Glossary of Email Terms © 2016 The Publicity Hound. All rights reserved.

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Glossary of Email Terms

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Email Marketing Glossary

Affiliate Marketing: Earning a commission by selling other people's products or services. The seller gives you a special "buy" link that includes your unique affiliate ID number. You give the link to your readers. If they click on it and buy, you earn commission. Best practice is to always put the words "affiliate link" in your emails after the link.

Atom App: This is AWeber's mobile app that you can use to add subscribers to your list. Download it from both the App Store as well as Google Play. It allows you to choose the specific lists you would like to add subscribers to. Learn more here.

Autoresponders: Also known as a follow-up message (some businesses refer to this as a drip campaign). This is an email message that is sent to someone who requests information. Typically, the autoresponder is the first in a sequence of messages. The later messages may also be called autoresponders or "follow ups." See the flow chart on Follow up Messages. Autoresponder Email Address: The address where people can send an email message in order to sign up to your list. The format is your unique list ID @ aweber.com. Example: If your unique list was awlist3433948, then your autoresponder email address would be [email protected]

Broadcast: Broadcast messages are sent once on a specific date and time that you choose. Use broadcasts to send newsletters, sales offers, seasonal messages, and other date- and time-specific mailings. These messages will go to subscribers who are currently on your list.

Blog Broadcast: Blog broadcasts are for sending messages with content from your blog at a frequency of your choosing to your subscribers whenever you make posts to your blog. This is done by integrating your blog with your blog broadcast template through the RSS feed found on your blog. Here are instructions on How to Create a Blog Broadcast.

Bounce: A message that's rejected and sent back to the sender.

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–Soft Bounce: The issue is temporary, like a server that's down, or the recipient has a full mailbox. If undeliverable three times in a 60-day period, AWeber unsubscribes them from your list. –Hard Bounce: The email account is closed or invalid.

Campaigns: AWeber's email automation platform. With Campaigns you can send the right message to the right person at the right time. This not only saves you time, but makes creating targeted campaigns simple to set up. As of this writing, Campaigns is still in beta. You can read about How to Get Started with Campaigns.

CAN-SPAM Act of 2003: A U.S. law that regulates commercial email. It says that all messages must offer a method for the recipient too opt-out (unsubscribe). Messages must also contain the sender's valid physical postal address. Read more about the CAN-SPAM Act on the FTC website. Canada has its own Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).

Click-through Rate The process of counting the amount of times a particular link in your message is clicked on by your subscribers. You take that rate and divide it by the total number of emails sent. For example, if you sent 100 emails and received 50 clicks on the website links within that email, your click-through rate would be 50 percent. AWeber automatically calculates this rate for you. Complaint: The reader flags your message as spam. Your complaint rate should be below .1% (one-tenth of one percent). Read these AWeber tips on how to lower your complaint rate. Confirmed Opt-In: Also known as Double Opt-in. When someone subscribes to your list from a sign-up box on your website, and you have "Confirmed Opt In" turned on for that list, your email management program automatically sends the subscriber an email that includes an activation link. The subscriber must click on the activation link before their email address is added to your list. Confirmed Opt-in is used to prevent spambots and to ensure that only people who specifically request your information are subscribed to your list. It prevents people from subscribing false or malicious addresses to your list. It gives you proof that all subscribers did request your information, and protects you from false complaints. (See Double Opt-in Flow Chart).

Conversion Rate: A desired action taken by the recipient of your email. Can include clicking a link, downloading something, making a purchase, etc. AWeber automatically calculates the conversion rate for Sign-up Forms and Follow-up Messages.

"Do Not Reply" Address: "Do Not Reply" addresses ( [email protected]), though quite prevalent, are not good practice. It's akin

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to telling people "Don't bother us." It prohibits a two-way conversation. And it encourages them to click the "spam" button. In your AWeber account, AWeber checks the "from" address for many common variants of "Do Not Reply" addresses. If you use one of them, you'll be notified that this is prohibited and you'll be prompted to choose a new "from" address.

Double Opt-In: Also known as Confirmed Opt-in. When someone subscribes to your list from a sign-up box on your website, and you have "Confirmed Opt In" turned on for that list, your email management program automatically sends the subscriber an email that includes an activation link. The subscriber must click on the activation link before their email address is added to your list. Double Opt-in is used to prevent spambots and to ensure that only people who specifically request your information are subscribed to your list. It prevents people from subscribing false or malicious addresses to your list. It gives you proof that all subscribers did request your information, and protects you from false complaints. (See Double Opt-in Flow Chart).

Drag & Drop Email Builder Editor: One of the three email editors used to create your message. This editor option from AWeber is great for anyone who wants a simple, but robust tool for creating their messages in a stylish design that allows formatting, photos, videos, social media buttons, coupons, logos, a signature, and more. Perfect for newsletters. Choose from more than 700 templates. Learn how to use the Drag & Drop Email Builder here.

Follow Up Message (aka autoresponder/drip campaign): An optional email that is sent after the Welcome message. It can be an entire sequence of follow-up messages that you set up and deliver at intervals you choose. (See the Follow-up Messages Flow Chart.)

HTML: It stands for Hypertext Markup Language and it's used to achieve font, color, graphic and hyperlink effects on a web page. An email can be sent as plain text only or as HTML.

Landing Page: A Web page often geared specifically for an offer in exchange for an email address. When the subscriber clicks to visit the page, they don't have to read your entire site to find your offer. The landing page contains all the information they need and gives them a method to take action. Even though you may have a sign-up form on your homepage, it's a good idea to have a separate landing page where you can use the same sign-up form, link to your Privacy Policy, and include a list of reasons why the visitor should subscribe to your information. Here's a great example of Joel Friedlander's sign-up box on his home page and his landing page. (Also see the "Sign-up Forms on Your Homepage and Landing Page" flow chart.)

Lead Magnet: Also known as a "freebie." A free incentive for joining your email list, usually a digital product. Examples include a cheat sheet, checklist, a video or video series, a coupon, ebook, White Paper or case study.

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List: The list in your account is the storage of a particular sequence of messages along with a set database of subscribers that receive that sequence. Typically the list will also include its own broadcast feature so you can send messages to this list separate from all others. When someone asks, "How big is your list?", they are usually referring to the entire database.

Message Interval: Under your "Follow Up Settings," there is an option for interval. It lets you determine how many days after sending the previous follow up message you want AWeber to wait before sending the next follow up message. In general terms, you should email your subscribers more often at first, when they've just recently requested your information, and not as often later, because they've already received a number of messages from you and are more likely than new subscribers to feel that you're mailing too often. (See the "Follow-up Messages" flow chart.)

Mobile Friendly: Mobile friendly design can be defined as a single design that works well across both desktop and mobile email clients. There is no specific HTML/CSS code to adjust content or image sizes between the two platforms. Mobile friendly designs generally appear the same on a mobile device but "scaled down" to about half the size. Mobile Responsive: When viewed on mobile devices versus desktop clients, responsive email uses "media queries" to adjust the layout of the email message, font sizes, images and buttons. In some cases, they can even be used hide or swap content. This means, in effect, there are two versions of the email message – the desktop version and the mobile version. Based on where the message is being opened, PC or mobile device, the code automatically adapts and optimizes to the specific screen size or viewing device.

Open Rate: The number of times an email has been opened. AWeber displays this information by noting the number of subscribers who opened a particular broadcast, as well as the percentage that were opened. Open rates are tracked only on HTML emails (using the Drag and Drop Email Builder Editor & HTML editor). Opens are not tracked when using the Plain Text email editor. Opt In: The process of signing up for, or subscribing to, information.

Opt Out: The process of unsubscribing. Subscribers can opt out of your list by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom, or they can email you and ask you to remove them.

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Personalization: The ability to personalize your emails by adding the subscriber's first name in the subject line or the body of the email. ("Hi Joan" instead of just "Hi.") Here are other ways to personalize your email messages.

Plain Text Editor: Your email appears as text only--no photos or formatting options such as bold, italics or special layouts.

Suggestion: The Plain Text Message editor can be used if you just want to create a quick plain text message. Be aware that your links may not be clickable by subscribers that receive your message. They may have to copy and paste any links into the address bar of their browser. If you would like a plain style message, but clickable hyperlinks, you may want to consider loading the plain template in AWeber's "Drag & Drop Email Builder."

Plain Text Template Using the Drag & Drop Editor: AWeber offers this as a blank slate for your content. It allows you to send an email that has the clean, simple look of plain text. But it gives you the flexibility to add coupons, headings, images and more to make your message more effective. Unlike a plain text editor, this template also allows you to highlight any word and turn it into a link, track how many people have clicked on links, and opened the email. Learn more about Plain Text Templates here.

Privacy Policy: It tells people how you will collect, use and disclose information you collect though your website and other means. A good policy stresses the importance of "no spam." It also assures the public that their name or email addresses will not be rented, shared or sold to anyone outside your company. A link to your Privacy Policy should be visible on or near your sign-up box so people can read it before deciding if they want to sign up.

Scheduler: An AWeber tool, used when sending Broadcasts, that lets you schedule your message to be sent at a later time or date.

Segmentation: You can segment or divide subscribers by assigning them to different lists according to their interests (pet lovers, travelers, fitness enthusiasts) or by industry (accountants, librarians, teachers, artists). You can also segment by their relationship with you (prospects vs. customers), by who has clicked on certain links, and by whether they have even opened your emails.

Sign Up Form: Same as sign up box, opt-in form and subscription box. This is the form someone completes when they want to subscribe to your content. It always asks for their email address. It can ask for only their first name, or their first and last name, or other information such as type of industry or size of company. The more information you request in the sign-up box, the less likely people will complete it.

Single Opt-in: A user has subscribed to a newsletter or other email marketing messages by explicitly requesting it, such as adding

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their name and email address to a sign-up box at your website. They do not need to confirm their subscription and are added to your list automatically. Single opt-in does not provide the extra layer of security that double opt-in provides because it does not require that the subscriber click on a confirmation link. (See the "Single Opt-in" flow chart.)

Spam: Unsolicited commercial email. Any email sent to another person that they didn't specifically request to receive. Spam Complaint: Subscribers using many web- based email services like Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and Road Runner have an option available at their fingertips to report messages they don't want in their inbox. Whenever this button is clicked, it's a spam complaint. AWeber is notified in order to address potential issues with excessive complaints.

Spam Score: AWeber uses a content filtering tool called SpamAssassin™ to help your message bypass spam folders. To see the breakdown of your spam score, click on the spam score provided for your message.

Target Market: A particular group of consumers at which your book, product or service is aimed.

Welcome Message: This is usually the first message sent to your subscriber once they have signed up. It is sent immediately and serves three purposes. 1) It welcomes your subscriber. 2) It thanks the subscriber for joining the list or for signing up. 3) It sets the expectation of what the subscriber can expect to receive. (See "Follow-up Messages" flow chart.)

Whitelist: Asking subscribers to add your email address to their address books so that your messages reach their inbox. Here's an article that gives instructions on how your subscribers can whitelist you in their own email program. Share this article with your readers in your Welcome message.

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