thpena lty is fai r , bee: lise no on e else w ill. Ten year s from now , we may find a p unishment to p leas e everyone in America, bu t fo r now, the dea th penalty w ill helveto d o .Ha ts off to th is yOllllg man . Le t the peop le say , Am ' n!

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    RET . C A I'T. CHR ISTINE ST EWART (GMDO is p roud toannounce th a t on May 14, 2005, her daugh ter BrandiJ. Bradshaw received her Masters of _cience Degreefrom How ard niversity 's Grad ua te School of r tsand icn es . Brandi tudied Developmen ta lPsychology and worked in the Identity & SuccessResearch Laboratory. She gradu a ted with a GPA of3.80. Brand i i - a member of Alpha Nu OmegaSorority, Inc. and had been ind ucted into the followi ng Honor Societies: Alp haKappa Mu; Beta Kap pa Chi; Pi Gamma Mu and Psi Chi. Brandi re c ived herBachelors oi Scien ce Degree in Psy chology from Benne tt College inGreensboro, Nort h Carolina.

    EVER WO ND ER wha t IOU get for paying re tiree membership d ues to theCor rection Captains ' Association? By pay ing membershi p cl ues, you receivethe Cap tains' Quar terly newslett-er, updates and mailing , J large CA ca lenda r, two cale ndar books, four Courtesy Cards. and if you're 11 life t ime member,a paid up 51,000 dea th benefit for your ocncficiary.Keeping yourself up to d a te with events and new from you r union helps alot oi retirees st ay il l touch w ith each other and their union .Retiree dues are voluntary. They arc $50 per year for 10 years. Once you havepaid for 10 years, you'r e a life time member. Yo u can also choose to pay thedues in One lump sum of $500 and automa tically become a lifetime member.President Peter Mcr ingo lo sa id tha t he W i1S ap proached by i1 retiree regarding the d eath benefit who sa id , "Who Cares?" Well, certainly the living beneficiaries. In fact, one living l was so gratefu l to ha ve received this moneyafter her husband died , tha t she con tacted the CCA office to say that the moneycould n 't h: ve come t a be tte r time. She used it to help pa y for the funeral .Meringolo sai d he hopes more retirees w ill op t to pay the sma ll yearly d ues ,whi h were implemented in 1994 to ofLet the rising costs of doing businesswith retirees..

    Page 17


    We are repeating thisnot ice a second timein case anyone missed

    it the firs t t ime.The Florida Suncoast

    Correction NYCRetireesare having their 2005

    Reunion fromAugust 11-14, 2005 .It will take place at theRamadaPlaza Hoteland Inn in Kissimmee.Fla. Thehotel is onemile from the gates ofWalt Disney World.Ablock of rooms hasbeen reserved for the

    "NYC CorrectionReti rees" [ includingactive.]Youarerequired to make yourown room reservation.Thedeadline for hotel

    reservations isMonday, July 8, 2005.For information, callAlex Jenkins at352-686-9306.

    LifetimeMembers(s ince las/

    Caplains' Ouarter ly )JOSEPH VAFEADESG EORGE R. W I-UT '

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    Photo # 1: Capt. AISeda receives a

    plaque from CCA Is tVP Ronald Whitfieldand Ret. Capt.Frank

    Ciaccio.Photo 112 :Capt. Seda

    and his brotherNestor.

    Photo #3: Ret.Capt.Anthony Burke and

    wife Carol, Ret.Capt .MichaelLynch andwife Doreen.

    Photo #4: DelegateCapt Jeffrey Oagress

    andOfficerAndreaOrtiz, both of EHPW.

    Photo #5: Partycoordinators OfficerLinda MoreiraandCapt. Cedric Beckford,both of EHPW.

    Photo #6 :OfficerPeter J. Marrero

    (OSCC] and his wifeCapt . Mayra Marrero(GRVC\' and Capt.

    Joseph Ferramoscaand PAA MarieTheodule (HO).

    Photo #7: Ret.Capt.Frank CiaccioandGerry.

    Photo #8: ChiefRobertN. Davoren .

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005


    Page 19



    We Wantto KnowSend yourinformation,

    including name andwork location, alongwith any perti nent

    photos, to:Capta ins' QuarterlyCorrection Cap tains

    Associat ion233 BroadwaySuite 1701

    New York,NY10279

  • 8/14/2019 GM-07 - CCA Newsletter Spring 2005





    CCA PR ESIDENT PEnN. M f1?1NG0 1.0 accepts 1/11 award frons Officer Daphn e Glov erRobinson, Director, Correction Explorers, (right photo) 01 ' be/wlf of the union. TIleAppreciat ion Award plaque read: "Presented to tile CCA fo r thctr support of the NYCDeportment of Correction La w Enf orcement Explorers Pvogram." M eringolo snid Iii! 1VIlShonored to accept this award beCIlIISt' the Explorers Progrmn is a great way fo r YOIIII/{ chil-d ren to no t Dilly learn aoou! lato enforcement at {l yOl l l lg age, bu t lso net s a s n II/Cd l iS f orgiv i llg do zens o f children direction and fOCII5. III le ft photo, Mcrillgolo with Drlegnie Capt:Ca lt iin A rthur (Acadellly), iohere cerel1lollY took place 011 Mny 10,2005 .

    CORRECTION CAPTAINS' ASSOCIATIONDepartment of CorrectionCity of New York233 Broadway, Suite 1701NewYork , NY 10279

    First CassUS. Postage

    PAlOerrnit No. 3923New York, NY