globalisation War conflicts and some other negative aspects


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Page 1: Globalisation

globalisationWar conflicts and some other negative aspects

Page 2: Globalisation

What was the first europeancivilization to arrive to america?

• The first civilization to arrive to america were the


• Leif Eriksson found america in 1000;

• This was the first time that the american continent

appeared in an european map;

• But this isn’t considered the beginning of globalisation.

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What is the meaning of globalisationnowadays?

• As we know globalisation is an economic and

cultural expansion to a world level where all the

countries in the world can connect their markets,

trade their products and even share cultures and

religions. But this process is very old and have a lot

of consequences…

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Globalisation officialystarted in…

• 15th century with Spain conquering some

american empires to search for resources like

gold, silver and other expensive products;

• These wars were tremendously unfair because

Spanish army was stronger and more developed;

• These empires were destroied very quickly.

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Generals and empires

• The Aztec empire was conquered and distroyed

by Hernan Cortez;

• The Incan empire was conquered and destroyed

by Francisco Pizarro;

• The Mayan empire was never conquered by the

Spanish and is still active despite low population.

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Other expansions

• The romans, the persians, the greeks, the zulus

and the arabians are some examples of the

civilizations that started with globalisation too,

but their expansions were based on the

imposition of their beliefs and cultures.

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Industrial revolution

• This was the first big step toward modern globalization;

• Industrial revolution brought a variety of new

technologies (inclusive new war machines), new

working activities such as factories work and means of


• This revolution expanded to all Europe from England.

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• This big development didn’t bring only good things:

• With the new machines political conflicts started. England

and Germany competed for weapons and ships;

• Lenin defended imperialism and some countries supported


• Other countries defended capitalism and firmly opposed

against these countries.

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So, this became a snowball effect

• And in July 28 of 1914 the British Empire, France

and Russian Empire (Triple Entente) started a war

against German empire, Austria-Hungary, Turkish-

Otoman empire and Italy (Central Powers);

• Portugal also joined the war as part of the Triple

Entente to protect its colonies from German


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World War I

• In 1917 the United States of America joined the war

and history changed against the Central Powers;

• They were surprised in the trenches with the massive

power of USA and the war was almost ended;

• By this time almost all the countries in the world had

already chosen one side;

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World War I

• In the same year that the USA joined the war the Russian

Empire withdrew from the Triple Entente;

• This war was characterized by a very physical fight. The so-

called "trench warfare” that killed a lot of people.

• In November 1918 the war ended with the Triple Entente

winning the war and Germany signing the Treaty of


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Triple Entente Central Powers

Military dead Military dead

5,525,000 4,386,000

Military wounded Military wounded

12,831,500 8,388,000

Military missing Military missing

4,121,000 3,629,000

Total Total

22,477,500 16,403,000

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• After the World War I Europe was very poor and

the lack of millions of people compromised the


• The cities were destroyed and the concern was

building countries almost from nothing;

• But new ideas were coming up …

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• Benito Mussolini created the concept of fascism and developed it

since 1919 and during his government (1922-1945);

• Hitler adopted a very similar system: nazism;

• But he was decided to take Europe and Asia to create an empire of

aryans by fighting other races and jewish people;

• Other contries with totalitarian regimes: Austria, Spain, Greece,

Portugal, Romania, Argentina and Brazil.

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So, in 1939…

• A new war started with the invasion of Poland by Germany

and the declaration of war from France to Germany;

• Allies and Axis were the two divisions of this war:

• Some of the allies are Poland, France, UK, Soviet Union and

later the USA. The Axis are Germany, Italy and Japan;

• Germany was still humiliated because of the Treaty of

Versailles and Hitler acted with the idea of retaliation.

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World War II

• A long battle was happening in Europe and the

resources were all directed to weapons;

• The panzer units of Hitler were devasting everything

and in a few time a big part of Europe was under

German army;

• Hitler and Stalin made an contract of non-agression but

Hitler betrayed Soviet Union and they fighted back;

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World War II

• In the Pacific, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and the United

States joined the war to defend their territory;

• Back to Europe, Berlin was taken by the sovietics and the


• In Juin 6 of 1944, the D day, the army of USA, UK and some

others invaded Normandia and taken France back.

• In Europe the war ended with Adolf Hitler killing himself.

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End of War

• Japan was still fighting and the United States had already

recovered their ships and planes since 1941 (Pearl Harbor);

• In August of 1945 the USA droped two nuclear bombs in

Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Japan surrendered six days


• So, in 15 August of 1945 the World War II ended with the

victory of the allies.

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Allies Axis

dead dead

61,000,000 12,000,000

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After the Wars

• After these two wars it was time to an other

consequence of globalisation:

• The competition for the best nations and regimes.

• Initially this competition opposed capitalism and


• During these years the world was divided.

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Consequences of the Cold War:

• The world was divided;

• The rise of the Berlin Wall;

• The space race;

• Nuclear arms race;

• Espionage (bay of pigs, operation Mongoose);

• Extensive aid to vulnerable states:

USA the Marshall plan and USSR the COMECON plan.

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• The space race was very important to show the

development of the USA and the USSR to the


• Interventions in the Korean War that won the

United States and the Vietnam War that won the


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End of Cold War

• In the 80’s and early 90’s the lack of democracy and technological race

caused by communism impoverished the USSR allies and the USSR’s

president Gorbachev stoped the intensive communist regime.

• The countries of the USSR were desintegrating this allience since 19

Jannuary 1990 to 31 December 1991;

• Automatically the capitalist countries were victorious and the socialist

ones adopted capitalism.

• In 1989 the Berlin Wall went down, but we know that even nowadays the

discrimination between germans still happens.

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Globalisation today

• Even in our society globalisation causes a lot of damage.

• Every day a lot of cultures and languages die.

• The concentration of wealth occurs only in developed countries and the others

have the lower growth rate and millions of people live with less than 1 dollar for


• The only thing that matters are profits, so people are being replaced by machines

(that are much more efficient).

• In the poorest contries people are made slaves of multinacional enterprises.

• Common good and confort is replaced by money and all the living beings are


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Thanks to it we have the right to share our opinion and have it

being heard across the world.

So we should have an active participation in society and let the

others agree or not with our opinions and correct them.

This way we can adjust to society or let society adjust to each

one of us and all the living beings.