Global Warming Effects Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken Amanda McCracken

Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

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Page 1: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

Global Warming Effects on Adelie Global Warming Effects on Adelie PenguinsPenguins

Lizzy PlotkinLizzy PlotkinThomas DaigneauThomas Daigneau

Amanda McCrackenAmanda McCracken

Page 2: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline

• ““Based on various scientific evidence, we anticipate that on the Antarctic Based on various scientific evidence, we anticipate that on the Antarctic Peninsula, rapid climate change is leading to population decline of the Adelie Peninsula, rapid climate change is leading to population decline of the Adelie Penguins.”Penguins.”

• Background InformationBackground Information– Meet the PenguinsMeet the Penguins– AntarcticaAntarctica

• Global WarmingGlobal Warming– The Consequences…The Consequences…

• In the FutureIn the Future

Two Adelie penguins

Page 3: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

Meet the Adelie PenguinsMeet the Adelie Penguins

• Pygoscelis adeliaePygoscelis adeliae

• Smallest Antarctic Penguin Smallest Antarctic Penguin speciesspecies

• Ice DependentIce Dependent

• Rapid Population DeclineRapid Population Decline A Group of Adelie Penguins

Page 4: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

Area of StudyArea of Study

• Antarctic PeninsulaAntarctic Peninsula

• Home of the AdelieHome of the Adelie– Mostly on the PeninsulaMostly on the Peninsula– 177 colonies177 colonies

• Average Temperature: Average Temperature: – 0 to -100 to -10°C°C

Antarctic Peninsula Map

Adelie Penguin colonies in Antarctica

Page 5: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

Global Warming BasicsGlobal Warming Basics

• Starting at the Industrial RevolutionStarting at the Industrial Revolution• Increase in Greenhouse GasesIncrease in Greenhouse Gases• Many Possible CausesMany Possible Causes

Global warming trends from 1860 to 2001

Page 6: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

Effects on AntarcticaEffects on Antarctica

• Winter Temperature has Winter Temperature has risen 9risen 9°F in last 50 years°F in last 50 years

• Unpredictable yet dramaticUnpredictable yet dramatic– Ice MeltingIce Melting– Glacier CalvingGlacier Calving– Species LossSpecies Loss

Antarctic glacier calving

Page 7: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

The ConsequencesThe Consequences

Adelie Population and Sea Ice Extent (1978-2005)

Adelie Population as a Result of Sea Ice Extent and Air Temperature

Page 8: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

The Food ChainThe Food Chain

So what’s the problem?

A diagram of the bottom up food chain consisting of ice algae, krill and the Adelie Penguins.

Page 9: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

Effects of Ice MeltingEffects of Ice Melting

• Decline in ice algae causes break in food chainDecline in ice algae causes break in food chain

• Blocks in usual forage paths Blocks in usual forage paths

• Destruction of nests Destruction of nests – Glacier calvingGlacier calving– Heavier snowsHeavier snows

• Slush vs. ice and rockSlush vs. ice and rock

Page 10: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken


STELLA model showing the effects of

melting ice on the populations of the Ice

Algae, Krill, and Adelie penguin


Page 11: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken


Adelie penguin population with the temperature change in the

Antarctic peninsula.

A diagram comparing the populations of the Ice Algae, Krill and Adelie penguins with

the temperature change in Antarctica.

Page 12: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

Future PredictionsFuture Predictions

• Continuation of ice lossContinuation of ice loss– Loss of nesting sitesLoss of nesting sites– More meltingMore melting

• Sun’s ray on dry ice vs. wet iceSun’s ray on dry ice vs. wet ice– TTb=Eb=ETTs s

• Further break down of the food chainFurther break down of the food chain– Species adaptation to new nichesSpecies adaptation to new niches

• Homogenization Homogenization – Less diverse speciationLess diverse speciation

Larsen B ice shelf, 17th Feb 2002 Larsen B ice shelf, 5th March 2002 (16 days


Page 13: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

What You Can DoWhat You Can Do

• Limit use of fossil fuelsLimit use of fossil fuels

• Use less energyUse less energy

• RecycleRecycle

• Spread the wordSpread the word

• Sign up to help!Sign up to help!– Greenpeace InternationalGreenpeace International

You’ll make the penguins much happier!

Page 14: Global Warming Effects on Adelie Penguins Lizzy Plotkin Thomas Daigneau Amanda McCracken

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