GLT Brochure 2010

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  • 8/12/2019 GLT Brochure 2010



  • 8/12/2019 GLT Brochure 2010


    Greater London Tutors

    Welcome to

    Choosing the right tutor for yourself and your family is an

    important decision. You need to be sure that this is someone

    you can trust. You need to be sure that this person has the

    right academic qualications and teaching ability as well

    as the relevant experience to help you or your children to

    achieve the best results.

    Greater London Tutors has

    been providing private tutors to

    families in London and the South

    East for over 30 years. We have ateam of the most highly qualied

    tutors available within the M25

    to provide individual or group

    tuition in your home or school at

    short notice.

    At Greater London Tutors,

    we want to help you make asinformed a decision as possible

    about what is right for your child.

    We make sure we understand

    what it is that you want to

    achieve with a tutor. We discuss

    your specic goals

    with you in as much detail as

    possible so as to provide you

    with the best tutor for your child.

    It is very important to us that youand your children get along well

    with every tutor we introduce

    to you so we consult with you

    at every stage of the process

    to ensure everything is to your


    We pride ourselves on thequality of our tutors and the

    effectiveness of our allocating

    the best tutor for your family,

    whatever the subject, whatever

    the level.

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    Greater London Tutors | 2010Prospectus p. 02

    Our Students

    We treat every student as an individual with particularrequirements, be they primary level children seeking tuition or

    astrophysics postgraduates wanting dissertation advice. Most

    of the tuition we provide is for mainstay UK curriculum subjects,

    but there are a great number of people looking for specialist

    subject tuition. What all of our students have in common is the

    expectation of excellent service from Greater London Tutors andthat is what we strive every day to deliver.

    While most of our students areprivate families who want the

    benet of a tutor to supplementthe education their children arereceiving at school, Greater London

    Tutors is proud to be the selectedagency by many independentand state schools as well as Local

    Education Authorities and Looked-

    After Children around London.

    Many schools use our services

    to help children who have slipped

    behind to catch up, or to stretch themost talented of their pupils. Oursocial services clients rely on ourexperience and the understandingnature of our tutors to help childrenin their care who are in difcult


    We have particular experience inhelping children who do not have asufciently high level of English to

    enter school and those pupils who

    cannot attend school regularly. Ourtutors are trained to understandthe complex environments thatsurround these children and

    develop courses to help them ontheir way.

    Our Students

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    Our Tutors

    Our tutors are selected initially on academic qualication and

    relevant experience according to their CVs. We interview all our tutors

    personally so that we recruit only those with a natural ability for, andlove of, teaching. Academic expertise is not a sufcient criterion for

    selection as a Greater London tutor.

    Our tutor training programme keeps

    our tutors up to date with all the

    latest teaching techniques and

    aims to outline the best practicesin tutoring. However, within this

    stringent training structure, all

    our tutors are encouraged to teach

    in their own unique way and to

    tailor their lessons to the specicrequirements of the individual


    We select tutors who are not only

    experts in their subject but who are

    also experienced in teaching the

    subject and level you require.

    We train our tutors to adopt a

    teaching style which balances a

    gentleness of approach with a

    business-like efciency, allowingfor rapid progress to be made with

    a minimum of stress. We want our

    students to look forward to seeing

    their tutors and we have complete

    condence in our ability to allocateyou the perfect tutor for your

    familys requirements.

    All of our tutors have a Criminal Records

    Bureau Enhanced Disclosure (carried out in

    the last two years).

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    For Parents

    1.You call us

    2.We take down your details andas much information as you cangive us

    3. We receive the 45 membership fee

    4. We allocate the right tutor or tutors for your family

    5. We contact the tutors to confirmavailability

    6. Your selected tutor is given yourcontact details and briefed as toyour requirements

    7. Your tutor contacts you to discussyour requirements and arrange alesson

    8. Your tutor preparesthe first lessonand comes to your home to teach

    9. At the end of each lesson the tutorprovides you a timesheet to sign andyou pay your tutor directly in cash

    10. We contact you to receive feedbackon the first lesson and regularly

    throughout the course

    Over the three decades of working with families in London and the SouthEast we have developed a quick and easy process for booking a tutor.Outlined below is a suggestion of what might work for you. We understandthat exceptional circumstances occur, in which case the best thing to do is

    to talk to us and we will do our best to help in any way we can.

    How it works

    As a parent you have made the important decision to hire aprivate tutor to help your children achieve their academic goals.

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    We have pulled together some information from our tutoring

    experience so that you can make the most of our services.

    Take BreaksBreaks should always be worked into any period of extended study. Pupils

    learn faster and better in short periods so allowing 5 minute breaks has abenecial effect on study. The duration and frequency of breaks shoulddepend on the age and ability of the pupil; an A-level student may be able toconcentrate effectively for an hour, but children studying for their 11+ exams

    may benet from a ve minute relaxation period every half hour.

    CommunicationFor private tuition to work most effectively, good communication betweenthe pupil, his or her parents (where appropriate), the tutor and ideally the

    school teacher is very helpful. Given the bespoke nature of private tuition,feedback from the pupils school work and teachers will help the tutor to focuson those areas which will make the most immediate difference to the pupilsimprovement. A childs school teacher can often provide an invaluable guide

    to areas in need of attention. Likewise, encouraging the pupil to talk aboutthe areas they nd difcult, then focusing on those issues allows the tutor toboost the pupils condence by removing the areas of doubt in his or her mind.Please contact us at any point through the process to let us know any newinformation.

    Ensure a Suitable Environment

    Tuition should be conducted in a quiet room with minimal distractions. Asfar as possible the room should be isolated from house hold noises such as

    television and young children, allowing for uninterrupted study.

    Tutoring Advice and

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    Sign the timesheetFor your security and to ensure you are billed fairly by the tutor, make sure yousign the tutors timesheet after each lesson. Please ensure the tutor has lledin the correct lesson duration on each timesheet. Tutors are provided withtimesheets and are required to bring one to each lesson and provide it to you at

    the end. If your tutor does not provide a timesheet for you to sign please let theagency know by phone or e-mail.

    Find out and give us as much information as you canThe more information you can provide us with while we are nding yourtutor, the better we will be able to match a tutor to your requirements.For example if the pupil is studying GCSE or A Level we can match a

    tutor with the most experience in the particular exam board, and wherepossible specic topic/modules, to ensure you get the best possiblematch.

    How much tutoring should I have?This depends on a variety of factorsincluding the age of the child, their

    level at the beginning of the course,how much work a student is preparedto put in outside the tutoring hours,and their goals for the tuition. Themore detailed knowledge of the pupiland their personal circumstances, theeasier it is for our ofce staff to provideadvice. The exible nature of privatetuition and our tutors means thatone can start with one hour per weekand adjust the quantity as required.Typically a student will have one hourper week throughout the school year,increasing the amount during theEaster break and run-up to exams. Ifyou would like to have a professionalassessment of your child, please

    contact us to make an appointmentwith our consultant.

    Will the tutor set homework?Private tuition can be effective with orwithout the setting of homework. We

    recommend that any homework setshould be agreed between the tutor,pupil and parent. The objective ofhomework is to reinforce the lessonand help the pupil move forward. Wewould discourage a level of homeworkthat would over-burden the student.

    Will there be an assessment ortest?Our tutors are trained to assess thelevel of the pupil in the rst lesson.This could take an informal tone,such as a discussion with the pupiland parents, or a more formal test.Sometimes it is a good idea to take therst lesson to run through the syllabus

    so the tutor can assess the areas ofweakness and decide on the mosttime-effective way to move forward.

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    Our Educational Philosophy

    The first thing a Greater London tutor will do is to make sure that his

    or her pupil has the confidence to achieve their academic goals. The

    dedicated attention of a tutor can show a student that even the mostdaunting of academic hurdles are surmountable, enabling the correct

    mindset for high academic achievement.

    Tutoring is designed to be

    undertaken at a pace which is

    comfortable and productive for

    the student. We train our tutors tobuild a students knowledge step-by-step as part of a building-block

    process. Your tutor will assess, in

    collaboration with you and your

    child, exactly which areas need

    attention and establish the best

    course of action to achieve the best

    results. Our pupils react very wellto being treated as adults by our

    tutors when establishing a plan for

    the tutoring.

    It is not our tutors job simply to

    provide the answers but rather

    to encourage pupils to achieve

    the satisfaction of getting it rightthemselves. This helps commit

    method as well as the answer to


    Our tutors are familiar with the

    examination systems and draw on

    their experiences to guide pupils

    to the best technique for the examsand for their revision.

    The bespoke service we provide

    stimulates the interest and ability

    necessary for a pupil to succeed in,and enjoy, a subject.

    In order for us to findyou the besttutor available for you and your

    family, we have a membership

    fee of 45, which entitles you

    to request as many tutors as

    you like for you and your family

    for the period of one academic

    year starting in September. The

    membership renewal fee for eachacademic year is 25.

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    We have compiled a list of websites which should answer many

    of your educational queries. Please check our website for a moredetailed list.

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    Examination Boards



    EDEXCEL www.edexcel.comQualifcations and Curriculum

    Development Agency

    Learning and Study Aids

    GCSE support materials for sale

    Letts and Lonsdale

    High quality and effective revisionguides

    for all ages.

    Learning support for the early years


    BBC Education

    BBC Education site. Very informative with

    the answers to many educational questions

    Many free resources to download and try


    The ofcial government schools



    University application organisation. Thisshould be your rst stop for all queries

    relating to university entrance

    Times Education Supplement

    Professional Education Supplement. News,

    articles, teaching jobs

    Guardian Schools


    Schools and education related section of the

    Guardian Newspaper website

    Schools Guides

    The Good Schools Guide

    This is the denitive guide to independent

    schools in England and Wales

    Pease remember that while every effort has been made to check the quality of these sites the Greater

    London Tutorial Agency Limited cannot be held responsible for the information contained on them.

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    For Schools

    Greater London Tutors works with many schools both in the state and

    private sector to provide private tutors and bespoke revision courses.We have provided tuition through the Making Good Progress, Gifted

    and Talented and Every Child Matters schemes.

    One-on-One Tuition

    We provide tutors to help schools

    tackle a variety of issues such as:

    Boosting the performance of

    underachieving studentsMaking sure that borderline C grade

    students hit the all-important grade

    Stretching gifted and talented


    Accelerated learning programmes

    Trained staff for after-school andhomework clubs

    Our tutors can be used to help

    pupils who are nding it hard tokeep up at school. Many schools

    have found it invaluable to have

    a tutor providing a structured

    course to those who slip behind,to support their teachers and raise


    To talk to one of our consultants

    about how we can help please call020 7727 5599or send an e-mail [email protected].

    Revision Courses

    Greater London Tutors runs revision

    courses in a range of subjects at

    11+, GCSE and A-level. Over our

    many years of experience in helping

    students prepare for public exams,we have developed courses that

    have helped many students reach

    their potential. The courses are run

    from our centres around London, or

    within your school.

    Alternatively, we are able to

    develop bespoke tuition courses

    for your school to run on weekends

    or during the holidays to help yourstudents gain the best possible

    results. There are also nancial

    advantages for your school to be

    involved, such as bulk discounts foryour students and room rental fees.

    To talk to one of our consultants

    about hosting Greater London

    Tutors revision courses at your

    school, or enrolling your studentson one of our courses, please call

    020 7727 5599or send an e-mail [email protected]

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    Greater London Tutors | 2010Prospectus p. 10

    Our schools tutoring takes place on site at school so teachers and

    course supervisors can be closely involved in the process, ensuringeducational continuity. Our tutors are very exible and are able to

    teach at all times. Often schools prefer to have tutors attend forthe hour after school ends, however we are able to t the tutoring

    around your timetable at any time of the day.

    How it works

    Greater London Tutors also hasexperience providing educationaland tuition-based After-schoolclubs Our tutors can supervisestudents during this time to ensureyou meet your obligations and helpto raise standards across the board.

    Our ofce support staff are trainedto ensure that we provide tutors

    who t perfectly into your school.

    We make certain we have acomplete understanding of thesituations in which you require our

    services, work with you to remove

    scheduling conicts, prepare the

    tutors fully and collect feedback asthe course progresses.

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    For Government, Local Authoritiesand Social ServicesPrivate Tuition with GreaterLondon Tutors

    Greater London Tutors has extensive

    experience providing tutors for local

    government, social services and

    Looked-After Children.

    Our tutors can help in a wide range

    of unorthodox educational situations

    and we have the experience and

    understanding to provide theinformation that carers, foster parents

    and account managers need to make

    the right decisions.

    Our experience over many years

    means that we are sympathetic and

    understanding to the unique personal

    and emotional circumstances which

    often surround these assignmentsand we feel that this enables us to

    select tutors who are able to make a

    big difference.

    There are many other situations in

    which we have provided tutors tohelp and we have case studies on our

    website for your examination.

    Why choose Greater LondonTutors?


    Over 20 years working with carers

    around London for the benet ofLooked-After Children, children and

    those outside mainstream education

    means that we have a strong

    understanding of the issues involved.

    Quality of Tutors

    All of our tutors are interviewed, CRB

    checked and trained specically for

    these situations. Many have beenhelping children in care for many

    years so are very sympathetic to

    issues involved.

    Feedback, outcome measurement and

    quality assurance

    Greater London Tutors monitors all

    courses of tuition with our tutors

    to ensure they are progressing in asatisfactory fashion. We keep in close

    contact with our tutors, with carers

    and parents and where appropriate

    we set out targets and milestones to

    ensure progress is being made.

    The versatile nature of private tuition

    means we can help in a variety of

    circumstances such as:

    Pupils with little or no English Pupils who have been excluded

    from school

    Pupils who have been bullied at


    Pupils who are between schools

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    Important Information

    If you cancel a lesson with 24or more hours notice then no payment

    should be made. If you cancel a lesson with less than 24hours notice

    you must pay half the fee for the missed lesson, although there are

    certain exceptional circumstances that we ask the tutor to consider. If

    a tutor travels to you but the lesson doesnt take place then you should

    expect to pay for one hours tuition in full.

    Obviously, it is equally important that our tutors are also consideratewhen cancelling a lesson for any reason; tutors should always try to give

    24hours notice, at the very least. In case of such circumstances it isvital that the tutor is able to contact you.

    The membership fee is only refundable if we have been unable to nd

    you a tutor. We cannot refund the fee if a tutor has already contacted you

    or you have found a tutor through another source.

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    Further Enquiries

    If you would like to register with us or if you have any questions,

    we warmly invite you to call us. Our friendly staff will be delightedto hear from you. Our ofce hours are from 9am until 9pmMonday to Friday and from 9am to 1pm on Saturdays.


    Telephone020 7727 5599

    Fax020 7117 3772

    www.greaterlondontutors.comenquiries@greaterlondontutors.com35Baseline Studios, Whitchurch Road, London W11 4AT

    Greater London Tutorial Agency Limited

    Registered in England:5509855

    Our telephone number is 020 7727 5599

    Our fax number is 020 7117 3772

    If you wish to contact us by e-mail please do so and we willendeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. Our e-mailaddress is [email protected]. For any further

    information please visit our website

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    Each of the tutors was brilliant and gave

    me great confdence that my son would dowell lovely people. Mother, IG8