TERMS GLOSSARY OF #: Hashtag sign. Algorithm: A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations. Specifically, Facebook has an algorithm that dictates what is shown in each user’s timeline based on their usage. Analytics: The analysis of data or statistics. Most social networks have their own built-in analytics for businesses to examine their progress. Audience Selector: A Facebook tool that allows you to choose which audience you want to share something with. Bio: Short for biography. The small portion of each of your social media profiles that tells users about your business and what you do. Block: A feature that enables you to prevent other users from following you and viewing your profile. Board: A collection of pins on Pinterest. Caption: A brief description that appears underneath an Instagram photo. Check-In: Adding a location to a post while you’re physically in that location. Clickbait: Web content with a misleading or sensationalist headline enticing readers to click through to read the story. A big no-no in marketing. TMC Academy | academy.themodernconnection.com

Glossary of Terms€¦ · Content Marketing: A marketing strategy based on attaining customers through the creation/curation of content, such as video, white papers, guides, infographics,

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Page 1: Glossary of Terms€¦ · Content Marketing: A marketing strategy based on attaining customers through the creation/curation of content, such as video, white papers, guides, infographics,


#: Hashtag sign.Algorithm: A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations. Speci�cally, Facebook has an algorithm that dictates what is shown in each user’s timeline based on their usage.Analytics: The analysis of data or statistics. Most social networks have their own built-in analytics for businesses to examine their progress.Audience Selector: A Facebook tool that allows you to choose which audience you want to share something with.Bio: Short for biography. The small portion of each of your social media pro�les that tells users about your business and what you do.Block: A feature that enables you to prevent other users from following you and viewing your pro�le.Board: A collection of pins on Pinterest.Caption: A brief description that appears underneath an Instagram photo.Check-In: Adding a location to a post while you’re physically in that location.Clickbait: Web content with a misleading or sensationalist headline enticing readers to click through to read the story. A big no-no in marketing.

TMC Academy | academy.themodernconnection.com



Page 2: Glossary of Terms€¦ · Content Marketing: A marketing strategy based on attaining customers through the creation/curation of content, such as video, white papers, guides, infographics,

Clickthrough Rate (CTR): Metric for the ratio between the people who viewed your content and the people who performed the action.Connection: People that you’ve added to your network on LinkedIn are called connections. There are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree connections.Content Curation: The process of sifting through the web to �nd the best and most relevant content for your audience and presenting it to them in a meaningful way.Content Management System (CMS): An online application that allows you to draft, share, edit, schedule, and index your content. Wordpress is a popular CMS.Content Marketing: A marketing strategy based on attaining customers through the creation/curation of content, such as video, white papers, guides, infographics, and more.Conversion: A positive action that is taken on a website.Cover Photo: The large horizontal image at the top of many of your social media pro�les.Crisis Management: The policy a company has in place to react in the event of a crisis.Crowdsourcing: The process of leveraging your online community to assist in services, content, and ideas for your business.Direct Message: A private Twitter message.Discover: A feature on Snapchat that consists of a collection of videos provided by partners and regions.Display Ad: Small visual banners shown on websites.Editorial Calendar: A calendar used to help plan and schedule your social media posts, blog posts, and campaigns.

TMC Academy | academy.themodernconnection.com




Page 3: Glossary of Terms€¦ · Content Marketing: A marketing strategy based on attaining customers through the creation/curation of content, such as video, white papers, guides, infographics,

Embedded Media: Digital media that is displayed within another piece of content. For example, a Tweet embedded into a blog post.Engagement: Refers to the acts of talking to, messaging, or otherwise interacting with people on social networks.Engagement Rate: The percentage of people who saw your social media post and engaged with it somehow (link click, image view, reply, like, comment, share, etc.)Emoji: A small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in online communication.Facebook Group: An area on Facebook where you can communicate with other users and share content within a select group of people. These can be public, closed, or secret.Facebook Notes: Popular when the network rst came about. A 2015 update brought Notes back and allowed users to add a large header image, pictures, and add links or hashtags within their post.Facebook Reach: The number of unique people who have seen your Page content.Facebook Fans: The people who like your Page.Feed: The social media data format that provides users with a steady stream of updates.Filter: A photographic e�ect on Instagram that can be used to enhance images.Follower: A social media user who has subscribed to see your posts in their feed or timeline.Geo�lter: Snapchat overlays that re�ect the geographic location the user is in. There are �lters for di�erent cities, and users can also create geo�lters for events.Geolocation/Geotagging: Tagging a post with a speci�c location.

TMC Academy | academy.themodernconnection.com


Page 4: Glossary of Terms€¦ · Content Marketing: A marketing strategy based on attaining customers through the creation/curation of content, such as video, white papers, guides, infographics,

Geotargeting: A feature that allows users to share their content or target their advertising with geographically de�ned audiences.GIF: File format that supports static and animated images. A short video clip in a condensed image format.Google Alert: A detection and noti�cation service powered by Google that will send emails to the user when it �nds new results that match the users search term(s).Handle: Another way of saying your account name. For example, The Modern Connection’s Twitter handle is @TMCSocialMedia.Hashtag: A word or phrase preceded by the # sign used to categorize conversations and posts online. When a user clicks on the hashtag, all of the other public posts on that network that share the same hashtag will be displayed.Home: Typically the �rst page you see when you sign into your social media account with an updating timeline or feed of activity of users you follow.Impressions: The number of times an ad, sponsored update, or promoted post is seen.In�uencer: A social media user who can reach a large audience and drive awareness about a trend, topic, company, or product.KPI: A business metric used to evaluate factors that are crucial to the success of a business.Like: An action taken on a social media post to show that you, namely, like the content.LinkedIn Endorsement: A LinkedIn user’s recognition of another person’s skill.LinkedIn Recommendation: A written summary or compliment of your work at a particular job from one of your connections.

TMC Academy | academy.themodernconnection.com

Page 5: Glossary of Terms€¦ · Content Marketing: A marketing strategy based on attaining customers through the creation/curation of content, such as video, white papers, guides, infographics,

List: A curated set of Twitter accounts that you can group together in their own timeline.Live Stories: A curated stream of user-generated Snaps (on Snapchat) from various locations and events.Live Tweet: The act of tweeting about an event or situation while it is happening.Meme: A humorous image, video, piece of text, etc. that is copied with variations and spread over the Internet.Mention: Tagging another user’s handle or username in a social media post.Microblogging: Publishing smaller, frequent quantities of content to a microblog platform such as Twitter or Tumblr.Multi-Channel Attribution: When people buy products, they rarely do it in one step. This tactic can give credit to other channels for contributing to the conversion even when another channel got the �nal conversion.Mute: A feature on Twitter that allows you to remove select people (and their tweets) from your feed without them knowing.Mutual: Any social media user that you follow, who also follows you back.Noti�cation: A message or update sharing new social media activity.Organic Reach: The number of unique people who view your content without paid promotion.Paid Reach: The number of unique people who view your content due to paid promotion.Permalink: The URL address of an individual piece of content, like a particular blog post.

TMC Academy | academy.themodernconnection.com

Page 6: Glossary of Terms€¦ · Content Marketing: A marketing strategy based on attaining customers through the creation/curation of content, such as video, white papers, guides, infographics,

Pinned Post/Tweet: A Facebook or Twitter post that has been pinned to the top of your pro�le so that everyone who views your pro�le or Page will see it.Pins: Links and images saved to Pinterest are called Pins.Podcast: A type of audio �le available through the Internet, typically produced as a series that listeners subscribe to.Promoted Accounts: A Twitter Ads feature that invites targeted users to follow a Twitter account.Promoted Trends: A Twitter Ads feature that allows advertisers to promote trends to the top of the Trending Topics list on Twitter.Promoted Tweets: A Twitter Ads feature that allows advertisers to push tweets into users’ timelines that look nearly identical to organic Tweets.Quote Tweet: A way to retweet that allows a user to share their own comments with the tweet.Reach: A metric that determines the potential size of audience that your message or post could reach.Regram: The act of reposting another Instagram users’ post.Retargeting: An advertising technique that allows you to target web visitors who expressed an interest in your products or services, either by visiting your sales page, adding a product to a cart, or performing another action on your website.Reply: A public response to someone’s Tweet that begins with their @username.Retweet: A Tweet that is reshared to the followers of another user’s Twitter account.RSS Feed: Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, a format for delivering web content like blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video.

TMC Academy | academy.themodernconnection.com



Page 7: Glossary of Terms€¦ · Content Marketing: A marketing strategy based on attaining customers through the creation/curation of content, such as video, white papers, guides, infographics,

Scheduling: Planning social content ahead of time and using a publishing tool to schedule them.Screenshot: A photo taken of screen activity. Can be done on a phone, laptop, or desktop.Sel�e: A photo, usually taken with a smartphone, of yourself.SEO: AKA search engine optimization. The practice of increasing organic visibility of a webpage in search results.Share: When content is reposted on a social media site on another user’s account.SlideShare: A social media platform owned by LinkedIn used for creating and sharing presentations and other business-related content.Snapchat Lens: A Snapchat feature that allows users to add masks to their Snapchat sel�es.Snapcode: A unique scannable QR code provided to each Snapchat user that makes it easy to follow users on the platform.Snap Stories: Snaps that are shared to a narrative available for all of the user’s friends to view for 24 hours.Social Listening: The process of �nding and assessing what is being said about a company, topic, brand, or person on social media platforms.Social Media Management: The process of managing your business social media accounts, engaging audiences, and measuring the results of social media posts and activities.Social Media Marketing: The use of social media by marketers to increase brand awareness.Social Selling: The use of social media by sales professionals to attain customers and generate revenue.

TMC Academy | academy.themodernconnection.com


Page 8: Glossary of Terms€¦ · Content Marketing: A marketing strategy based on attaining customers through the creation/curation of content, such as video, white papers, guides, infographics,

Timestamp: The date and time that a message is posted to a social platform.Top Tweets: The most popular Tweets for a search query, as determined by Twitter’s algorithm.Trend: A topic or hashtag that is popular on social media at a given moment. Both Facebook and Twitter have trending topics or news.Twitter Card: A media-rich Tweet that can include an embedded video, a photo gallery, an article summary, a SlideShare, or another interactive element beyond a regular text Tweet.URL Shortener: A tool that condenses a URL into a shorter, more shareable format, known as a short link. AKA a bit.ly link.User-Generated Content: Social media content that has been created and published by users and is one of the de�ning characteristics of social media.Veri�ed: Usually reserved for large brands and public gures, a blue check mark appears next to the name. (Used on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.)Views: The users who have looked at your Snap Story on Snapchator your video on Facebook or YouTube.Who to Follow: A feature in the left-hand sidebar of your Twitter timeline that shows relevant accounts to follow.

TMC Academy | academy.themodernconnection.com