Global Integrated Trends Analysis Network (GITAN) Roger Sayre, Ph.D. Geographic Analysis and Monitoring Program (GAM) US Geological Survey

Global Integrated Trends Analysis Network (GITAN) Roger Sayre, Ph.D. Geographic Analysis and Monitoring Program (GAM) US Geological Survey

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Global Integrated Trends Analysis Network (GITAN)

Roger Sayre, Ph.D.

Geographic Analysis and Monitoring Program (GAM)

US Geological Survey


Tropical moist broadleaf forestsTropical dry broadleaf forestsTropical conifer forestsTemperate broadleaf & mixed forestsTemperate conifer forestsBoreal Forests/Taiga

Tropical grassland & savannasTemperate grasslands & savannasFlooded grasslands & savannasMontane grasslands & shrublandsTundraMediterranean forests, woods & scrubDeserts & xeric shrublands

USGS in West Africa

GITAN – Global Integrated Trends Analysis Network

A multidisciplinary network of collaborators interested in understanding the types, causes, and consequences of change on the landscape

A framework for global planning and management applications

A global data development and analysis effort

An advisory resource for other networks and processes like IABIN, GEOSS, and CBD/COP-7

GITAN Approach

1.1. BuildBuild consortium-based consortium-based partnershipspartnerships between contributors and users between contributors and users

2.2. Develop information resourcesDevelop information resources (satellite imagery and land use, (satellite imagery and land use, biophysical and sociocultural data, change and trends analyses, biophysical and sociocultural data, change and trends analyses, supporting plot-level datasets, etc.)supporting plot-level datasets, etc.)

3.3. Deliver information resourcesDeliver information resources into the public domain on the web and into the public domain on the web and in DVD formatsin DVD formats

4.4. Leverage the information resourcesLeverage the information resources as essential components of as essential components of global, continental, and regional earth observation and conservation global, continental, and regional earth observation and conservation monitoring programs (IABIN, GEOSS, etc.)monitoring programs (IABIN, GEOSS, etc.)

GITAN Core Information Resources

1.1. Satellite Imagery Satellite Imagery 2.2. 90 m Digital Elevation Data 90 m Digital Elevation Data 3.3. Elevation Classes Elevation Classes 4.4. Landforms Landforms 5.5. Landcover MapsLandcover Maps6.6. Landuse/Landcover Change MapsLanduse/Landcover Change Maps7.7. Landscape Trends AnalysisLandscape Trends Analysis8.8. Fragmentation AnalysisFragmentation Analysis9.9. Ecosystems Maps and Ecosystems Services AnalysesEcosystems Maps and Ecosystems Services Analyses10.10. SoilsSoils11.11. Climate DataClimate Data12.12. Protected Area Data (WDPA)Protected Area Data (WDPA)13.13. Plot-based Measurements (STEP Database)Plot-based Measurements (STEP Database)

Land Cover, Land Use, and EcosystemsForests (and other Land Cover)Percent Tree CoverImpervious SurfaceEcosystem Extent

Landscape Patch Size DistributionPatch Vulnerability

ProtectionPercent of Ecoregions/Ecosystems Under Protection

ThreatsLand Use and Land Cover in and near Protected AreasUrbanization and Infrastructural Development

WaterSurface Water Extent

Socio-economicDemographic Patterns

GITAN – Example Indicators and Trends Metrics

Appalachian/Blue RidgeGreat Basin


West Sudanian Savanna/

Guinean Savanna-Forest Complex

Cardamom Mountains/Southeastern Indochina Dry Evergreen Forests

Thematic Modules

Geographic Pilots

Extensible Business Model

GITAN Concept Matrix

GITAN – Informational Web Page

GITAN – Data Web Page