Global Vedanta Spring 2010

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  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010


    Voice of the Worldwide Vedanta Movement

    Spring 2010 Vol. XV, No. 2

    In hi Iu:

    Sri Ramakrishnas Comforting Assurance

    Pythagoras and the Great Teorem

    ining f h H

    Te Investment Gita n m

  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010


  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010


    Vol. xV, No. 2 GloBAl VEDANA 1

    P Swam hakaananda

    Bo o DcoChairman M. Stad SmthVice-Chairman . nadjban areasurer . en R. FeedmanSecretary M. Chae S. WthDirectors Swam vkaananda, Swam ahmatmananda, M. Rta a, M. Jhn . Fynn,

    Swam Manhananda, M. Chae Matha, . Pathaaath Mkhadhyay, . Uha SankthEmeriti . Santh Kma, . aba La Shama

    spriNG 2010 Vol. xV, No. 2

    his Issue2 S Ramakhna Cmtng ance4 anng the Heat Hney8 Pythaga and the eat Teem12 Te Invetment ta

    Departments1 Lette7 Pet Cne11 HmTe Sce Le13 edanta ew m nd the Wd16 In Memam16 bt the Cntbt

    Cover: Photography: Ashwani Sharma; Artwork: Brahmachari David


    Eo--cSwam hakaananda

    Eoen R. FeedmanStad Smth

    Eo Aeva Feedman


    Chae Mathaahmacha avdKatheen eageSctt Wth

    Avg/B ASwam vkaananda

    Eo B c2716 adway atSeatte, W 98102-3909Phne: 206-323-1228Fa: 206-329-1791-ma: [email protected]

    Global Vedanta, Issue #56 (ISS -)2010 veka Pe. ght eeved. Re-dctn any tn Global Vedantawtht

    the ee wtten emn the bhe hbted. Te nn eeed by the cntb-t ae nt neceay the the bhe. GlobalVedanta bhed qatey us $12.00/yea nthe U.S..; us $14.00/yea n Canada & Mec;us $18.00/yea n a the cnte.

    veka Pe, the bhe Global Vedanta, thebhng am the edanta Scety WetenWahngtn, a nn-t catn nded n1941. Te Scety gatey accet ta-dedctbecntbtn and beqet t at t et tbcze va aect edanta wth ecaemha n t teachng the hamny aegn. edta and e-e wk n Global

    Vedanta vded n a vntay ba.

    Lved me , nmbe ne, e-ecay Selshness and Dharma, GenuineLove o Your Neighbors, Ask the Swami, andTe Silent Power. Oh, I ge Ive namedthe whe thng! Tank mch thvey e.

    Snja kay

    Cambdge, WI

    Te atet Global Vedanta(. X, .), wa eceent. Te wte- GenuineLove o Your Neighbors by h Ka-

    zh M etadnay. Hat

    t the h h candd wtng.Te atce Selshness and Dharma

    a gd and the evew the bk nh hh a wtten we.

    Swam atamananda, S Ramakhna

    Math, Myae, Chenna, Inda

    We enjy eadng each and evey eGlobal Vedanta. We wat eagey thenet e ght ate nhng eadngne e.

    andta and ak agch

    Onta, C

    Global Vedantathe magazne, I ve,ke and cheh me than anythng ee.

    an anejee

    Snnyvae, C

    I ty aecate ecevng GlobalVedanta.

    Padma Smandaan

    ew Hyde Pak, Y

  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010


    2 GloBAl VEDANA spriNG 2010

    geat ve and devtn.In the ame neghbhd whee

    Km ved wth he aent, ved acetan Mkhejee amy. hey ved

    ve y c e t Km hme . thM. Mkhejee and h we wee adevted t Swam Sbdhananda. When-

    eve Swam Sbdhananda wd vtKm hme he wd a vt theMkhejee.

    te a ew yea, Km became qte. He aent, bng and a thewh ved he wee vey ad. ngthe ed Km ne, M. andM. Mkhejee wd cme and ee heeqenty. ventay the dct, ndewhe teatment he wa, gave ahe abt he ecvey. Ten came thead day when Km beathed he at.

    n a he aed away, he a-ent, vewhemed wth the nbeaabean ng the dea daghte, tated

    weeng and cyng ad. Heang that

    sri ramaKrishnas COmFOrtinG assuranCeby swami sambuddhananda


    (Swami Sambuddhananda was a discipleo the Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. At theinvitation o the Vedanta Society o Hawaii,he visited Honolulu twice nearly ty years

    ago. Te ollowing article, edited by SwamiBhaskarananda, is one o his talks given inHonolulu.Ed.)

    Once S Ramakhna ad,Te wh w cme heew nt be bn agan. In

    the wd, the wh w cme heew attan beatn; they w be eem the cyce eeated bth anddeath.

    When I t ead th ayng SRamakhna, t aeaed t be a tte

    engmatc t me. I cdnt ceay n-detand what S Ramakhna hadmeant by hee. y the wd hee ddS Ramakhna mean h wn dvneSe, dd he mean methng ee?

    S I aked evea tay eateddce S Ramakhna t knwhw they had ndetd t. I had thevege akng Swam Saadananda,Swam Shvananda and a ew the.Untnatey, the ee ddnt qteaty me.

    t, when I wa nt yet a mnk the Ramakhna Ode, I had the gdtne vng a whe wth an-the geat dce S Ramakhna.He wa my hned get, and entabt tw thee mnth wth me.He wa Swam Sbdhananda, betteknwn n the Ramakhna Ode aKhka Mahaaj. hm I eeed thematte. nd, n ey, he naated nencdent h e, whch heed me tndetand the ea gncance th

    tteance S Ramakhna.Swam Sbdhananda had many d-

    ce. He had a nmbe dce whved n Ranch, a twn n ha. It ha-ened that a the dce SwamSbdhananda n Ranch wee engaee.nd ne them wa a vey gd-nated,wdwed g named Km. Km hadn chden and ved wth he aent andbng. She wa vey mch devted t heg, Swam Sbdhananda. Whenevethe wam vted the hme n Ranch,

    he had the tnty t eve hm wth

    tbt ge and enng that thewt mt have haened t Km,bth M. and M. Mkhejee an tthe bacny the ecnd f the

    he m whee they cd ee whatwa haenng at Km hme. tea tte whe M. Mkhejee aw Khka

    Mahaaj wakng t that hehdng Km hand. hen bthKm and Khka Mahaaj wymved t ght wakng dwn theteet.

    M. Mkhejee wndeed whethehe had been eeng me knd -n. S he aked M. Mkhejee, dy ee Khka Mahaaj wak t

    that he hdng Km hand? O, t that I have been eeng thng?M. Mkhejee eed, , t nt

    an n! I a have een the amethng. t I dnt knw hw t cdbe be!

    th them wndeed: Hwand when dd Khka Mahaaj avehee? We ae away nmed when hecme t Ranch a vt. nd eveytme he vt Km hme he vt hme a we.

    Late they nqed Kmaent Swam Sbdhananda hadcme t the hme the day Kmaed away. nd they wee td thathe hadnt cme. Te Mkhejee weeetemey ed t hea that, btket ent. Tey ddnt te anyne eeabt what bth them had een nthe day Km aed away.te a ew mnth Swam Sbd-

    hananda came a vt t Ranch. Tena a he came t Km aent

    hme t meet a the membe thatage amy. H wd cnatnheed eae the ge that beeavedamy cndeaby.

    te v tng that hme, SwamSbdhananda came t ee the Mkhe-jee. he Mkhejee wee vejyed,and they went n takng hay wththe wam qte a whe, and ten-ng t h tay nng wd. Ince the cnveatn they ataked abt what bth them had een

    mmedatey ate the death Km.

  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010


    Vol. xV, No. 2 GloBAl VEDANA 3

    ng th ne n aana, ne dayhe et vey thty. He gt m hbed wth geat et and made an attemtt dnk wate. Te dnkng wate wa nh kamand away m h bed. tednkng a tte wate, whe cmng backt h bed, he anted and caed n thef. He emaned n that tate me

    tme. Ten eganng cncne, hewent t h bed and ted h bet t havea na. Whe eeng, he aw that Km

    wa ttng by h bedde and wa annnghm wth a hand an.

    Swam Sbdhananda wa etemeyed t ee he and aked Km,Hw cd y cme hee? Wh bghty hee?

    Km eed, I wa wth S Ra-makhna, and he td me, Khka ha

    aen ck and he emembeng y. thee and eve hm. He ha ent me hee;that why I have cme hee.

    Khka Mahaaj aked he what knd

    . tety n ta actce.

    . Kamand a wate t that adh cay.

    . Editors note: Swami Subodhananda wasnot only a disciple o Sri Ramakrishna,but also a spiritually illumined soul. Hehad experienced God. Tereore his mindhad a preponderance o sattva guna. Tisis why whatever he experienced in his

    dream was nothing but the truth.


    Reeng t that tange ncdent, theyaked Swam Sbdhananda, thghy hadnt actay cme t Km hmethat day, mmedatey ate Km deathwe aw y wakng t that hmehdng he hand. W y eae te why we aw that?

    Swam Sbdhananda ad t them

    that he wa nabe t anwe the qe-tn at that tme, bt he aed them thathe wd te them when he wd be abet knw what had actay haenedthat day.

    Shty theeate Swam Sbd-hananda deated m Ranch. teeavng Ranch he went t aana. Hewanted t end me tme n taayathee. te a tte eachng he nda m n a vey tay aea thecty. Te Ramakhna Ode ha tw

    hama n aana. Had the mnk the tw hama cme t knw h eence n the cty, they wdmmedatey cme and take hm t ne the hama. In aehenn that bty, Swam Sbdhanandatk geat cae t cncea h eencen aana m the mnk thetw hama. In de nt t be eenby them, he a had t be vey caeabt h mvement wthn the cty.He tk thee meae, becae he

    wanted t em h taaya nd-tbed and wth a eanetne.In emng taaya ne ha t

    ve ane, cmetey deendng nd. Jt t tan h bdy, wngthe ancent mnatc tadtn, SwamSbdhananda wd ce a tted evey day m tde by beggng.He wd end the et the day n thecntematn d.

    In th manne tme went n. t ateme day, Swam Sbdhananda e

    ck. He had a eve and h temeatewa ng day ate day. a et, hewa nt n a tn t g t evey dayand beg h d. the day wentn, de t h etent eve and ack d, he gew weake and weake. ndth tme he emembeed that n the at,when he had nce aen n Ranch,Km eved hm wth geat ve anddevtn nt he ecveed m thatne.

    e he wa eadng n the RamakhnaLka the ta eam S Ra-makhna.

    Km ad that he wa eadng a veyeace e thee, ee m a knd wy and anety. Ony eace egn nRamakhna Lka. It had t decbethgh wd the acta cndtn

    that eam.Ten Swam Sbdhananda aked he,We, can y te me what haened t

    y when y ded?Km eed, ng my ne,

    atcay dng the at at myne, I wa etemey wed. I waeng teby. St I ddnt gety. Ten dng the at mment my e I aw that y had cme t me.Y td me, Cme n wth me. Whyhd y wat any nge hee?

    S I went wth y. Y hed myhand and ed me. te gng a cetandtance, when I ked twad y,I cdnt nd y. Intead, I aw SRamakhna n y ace!

    I aked hm, Reveed Khka Ma-haaj wa a ang wth me. Whee hahe gne?

    Ten S Ramakhna ad, It want Khka whm y aw; t wa I. Itk the m Khka and ed ym y hme t th ace. It want

    Khka, bt a ang t wa I wh waaccmanyng y.Ten Km ad t Swam Sbd-

    hananda that he wa a the tme wthS Ramakhna n Ramakhna Lka,and wa ang he day n geat ha-ne and eace.

    Heang that, Swam Sbdhananda adt he, ey we, Km, nw y may gback t whee y have cme m.

    When Swam Sbdhananda naatedth ncdent t me, the meanng S

    Ramakhna tteanceTe whw cme hee w nt be bn agan.became vey cea t me. I ndetdthat wheve wd cme t accet SRamakhna a h he ta deathgh the g the RamakhnaOde wd be beated. Tey wnt bebn agan.

    . Te devtee S Ramakhna ca ah-

    maka by th name.

  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010


    4 GloBAl VEDANA spriNG 2010

    traininG OF the heartby swami bhasKarananda

    (Adapted rom a talk by the authored.)

    hee methng n a thathe t knw thng. hat

    methng nne the thanthe mnd. It the cnc mnd thatknw eveythng. y eakng, knw-ng the ny nctn the cncmnd. ven when y ay, I dnt knwanythng, y mt know that y dntknw anythng.

    Tnkng, eeng and wng aea nctn y mnd. I yanayze, y w dcve thatthey ae n the than knw-ng. Tnkng and knwng ae

    dentca. When y ay, I amthnkng, y mt have theknwedge that y ae thnk-ng. It mbe y tthnk wtht knwng thaty ae thnkng. It the amewth eeng wng. bdycan ee w anythng wthtknwng that he he eeng wng.

    Yet thee me eca de-ence between eeng and wng. When

    y thght ae acated wth yemtn y ay that y ae eeng.Wng a eeng tng detemna-tn t acheve methng.

    When we e een ke tan-ng the heat we ae eeng t chthght that ae acated wth emtn. When y ay, I ee n myheat geat cman the wh aeeng, y ae bvy nt takngabt y anatmca heat that mbd a ve y bdy. y the wd

    heat y mt at that tme mean thatknd thnkng that caed eeng.

    Feeng can be va knd, de-endng n y thght acated wthy deent emtn. Lve, cma-n, ymathy, hane, ge, ange,hate, tne, geed, jeay, envy,etc. a we a devtn t d anyhghe dea, ae me y emtn.Smetme y dvde them nt twcaetve and negatve. t chcacatn ttay deendent n

    hw y nteet them. F eame,

    the emtn ve can be ethe tve negatve. y beng t a cety hman beng, ve y ew hmanbeng cndeed a tve emtn.

    t ve methng that detmentat cety a we a t ye cnd-eed a negatve emtn. Lve hgheeanng a tve vte, bt ve nactc ey nt . Smay, eveyemtn can metme be nteeted

    a tve and at the tme a negatve

    deendng n hw t eate t cety the ndvda.In the cntet ca a we a nd-

    vda behav, the tem tve andnegatve can eay be bttted by thetem he and ham.

    the tte my atce anng the Heat, I have t dwe n hw wecan get d ham emtn andeace them wth he ne.

    dced eae, emtn ae nnethe than thght, and ch thght

    ae a cated n mnd. Teee, theeen heat can aey be eacedby the wd mnd. F eame, the a-m tatement Je, eed ae thee n heat, they ha ee d, canbe eaced by the tatement eed aethey whe mnd ae e, they haee d.

    hee n deence between theheat and the mnd. ccdng t theancent teachng edanta, vnty eqay eent eveywhee, bt t nt

    eqay manet n a ace. Manet-

    ng nheent vnty n the etmeae caed eeencng d. Teny way t tancend eng n thwd t eeence th vnty. nd

    vnty can be eeenced ny bythe e mnd. Pcatn the mnd caed n Sankt Chtta-hddh.Wtht Chtta-hddh the ca-tn mnd n d-vn be.Fwng th ne thnkng, the tte my atce, anng the Heat

    hd mean tanng the mnd. ndthe e th tanng d-

    eeence.w et ty t nd t

    hw the mnd can be taned

    t deve that emtn whchw enabe t have d e-eence. nd the mt heemtn that can he t e-eence vnty ntene veand yeanng d.

    Hw can we deve chntene ve d? Can we de-

    ve th emtn by eng annhatng a ham emtn

    thght? Te anwe t th ecndqetn .

    Once a yng man named Hanathcame t h geat anty teache, SRamakhna, and ad, I want t getd tne; I hate the cmany wmen!

    S Ramakhna ad t Hanath,Hatng wmen wnt he; t w nyham y. Y cant get d tnethat way. Intead, ean t dect y t- emtn twad d.

    Tgh thee wd S Ramakhnataght h dce Hanath the ecet

    hw t tanm tne nt ve d. Fwng h g ntctn,Hanath eventay became a taymned a genne ant. In theRamakhna Ode mnk he hghyeected a Swam yananda.

    T eame hw hw, by tanngthe mnd, we can tanm a negatve ham emtn nt tve, he- emtn, ch a ve and devtnt d. ccdng t edanta, ve d dentca wth ve the Utmate

    th. In the cte edanta, d


    our inherent divinity in

    the ullest measure is calledexperiencing God. Te only

    way to transcend sufering in this

    world is to experience this


  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010


    Vol. xV, No. 2 GloBAl VEDANA 5

    ha been mentned a Satyasya Satyamthe th a tth.

    Te Bhagavad-Gita, the am c-te Hndm, te hw theemtn eeed a ve ene bject, btcted, can ccevey becmetanmed nt ange, den andcned thnkng, th cang geat

    ham t the ndvda mnd. ccd-ng t S Ramakhna, the emtn thght tne cannt be -eed, eeed, annhated wth thethght hated twad the te e.We have t ean the at tanmngtne nt ve d.

    h the tanng the heat;wded deenty, th eanng hw tthnk hey, and nt hamy, tacheve the dvne th n a .

    We knw that a ng a an aveage

    en mnd cnc, t w havethght, whethe the thght aehe ham. Tee cannt be anycnc mnd m whch a thghtcan be ttay annhated.

    Te t thght that ae n a cn-c mnd the eg the thght I. T thght eg enabe teaate eve m eveythng thatwe ae nt. It th eg that ema knd actn, menta thewe.ehnd a knd hyca and menta

    actvte the eg a the de chactvte.Once a weten yng man came t ee

    me n hama n Seatte. He ad tme, Swam, I wd ke t tak t yabt a new technqe medtatn thatIve deveed.

    What that new technqe? I en-qed.

    He eed, I make my mnd ee ma thght, th my new technqe medtatn.

    t when y have made y mndee m all thght dnt y knw,I have made my mnd ee m athght?

    Ye, I d! ad the yng man.In that cae, y mnd nt ee

    m a thght, I aged, becaey t have ne thght n y mnd,whch : I have made my mnd ee ma thght.

    Te yng man wa zzed, thankedme nevy, and et hty theeate.

    He cd have aged: T thght

    mne act ke a bm; t ceane mymnd a the thght. te that, Ithw away the bmmy at thght.h my mnd becme ee m athght.

    ven then, he cdnt have denedthat h eg wd t nge n behndh at thght, a the thnke h at

    thght. g a thght, a ng ah eg eted, the yng man wdnteay be abe t make h mnd ee mallthght.

    n aveage en mnd and bdyae cey cnnected t each the. Imethng bad haen t the bdy themnd becme aected, and vce-vea.Ten agan, bde ae the dct the d and dnk that we take. Teg tn d and dnk m hyca bde. O mnd a de-

    ve tength m the bte tn the d and dnk that we take. S, nde t deve a e mnd we have tean t take the ght knd d anddnk. Fd dnk that ecte the mndhd be tcty avded. T w he t acqe a eene and e mnd.

    One a ha t ean hw t cntthe mnd and make t ne-nted. Whenthe ente enegy the mnd cncen-tated n jt ne thght, that thghtbecme the mt ntene thght. It

    becme ke a ae beam n whch a thehtn have been cnted and cncen-tated n de t fw n a taght ne. beam dated ght cannt enetateeven a thn aye aqe ae. t aae beam can eay enetate thgh aate the hadet tee.

    When ve d becme thatntene, t becme ke a ae beam.It enetate thgh the bae nknwng and enabe t each nheent vnty. When that haen,

    we tancend th w d tme andace. We tancend the mnd and theeg. Ony vntythe etena tate nnte Knwedge, neve-endng and Cncneeman. h eeencng d by becmng ne wthvnty. T the ga whch wehd ean t tan heat.

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    v i v e k a p r e s slbl fom

    Th vdnt socty ofWtn Whngton

    (mot cn lo b

    obtnd fomaMaZON.COM)

    o v oJourney FromMany to OneMountain Path

    ( J-Mc 2 ) A jo R,

    v, o I.

    H eentatn a jy t ead.It ct t the ce dvata andecdate t nce wth at, ehanage and te. Te wam cv-e a the aent nt he nndetandng the nate ahman.Te eenta aect tme (etenty),ace (nnty) and caatn (change-ene). he mtance a emnd ntegenty eaned and thecnndm whethe the wd et nt cnvncngy eented. Tee mch d efectn.


  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010


    6 GloBAl VEDANA spriNG 2010

    hOneyby russell atKinsOn

    th hney t a th, the d man ad, hhney-bwn feh hnng m h ttetchedam. U and ve h head they went nt h fd

    nge tched the eave n the et f. H hand, t

    beat n the gace, wet dwn h bdy and ached twadthe yth Shvetaket, ttng bee hm. th hney t ath, the d man ad.

    Shvetaket, t a tne, wated and wndeed. T atange teachng, he thght, What de he mean, honey?

    Te d age Kaya at n h mat Ka ga, neengeye ha ced. When Shvetaket aked, Reveed , what honey? n anwe came.

    Fa away, n the deth the jnge, eacck caed. eaby,gat hede mved the ck ang,ngng, tang the gnd the gatbehnd wth the ta. atmen td-

    ng back and th, wed the cntybat agant the fw, chantng mantat Mthe anga ngng agment ve ng. Te weet d ja-mne e wth the heat m bew theeted h. wae t a, Shvetaketat wndeng.

    Ten, mtteng amate dev,Shvetaket anamed. Wndeng t,he waked twad the vage. t theKa teme he aw many bee, tted en n the eg, fyng

    taght nt the jnge m the ma-gd the bahmn gew t make gaand Ka, the Hy Mthe. Let me thnk abt th, he ad thme. He nd hade beneath a banyan tee, ed hmeagant the tnk and ced h eye.

    Fa away, n the deth the jnge, eacck caed. eaby,gat hede mved the fck ang, ngng, tang thegnd the gat behnd wth the ta. atmen td-ng back and th wed the cnty bat agant the fw,chantng manta t Mthe anga ngng agment ve ng. Te weet d jamne e wth the heat mbew the eted h. wae t a, Shvetaket at thnkng

    abt hney. Hney gden bwn, tcky and weet t ,bt what t t bee? Tey had t a a me de h weath.Maybe hney che, he thght.

    ay net day, a the cw wee dven t ate, Shveta-ket went t Kaya, t ttng mtne n h Ka gamat. dev, I ndetand that hney che bt I d ntndetand y teachng. he td the acd d man, wh,mng, ad:

    T eath the hney a beng, and a beng ae thehney th eath. Lkewe the bght mmta beng wh n th eath and the bght, mmta beng wh n the bdyae hney bth. Tee ae bt th Se. T ndeyng

    nty the eat One. Knwng th mmtaty and the

    mean becmng a. *Shvetaket wndeed abt th tange teachng a ng tme.

    ng back at the magd gaden, bee wee bzzng abt,by a a. gan he at nde the banyan watchng the bzz-

    ng abt and the bee-ne fght back t the hve. Sch actvty!S mch wk! Hw mch they mt ve the hney.Fa away, n the deth the jnge, eacck caed. eaby,

    gat hede mved the fck ang, ngng, tang thegnd the gat behnd wth the ta. atmen td-ng back and th, wed the cnty bat agant the fw,chantng manta t Mthe anga ngng agment ve ng. Te weet d jamne e wth the heat mbew the eted h. dedcated a hemt, the bee, neve

    thnkng themeve, wked eachthe, the Qeen and the hve, wthta t.

    ay net day, a the cw wee dv-en t ate, Shvetaket went t Kaya,t ttng mtne n h Ka gamat. dev, I ndetand that hney ve bt I d nt ndetand yteachng. he td the acd d man,wh ad:

    T n the hney a beng,and a beng ae the hney th n.Lkewe, the bght mmta beng wh n th n and the bght, mmtabeng wh n the bdy ae hney bth.

    Tee ae bt th Se. T ndey-ng nty the eat One. Knwng th mmtaty and the mean becmng a. *

    Shvetaket wndeed abt th tange teachng a ng back at the magd gaden, bee wee bzzng abt,by a a. gan he at nde the banyan watchng the bzzngabt and the bee-ne fght back t the hve. I w w them,Shvetaket ad t hme. y the nd n the vage he nd themaet ge dwn and wettng t, tck t n the end a bee, dzzy wth deght, eg aden wth en. Fyng nt a ata t wd ke, the bee made the hve, Shvetaket nnngate, taght t the hve n an ancent tee, cang the wd dee, the

    qe, the bd and nng the am chameen.Caty he aached the he the bee wee n. a

    gad bee at the entance he anamed ayng, tte hat byne. Peae te me, what hney? Te bee bzzed n a gmyahn and ad, What a y qetn! Hney eveythng!What e wtht hney?

    ay net day, a the cw wee dven t ate, Shvetaketwent t Kaya, t ttng mtne n h Ka ga, I ndetand that hney e bt I d nt nde-tand y teachng, he td the d man, wh ad:

    * Tee qte ae adated m Swam khananda tanatn theBrihadaranyaka Upanishad.

    All this is

    honey to all this,the old man said.

    Shvetaketu, still as stone,

    waited and wondered.

    Tis is a strange teaching,

    he thought, What does he

    mean, honey?

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    Vol. xV, No. 2 GloBAl VEDANA 7

    T mn the hney a beng,and a beng ae the hney th mn.Lkewe the bght mmta beng wh n th mn and the bght, mmta bengwh n the bdy ae hney bth. Tee ae bt th Se. T ndeyng nty the eat One. Knwng th mm-taty and the mean becmng a. *

    ng hme at the magd gaden,Shvetaket went nt the jnge t thebee hve whee he aked an ntevewwth the Qeen. t be. ad thedne n gad, He Majety neve eaveHe chambe, bt eha She w anwea qetn thgh me.

    Tank y, ad Shvetaket, eaeak he: what hney?

    tte ate the dne came back,(dng h abence, Shvetaket cnted bee btng nt the hve aden

    wth magd en). Te dne ad,He Majety ad that hney bee andbee ae hney and that they ae mtayntedeendent One the eect thethe. Hney the eect bee and beeae the eect hney.

    ay net day, a the cw wee dvent ate, Shvetaket went t Kaya, tttng mtne n h Ka ga, I have gne t geat ength tndetand abt y hney dctneeven cntng the Qeen the bee.

    She td me that hney the eect bee and that bee ae the eect hneyand a ntedeendent.

    Jt ! Kaya ad, Tey ae ne; theame thgh deent. T the myteyndetd by the we. ey th Se the Kng and Re a beng. Jt athe ke a chat whee ae ed nthe nave and the ee, a beng, athe gd, a wd, a gan and a theemany ceate ae a ed n the Se.

    Fa away, n the deth the jnge,

    eacck caed. eaby, gat hedemved the fck ang, ngng, tangthe gnd the gat behnd wththe ta. atmen tdng back andth, wed the cnty bat agantthe w, chantng manta t Mtheanga ngng agment ve ng.Te weet d jamne e wth theheat m bew the eted h.

    ma bd bt en, neen, n adak cet the gge, becmng a gw-

    pOets COrner

    L Rv

    Last year has gone like a ripple on a riveror a lea print in the snow. Flowing imeis ours like a piece o og to rub on the

    ace o ruthours to umble and scrambleinto conusion. Until we know it belongsto none.

    We search or Joy, but Joy we breathe all day.We seek it in a fash o light around thecorner o the temple o Good Works, in loveand introspection. All o lie-death issel knowing, all o understanding is sel-revealed, it has become unearthed o lowerunderstanding. We cannot say we are deludedor that word would be canceled.

    We are not deludable.

    Our concepts come, they grow, they playwith us, they die. Our shallowness is mudwe learned to love. Our depth is ruth thatnever knew a measure and our hope is keyedto where no dreams arise.

    All nature makes us strugglewhile in struggle we are ree.Lies river fows through troublesbut no troubles reach the sea.




    I.You can only gowhere your lie has prepared you

    to go.o reach urther is olly,an egotistical delusion.Te rst step on the roadwill tell you that.You will learn what you have orgotten,nd outwhat you did not even knowto rememberto bring.

    Better to humbly sweep the foor o themasters mansion

    than to build a shack o your ownin a lowlandwhere the river foods.

    II.I am the handmaideno the handmaideno God.In my impurity

    I dare not come closer.

    But in timethe re in my heartmay burn away the dross,scour the deepest creviceso their darkness.

    Meanwhile I shall set about my workas best I can,weaving through this dense web o


    toward the dim glowo a distant light.


    No one deserves to dwellin the presence o God.From this recognition fowsthe git o grace.

    Staford Smith

    Ao og oGlobal Vedanta

    Global Vedantaw gady cnde a-tce, ety, hm, etc. bmtted bcatn. Te bject matte hdbe eg, cta, edcatna,and mt aea t a genea and bad-mnded eadeh. tce hd beentetanng and yet btanta, and bewthn 1500 t 1700 wd n ength(nt eceedng 2000 wd n any event).tc e acceted bcatn mayeqe a eeae gned by the athand, ne aangement ae made,n matea bmtted t Global Vedantacan be etned.

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    8 GloBAl VEDANA spriNG 2010

    pythaGOras and the Great theOremby allen r. Freedman

    Many yea ag I ead thata mathematcan n ancenteece cmmtted cde (n

    a atcay geme manne) becae

    he dcveed that the qae t ,.e.2 , wa nt a atna nmbe. Temathematcan wa Pythaga whename knwn by neay evey enn eath many becae t acatnwth a am mathematca act caedthe Pythagean Teem cncenng theqae the de a ght tange,*whch evey ch tdent ean.

    I wa jt a teenage at the tme, I can te y wtht t mch hamewhee I ead that act. It wa n a ma

    aeback entted Ripleys Believe it orNot that mene had et yng and he.

    I neve gt that tem Rey, andyea ate, ate becmng a mathemat-c teache, I che O t beeve t.(M. Rey knd engh t gve y achce.) Te tth that vey, vey tteeabe htca data avaabe Pythaga. Mch what ha vvednd me ke mythgy than h-tca act. One cmmentat, wtng

    cente ate the tme Pythaga,camed that Pythaga wa the n the gd !

    T ko oPgo v c

    Pythaga wa bn n the and Sam n the aten egean Sea and C. He may have taveed wdey nh ynge day. He mved t Ctnn Sthen Itay when he wa abt

    yea d, and thee he etabhed acety whe cct actce wee kethghy ecet. He wa nteney nvvedwth mathematc, mc (mty a teated t mathematc), egn (angwth the devement ecet mytcaactce) tc!

    Leadng a eg ect wth ct-keactce that ae ket ecet m thebc and, at the ame tme, tyng t

    gan a degee we and cnt vethe whe atn thgh tcaactvty nd ke a ece date.Indeed t wa. he ecd hw that

    Pythaga and h we wee nt twn and the ct meetng acen Ctn wee bned t the gnd.Pythaga wa ced t end theemande h ean ghy yea n the aea.

    H ecet cety vved, hweve,and t teachng thgh the net eveacente eeced cndeabe nfenceve many the hhe and math-ematcan wh wte dng that ed,the eek Caca Ped, ncdng

    Pat and tte. ethe Pythagan h mmedate we dcedany knwn wtten tet. T agee wththe ecet nate the Pythagean ct.S mt the nmatn abt hmcme m wtng cmed centeate he fhed. In atca, h namet became acated wth the amtheem abt tange me yeaate h deme. nd t wa nt nt theth centy (that ) that Pythag-a wa cndeed t be the dcvee

    that theem.

    T c o Pgo

    It wd eem that Pythaga waqte nvved wth the tdy math-ematc. Sme eeache, hweve,beeve that th wa a abcatn theeay wte wh wee adheent t theect. t ancent hty (mden htya we) ha many eame whee thedmentay ete nmbe ae

    ed t have a mytca cnnectnwth eg, hhca and hy-ca wd ntn. Tee n ean tame that Pythaga dd nt aymathematc t h eg teachng,even thgh t key that he wa ntmch a centt, bt may a h-he.

    Pythaga nvetgated the whenmbe (ntege) , , , etc. and thenet te the heachy nmbe,the atna nmbe, whch ae the at

    ntege ke /, /, /, etc. a-

    enty, he beeved that thee cntttedallthe nmbe that eted n nate andbeynd. He a acceted nmbe a thendatn the nvee, that a thng

    ae eentay mathematca n nate. IPythaga actay dcveed the actthat the eay cntcted nmbe,2,nt a atna nmbe, t wd cetanyhave been a bg hck t hm, nce amaj amtn h hhcaytem wd ve t be ae. t then, he wee any knd centt at a, hewd n have maveed at the dcv-ey, eazng that the nvee (at eatthe nvee mathematc) wa mchwde and me nteetng than he had

    gnay thght. cmetey anag tatn c-ced n mathematc and yeaate. he qetn ae a t whethe nt transcendental numbers eted. tancendenta nmbe ne whch nt the tn t a me eqatn a cetan tye. F eame,2 atn t the eqatn x = . S2 nt a tancendenta nmbe (t caed algebraic). In the eay th centyvtay a mathematcan beeved that

    tancendenta nmbe dd nt et. LkePythaga they beeved that nmbewee mted t what they knew, that ,they thght that the ntege, atnanmbe and agebac atna nmbe(ke 2, amng the) cnttted allthenmbe n the nvee. y the mdde the centy, hweve, evea nmbewee ved t be tancendenta, ncd-ng the we knwn nmbe, , the at the ccmeence t the damete acce. Mt mathematcan ejced n the

    new dcvey. F a ew, even me veyam ne, the hck the etence tancendenta nmbe wa t geat, andthey cd nt vecme the bee,eng t accet the . One ammathematcan, when he wa td the the tancendence , wa ed temak, that wd be nteetng, tan-cendenta nmbe eted, bt nce theydnt et, the meey a cty!S Pythaga tatn nt mted tthe emte at ny.

    Mc wa anthe aea Pythag-

    * In th ngh t caed ght-anged t-ange.

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    Vol. xV, No. 2 GloBAl VEDANA 9

    ean tdy. It eemed t be a devce thw hw the wd b dwn t nm-be (that , rational nmbe). He waawae the tandad tne cae andthe at whch, a tat tng ength changed accdngy (nde the ametenn, ce), dce a atcatne when cked. F eame, the

    ength the tng dbed (at :)the tne w be the ctave bew thegna tne and the ength haved(at :) the tne w be the ctaveabve the gna tne. I y make thetng / the gna ength (at :)the tne w be the th abve thegna tne.

    Te Pythagean made mca nt-ment (bacay, wden be wth tattng tna ba va ength)that demntated the cnnectn be-

    tween mathematc and mc. One canmagne that the dn caed by a hndedyng adheent t the Pythagean ctckng away n the mca be ha the nght cd have dtbed theneghb mch that that mght havecntbted t the g beng eeedm Ctn.

    T Pgo To

    Mt knw that n a ght tange

    the m the qae the tw htede (the eg) eqa the qae thehytene (ee the tatn).



    ca2 + b2 = c2

    T geneay caed the Pythag-ean Teem athgh thee eay nevdence that Pythaga dcveed t,wked n t vded a t. He

    wa babyaware t, becae ht-ca eeach ha hwn that th et, at eat act whch ae vey cey eatedt t, wee wdey knwn and the wdnce the mt ancent tme.

    ae than C, n gyt,Metama and eewhee, act ke + = and + = wee edegay n the cntctn mn-ment and ata. Tee cnttte ecacae the theem and the htcadata gget that a me genea m wa

    a knwn.

    In Inda, adhayana Sulba Sutra,whch may edate Pythaga by methan yea, tate the theem e-ecty, aaenty jt a we d tday, bte n . T tyca Indanmathematc thght t ng hty:the mathematcan vde the tatementand acatn many theem (.e.

    tth, act), ten cente n advance the dcvey the ame n the cete,bt gve n ndcatn (.e. ), ecet an ccana ght hnt, a t why atated theem te. I beeve that th de t cta act, bt I wnt agethat nt nw.

    It evdent that, n Chna a, thetheem wa we knwn and thetme Pythaga and that weeattemted.

    It eem that the htan evey

    cte that ha an ancent mathematcahty want t hw that the ctewa t t dcve th that theem.T y a a a my thnkng ge. Wew key neve knw the wh, whee when therstdcvey what we cathe Pythagean Teem. Te geatebabty that t wa dcveed n-deendenty (and eeatedy) n manycte thght antqty. S theeeem t be n gd ean t name thetheem ate Pythaga. Ceay, a me

    cect name wd be adhayanaTeem. t bette t mght be Tencent Teem n Rght ange.

    A g c cocg TAc To o Rg g.

    Whe many ee ae awae thetheem, mt ae baby nt awae the act that the tth t deendnetcaby n the act that the m the thee ange any tange eqa

    degee. Snce ne the ange n aght tange (the ght ange) , thethe tw ange mt add t . the cte that cnceved the geattheem mt have made th amtn.w th act abt the m the angen a tange beng nt nveayte n a gemete. It te n -cdean emety whch the gemetymated thgh a am et a-m by the eek mathematcan cd(cca C). t th matn

    dated cente ate evea cte knew

    the tth the theem. d they aknw cdean gemety? t nece-ay. It de hw, I beeve, that whenne te t cnceve gemetc ge(nt, ne, tange, etc.) n a macae, ay n a tabe t the f y vng m, ne atmatcay ethe cdean gemety. It t had

    wed nt the hman nteect. tate, e y want tdaw an etemey age ght tange,ne that wd nt be cntaned wthny vng m, wthn y cty, even y cnty. F eame, ey nd ye n the eath eqat atngtde at. Y ae n ca, atte wet Lake cta. Stat daw-ng a taght ne t the wet ang theeqat and kee gng. We w gnethe bem y wd encnte daw-

    ng a tabe taght ne ve mntan,thgh et and ve the tantcOcean. Tnk the eath a d andmth a a ce ba. w kee daw-ng y ne nt y each the ntn the eqat whee the ngtde Wet ce t. Y w nd ye nthe maznan Jnge n the a nth az. Lngtde at t Wetat the eqat ne qate the wayand the eath (), ghy ,me. w the ne y have dawn nt

    eay taght (n cdean emety)becae t w the cvate theeath. t y may nt have ntced th.t any nt n y dawng, eveythngk fat and the ne k a taght at wd n y vng m f.

    w back t the end y ne naz. Y have dawn the t eg a ght tange. n t ace tenth and cntne y ne n a nth-ey dectn. Y w nt a thghthe US bt w tch the eatenmt

    at Canada. Cntne dawng nty each eacty the th Pe theeath. Y have nw dawn the ecndeg y ght tange (agan abt, me ng). Fnay, y have tdaw the hytene t nh the ganttange.

    Fm the th Pe daw a ne(headng de th) ang the atngtde. te abt , me yw ht the eqat and be back eceyat y tatng nt n ca.

    Y have nw nhed dawng y

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    10 GloBAl VEDANA spriNG 2010

    Horom page7

    tange n the eath (ee tatn bew). I y anayze tcaey y w ee that each the ange n th tange a tta . Ftheme, the Pythagean Teemde nt hd gd th tange nce a thee de ae eqan ength. Obevatn th tye came mch ate n the h-ty mathematc.

    T o o q oo o 2.

    mng that Pythaga wa awae the theem whchbea h name, he wd a ey have been awae that eqa t the qae the ength, c, the hytene a ghttange bth whe eg have ength (ee tatn).Hence, n mden angage, c=2 .




    c2 = 12 + 12 = 2We d nt knw Pythaga ved that th nmbe, c,

    atna. t, he tded nmbe and at anywhee neaa mch a we ae ed t beeve he dd, he eay cd have

    beved that cwa nt the at any tw ntege, .e. nta atna nmbe. He ey wd have been awae manyme act abt the ntege and that a that eqed tdeve a the act.

    F the nteeted n eeng hw Pythaga mght haveeaned, ee the n the b bew.

    Poo 2 o.

    Se that 2 = a/b. We may ame that thactn edced, that , the ntege aand b have ncmmn act. We hw n eay te that th eadt an mbe tatn, .e., th a by reductioad absurdum proo by contradiction.

    () 2 b = a [mty bth de 2 = a/b byb]() 2b2 = a2 [qae bth de eq. ()]() a2 v [m (), a tme an ntege]() a v [awee dd then a = aawd a

    be dd nce the dct tw dd ntege dd]() a = 2d [any even ntege tme an ntege]() 2b2 = d2 [m () and a = dd= d]() b2 = 2d2 [dvde bth de eq. () by ]() b2 v [m (), b tme an ntege]() b v [may a ()]() a b o v. [m () and ().]w th mbe, becae, when we tated, a

    and b had n cmmn act, and nw they d, nameythe act . Q

    Q tand Latn quod erat demonstrandum, thatwhch wa t be demntated, .e., the nhed.

    ng whte ta n the gm. In the anga,a g dhn heded a ch h agant the bank wth a ny ge wate that ghtened the b nt fght.Te teme eehant, ad and bed, teth-

    eed by a tt chan attached t a kedven dee nt ck, wayed wy det de, deamng eedm.

    ee n the jnge deth a tge made ak. ed and antng, the tge at wth teaw n the bdy a bck. Te wete-ng n, age and dky ed, hed t mtyght n the adant cd fatng ve adtant and. bt the vage, the cwwee beng dven azy hme mkng.

    In the teme the bahmn ang thebg be and began chantng the ayat

    Mantammytca nd m bee

    the begnnng. Mthe t babe t thebeat and ede n t the e. Smkedted abt the vage and the me bnng cwat fated abt wthta me the wd thng knew we. the ght aded, bd went t t andthe ceate the nght ned the a

    t knw the dectn they hd take.Sence a dee a the dak hng heavyn the wam a, made me ntene bythe ht dden ht an w thecckng geck.

    wae t a, Kaya ened h eyeand ad: th hney t a th., ee and naad, he tetchedt n the eave and, wth a cntentedgh, ed nt ee.

    Book g Iooc of: REE HIPPIN oUA o o o o o

    o Vvk P .

    edanta Scety Weten Wahngtn

    2716 adway atSeatte, W 98102-3909

    Phne: (206) 323-1228Fa: (206) 323-1791ma: [email protected]

    Shng and Handng (US ny). P-ty ma 5.00. Meda ma 2.50. w me bk hed wtht chage. Fhng tde the US, eae ca wte.

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    Vol. xV, No. 2 GloBAl VEDANA 11

    humOr the spiCe OF liFe

    SeeHonext page

    A Lco W

    Whe Lncn wa edent, a ank-ng man n the t ce ded and a jbacant wayad Pedent Lncn a heet the Whte He, akng, M. Ln-

    cn, y knw the Che Pta Inectjt ded. Can I take h ace?We, eed Lncn, t a ght

    wth me t a ght wth the nde-take.

    occo I oo o Jo

    Te tbacc ndty et that tvde jb . mn mecanand th dent ncde hycan, -aytechncan, ne, hta emyee,

    eghte, dy ceane, eatyecat, hamact, mtcan, andgavedgge!

    T W Ro Mo Yo

    Te hta cntng detcan wagvng a ecte t evea cmmntyne m the Sthamtn aea Hamhe:

    Te bbh we t nt tmachand cnme hd have ked mt

    ttng hee, yea ag. Red meat te-be. Fzzy dnk attack y tmachnng. Chnee d aded wth mg.egetabe can be dat becae etze and etcde, and nne eaze the ng-tem damage beng dneby the tten bactea n dnkngwate. Hweve, thee ne d that ncedby dange and we a have, w, eat t at me tme n ve.

    w, anyne hee abe t te mewhat d t that cae the mt ge

    and eng yea ate eatng t? -yea-d nng te ttng n

    the nt w td and ad, Wed-dng cake.

    A oo o

    Te ecet a gd emn t havea gd begnnng and a gd endng, andt have the tw a ce tgethe a -be. ege n

    T co

    cha wa ne day wakng anga vey naw ath, when he came acet ace wth a va cha. Te ath wat naw the tw t a. Te va,

    ng hme t h heght, adhaghty, I neve make way .Smng, the t cha teed ade

    and ad, I away d!

    Ho o o o Hv

    teache wa tetng the chden nhe Snday ch ca t ee they n-detd the cncet gettng t heaven.She aked them, I I d my he andmy ca, had a bg gaage ae and gave amy mney t the chch, wd that getme nt Heaven?

    ! the chden anweed.I I ceaned the chch evey day,

    mwed the yad, and ket eveythngneat and tdy, wd that get me ntHeaven?

    gan, the anwe wa, !w he wa mng. Hey, theye get-

    tng t, he thght! We, then, I waknd t anma and gave candy t a thechden, and ved my hband, wdthat get me nt Heaven? he aked.

    gan, they a anweed, !We, he cntned, then hw can I

    get nt Heaven? ve-yea-d by hted t, YOU

    O !

    T Doco Dgo

    wman hed t ee he dct,kng vey mch wed and a tngt. She atted : ct, take a kat me. When I wke th mnng, I

    ked at mye n the m and awmy ha a wy and azzed , my knwa a wnked and aty, my eye weebdht and bggng t, and I hadth ce-ke k n my ace! WhatWRO wth me, ct!?

    Te dct ked he ve a ce mnte, then camy ad: We, I cante y that thee nthng wng wthy eyeght.

    Hg Po

    n edey eted genteman had hadevee heang bem me tme.He went t the dct, and the dct waabe t have hm tted wth a heang adthat awed the genteman t hea bettethan he had eve head bee. Te dc-t aked the genteman t et back thm ne mnth ate.

    One mnth ate, the edey man wentback t the dct. Te dct ad, Yheang eect. Y amy mt be

    eay eaed that y can hea agan.Te genteman ad, Oh, I havent tdmy amy yet. I jt t and and tent the cnveatn. Ive changed myw thee tme!

    T H go

    Jey wa emvng me engne vavem a ca n the t when he ecgnzeda am heat gen, wh wa wat-ng the evce manage. Jey, wh

    wa mewhat a d mth, htedac the gaage, Hey c, cme vehee a mnte.

    Te am gen, a bt ed,waked ve t whee Jey wa wkngn the ca. Jey, n a d vce that acd hea, ad agmentatvey, S, M.ancy dct, k at th wk. Lke y,I t take vave t, gnd them, t nnew at, and when Im nhed, thbaby w ke a ktten. S hw cme


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    12 GloBAl VEDANA spriNG 2010

    y vehce eae!Te man te t h vehce. I

    thee a bem ?One my ce td me that y

    have ten th ca and mdeed thewne.

    Mdeed the wne?Te ce end, Ye, cd y

    eae en the tnk y ca?he man en the bt, eveangnthng bt an emty tnk.

    Te ce ay, I th y ca, ?Te man ay Ye, and hand ve the

    egtatn ae.he ce, ndetandaby, qte

    tnned. One my ce cam thaty d nt have a dvng cene.

    Te man dg n h cket eveanga waet and hand t t the ce. Tece en the waet and eamne the

    cene. He k qte zzed. Tanky , ne my ce td me yddnt have a cene, te th ca, andmdeed the wne.

    Te man ee, I bet the yng ewtd y I wa eedng, t!

    Horom the previous page

    y get the bg bck, when y and I aedng bacay the ame wk?

    Te dct, vey embaaed, hk hhead and eed, y dng y wkwth the engne nnng.

    Ivo o D

    Hney, ad the hband t h we,I nvted a end hme e t-nght.

    What? e y cazy? Te he ame; I ddnt g hng; a the dheae dty; and I dnt ee ke ckng aancy mea!

    I knw a that.Ten why dd y nvte hm -

    e?ecae the thnkng abt

    gettng maed.

    c ck

    ceman ve a ca and a-ache the dve d.

    Te dve ak, I thee a bem,

    Oce?Te ceman anwe, S, y wee

    eedng. Can I ee y cene eae?Te dve end, Id gve t t y

    bt I dnt have ne.Y dnt have ne?, I t t tme dnk


    Te ceman hcked. I ee. CanI ee y vehce egtatn aeeae?

    Im y, I cant d that.Te ceman ay, Why nt?I te th ca.Te ce ay, Ste t?Te man ay, Ye, and I ked the

    wne.t th nt the ce gettng ate.

    Y what!?She n the tnk y want t ee.

    he Oce k at the man andwy back away t h ca and ca back . Wthn mnte, ve ce cahw , ndng the ca. ence wy aache the ca, cangh ha dawn gn.

    Te en ce ay, S, te t

    the inestment Gitaby andrew Olier

    an wncan, the tena Ld the Fedea Reeve, ha amed anma bdy n de t teach men hwt ey nvet the mney. Hemt dce, vn eedman,ne day ak hm a qetn:

    vn ad:O Peeve--the-cnmy,

    Fe--Recen, tena-Ld--Fedea Reeve-Lka! My mnd tbed and cned. veywheeI k, I ee the tck maket ng-

    ng. It eem h me t keemy mney nveted n methng ncetan. t I have n the ce ncme. I t bet me t wth-daw my mney m the maketand tave, t my dty t emanteadat, keeng my mney mynveted nt t a t t angce, and tave that way? Ftheme, t a n t nvet n the maket, nce n-vetng mch ke gambng? It eemt me that gambng a geat n, and,

    O Cnte--ba-Maket; I have

    begn t dbt that nvetng n the tckmaket anythng the than gambng.nd, t a n, and t my dty t

    cmmt th n, then mght t nt be metabe t d me ea gambng n thecan? F, O Shwee--Cman-t-the-Unvea-dy--Invet!

    Tee ae me, hweve ew they may be,

    wh acqe ectaca weath thghPke, Rette, ackjack, and ch, btt eem t me that nt ne man n a the

    wd makng mney n the tckmaket ght nw. Peae eve mydbt, O -Pwe, I knwnt whee t nvet my cata.

    Te eed Ld the FedeaReeve anweed:

    O Sn Y Fathe, hake th ea! It neemy an n-vet t tembe and qve at a

    mee dwntn n the ecnmy. nt magne that thee tck cey ee bee y n y cm-te ceen have neve been dwnbee, that they w neve agang . Tey have been bth anddwn many tme, ny y d ntemembe the tme. I, hweve,

    emembe them a. Y hd tck ty nvetment an, ny d nt nvetwth he makng t ye.Y mt thnk, wth evey nvetment

    y make, that y ae dng t the




  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010


    Vol. xV, No. 2 GloBAl VEDANA 13

    event. o o D o R-

    k Mo ov Dk.On May t, , the haka banch

    the Ramakhna Mn ceebated

    the th Fndatn ay the Ra-makhna Mn wth a day-nggam cntng a eca wh S Ramakhna, eg dce,dtbtn Paad t devtee, dama,m hw, etc.


    B Av o Rk

    ov Vco. On Snday, Febayt, the Ramakhna Mn h-ama n aca ceebated the bthday S Ramakhna at t ac SRamakhna eme. he ceebatncnted wh, eg dceand devtna ngng. the dev-tee, wh attended the event, wee gvennna Paad (d ancted thgheng t d).

    gd the natna ecnmy. Ptmay t cme t y; bt, then, mghte. O et the eedman, when-eve tck ce decne and nfatnnceae, I annnce that I w wenteet ate. T my dvne ay.

    y qetn abt gambng,y hd eaze that eveyne ge

    n gambng a the tme. When y eatdnne, y gambe that the d wa nttaken m the back the egeat.When y vt cetan at Ian Jaya,y gambe that the tadtn can-nbam eay ha cmetey ded t.When y c the teet, y gambethat the the de w be bette than thene y ae n. S, y hd nt gve gambng; ntead, gambe wth the ghtatttde. ve a y mney a tthe mment y nvet t; then thee can

    ny be gd e. T the ecet te ad:O He-Whe-ame-I-Oten-Head-

    On-Te-ne-Channe! Peae teme, hw can I ecgnze a man wh andea nvet? Hw de he tak? Wheede he eat nch? What knd ca dehe dve?

    Te eed Ld the Fedea Re-eve anweed:

    Knw hm t be an dea nvet

    whe mnd teady n bth t and. He ty cce wh de ntend a day at h cmte, byngand eng tck evey tme me tvaannncement made egadng thebnee n whch he ha nveted. Hede nt t h ha even the wd many nt. Lkewe, he de ntteat h end t dnne jt becaethee ha been a mmentay jm n theSQ. He ee a tck the ame:When decdng whch tck t by, he

    de nt cacate whch tck ae keyt e and whch ne ae key t a;me key, he ate the name eveyavaabe tck n a datbad; thenng h mnd teadaty n me ane,he w thw a dat, nvetng heavy nwhcheve cmany I cae h dat ta n.

    Sch a man dea t me.

    edanta news FrOmarOund the wOrldINDIA

    T q o RkM Rk Mo o-v o Rk.

    he bthday S Ramakhna waceebated at e Math wth de em-nty and gande n eday, Febayth. nna Paad wa eved t abt, devtee. Swam Smaanananda,ce-Pedent the Ramakhna O-de, eded ve the bc meetng hedn the atenn.

    h e Pb c Ce eb at n S

    Ramakna bthday hed n Sn-day, Febay t, at e Math dew

    me than ne hnded thand v-t.


    v o R-k c Dk. heth bth annveay S Ramakh-na wa beved by the haka cente the Ramakhna Math and the Ra-makhna Mn m Febay tht Febay th. age nmbe

    devtee and end atcated n the

    M g o Rk B M

    B Av o Rk Dk, Bg

    Ac oo D o

    Dk A Bg

    Ho o o RkB M

    Continued on the next page

  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010


    14 GloBAl VEDANA spriNG 2010

    the ete acated wth at (baceement and the anet), wed byan eabate wh S Ramakhna,Hy Mthe and Swam vekananda bySwam Chandahekhaananda. age

    nmbe devtee m bth Sydneyand the at taa atcatedn the gam.


    T V oc o J o o o J c-o k. On Snday, Janay , the

    edanta Scety Jaan hed the thdhae t gden jbee ceebatn atthe enhn Ha Oaka Ch-wad.Te event wa ned by the Cnateenea Inda, the Indan Chambe Cmmece-Jaan, Indan Sca Scety Kbe, Kbe Inda Cb, and KanaJaan-Inda Sca Scety Oaka.

    he che get eake the event

    edanta news FrOm arOund the wOrld


    B Av o Rkov ooo. On Febay th,Satday, Ramakhna Mn (Ceyn

    anch) hed the bc ceebatn S Ramakhna bthday. Many eeatcated n the event.

    Te wh S Ramakhna waa emed at the Ramakhna M-n Stdent Hme n attcaa, SLanka.


    c c

    .Te edanta Cente Syd-ney had a vey ma hne, whchwa nadeqate t accmmdate thegwng nmbe devtee vtngthe cente. It wa decded t bda temay hne cm camnt a age eme, cam,bay and the acte ae bt ata ate date. ccdngy the centebt and dedcated the temaytcte n Snday, the th Mach .

    Te newy cntcted hne wabeaty decated wth fweand a tadtna et cated nthe wh Ld aneha and

    wa the Hnabe S ka Swa,Cn enea Inda n Oaka. Otheeake wee M. Mkeh Pnjab, M.Kehn Kma, and M. m Mz-kam. Te event wa attended by neay

    get.Many ce Swam Medhaan-anda Jaanee and ngh ven

    the bk, Swami Vivekananda and Japan,ang wth the bket,Inspirational Mes-sages, wee gven away t the get.

    he cta event cnted ahaatanatyam dance emanceby M. Sbha Kkb Chakavbtyand he te, and a ta ecta by

    M. mt Ry accmaned n thetaba by akah Kma.Te event a eated a cm-

    ehenve htca ehbt n thenee the mden Ind-Jaaneatnh, Swam vekanandaand enhn Okaka.


    B A v o Rk ov Bckg-

    .Te Ramakhna edantaCente ceebated the bthday S Ramakhna n ne nd nFebay th. Ove devtee

    atcated at the event. Te ceebatnbegan wth devtna ngng by a nmbe nge, yng and d. It wa wedby a tatc wh S Ramakhnaemed by Swam ayatmananda. -ng the wh Uma a chanted mehymn. the wh attended the eventwee gven nna Paad.

    Wo o Rk Ho, Bco, Lk.

    Pc co

    o A

    Wo ,

    Ro cg og o oc x o Io-J o,


    Rk B o

    , 2, J V oc(No V ok). H Mo Ho coco o.

    Continued rom the previous page

  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010


    Vol. xV, No. 2 GloBAl VEDANA 15


    B o Rk ov Av.Te Ramakhna edantaScety ceebated S Ramakhna

    bthday at t eme n mteveen,n the tkt mtedam. SwamSavatmananda emed the whn the eence and ty devtee.evtna ngng wed the wh. the atcant wee teated wthnna Paad.

    hama n Sa Pa. Te nttte amt eve many the ee, eecaywmen, by teachng them hw t man-acte va handcat wth ecycedmatea. Te ae thee handcat

    eected t enhance the ncme.


    A o V c U..c B Av o Rk , 2.


    Rk B Avov Vcov, B. On nd, Tday, the bth annveay

    S Ramakhna wa ceebated by thevekananda edanta Scety thCmba at t eme n ancve,C, n the eence many devteeand end. Swam hakaananda, whhad cme m the edanta Scety Seatte, emed the wh. Tee wadevtna ngng by the devtee atethe wh. nna Paad wa gven t awh attended the event.


    N g o RkI o H Dvo -g Bo Hozo. On t, Wedneday, Swam Pabhananda,

    enea Secetay the RamakhnaMath and the Ramakhna Mn,nagated the newy cntcted bd-ng the Inttte n a me bt jyceemny. In Swam hakaananda,Pedent the edanta Scety nSeatte, cnecated the t n whch

    the bdng tand. Te Inttte anactvty Cent Ramakhna edanta,

    a b-cente the Ramakhna edanta

    edanta news FrOm arOund the wOrld

    Wo o Rk Bo E, U

    N I Bo Hozo, Bz

    Wo o Rk


    P xg voc c oo o

    o I v

    Wo o Rk, Boo, UA

    Wo o Rk V c (oc)


    Wo o Rk V oc o ooo

    Wo o Rk Rk Mo, go

  • 7/28/2019 Global Vedanta Spring 2010



    R Ako a et, wte, andmembe the Ramakhna-Saada e-danta Scety Sydney, taa.

    Bk the edt nche Global Vedantaand the edent

    the edanta Scety Seatte, U.S..

    Bk, nw deceaed,wa a mnk the Ramakhna Odeand wa attached t the Sacament e-danta Scety. He wa a gted et.

    A a mathematcan anddevtee the Seatte edanta Scety.He a membe the Global Vedantaedta team.

    M, a devtee the edan-

    ta Scety n Seatte, a gted catntand wte. Mt the catn andcte cntaned n th e GlobalVedantaae h cntbtn.

    A v a devtee the Seatteedanta Scety. He an mmgatnawye.

    wa a dce the Hy Mthe S Saada ev. Heeved a a tee the RamakhnaOde many yea. He wa n chage

    the Mmba Cente the RamakhnaMath and Mn a ng tme. Hevted the edanta cety Hawatwce n nvtatn.

    fo a membe the GlobalVedanta edta team. gadate Havad Law Sch, M. Smth a e-ted and-e heang eamne KngCnty n the State Wahngtn.

    in memOriam

    Pavajka yaana, mey Ma-gaet Sen, a membe the edantaCnvent n San Fancc ty-eghtyea, aed away n San Fancc n , , at the age . n new Yk Cty n Febay , , hewa an eanet and dedcated tdent ahe e. She eceed n bth academcand bne ed; n act, he wa adetat whateve he ted he hand at. Shewa ecay knwn he attc k,

    be they ewng, htey, decatng,bcatn ayt and mattng, etc.Te death he bthe, he e b-

    ng, n Wd Wa II, wa a geat the, and at that tme a end bght het hea a ecte by Swam khananda.Fm the t he wa deey mved by

    the dea edanta, and attended ec-te evey Snday whe he ved n ewYk. te mvng t ekeey, Ca-na, he tated attendng the ecte Swam Shantawaananda n ekeey

    and the Swam hkananda n SanFancc. Late he tk ntatn mSwam hkananda, and ate nh-ng he nvety tde he jned theedanta Cnvent n . She tkhe bahmachaya vw n and wagven the name ahmachan Jyt; andn he had annyaa m Swamehananda.

    yaana eed he many k tthe edanta Scety, mt ntaby bengenbe the Scety mnthy

    betn, tancbng and tyng Swamhkananda ecte, a we a tyngthe bk Mae Le ke. In thecnvent he eved n va caacte,ch a the ca eade and bkkeee.She wa mch aecated he nte-gence, mataty, e-dcne, wamheat, and eady ene hm. ne the te ad, he neve ted tchange ee t accmmdate he needand whe, bt athe he adated hebehav t the.

    In , a he zheme geed,he mved t a San Fancc nngacty whee he ded eacey. me-ma evce wa hed at a nea hmewth chantng, ngng, and tak by heew cnvent membe.

    May he et n eace!

    No o V

    o o:

    Y new tem ae wecmeand encaged. Y may bmt

    them by ema t:[email protected]

    F me eectve new cveage c o o o

    HIH RELUINc t y ema meage.

    Wo o o c , o o , o o o , o o . T

    c o g c, co, c- o g o o g ; , vg, , ov, o.

    Srimad Bhagavad Gita 2, V 23, 2

    o V